The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-27, Page 7Thursday, June 27th, . 1940
On Guaranteed Tru«|
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Last" Thursday afternoon the Wo
man's Association of Gorrie United
•Church mejt at the home of Miss Kate
Earngey, with a good attendance of
members,, and also ten visitors, The
.meeting opened with the singing of a
hymn “O God', our help in ages past”
.followed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni-
, son. The hymn “Oh, God, give ear
•unto my cry” was then sung followed
.by the business session. The president
reported thait five pairs of blankets
had been sent to the Red Cross. Ar
rangements were completed for the
•Strawberry Festival which is., to be
held, in the church baselent1 on Fri
day, June 28th, followed by a play in
the Township Hall presented by At
wood talent. The ladies quilted a quilt
.for the Red Cross and also worked at
■piecing - another one for "The same
cause. Mi', and Mrs. Earngey, Brus
sels, favoured with a request duet,
■“The Old Rugged Cross” Which was
very much enjoyed. “The Lord’s my
shepherd, 1’11 not want” was sung anid
G. Strong closed (the meet-
pnayer. A delightful lunch
served by the hostess.
Mrs. W.
ing with
■was then a
St. Stephen's Auxiliary
On Thursday afternoon iof last week
•fche regular meeting of the Women’s
Auxiliary of St. Stephen’s Chruch was
“held at the home of Mr,s. Ernest King
'with the president, Mrs. Holmes, pre
siding. The meeting opened in the us
ual manner, with prayer. The hymn,
‘“Thou are the way” was .read, follow
ed by a poem “So Much To Do.” Mrs.
■Norman Wade read a very interesting
.article entitled “Prayer,” The .work
of the afternoon was quilting a quilt,
-also some Red Cross sewing. As us
ual, these meetings will be discontin
ued during the. months of July and
August. The meeting was closed by
Mrs. Norman Wade and a delightful
lunch served by the hostess.
Quilted for Red Cross
The members of the W.M.S. and
Evening Auxiliary of the United
Church met in the basement of ithe
■church last Wednesday when four
■quilts were quilted for the Red Cross.
There were 35 present and a pot luck
lunch was served.
The Gorrie L.O.B.A. received a let
ter from Mrs. Ruth Day, London,
‘Grand Mistress of Ontario West,
thanking them for their contribution
of $25 to the Ambulance for Red
Cross work that is being raised by
Mrs. W. J. Earngey, Mrs. A. L.
‘Stephens, Eleanore and Bobby, visit
ed one day last week with Harriston
Mr. Wm. Marshall spent a few days
i * , , ,
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
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MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
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last week with relatives near Brussels,
We are sorry to report ithafc Mr,
Melvin Harrison is ill and hope that
he will soon be able to be back at his
Gunner Thomas'. Ritchie, of Peta-
wawa, spent the week-end at his home
A large crowd attended the dance
which the Women’s Institute held in
the Town Hall here last Friday night.
There was a door prize and the draw
was made .from tickets sold between 9
and 10 p,m. Glen King was the hold
er of the lucky ticket and the prize
was a beautiful flashlight,
Bride and Groom Showered
Last Wednesday evening a number
of friends and neighbours gathered at
the (home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Edgar, who were married recently, to
extend good wishes for their future
happiness. The young couple were the
recipients of many beautiful and use
ful gifts and the evening was
in dancing.
John Wasman
The death of John Wasman occurr
ed ait' the' home of his son, L. J. Was
man, Toronto, on Saturday, June 22.
Mr. Wasman, who was in his 80th
year, was born in Logan Township.
Mr. Wasman was well known in this
district as he carried on a blacksmith
business in Bluevale and Clinton for
50 years. He is survived by three
daughters and two sons, Mrs. John
Little, Maidstone; Wm. Wasman, of
Walkerville; L. J. Wasman, Toronto;
Mrs. Howard Hill, Calgary; Mrs.
Cleve Stafford, Wroxeter. He is also
survived by four sisters and two bro
thers. Burial took place at Clinton on
Tuesday, June 25th.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mundell, of
Gorrie, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mundell.
Mr. and Mrs. M: S. Aikenhead, Miss
A. B. Wearring and daughter, Elean
ore, London, were visitors Thursday
last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
S. MacNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golley, Wing
ham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Maclean.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson and
family visited Detroit friends over the
Mrs. Amos Bowles and’ children, of
Hanover, also Mr. and Mrs. John
Fitch and Ethel, Salem, Miss Mary
Fitch, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fergu
son, Clifford, were visitors of Mr.
Thomas and Miss Beatrice Shearer
during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McBurney were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Wright, Salem.
Mr. T. G. Hemphill, entertained his
staff to an enjoyable week-end at their
summer home at Dyers Bay. Among
those present were: J. J. Allen, Wes.
Paulin, Robert Paulin, Jack Gibson,
Bill Durst.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann, who have
■ spent the past two weeks in Toronto,
returned hoffie Sunday accompanied
by their daughter, Mrs. W. A. Spence
and Dr. W. A. Spence. Mr. and Mrs.
Alkin Rann and family were also Sun
day guests at the home of the form
er’s parents.
Mrs. Morrison, who has been seri
ously ill at her daughter’s in London,
is now home and somewhat improved,
we are pleased to know.
Mr. Eldred Nichol received word of
the death of his uncle, Mr. Walter
Nichol of Paris. Many old friends will
regret the death of o'he who .spent his
early days on the 4th of Turnberry.
Father’s Day Service
United Church, its chancel bright
with summer flowers, all jn pink and
white, was a. fine setting for the spec
ial Father’s Day service conducted by
Rev, A. M. Grant who spoke on- the
subject “Father as a' religious pion
eer.” A full Male Choir Under the
direction of Mr. G. A. Wearring with
Miss Mary Gibson as organist, lead
ithe singing and conducted two an
Communion Service June 30th
On Sunday morning next, Jtine 30,
the service of Holy Communion will
be observed in United Church follow--
ing morning service. •
Women’s Association
The June meeting of the W. A. of
the United Church met in the church
hall on Thursday of last Week With 20
members present. The president, Mrs.
W. T. Maclehn, took charge of the
meeting and opened with the .singing
of the hymn 'Stand up, stand up far
Jesus” followed by the Lord’s Prayer
in unison, The Scripture reading was
taken If opt Ephea. 6:1-8, and read by
Lined up on the American side ofthe border at Houlton, Maine, these, planes are waiting >to be hauled across i the border into Canada where they
■ - ' ‘ | will be used to train R.C.A.F. pilots.
Mrs. J, Adams. Mrs, Stocks led in
prayer. During the business'" session
Mrs. Adams reported 9 quilts have
been quilted so far this year, Plans
were made for a Red Cross quilt to
be quilted at the July meeting, each
member to donate 1 or more blocks.
The remainder of the afternoon was
spent quilting, followed by tea, the
iMizpah benediction and the singing,
of the National Anthem closed a very
profitable meeting.
Women’s Institute
The July meeting wiill be held at
the home of Mrs. G. A. Wear,ring and
will .take the form of a picnic. Pro
gramme Committee: Mrs. Adams,
Mrs. Rae. Roll Call—Bring a guest
and introduce your guest. The mem
bers are planning on quilting and ask
those making blocks for same to bring
them in to Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Wall
er this week. There will be a basket
lunch to which all members are asked
to contribute.
Dance and Presentation
A very enjoyable evening was held
at S.S. 6, Turnberry, Friday when a
social evening was held in honor of
two families who have recently mov
ed from the .section. During the ev
ening an address was read to Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Wray by Mr.^Earl El
liott and a lace tablecloth was .pre
sented by Miss Hamilton on behalf .of
the people of the section. Miss Jean
McBurney read the address to Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Wright and they al
so were presented with a. lace table
cover by Miss Elsie Millar. Mr. Wray
and Mrs. Wright expressed the thanks
of the two young couples. Mr. and
M|rs. Graham Wray are- now living in
Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wright
have moved to another farm out of
S.S. No. 6.
The week previous a pleasant even
ing was spent in the school’house in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fra-
lick, of Constance, who were recently
married. Mr. and Mrs, Fralick were
presented with a lovely occasional
chair and a' lamp . The evening was
spent in dancing.
Red Cross Order Yarn
The buying committee of the local
Red, Cross have ordered a new supply
of yarns for sweaters, scarves and
socks, which can be procured from
Mrs. H. Waller.
(Continued from Rage Five)
McKibbon, Jack Morrison, S. Mac
Donald, G. MacKay, H. C. MacLean,
Mrs. H. C. MacLean, A. D. Mac Wil
liam, Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam, R, J.
Moorehead, Btlrdetta McCrackin, Har-
riette McCrackin, Dr. W. McKibbon,
John McKibbon, F. E. Madill, Mrs. F.
E. Madill, Sara MacLean, Margaret
MacLean, Mrs. J. MacLean, Mrs. C.
Merkle.V', Mary McCallum, (Mrs. R.
McGee, J. Mason, Mrs. J. Mason, Ma-
chan Bros., Roy Manuel, Grant Mc
Lean,. Mrs. Peter McEwen, F. Mellor,
Ken. Murray, W. Monk, Mrs. J. Mill-'
er, Mrs. M. Miller, D. Mellor, Harry]
Merkley, Mrs. Harry iMerkley, Cor-
rinne McLean, Yvonne McPherson,
Leslie McDougall, Mrs. Leslie Mc
Dougall, Bert Mitchell, W. B. Mc
Cool, Mrs. W.*B. McCool, Mrs. A.
McNevin, Mary Mti&ay, Mrs. H, F.
ler, Ed.
Ed. Nash, Ruby Norman, Rae Nich
olson, C. Niergarth, D, Nasmith, Mrs.
D. Nasmith, J. Newell, J. Nicholls,
Harry Newell, Mrs. Harry Newell, G.
E. Northwood, Mrs. G. E, North
wood, John Nichol.
Geo. Olver, Mrs. Geo. Olver, A. Or
vis, Clarence Ohm, Velma Orvis, Fred
Ohm, ’Mrs. Fred Ohm, George Orvis.
N. Potter, A.- Pdebles, Mrs. A.
Peebles, Melvin Phippen, Bert Porter,
Miss M. Patterson, Lloyd Peterson,
Mrs.. H. V. Pym, Dorothy Riper, Roy
H. F. McGee, Mrs. F. L. Mc-
Roy Mundy, F. F. Mundy, H.
Mrs. H. Mundy, DeWitt Mil
Porter, John Preston, Robt. Patey, J.
Prigione, J. Patterson, F,, Pickell,
Miss A, Patterson,. Miss C. Purdon,
C. Phippen, Mrs, C. Phippen, H. Pren
tice, A. Phillips, Rev. J. Pollock, Dr,
F. A. Parker, Mrs. F. A, Parker.
( Annie Quaid.
J. Raby, H. A. Ramsay, Jack R.eav-
ie, Mrs, Jack Reayie, Dr. G. Ross,
Mrs, G, Ross, Dr, R. C, Redmond,
Mrs. Ronald Rae, G. Rintoul, M. R.
Roberts, Mrs. M. R. Roberts, J. Rob
inson, M. Robinson, A. Rintoul, Mrs.
A. Rintoul, Wm. Reid, Mrs. Wm.
Reid, Alex. Robertson, Mrs. Alex.
Robertson, A. Rettinger, Mrs. A. Ret-
tinger, L. Roach, A. Rintoul, Mrs. A.
Rintoul, Mrs. G. Rintoul, Alice Read-,
Jas. Seli, Kenneth Stapleton, A.
Small, J. W. Scott, W. T. Simpson,
Diagonal Rd., Wingham - A» D. Smith, Bluevale
E. L. Stuckey, Mrs. E. L, Stuckey,
Fred Spry, Mrs. Fred Spry, Dr. Stew
art, Andrew Shiells, Norman Shiells,
Mrs. Norman Shiells, J. R. M. Spittai,
Mrs. J. R, M. Spittai, Mrs, Jas. Suth
erland, Mrs. V. Sanderson, H. Sutton,
Hartley Smith, F. Spielvogel, H. Sha
piro, Mrs. H. Shapiro, L. Short, Art.
Sturdy, A. Small, Jack Sparks, M.
Smith, Wilfred Seddon, Mrs. Wilfred
Seddon, Ernest Seddon, Vance Sand
erson, Bill Sturdy, M. Stewart, Geo,
Skinin, Mrs. Geo. Skinn, Barton Smith,
Harriett Strome, Agnes Swanson, E,'
Small, K. Sinnamon, A- Sinnamon,
Fred _ Seli, Jim Seli, Mrs. Jim Seli,
Hugh Sinnamon, Mrs. Hugh Sinna
mon, Frank Seddon, Mrs. Frank Sedr
don, Geo. Scott, Mrs. Geo. Scott,
Frank Seli, Mrs. Frank Seli, W. Sed
don, Harry Spry, H. L. Sherbondy,
Mrs. H, L. Sherbondy, Mrs. Frank
Sturdy, Mrs. R. A. Spotton, R. A.
Spo.tton, Mary Sinnamon,
.Harry Templeman, John Temple
man, Geo. Tervitt, Mrs, R. Tervitt,
W. Tiffin, Cris. Tofting, Mrs. Chfis.
Tofting, Dr. T, L. Torrance, Mrs. T,
L, Torrance, Mrs. H. Towne, Doris
Trail, Mary Turner, Roriielda Taylor.
G. N. Underwood, Mrs. G. N. Under
wood, Stan. Vanstone, Mrs. S. Van
stone, Mrs. A. E. VanStone.
J, Waine, G. Webster, John Wilson,
Jas. Wilde, A. J. Walker, Mrs. A. J.
Walker, Frank Watson, Mrs. Frank
Watson, Ken. Weaver, Goldie Wheel
er, Harry Wells, Mrs. Harry Wells,
N. Wellwood, J. Wilkinson, W. Well
wood, O, Welsh, W. Welsh, W. Web
ster, Miss Jean Wheeler, Earl Wild,
Kirby Williams, R, Winter, Neil Wil-
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Why get behind in your work,,
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No large dosage is required. Na
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it just that way and see how soon
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liamson, Geo. .Williams, Mrs. C. A.
Wilson, J. A. Wilson, Miss Jean Weirr
Miss Warwick, Geo. Williams, Mrs..,
W. H. Willis, Mrs. Jack West.