The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-09-28, Page 4LOST CARS FOR SALEFOR SALE McKERCHBR—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, September 23, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Mc- Kereher, R.R, 2, Bluevale, a son. LARGE BOTTLE of Ostoco, package of band aids and tape lost on Josephine street Saturday morning. Finder please call Mrs. Carl Case- more, phone 450\v. 28b AND 3 FURROW Fleury 1950 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan for sale In good condition. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Phone 413W. 28b nori t ho 11hmiiT Afuse1IiCeW Page Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, September 28, 1955 NEW 2 Bissell Tractor Plows. Half price. Parts available. Phone 88r21 At- wood, evenings. 7rrl2b SMALL COMBINATION SAFE, al­ most new, 15 x 13 x 13 inside, priced for quick sale. Safes opened, com­ binations changed. Also typewriters, adding machines for sale. Apply to J. AV Locking, 464 11th St. A.W.. Owen Soxind. "rrb 260 POULTRY FOR SALE FORMAN LEGHORN pullets for sale, starting to lay. Apply to Perc King, phone 512J1, 28* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 16 CHUNKS for sale. Apply to Mian Dunbar, phone 622J12. 28* REGISTERED BEAGLES 4 months old for sale. Nicely marked, from field champion ancestry. Phone 34r9 Brussels or write to Norman Stephenson, Ethel, Ontario. 21:28b SHORTHORN BULL 1^ years old for sale; 18 young pigs. Apply to Glen ATanCamp, RR. 4, Brussels. 28b LIV ESTOCK WANTED CHESTERFIELD and davenport suites. Be sure to select from the large assortment at the Afildmay Furniture Showrooms. 21:28b HIGHEST cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, and disabled horses and cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect 31rr23N* WANTED GIRL’S BICYCLE for sale, just like COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1956 Assessment Roll for Morris Township has been adjourned until Monday, October 3, at 3 p.m. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 28b NOTICE RE BURNING OF LEAVES ON PAVEMENT Persons residing on Minnie Street, Patrick Street and Shuter Street are requested not to burn any leaves on any of these streets as they have been recently resurfaced and fires of this type will injure the surface. By Order, Wingham Town Council. 21:28b McCLENAGHAN—In Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Friday September 23, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward McClenaghan, R.R. 5, Lucknow, a son. MURRAY—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Saturday, September 24, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Mur­ ray, R,R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter. UNDERWOOD—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 25, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Un­ derwood, Gorrie, a son. CAMPBELL—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 27, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camp­ bell, R.R. 4, Wingham, a son. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. and airs. Walter Davis visited at St. Catharines, Brantford and Erie, Penn., last week. —air. Jim aicKinney returned to London on Friday to commence his third term at Western University. —Dr. and airs. F. A. Parker have returned home after spending several weeks at their cottage at Tobermory, and at Sarnia. —air. Bob Gibbons, of radio station CFCO, Chatham, was a visitor for a few days with his grandmother, airs. Fred Carter, Francis Street. —air, and airs. Alex Leaver, of E, Wawanosh, and air. and airs. Ross King, Turnberry, spent the week-end with air. and airs. Norman Wightman of Welland, and air. and airs. Wm. Davidson of Port Colbourne. Starting at UWO Bill Laidlaw, son of Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Laidlaw, and Kenneth Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holmes, have entered Western University, London, as students in civil engineer­ ing. Both won university scholarships on graduating from Wingham District High School. Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Bldg. Residence: Rattenbury St Phones 561 « 455 CLINTON ONTARIO SASH FRAMES GLASSCUPBOARDS Carpentry Cec. Walpole 78th GLANWORTH Consignment Sale Reni our easy-to-use equipment and re-finish dull, worn floors with lustrous, beautiful surfaces. Do it yourself with our easy-to-use Rental Equipment and save time and money — change those dull, ------ r - ■-*- o—*• that are beautiful and lustrous. OUR LOW COST RENTAL PLAN FURNISHES EVERYTHING YOU NEED Famous Clarke Speedy sand­ ers, edgers and polishers — sandpaper, varnish, stain, filler and brushes —full instructions. PHONE TODAY FOR ALL INFORMATION Mrs. Robin Greenwood returned to Miami, Florida, last week, after spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. Howard Sloan, Leo­ pold Street. Several of the neighbors gathered for a social evening in Mrs. Greenwood's honor before her depar­ ture. PITTSBURG PAINTS Custom Woodwork Telephone 260-w STAIRS SCREENS HARDWARE Building Wingham NOTICE RE TOWN DUMP The Town Dump may only be used for the dumping of Garbage. Other materials such as sawdust, grain re­ fuse, etc., must not be dumped there. This property is under constant supervision and any violation of the above regulations wall mean that those responsible will have to remove ; such materials. Tlie co-operation of j the public, is requested. By Order. The Town Council, Wingham, Ont. DON'T ARGUE When It's So Easy To Beautify Those Old Floors 1 Euchre Party The Women’s Institute held the first euchre party of the season in the Community Hall on Friday evening. There were 9 tables and the prize win­ ners were as follows: Ladies high score, score, Score, score, prize, prize, I Gordon P. Ritter | Funeral services for Gordon Ritter, ■ 58, lifelong resident of St. Jacobs, were conducted last Wednesday after- *noon at St. James Lutheran Church, St. Jacobs, by Rev. G. Becker. Inter­ ment was in the church cemetery. Mr. Ritter is survived by his wife, tlie former Edna Steiner, one son, Robert, of Wingham; one daughter, .Mrs, A. F. Conrad. Ottawa; two bro­ thers, Peter, St. Jacobs; and Milton, NOTTOF, TO rRFTlTO’R's , Kichener, and two sisters, Airs. HenryAH period hX ?troh. and Mrs. Russell Habu. _____ s the estate of Adam H. Strong, late of Jacobs. TRUCK WANTED with stake body. the Village of Gorrie. in the County •--------------------- for possible loads from London to of Huron, Retired, deceased, who died r Wingham area. Apply to Box 77 on or about the 5th day of August, L/(lCiy LtU£/£7o uULU. Advance-Times. 28s, AD. 1955. are notified to send to the j.1 i c\ __ _j undersigned, on or before the 15th day POtlllCK Stippei S of October. 1955, full particulars of Ij their claims in writing. Immediately ’ ladies secton ot the V ingham " ? said 15th dav of October. *^kJlf Club held their tinal potluck • --- supper at the golf course on Monday ' evening. ,j In the afternoon a golf tournament was held. The winners were: low gross, airs. A. R, DuVal; low net, Mrs. ,D. Nasmith. In the evening bridge was played with six tables taking part. i Winners a the bridge were: Mrs. H. jAitchison. airs. F. Howson and airs. J. 28:5:12b Dav. --------------{ II 5 I i new. Apply to Mary Steenhuis, RR. WANTED- your old piano or chester- 2, Wingham.field on new piano, T.V., chester­ field or bedroom suite. Mildmay Furniture. 2S*»I --------------5 USED QUAKER ’‘OIL BURNER foe • sale, complete with fan. medium QpEN GRATE WCKxi burning stove, size, reasonable. Phone Burke Klee- phone Winghanx tnc 414. 28b _____ _____________________ I SMALL USED COOK STOVE wanted. J Must be in good condition. Phone 1 553W. 28* I ....................................................»21:28b 1000 GOOD CLEAN 6 quart baskets J------- wanted. 4c each. Apply to C. Bondi I & Sons Warehouse. 2Sb WHITE SPRINGTIME baby buggy for sale, good condition. Apply to Stewart Forsyth, phone 279J. ROSE CHESTERBED for sale. Good condition. Phone 701 Wil after 5 p.m. 2Sb FOR THE BEST in floor coverings, see the display of Carpets. Linoleum, Cushy Cord and Rosella Plastic Carpet at the Wallpaper Shop. 28b LARGE SIZE oil burner for sale, also green winter coat, sire 14. Reason­ able. Phone 4S2R 2Sb QUANTITY OF* BUFF BRICKS for sale. Phone 66. 2Sb BEIGE GABARDINE suit for sale, pleated skirt and lined swagger jacket, sire 6. Reasonable. Phone 419J. 2Sb LARGE STATION WAGON for sale, also pedal car. 818.00: 2 strollers, one for $2.00. large English baby buggy. can be used as crib. $5.00: portable fire place, irons and elec­ tric logs, $19.95. Apply to Isn Hammerton. Shuter Street. 28b FOR KENT Schuett 21:28b HEATED APARTMENTS for rent. _ ______ Possession October 1st. Apply to W. : th<? ^ets of the said ‘ Testator will J. Clark, phene 141 or 1^6J. 2S* ' distributed amongst the parties ’ ~ ■ entitled thereto, having regard only toFURNISHED TRAILER, for rent. All ? c]ajnis of which the Executors shall conveniences. Phone 4ooM. “'•^ jthen have notice. • Dated this 23rd dav of September, I AD. 1955. CRAWFORD L HETHERINGTON. WINGHAAI. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. WANTED TO RENT Mrs. Roy Turvey; men’s high Mr. Gordon Walker; ladies’ low Mrs. A, McCrackin; men’s low Mr. Douglas Strachan; door Airs. Morris Bosman; birthday Airs. Charles Cathers. Library Meeting At a recent meeting of the Library Board, it was decided to go ahead with the unfinished work in connect­ ion with the building of the Library. This consisted of a set of shelves and cupboards in tlie storeroom of the building, painting done on the out­ side, work on the grounds and a 1 cement walk laid from the front door. A committee consisting of Mrs. Alice Aitken, Mrs. Harry Elliott and Rev. R. A. Brook was appointed to 1 go to London ac an early date to pur- ; chase books for the children’s sec­ tion. i United Church Anniversary 1 There was a large attendance at the ? Anniversary services in tlie United j Church on Sunday at both services, fit is 89 years ago that the first ! church was built on the present site, s the present church dates from 1907. 5 Rev. AA’ A. AA’atson, BA., BD., of ■Blyth, conducted both services. He is a dynamic speaker and was greatly „ r . enjoved by the congregations.Master Billie Robinson is recuperet-] un<Jer .hg }eadership of ing after an attack or mumps. IMrs. Carl Johnston presented a truly Air. James Leddy had his barn and | pleasing programme of music. The «drive shed Tainted last week. j morning anthem was “The Lord is I ■ • .................................... ■ worn surfaces info floors JACK ALEXANDER Jr FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT want-J ed for elderly couple. 21:28b “ -----------------------------------—----------j BEDROOM MODERN HOUSE j wanted to rent, preferably with« NOTICE TO CREDITORS garage. Reliable tenants. Will pay j AND OTHERS good rent for suitable place. Phone " THB MATTER OF THE ESTATE 2A__ ________________________i OF JEAN WEIR, late of the Town of FBSIAJLE HELP WANTED j HUrOn' CAPABLE S xx-1 th cu^ewor - in ■ 1 I creditors and others having claims home m Brampton. Anyone mter- Q. £te ested please phone Wingham 5 Weir, are required to send particulars _______________________ ■ of their claims, duh* x*erified to J. W. GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for day il ^xai^EStef<o-i work in Sherbondy's Restaurant, 4 ^X-ecut??' a n OCX berore tne Lth aav of October, AD.. pnine ..... , „ ~ 11955, and that after such date, the KT7STVRSS OPPORTUNITIES Executrix will proceed to distribute ...........- - | the said Estate, having regard only RAVDEIGH BUSINESS now open, in I to the claims of which she shall then Huron County. Trade well estab-,5' lished. Excellent opportunity. Full I time. Write at once. Rawlei gh’s Dept. 1-453-189, Montreal P.Q. 28b o GREEN COADRED bed couch, ches­ terfield chair, wardrobe, mantel radio, h&U mirror, small bench, elec­ tric tea, kettle for .sale. Phone 799 ■ Thursday morning after 10. 28b CONNOR ELECTRIC washing ma­ chine with Thermo tub. good condi­ tion for sale. Apply George R. Scott. John St, phone 118. 28b FOUR SHELF sectional book case with drawer for sale. Apply George R, Scott. John. Street, phone 118. 28b ynSCELLANEOUS have had notice. DATER at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-sixth day of September, AD., 1955. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C.. Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. NORGE OIL HEAjl'ER and Beatty ASSOCIATION washing machine, for sale, both in I good condition. Apply to Lewis i “Where Better Bulls Are Used” Stonehouse, phone 616WL 28b , Artificial Insemination service for all LADY'S SOT size 16 for sale, also i breeds of cattle. For service or in­ grey gabardine ladies' top coat with . formation phone Clinton 242 or AUld-i 28:5:12b rip-in lining. sire 16. both in ex­ cellent condition. Phone 564. 28*may 130rl2, collect, between 7130 and 10.00 am.. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 am. on Sundays. 9rrb INNER SPRING and mattress for sale, good condition. Phone 519. 28* LADY'S GREEN COAT for sale, with mink collar and revers. size 38-4(3. SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc, pump­ ed and cleaned, quick service, all work guaranteed. Apply to Louis Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 80 Holsteins, 75 Purebreds, 5 Graded THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 8 p.m, AT THE GLANWORTH SALES ARENAA number from Donnybrook attend- j Aly Light" and in the evening they ed anniversary services at Westfield j "Oh, How Amiable. The choir -was assisted by Airs. Jack V ickstead. . ... -rt--.ro tv. Who sang the solo m the morningAlembers of the V .M.S. met at the .. 2 ... T .. . . iantnem. In the evening a duet 'Comehome of Mrs. H. Jetferson and pack-1 Spirit” was sung by Air. Charles ed a bale of blankets, infants' andlHoffman Rosa Smith, The children's cLtLir.y ' " ||' ' * - -- - Northern Ontario. A special meeting of the Woman's AHssionary Society will be held in Donnybrook church on Thursday, Oc­ tober 13th. Auxiliaries attend from Auburn, church and Westfield, ton, of Auburn, will speaker. Air. and Afrs. John Stephen, of Wingham. were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs. Norman Thompson. Air. and Afrs. Elwin Chamney, Alari- lyn and Dorothy, of Wingham, were Sunday visitors with his parents, Air. and Afrs. R. Chamney and Graham Chamney. of Goderich, spent Afonday there. clothing to be sent toj guest, soloist was Airs. Arnold Dar- roch, of Clifford, who sang "The Holy City” and “His Eye is On the Spar­ row.” are invited to Brick, White- Mrs. Washing- be the guest 21/2 miles south of Glanworth Accredited, blood-tested, vaccinated, a few are from area tested herds. Mostly fresh arid springing cows and heifers, calves, yearlings and 2 service age bulls, one a show grandson of Fond Hope, one a high re­ cord son of Amcana King Laddie.Personals I Airs. Stanley Darling had as guests ! over the week-end, Miss Taylor, aiiss I Hopkins, air. Donald Darling, air. i Harry Darling. Mr. and airs. Jim Rob­ ertson, all of Toronto; air. George Newman of Harriston, air. and airs. Wm. Lutz and Teddy, of Auburn, and Miss Betty Edgar, of Atwood. airs. Neil aicEachren, of Clifford, spent Sunday with her mother, airs. R. F. Garniss. Air. Alvin Smith spent Friday in Windsor. Mrs. Wm. Peacock has returned from London, where she was a patient for a time in Victoria Hospital airs. Wm. King, of Brussels, attend­ ed the anniversary services in the United Church on Sunday. Among many others attending the services were air. and airs. Cooper Nethery and alary Isabel Nethery, of Belgrave. aiiss Florence and Atiss Ethel Beattie, of Seaforth, were visitors with Mrs. R. F. Garniss on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, of Donnybrook, spent Sunday with Mrs. George Thornton. Airs. James Burden and daughter, Doreen, of Wingham, were visitors at Mrs. Chas. Hoffman’s on Sunday and J attended the anniversary services at (the United Church. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alarm and dau- jghters, Gertrude and Connie, also Mr. j arid ■Airs. Murray Wilson and two small sons spent Sunday with Air. and fairs. Jack Gamble. Included is the entire herd of Chas. Millian, Goderich. 10 cows due Oct. to April, 4 heifers bred for spring, 2 open heifers. They are sired by and bred to unit bulls are a very typey lot. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN that all persons and others having claims against ELIZABETH REVER, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of September, AT. 1.955 are required to forward their claims duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of October, AD. 1955. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the Executors herein will proceed to distribute the estate to the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Clifford this 20th day of September, AD. 1955. Eldon Rever, Eulalia Louttit, Irene Stewart, Executors, Donald M. McKenzie, Esq., Solicitor for the said Executors. Clifford, Ontario. Tiffin and son Shore Holsteins Ltd., Sales Managers MUNDYS’ PHONE 82 NOTICE TO CREDITORS -All persons having claims against the estate of John Cecil Day, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron. Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eighth day of August, AD. 1955, are notified to 'send to the undersigned, on or before j the 15th day of October, 1955, full i particulars of their claims in writing. | Immediately after the said 15th day | of October the assets of the said »Intestate will be distributed amongst I the parties entitled thereto, having ’ regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR­ DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrbiI |24 HOUR SERATCE on all furnaces j and oil burners. Apply Hiseler &. | Son, phone 426. 15rrb i PRICED FOR EARLY SALE _in. Wroxeter. Ont. Eight room brick' house with almost new furnace, oil $ burner, drilled well with pressure ■' pump, electric water heater and ‘ bath; garage and l^s acres of land. Apply to Dr. R« B. Palmer, Wing- f| ham. telephone 645. 14rtb . SAAD MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your AVingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash dividend for Eggs. Poultry and Cream, It pays to deal with the Co­ operatives in Wingham. iSrrb HOUSE for sale. Two storey, large centre halt six room house with modern bathroom and kitchen, oil furnace and air circulator, flat rate electric water heater. Good location and garden. Dr. R. B. Palmer, j! Shuter St, telephone 645. 14rrb IF YOU are buying a car on time payments be sure to get our rate on the financing and insurance. Our serriee is complete and inexpensive. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott Phone 293. rrb OPPORTUNITIES Offering Quality <& Service for over 40 years ■ i HOUSE for sale. Property ef the late , Robert John Gathers located in the village of Gorrie. Consisting of brick house hydro, bath and pressure, system, furnace, would make ideal J nursing home: also garage, stable.i! neu'trx* house, lots. Apolv to John ii Gathers. Gorrie. and Alvin Moffat. pICH'ALOY—Yeara ahead of aB-Mot- Wroxeter. 21:2Sbj HOUSE FOR SALE..corner cF Pat-J rick and Francis, Apply Harold. | Smyth, Broadhagem 21:28* | SIX ROOM HOUSE id Wroxeter fbr | sale Three-piece bath, oil heating, ji insulated. huilt-in_ eupboards. jgar* £ age. J eter aloy beats all major oil companies to the punch with the Worlds Only fuel additive that actually tin plates worn engine parts while you drive. Get a Motaloy Ring and Valve Job for only $8.00. Motaloy Sales Co.. 34 West St. Goderich Dealer inquiries invited. 28rrb are still AVAILABLE FOR MEN INTERESTED in an ARMY CAREER CONTACT THE ARMY RECRUITING OFFICER John Clark, Phone S5r7. Wrox- ji 2Sb .... ......«i....inn ,-lrfilllt.»ilr-llli .ill-l.»M^l-ii......... ......jj ........... ‘ II,HOUSE for sale on Diagonal Road. Airs. Fred Crump. Phone 33SR. 28b WANTED TO BUY FARM WANTED to buy from 25 to 100 acres. Apply to Krissaps Utiitig. R.R. 5* WSr.gham. 28:5* NOTICE jj Take advantage of Bond’s SO-th An* 8 adversary FREE PANT suit -sale. J Every suit bought during this sale, jj a pair of pants? valued from $10.00 to, $22.00 given FREE.See or call j ARMITAGE'S. Phone m Wingham about this FREE PANT OFFER. 28b St WINGHAM ARMOURY EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 6.45 p.m Phone 75 ODD AND SINISTER | Nobody likes them and yet these | international Cocktail Parties are al- j ways crowded to the doors. Just why? ;; Perhaps diplomats feel compelled i to attend them in the hope that '“under the influence” some other j diplomat will betray vital state see- Hrets. This rarely happens we are as-rets. This rarely happens we are as­ sured. Sir Anthony Eden, answering a crit­ icism against the “lavish” expendi­ tures of diplomats abroad, declared of ?the Cocktail Party. "It is one of the Jj burdens of a diplomat's life. It is pone strictly in the line of duty.’’ J It would seem then that these un- | pleasant, unwanted occasions are an | indispensable arm of international; diplomacy. Duty alone causes Cock-?tail. Parties to be tolerated.’ Surely there .is -something Odd and sinister about this Cocktail phen- omenon, detested but always well pat­ ronized. 28b WROXETER Sunday visitors with Mr. and Jim Sanderson were Mr. and Earl Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald | Watson, of Blyth, and Miss Leone | Watson, of Vancouver. Birth MILLAP,—In Mount Hamilton Hospi­ tal, on Tuesday. September 20th. j 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. David Millar »nee Mabie Patterson, fomerly of Wroxeter*. a son. David Kevin, a brother for Nancy and Patricia. Mrs. Mrs. I Trips - Wed dings - Funerals _ PHONE 185 L E E Taxi and Car Wash t Located on Josephine St North — of GN JR, Tracks w di ARI,J t-i- LEdti, Owner E SAVE ON THESE WEEK END SPECIALS STOKELY’S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 2 20-oz. tins 23c 1 Cudney Choice Columbia RASPBERRIES i 15 oz. tin 25c McIntosh apples No. 1 Quality - 6 Quart Basket 69c Country Kist PEAS 15 oz. tin 10c i Quick Quaker OATS j Large pkg. 37c FROZEN FOODS -large variety SHREDDED WHEAT I 2 pkgs. 35c TIP TOP CHOICE PEACHES 20 oz. tin 23c CHOICE CLEAN WHITE COOKING BEANS 2 lbs. for 25c delivery ■ 1 ■ ■