The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-10-27, Page 3By BOB CARBERT at c LANE CEDAR CHESTS at Sharp and Tasty! Until Closing Time Sat., Oct. 30 CE9HES1 ONTARIO NO. 1 FANCY GRADE SNOW APPLES ... FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY October 29-39 ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WINGHAM NEW CROP SWEET JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES SWEET EATING CALIFORNIA RED GRAPES1.......... NEWS OF GORRIE Shell-Out SUCKERS A TREAT FOR LESS THAN 1c 4 Supply Can Last Longer BEFORE you feed your grain. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Cail Stewart A. Scott Phone 293 Wingham REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Representing: Dudley E, Holmes a Listowel Grand Lodge Officers Visit Ladies of Gorrie LOB A Lodge Mrs. Lottie Hamilton, Toronto, Grand Mistress of Qntario West, paid a yisit to the Gorrie L.O.B.A. No. 810, on Tuesday evening, She was accomp­ anied by two other Grand Lodge officers, Mrs. Blossom Stewart, Ham-" ilton, grand secretary and Mrs. Ber­ tha Addy, Toronto, grand treasurer. Members of Palmerston, Harriston The grain you grow at home for feeding | your livestock and poultry is a pretty imp or- g tant commodity. It has taken a lot of time | and money to produce that grain crop and g you don't want to waste any You CAN | waste a lot of grain if you don't feed it prop- | BALANCE IT with SHUR-GAIN. and Fordwich lodges were also pre­sent, Mrs. Wm. Wilson welcomed the visitors and Mrs. Harold Robinson thanked the Grand Lodge visitors when gifts m china were persented to them by Mrs. Geo. King and Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Mrs. T, L. Mc­ lnnes, mistress of the Gorrie lodge, was in the chair. Draws were held: Mrs. W. Gibson and Mrs. D’Arcy, Fordwich, were win­ ners. Mrs, Isaac Gamble, Fordwich, received the prize for having been an L.O.B,A. member the longest and Mrs. Jennie Mpsure, Fordwich, as the oldest member. Officers Elected „ Mr. F. E. Russell presided for the election of officers at the meeting of the /Brotherhood of Anglican Church­ men’on Friday night. They are as follows: president, ■ Clifford Dodds; 1st. vice,. Frank Graham; 2nd. vice, Bob Bennett; sec.-treas., Wm. Austin. It was decided that the Brotherhood would sponsor the special • offering for Flood relief on Sunday, October 31st., and for Korea on November 21. United Church News W. A. The Woman’s Association met at the home of Mrs. Russel Adams on •Thursday evening. The Eastern Willing Workers had charge of the meeting, with Mrs. Wes. Strong as leader. She gave the call to worship and led in prayer. The Scripture Psalm til, was read by Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Readings were given by Mrs. W. J. V. Buchanan and Mrs, L. Ruttan on Thanksgiving, and the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. R. Adams presided for the business when final plans were made for the hot turkey dinner on Wednesday evening, November 10th. A very interesting program is being arranged. Lunch was served by the committee in charge, “Where None Shall Thirst” A beautiful color and sound film from our Mission field in Central In­ dia will be shown in Gorrie United Church, Thursday, October 28th, at 8 p.m. It will please, instruct and in­ spire all who see it. This missionary movie is for all in Wroxeter, Gorrie and Fordwich areas and it is hoped there will be a large turnout. Sunday, October 31st., is Layman’s Missionary Sunday in Huron Presby­ tery. The special speaker in Gorrie United Church will be Mr. Orville Harrison, of Moncrieff United Church. Mr. Harrison is chairman of the United Church Men’s Clubs. At this service a special offering will be re-' ceived in aid of the “Ontario Hurri­ cane Relief.” Ordinary white envel­ opes may be used for this purpose with the name of the Fund written grain supplies energy in a livestock hr poultry feed but, it DOES NOT supply sufficient protein, minerals and vitamins to meet proper re­ quirements. That’s exactly why it takes about 1100 lbs. of straight grain to put a hog to market compar­ ted to Just 600 to 700 lbs. of a mixture of grain and SH UR-GAIN H og Concentrate. DON’T WASTE GRAIN Come in and see us about a SHUR-GAIN custom mixing service that will SAVE YOUR GRAIN WINGHAM Saving money CURRIE FURNITURE * and writing cheques A bank offers you two types of deposit account, Savings and Current. If you write cheques frequently, yam will like the many advantages of a Current adcdvtni. on the outside. The need is urgent and a generous response is anticipat­ ed from all. FbStoJ* - Edgar At the United Church parsonage, Gorrie, the Rev, W. J, V. Buchanan officiated at the marriage on October 22, of Eleanor Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edgar, of Gor­ rie, to Ronald Earle, son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Foster, of Rosetown, Sask. ♦ The bride’s sister, Grace, was her only attendant, Earl Edgar attended the groom. In the evening a reception was held at the Township Hall, Gorrie. Telegrams of congratulations were received from the McKercher family, Rosetown. Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Nor­man Foster and family, Rosetown. Sask.; the grandparents, Mr, ana Mrs, Foster, Saskatoon, Sask.; and a telephone message from the bride’s sister, Miss Wilmajean Edgar, Wain­ wright, Alberta, Personals ' : Mr. and Mr. Robt. Harrison visited Sunday with their son, Bob, who is in Toronto General Hospital, follow­ ing an operation, Mrs. Wm. Lynn is visiting friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McDonald and Miss Maxine Harris visited their father, Mr. Bert Harris, who has been a patient in the Westminster Hospi­ tal, London, for the past three weeks on Sunday. They found him to be making a good recovery and it is , hoped he may be able to return home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hayes visited Mr, and Mrs. "Glenn Will, in Leaming- to over the week-end. Mr. Frank Wassman and Mrs. Rain­ ey of Mitchell, and Mrs. Walter , Hodges of Stratford, called on old friends here on Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Walmsley, Bar- ' bara and Ronnie, of Simcoe, spent 1 Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Gordon i Edgar and other friends. j Mr. and Mrs. Owen Traynor of Flint, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Whitfield over the week- . end.Mr. Earl Underwood was in Toronto , for a few days._ , (minister, with his sermons, with the visiting her sister, Mrs, Robt. Graham.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jardine are vis­ iting their daughter, Mrs. Jack Hod­ ges and Mr. Hodges in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gillen of Harris­ ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter King.Messrs. A. A. Donelly, W. C. King, Dick Carson and Knowlson Hueston attended the Shriners Ceremonial in London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Featherston and and a tew months following, but their Paul, of Barrie, spent the week-end > with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. Little f Barbara Featherston returned home with them after spending two weeks with her grandparents.■Mrs. Mary Wearring of Concord, spent the week-end with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Norman Carson and Mr. Carson.Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Switzer, Bill and Bobby, and Mr. F. Funston of Mount Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown on Sunday. Mrs. Ken Hastie, Mrs. Reita Carson . and Mrs, W. C. King spent Friday in j London. i Miss Grace Edgar was home from Kingston for a few days last week for her sister’s wedding. School was closed Thursday when the principal Mr. Archie McDonald, and the teacher of the Jr. room, Mrs. Ruth McDonald were in Southampton attending the teachers’ convention. ..y ■, I—, —ii.,. ... TO — n.u.i.i These days, as we listen to critics tearing down the work of others, we are forced to wonder who is working the harder, tfae wrecker, or the build­ er. This seems to be an age of critics, and everywhere we go, we meet an amateur turned expert, someone who fancies himself the authority, who would have all the work of others thrown out for his own untried ideas. Can you pick out the builders in your community? Let's look for a few ex­ amples. In community work for example. This past summer Wingham had oc­ casion to celebrate its 75th anniver­ sary. There were some hard workers, who gave endlessly of their time, their, money and their talents to make* a success of the event, and indedd, suc­ cess it was. However, there were others who sat back and grumbled, who disgruntledly forecast a flop. They found fault with the money that was spent, the time spent on de­ corations, with the trouble the folks went to, to make it a success. They were the wreckers, who didn’t actually go about tearing down the decora­ tions, but they did just about as much harm with their destructive criticism and grumblings. Fortunately the af­ fair was a success, despite their ef­ forts. . How about your church, as another example? Do you have people who complain, who find fault with the or lew auys. # vvxvn has acrixiuns, witn cue Mrs. Alex McKenzie of Harriston, is organ and the organist? They won't j take part unless they are leaders, i and if someone else is" picked to fill j the chair they say he is incompetent, and not suitable for1’the job. Usually these people disagree with the minis­ ter after a few months and stop go­ ing to church altogether until a new ! parson takes over the pulpit. They I flood back to church for ordination ROYi ROGERS in ‘‘North of the Great Divide” Laurel & Hardy TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Children under 12 yrs. Admitted free1 331 If your' main purpose is to Save, to accumulate funds, it's good to have a Savings account:, The money you leave in a Savings account earns interest, arid your bank book gives yoil an up-to-date, continuing record of your financial progress. If your funds are active, with frequent deposits and withdrawals, a Current account provides a special service; a monthly statement, together with your cancelled cheques—useful aS receipts and a ready reference for budgeting; bookkeeping and other purposes. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, October 27, 1951 Tage TtaW !.TO,W... TO'. toTOTO-—' 4—TOy—g proved the scheme at a meeting jqst the other day. Here is a prime ex­ ample of a. professional wrecker, who is indeed wearing out his wel­ come with the Western Ontario farm­ ers, while glorying in the publicity' that his stand has brought him. Are you a builder or a wrecker i* your borne, church, or your commun­ ity? Do you help or hinder, build up* or tear down? By your deeds and ac­ tions you shall be judged, and ttiere are a lot of folks who might be in for an interesting Judgment Day, wir less I miss my guess. Hallo*®’®11 FREE! REDEEM YOUR COUPON FOR ONE FREE PACKAGE ROYAL — ASSORTED ft ft ft .INSTANT PUDDINGS 2 290 TREAT AT HALLOWE'EN WITH PUMPKIN PIES ft ft JCULVERHOUSE PUMPKIH 2 “«« 330 SHELL OUT! SHELL OUT! SHELL OUT! TREAT ALL YOUR LITTLE WEIRDLY DRESSED VISITORS WITH CANDY, NUTS, ETC, HALLOWE'EN WRAPPED McCORMICK'S CANDY KISSES HALLOWE'EN JELLYBEANS 330 ss 590 HALLOWE’EN 250 GUMDROPS Pkg01’ 290 s oz. 91 <4 CELLOfc 1 ALWAYS A FAVOURITE PEANUTS IN SHELL POP YOUR OWN — BIG BOY POPPING CORN -- A BOX WILL TREAT ALL YOUR VISITORS — WESTON'S BOX OF 144 16 OZ. QQrf CELLO VW}# 100 990 enthusiasm gets mouldy, and they have another fall out. If they were to get their shoulders behind the wheel, what a wonderful work they could be doing. If they were to wear a smile, and do their part, how much better they would feel, how much more satisfaction they would get. The same thing goes for farm organ­ izations. Currently, the United Live­ stock Sales, a selling agency hired by the Ontario Hog Producers’ Associa­ tion to sell the hogs of Ontario farm­ ers, is undergoing a lot of criticism by a small segment of the farmers and others in the business. The hot bed of this criticism is in, a neigh­ boring county, where a former of­ ficial of the county is busily engaged in the process of trying to tear down the agency, and everything it stands for. He has called a protest meet­ ing and plans to call another, despite the fact that the hog producers from eight counties overwhelmingly ap- Mr. Philip Durst and Mr. Ewart Whitfield attended the fall meeting and dinner of the Huron Municipal Officers’ Association in Exeter on Thursday. ‘Mrs. Howard Cowan has her left arm in a cast having had the mis­ fortune to break a bone in a fall at her home last Week. Mr. John Gordon of Temiskaming, is visiting at the home of Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs. Buchanan. Misses Betty Wylie and Kay Cath- ers, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, Moore­ field, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods and Kay, Lakelet, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jos. Woods. Mr. Keith Watson, Fergus, accom­panied by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wat­ son and Mr. Lyle Watson attended the funeral of Mrs. M.. Watson’s brother, Mr. Wm. Stewart in Grand Valley on Sunday. Masters Jimmy and Tommy Mc- Innes, Toronto, are spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mclnnes. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery and Ivan, of London, Mrs. Oscar Thompson and Leslie Anne, Kitchen­ er, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ferguson, Ronnie and Evelyn of Clifford, were Sunday guests at the home of ” Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery. SAVE 10c ON NEW PREMIUM BLUE Duz (WITH FACE CLOTH) PKG.‘ VV REDEEM YOUR COUPON NOW 16 OZ. PKG, 3 LB. BAG 24 OZ. JAH 350 250 290 SPECIAL!—DELICIOUS FRESH BISCUITS Chocolate Mallows REGULAR OR QUICK OATS ST. WILLIAMS APPLE JELLY — ONTARIO CHEESE FESTIVAL PLAIN — PIMENTO — RELISH BAUMERTS CREAM CHEESE 8 SLICES Richmello CHEESE KRAFT'S VELVEETA CHEESE - ONTARIO MADE — COLOURED BiEW CHEESE lb. ~' 4 OZ. PKG. 8 oz. PKG. 8 OZ. PKG. Coloured ,390 OLD CHEESE — IT'S NATIONAL MACARONI WEEK CATELLIS READY CUT MCAMNI FINE OR BROAD—CATELLIS HOODIES - - - READY TO SERVE! — COOKED Hesnz- SPAGHETTI FRANCO AMERICAN Cooked MACARONI 216 OZ. PKGS. PKGS. 15 OZ. TIN 15 OX. 330 270 170 130 V 3 U& POBY BAG ................29c SEZE 252’s, DOZ. .............31c 2 LBS. . 25c OUR GUARANTEE. All merchandise sold at "Your Dominion Store" is uncondition­ ally guaranteed to give you 100% satisfaction. DOMINI ON STORES L I M J T JE D fyf ’fed/ When one of the family calls you to the phone and whispers, “I think it’s busi­ ness/’ it reminds you how important calls of that kind are, even at home, You don’t have to upset your eve­ ning’s plans, because your telephone gets things done quickly, nearby or far away. Whether it’s a matter of sales, or serv­ ice, whether it’s early evening or late at night,you can depend oil your telephone, Just give it a thought next time one of the family says, “It’s for you, Dad!’* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA