The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-10-10, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gprrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. Single Copies Five Cents ? 1—w.nn.ii.Ri—irn ... ii FORMER PASTOR WAS SPECIAL PREACHER SECTIONAL HOME LEAGUE RALLY WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1940 Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year Large Congregations Attended United Qhurch Anniversary Services Rev. C. E. Crags, of Grace Church, Toronto, who was pastor of the Unit­ ed Church, 1921 to 1925,,was the guest .preacher at the anniversary services which were held ’on Sunday. Large •congregations were present and spec­ ial features were the solos and the duet rendered by the present 'pastor, Rev. W. A. Beecroft and Mrs, Bee­ croft. The theme of the morning sermon was “I came to Jesus and I drank of that life giving stream. My thirst was ■quenched, my soul revived and now I live in Him.” At the evening service Mr. Cragg preached an inspiring les­ son from the text “Thou art the way, •the truth and the life.” The music at the morning service was a solo by Mrs. W. A. Beecroft ■"“The Voive in the Wilderness”, Scott, ?and the anthems • “Dear Land of Home”, Sibelius, and “By Babylon’s Wave”. Gounod. At the evening ser­ vice Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft sang as a , duet “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” "by Schnecker, and '“The Prodigal Son” 'by Campion was a solo by Mr. Bee­ croft. . The evening anthem was "“Through The Day" with Mrs. Geo. Taylor taking the solo part. THANKSGIVING DAY IS MONDAY NEXT Monday next, October 14th, is a Public Holiday, Thanksgiving Day. ■Wingham stores Will be closed for this holiday, so shoppers are warned to make their purchases sufficient for the long week-end. RUMMAGE SALE 'Don’t forget the annual Rummage .*Sale in the Council Chamber on Sat­ urday afternoon, Oct. 19, at 2 o’clock, under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Wingham Hospital. Donations are asked for, anything you .don’t need: furniture, dishes, clothing, •etc., will be gratefully received. Ev­ erything should be .at the Council Chamber on Friday evening, Oct. 18. If necessary, articles will be called for ■ by phoning 107. An afternoon tea will also be served. To Wc/rk at Goderich Mr. Elmer Dove, who has been em­ ployed at Habkirk’s Barber Shop for the past year, has. accepted a position in Goderich. Handkerchief Shower Last Friday a handkerchief shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ever- ick for Maxine Seddon, prior to her leaving town. Twenty little girls were present and after playing games, Mar­ ion Irwin read the address and pres­ ented Maxine with the gifts in a little basket. Sandwiches and cake were served and a good time was enjoyed By all. Hurop County juniors Association of Toronto The Huron County Juniors Associa­ tion of Toronto is opening its fall ac­ tivities with a Bowling Party on Sat­ urday, October 19th, at 8.30 p.m. at the Central Bowling and Recreation Club, 22 Shepherd St. All Huronites in Toronto or visitors from Huron County are cordially invited. The dis­ trict or town representatives for the next year will be appointed at a sh.ort business session. LITERARY SOCIETY NAME OFFICERS On Monday this week .the Literary Society of the Wingham High School held its election of officers with the following results: , President—Dick Irwin, 1st Vice Ptes,—‘Jean Underwood. - 2nd Vice Pres.—Alan Williams. Secretary—Jim Hamilton, Treasurer—Bill, Beectoft, Press Reporters—Norman Mundy, Margaret Connell. Prophet—Scott Reid. Marshal—George Clark, Form Representatives: Commercial-—Jack Hopper, Lewis. Grade 13—Bill Burgftiaft, Noreen Benedict Grade 12—Norman Mundy, Helen Thompson, , ZJrade 11—George Thompson, Jean Northotp. Grade 10—George Edgat, Grace Parker, Grade 9—Bruce Wilson, Donna Buchanan.- Hose WINGHAM L. O. L. ELECT OFFICERS 1;' ■" - Will Be Held in Salvatloln Army Cit­ adel on Wednesday Next Week All ladies are cordially invited to attend the Sectional Home League Rally, which is to be held in the Sal­ vation Army Citadel at 3 p.m. on Oc­ tober 16th. The speaker will be Mrs, Lt.-Col. Ham, of Toronto, the Home League Secretary foi\the whole terri­ tory. In the evening at 7.45 there will be a program by the Home League of the district. Admission 15c. Everyone is welcome, Mrs. Lieut.-Colonel F. Ham Mrs, Lieut.-Colonel Frank Flam is the officer responsible for the work of The Salvation Army Women’s Home League throughout the Domin­ ion of Canada, and also in Newfound­ land, Bermuda and Alaska. The Home League was established by the Founder of The Salvation Ar­ my, General William Booth, for the purpose of giving counsel and practi­ cal guidance to women in relation to the homes. In addition to war service auxiliary, work, the Home League will under­ take" the visitation of the families of enlisted men — husbands and sons — and by this means hope to keep close­ ly in touch with the wives and moth­ ers, helping in times of sickness and comforting should bereavement come. JIM THOMPSON NOW R.C.A.F. PILOT On Saturday Jim Thompson, son of Mrs. Ollie Thompson, of Listowel, and brother of Mrs. R. S. Hethering­ ton, of town, received his wings at Ottawa. He will now go to Jarvis for advanced training. Jim, before go­ ing to Listowel from here, was one of the popular young men of our town. He was a member of the 100th Battery, C.A.S.F., before he transfer­ red to the Air Force last April. His elementary training was taken at Kit­ chener, then he went .to Ottawa, for further instruction. Dance To Benny Palmer and his band at the Royal T, Wingham, for 1st Anniver­ sary, Thursday, Oct. 10th, also at Mid-Night Dance Sunday, Oct. 13th. Dancing every Thursday. New Fall Footwear for Women See our stock of smart new styles in Suede, Kid and Patent. We have just the shoe for you, at the price you want to pay. Willis Shoe Store. Gas Escaped from Refrigerator Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rintoul had an experience they will remember for some time On Saturday night when their refrigerator went out of com­ mission, flooding the house with gas. To Hold Banquet Here The Deanery of Huron A.Y.P.A. will hold its annual banquet in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Wingham, Tues­ day, Oct. 22nd, at 7 p.m. It will be followed by the service of installation of officers at 8.30 in the church. The installation will be conducted by Rev. Francis C. Watts and the address will be given by Rev. E. O. Gallagher. To Celebrate 60th Anniversary On Mofiday afternoon and evening, Thanksgiving Day, October 14th, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Currie will be at home to their* friends in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary. They are holding the celebration at this time, although their anniversary is not Until January, so that a greater number of the family may be present. The following will be home for the day Mrs. John (Cota) Aitken, Sas­ katchewan; Mrs. ^Nelson, (Mina) tytac-. Ritehie, Devlin, ,eOnt.} .kirk^T1, (Rea) Bibb, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Bigin Currie, of Islington. ■ Annual Election Was Held Last Friday Night held the an- with the fol- Higgins. On Friday night Wingham Loyal Orange Lodge No. 794, nual election of officers lowing being elected Past Master—Chester Wor. Master—Rev. E, O. Gallagher Deputy Master-—Wm, "McGee Chaplain—Joshua Scott Rec.-Sec'y,—W. T. Miller Fin.-Sec’y.—Robert Golley Tyler?—Sam Tindall 1st Leet,—George Finley Sr. 2nd Leet.—Albert Bell. Committee—Wm. J. Campbell, Sanderson, Graham Wray, Alex. Rob­ ertson. Ab. JX BAND TATTOO HELD FRIDAY EVENING Five Bands Took Part The Arena was the scene of an in­ teresting event on Friday evening when the Wingham Citizen’s Band held their annual Tattoo. Five Bands •took part: Teeswater, Blyth, Brussels, Hensall and Wingham. Between band selections the audi­ ence were entertained with a variety program by the Shields Family. Fol­ lowing this part of the program there was Bingo and jitney dancing to Flor­ ence Sauer and her orchestra. Al­ though the attendance was fairly good it was not up to expectations. Public School Table Tennis In the table tennis tournament Public School championship was by Jack Ernest. The runner-up Charlie, Lee. Bridge Club Starts Next Week The Wingham Bridge Club hold the opening fall meeting in the Masonic Hall, on Wednesday evening next week, October 16th. Underwent Operation Mrs. (Dr.) A. T. Ford underwent an operation in Campbellford Hospit­ al recently. We are very happy to re­ port that she is making a satisfactory recovery. Ritchie Shoes for Men Try on a real pair of Dress Shoes in Calf or Kid. They’re built to fit your feet solidly and comfortably and will give long wear. Sold at Willis Shoe Store, , Special Picture at Lyceum The Lyceum ‘Theatre, Wingham, presents next Mon., Tues., Wed., the special picture “WATERLOO BRIDGE” starring Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor. Underwent Operation Miss Beatrice Graham underwent an operation for the removal of a goitre, in St. Michael’s Hospital, on Tuesday morning. We are pleased to report that she is doing as well as can be expected. Anniversary Services at Belgrave Knox Presbyterian Church, Bel­ grave, will hold their Anniversary Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., on Sunday, October 13th. Rev. J. D, Wilkie, B.A., of Teeswater, former missionary, will be the guest speaker. Special music will be rendered at both services. Men Had Charge of Service The first of a series of services con­ ducted by the men of St. Paul’s Ang­ lican Church, was held on Sunday ev­ ening. The worship service was in charge of Mr. C. A. Roberts, Mr. J. R. M, Spittai and Mr. A. B. Hutson. The men’s choir was in charge of the musical part of the service, A brief inspirational message’ was given by the rector and during the offertory, the choir sang “Faith Of Ouj- ers.” . the won was will Fatly RED CROSS MAKE ANOTHER SHIPMENT JAMES A. CARR IS NAMED FIRE CHIEF? Wingham Members, of C.A.S.F. To Receive Gift From the Town. At the regular meeting of the town council on Monday night, James A. Carr was appointed Fire Chief, .on motion of Councillors VanWyck and Johnson. Harvey Aitcheson Was also named a member of the brigade. Coun. VanWyck told of the splendid service the brigade and truck gave at a fire at Gowdy’s in Howick recently. A letter of appreciation was receiv­ ed from Mrs. A. E, Louttit, thanking Council for their expression of sym­ pathy and flowers. Notice was received from Ontario Fire Marshall W. J. Scott that Oct. 6th to 12th was Fire Prevention Week. A letter was received from 'the Canada Packers stating that steps had been taken to stop certain nuisances at their plant here, and that they were anxious to co-operate with the town officials._ On motion of Couns. -VanWyck* and Lloyd a number of accounts were or­ dered paid. Coun. Evans reporting for the street committee that some catch bas­ ins had been raised and the odd tree removed. He said he had requests for the removal of more trees. The 18-in. tile is now ready for the drain. In answer to Coun. Evans’ question the Mayor stated that the new light standards would be erected this fall. The delay had been caused by neces­ sary work on country lines, Mr, H. Campbell’s illness and the short ship­ ment of necessary equipment. Reeve Hetherington reported that arrangements had been made to keep" the C.P.R. stock shed open. He also' reported that he had had T. Fells value the Haines house and that the value of $125 had been suggested. The arena is ready for the winter’s activ­ ities, the Reeve said. The section on which levelling was being done at the Cemetery will not be completed this year, Coun. Lloyd reported, as all the available trucks are working at .Port Albert. Gifts for .Soldiers The Mayor brought up the matter of gifts for soldiers and it was decid­ ed, on motion of Couns. Sturdy and Evans, that each member of the C. A. S. F. from town receive a New Testa­ ment and five dollars. To Consider Two Year Term The Clerk notified Council that un­ less a by-law was submitted to the electors the 1941 Council would auto­ matically be elected for two years, This matter was left over for consid­ eration 'at the next meeting. The matter of snow plowing was brought up by Coun. Eavans, and it was decided on motion of the Reeve and Coun. Johnson, that the roadways be plowed and that the sidewalks also be plowed as long as possible. At the Mayor’s suggestion it was decided to erect speed limit signs at the entrances to the toiyn. SKY HARBOR AIRPORT OPENING MONDAY Federal Minister Invited to Function Official opening of No. 12 Elemen­ tary Flying Training School at Sky Harbor has been definitely set for Monday, October 14th, at 2 o’clock. Invitations were sent to the min­ ister for air, Hon. G. C. Power; Min­ ister of Defence Hon. J. L. Ralston, and Minister of Transport Hon. C. D. Howe. The opening will take the form of a huge patriotic and military demon­ stration. The airport will be thrown open for the afternoon and people, in­ cluding school children, are invited from • all parts of Huron County to be present at the opening of the coun­ ty’s own airport. It is expected that many airplanes from other airports will be present. Three Bands are to be engaged. The Wingham Red Cross made its 12th shipment of Hospital supplies, i etc., on October 3rd, It consisted of 228 pairs sox, 48 scarfs, 12 air force caps, 6 pairs men’s wool gloves, IS pairs men’s wool mitts, 18 pneumonia jackets, 11 ice cap covers, 12 pairs bed sox, '-and 48 gauze handkerchiefs, representing the sum of $216.00 in materials used. « The workers will be especially busy during the next few weeks getting out the Wingham branch quota of wo­ men’s, boys’ and girls’ garments for shipment before Hoy. 80th, to evac­ uees in Britaii'v Uelp would bo much appreciated in the sewing departihent for be Towns to Vote on 2-Year Term Two more municipalities, Goderich and Lucknow, will vote on a by-law at the coming elections as to whether the 1941 Council will hold office one of two years. Harvest Home Supper and Play A Harvest Home Supper will held by Trinity Anglican Church, Bel­ grave, oft Wednesday, October 16th. Supper served from 5.30 to ’I’.SO. Fol­ lowing, the supper, the play “Mail Or­ der Wife” will be presented by the Gorrie A.Y.B.A, There will also be musical numbers. Admission, adults 35c, children 20c. RED CROSS DRIVE WENT OVER THE TOP GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION HELD MINISTERS HELD ANNUAL MEETING Objective of $4,000 Exceeded by $567,38 The second annual Red Cross drive was a great success .here as the can­ vassers have turned in $4567.38 which is $567,38 above the objective, We doubt if any place cart boast a better record. Wingham has a population of about 2,000 people, so that the don­ ations here average very close to $2,30 per person or $8.00 for a house. It is expected that the above total will be swelled slightly as there are a few donations to be made yet. Any one who has not given .their donation will they please do so at once. Subscrip­ tions may be left with W. W. Arm­ strong at the Advance-Times office, I FINAL BANK NITE DRAW WINNERS A very large crowd were on hand Saturday night for the final Bank Nite Club draw. The winners were: John Coulter, R.R. 3, Wingham, $10.- 00; Wm. Gardiner, $2.00;, Grant Ern­ est, $2.00; Jack Lloyd, $5.00; George Lloyd, $4.00; Betty Bell, $4.00; Mary Fralick, $1.00; Mrs. Fred Elliott, of Bluevale, $1.00; Cliff Jenkins, R.R. 2, Wingham, $1700; Ruth Cantelon, $2,~ 00; Jean Northorp, $1.00; Miss Jean McCallum, Belgrave, $1.00; Fortune, R.R. 1, Wingham, Mrs. C. N. Merkley, $1.00. David $1.00; Road the Mr, and Mrs, John Tervit Were 50 Years Married on Monday Rev, John Pollock Named President; of Ministerial Association cat­ trial ■the Purchased Home on Diagonal Mr. Carl Deans has purchased Dobie house on Diagonal Road. To Face Cattle Thieving Charge At Goderich last week, Frank Ryan and James Deacon, charged with tie thieving, were remanded for here on Friday this week, Attended Grand Chapter Mrs. T. A. Currie attended Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, which was held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. Buys Brussels Business Mr, Ernie Seddon has purchased a radio and electric business in Brussels and moved this week with his family to Brussels. Ernie’s many friends here wish him every success, To Hold Drumhead Service♦ A drumhead service and inspection by Attorney-General* Conant of the Bruce County Volunteer Civil Guards will be held at Walkerton on Sunday afternoon next, October 13th, at 2.30 p.m. The special speaker will be the Rev. Norman Rawson of Hamilton, A very large number of friends called on Mr. and Mrs, John Tervit, of Turnberry on Monday, the occas­ ion being a celebration of their gold­ en wedding. The Advance-Times takes much pleasure in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Tervit hearty congratu­ lations, Mr. and Mrs, Tervit were married in Wingham on October 7th, 1890, by the Rev. Dr. Scott.’ At the wedding were 20 guests, five of whom were present for the celebration on Mon­ day. They were: Mrs. W. A. Currie, Mrs, Andrew Currie, Mrs. George Tervit Sr., Walter Huggan, of Brus­ sels, Mr. David Currie, About one and one-half years after their mar­ riage they moved to the farm where they now reside/on the Whitechurch Road, Mr, Tervit is in his 76th year and Mrs, Tervit is in her 72nd year. They both have very fine health and thor­ oughly. enjoyed the visit with their friends who called in such large num­ bers on Monday. They are members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. A native of this district, Mr. Ter­ vit, was born in East Wawanosh, just across the road from his present res­ idence. Mrs. Tervit, whose maiden name was Annie Huggan, was born at Harwick, Scotland. She came to Canada with her father in 1881 and resided in Wingham until her mar­ riage. The happy bride and groom of fifty years ago were the recipients of many gifts which included a clock, a radio, flowers, also numerous letters and telegrams from friends who could not be present. They have one son, George, Turn­ berry, who with his wife and four children, George, Jean, Mary and John, were all present at the celebra­ tion. Mrs, Tervitt has two brothers, Walter, of Brussels, being in attand- ance, but the other brother, James, of California, was unable to attend. iMr. Tervit has three sisters and one bro­ ther, Mrs. R. W. Adams, Mrs. W. A. Adams, Mrs. Andrew Currie, Mr. George Tervit. Sr., all were present at the celebration. The October meeting of the Wing­ ham and District Ministerial Associa­ tion was held on Monday at St. Paul’s Rectory, with .32 members being pre­ sent. This being the annual meeting, at the election of officers, Rev. John Pollock was selected as president and Rev. E. O. Gallagher as Sec’y-Treas. for the season of 1940-41, Presenta­ tions of gift books were made to Rev. W. J. Rayner, the retiring president, and "to Rev. G. M. Young, both of whom are leaving this district for oth­ er pastorates. Rev. R. N. Stewart gave an instructive and provocative address concerning "Young Adults and The Church”. It was suggested that a pro­ gram for young married couples group, to discuss home-making, leis­ ure periods, missionary problems, might be adopted. Many young mar­ ried couples need fellowship but com­ munities have set up social barriers which create another problem. Con­ siderable discussion followed, the ad­ dress. The president extended greetings to new members, Rev. W. A. Beecroft and Rev. J. R. Clark, Miss Bunyan and to Rev. S. S. Shantz, a visitor. A resolution of appreciation to Rev. E. O. Gallagher was passed by the assoc­ iation, and following the meeting lunch was served and a social period: enjoyed. HELP THE SCOUTS BUY AN APPLE The local Boy Scouts are holding their annual sale of apples on Satur­ day this week. They will canvas the homes and also selling on the streets. The Scout Troop is badly in need of funds, so please be as generous as possible. Bingo - Bingo RADIO INSPECTOR WAS BUSY HERE Friday, October 11th, at the Arm­ ouries, under the auspices of the Lad­ ies’ Auxiliary to the Legion. Fowl for prizes. Specials: bushel McIntosh Red Apples. Play begins at o’clock sharp. First 50 to buy worth of tickets will receive a chance on a special, 8.00 25c free . .a Copstable Joins Army Provincial Constable Thomas W. Oldfield, who has been stationed at Goderich for the past few months, has joined the C.A.S.F. with the rank of first lieutenant, tie is to be associated with the 11th Provost Company (Mili­ tary Police) with headquarters at London, and will report on October 11. Lieut. Oldfield was an officer of Wingham Battery. Legion Held Social Evening Following the regular meeting of the Legion on Monday evening a soc­ ial time was enjoyed. An interesting part of the meeting was the introduc­ tion to the members of the branch of Comrade Rev. W. A. Beecroft, who gave a few interesting remarks. The program included community singing, solos by Bert Cullimore, piano solos by H. V. Pym, guitar and solo selec­ tions by Maitland and Clark Johns­ ton, solo by "Scotty” Forbes, and a stunt "Shortening The Man” by Bob Spittai and Baron Hutson assisted by Ernie Lewis and Bill Hamilton. Com­ rade George Northwood was f chair- iiian. The Radio Inspector paid a visit to Wingham last week and as a result there was a rush to procure licenses. Some were late in securing their per­ mits and as a result will face the mag­ istrate on the charge of having a radio without the necessary license Each year the inspector makes his rounds here and each year the coffers of the police* court are enriched those who are caught without cense. a by li- YOUNG PEOPLE HELD ANNUAL RALLY HERE The annual Rally of the Young People’s Societies of Maitland Pres­ bytery was held in St. Andrew’s Pres­ byterian Church, here, on Friday. A business session was held in the late afternoon, after which supper was served. The evening session opened with devotions by the Bluevale Society and a sing song led by the Lucknow mem­ bers. The special speaker was the Rev. W. Weir, B.A., of Hcnsall. The following officers Were elected for the enstiihg year: President,- Cam­ eron Macaulay, Ripley; 1st Vice Pres., Catherine McKenzie, Ashfield; 2nd Vice Pres., -Anna Chittick,. Wirigham; Sec’y, Jean Fisher, Brussels; Treas., Mary Reid, Teeswatcr. Accepts Kincardine Position Miss Luella Kerr has accepted a po­ sition in the office of the Circle Bar Knitting Co., Kincardine. Patriotic Society Membership 738 The membership of the Patriotic Society is now 738. The following names did not previously appear as members: Miss R. Dey, Mrs. E, R. Harrison, Irlma Harrison, Ross Har­ rison, Miss Agnes Williamson. Trainees Off To Camp Notice has been received by some of the 21-year-old class here to report this Wednesday for training at Kitch- nere. These boys will be given mili­ tary training for 30 days. This first lot of men men called are almost en­ tirely from the 21-year-old class. Hospital Auxiliary Annual Meeting Friday The annual meeting and Election of Officers of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday afternoon, Oct. 11th, at 3.00 o’clock. As the hospital is now a community enterprise, everyone is ex­ pected to be interested, and all ladies are’invited to attend this meeting. Presented With Kitchen Shower Tuesday night of last week, a num­ ber of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. M. Swanson, and presented Miss Cora Phair, bride of this month, with a kitchen shower. Mrs. Swanson was assisted by Mrs. M. Templeman. The house wasx attractively decorated with flowers and pink and white streamers. Miss Phair, in well chosen ■words, thanked her friends for the lovely gifts. Later a dainty lunch was served. Reception This Thursday Mrs. W. A. Beecroft will receive on Thursday afternon this week from. 3 to 6 o'clock, from 8 to 10 o’clock, Mr. Beecroft will receive with Mrs. Beecroft, at the parsonage. Out After Eye Injury Friends of Mr. W. H. Haney will be pleased that he is about again fol­ lowing an injury to his left eye some two weeks ago. Mr. Haney was work­ ing at the sticker machine, a knot flew up and hit him in the eye. He was confined to his bed for two weeks and it was feared, that he would lose the sight of the eye, He will have about 75% vision. Must Apply to Ottawa Persons who have lost their nation­ al registration cards must apply dir­ ectly to the Dominion statistician at Ottawa to have them replaced. The* number of mislaid or lost cards has been growing daily and those affect­ ed have only one corse open*.- An affi­ davit mst be forwarded to the Dom­ inion Statistician at Ottawa, setting out where the registration was applied for, and that the certificate is now lost. The cards can only be issued through the statistics branch. COMMUNITY SERVICES EACH FRIDAY Services Start This Week in St. Paul’s Church The 'Churches of Wingham have planned a series of community servic* es of Intercession, on behalf of Vic­ tory and World Peace, during the au­ tumn season, and call all Christian people to unite in prayer on these special occasions provided. These services will be held each Friday ev­ ening, at eight o'clock. The first will be held this week (Friday, Oct. 11th) in St. Paul’s Church, and for the re* mainder of the month, in the Baptist Church, Oct. 18, and the Presbyterian Church Oct. 25 th. In quietness and confidence let us face the future, knowing that the pro­ mises of God are not in vain to who trusts in them, To such as their faith in Him will He show salvation, and tm to them will grant His peace. him put His Ha