The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-18, Page 3Thursday, July 18th, 1940 wingham Advance-times not less than 105 since mtd-Jjune. Air circles were agreed after a week of daily raids directed at British con­ voys and tiie south and east coasts that the enemy's attempt, to blockade Britain by air has so far failed. Tn FAmvmc WHO NEED HELP Able Bodied Men,. .Willing to Work on Farms for Two or Three Months .. . are Available for Haying, Harvesting and General Farm Work Tlje Government of Ontario is ready, and willing to help Farmers who need extra workers. Realizing that farm crops are vital to Canada’s war effort, the Ontario Department of Labour has formulated a plan to tegistet workers who will be available to harvest these crops. In view of the fact that there is a scarcity of farm help we ask for your, co-operation. Many willing’workers have registered for work with the Ontario Department of Labour and are now ready for immediate employment. Farmers who need extra help should apply to the nearest Ontario Employment Office ... or write direct to A. MacLaren, Director Farm Training, Department of Labour, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto. ■ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HON. N. O. HIPEL Minister of Labour N-140 all persons between 21 and 45 years of age. To Call Single Men Ottawa — All single men will-be called up .first for military itiraining under the classification to follow na­ tional registration in la,te August, Hon. J. G. Gardiner announced in the House of Commons. To prevent “un­ due, improper pressure,” men will be classified for either immediate or post­ poned training by a district judge. Married men and men in essential in­ dustries will be placed on the post­ poned list.. Registration would prob­ ably begin on Monday, August 19, and continue for (three or four days. All persons above 16 years of age would be required to register. Copies would be made by the registrar in the local polling booth of the registrations of Petain Names Council and Successor Vichy, - France — Marshal Petain,' using the royal “we,” named itihe Cab­ inet to help him rule authoritative France’and chose 'Pierre Laval, right­ ist and apostle of friendship with dic­ tators, as his right-hand man and ul­ timate successor. Petain became chief of state. Bennett Given Post Ottawa .— Farmer Prime Minister R. B. Bennett has assumed a full-time post in the. British ministry of aircraft production. Mir. Bennett, who went to England in February, 1939, and wihiile over there has been active on behalf of ‘the Canadian Red Cross. It is not known what position he is filling in the aircraft production ministry, head­ ed by Lord Beaverbrook, who like Mr. Bennett, is a native of New Bruns­ wick. Prince Edward Island Stays Dry Charlottetown — Complete returns in the Prince Edward Island liquor plebiscite were announced, revealing that the province will continue as Canada’s only “dry” province. A total of 10,426 voted for continued prohi­ bition and 8,861 for the sale of beer and wines as beverages. Postpone Sending Guest Children London —» The ministry of inform­ ation announced, “postponement” of the evacuation of children to the do­ minions and the United States. The reason given, was that nolt enough warship^ are available to convoy the evacuee vessels. Has 105th Birthday Simcoe — One hundred and five years ago their-only child was born to a couple in Kirkintilloch, Scotland, and that, child has lived to hold the distinction of having had the longest life of any person in the history of the County of Norfolk in Canada, and possibly of holding the distinction for the Dominion, for he celebrated his 105th birthday. He is William John Karrigan, and resides on his farm three miles southeast of Langton, in Norfolk. , Russia Prepares for Nazi Action Tokyo — Soviet Russia is on the move. She is mustering every ounce of her vast resources from Siberia to the Baltic to bring her. military pow­ er to maximum strength in the next few months. She is moving on all­ fronts to strengthen her strategic po­ sition against the day when Germany may look ito the east. , Britain Recognizes Haile Selassie London — Britain has decided to recognize the Government of’Emper­ or Haile Selassie “as the lawful Gov­ ernment of Ethiopia,” R- A, Butler, undersecretary for foreign affairs, in­ formed the House of Commons. U.S. Wants Base in Nova Scotia and Bermdua Washington — Three members of the Unilted States House of Represen­ tatives Military Committee, after sur­ veying northeast coast defences, rec­ ommended United States acquisition and fontificaition of fleet and air bases in Nova Scotia and Bermuda. Running Water is an Everyday Necessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water* sanitary conveniences and modem facilities* so essential to health and happi> ness, are not available to your family. The cost of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is very reasonable and can be spread over a period of tune under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years of satisfactory service. Bag Many Planes London — Winding up the most in­ tensive six days of air combat since the battle of Britain began, the de­ fenders blasted 11 German bombers from the .skies on Friday, making Ithe week’s bag at least 72 and a total of Frances Changes Systems Berne, Switzerland — Defeated France turned back to the old provinc- iaal system of a bygone day, with an authoritarian base and a seat of gov­ ernment in the palace of kings in Ger­ man-occupied Versailles. “Capitalism and socialism are things of the past,” said Marshal Petain, 84-year-old head of state by decree, in a broadcast ad­ dress from Vichy heard over France and in neighbouring countries. “It is now necessary to fight against all in­ ternationalisms.” A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—-Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as....................$83.90 (Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra) THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has. a capacity of 250 gals, per hour. With 25 gaL Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle . v . Motor, it costs only.................................................................................................$86.00 , 1 For Sale by ..‘W-.'r MACHAN BROS., Wingham EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED* LONDON, ONT. 140 < HAMILTON TORONTO SUDBURY WINNIPEG VANCOUVER f Russian Fleet Held Manoeuvres While axis pressure on o Hungary eased tension along the Transylvania frontier, fear of trouble broke out in two other spots as the Russian fleet staged manoeuvres in the Baltic and Rumanian gunboats were reported blocking 50 British tankers in Rum­ anian ports. King Government Carries On Alone Ottawa — Prime Minister Macken­ zie King accepted with regrets a Con­ servative refusal of his invitation Itio Opposition leaders to- share in the de­ liberations of ithe Cabinet war com­ mittee. But at the same time he gave no encouragement to renewed Oppo­ sition demands for a national govern­ ment. many thousands were wanted for part- time training in ithe non-permanenlt ac­ tive militia. has made it impossible for the British Government ,to reach any agreement with him. C. N. MERKLEY Complete Auto Service Modern Towing Equipment Phone 84 Wingham, Ontario Americas Defy Germany Teguciagalpa, Honduras — A Ger­ man n-oite of “observation” has not changed the attitude of the five Cent­ ral American Republics in their policy to act as a unit in support of the Un­ ited States program at the Havana conference of American foreign min­ isters on July 20, the Honduran for­ eign minister indicated. ....— »■ Nazis Puft Pressure on S. America Washington — The United States matched increased German activity in Latin American countries in a strug­ gle involving hemisphere defence and economic unity. Central American countries were reported especially to have come under strong German pres­ sure to oppose proposals for welding the 21 American republics into a com­ mon defensive front at the Pan-Am­ erican conference opening a.t Havana on July 20, UiS. to Secure 25,000 Planes Washington — The national advis­ ory defence commission announced that lit had placed orders totalling $100,000,000 with airplane manufact­ uring Companies for 25,000 airplanes for the United States army' and navy. 40,000 For C.A.S.F, Ottawa — Defence Minister Ralston and Air Minister Power sent ouit a call for men. Col. Ralston said 40,000 ad­ ditional men Were needed for the Can­ adian Active Service Force, the full- tlwe soldiery, and Major Bower said Hepburn Much Improved St. Thomas — Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn, who has been convalescing at Battle Creek Sanatorium from an attack of bronchial pneumonia, arriv­ ed at his home las|t week. The instruc­ tions from the premier’s medical ad­ visers are that he must remain quiet and contin-ue the rest treatment for a time at least, so that the ground he has gained at bhe Battle Creek Sana­ torium will not be lost. Hope of Uniting Irish People Fades London — The British Government has practically abandoned hope of bringing Northern Ireland and Eire into agreement for defence of the is­ land, it was reported. Prime Minister De Valera’s uncompromising determ­ ination to maintain neutrality for Eire McNaughton Heads Army Corps Ottawa — Maj-Gen.. A. G. L. Mc­ Naughton, general officer command­ ing the 1st Canadian Division, Can­ adian Active Service Force, has been promoted to the rank <of lieutenant- general and placed in command of a new British army 'corps which will include the Canadian forces now in England, it was announced by Defen­ ce Minister Ralston. Perth Soldier Slain Niagara Falls, Ont. — Private Wil­ liam E. Moulton, 32, of Stratford, was arrested and charged with murder in connection with the death of Pte. An­ drew Phillips, 30, of Carlingford, 12 miles from Sit. Marys, said by police to have been shot earlier in the day at the Penth Regiment camp in Queen Victoria Park. Police said Phillips- was shot though the stomach with a s-teel bulleit from a .303 calibre army rifle. The bullet pierced Phillips’ body and lodged in ithe ground 12 feet far­ ther on. Churchill Says We Fight On Alone London — Prime Minister Church­ ill told the world that “we shall seek no terms, we shall tolerate no parley” when declaring ithat Britain awaits un­ afraid and undismayed 'the impending German assault on this country, Ev­ erything indicates that the war will be “long and hard,” he said. Britain is forced to prepare “not only for the summer but for Ithe winter; not only for 1941, but for 1942, when the war will, I trust, take a different form from the defensive in which it has hitherto been bound. We are fighting by ourselves alone. But we are not fighjting for ourselves alone,” the prime minister said. CUNNINGHAM’S GUNS DRIVE DUCE’S FLEET TO COVER Turning from the job of immobiliz­ ing the French fleet, Britain’s naval forces in the eastern Mediterranean sought out an Italian naval squadron consisting of tWo or more battleships, several cruisers and a number of des­ troyers, and attempted to engage them in a decisive battle.. The Italians immediately fled under cover of a smoke screen but not before one des­ troyer and a submarine had been lost and one hit from a big gun had found its mark’ on a Fascist battleship. Com­ mander of the British Mediterranean fleet is Admiral Sir Andrew Cunning­ ham whose flagship is 'the mighty “Warspite” which participated so suc­ cessfully in the Narvik engagement