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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-09-12, Page 4
PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES >». I 6 Thursday, Sept. 12 th, 1940 Z5OK3OESflESOS ■Mt cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c sor^orx=z3ss=atoisioiSotoiorao THESE WANT AD’S BRING results BRICK FOR SALE—20,000 used brick. Apply A. C, Adams, phone 40.___________________ ^EXPERIENCED GIRL — wants housework in town. Apply Ad* vance-Times.___________________ FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, Lot 34, Con. 7, Culross Twp,, 4*£ miles west of Teeswater, on County high way. Excellent soil, clay loam, no waste land; 12 acres fall wheat; 40 acres seeded; remainder open; large bank barn; comfortable brick-sided house, basement, cistern, 2 wells. Apply, Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie, R. R, 3,’Teeswater*, Ont. FOR SALE—Electric refrigerator, 6 feet 6, cubic feet; also McClary El- ‘ ectric range and small Quebec range, Apply Advance-Times. .FOR SALE—1 ^-storey Brick House, with garage, on the south side of Alfred St. This property was for merly owned by the late R. A. Din- iid. sleyand must be sold to close the estate. For particulars apply to J. H. Crawford. .________' FOR SALE—Car Radio with com plete equipment. Apply to W, J. ; Clark & Son. FOR SALE—Thirty chunks of pigs, 3 months old, also 6 Hereford bulls 6 to 11 months old. Apply Geo*ge, Kennedy, R.R. 1, Lucknow, on the’ highway, 1% miles west of White church. FOR SALE—Tea Room Business and equipment. Apply Jean’s Tea Room. FOR SALE—Used Cream Separator, in good condition. Apply to Smith’s Dairy. FOR SALE—Double house. Reason able price. Handy to school and .Main St. Apply F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE—One thousand shares in Greater Malartic Gold Mines Ltd. Apply Robert Winter, 6th Con. E.. 4 .Wawanosh, 1 •• J- ; F. W. KEMP, Listowel—Monuments , and Monumental Work. 100 monti- ’ ments from which to choose. Auc- * iion Sales conducted. Phone 38 or 121, Listowel. _________ .HOUSE FOR SALE — 6 roomed, good location, Hydro and water. Apply. Advance-Times._______‘___ MUSIC LESSONS — Piano, Violin, Hawaiian Guitar, Classic or Popu lar. Special offer to pupils without ‘piano., Apply Mrs. Jack Ernest, Francis St. PULLETS FOR SALE — Barred rocks and white leghorns reared on ftfee range and now ready to lay. Also younger birds from 3 months old up. Wingham Hatchery, Phone, i*' ■ i-K ..!■«! ^>1. ( n. i.-riwUmmio. ...............’ — 1 1 ' ' ' ' WANTED—To Rent a couple of un furnished rooms for light house keeping. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED! Men who can earn earn $1300 to $6000 or more yearly Re tailing nationally known Rawleigh • Necessities. Enormous market. ■ Fascinating work. Easy Sales. ’ Good Profits. Few routes now op en. Write quick for full particulars. Rawleigh’s. Dept. ML-453-59-1, Montreal, Canada. FARM FOR SALE To close an Estate, 96 acre farm, more or less, lot 4, Concession 4, Minto Township. Brick House. Bank Barn with water bowls, Drill ed well Silo and good soil. This property will be offered for sale at the town of Harriston on October 19th, 1940, at 3 p.m. Terms, 10% time of sale, balance March 1st. Possession April 1st. For further particulars write: Executors Thos. Young Estate, Harriston, Ont. FOR SALE > The Home of the late Morehouse « Mitchell at Lucknow, Ontario, will be offered for sale, together with furniture and furnishings to the ? highest bidder on or before the 10th ©/October, 1940. The premises may be inspected by application to Miss Lillian Mitchell, who resides at the premises. All offers should be mail ed to J .N. Bicknell, 67 Yonge St,, Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor for the /Estate. EXECUTORS’ SALE Of Valuable Rebl Estate in the Town of Wingham, and Household Goods and Furniture: The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at the premises, Centre Street, Wing- ham, at 2 p.m., on Saturday, Septem ber 21st, 1946, the following proper ty, namely: Lot No. 14 on the east side of Centre Street in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron. .On the said property is said to be U two-storey 7-roomed brick house With modern conVenientes and in a splendid state of repair. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase money oh the day of gale and the balance in thirty days iheteanCL The property will be offered sub ject to a resotW bid. Further part- fcmlars and conditions of sale wilt be made known on the day of sale or may be bad on application to the un dersigned. .. ... ■ pffqred the following furniture and effects: 1 wooden bedroom suite, 2 steel, beds, dressers, wash stands, clothing wardrobe, 3-burner oil stove, good cook stove, 3 rugs, numerous small rugs, 2 pairs tapestry curtains, 1 set of dishes,, and odd pieces of china, silverware, tables, odd chairs, 1 dining room table and sideboard, 1 set carpenters tools, 2 china bedroom sets/ bedding, pillows, lawp mower, garden tools, etc. TERMS OF SALE; Cash, Dated at Wingham, this tenth day of September, A. D, 1940, J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. THOMAS FELLS, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John D. McLean, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the fourteenth day of August, A, D., 1940, are noti fied to send to J. H. Crawford, Wing ham, Ontario, on of before the twenty eighth day of September, A.D. 1940, full particulars of their claims in writ ing. , Immediately after the said twen ty-eighth day of September, 1940,. the 'a'ssets’of the'sa'id testator will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims then have notice. DATED 'this fifth day of September, A.D. 1940 J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor, for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Adam Hutchison Jaje/pf the Town of Wingham in the Oqunty °f Huron, Carpenter, deceas- /who died on or about the thir teenth day of August, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A. D. 1940, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately af ter • the said twenty-eighth day of September, 1940, the assets of \the said testator will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims then have notice.DATED this fifth day of September, -A.D. 1940 J' H. CRAWFORD, Wingharrf, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS !’ i a. . ' 1 " •<! rlt— •< All petSbnS liavihg feihims against the estate of Albert E. Louttit late of the Town df Wlhgham in the County j of Huron, Mechanic deceased, who died on or about the third day of Sep tember, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A.D. 1940, full partic ulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty eighth day of September, 1940, the as sets of the said intestate will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have notice, DATED this tenth day of September, A.D. 1940J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George Muir, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Carpenter, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of July, A.D, 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontar io, on or before the twenty-eighth day of September, A.D. 1940, full partic ulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty eighth day of September, 1940, the as sets of the said testator will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this fifth day of September, A.D. 1940 J, H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AU persons having claims against the estate of Robert A. pinsley, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Htirort, Gentleman, who died ot| or about the twenty-ninth day of August, A.D, 1940, ate notified to send H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, 'bn^ or before the twenty eighth day of. September, A.D, 1940, full particulars of thier claims in writ ing, Immediately after the said twen ty-eighth day of September, 1940, -the assets of the said testator will be dis tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to ;$Lhima. of which the executrix sH&jrftHu* have notice. " ' DATED this filth day. of September* a idtom ©w / J. H. CRAWFORD, .Winghamr Ontario, - ‘I&llw wf ■ the Executrix, EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met on $ept. 3rd with all the members present. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Communications from the Heenan Fence Co., Owen Sound, re purchase of snow fence, and the Navy League of Canada, asking for a grant in aid of that institution, were read and ord ered filed, Only one tender was received for' the construction of the Hallahan Drainn arid as the tender was out of all proportion to the Engineer’s esti mate, the letting of this contract was again laid over. C. Falconer and W, J. Purdon made application for a loan of money to aid in construction of drainage under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act, Both applications were granted and the Clerk was instructed to arrange with the ProvrTreasurer for the ne cessary debentures in connection therewith. A renewal of the road insurance policy for another* year at the same premium of $100,00 was entered into with T. H. Wilson, of Auburn. A few small accounts were paid, af ter which Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, October 1st. A. Porterfield, Clerk. WROXETER* Mrs. Geo. Lackie, London, also Mrs. Elston Cardiff, of Brussels, are with their mother, Mrs. Morrison, who is very ill at present. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recov ery. Mr, Thomas Ritchie and Mrs. F. Sanderson were Guelph visitors Fri day of last week. , Campbell Reeves, of Toronto, is at present staying with his uncle, Dr, I. P. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell. Miss Margaret Thomson, Fordwich, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring on Thursday last.. /Miss Dorothy McTavish, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Mc Tavish. Mr. and Mrs. W.'E. .Hainstock, of Fordwich, were visitors on. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. D; S. MacNaugh- ton. . Mrs. D. W. Rae was a recent visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wight man and Mr. Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Maxwell MacFarlane and Frances spent the past ten days with Toronto friends. Next Sunday will be observed as Rally Day in. the United Church Sun-’ day School and Church Service. ... Quite a number of our citizens at tended the patriotic meeting in Gorrie Friday evening last when a gift of wrist watches was given by the Reeve of Howick Twp. to nineteen men who have enlisted for overseas. Rev. A. M. Grant gave the address during the devotional service which preceded the presentation. * Dr. W. A, and Mrs. Spence, of Tor onto, spent the past week with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann who returned with them to Toronto for a week’s holiday. Special services of intercession were held in both United and Anglican Churches on Sunday last with Rev. A. M, Grant and Rev. J. L. Ball con ducting. Miss Fox, R.N., who is Mrs. Mun roe’s nurse, is enjoying a ten-day holi day art her home in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adams also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adams, were Ex hibition visitors last week. Pte. Clifton MacDonald, Toronto, spent part of last week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming, Tor onto, spent Saturday with Mr. and NOTICE OF SALE FOR TAXES TAKE NOTICE that copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, owing to the Town of Wing ham hc^ve been prepared and may be had in the office of the undersigned Treasurer, at the Town Hall, Wing ham, and that such list has been duly published in The’ Ontario Gazette on the seventh day of September, A, D., 1940, and that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the said Treasurer will proceed to sell the lands on Wednesday, the 18th. day of December, A. D., 1940, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Wingham. DATED this tenth day of Septem ber, A. D., 1940. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer. CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the late Mrs. Jane Thomson wish to thank her* friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy extended during our recent bereavement, -—Eldred Nichol. ’H—... ......— ......................................... | CARDOFTHANKS Mrs. Albert Lout lit and family .Wish to thank the kind friends And neigh bours who extended sympathy 40 them during their recent sad bereave ment. Listowel Fall Fair Wednesday and Thursday, SEPTEMBER 18 And 19 The Best Prize List Ever Offered $1709 iq?-Prizes r-r Special Feature $100 Stake for Best Single Horse Outfit - $100 Stake for Best Heavy Draft, Agricultural or General Pur pose Horse on the line - Gentle man’s Road Race - Every Depart ment Better Than Ever. PIPE BAND IN ATTENDANCE Fair To B© Opened by p, m. dewan, Minister , of Agriculture. DANCES AND CONCERT THURSDAY NIGHT. Send For prize List. J. M. Cumberland, President. James Cleland, Secretary. Mrs. Thomas Brown. Mrs. Hardy, of Listowel, is a vis itor with Mr. and Mrs. James Doug las, Mr. George Brown spent part of last week at Toronto and Stouffville. GORRIE W.M.S. Met Thursday The September meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary ‘Society was held Thursday afternoon, Sept. 5th, in the Sunday School room with Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. Edgar in; charge of the pro gramme. Meeting opened with hymn “Jesus shall reign.” Mrs. Edgar read the Scripture lesson, John 14th chap., followed by prayer by Mrs. Carson. Mrs. Wylie gave .some thoughts on the * worship theme' “Living The Christian Life”, mentioning James * Evans, who 100 years ago gave the Canadian Indians a written language, and thus opened to them the treasures of the Bible. “InXftristh there is no east or west” was" sung, after which Mrs." Wylie presented the study chap ter, “The Christian Approach to In dia”, in a very interesting manner. Mrs. Scott gave a reading “Seven Reasons Why' I Belong to the Mis sionary Society.” Plans were discuss ed for the sectional meeting to be held in Gorrie on Oct. 8th. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. ______i_ WESTFIELD Mr. Barber and Mr. Alex. Anderson of Toronto,'visiteds recently with Mr. W. H. Campbell, ; , Mr.* Harkness of Edmonton visited last week at the home of his niece, Mrs. H, C Wilson. ■ ■ ,' Mrs, Tipling of Wingham is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and other friends. Mrs. John Mason is visiting at ile. home of her son, Mr- Walter Mason. Mrs. Wilson, Clinton, is spending a few days at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Wm. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nethery of Hamilton. Miss Edna Adams, Reg. N., spent a week with Rev. H. C. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kurscrinski and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gothier of Dertoit visited on Saturday with Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Mr. David Carter is spending some time at the home of his son, Mr. Wm. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay - Walsh of Guelph visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh. Miss Mildred Thornton spent a few days with Mrs, Stanley Sibthorpe of Blyth. • Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell were.: (Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ford and Bud of Blenhiem and Mr. Ogg of Comber. The Sr. Quartette, Messrs Mc Dowell, J. L. McDowell and Mait land Henry, with Mrs. Wm. Mc Dowell as accompanist, assisted in 'the Anniversary services at Walton on Sunday. v Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman were Niagara visitors over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iMcDowell visit ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly of Walton. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell, Miss Anna and Mr. Graeme McDow ell were guests on Sunday of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Kershaw of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell FURS Save by buying from Manufacturer toConsumer. Repairing, Re-Styling, Re-Model ing Highest Quality and Guar anteed Workmanship. Famous Fur Company Wingham Phone Toronto WA333S visited on. Sunday with Mrs. Annie Walper of Auburn, The monthly meeting of the W. M. S, was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home, of Mrs. Wm. McDowell. Twenty-five ladies answered the roll call with a verse of Scripture, ten of the young ladies of the congregation were also present. Mrs. Ndrman Mc Dowell was in charge of the devotion al programme. Mrs. Win, McDowell gave the opening prayer. Readings were given by Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Howard Campbell, Mrs. Maurice Bosman and Mrs. W. McVittie. Mrs. Marvin McDowell gave a well prepar ed paper on “Stewardship,” A solo was rendered by Mrs. Stanley* Cook. Mrs, Wm McVittie paid tribute to the memory of Mrs. John Cook, who was a valued member of the W.M.S. It was decided to make a, special can vass for money instead of having a supper, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. F. Cook, Mrs. Norman are in charge of the drive. Mrs, Norman McDowell and Mrs. Charles Smith werq ap pointed as delegates to the sectional meeting to be held shortly at Ben- miller. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Mc- Wowell. The roll call to be answer ed with a verse of Scripture with the word “prayer” in it. The members of the group served lunch. Mr, and Mrs, J. L. McDowell and 'Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly at Walton. It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Miss Elizabeth Jones, who passed away on Saturday, Sept. 17th, in her 67th year. Miss Jones was born at Eden, in Osborne Township, and was the daughter of Thadeous Jones and Mary Kelland. Miss Jones camo to this vicinity 28 years ago, and resided with her sister, Mrs. Albert Gower, on(their farm on the 5th concession of East Wawa- nosh. For the past six years Miss Jones has been an invalid but bore her suffering patiently and cheerfully. Her* father predeceased her 30 years ago, and her mother five years ago. Mrs. Albert Gower is the only surviving members of the family. The funeral services which were held at her late home, took place on Monday afternoon with Rev. H. C. Wilson officiating. Mr. Wilson took his text from Matt. 28: 20 “Lo I am with you always", taking as his sub ject “The Great Companion.” The hymns sung were “Nearer, my God to Thee” “The old rugged cross” and “What, a. Friend we have in Jesus.” Interment was made in Westfield Cemetery. The pallbearers were Gor don Snell, Wm. Gbwer, James Mc Gill, R. Vincent, Wm. Walden and Leonard Cook. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereav ed friends? ' . . ' ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bray, -Detroit, spent the week-end with their cous ins', Mr. Robert Nelson near Kintail, and Mrs. John Mullin, and Mrs. Nel son near Belfast. Mrs. Jim Cook of Toronto, is visit ing with her friend, Mrs. Roy Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton spent Fri day with his sister, Mrs. Percy Gra ham and Mr. Graham near Sheppard- ton, and her sister, Mrs. Dick Reid and Mr. Reid near Port Albert. Mrs. David Hacketts barn, 10 con., was destroyed by fire on Wednesday afternoon. Children playing with matches was the cause. There was no insurance on the contents. The farm was occupied by her youngest, daugh ter, (Mary) Mrs. Stewart MacGilliv- ary and Mr. MacGillivary. Sorry to hear of the accident of little Ross Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Spence Irwin, who fell off his fathers ! tractor and was badly bruised when the back wheel ran over him, he is suffering greatly from the bruises,, but no bones were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Campbell and son Harold, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler near Blyth. MOLESWORTH Mr. and Mrs. ,W. B. Herriott, of E. Aurora, New York, spent several days last wfcek with Mr. and Mrs. Adair and family. Mr, and Mrs. McKnight Cumming, Shirley and Billy, spent the week-end in Toronto with Mrs. Cumming's par ents, Mr. attd Mrs. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felkar and family, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Felkar. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BiAck and baby spent Sunday With the latter's moth er and brother, near Bfelgrave. Pte. Glen Martin, Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spence, Elaine and Bat, Mr. Harry Grainger and Andrew Holmes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Spence, Seaforth. Mta Evans MrtKqe, Miss..jEjta Md-" Kee* Mr. and Mrs/Ghariie, t^mkar ’At*' jJendeS the Drumhead Service in Sea- fpfth oti' Sunday. ^‘'Mrs. Cameron Stewart and Jack spent last'week with friends in Tor- HlWHMnHIIMIIWnWlHHHIIIMIIHIinilWIimiHIIWnWIiMIIWIIWIIIMIlNIIMIIWllWIIHiiJ. Designed for a Smart | Autumn Wardrobe Clothes in the spirit of Fall—gay ex citing fashions with many a sauve trick of flattery in their designing. These ate clothes as you like them styled wjth an individuality that is the essence of real distinction. Choose your dresses, costumes, coats, and suits now, while our brilliant selection is most ..complete. Dresses for every daytime occasion — in a thrilling variety of luxurious Autumn fabrics. A special value group at . . $6.95 Costumes of enviable Autumn charm—woolen dresses, with Itheir own coats or jackets to match. A wise investment at our moderate prices. From . . . $10.95 ■ ii onto. Mr. and Mrs. Case Black.and. Freda spent Sunday with friends near God erich. Miss Jean Stewart spent,last, week with her sister, (Miss Isabel Stewart, at Hamilton. . . / ‘ NEW WAR LOAN 12-YEAR ISSUE Bonds Are - .Offerjrd at $98,75 Canadian investors were called, up on Monday morning to subscribe to Canada’s second-war loan when 12- year bonds bearingcoupons at three per cents were^fered to the public at 98.75,, which means an average inter est yield of 3.125‘per cent. The low est denomination wiir be $100. ’ Bonds sold for cash will be limited to $300,000,000. Provision also is made for holders, of 4% per cent, bonds, which matured on September 1st, to convert their bonds to the new issue. It is understood -about $70,000,- 000 of such bonds have not yet been redeemed. If offered fdr' conversion BE A WINNER In The • Bank Night Draw THIS WEEK $30.00 in Prizes Saturday Night $10.00 For First Prize $5.00 For Second Prize $15. In 10 Other Cash Prizes The Following Are WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES KING BROS. C. N. MERKLEY C. Hk McAVOY J. MASON & SON ANDREW MITCHELL J» W> McKIBBON MAcLEAN Lumber & Coal Co. MACHAN BROS. GEORGE OLVER PETERSONS’ D. RAE & SON JACK REA VIE SMITH’S GROCERY SAWoTURANT ELMER WILKINSON WALKER STORE A. J. WALKER WILLIS SHOE STORE ARMITAGE’S BERT ARMSTRONG C. BONDI FRANK CASKANETTE FRED CARTER CAMPBELL’S GARAGE CRAWFORD’S GARAGE DOMINION STORE DUNLOP’S SHOE STORE HARRY FRYFOGLE FOXTON'S LUNCH T. FIELD & CO. GREEN FRONT STORE T. H. GIBSON W. R. HAMILTON HANNA’S MEN SHOP COLBORNE LADIES’ SHOP HURON MOTORS W. A. HEUGHAN HYDRO SHOP t ISARD STORES ' viM^RRAY JOHNSON Lucky ticket jvitfcvery 25 cento you ependtlie ......-a a the holders will receive $100.25, which means a cash settlement as between, the price of. the new bonds and that figure. Successful disposal of this loan will mean that, after a year of war, the Government is able to borrow money at an interest rate lower than when hostilities were just getting under way. Last January the first war loam amounting to $250,000,000, including conversions, was sold at a rate of 3% per cent, yielding an average of 3.27 per cent. Principal of the new bonds will be payable without charge in -the lawful, currency of Canada at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Ottawa, Mont real, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Cal-- gary and Vancouver. Interest will be payable*semi-annu- ally, April 1 and October 1, in the lawful money of Canada, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. The bonds may be redeemed in whole or in part at par value on and after October 1, 1949, or on any sub sequent interest date, on 60 days' no tice.