The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-08-08, Page 4k.>« r-' V v PAGE FOUR oicso;xqesoes If cents a word pert insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. ..THESE .WANT AD’S BRING RESULTS :ok% o n p O fl Q 3IOK3OE ARE YOU THE MAN? — Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 55 years, with car), needed immediately to hand out FREE Soap in nearby Rural Route and supply established demand for Everyday Necessities, including Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Toilet Preparations, Clean­ sers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Miner­ alized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 72 year reputation. 10,000 dealers. Must be satisfied with $30,00 week­ ly at start. Selling experience un­ necessary. Farm experience help­ ful, Credit furnished right parties. # Write immediately, The J. R. Wat­ kins Company, Montreal, Que., Dept. 0-W-2.___________________ F. W. KEMP, Listowel—Monuments and Monumental Work. 100 monu­ ments from which to choose. Auc­ tion Sales conducted. Phone 38 or 121, Listowel.___________ ______ VCR. SALE—Double House. Reason­ able price; always rented. Apply F. J. Mooney.________________ ____ VOll SALE—Used Tractor in Al shape, rebuilt Binders, at the Mas- sey-Harris Shop, Wingham.______ FOR SALE—A 1938 Sparton Radio, in first class condition. Apply Mor­ rison's Garage, Whitechurch.______ FOR SALE—5-year-old Work Horse also Deering Binder, 7 foot cut with sheaf farrier attachments and iron trucks.* Apply Charles Potter, Low-t er Wingham. ________________ FARM FOR SALE, also lovely Vil­ lage Home with acreage. Box 201s, Gorrie,_______________________ _ MEN WANTED — ATTENTION! Waiting to be called up? You still . have to live! Keep Working! Rut the interval to Profitable use! We have several good openings waiting for ambitious men. GET START­ ED TODAY' in a business of your ’ own at ABSOLUTELY NO RISK. With our money-back .guarantee, you lose nothing, even if you have to give up in a few days! Build, up a steady chain of customers and PICK UP WHERE YOU LEFT ' OFF WHEN YOU COME BACK! FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Mont- real. .TENDERS—Sealed tenders plainly marked "Tenders for Property” will be received by the undersigned up to August 22, 1940, for the purcii-' ase of the property known aS the' Hayne property located at the corr. ner of Alfred and Shuter Streets, Wingham. The highest or any tend­ er not necessarily accepted. W. A.. Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham. YOUR SEW-ING MACHINE re-con­ ditioned to do perfect sewing at your home. Phone 227. IN MEMORIAM JEFFRAY—In loving memory of my d.NMi 1939. < ' ■' -Ai‘To those who live in darkness here, . Deprived of health and sight, What joy to see on the Other Shore The bright and everlasting light. * winghamadvance-times siderable time with the insurance ag-1 ent. We had doubled the insurance a ■ few months ago, but because of the high rate of exchange it is still entire­ ly inadequate to cover the loss. We have had some pictures of the ruins taken, and I will send a set to the mission rooms with the Agnews who leave for furlough this next week, that is if they are ’ready by that time. Will send some snaps later. Expect by the time this reaches yon that va­ cation will be here, and the cottage in full swing. Much love to each one. Caroline. Thursday, August 8 th, 1940'* ft:js I'I be distributed amongst the parties en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this twenty-second day of June, A.D. 1940? J. FL CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, ’Solicitor for the executors. HURONS FLOP AGAIN SOUTH WINS 6-2 Errors, Lack of Hitting Still Hinders Tribe. I ANTHONY TOPLACK — Successor to — C. A. FOX & SON Jeweller and Optometrist, WALKERTON Eyes Tested, Glasses Fitted e by Registered Optometrist Evening by Appointment. PRICES REASONABLE Repairing of Watches, Clocks Jewellery—Guaranteed. MISS C. WELLWOOD TO WRITE HISTORY OF HOSPITAL AT CHENGTU Tells Mr. Bert Wellwood in Letter that Hospital at Chengtu May Not Be Rebuilt But Is Needed Badly The following letter from Miss Caroline Wellwood, of Chengtu, China, shows that she feels the loss of the. Hospital at Chengtu very keen­ ly. It is an interesting letter so we .publish "it that our readers may get some ’firstrhand information of that Far East city. The letter came by air mail to _Hong Kong, via steamer to Vancouv­ er and by train across Canada to Wingham. Chengtu, W. China, June 9th, 1940 Dear Bert and All: I started a letter to you the last day of April but did not get far when I .had;to^lay4 aitt;down, so I said to my- self 'Lwill finish it on his birthday, but ,alas,wthe unexpected certainly happen­ ed, and before the day had hardly be­ gun our beloved hospital was in ruins. I must say there were many strange sensations passed over me as we watched it go Up in flames, I had lab­ ored for it during its years of birth and now saw it go, almost 25 years from the time it was opened. A letter to one of our number said it Jiad been dieTASt.i:i?nrrf ov^“io .that 1 had built the hospital. Well, it is not very far astray, but some. I was the one who tramped miles trying to find a property to build on, looked after the —Minnie Jeft'ray? purchasing, details of plans and was ’ get|ing rea(iy fO build when the re- „ _____ volution -came upon us, and I went "’*Mr and Mrs. Walter Mason andtome on f^st furlough a few family wish to'express their, apprec, j —4 ”n- ’- T - ration to their friends and neighbours fpr their many acts of kindness and I expressions of sympathy shown dur-1 ing their recent sudden,* bereavement I and for the many floral tributes and! for the loan cats. x: CARD OF THANKS The in and out Wingham Ball Club was out again last Saturday at South­ ampton when the team they had beat­ en so easily the previous Saturday turned on them and won handily 6-2. When a club continually runs up half a doze errors or more and can only get three hits off pitching such as offered by young Goar at Southamp­ ton, then something is seriously wrong. As usual the Tribe presented a makeshift club, only two infielders being able to, or caring enough to pre­ sent themselves. After waiting more than ithree-quar- ters of an hour past the regular start­ ing time for enough Southampton players to show up to start the game, the Tribe weren’t in much humor to play anything. As was to be expected in a town where the players don’t even turn out only a small crowd was pre­ sent to watch the Hurons’ dismal ef­ fort. Bill Groves and Ken Goar, both left-handers, started the battle but Bill was out of there in less than two inn­ ings, Bridgeford finished and he was nicked for four runs in .the eighth and was charged with the loss. A pair of singles, a double and an infield out gave Southampton two runs in the second and Groves decided he had had enough. The Tribe got | those two back in the third when af-( ter Bridgeford had fanned, Rae got a life on Laing’s error. Somers singled to right, moving Rae around to the* far corner and then stole second. Mel-1 lor filed short to the left-fielder but; Bob Groves came through with a long: single scoring both runs. That ended | the Hurons’ offensive threats for the i day. | The eighth was quite a nightmare, ■ the Fishermen scoring four times on i one clean' hit. Chalmers mussed up McKay’s easy roller ito start with and Bridgefbrd failed to field Brannick's soft roller and Kugler’s roller met a like fate, thus filling the bases with none out. Garvey got four straight balls, forcing in McKay with the win­ ning run. Laing’s grounder *to Mellor forced Brannick at the plate but when Piper’s low drive got away from Gray Kugler and Garvey scored. Laing scored the final run when Bridgeford tossed the ball into right field on Brown’s roller. Goar and Johnston ended the agony by fanning. * * * ♦ Another Debacle Wingham— ( Rae, ss Somers, cf Mellor, lb H. Groves, c Gray, rf ----- Neirgarth, 3b G. Johnson, If Clark, If ----- Chalmers, 2b . W. Groves, p Bridgeford, p x Cooke ---- MEDICINE "university of west e r no GENERAL ARTS PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ^founded in /878 SPECIAL, arts SECRETARIAL SCIENCE :!<■' . • ' ■ ■ * ** SPECIAL COURSES, Etc, J?crndon> (2an. a. da •D. MOLESWORTH DONNYBROOK Ot- ... CARD OF THANKS The family..of the late George Sut­ ton desire to express their apprecia­ tion to their friends and neighbours for their manv acts of kindness and especially Rev. E. O. Gallagher and the Masonic Order. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH NOTICE DRAIN CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the un­ dersigned up to Sat., Aug. 17th, at 8 o’clock p.m. for the construction of the Hallahan Drain, Concessions *5 and d, East Wawanoslt. Plans and specifi­ cations may be seen at the Clerk’s Of­ fice. A marked cheque for 10% of the amount to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. _ _ A. PORTERFIELD, Township Clerk. The world’s largest independ­ ent testing laboratory at Pitts­ burg proved; that Silvertowns averaged more miles than other leading makes. You can’t • afford ‘to overlook that extra value. lives. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. D, C. McDonald included Mr. and j Mrs, Jack McDonald, Mrs. McKlenn- an and Mr. Bob Ascott, of Leaming- ! ton and Miss Donalda McDonald, of Lucknow. Quite a number of ladies attended the meeting of the W.M.S held at Crewe on Thrusday when Mrs. Croz- -ier gave her report of the London Conference Branch meeting held at London. | McDonald & Durnin commenced their season's threshing at Mr. ~ Todd’s on Monday. The extra safety of the best non-skid tread. (PU-— The extra protection against blowouts of the Life-Saver tread. Miss Marjorie Scliwardfigure, tawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ford Elliott last week. Repair work has started on Cliff Elliott’s barn which was badly damag­ ed by the wind and electrical storm . which swept through this vicinity re­ cently. | Mr. and’Mrs. Adair and family, of Barrie, moved to the village Thursday last and have taken possession of the ( store. We welcome iMr. and Mrs. Ad- ' air and family to our village. j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lavery and Jack, of Fergus, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh.j Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peters, Bobby and Marilyn, of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Minnie Felkar and other friends. Mrs. Albert Aitkens and Bert El­ liott took charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn­ ing. Mr. Acheson is holidaying at Muskoka and Sault Ste. Marie. | Miss Isabel Stewart, of Hamilton, sperit the week-end at her home here. | A miscellaneous shower was held in the Hall last week for Mr. and Mrs. I Edgar Elliott who were recently mar-1 ried. The address was read by Mr, | Bert Elliott at luncheon hour and Mr. I and Mrs. Elliott were presented with < many beautiful and useful gifts. The evening was spent in dancing. Mason, was held last Wednesday af­ ternoon from the home of his parents, The service was conducted .by the pas­ tor, Rev. H. C, Wilson, reading as his Scripture lesson, St, John, 14th chap­ ter. Mr. Maitland Henry sang “Shad­ ows.” The pall-bearers were his for­ mer chums and were: Ned Thompson, Ellis Elsley, Jimmie Walsh, Russel Cook, Gordon Nethery, also a cousin, Chas. Brumley. The flowers which were many and beautiful were carried by Clifford Walsh, Bill Buchanan, Ar­ nold Cook, Lloyd Walsh, also by four brothers, Jimmie Mason, Albert Mas­ on, Elmer, Mason, Gordon Mason, al­ so a cousin, Harold Brumley. Inter­ ment was made in Union Cemetery, Blyth. He leaves to mourn his sudden passing, besides his parents, two sis­ ters and four brothers, Margaret May, Mary Kathleen, Elmer, Albert, Jim­ mie and Gordon, all at* home. Rev. Will Traylor,- of Dorchester, took charge of the service at West­ field on Sunday afternoon. Scripture reading, Hebrews, 12th . chapter. He took as his text, HqFfdws, 12: 27, the title of his text being ""“Things which cannot be shaken.” The Junior Quar­ tette, Douglas Campbell, Norman Mc- 1'1 . a 11 I AX Tn n -n .1 m........... Sunday night with about twenty pres­ ent. Miss Anna McDowell led the* meeting. Miss Mildred Thorningjread' the. Scripture lesson. Mr: Harvey Mc­ Dowell gave the topic, The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Mabie Bosman, of Goderich, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman. Rev, Will Taylor and Mrs. Taylor1 visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Walsh last week. Miss Margaret Smith is visiting- with her sister, Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ma­ thers,' Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills, Toronto,,, were week-end guests with the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. Norman Thompson... and other friends. Mrs. J. H. Mills and daughter, Mrs.. Olive Allin, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cham- ney. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Horley and', three children, Jane, Ruth and Billie,, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with the #' i MORRIS Dowell, Lloyd Walden and Harvey former’s ’uncle, Mr. J. C. Robinson. McDowell, sang-‘Where Jesus’'Is 'Tis Heaven There.’vwRev. Taylor*, is one of Westfield’s former boys and many were pleased to welcome him and hear him preach again. Miss Minnie Snell- and Miss Elsie Snell, of London, are spending this week at their home here. Visitors on. Sunday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell were: Mr. and Mrs. Wess, Stackhouse, of Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, and daughter, Patsy, Glencoe. Mrs. John Clark, ^of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. ‘ The Y.P.U. held their meeting on and other Donnybrook' friends. Miss Colleen Moore, of Toronto, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Anne Chamney. Miss Betty Craig, of Auburn, visit­ ed last week at the home of Mr. and? M?rs. J. C, Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong and" * family were Goderich visitors on Sun­ day. BORN T* DAVIDSON—In Western Hospital,. Toronto, on Wednesday, July 31st,. to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson (nee Dorothy Spry) a daughter. r J 5 f <■ ! Pounds |Prices Effective Thursday Friday Saturday Goodrich Sil^rtowns Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert ( Mathers and family and Mr. Geo. Ma­ thers at Dublin; • , | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith attended the wedding of Miss Elsie Smith at . Brucefield on Saturday. I Mr, and Mrs. John Bosnian and son ■ of Dutton, are spending part of their > holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosman.. j Some of the farmers have threshed Complete Auto Service . ll,‘ir fal! wI,ea! and are.OTt'ing “,eir t t oats, and report it a good crop.Modem Towing Equipment A number of men took in the horse — - ’ * races at Goderich on Monday. E.R. H. Po AA.B. quamtances in the village on Thurs­ day. their apprec-1 months ahead of time. Wilde I was home on furlough Mr. Small went 'ahead with the building, and by the time I returned the roof was on the building and he had also built our res­ idence. It was while I was home on that furlough I purchased so many of the furnishings in New York, and when I arrived back in Shanghai there were just 48 crates of furnishings awaiting me there. The following February Mr, Small handed the build­ ing operations over to me, and it took me seven months to complete the building and it was formally opened Sept. 16th, 1915. It surely is a great calamity that all our records are lost. I have given myself a task,, for this summer while in the hills, to write the early history of this place, as I fear there is no one else can do it. The nurses’ home and other buildings around here were all built by myself, even the drawing of the plans. It had made a great place for itself in the life of the city and community and is truly a great loss. Whether it will be rebuilt is a question. Some of us would like to see it go up again, how­ ever with the new university hospital nearing completion and all our effort and nurses needed there, it is a ques­ tion as to the advisability-of re-build­ ing, however there is no question as to the need of a hospital Ift the city. How terrible the situation In Burope these days. It almost staggers one, and what is going to be the outcome? It is hard to believe that a man lik’e Hitler can lead the world to ruin. We have had five air-raid alarms this week In the daytime, but no Japanese planes have appeared since the last moonligth. Another ten days Will be having full moon again. Rum* or has R tha^ur city is to be laid low at that time, however here Is hoping IHs ^tily U tumoft * ThR last teti days I have spent cbft- ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elijah B. Ruttan late of the Township of Howick in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas­ ed, who died on or about the seventh day of June, A.D. 1940, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford. Wingham, Ontario, or on before the tenth day Of August, A.D. 1940, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediate­ ly after the said tenth day of August, 1940, the assets of the said testaor will I 25c Totals x—Batted for Gray in 9th. Southampton— A.B, R. 5 3 4 0 4* 1 R. Johnston, If McKay, c----- Brannick, rf Kugler, ss . Garvey, 3b Laing, 2b ... Piper, lb Brown, cf Goar, p Totals Phone 84 Wingham Seedless GRAPEFRUIT Golden Yellow BANANAS - Ontario No. 1 POTATOES - Each 5c 3 Pounds 25c Peck 29c Transparent Cooking APPLES - - - 2 Pounds 19c Yellow Freestone PEACHES - - 2 Pounds 25c Select Field TOMATOES WESTFIELD o i 8 27 R. H. 3 2 E. 6 4 Grov- Wingham 002 000 000—2 Southampton « 020 000 04X1-—6 W. Groves, Bridgeford and H. es; Goar and McKay. Runs batted in, Brown, Goar, Grov­ es 2; two base hit, Brown; sacrifice hits, Rae, Garvey; stolen bases, Som­ ers 2; left on base, Wingham 3, Southampton 6; struck out, by Goar 9; by Bridgeford 8; bases on balls, off Bridgeford 2; hit By pitcher, by Goar 1 (Groves); Balk, Goar; hits and runs, off W» Groves 5 and 2 in innings, off Bridgeford 3 and 4 in 5% innings; losing pitcher, Bridgeford. Umpires— Btiffdey and Hillycr (Owen Sound), 17 . ......... or CMC Rev. T, C. and Mrs. Wilkinson amf Doris, of Hickson, renewed old ac- .Mrs. Harry Govier, Auburn, spent part of last week at the home of Mr, ' and Mrs. Wm, Govier. The August meeting of the Wo- i Miss Jean Campbell has gone to men’s Institute was held on Friday Kitchener where she expects to take with the president, Mrs. Will Ruth- a position. erford in charge. The roll call was j Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hoover, Brtis- responded to by naming “My Hog- seis, visited on Saturday with Mr. and by?’ ed the ladies with a talk on her visit to the San Francisco World’s Fair last' attended the Red Cross quilting at summer. During the meeting the lad- Auburn last Tuesday afternoon, Five les worked at hemming handkerchiefs quilts were quilted and a pot luck sup- and at the conclusion lunch was serv- ’ per served at the tea hour, ed by the hostesses, Mrs. E. J. Thom, I Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Miss Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Archie Ait- ’ Mildred Thornton, .Mf* atid Mrs. N. chison. After the meeting Mrs. Rob- McDowell and children, visited last ert Buchanan, who is leaving for her ’ Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wess, new home near North Lay* was pres- Stackhouse, Brucefield. ehted With a tablecloth and ah address j Mrs. Henry Hoover, of Welland, is of appreciation and good wishes. spending a few weeks with Mr. and Recent visitors in the community Mrs, Frank Campbell and other included? Mrs. Arnold Barbour and j friends. Miss Dorothy, of Fergus, with Mrs. K. j» vvuuus; aviiss oiudic, xut- ...v. onto, with Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Stuart;, er are spending some time visiting Mr. Brown, Kitchener, with Mr. and . Mn and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, Mr, Mrs. R. Woods; Mr, and Mrs. Ed. and Mrs. Maud Cook and other Millet and family, of Alma, with Mr,. friends. ‘and Mrs. J. D. Anderson and Mr. and J ■iMUTS, VV. JTS» ivilllCF j 1VA1. a,iu xx« j L Kruger and Lois, of Detroit, with Mr? Miss W. D. Rutherford delight- f Mrs. Frank Campbell. Several of the ladies from Westfield Miss Dorothy, of Fergus, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rodger and dau- R. J. Woods; Miss Anna Stuart,'Tor- gbter, Donna and Mr. Norman Rodg- " .dr .... J. 41 . •%#*.... .. -Jt Mk-'It'JT' ..... .2, ...» „ ’ Bi. M'J/S i*i X A.44’ M« M. Mi- 4H U4A A iw? Ji J M ? Lk, Mr. Brown, Kitchener. with Mr. and J Mn and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger, Mr. „___________ __„_________ ___ Mr. and Mrs, Win. McDowell were Mrs. W. A. Millerj Mr. and Mrs. H. j London visitors on Thursday. ___tT____ _____ I The funeral of the late Archie Mas* and Mrs* E. J. Thiom and other rela- on, oldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Thin Skinnedi Juicy ORANGES S ' Dozen Pound 5c Crisp CELERY HEART - Bunch 10c Firm Green CABBAGE * ~iiw rnimrilwriiiM iiihiMt^Mhiw'mjuiju Domino - Head 5c Firm HEAD LETTUCE - Head 6c Red Ripe WATERMELON - - Each 79c Domestic SHORTENING Sherriff’s Orange MARMALADE * - 32 oZ. 35c CROWN SEALERS Small * 99c doz. Med. * $l,15dbz, 2 Lbs, 25c Clover Leaf Sbckeye SALMON * - Pound Tin 39c Sheriff’s Good MorningMARMALADE - - * CERTO St, Williams Raspberry hr Strawberry - 25c 8 oz. Bottle 25c