The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-09-05, Page 3Thursday, Sept. Sth, 1940 WINGHAM ADVANCB-TIMES PAGE THREE
World Wide News In Brief Form
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See Nazi Land Effort Doomed
Tokyo, Germany never will be
able to land troops in England while
the British command the sea — and
the German airpower is insufficient
to win that command — asserts
Masanori Ito, one of Japan’s best
known naval commentators, in a
series of newspaper articles and lec
Paish Goes Home on Request
Sir George Paish, British economist
and lecturer, said he will follow the
advice of the British embassy in
Washington and return to England.
Sir George was the object pf a bit
ter attack in the United States Senate
after Senator Burton Wheeler, isola
tionist Democrat, said Sir George told
him he was here to work to get the
United States into the war. Sir
George denied the charge.
w n wnn h ym n it1 it — n —1 n 1—>i n — n —1.1—u rnMiu wru
ritory in an arbitration award handed
down here and reserved for them
selves the final decision in any argu
ment arising from the settlement.
U, S. Can Do More As Neutral
Toronto — James H. R. Cromwell,
former United States minister to Can
ada, declared his conviction that the
United States “can do more to assist
the empire’s cause” by remaining a
benevolent neutral rather than taking
an active part in. the war.
Leigh and Olivier Married
Santa Barbara, Cal. —- Laurence
Olivier and Vivien Leigh of the films
were married early Friday, The cere
mony was conducted by Municipal
Judge Fred Harsh at San Ysidro
Ranch, resort popular with motion
picture celebrities, in suburban Man-
Refuse Nazi Ship Immunity
London, — Britain announced she
would refuse to recognize as Red
Cross ships immune from attack,
German vessels which the Nazis
claim are used to rescue Nazi airmen
shot down at sea.
A German note announcing the
Nazis intend to mark 64 ships with
the red cross for such a purpose was
countered by Britain with the assert
ion that the “character and functions”
of so many vessels were open to “the
gravest suspicions.”
Canadian Fliers Do Well
London, — The Royal Air Force’s
all-Canadian squadron polished off
an even dozen German raiders in one
hour during a bitter afternoon air
battle over Britain, the air ministry
Neither pilots nor their Hurricane
fighters suffered any casualties.
The R. A. F. Canadian squadron’s
bag was announced after it was re
ported that the 1st Fight Squadron
of the Royal Canadian Air Force, in
various engagements with Nazi raid
ers during the last week, had downed
12 planes.
Police Guarded Rumanian Palace
Bucharest, — While police guarded
their palace session with sawed.-off
shotguns, the Rumanian Crown Coun
cil which gave up half of Transylvania
to Hungary conferred on “new prob
lems of exceptional importance.”
Return $40,000 to Red Cross
Toronto, — The Canadian Legion
War Services has returned the $40,-
’000 given that organization by the
Canadian Red Cross Society in the
early stages of the war, it was an
nounced. The money was advanced to
the Canadian Legion to start it on its
program of work on behalf of the
men of the fighting forces.
Rumania Gives Up Territory
Vienna, — Germany and Italy, self
proclaimed authors of a “New Eur
ope,” gave Hungary approximately
half of Rumania’s Transylvania ter
Seek Cause of Premature Shell
Petawawa — A court of inquiry to
determine the cause of the premature
explosion of a shell which killed 2nd
Lieut. A. R. Millard, of Montreal, and
Gnr. Paul Beland, of Quebec City.
Nine others were injured. The court
of inquiry was ordered by Defence
Minister Ralston, who dispatched his
executive assistant, Col. A. A. Magee,
and an ordnance expert from Ottawa
to oversee the investigation.
Nazis to Retain Paris
Les Verrieres, Franco-Swiss Fron
tier — Pierre Laval, Vicd-Premier of
France, returned to Vichy from Paris,
where he was reported to have con
ferred with German authorities con
cerning the possibility of a shake-up
of the Government headed by Prem
ier Petain. The Germans, it was un
derstood,made it plain to Laval that
they wanted to be left alone in Paris
until the end of the war with Britain.
Soviet Warns Rumania
Moscow — Tass, Soviet news agen
cy, disclosed that Soviet Russia has
accused Rumania of continued viola
tion of her frontier and said repeti
tions of these “provocative acts could
not be tolerated.”
More French Colonies Join Britain
London — The French Cameroons
and Congo have followed the lead of
the Chad Territory and entered the
war at' Britain’s side, turning sub
stantially the whole of French Equa
torial Africa into a British ally, Gen.
Charles- de Gaulle announced. Thus
1,000,000 square miles of territory
have been aligned with Britain, open
ing a vast corridor from’the South
Atlantic to Italian Libya, and creating
an uninterrupted British land bridge
connecting the Atlantic with’ the Med
iterranean and Red seas.
U. S. Committee Sanctions Drafts
Washington — A peacetime draft
bill, making- all men from 21 to 44, in
clusive, subject to conscription for
military training, emerged from the
House of Representatives military
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Canada calls again! While the enemy hammers at the
heart of the Empire, Canada launches her Second War
Loan Campaign. The money is needed NOW for planes,
troops, tanks, ships, munitions and guns. It is needed to
help Canada win the war — to preserve your freedom.
Everything you hold dear is at stake, your home, the
future security of your family and your country. Now
is the time for you to actI
Here is your cliance to defend the Canada you love—
with the dollars you. lend. At the same time you will
receive a good return, in the form of interest, on every
dollar you invest in Canada’s freedom. Be prepared to
buy — and buy generously — Canada’s Second War
Loan, to be announced on Friday, and on sale beginning
Monday. Buy from any investment dealer, bank or
stock broker.
committee with the leadership draw
ing up plans for its House passage by
the end of this week.
Missing Boys Safe
Little Current, Ont. — The tele
phone operator of this Manitottlin Is
land municipality received a telephone
message stating that John Currey, 18,
and his chum, Bill McGinniety, miss
ing in*,a powerboat, were safe and had
put their boat ashore at Drummond
Island, 32 miles southeast of Blind
River, Ont.
Spanish Refugees for Mexico
Les Verrieres, Franco-Swiss Fron
tier *— France and Mexico have sign
ed ah agreement at Vichy whereby ali
Spanish refugees in France since the
Spanish civil war, numbering? about
250,000, are to migrate to Mexico, it
Was reported here.
University Students to Train
Ottawa — All physically fit male
students at Canadian universities more
than 17 years of age will receive com
pulsory military training during the
coming year, the department of war
Services Announced-
Dogs Put After Germans
• Sudbury Two police dogs,
brought here -from Ottawa by Royal
Canadian Mounted Police were said
to be following a keen scent as arm
ed posses conducted a widespread
search for two German prisoners of
war who escaped from an internment
camp in this district.
Finger Print Visitors to U. S.
Ottawa — All Canadian residents
and British subjects domiciled in Can
ada visiting the United States now are
required to be finger printed. Those
visiting in the United States for less
than 29 days have one finger printed.
Those staying longer than that have
all four fingers and thumb printed.
Blame Churchill for Rebellion
Vichy, France —- The French Gov
ernment acknowledged for the first
time the existence of a “rebellion” in
French East Africa, and blamed it on
Prime Minister Churchill. The extent
and military significance of the move*
meht, however, was not made clear.
Third Division to East Coast
Ottawa •**- Canada’s 3rd Division
will be concentrated in the iMaritlme
Provinces between October 1 and 15,
Defence Minister Ralston announced
at a press conference. The division
will be fully equipped with motor
transport, field guns (18 pounders),
howiuers arid Lewis or Bren machine
guns. An artillery range has been ac
quired near Tracadie, N.B. By De
cember 15, the 4th Dvision will be
fully equipped with motor transport
and armed with howitzers and field
guns, although units1 of the division
will be at their various training cen
On the basis of official'production
estimates for seven southern Europ
ean wheat producing countries, the
1940 European wheat crop is indicated
at 17.8 per cent below the crop of
1939. These estimates confirm the
severe damage and flooding which oc
curred in the Danubian countries last
winter. In addition, the Italian crop,
which was reported as being one of
the least damaged of the European
crops, shows a 8.8 per cent reduction
as compared with the crop of 1939.
Spain, alone among the European
countries so far reporting, shows a
production in 1940 higher than in
1939. The United Kingdom is likely
to be the Only other European coun
try* with an increased production, due
to a considerably increased acreage
last autumn. Detailed production esti
mates for 1940 are as follows, with
the 1939 figures in brackets. The fig- j of controlling them consists in elim-
ures quoted are for bushels.
Roumania, 109,778,000 (136,611,-
000); Hungary, 83,664,000 (112,765-
000); Bulgaria, 57,000,000 (71,155-
00); Yugoslavia, 63,360,000 (105,658-
000); Italy, 268,225,000 (293,945,000);
Spain, 121,252,000 (111,773,000);
Greece, 34,171,000 (38,291,000; Total,
737,450,000 (870,198,000),
The common housefly is notorious
for the part it plays in spreading dan
gerous diseases, such as typhoid, in
fantile diarrhoea, tuberculosis, cholera,
and dysentry. It is a menace to health
because it breeds in filth and may
pass directly to foodstuffs. Particles
of decaying organic matter, bacteria,
or other living Organisms cling to its
hairy legs and body and sticky feet
and mouth parts- It is computed that
one fly may carry as many as 1,000-
000 germs and that female hou»efly
may become a great grandmother in
60 days, laying around 2,700 eggs
during a lifetime of three months.
Houseflies are particularly danger*
oils during warm weather from mid
summer to fall, when they are most
numerous. The most effective method
mating or reducing their breeding
places by properly treating or dispos
ing of manure and garbage. In the-
I cities, garbage is an important factor
in fly production. Control measures
to be fully effective should be organ*
ized on a' community basis, because
one neglected garbage dump or mam*
ure heap may infest a whole neigh
bourhood. Collections of manure
should be removed from city stables,
and disposed of at least twice weekly*
In rural sections, where practicable-
the manure should be removed daily
and spread thinly on fields where the-
drying effect of the sun and wind will
prevent breeding. An alternate meth
od consists of taking advantage of
heat produced by fermentation when
manure is placed in tightly packed
piles. The heat produced by ferment
ation destroys all fly eggs, larvae and’
pupae, except perhaps those close to
the surface of the top layer. The ap
plication with a watering can or spray
er of a solution of borax consisting-
Of one pound of borax to six gallon^
of water will destroy any fly stages-
in the top layer of the packed manure.
Further information on the control of
flies and other household insects may
be obtained from the Publicity and’
Extension Division, Dominion Depart*
meht of Agriculture, Ottawa.