The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-07-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 4th, 1940 SALEM Clearing SalE li cents a word pert insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 'orac?ohoe A . THESE WANT AD’S rrn—;—-iw.nr 71 BRING RESULTS 0 y»C3OE=:’li.7,.’:xTOi=3o: AUCTION SALE—Of the Household Goods and Etiects of the late Miss Mary Black will be held at her late residence, Bluevale, at 2 p.m,, Sat­ urday, July 13th, Terms—Cash. T. Fells, Auctioneer; R. S. Hethering­ ton, K.C., Solicitor for Executors. F, W. KEMP, Listowel’—Monuments and Monumental Work. 100 monu­ ments from which to choose. Auc­ tion Sales conducted. Phone 38 or 121, Listowel.__________________ FOR RENT—Five roomed fully equipped cottage at Bruce Beach, Apply to W. F, Burgman,_______ LADIES' WANTED—A few more ladies wanted. Must be convincing talkers to clearly explain advantag­ es our Household necessities known as FAMILEX PRODUCTS offer to buyers. Already selling in im­ mense quantities. Door to door can­ vassing necessary to show articles and take orders for same. GOOD COMMISSION. Unlimited earn­ ings possible. Friends, neighbors, * anyone will be glad to order. FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND DE- ’ TAILS write: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. .STRAYED onto John Moir’s farm, Turnberry, Hound Pup. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 602r23. WORK WANTED — Housework wanted by experienced girl. Start August 1st. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—For July and August, girl to do general housework in modern home. Apply stating age and experience (to Box S, Advance- Times^_______________________ WANTED—Two unfurnished rooms in Wingham. Apply Advance-Tim­ es. [OPstOl that after such .date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the said es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then .have had no­ tice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 24th day of June, A.D. 1940, J. W. BUSHFIELD, t Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF CHARLOTTE TAY­ LOR, late of the Town of Wing­ ham in the County of Huron, wid­ ow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and other having claims against the Estate of the late Charlotte Taylor, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Exec­ utrix of the said Estate, on or before the 13th day of July, A.D., 1940, and that after such date, the executrix will proceed to distribute the said es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had not- ice. t• '.»■■■ DATEp,. at Wingham, Ontario, this 22rid .day of June, A.D. 1940. ■fJ. W. BUSHFIELD, J Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ARE YOU THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 50 years, with car), needed immediately to hand out FREE Soap in nearby jural route and supply established de­ mand for Everyday Necessities, in­ cluding Spices, Extracts, Baking Pow­ der, Toilet Preparations, Cleansers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineralized Stock and Poultry Tonics; 72 year re­ putation. 10,000 dealers. Must be sat­ isfied with $30.00) weekly at start. Sell­ ing experience unnecessary. Farm ex­ perience helpful. Credit furnished right parties. Write immediately, The T. R. Watkins Company, Montreal,’ Que., Dept. O-W-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS JN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF WILLIAM GORDON DUNBAR, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors .and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Gordon Dunbar, are required to send partic­ ulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for .the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 13th day of July, A.D. 1940, and that after such date mhe executrix will proceed to distribute the said es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had not­ ice.DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 24th day of June, A.D. 1940. J. W. BUSHFIELD,. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF JOSEPH KINAHAN, late oof the Township of West Wa- "wanosh in the County of Huron, ...Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Joseph Kinahan, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W, Bush­ field, ithe solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 13th day of July, A.D., 1940, and that after such date the Executrix will pro­ ceed to distribute the said, estate, hav­ ing regard only to the claims, of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 25th dav of June, A.D., 1940. ........ ... J.. W_ BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE 'NOTICE that’ all 'persons having claims against itihe estate of Mary Black late of the Village of Bluevale in the County of Huron, Spinster deceased, who -died on or about the 22nd day of June, 1940, are hereby notified to send, their claims, duly verified by declaration, to the un­ dersigned solicitor for the executors on or befofe the 20th day of July, 1940/ FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date -the as­ sets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 2Sth day of June, A.D. 1940. R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. * TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF JAMES A. SUTHER- « LAND, late of the Town of Wing- ’ ham in the County of Huron, Re­ tired Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors arid others having claims against the Estate of the late James A. Slither- land, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Exec­ utors of the said Estate, on or before the 13th day of July, A.D., 1940, and that after such date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims, of Which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 22nd day of June, A.D. 1940, J, W. BUSHFIELD,. . Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS SEALED TENDERS for the crush­ ing and spreading of 3,000 yards grav­ el. Two sets. Tenders to be in hands of Clerk' July 8th, 1940, at 12 o’clock noon. Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. A marked cheque for 10% of contract price must ac­ company each tender. A 1-inch round screen or %-inch square screen to be used. The spreading to be figured on a flate rate per mile. Work to be com­ pleted by November 1st, 1940. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, Wingham, Ontario. CARD OF'THANKS I take this opportunity of express­ ing my sincere appreciation to my nei­ ghbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown me during my receut sad bereavement. Mrs. Alfred Mitchell, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my. appreciation fo my neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended in my recent sad bereave­ ment in the death of my dear husband. Mrs, John Cochrane. Miss Elizabeth Hare is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Albert Hare in Forest, Mr, and1 Mrs, George Northwood are spending a three w’eeks vacation on the Georgian Bay near Honey Harbour. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Peebles were visitors in Brantford and Paris over the week-end, Mrs. H, J. Rahlves of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and John Galbraith. Mr, and Mrs. T. Y. Smith are spending a vacation at Howdenvale, Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt and Jack Jr, and Miss Lillian Angus, spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lott of Han­ over were week-end visitors with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Lott. ,Mr. and Mrs. L. R, Blackwood of Sarnia were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French. iMr, and Mrs, Jack Hare of Kitch­ ener, spent the week-end with has mother, Mrs. S. M. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. J, J, Traill of Tor­ onto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alton B. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Waygood of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Roberts. Miss Margaret Copeland of Toron­ to was a week-end visitor with her mother over ithe week-end. Miss Betty Lou Deyell is spending her holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robit, Deyell. Kenneth Crawford, who attended St. Jerome College, Waterloo, last term, is home for the holidays. Miss Marjorie French left on Fri­ day for Camp “Oconto” Sharbot Lake, where she will spend a month.. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Reisbery of Bright were visitors with their cous­ ins, Mrs. Gemmill and Miss Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and son Neil, Toronto, were week-end guests with his mother, Mrs. T. J. McLean. Pte. Arthur'Y. Furness of the R. C. R., has returned to Camp Borden af­ ter visiting his wife, Mrs. Arthur Fur­ ness. Geo. A. Stewart, Essex Scottish, Camp Borden, was a week-end visitor with his wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. M. Coutts. Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, Craig and Mrs, Edith Wood are spending a va­ cation at Stoney Lake, north of > Pet­ erborough. ' Mrs. Harper Robertson and child­ ren, who have spent the past week with relatives in Wingham, have re­ turned home. Mrs. R. D. Mason and Miss Minnie Barber, visited over the week-end with their sisters, Misses Ann and Florence Barber, in Toronto. Mr. and'Mrs. George Patterson and son Ross of Toronto visited over the .holiday with his aunt, Mrs. George Thornton, Bluevale. Pte. Wornald R. Finley of the R. C. R., has returned to Camp Borden af­ ter visiting his parents for three days, Mr. and Mrs. A. Finley. Mr. Adam McBurney and • sister, May McBurney of Kingston are spending the summer holidays at their home in East Wawanosh. Mrs. E. Pettigrew of Brantford and her daughter, Mrs, W. R. Wilkinson, New York, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Nash last week. l Mr. and Mrs. George Lucas; Mr. and Mrs. Isard Lucas and daughter, Patsy of Sarnia, were holiday visitors at the home of H. E. Isard, John St. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington of Toronto also Dr. and Mrs. Bert Hetherington of Brampton were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hetherington, Bluevale Road. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell over the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Deyell and family of Owen Sound. Mr. J. J. McNairn of Dundas. Mt. and Mrs. Alex MicNairn of Goderich, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt over the week-e-nd were: Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Forsyth and June- of St, Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keeso and family, Mr, Felty Keeso, also Miss Mae Keeso all of Listowel; Mrs. Harper Robertson and two children and Mrs, G. Walters of St, Thoinas. 0 IN MEMORIAM IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF ROSEANNA S. COUTTS, Ute of the Town of Wingham in the county of Huron, Widow,. deceased, t Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ■The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Roseanna S. Coutts, Eire, required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the Solicitor for the Exec­ utrix of the said Estate, on or before the 13th day of July, A.D. 1940, and McBURNEY-—In loving memory of Samuel McBurney., who passed away two years ago, July 6th, 1938. No length of time, no lapse of years, Can dim our loved one’s past, For treasured memories hold him dear And will while life shall lash -—Ever remembered by Wife and Family, PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAM. RESULTS The following1 is the list of the Bub- lie School pupils who successfully passed their grade examinations. JUST LIKE J OLD CHUM (Promoted Grade VII to VIII Wlftnifred Andrew, Margaret Aug* us, Grace Bailey, Ted Bailey, Ray- mondj Bell, George Breen, Arthur Brow®, Isabel Birown, Milton Brown, Walter Burgess, Eddie Carter, Jack Ernest/Evelyn Evans, Bill Field, Hel- felt, gibes', Marjorie Trench, Wilfred Ga^ri^tt, Ivafi Gardner, Betty Hall, Bill Lee, Don Lloyd, . Jaci^ Mellor, Jack Montgomery,' Mar* '»! ’ Jarte Sinnamon, Jean Stewart, Jean Miss Jessie Pearson is spending a Town, Jack Walker, Cecil Yeomen, ” . G, -(j, Wheeler, Teacher. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Florence L. Batiber is spend­ ing a week at her home in town. Miss Jean Seccombe was a week­ end visitor with Miss Doris Traill, Mrs. Wm. Dawson spent the week­ end VaSiiting with relatives'-in Txmdort? Mr. and Mrs, A. R. puVal wer# recent visiLor^ wHli? friends at Stray?* roy. o !‘ i weeks vacation at lief home in Bjgus- » — Of — BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS ISARD’S GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Whole (Stock Must Be CLEARED At Once BUY NOW SAVE MONEY Also On Sale SUITS Men’s and Boys’ PANTS OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS HATS CAPS UNDERWEAR Isard’s Men’s Wear Store For Big Stock and Good Values a Promotion from Grade VI to VII Gerald Brophy, Jimmie Colborne, Mary Lu Connell, Wanda Cowan, Norman Dickenson, Joan. Edgar, June Everick, Betty Finlay, Mary Forbes, Mary Forsyth, Ruth Gannett, Helen Hall, Bill Kress, Betty Lewis, Jack Lloyd, Shirley Lloyd, Helen Lock- j ridge, Bud Lockridge, Tommie Lock­ ridge, Donald MacLeod, Fred Ohm, Barbara Ross, Donald Schatte, Wil­ liam Templeman, Alma Thompson, Fred Tucker, Dawna Walker, Dorothy Wells, Jean Willoughby. M. J. MacDonald, Teacher. Promotion from Grade V to VI John Armitage, Marjorie Anderson, Helen Arthur, Jim Beninger, Howard Breen, Ruth Burgman, Pauline Cow­ an, Wilma Dark, . Madeline Deyell, Grant Ernest, Bob Finlay, Theresa Fitzpatrick, Barbara Foxton, Lionel Gallagher, Jim Hall, Florence Harris, Iona Henderson, Betty Hutcheson, Ross Johnson, Charles Lee, Donna Lockridge, Allan MacKay, Rose Ohm, Thelma Ridley, Betty Sanderson, Hel­ en Sturdy, Gloria Swanson, Edna Templeman, Donna Tervit, George Town, Leslie May Wall, Patricia Wild, H. Br-own, Teacher. WATCH REPAIRS For Satisfaction Have your Watch bi* Clock re­ paired at William’s Jewellery Official C.N.R, Watch Inspector Promoted from Grade IV to Grade V Jean Adair, Fay Angus, Gwen Bak­ er, Tresina. Bondi, Violet Bowman, Maitland Breen, Joyce Dalgleish, Ir­ ene Everick, Marie Fitzpatrick, Ken­ neth Hingston, Clare Hopper, Alice Laidlaw, Lois Lockridge, Ruth Lock­ ridge, Gwen McLean, Gordon Moir, Donald Montgomery, Bob Mundy, Audrey Ridley, Mary Ross, Ralph Seddon, Ronald Seddon, Wilfred Seli, Gladys Shiell, Murray Stainton, Bud­ dy Wild, Gerald Williams, Billie Wells, Shirley Yeomen, V, McLaughlin, Teacher. Promotions Grade III to Grade IV Mary Louise Beninger, Ernest Buckman, Gwen Blatchford, Jack Bro­ phy, Joan Bushfield, Ruth Cantelon, Geo. Calvert, Marjorie Copeland, Bobby Jimmie Vivian Donald Wally erson, Wilbur Hart, Joan Heisler, Bil­ ly Johnston, Milton Loney, Ruth Ma- chan, Billy Pollock, Barbara Roberts, Annie Waine, Allan Wild, Florence Willoughby, Hugh Young. Beatrice Joynt, Teacher. Promoted Grade II to Grade III E&ther Bowman, Desmond Brophy, Joseph Brown, Marian Brydges, Alice Buckman, Donna Chattick/, Maxine Cowan, Mary Crawford, Stewart Ev­ erick, Lois Hayden, Morley Hart, Donald Henderson, Stanley Heisler, Ross Hilbert, Grace Hudson, John Hudson, Marion Inwin, Harry Lloyd, Bobby Kress, Billie Lockridge, Lorna Martin, Douglas Richey, Fred Riehl, Maxine Seddion, Barbara Templeman, Benny Wells, Bonnie Willoughby, Lome West. P. Johns, Teacher. Promoted Grade I to Grade II John Arthur, Billie Bain, Betty Bell, Mary Bushfield, Grace Campbell, Jac­ quelyn Currie, Graham Everick, Mary Finlay, Patsy Gallagher, Charlie Greenwood, John Hanna, Ronald Hol­ man, Floyd Jenkins, Shirley Lock­ ridge, Jimmy Loney, Barbara Mac­ Kay, Kenneth MacLean, Sally Lou MacWilliam, Raymond Merkley, Le- Verne Newman, Willard Platt, Dor­ othy Sanderson, Joyce Sanderson, Jes­ sie Scott, Robert Sinnamon, Eileen Sparkes, Barbara Stainton, Maurice Stainton, Mary Tofting, Marjorie Tucker, Billie Waine. Agnes Williamson, Teacher. Calvert, Colborne, Jacqueline Currie, : Currie, Ernest, Hopper, Haselgrove, Eleanor Deyell, Connie Fryfogle, Lorraine Hall, Jack Hend- Taking Course at Guelph Miss Verne Walker is attending a course at MacDonald Institute, O.A.C., Guelph, on the care' of evacuated children. Rounte Contract Scott, formerly of East Has Mail Charles Waiwanosh, has the contract for R. R. No. 2, Auburn, The route runs from Auburn to Donnybrook, St. Augustine, Dungannon. He commenced these duties Monday, PATRIOTIC SOCIETY ADDITIONAL MEMBERS C. J. F. The following are members of the Wingham Patriotic Association. These names are in addition to those previ­ ously published. Andy Anstett, Bert Armstrong. Miss Minnie Barber, Mrs, D. Bene­ dict, D. Benedict, J. Douglas Black, I R.R. 5, Brussels, W. T. Booth, Mrs. | W. T. Booth, Wilma Breen, Mrs. W. Brown. Dr. I. P. Campbell, Wroxeter, W. J. Clark, Mrs. R. Clegg,' (Miss N. Col­ borne, A. E. Cook, Blyth, E. S. Cope­ land, Mrs. R. A. Coutts, Dr. W. A. Crawford. Lloyd Dark, Mrs. Fred Davidson, James Dow, R.R. 3, Wingham, Mrs. R. Deyell. Alex. Forsyth. W. A. Galbraith, Mr§j?;W< A., Gal­ braith, Billy Galbraith,,.. John Gal­ braith, Mrs. J. Galbraith, Mrs. R. J. Galbraith, Const. Wm. Gardiner, Anne Geddes, Norma Graham, Mrs. M. Griffin. Marjorie Hall, Mrs. Stan Hare, W. Harina, Miss Emily Holloway, R. Howsori, Ruth Hamilton, Mrs. Cora Hamilton, J. Homuth. Dr. A. W. Irwin, (Mrs. A. W. InWin, H. E. Isard, J. S. Isard, Mrs. J. S. Is­ ard. Miss P, Johns. Gordon Kelly, W. L. Kress, Mrs. W. L. Kress. Mary Mathers, Agnes MacLean, Bfuce MacLean, Donald MacLean, G. Masdri, Dr. J. M, KfeKagtte, Miss *K. MicGregot, Mrs. R. J. Mitchell. Jessie Pearson, Mae Pitrdue, F. Breston. Ronald Rae, Mrs. C. A. Roberts, C. Ar Roberts. Miss Marion Simpson, Mrs. J. W» Smith, Miss Sinhamcm, i’etcy StaiH» ton, Murray Staintdn, Barbara ^tatri- totr, Jcshtr Sturdy. * /AY. VanWyck, Mrs. W. VanWycfc, ,Elmj&!t Wilkinson, Mrs. L, Wilfcirisori, Mrs, E. Williams, Edward Williams, Joe Wilson. • Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gathers spent the holiday with friends in Detroit, Mr. Wlifred Weir, who is taking up mechanical work in Galt, spent a few days with his ’parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, L, Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and family, of Ottawa, visited at the same home for their holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Weir and dau­ ghter, Shirley Ann, of Pittsburg, Pen., and Dr. W. W. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Mr, Malcolm Weir, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs, Wm, Weir and othei friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Anger and fam­ ily have moved to Gorrie where they will reside. Mrs. Walter Miller and son, Ken­ neth, of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Palmer during the holi­ day. Mr. Everett Cathers is improving after a severe attack of quinsy. We hone to see him all right soon again. BELMORE Presentation to Mrs. Rayner At a meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church held at the home of Mrs. Roy Rutherford on Wednesday evening last week, Mrs. Rayner was presented with a Bible. The follow­ ing address was read. Dear Mrs. Rayner-: • J ' At this time we wish to express to you the esteem in which you are held among the ladies of this community. You have been a very efficient, faith­ ful and willing worker, Mrs. Rayner, at all our gatherings and we are go­ to miss you in .the Institute, the Wo­ man’s Association, the W> M. S,, the Sunday School, -and Choir, and M,r. Rayner has always been ready with his .car to help make our meetings a success. At all times you have both promoted the best interests of our community and as our spiritual leaders you have have exemplified the spirit of the Master, whose work is so dear to you. You have always proved true friends and willing helpers whenever called upon and we assure you of our best wishes for your future health, pros­ perity and. happiness. Before leaving us, we ask you Mrs. Rayner, to accept this Bible as a lit­ tle remembrance of the pleasant times we have spent together and that as a family you may all be spared for EXPERT . . . And we do an expert job, Thorough lubrication requires attendants trained for the job . . , and that’s just what we of­ fer you. We have the most mod­ ern equipment, which aids us in giving you a speedy, efficient job. Bring your car in today. Let our experts do an expert job. BERT ARMSTRONG FOR SERVICE many years to enjoy this lamp, is the. Wish of all your Belmore friends- , • 'st. HELENS''^ J ----------- f • wMr. Robert Neely and. his) sister;; Mrs. Kleinschmidt of Pigeon, Mich., were visitors with (Mr. and Mr.s. D. Todd. Mrs. Todd who has been their guest for two weeks, returned home with them. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blue, Helen and Margaret, of Detroit, were recent vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ander­ son. The girls' will spend July with Mrs. Torrance Anderson at Bruce Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Hippel of Sarnia were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Purvis. Misses Yvonne and Elinore Smith', of Toronto are holiday visitors with; Mrs. John Webster. Teachers home for vacation include’ Misses W. D. Rutherford of Kirkland'. Lake, Irene Woods of Waterloo, Dor­ othy Webster, London, Dorine Web­ ster, of Toronto, and Jean Webster,. Clinton. TW PQH«NJON STOCK UP YOUR PANTRY SHELF1. AT THESE MONEY SAVn^G^PRICES^ Aylmer Golden Bantam CORN 3 25c Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES - 3 Pkgs. 25c O.K. Jelly POWDERS - - 6 Pkgs. 25c Economy Large Pkg. SOAP FLAKES - - . . 25 c Jewel SHORTENING - 2 Pounds 25c P, & G. SOAP Kirk’s CASTILE SOAP - 2 Cakes He * 6 Bars 25c Kitchener Pure LARD - Heinz KETCHUP - - 8 oz. Bottle 9c £aPer 60 Count SERVETTES - . ~ Domino Pound Tin BAKING POWDER - - 19c Quaker PUFFED RICE - - 2 Pkg. 19c Picnic Sweet Mixed PICKLES - -19c Red Rose COFFEE - - Pound Tin 47c Lar§e Cake Med. Size SOAP . 10c . -2 for 15c OXYDOL Large Pkg. 23c - Small’Pkg. 10c pound prints W cnT?«r Vegetable or Tomato soup.............................Tin 19c ... Heinz Pkgs. 9c SPAGHETTI . 10 o2. Tin 9c Dominion for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Thin Skinned Juicy Oranges med, size dozen Seedless GRAPEFRUIT - - Snowy White CAULIFLOWER . 2 for 25c I POTATOES . 5 for 25c I CABBAGE1 - ------ 2 for 25c I POTATOES - - - 6 fos 25c GREEN PEAS, GREEN BEANS Cm w WAX BEANS, BEETS,CARROTS^r1I2U^^DIS^ - « 2 Head 9c