The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-27, Page 5COOL •’* WWOJiUJCMW Thursday, June 27th, 1940 DRESSES $6.95 and $9.95 I MILLINERY 11*GO GAILt SUMMER These Genuine come mthe popular finger-tip lengths. - Colors, White; Blue and Beige;- ■ coats are made from English' Polo and • t .. ■« New shipment just arrived, every one^sm’art and, crisp as can be, in^combi-natiom colors; • White and Nayy^g Rose and Navy, plain shades, also sheers with matching slips, , . ■ week I Mrs.- Allan McLean, of Arutbr, and MlW J^au^Donald of Kitchener-Wat" erloo H-ftsphak visited.with Mrs, T» J. McLean. • •,, ’ ,■,■■ .,j . . ., , ... Men’s new White- Oxfords?zand- White and Tan. Trim for ‘Dominion: i Day. Special $2.98 to $5.50, Greer’s Sy>p ..Store. Walter Lannon and Janet Mac- JXwr?, oi Toronto, visited the past week at the home of the former’s aunt, Miss Annie MqKinnon, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Coole, of Arth­ ur, and Mrs, Robert Brown, of Tees- water, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown. # Messrs, Bruce Strailh and Walter Mafkham, of Owen Sound, were vis­ itors’ at St; Paul’s Rectory this week,. The latter has been accepted and will '.enijt£j- active service at Camp Borden., • thi$ week. . Mrs-.'E., A. .Russell, St. Paul, .Min,, U.SA.j visited, last week with her sis­ ter, Mrs, H, V. Pym. Visitors over the week-end at the Pym home were Mr. Fred Russell and son, David, of Creighton Mines. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hamilton, of Gil­ bert Plains, Man., and Miss Marjory Hamilton, of New Westminster, B.C., who have been visiting friends and relatives in the district for the past two week's, left for home on Saturday. Ladies, see the new-Kedette Shoe for .Beach and Summer wear, Newest shades. Greer’s Shoe Store. WESTFIELD $38. In The Draw SATURDAY NIGHT Draw macfoMt Wingham. Town . Hall at 9.30 p.m. Satur. Evening 3 Special Prices On Millmdfy This Week-End - All New Stock $2.98 Values For $&M " - - $2.50 Values For $1.98 ■ VU -Me.: . , .. ' n ..................... ,u —...................................................................................................................................................................................................... . • ........................................ . ■ KIDDIES’ SUN-SUIT Large and varied st.ock from^HVHictr^to 'choose. Prints, Linen, Seersucker, Etc. “ a‘,n&d M J .': 25c to $i.oo ' ■ • . . ■b'l .a-tlZ- im. ’. • ? u 1'it^ yr ANKLE SOCKS If it’s Ankle Socks you need, we have .a, com­ plete stock in'Silk, Lisle and Plaited. Sizes .4% -10^. 15c - 19c - 25c Sc : «>j H T if if •«« 1 'r « sa For holiday week-end" and^um- ■ mer-long fun you’ll, neq^pleiity of sturdy washable these. Slacks 1.00 Overalls 1.49 play1 ^togs^ like ‘ 7i. r m Z ;>lU :■ , Shorts 79c Blouses 1.00 j J . ,r, . CHENILLE PULLOVERS These Chenille Pullovers are just it for wearing with Skirts, Slacks, Shorts, Etc. Tulip Shades.. 89c HOLIDAY NEEDS FOR WABASSO PILLOW CASES The name “Wqbasso” is one which; careful housekeepers appreciate in the world of ,household cottons. Well made in every detail and. ^icely hem­ stitched. Size 21x33. 39c to 55c each y ■p #. SHEETS These sheets are just the sheet*'for summer home as they are well made from good quality cotton, fully bleached and come in two handy sizes; 72x86 98c each 81x99 $1.49 each < FOR BEAUTY AT THE BEACH • ; Get into the swim’ with a- suit that smacks of the new influence . . . wider skirt, softer lines . . f , downrig'ht flattery in every stitch. 1.98 to 4.95 CHENILLE COAT SWEATERS V These can be worn for any occasion and would be ideal to slip on after a game of tennis. Colors, White, Blue, Rose, EtcA $1.29 THE SUMMER HOME TERRY TOWELS Time to stock up on these'extra large towels at this low price and they are always handy to have in your cottage or at the beach. . Smart stripe or check designs on white grounds. Size 20x40. 29c each I Jumbo Flannelette Blankets You can count on a lot of splendid service from these softly .napped blankets in snowy white, and whipped singly for easier handling. Extra large — 70 x 90. $2.29 a Pair WALKER STORES, LIMITED JOSEPHINE STREET Lower Prices Prevail**PHONE 36 AH • hl Im?. Miss Ruth Gilmartin, of Harristoft, Spent ttfie ’weetoeiid with Matgatet VOU11 C&ik>u|,v; Blatthford. Mrs. G. H. Ffski’fid, of Wfotnpeg, is yM.jng^liutor ■ a. esit styles for the hbliday, $1.98 to $6.00. Greer’s .Shoe, Store* * Mrs. jjud Rimmer,, an^jon, Bud, of„ ^’ • The Y.P.U. met Wednesday even­ ing with 20 present. The president, Mr. 'Harvey McDowell, was in charge. Margaret Vincent read, -the Scripture lesspri from St. John 10: 23-33 and ‘Ephesians 6: 10-18. Rev. H. C, Wil- sori led "in ■'prayer with the Lord's Frayer iri unison. The topic was giv­ en by Winnifr-ed Campbell on “If I be. lifted up from the earth I will draw all men unto me.” The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. S.S. No. 6 held a’ picnic Thursday afternoon tby the river on Mr. Earl Wightman’s farm. Although the wea-' then was ^omeyv.hat cool it didn’t ap­ pear to have any had effects' on the crowd. Football and. baseball were, enr joyed both by the players and onlook­ ers. Mr. Jack Buchanan and Mr. Al­ bert. Walsh were in .charge of the races. Those who were winners in the varies races received prize treat? at the booth. A delightful miscellaneous shower was held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell in honor -of their eldest dauhgter, Mar- .jorie, prior to her wedding' June 29iih.' The’guests were received by Mrs. Al­ bert Campbell. Community singing was enjoyed. The address was given by Miss Margaret Jefferson. The pre­ sentation was made by Eileen Taylor and Margaret Wightman. Jean Camp­ bell assisted in the opening of the gifts. The bride-to-be thanked ithe friends for their gifts and .good wish­ es. Candy was served to the guests. ,4 A very pleasing event took plaice on Saturday afternoon and evening when Mr. Raymond Redmond held a Trous­ seau Tea in honor of .his niece, Miss Grace Redmond whose wedding takes place on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Wm. McDowell and Mr. Bert Taylor are boith busy these days ren­ ovating .their house. Mr, McDowell is riaising the roof on part of his ■ house and putting an upstairs in while Mr. Taylor is splitting his house and turning part of it around . PATRIOTIC ASSOC. LIST OF MEMBERS ( I This list includes name of those members which were turned in up to Tuesday morning. Additions to this list will be published next week. Mrs. Alton Adams, Alton Adams, Capt. W. J. Adams, Mrs. W. J. Ad- ; ams, Rev. J. F. Anderson, J. Angus, W. W. Armstrong, Mrs. W. W. Arm­ strong, Miss Jessie Arbuckle, Mrs. PI. Angus Sr., Ross Anderson, Craig Armstrong. , Sheldon Baker, Jack Baker, A. Bell, W. F. Burgman, Mrs. W. F. Burgman, Bill Burgman, N. Baker, Mrs. N. Bak­ er, T. Barnes, Mrs. T. Barnes, Staff. Bateson, Hugh Bell, Matt. Bell, Mrs. (Matt. Bell, L. Benninger, Howard I Burford, Percy Biggs, Darrell Biggs, Charles Blatchford, Mrs. Charles : Blatchford, C. Bondi, Carl Bondi, I Berkley Stamping Co., George Boyle, i Harry Boyle, Margaret Brophy, A. * Brown, M. Brown, James Bowman, R. ; Burgess, Gregory Buchanan, Mary ■ Brophy, H< Browne, G. W. Buchanan, . Mrs. G. W. Buchanan, Leslie Buck­ man,-Mrs. J.’W. Bushfield, J. Wi Bushfiqld. Cecil' Cooke, Chas. Cooke, Jack j Cook, Jack Carter, Bill Currie, Jack QUgliorn, Harry Calvert, C« Campbell, ^Ts,. ,C. Campbell, H. Cainpibell, Mrs. , *H? Campbell, Parker Campbell, Stan­ ley Campbell, Harold Cantelon, Miss West Mount, N.Y,, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. W,' G. Hamilton, I&ri and Mrs. A. T Ford, of Ham* ilte||,|^te.,visitot;SK tyilll fiftd, Mrs., 1 WINGHAM BANK NITE STORES Give a lucky tickerwitlt^e^;’25c purchase. $3'8.00 in the draw this week, $10 for 1st prize, $15 for 2nd prize. MUST Bp' IN WINGHAM TO WIN The holder of the lucky tickets must claim prizes at time of drGeorge Maspn, Cam­ paign Manager/up tb midriight day of draw. Num­ bers are posted at five places on Main Street. Any prize not collected ivyi ,Be added to the following week’s prize money*;/af r / BE A WINNER Shop At Wingham ■Bank; Nite Stores. , . r !■ ter, M,rs» Margaret Coutts,..Abner Co.Sw;: ens, Mrs. Abner Cosens, Div Mary Cosens, J. H. Crawford, Mrs. Jj H. Crawford,- John Cruickshanks,- -Tom- ■ .Cruickshank, W. T. Cruicksshank, i T. Currie, Benson Cruikfehahk, Mrs; . Benson Cruikshank. -.J*. ■ ./‘J W. E. Dewbury, Norman Davidson^. Alex. Dark, Roy Dark, Fred.iDavid-’ son, Agnes Darling, Carl Deans, Gor- : don . Deyell, John Deyell, Miss Djn^- ley, ;Mns- D. Dinsley, Miss, E.'Diek-. son, J. Donaldson, Elmer Dove,’ Bt* Durnin, Mrs. B. Durnin, Harold/Dfen- nis, Harry Dyment, Gordon I)avidsoh.' C. Edgar, Joe Eilacott, Lloyd Ella? cott, Miss D. Elliott, Ted Elliott, Ted English, Geo. Evans, J, J. Evans; -’' .Clarence Frieburger, Do,r.i& Fells, : .Thos. Field, H, Finlay, J. Finlay, GeoL Finlay, Mrs. J. Finlay, A. Forbes', Mrs. A. Forbes, Miss Ruby Forsythe, 1 Rev. F. G. Fowler, Jean Fralick, Jack Fraser, Mrs. W. H. Fraser, Bent Fredy, W. H, French, Mrs. W. H.‘ French, Miss M. Fry, Harry'Fryfogle, F. C. Fuller, Mrs. F. C. Fuller. H. Fuller/Mrs. Fryfogle. Rev. E. O. Gallagher, J. C. Gorbutt, Jack Gorbutt Jr., Mrs. Gordon God­ kin, S. Gerofsky, Mrs. Gordon Gan­ nett, W. H. Gurney, Mrs. W. H. Gur­ ney, J. Guest, Mrs. J. Guest, W. Grov­ es, M. Groves, Miss L. Groves, Miss June Groves, W. J. Greer, Mrs. W. J, Greer, Les. Grennaway, E. Gray.,. Ren­ nie Goy, P. Gibson. Geo. Giousher, Mrs. Geo. Giousher, Peter Gowans, M,rs. Peter Gowans, Mrs. O. E. Gal­ lagher, T. H. Gibson, Mrs. T. H. Gib­ son. Wm. Harris, R. Hickey, P. Harris, Price Henderson, Robt. Hopper, Aileen Heffernan, Chas. Hopper, Mrs. Chas. Hopper, Marjorie Herd, George Hall, Jimmie Hall, W. S. Hall, Mrs.' W. S. Hall, Dr. G. Howson, W. G. Hamilton, Mrs. W. G. Hamiltpn, R. S.: Hetherington, M.rs. R. S. Hether- ■ ington, Ian Hetherington, O. Hab- k'irk, Ed. Harrison, W. H. Haney, Wilfred Hamilton, S. Hutchison, A. , B. Hutson, Mrs. A. B, Hutson, Mrs. R. W. Hoffman, Frank Hill, W. A.' Heughan, Omar Haselgrove, Lillian Howard, Wilfred Henry, Robt. Hen- ' derson, Mrs. B-obt Henderson, ’Ivan Haugh, David Haugh, Jas. Hender- son, Mrs. Jas-. Henderson, Robt. Hall, 1 Alvin Hammond, Robt. Hamilton, A TROUBLE SHOOTER . NO. 1 ; .RADIO SERVICE MAN _ •? Though the works of a radio xnystify most people they are an open book to the Radio Service Man. i By using his knowledge and ^equipment, you save trouble and ■expense, f 1 Number One Stand-By A Westinghouse RADIO TUBES '■ ’ ' Trade Name ; “Genuine Radiotrons” Ernie Seddon „ ! Your Westinghouse Dealer Burgess Tubes and Batteries Accessories i/ Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, L. Kingston,. Mrs. L. Kingston, Carol Hart, W. J.. Henderson, James Halliday. Bert Isard. ■ Henry Jensen, Mr,s, Henry Jensen,. R. Josling, B. Jenkins, Mrs. B. Jenk­ ins, Fred Johnston. Ernie Karges, W. Kirkwood, Marie Kelly, Ida Kelly, Dan Kerr, Duncan Kennedy, Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, G. . Kidd, Mrs. G. Kidd, Geo. King, Mary King, Mrs. T, C. King, Frank Kelly. Lowey, Neal, Mrs. R. Laidlaw, E. S. Lewis, Mrs. E. S. Lewis, Jack Lew­ is, Betty Lewis, Mrs. A. Lewis, E. P, Lobsinger, Mrs, Lillow, L. LeggatL Charlie Lee, Gordon Lediet, D. Led­ iet; V, Letherland, Bill Lediet, Mrs.. D. Lediet, Mrs. B. Laidlaw, Gordon fleggatt, R. H. Lloyd, Mrs. R. H.. Lloyd, Batty Lloyd, Louise Lloyd,, Jack Lloyd, George Lloyd, Mrs. Jno. Lockridge, Alf. Lockridge, Frances- Lockridge, John Lockridge, Mrs. Jrio* Lockridge, Roy Lloyd, Mrs. Roy- Lloyd, Preston Lediet, Dorothy Cloyd, A. E. Lloyd, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd. * Edna Mitchell, J. W. McKibbon, Mrs, J. W. McKibbon, Chas. McKib­ bon, Mary E. McKibbon, Mary Ann (Continued on Page Seven) Round Trip Bargain Fares JULY 5 and 6 From WINGHAM To Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lind- Say, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and West to Beardmore* f • 1 S. Carrick, J. G. Carter, michael, Bob Casenfoth; B L. Casemore,'‘‘Wmr‘“Uasem6re,‘*'“'Mrs;' Wm. Casernorc^JRobUiChahners, Miss ,o. fit. w.'Co». ,$Ix^b1ondy.'Joi‘ a fev^days last it)W>Mrs. W* Chesfot (foul- ll P.M. TRAINS JULY 5 ALL TRAINS JULY 6 TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Matys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. ..**... • -m,, 'ini*,i JnM hja^dbills for complete list ,jot destinations. For Fares, Return ^rnits, Train Information, Tickets, ete., coh&ttF* canadiAW'S’k ”jj|s