The Wingham Advance-Times, 1941-01-02, Page 8"’t-’-W"
Our Lives
Peterson’s Hardware
■ ■.......- ....... . ........
... JI*!*,!1'' **) lAii'Miiiaiilll
*■ <*
[ Show Starts at 8.00 p.m., Except Saturday
[; Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. g
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 2nd, 3rd, 4th g
------ SPECIAL------
The success of Robert ®
Fulton, whose steam-
boat caused a sensation jpg
in New York in the year
A 20th Century-Fox Picture
Also “Cartoon” and
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Happy New Year -to 'the Ad-
“The World Pays
’ with each one pre’
The chapter in the
given by Mrs. R.
Musical numbers. Hostesses —
Wylie, Mrs. Cooke.
Holy Communion Sunday Next
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup
per will be dispensed following ll a.m.
service in United Church on Sunday
next, January 1st.
Congregational Social
very pleasant evening was held
At the regular morning service
Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev<
G, Fowler based his message on the
text "We spy^Mour years as a tai®
that is toM.)
Mr. Earl Willie, also Mr. Ernie
Moore, of Saskatoon, of the R.C.A.F.
at St. Thomas, spent Christmas at the
home of th® former’s uncle, Mr. A.
Meahan and Mrs. Meahan.
Y. P. U. Gorrie Guests
The members of the Y.P.U.’ United
Church will be guests of Gorrie group
on Friday night at their annual skat
ing party.
Thursday, January 2nd, 1941
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 6, 7, 8 ®
j “Henry Goe^’f^ Arizona
i Inheriting his murdered brother’s ranch, the heir M
r arrives in time to sav.e ail innocent man '
• and expose the guilty one.
i Also “MARCH OF TIME” ^Leon Errol Comedy
“Newsreel Cameraman”
The Time of
New Year’s is the time of our lives, because it gives J
us the opportunity to greet our friends and say — J
“Thanks for your patronage” and “Best wishes for I
Miss Dorothy Brown, of London,
spent part of last week with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and
Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Depew
and family, Miss Elna Stocks, all of
Toronto, were holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stocks.
Miss Beatrice'Shearer is spending a
” ■ week with her brother, Mr. Andrew
Shearer and Mrs. Shearer, Sault Ste.
Miss Margaret Harris, London, is
spending some time with her mother,
Mrs. James Harris.
Master John MacNaughton-is spen
ding the holiday week at London.
Mr. Billy Martin, also Mr. Vern
Snell of the R. A. F., London, spent
Christmas with their parents.
Mr. H. Patterson has disposed of
his chopping mill to a Fergus buyer
and will give possession some time in
Miss Rona VanVelsor, Weston, is
spending the holidays with her pare-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vanvelsor.
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin of
Wingham, called on friends on 2nd of
Turnberry Friday of last week.
Congratulations to Mr. Thomas
Brown who held the lucky ticket on
the Red Cross turkey at Gorrie.
Mr. George Fischer spent Christmas
day with his parefits near Cranbrook.
Miss Viola Thacker is spending the
holidays with her parents at Teeswat-
er. Miss Keith and Miss MacDonald
are also spending the vacation at Tees-
Mr. and Mrs. Kinley MacNaughton,
Mary, Annie and Jimmie, spent Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. George Ash,
Friends of Mr. Hugh Harris who
was taken to Victoria Hospital last
week will be glad to know' he is mak
ing splendid progress.
Mr. Cliff Denny, Toronto, spent the
Christmas holiday with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Edgar, Lenwood
and Laurie were also guests on Christ
mas at the Denny home.
Mrs. Earl Atcheson and sons, also
Miss Iva ‘Gallaher, all of London, were
visitors last week of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Gallaher.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington,
Toronto, were holiday guests of Mr,
and Mrs. M. Sellers.
Year i
Misses Margaret Durst, Tilsonburg,
and Vera Durst, of Stratford, spent
the vacation with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 1. Durst.
Mr, and Mrs. Neil Carr, Wingham,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs,. H.
Miss Olive Newton spent a few days
recently with her sister, Mrs, Charles
Miss Elva Hupher, of Sudbury, is
spending the vacation with her moth
er, Mrs. Robert Hupher,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Durst and son
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
D. Campbell. Flarriston,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller and June,
also Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carr, were re
cent Toronto visitors,
Mrs. Neil White Sr. is visiting her
daughter at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright have
taken Mr. H. Patterson’s house on
the bank of the Maitland. We wel
come Mr. and Mrs. Wright to the vil
Mrs. Wm. Parks has left for Ot
tawa where she will remain until Mr.
Parks leaves for overseas.
Mrs. Jim Rae has moved into Mrs.
Wm. Parks’ house.
Women’s Missionary Society
The January meeting of the W. M.
S: of United Church will be held at
the home of Mrs. Hector Knight on
Thursday, Jan. 9th, 3 p.m. This* will
be an all members’ programme. All
ladies of the congregation are cordial
ly welcome to the meeting of the W.
M. ,S.
Friends of Miss Evelyn Gamble, of
Brownsville, formerly of the C. S.
staff here, were pleased to hear her
assisting in the musical portion of
Morning Devotions over CKNX last
January Womejn’s Institute
Motto—Take off .your hat to the
past, your coat to the future. Home
—Mrs. H. Knight. Current Events—
Mrs. Adams. Roll Call—Something I
would like to do this’ year. Topic—An
address on Bank, by Mr. W. A. Saw-
* A
on Monday, Dec. 30, when parents
joined with S. S. teachers and officers
for the annual social evening. A splen
did programme was provided by the
S.S. pupils. Each class contributed
two numbers including recitations,
solos, tableaux, choruses; games were
also enjoyed and at the close refresh
ments were served. A beautiful Xmas
Tree added to the setting and a treat
for all the children was provided. Rev.
A. M. Grant acted as chairman.
Salem Xmas Tree
Rev. A. M. Grant presided over a
splendid programme of recitations, di
alogues, solos, chorus singing, when
Salem congregation, U. C.. held their
annual social evening and Xmas Tree.
A play “How Women Talk” was giv
en by Mrs. Gowdy’s group of girls,
which wag very amusing. At the close
Santa Claus appeared and distributed
gifts and treats to the S. S. pupils.
If the New Year brought us nothing more, >
we should be content that it affords us the oppor- <
tadty to wish you success^ and happiness. May g
1941 be your BIG year, and reward you with its ||
bounty* . , " • g*
We hope the year 1941
brings you the fullest
share of bright pros
pects and substantial
prosperity and happi
ending of a perfect day.
The United Church Sunday School
held their entertainment at the home
of Lome Evans, Rev. W. D. Clark as
chairman a sing song led by Carl
Douglas, Mrs. Herb. Miller at the pi
ano, was the main feature. Duets by
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Merle and
Betty Abraham, John and Bill'Abra
ham; trio, the Clark family; dialogues
and. recitations by the scholars. “Did
You Ever See A Lassie?” ,by Joyce
and Florence Horton was worthy of
mention, also “The Sick Dolly.” Lunch
was served after which Santa arrived
with his pack, and was good to every
body, especially the old ladies.
The January meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held on the
second Wednesday in the month at
the home of M. Jeffray.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell and
Nancy have moved, into Wingham.
George is working at the airport.
As I cannot thank each one person
ally for their unstinted kindness to me
this Christmas season, not forgetting
Rev. Clark and family, I take this op
portunity through” the columns of the
Advance-Times to do so. Minnie Jeff
vance-Times and its readers.
Mr. Les. Harris, of Alienburg,
Mr. Jack Harris, of Petawawa,
spending their vacation with their
ther, Mrs. James Harris, and other
Mr. .Edwin Palmer is at present vis
iting his brother. Mr. Will Palmer
and family at Sudbury.
Mr. Jack Weir, of St. Thomas, and
Mr. Wilfred Weir, of Trenton, who
are training for the air force, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Weir and children,
and Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir,
of Toronto, visited .their parents, iMr.
and Mrs. D. L. Weir for Xmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent
one day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gowdy of the B. Line, Howick.
The S.S. concert which was'held on
Monday night of last week was a de
cided success in every way. The child
ren took their parts very well.
Miss Aggie Hastings, of the 9th of
Turnberry, visited her sister,. Mrs. T.
Martin, last week.,
Mrs. Earl Acheson and Miss Iva
Gallaher, of London, and Mr. Elmer
Gallaher, of the Levack mines, spent
their holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher.
Miss Evelyn Cathers visited last
week with her brother. Mr. Eldred
Cathers, who lives at Port Erie with
his cousins, Mr-, and Mrs. Lloyd
Those taking Christmas dinner with
friends — Rev. Clarke and family in
Hamilton; Mts. Newans with the
Herd family at Riversdale; Mn and
Mrs. Shurter and Orville at Walker
ton; Mr, and Mrs, R. J, Douglas and
Carl at Dick Culliton’s, Glenannan;
the Metcalfe family also Mr. and Mrs.
Rintoul and children, of Wingham, at
Gordon Mulvey’s; Wm. Abram’s fam
ily were all home; iMr. and Mrs. Baiers
and children at Millbank; Mr, and
Mrs, Roy Rutherford and John, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt Jeffray and family, ah
so Minnie Jeffray, at James Darling’s;
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil McNeil, of Mild-
may, Alvin and Mrs. Fitch and child
ren at James Austin’s; Lorn® Evans
and children at Tara,
A very pleasant event took place.
Monday, Dec, 23rd, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Jeffray, it being
the 25th anniversary of their marriage.
Relatives numbering about fifty gath
ered to express good wishes. After a
bountiful lunch, they were the recip
ients of table silverware to- which they
made a suitable reply. The afternoon
was spent in games by the older set,
skating on the pond and other amuse
ments. In the evening the, young folks
. had a dancing party, which was the
church with th® 1st Vice Pres., Mrs.
K. Thompson, presiding, The Christ
mas service of worship as outlined'in'
the missionary monthly was followed,
the theme being
Homage to Christ’
sent taking' part,
study book was.
Chamney. The -annual election of of
ficers resulted as follows: Hon. Pres.,
Mrs. Bert Taylor;. President,- Mrs, R.
Chamney; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs, N.
Thompson; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Albert
Campbell; Rec. Sec, and Treas., Mrs.
J, C. Robinson; Temperance and Com
munity Friendship Sec., Mrs. Bert
Taylor; Missionary Monthly Sec., Mrs.
N, Thompson; Sec, of Heralds, Mrs.
Jas. Jones; Press Sec., Mrs, R. Cham
ney, Mrs. Bert Taylor and Mrs. N,
Thompson were re-elected as Pres
ident and Sec,-Treas. of the Woman’s
The St. Augustine Women’s Insti
tute will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 8,
at the home of Miss Josephine (Mc
Allister; Convenor, Mrs. Gus. Kin
ahan. Subject: “Canadianization”. Roll
Call “A New Year’s Resolution.” Cur
rent Events, Mrs,,. Jas, Craig. Host
esses, Miss Mary A. Brpphey, Miss
Mae Redmond, Miss Bernadette Boyle
and Mrs, Wm. Redmond.
Holiday visitors here and there in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson
and family, of Listowel, with Mr, and
Mrs. N. Thompson; Mrs, Geo. Naylor
with Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Robinsorif
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor and son
with Goderich friends; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Chamney and Mr. and Mrs.
John Johnston with Kincardine
friends; Mr. Will Craig, of London,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Craig; Miss Donna Armstrong, Sar
nia, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mark Armstrong; Mr. and'Mrs, Elwin
Chamney, of Wingham, with' his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney; Miss
Irene Jefferson, Dunnville, Miss
Gladys, R.N., of Woodstock, and Miss
Olive,f R.N., of Niagara Falls, with
their mother, Mrs. C. Jefferson; Pte.
Archie Jones, of Woodstock, with his
parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Jas. Jones; Mr.
Kenneth Campbell, of Toronto, and
Miss Jean, of Kitchener, with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs.'W. A. Camp
bell; Mr. Warren Bamford, B.A.,' of
Cumberland, and Miss Elaine,,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Bamford; Miss Viola Thompson, of
Lucknow, with Mr, and Mrs. David
Chamney; Mr. Mason- Robinson, of
Windsor, with his father, Mr. Thos.
Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Finnigan and family, Crewe, with Mr.
and Mrs. D. Chamney.
The following articles were deliver
ed to’ the Red Cross Society at Wing
ham the last of December: 15 suits,
pyjamas, 6 girls’ night dresses,. 1. pair
bloomers, 6 pair bed socks, 6 pneu
monia jackets, 1 quilt, 50 pair socks,
1 pair seaman’s socks, 1 pair rifle
mitts, 12 pair children’s mitts, 1. hel
met, 1 pullover sweater, 2 scarfs.
The annual Christmas entertainment
of the United Church Sunday School
was held on Christmas Eve with Rev.
C. Tavener as chairman. A large
crowd assembled to enjoy the read
ings. carols and plays which the Sun
day School pupils presented. The tiny
tots gave recitations and sang their
Christmas songs in the charming way
children have. The older ones gave- a
presentation of Dicken’s Christmas
Carol, and a very amusing pantomi'ne,
“Lord Ullin’s Daughter.” Mrs. W.. J.
Johnston and Mrs, C. Yoe were in.
charge of the interesting programme.
At the conclusion Santa Claus,, Be-
whiskered and plump, appeared to1 dis
tribute tlie gifts from the tree.;.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
to all.
Born—-^In Wingham General Hos
pital, on Monday, Dec, 23rd, to Mr,
and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson (nee Alice
Thornton) a sop.
The December meeting of the W.M.
S, was held in the basement of the
R.A. ReidR.O.
Eyesight Specialist
At Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 tonoon.
We ve enjoyed the patronage of lots of our friends W
for many years—but we want even our newest cus- .w
tomers to know we’re grateful for the privilege of w
serving them. And we warit to wish them, too —
A Happy New Year!
to a book with every year a chapter.
He advised reviewing the chapter and
making improvements, Mrs, R. El
liott presided at the organ.
Mrs. Eliza Fell has received word
that her son, Fletcher “’Fell, who en
listed early in the war, is a patient in
a hospital “Somewher.e in England.”
Word has b.een received' her that
Jack Wettlaufer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Wettlaufer, recent residents of
Bluevale, has arrived safely in Eng
land. - ' ,
Arnold Lillow, R.C.A.F., has been
recently transferred from Yarmouth,
Nova Scotia, to New Brunswick.
cy Jane Fowler, of Columbus, Ohio,
spent the holiday with their parents,
Rev. F. G. Fowler and Mrs. Fowler,
at the manse/" .•••’" ' '
Mrs. Neil McLean and son, Neil, of
Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fell, London,
with Mrs. Eliza Fell.*
Holiday Visitors: ■
Miss Isobel McKinnon, of Kitchen
er, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R,
"H. McKinnon.
Miss Rhoda Robertson, of Torqnto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
'iMi*. and Mrs. Whitney Stewart,
Miss Jean Stewart and Mr. David
Jewitt, of Wingham, with Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. Yoe.
Mr. and'Mrs. Harold .Harris and
two sons, Drayton,-Mr. and Mrs. R.
Turnbull and daughter, Patricia, with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston.
Miss Lois Elliott, nurse-in-training
at the Woman’s College Hospital, in
Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Elliott.
Carman Hetherington, V.S., Wes
ton, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Hetherington,. Bluevale Road.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph and daugh
ter,. of Detroit, with Mr. and iMrs. W.
W.^ Mann.
■ Mr. and' Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Bel
grave. with Mrs-. Mary Robertson and
Miss Martha Fraser.
Mr., and' Mrs; G. A. Love with Mr.
and' Mrs. A. D. Scott at Seaforth.
Mr. and’ Mrs. J, C. Higgins with Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Higgins in Toronto.
John Fowler, Engineer, with the
United’ States Army, in training at Ft.
Bragg,. North’ Carolina, and Miss Nan-
. When is an airport runway not a
Trans-Canada Air Lines has the an
swer: “In winter time.”
Up in Northern Ontario T.CA. op
erates two airports for the Depart
ment of Transport. They are at Arm
strong and Kapuskasing. Both fields
have paved strips, or runways, on
which aircraft normally land and^take
In the past it was the custom for
T.C.A.’s maintenance forces at these
fields to roll the snow on the landing
strips. " This presents a hard surface
on which the wheels of a commercial
air transport can hardly make a ripple.
Come spring break-up, however,, the
hard-packed snow is transformed to
xice. It stayed when the' rest of the
field was clear. Two years' of experi
ment have brought- a new technique.
T.C.A.’s drags and rollers- will' leave
the paved strips severely alone- this
winter. Instead, new runways will- be
rolled adjacent to the old'.
When spring comes'ithe paved strips
will be blown clear with snow Blow
ers leaving the rolled surfaces- for sun
and wind to clear later.
T.C.A, services R.C'.A.F. planes- at
these fields as well as its own. It has
become doubly important to- keep> the
fields usable during the .break-up' per
iod. But the time ito start is- now and
the new winter strips are in operation-..
The national air service'hopes the new
wrinkle will do the trick-.
A good crowd gathered in tile: Sun
day School room of Knox Presbyter
ian'Church to enjoy the Christmas en
tertainment presented by tile: Sunday
School pupils,- Rev. F. G. Fowler act
ed as chairman and opened the pro
gramme with all joining in. singing
Carols, with Mrs. Higgins as pianist,
The programme consisted of choruses,
dialogues, readings, recitations, pan-
tomines, vocal and instrumental sel
ections. Almost the entire programme
was presented by the children under
the .leadership of Miss Jean Elliott
and ‘ Mrs. Harvey Robertson, Santa
Claus was present to distribute gifts
from the tree.
The regular meeting of the Wom
en’s Institute Will be held oh Thurs
day afternoon, January 9th, at 2,30
o’clock at the home of Mrs, F.. G.
Fowler. Roll Call-Arc you in favor
of havihg women on the school board?
If so, why? Motto—A good thing to
remember, a bettor thing to do, Is join
with the construction gang, And not
; the wrecking crew. — Olive Scott. Mr.
Duncan Stewart, public school teach
er, will give an address, Exhibit
cushion tops, Refreshments will
served by the members.
compared ettr liv&s
They say we’re crazy to carry on again: this
year with our once a year last length sale of made
to measure suits, when materials are worth about
double the old price, and still advancing. It has,
however, been the policy of the Cook Clothing Com
pany Limited, to send out new samples each season
and where there is only sufficient material left to
make the odd suit or two, it does not warrant new
samples, so out they go in the last length clearance
once each year*
• Just think what this means to the man buy*
ing a Warren K. Cook suit tailored -to his measure
from these lengths of the finest English) Scotch and
Irish tweeds, twists arid Worsteds* The retail price
on these Suits and Overcoats based on to-day’s
price of the material, would be from ten/ to fifteen
dollars higher than the old price* In addition to this
saving, the Cook Clothing Company are taking a
reduction, we are also taking a reduction in our
mark-up, so that you may find just the material you
want and you will save dollars by selecting your
one or two suits now.
Made-to-Measure Famous Clothes
$29*75 — $32*50 — $35*00
Hanna & Co., Limited