The Wingham Advance-Times, 1954-05-12, Page 10COULD YOU FACE IT ALONE? As year husband’s chief beneficiary, would you know how to handle the administration of his estate? Inexperience in such matters can be expert­ give and cause untold worry. A sympathetic and experienced Estate Officer of The Sterling Trusts Corporation will be happy to discuss matters with you and your husband. Such an interview could be the answer to your future peace of mind. - ~11 ji. iLiftQftts^Sgffft Hold Brunswick COFFEE SHOP g ® OE3O1 QK3O1^^ftfsTh’helma Jardine, Guelph, spent part, of last week with her aunt, Mias Margaret Jardine.* Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J. H Wylie were Mr. and Mrs, George Bradley; Toronto, also Jim Wylie, of Owen Bound, < » Mr. John Howes, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrsv Gilbert Howes. Miss, Maxine Jacklin, Waterloo, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Jacklin; Wrox* eter South. Mrs, I. J, Gamble, Fordwich, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. D. % MacNaughton, A topic on reforestation and conser­ vation given, recently at the meeting of the Women’s Institute has been placed m the Loan Library, Toronto, for the use of other branches who are interested in, this Ssubject. -The paper was written by Mrs. Herb Pat­terson. Barry Grainger who was burned in an accident has returned home from the hospital. We are glad to know the injuries were not serious. Mr. and Mrs Lyle Brothers and daughters, Darleen and Delores, Wex­ ford, spent the week-end with Mrs. .Victoria Brothers. Mr. Alonzo Sparling, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott, Ljstowel, and Miss Hazel Sparling, Wroxeter South, spent Mother’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth. Miss Hazel Sparling spent several days in Goderich recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson, Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth, visited re­ cently at the home of Mr. John Hup­fer, Wroxeter South, Institute About Infectious Diseases st •1118 oThe Business Girls’ & Men’s Luncheon is inexpensive and served at noon and evening SERVING TIME 11 a.m. to. 2 p.m. 5 p.m. to 7 p«n>. Infectious diseases jn. pre-school children was the topic dealt with by the local physican, Dr. F. G. Mills, at the May meeting of the Women’s In­ stitute held on Wednesday afternoon, in the Masonic club rooms. President Mrs. John Lane, presided. Mrs. Harvey Timm read the minutes and corres­ pondence.Mrs. George Lane was in charge pf the motto, ‘'The secret pf life for a tree is that it grows new wood eyery year”. The speaker compared the young tree t’o the young child and Stressed the. importance of their growth physically, meiitally and spirit­ ually, Mrs. Thos. Burke gave interest­ ing current events both local and in- ternational. Members of the W. I., as a community project, will present the film "A Queen Is Crowned" in the Town Hall on the evening of May 28th at 8 p.m. It will be open to the gen­eral public and there will be no ad­ mission but a silver collection will be taken to defray costs of hall and rented projector, Members also plan to take a trip tp Stratford for the Shakespearan Festi­ val and the secretary was instructed to get further information with Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Timm in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Allen Munro re­ ported on the district executive meet­ ing which was held at Ethel. The dis­trict annual meeting will be held at Molesworth on May 28th. The exten­ sion course chosen was ‘Brighten Your Home With Color" with second choice, "How to Conduct Meetings", Officers elected for the coming year were: president, Mrs. John Lane; 1st. vice-pres., Mrs. William T. Mac- Lean; 2nd. vice-pres., Mrs. Herb Pat­ terson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Thos. Burke; district director, Mrs. John Lane; branch directors, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Wm. Hart; auditors, Mrs. Allen Munro, Mrs. Roy Hunter; press reporter, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton; lunch committee, Miss K, ‘Hazelwood and Mrs. Wm. Hart; good cheer com- imittee, Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Mrs, Pat­ terson.Standing committees, agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. H. Pat­ terson; education and citizenship, Mrs. Charles Cathers; home econom­ ics and health, Mrs. Burke; historical research and current events, Mrs. Harvey Timm; public relations, Mrs. J. H. Wylie; hospitalization, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Patterson. Refreshments were served at the close by Mrs. T. MacLean, Mrs. Har­ vey Reidt and Mrs, Walker. Members received an invitation to join with Fordwich at their short course, “Treasures in the Attic" on the after­ noon of May 13. Ann (Douglas favoured with two piano solos, “The Irish Boy’’ and "The Peasants Dance". Mrs. Vic­ toria Brothers was pianist for the meeting. , Bride and Groom Showered Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McMichael (nee Phyllis Ford) were guests of honour at a social evening in the town hall on Friday night, Music was supplied by Fordwich orchestra for dancing. During the evening Lyle Hart read an address and on behalf of their neigh­ bors and friends a gift of money and other gifts were presented. Glenn ex­ pressed appreciation on behalf of his wife and himself. Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Michael have taken up residence on th© groom’s farm on Highway 87. Best wishes of all are extended for many happy years together. W.M.S. Meeting The May meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society, United Church, will be held on Friday evening, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Howes. Mrs. Ken Edgar and Mrs. Jim Sanderson are in charge of the meet­ ing. Honor Rector Members of St. James’ Anglican Church held a social evening recently in honour of their rector, Rev. Douglas and Mrs. Fuller, who have left for Windsor. Mrs. Ken Bennett read an address and a gift of money was pre-i sented. Mr. Fuller expressed thanics for the gift and the many kindnesses received during the year spent in the parish. Members of St. Stephen’s Church, Gorrie, and Trinity Church, Fordwich, also gave a parting gift to Mr. and Mrs. Fuller. Family Day “Opening Our Homes to God” was the theme when Christian Family Day was observed in the United Church with Rev. E. W. Todd in charge. A junior choir with Mrs Carl Douglas of Belmore, as organist, sang two num­ bers which" have been prepared for the coming musical festival. Members of the Sunday School and their tea­ chers occupied front pews of the church and lovely flowers were placed at the altar in honour of Mother’s Day. Buds of Promise Twenty-four members answered the roll call when the Buds of Promise Mission Band held its May meeting in the church schoolroom on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Nancy New­ ton presided and opened the meeting with the hymn "Safe in the Arms of Jesus". Davy Edgar read the Scrip­ ture lesson choosing John 6, Carol Newton led in prayer. Elaine Sander­ son read a poem entitled “May". “Jesus Bids Us Shine" was sung, David Sanderson presented the minutes of the previous meeting and Bernice Grainger favoured with a piano solo. Mrs. Statia was in charge of the story­ telling time and chose “The Four Seas" from the Mission Band study book. “The Many Hands in Many Lands”. "Jesus Loves Me” was the closing hymn. , ■ The roll call was answered by nam­ ing a bird. Following the pronouncing of the benediction the older girls worked at their quilt and the younger group made Mother’s Pay cards, ■Leaders were Mrs, Statia, Mrs, Edgar, Mrs. Magee, Mrs, Grainger. PersonalsMr. and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon attended Brussels Presbyterian Church on Sunday and were present for the baptism of their grandchild, Elva Doreen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Riley. Mrs. Selby Foster, Jack and Jean, spent Sunday with Mrs. P, S. Mac- Naughton and John. Mr."and Mrs, Ira MacLean visited in London on Sunday. They were ac­ companied by Mrs. Reg Newton, who visited her husband in Westminster Hospital, Members of the family of Mrs, Rob­ ert Hupfer visited their mother on Mother’s Day. Mrs. Hupfer, who has been an invalid for years, was fairly well and able to enjoy flowers and other gifts from her family. Miss Shirley McMichael of the local Bank of Commerce staff is spending this week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Huffman and daughter, Clinton, were week-end visi­ tors with the former’s mother in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J, D McGillvray, Pais­ley, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. G. Cec. W alpole SASH . 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Big brakes with rivetless Cyclebond linings make stopping easy. High steering gear ratio makes turning easier. And Dodge Full Power Steering* gives safe control with finger-tip pres­ sure. These are advantages to remember particularly dpring May. which is Safety Month. This man is a machinist YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT ROE VITAFOOD. DOC. IT SURE GOT MY BIRDS AWAY TO A FAST START. LOOK ATTHESIZEOFTHESE CHICKS- AH WEEKS OLD NOW KEEP THEM GROWING BY CHOOSING XXJR GROWING MASH JUST AS CAREFULLY Pick the road... pick the tune... then slip behind the wheel of a brilliant new Dodge for 5 miles of fun and facts. You’ll find driving Dodge an eye-open­ ing experience — one that might save you plenty when it comes time to buy a new car. So put the dependable Dodge to the test, mile by mile... and see the differ­ ence. A ’phone call to your Dodge- De Soto dealer will bring a Dodge to your doorstep.1 [JEPfNuABLt Before you buy anywhere, ash your DoJge-De Soto dealer what extra value he can offer on a dependable new or used car. Made in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. CRAWFORD MOTORS Wingham 1 — Telephone 710 3RD MILE Check its "big-car" ride over bumps you usually avoid. You’ll find the Dodge ride smooth and sure-footed on any road, thanks to Oriflow shock absorbers, easy-action springs and lower centre of gravity. 4TH MILE Test Dodge power on hills or on the open highway. Enjoy its , quick, easy getaway. There’s »plenty of reserve power to hurry you safely out of tight spots. And Dodge provides this zip without requiring premium gasoline. 5TH MILE Ask about the extras you get at no extra cost. Things like luxu­ rious upholstery fabrics with ' vinyl trim . . . electric wind­ shield wipers . . . oil-bath air cleaner. Then check the price, and see why the Dependable Dodge is your best buy. By Roe Farms Service Deph F [z /I g MPLETI