The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-10-10, Page 2»juj.«Biun«;u-.£.T.irtgiB^aJWW.:’ WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES inninmnHntuuiinmnnumiimknunmHWHnniHHwmHj »;aazvu48.7>^!unj.izaiKca^im*srcg.nMr'<!ga4^>!4iu,!Bg,'iUBllJZ<!|JLU»Ji»AUUJI.U!!UfeB»PglCBiW?WW!B!SiiyWg!B!!Bff .iiiLiiuu .1, jj-L.^isnmnf Thursday, October IQ, 194G P AT TO CANADIAN HATIOHAI r txumnioN MRK fe th AWVwv wm w> * nWlHH I hw\k my fefemt ol fexHWH?' MX‘S itai Anfevxxx W1 femnfet ft \\A?t tlm IfeW hkH of bi-Vkl I hml vvet wfe-x Ifet I fed HxH fewn k xvxmhl yyt feM Vck kt to xd xtik th>Ht Mix, .\mh\Av xliU xxfe tlm h^hvxt vtrnx Ami iht\x --xvUt fexvji feix xhi\m|vfen mv abxHtt hvv b-Ahniji mvfeofe^ IVax xhv Any •sxktvts? hvv xwm xxfexbi HrtMxHtvd dm fevfex ifei rtty i'vkxy feat xvxy iAn'bfev Attd vHyxxmW t tWH IMxfe Ifefel Vkx\H\ 1W xK xvAt x 1 Max^ ttxcd this few Afeht Afert^ Artd I kfev bmxl vwy vxs^k. W fert 1 fest bv,w fe$ A«h tfekki t HvHkxki mx fex^xvmm fe fey bvtad immxMiAMxx fest xxfey fe dm xXAth xxfexh k kiwds fe\ hfe fe xhv tUvmw Arty mxfeixx fey mwi irA AiW kvmAvtufe xkfe$h xwfefex I wv txx mW ixfeh feAi a fev& baK mnxM shafevxo that h will bake mt & \x vlhjfeferti tfemd feaf wife an cxvfe fefeto fefewny X twjvy baking fef local tafes bfe this h tlw fest fewo X h\v w Ikst pto At the bi$ Mfem. And I iwafeiy think Ibtbfe Itod Vkw sWfel luxe a lot fe? fee mfet* fee high fevfety few makes high qwaRty bread every time?' Why m fefew the example AV ibid vhampfen bread baker ami use fefefe Hwd bfew xixvwlh Oito it fee very iiext feee \w need fowl The feyt, wvmfe third ami feurfe ptos fer white breml at the Canadian. bWvfedi l\hibitfeft xxeve ail xwfe with fefefe Hfexd Vfentx sd it sum be Peery bag walas a mxwydxAek^ph^lO* petoM $wamee xwifeate. few mates » few ms tmtm of the DISTRICT Your Child H«^ A NASTYO ■ WOW ■ ■ HunvimuwuotunuuwnnnnnnutmniMmuuuuHHHw? Lucknow Made Wile On Bisplay \{ the tii.'ei Radio Shop exhibit at l-e I'aw theie weie smm' "authjm'*’ .hbo modeL on dSplax. One was a pet made in tncknow b\ the OMvi | bout ji horn, | here, ] about ii veu to he heatd in the YilUge. iiMill in working order. i| nnvk U Rolhms the Misery Without Posing THESE FEATURES MAKE COOKING FUN WITH A fR/GIPAf&E from school as the result of an un­ animous derision of the board which met in special session. It was report­ ed that the two girls refused tn sing either patriotic songs or "God Save The King/’ and also refused to salute the flag. A committee of trustees Hugh Bolson and Chairman Simon feicker w’ore delegated to interview rhe' parents ami children, and at the special meeting; Thursday afternoon, | Ufo delegation gave their report. The | parents admit being members of the I illegal sect, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and | though tin? children were pleaded with., | by the delegaifott, refused point blank j to change their decision, it was report* | ex! by Messrs. Hotson and 'Rricketx '- Approve New Listened Church I The site and plans for the new Un* i lied Church at Liston©! were given hhe support fe the Perth Presbytery | at a meeting' heM at Millbank T'hurs* | day. The new ediike is estimated to i cost $M\000 mid when completed will | seat approximately StX) people. It was | I reported' that $81 AT of an ev.'.oxv- hnent fend is already secured. I I ______ : Mrs. B|xhk.rtn Sndh said io have been I ^°tne 0,w I Pimeipal of Tara VuWkhhe feixcr'oi the car, and the eMer!| Schoch pupils are taught that a| Sebooh repot ;cd at the meeting of th© 4 Mrs-. Sweft. were both thrown clear of unshed of eats weighs 84 pounds, but | week that chiton were ]^e wreck Wt Mi-s. Snell escaped' “ the ear were two Snell Mary,, xvho suffered icws, and R■'’chard, and Keratefe Gik- i Lings, of Ko 4, x'lhwen, xxlto wene not drtiit. The accident cc-crtricd xvfthfe ‘half a mile of the Snell home. Mrs.' SneTj xx as .n 'x- way to Clinton ami first noticed the train xx'b.en it wa<! xorne T5 ya.-is axxax, but xxas. mnfek; to brmg the car io a stop in time toi avoid a coTAion. Seawth Huron Kothws axi few k'sk'x n V'riucv MvthodM ntmiMvi V?sv n't \\A* buih by tho b«'yx IO iUhl wax or,< of ihv jl i !! J a! I h kj ■I uvkucw Jx<n | , M&unfofe Ihuttpkhi I 1‘bv' xIaxs of fev mAmm-mh jwmmkuuit >!An4 x^AAxh aw hvr«‘ A&am. I'his xvxvk| i \b. Jehu Mn^'bAMv who vcsulcs v'ii Riyi! ;!Sk H‘|wwts a fcWfekin $ fe 4 hxs. hd piuimfe'Kth\v--4 Mowd bAwwix 4 -.Z^^f:^nK»lk 4 Tara fefeool Rc>afe Has Vvobkm The p-dneipAl cf Se!< board Iax! re Xatk [! leghlation t eccfely passed by the The* if \ «>>e«At x t.x\ this TS All offeV.S© , and now the ifeomed with the | I tp '■ .. fXfeCuM WUNOt this TS AW OtiettX© | Aga fest tl»e Realfe, attd now ;i-School Pc-A'fe b cow .•paxfekm. xxhat cowrse Ho folloxx. Rub chest, thtmt «md txick thub wghly with Vicks VunoRub at bedt ime. Right away, VapaRub $.x?s m ywrk»». two waj*satonee. VajxiRub acts w the skin like a xvarmW siimulifeag txiuldec, 4t the same time it gives otfmedi* ciaal vapws that are bixsathed fettefc into toitafed ak passages. TIHs fe wt, dawhte uetfon mmin* ues for hours after rostfUI sleep comes. Often by morninjg most of the misery is gw» Why risk inercased diseonv forts by 4ms* M ,a tfo Ahxsing”'— % jfil^OjC yteg« ;l - - - „ .. - •i xUrt'-yk xxbrt >rtXHfemx Ab IamI Afehm-. Avccfem^- i .... ’ * ‘ii!.l i Real? ijSeh.oo^ ILx-aaI is pyobknn what Tara I ©ade?. ’gBW3KSasBSfBKSW®iOS9rJSS53aswwexx*ts»8sisB®s«w^^ lWt»h%4 \WWAM - WKm Wsv bA; W-Mii. ^xSx fe ‘kyVWfe ■$\\ & A.i W ,y^. §fex\ \W. A’fe'rr^xlrt!^ x^AW ■y’rt xVAtidee how ;C w'C'Md be poxs.Ko to : rtiAoce or: i iv-©•’■© o; xx a ;• ae t \ ’. ■ ©x ; The S'hAxV'AAAx Ay>;'©'fr:aA\d a'l C.e ' :Ax.t ''0sv<dl Xx !-l :l.st Lx ,''C:a<©O.t -10'! i the Ama’’ yeA'!? told ?.cx; x©-&. © S '•a'd ;a h-'d'ortt xx id be '©©Uroa fe ;Crtm.;Lo.pS., sXA'.rtj'"- &’©d ©AiU.ig ’•ehoo'S I jft'.ei ©oAx-tAl xkwcoe T’.;A1 XX© tort. C.o <msTer '.;’.©*■ ©CM’, o ‘©XT -od Lx Ml arid 'C.c vex©.©.;?© ca’a i^e- Axxrt.yd tot Ike ';hv>p:o xx-dl <l© ad : .© fhAr pew©’: 1© av-ort UOrtt '.rt <lh I’.gM for irx\X;A’u'. AV-i doPt'S’.A^x • •k- >}, w * l> WM^ATbON « Ti CrtXtUTx 0’1 .j”: 4 'sYiA'd S'tA-lvX A?.<i be X\' 'X <?©Ap.xx svt, -A li •'] I kx y)w^rt. SdW ;‘ i| Xb\ Vj.v.c b;x''XXfts xxh© Sas bc<a A ’iXAkk'V.i fe \\Ak^xXft‘ fer mfe- yeMs1 AT.4 XX '!.© XX A> MU fe CK mrtts- i k'At Art^A©, ASH'- Art KrtAXXH F/vxxrtA x^j’^xtiA. rt’uX’U Art M vUx Ml xx kb hA xx-iU a%4 buit HA 'Uxxv-rt XXhA'i'A b© XX: ■ XW*vk Ax A XA x s iAArt Cl At ih.© ArtX?© '.be-xx irt? kWT.irt? k'aX-Wa^’® buy jUd- T’krtCx. : A M:\r.rtAX A'xkkHVl, XX ■:Ta'A trt'd ■ & 'VVX'.rtC zaS < A'.rtAr.A'" -* ■71aK--.‘ bwrtghi a W ©f ’ rtx ©lAl-Ai fe • XX AX X\X;V.©XXA\Xt ■ i G© A : ' ©* * .X'< T-. ‘A? %A -1 ti.ii vhls ' It© x*?©jX t>Av. blX'D ©AtrtAvi AXx"AX ©XX'A-Cj’ rtXxxkX'i 'I’krt*© ThU'Artx A©. :<©XV©fA- 'hrt-jxU 1‘hAl 'ihs SUd-Ci ;*vA li? A ’’©A1] ©As© fe tftfh£©*3 J'th© x'Trt'twbx ©4* ‘Ik© fe'x'i’i? Wuk-hXAX ©MvU© 4 1 VtK ■v< ’ ^C1- tiA’ku X^ o£ dfeV. A.’’McL^rtd. Khu'atiiiw’t? I'owitship Jiariswx has *hd$ icachmg, xvat’i j! a ©r©3> ©I AMka ©ats w2wch xveigh Si ■hxAXWwts fe lb© — KWardine 'I JSexx^ i Gotoich StuSteat Succumbs IXxatb cause with tragic suddenness (to tfeyear-old Ronald Sheardowta, a ■^Goderich Collegiate swsdesrt, stnetes with a heart seswe as he wOrhed with a threshing gang In the ban-: ©1 Rcy G©?.«'T:ch T©vra®hSj\ ke i <1 J s J ■ died tn the granary a few nmnties lat- iW. " '•'! ■ i ViJSsrig Auhar.i Woztan Passes ; AMrtswi and, ec.m.amnriy cm Wed- ! nesday wofeing,, wasr saddentd by .' t’ko dcan’h cd Mrs- Kalmer dhaitcscrj. 'jHed deaL’i ■oc'enrrod at her home* Au* ..j -- --- ...... ... ..... - .,. —. -... ..... ...„..-xwvu -*»m.tlTs’ Llti'ess. Ake icj'^aod by j. A. UarrMl s©.j'-©t'ini©T.d- was Bn her SShh year and ms ferjaer- " j©u3 of ttbe ©'nta’i'B© Assoesatfon ci' Ag-zj’iy KdiCi Sictesx yotmg'-est daughter of ' LeuWaal Fags, xvk© >aifl The fair xxas sMt. ancl M-rs.. J. C. Sudtn, ci Atfbemn.' jxso'T oSily Camadsdx largest * ■Oxx-i CatSsAoa s best mra^ fail*. f ■^toyas^snjsKwftiMfe • Fa;'.’O©r 'George IxcociUn. of ©oneesskm 8>5. How’?k 'To wirtfe,^ ’rttet xxhfh a pairi&d &©C©i£&ttrWx.• C ?lC"..p’Jxg tO sX.vXl •& ©OTj’I* ©t;t xi?© at .iai© became . x©©* Wa’ftOOd X*‘.cn aU©TC.pt©d to dtca'.p •* ‘X.i/to-bas'i’* >■>- scad d ©e?vi3©tvt aiid awl •1%©* 4.: »&.••■ <K £ vffo &is ■h^vtid’s. cp.'Tdned j Ma-k- t’hArt ■JvnvrtXU; (t'hc T'OCSXXAiC/ SaU ■Art A’lblfexc cc‘.«4 xx kb n x 4?.Art bthig tc* fj©<iv<d fe $AX 4«i5 -adrt'fe-! 'The ':» tArt-SH xkpATJxi < .’A<’n?$ 4s^h <xc«\k'-5i ?a -fexaiiiy at.5 ©x- \ iKrtt ’feas ©■■ ^ast xc-Ats-. Tbx ia‘;r w^JbOTix,x?£3.©T wa j. A. iiA 'her yrM ®r;5 was &> U'a’T1 «S3^ I OVEN is extra-big^, and has two Even- Heat elements. Sirnpli - Matic switch for oven has three heats: baking, broiling and pre-heating. ElEMENTS have 5U. different heats— each one design­ ed for a certain cooking task. Easy . Ferms 6 different tno- rffe, including models wiflt BucIMa cool or wood heater. •• f: 4|THERM|ZER cooks a whole meal at once... or you can use it for small baking jobs, so you won’t need to use the oven. ▲ COOK-MASTER oven control permits you to put a whole meal in the oven, go out. for the afternoon and when you return it is perfectly cooked! let Us Show. You These Other Advorrtages: Cabinet all-porcelain inside and out High-speed broiler Warming drawer Utensil drawers Heavy oven insulation Tfarirto-2*Latic switches for automatic cooking Automatic Time-Signal And many others! PETERSON’S Phone 157 Wingham ys been xexo A va*e*x v X ASM xSwBi f; ’< !W.V-©t. 0 U iSJ J. ?< St ti it — ifetU' IV. T MW Ai'ttdJi SR-M'U> »»w-x /*>• «*.< u w,-:^ xocx. i<nd ’b a »n x' -sub »»•<> AaaA. '’.©v tr ■x’-fe •« emkfeurt & '!• '.Ai T. ' 'XVftS ... ... a. ’X >v '■XT<i|l; USfe”. 3T> Xx d 5;ib3;V'5?' b^rtu s;/©sflRsrti i.-nf \?ki. bf- *.:- :4' £E m." v!-W* v^ss mv'X?? p?jr»t?u, hi i: .ht? ?K n?rtnwiit ikwnt. ’-xfoi’ini ratt. A. ife f. AX I'iVa; ©rtf! ;tu UH.-.’>. £U *© LA w.T. 1SK-. A>4!*©i«ii A ;'hr nA Vrtrx- ir< ifc .jUfe -SthiJ AlU’tss.: id 3W bm’ <x fl: A-imd .X’tul it Au?us-’ b* jist- niw. ,’lRA»lvwfe ’VCovktS" T&tidl. , W.k-xx^ AoU-dm .' f '©'•oC'iO'-xCx •>.•' ©x 'he 'AVNfeo.’ ©•rtal !R©! ‘w&yx Hahox©;\ XVy.rtrtrt We,gg. ’Al. * ?v Itkuoxx©" Me©;' Mo#!,'<»■«•. A '^ssrfe; ow, ©vet 4 rm Thc-xtsixy. I t2.^-*~X’rir'ksid©e ©.m*—•>. Alttm, ,?i ver 4 a) :n?_ hs, •nn&T i. warfime^ ©? a—© Alton .“xons* ?■w VJ'** 4 tmtitlhs, atHfjjs* 2 vex ’»*., K Wij&. ■< ins? ‘•Sl-*-.1jL*KW’o£'tr. '©u****©?©©,. TUiiirhts, . ©jBst 2. 'yj©©-*- ©r» Fegmd .Spw ‘:totw Sow, © 1 yxx,rt--Tfer<. T)©u*rh xu er Idtfl’riscm. .S Tm: •- .^. —. 4©m, titv hreet .•sen. th. uusfe ’vuisumg ■tmr.i’ti cm A<Lf?*i w«fk Ip x^owef: 1^* 'Ckth. Ash©4©' tFrppi *•. u©t Tti-k -ss ittten -1*4 Abdry '■Oiitile ■j-£:tSU.X*> X’i'X— Ml: . Cov, imder 4 yw > 'Heitw C.L. S-Wi d m.ksoi! j ©lias.* iJSw-ddotste.t© ~» ■■£ -.xx.t.’.toVt 3. McCm.i; Vyru© .'I’d at ; vj>:***AibM f'W. '} AA’W.t.n C:»' «'*>u.. ,Cu. .1 Meuj©i. A. . two ,'ikj i 4 uch'lli- .£•©*. t fbert ebtmsx-.h 'A.owmt '1 ,;.b; 4 "wfc-ss dfl*®-’’ A Vi’s! ;J2 ytot.rs** ■,"ftul;. muh- I :T fttu-’ims ■**aY T ft nude y Semi;, '¥. 1 '©© ’M© T 'wn?.i | l»iu-’n;s Th '! tte, Ttoy ; j^V. Semii.. '•Ck»ss W'-»wyuks - Ufeto«n Sv-it Atn-vT IdflWr'o© :1a- 'Jlufe. ih© 1 - ihb'tt’Wiob '■Crchflw'4t «•-• *SU'. '’TwbbttU '<. ■■©m*K*liy© link ’be forr xx as sMt. at.3 Ws.. K- C Sa : q-rtTa’l iafv; ?ier ©f& 'had ■bee.’n Shved. 5n fbfs ©©xk- ^irtAartM T«-lhc'r© Ar.s *«x^«j£?ed 'hr©?©?? s©< >35.11, by bet fhe ssrd bsy©© j Uhr:sfiKrt rr^rtrA©.. *?.©•©.?■ zi Trusxted ;jshng«©, she rht-T sassd#' ©hw©h 4vr©l $ecb? ,§afksTf*:?s. *j$l'he ©ex© ’rt’s'ftrnerl ift 1^5, ■>$© KJi ■rar© K. T>ws«n. xt.3 fhc- .©©«:? •*;©©«©.© fterr b.©rt© rn ©*tovo K . t,:(K r vte:$N; ares^s h\U7 v V V *o -Kp Uxhl.-th 'Arci; ■we*.<vow .<> -©©■© StitlS T»feuds Cmlkv ’;*£• Theft. J.s’.ifl 'V.’i 1 Wihtfoni Thh^ms ■ ri*©t;vsi5h fwt .^x-feX-knO -iftnW-ts '4^ .Xb.Mfe^b ^'imiAOWS? ■ -&a ’»!«»■ Wkd'^tei’h bvrtte Jtfoirtfo.nl Mfew ’□foW/foSX ■«' Mte 4mlrtmKs.i wkNjifoifc -tff wi®. ISfflimwt) • -Wfr Wefel 4hfrl*SR 4Bfe WMM <M. tmU 4ms fotffekrtfok. K< xwr wiifigSi 'Jftwmtfowl oito -ef% rt'fe wish? fefrtiwss Mfel ...HARDWARE "Th© A"»L’\xwir,g A ffx ^ss. if Kc^.fck J&iH Fair xcl’y’h ,wx> 'hdld <ir. SfeistTdijy- 5S©fex~3T &irmstis ©tksAEB Arcs, 3Ai rsnS 'Snti. F©r*'i— 'ArstTs. SiWilfy ’Br?:,?'©, ©SdiS- F;P<c. 1 'yc.:.f —• Jsrksrm Ajhi©i johnsirn;. Tuya .n h&t- E©ks?m !v 7 ’PfekU .k'll'W ^tTXxt &'«,> -t jtert' ‘"t^ikfe irt iaarifeh *er »1U; ti hu!f t-Mt nil xvhiash hu* femwife- 'Wish Uu**" stH: ir'kkw. ’S'te irx X’-Hu'f; irt -ShH lit y«j«- tiT fedw>- 33h*«k X> sh iw w. s vx ■. s. oxv.i t •!-.».. hut Sum—AV. A. TUr ■o=e W. M. ?'-.rry. Shear!1:~C SLicw —W<» A~ T r**: r„, 3« Rays;r© Raw Rar ”." s AT. A., TrRm. Swe, buTh:© r© lambs —1 r§i£?i__©1,. dfirG-.w-aw V’A* ox to: ©in ifestm. Teti • ojn-*o. Sdrt*s>ph; ?*’ Sw’Vrtu ’idm Twblh fru.r.-fp .fe UidwU Simn-wr -S.. ?dim* *cr r,s*u -V’omttM. mu. "Tieo’i'-uriul: 1 *1,.wst.. aSl 'Sb cusl.. a ■ mb©'© fe dLubr-v:' 5:©n;m; — Atks,i'.: yotmatnu. TSijgfe wiirsus 4 -itiSS ?'»*jxnd *y.«7‘‘,;,“’“--; fTT A. 'tei- 'Son—A . 5. &x:h1 Aoidiug nr W‘„u X ':»S4'S -* W. w. 'KAt’u Smo^ 'koiiiAnv- 'T«*bi •& Tu5* Vst. C I'L'rtfe'gh:. S > WU'ffW d,. *to*rii'. C-uw dr. ¥ltrmoss^wW’?u\ ’T<n’ii. C. TyAogfe..-S. .1 Thyr* y^w^Supt’^-Ctohshu nr '?A 1 'tor**TS’ S. lUtmwnw wosuittg tn- :h*u«-2’©. "Smoir -ww rcict S tCuicjw dst mu ©'. d ’Mfe- ■& A! Wfe-m Team dbim*nu 15. Ml. T»m-. ft’is, -3 T. dilHtv. Tkm,.- hrrst© ars'th© ©“■■•‘ctmds mty S demrsv.. Cte'S f?w nur»m? .oWn'Ts© -../..u TojUh A©trtLm.mAChi©;. ?p **. ’U# >, Il AJ. T 'So*' wady d©©©*—S. d ’ddOhri/W i- 'LViUMf-u/T; "fe’ I'cmk’n ©Addh''®n*si?«^U’ w. lufel 12 cimTU ,-w vwa®. •<. wu. .©fl — a’-.W.oA SfejKstt^Tfefet. 5r.iu. © I "Miss 'Mlrtta »;t i-s Mt. fe'pilUn? ©’“© and ites? ©tM ar: n? Ate ©.w ti. ..he;’ ./ r.t; Mujawir : ’SUl’Mi: ’2A’?jsw*;- fuite i ^\-- .fefT© <EasAjr5;. :y' ? «© JMU: ni Mb. QSc AAaM Tfei-Uu, -TO£ a^©U< >y*i<i'jfc fth. ’3?v ■*w..ng^X'. ;-hn M. A MTrr.1 by.h p-rtis ^brU’W}., iKWs.tWl 5-v $h! . r.^k'lw!* «=«• ■ i 10*110 T£5W — • * Xvuns '?n*-1 Wkfe 4 &?.'’■■