The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-06-27, Page 4TAGS FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 27th, 1940'
and His Music, Western Ontario’^ Most Popular
Dance Band, at
Thursday Night June 27th
Sunday Night June 30th
Door Prize Spot Dancing Admission 50c
Dancing Every Thursday Night,
FOR SALE—Beautiful stone resi
dence, 3 rooms, centrally located^
hardwood flooring, fireplace, gar
age. Apply T. Fells. »-
FOR SALE—Electric Washing Ma
chine and Ice Refrigerator, both inf
good shape. Apply Advance-Times.’
FOR SALE—Seed Buckwheat, live
per pound. Elmer Wilkinson.
of which she shall then have had no
tice;:. ' T
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
•; 124th day, of June, A.D. 1940.
* Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
FOR SALE—Eight young pigs. Ap-
ply Leslie McDougall.
F. W, KEMP, Listoxvel—Monuments
and Monumental Work. 100 monu
ments from which to choose. Auc
tion Sales conducted. Phone 88 o?
121, Listowel. 4
MEN WANTED — A good business
• paying good income and with future
possibilities. Selling Familex Pro
ducts men and women all over Can
ada have found the secret of suc
cess. Whv don’t you get in on it
' too? NO’OBLIGATION, Ask for
FREE catalogue describing 200 ne-
t cessity products and plan. FAMIL-
? EX PRODUCTS, 570 St Clementjice..,
.RADIO SERVICING done with moS
ern equipment; tubes tested free; Q
G. E. Marconi and Westinghouse
tubes, also Burgess and General
Batteries stocked. Sterling and
Henry Finlay, Wroxeter._________
WANTED—Maid for general house
work in Toronto home. Must be
able to cook, four in family, no
small children. $20.00 to $25.00 to
start. Duties to^start July 1st. Ago
' 20 to 25 years. Apply Advance-
Times- .
LOR, late of the Town of Wing
ham in thq County of Huron, wid
ow, deceased.
N&ticeYs hereby given, pursuant to
: The®Trustee ^ct, that all creditors
a&i^ofher haylpg claims against the
of th<'’!fate Charlotte Taylor,
are” required'to'send particulars of
their claims, duly verified, to J. W.
^ushfiela^the^sojicitor for the Exec-
Estate, on or before
the 13tEoay of July, A.D., 1940, and
' ,-ihat->:aj&r such date, the executrix
IWilLprtifceed to dis tribute the said es
tate, having regard only to the claims
: j^'ESv'Ki'cfiSS'HSw'SfiSIl then have had. not;
T DATED at Wirigham, Ontario, this
*rl’^hd-day of: June, A.D. 1940. fl J. W. BUSHFIELD,
'f , Wingham, Ontario,
S Solicitor for the Executrix.
DUNBAR, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
The Trustee Act, that all creditors
and others having claims against the
Estate of the late William Gordon
Dunbar, are required »to send* partic
ulars of their claims, duly* verified, to
T. W. Bushfield,‘the solicitor for the
Executrix of the said Estate,, on or
before the 13th day of July, A.D. 1940,
and that after such date the executrix
will proceed to distribute the said es
tate, having regard only to the claims
Of which she shall then have had not-
Jefe, DATED at Wingham, Ontario
24th dav of June, A.D. 1940.
Wingham, Ontario, *
Solicitor for the Executrix.
Hollywood. Peeves drew* a walk to
open the inning but was forced at se
cond on an attempted, sacrifice by Pin
Thompson. Ken Somers earned hint
self the goat’s role when he camped
uiUer Godfrey’s easy fly-ball and
dropped it^s he was about-’to throw
The ball to thg infield. It was ruled
not a fair catch and there were run--
ners on first and second- Ellis was"
hit on the foot with a pitched ball,”
filling the sacks, Groves got Krueger
out of the way by fanning him, but
Willoughby came through with a
drive to left-field which Jack Cook
couldn’t quite hold, all the runners
scoring before the ball was returned.
An error by Mellor on Magwood’S hit
scored the final. Sox run.
Four runs down in extra innings,
it looked like curtains for the Hurons
but you never can tell, That’s why
people go to ball games, to see thej
unexpected. Bill Groves started things
going himself with a solid smash over
second for one base. Cooke got a life
on Murray Thompson’s error, Groves'
moying to second and scored when
: Somers lined a double down the left
field line, Cooke stopping at third.
Trying to get out of the way of an
inside pitch, Neirgarth dumped a rol
ler in front of the plate and was an
easy out, Smith dew a pass filling the
bases. Krueger made a nice play to
retire Bob Groves, Cooke scoring and
then Murray Rae came through with
a nice single to centre scoring Som
ers and Smith with the tying runs.
Another single by Mellor set the stage
for Gray’s game-winning blast, Rae
trotting1 home as the ball soared far
oyer Art Wilson’s egg-emporium.
What a finish .to a' nerve-racking
tyte’of the Township of West Wa-
ij^anosh in the County of Huron,
Banner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
Trustee* Act, that all creditors
an® others having- claims against-the
Estate-ofthe late Joseph Kinahan, are
required to send particulars of their claims/ duly verified, to J. W. Bush-
field, Uhe’solicitor for the Executrix
of ;the said Estate, on or before the
13 th day of July, A.D., 1940, and that
aftbr such date the Executrix will pro
ceed to distribute the said estate, hav-
ingjregaTd only to the claims of which
sh^ shall then have Bad notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
25th dav of June. A.D., 1940.
F Wingham, Ontario, * -
Solicitor for the Executrix.
R. H.E.
Hanovet _ 000 000 000 04—4 7 1
P. Thompson and Godfrey; W. Grov
es and H. Groves.
Runs batted In, Somers, H. Groves;
two base hits, Willoughby, Somers,
Gray; sacrifice Hit, Somers; stolen
bases, Smith, Deeves; left on bases,
Wingham 5, Hanover 4; ; double
plays, Smith to Mellor; Mellor, Rae
to Mellor; bases on balls, off Thomp
son 3, off Groves 2; struck out by
Groves 8, by Thompson 4; hit by pit
cher, by Groves 2 (Magwood, Ellis).
Wingham 000 000 000 05—5 10
Isard’s Men’s
Wear Store
‘^Selling out Stock of Boots,
Sbpes and Rubbers, at Greatly
Reduced Frites.
The whole Stock must be
cleared out quickly as the room
is required for Other good?,
In the face of rising prices, jt
xvill pay you well to lay in a
good supply of Boots, Shoes and
We include also with this sale
Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Fants,
Overalls, Work Shirts, Under
wear, Hats aynd Caps.
** c
Isard’s Stores
Bor Big Stock and Good Values
the service Mr, Allan Ramsay sang a
solo. Interment took place in Blue-
-wajte Cemetery.
1-s Th^j^pal^earers were; Fleming
Blacky Bla5kj'iQiarles Blppk*
Roy Gadke, Amo^Eiitcnv and
John Coqhrane ,
Following an illness of ttxvo years,
John Cochrane, a resident of this -com
munity for 04 years, passed on at his
residence, Edward Street, Saturday
evening,' June 22nd, Mr. Cochrane was
in his Bist year. He was1 born in N.
Easthope township and when 17 years
of age came with his parents to a farm
1% miles .south of Wingham on the
Belgrave Road and he continued to
reside on this farm until lie .came to
Wingham in October of. last year.
Mr. Cochrane was of a quiet disposi
tion but had a Stirling character, one
of those men whose wordnvas gs.gpod
as their bond.. He was a member of
the Canadian Order of Foresters,
He is survived by his wife, former
ly Hanna Jane Powell, of East Wa-
wanosh, to whom he was married 43
years ago, and one sister, Mrs. Mar
garet Campbell, of Wipgham.
The funeral service was conducted
at his late residence, Edward Street,
on Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Ken
neth MacLean, minister of St. And
rew’s Presbyterian Church, of which
the deceased was a member.
Interment (tok place in Wingham
, irestone
aiKekbottom Prien
Take advantage of recent Firestone price reduction* and
equip your^car vdth *afe, nfew Firwtone tire*. We have
a tire priced to suit every purse.' Firestones dp^juot co»t
one cent more thrni ordinary tires apd PA. the basw. S»f cost
per rndp they are; the cheapest you c®® Drive in
today and let us save you money. .
Huron Motors SsiivS
* » O >■- ___ ______
x ' ’
was registered by the out-fielders all
day. . •/ ’• >
After three scoreless innings botth
clubs scored one in the fourth. Suc
cessive doubles by Oliver and Mc-
Geoch opened Meaford’s half after
which- Bridgeford struck out the next
three ‘ batters. Bart Smith drew a
pass to open Wingham’s half of (the
frame and was sacrificed to second
by Groves. Bart, stole third and scor
ed when Fillingham threw low to
Three more innings passed with
Goldsmith and Bridgeford in complete
control. The former, a right-handed
brother of the immortal Hec. Gold
smith, of Southampton fame, had a
fast, breaking curve and an outdrop
that was plenty .tough to hit. The
Tribe got one runner as far as third
in 'the fifth but there was no dice. The
eighth started off Jnnocently enough
with the first batter popping to Mel
lor. Smithson hit a slow roller be
tween Ji rs f nnd^setOTrd’which- Rae-fat 1-
ed to* handle cleanly for an error.
Murray handled Oliver’s grounder all
right for two out, Smithson taking se
cond. "McGeoch drew a base on, balls.
With a two and two count on the bat
ter, .Pembroke touched off the fire
works1 by poling one over the fence for
two bases scoring .Smithson. • Gold
smith did likewise and won his. own
ball game as two runs scored on Ahe
blow.• Bowes walked, but Chapman
fanned, to avert further damage.
. After Somers had gro.unded put and.
Neirgarth had fanhed, Smith . blasted
a home-run far up into the big elm’
tree in centre-fiel^. Groves singled to
right and. Murray Rae brought back
hopes of another rally like Wednes
day’s . by dropping a double over the
fence, but Pembroke tossed" out Mel
lor to end any such hopes. Each club
got a runner on base in the ninth,
through errors by the shortstops, but
nothing come of it.
McGLADREY—-In Guelph, on Fri
day, June 21st, to Mr, arid Mrs. Jas.
McGladrey (nee Mary Burchili), a
KENNEDY—In- Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, June 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Angus Ken
nedy, Culross, a daughter.
Abram, from- HensalL land Pte. Wm.
Abram of Perth Regiment, from Ni
agara, also .Mr. rind MrSj: Jim Laxv-
rence and little daughters,•*of Walker
respected minister of the parish.
Prayer service is held in the Angli
can Church every Friday pt 4,45-p.m.
The Public are cordially invited Jp at
tend these meetings for the Allied:
Forces in their battle for freedom,
All automobile sales taxed 10% on-
$700 value up to 80% on $1,200 value..
New National Defence tax starting,
at 2% on salary of $600.
Excess profits tax raised to 75%.
Heavy Increases in personal income-
tax!? in all brackets.
Tax of 10% on value for duty on
all imports except under. British pre
ferential tariff. ‘
Tariff changes almost exclusively
Tax on tires and (tubes increased to
•five cents a'pound.
New 10%’ 'tax on phonographs,,
cameras, -radios and radio tubes.
New 10 cents a pound tax on raw
leaf tobacco.
Tax on cigarette papers and Tub^s
increased from two cents to five cents-
a 100. • - . •”
Manufactured Tobacco taxAMicteas--
ed from 25 to 35 cents a^pbuhd^' *
Cigarette -tax increased'from. $5; to
$6 a 1,000. \ ‘. X-.
Total deficit for current fiscal year-
$550,000,000 to $600,000,000.-..
New taxes to furnish 4 $li0;000*000l
. Total expenditure fiscal
year estimated at $1^4^600,(100.^ /
Heavy taxation forecast but not to
extent of 'handicapping industrial ex
pansion or sacrificing living stafidards.
* Much of planned increase in gov
ernment revenues not to be collected
in current fiscal year.
Restriction on luxury imports fore
cast to divert,foreign exchange to war
Aggregate individual earnings of
Canadians in current fiscal year ex
pected to reach $4,500,000,00, with'
work shortly for everyone able and
willing and not required for military
National debt was $3,270,980,000 as
at March 31, 1940. Average interest
rate (including treasury bills) 3.40 as
compared Avith 3,52 March 31, 1939.
Over-all deficit for fiscal year end
ed March 31, 1940, approximately
$118,000,000 as compared with $51,-
Mr. and Bolt and Mr.
Andrew Gemmj_ll,|c$Jhis locality, and
Mr, and Mrs, McAdam, of California,
motored to. JJjpqt on^d^y ^ast week
and visited kfnfrriO^tHerey4 Mr. and
Mrs. McAdam left hery.the Jplloxving
day for their home in3G$5£q|#ja. We
wish them a safe trip,
Mr. and Mrsv'-Thomas’-’McMichaeJ
spent Sunday afternoon with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. Jahob Ga
thers, of the B. Line* Rokvi'ck.
Miss Evelyn; .Cpthers^spfjpt . a few
days last week'"with friends in Tor
Mr. Thomas McDonald *and Mr.
Bert Edgar, from north of Teeswat-
er, called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pal-
mer last Sunday evening.
The Garden Party held at the
church on Wednesday evening of last
week was a: sulcessjn.
weather was i^al.KTl
'.'Calm Yourse’^^^resei^ed by the
folks from Drew was well rendered
and received much applause The pro
ceeds for the evening^^e $76. •
Mr. Jack Weir ha|^t^ne|to':Tor
onto where he purpoSes^joinipg the
Air Force
July 4th Rev. Mr. Clark will, be in
ducted into McIntosh and Belmore
Miss Doris Raynor is holidaying at
her home here.
* Thursday a very busy, time was
spent at the home of Mrs. Scott Ing
lis, Carrick, when about forty Red
Cross workers gathered to sexy, knit,
chat or whatever you liked to do best.
A bountiful lunch was served before
leaving for home. -
Miss Yx’onne Douglas was called
home from London, Mrs. Douglas be
ing confined to her bed-xvith stomach
''‘ ’Friends from London, Mrs. Fred
Tuck arM<Nancy,’ Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Douglas, and’ boys, were visitors at
R. J. Douglas’ on Sunday.
The Presbyterian congregation, also
McIntosh, are preparing for. Straw
berry Festivals.
The Missionary Society of the Unit
ed Church quilted a beautiful quilt at
Mrs. Roy Rutherford’s. This is for
Mr. John Darling is expected home-
from Walker-ton Hospital this week.
We hope .he is much better.
Minnie Jeffray visited Saturday at
Roy Rutherford’s and took dinner on
Sunday with Mrs. Norman Nexvans.
Visitors 'at- Wm, Abram’s .Sunday
xvere: Mrs. Abram’s mother, Mrs. Car-
son, and her brother, Wesley Mar
shall and her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ding-
wall, .Mr. Wm. Dingwall and family,
from Proton Station; her daughter,! Church, London, will conduct the ser-
Mts. Archie Etherington, Mr. Ether-! vice in Trinity Anglican Church. The ___
ington and children and son, Wesley] speaker, is a son of a former highly 1000,000 the previous year.
gj6|gy way.. The
iftffllay entitled
The Wingham Hurons’ hopes for
ttxvo wins and a share in the league
leadership xvent astray here last Sat
urday when the Meaford Knights took
a 4-2 decision. The game attracted a
good crowd xvho xvere treated to a
pretty fair ball game. While noit as
spectacular as last Wednesday’s thrill
er, it xvas a lively tussle just the same.
The Hurons outhit their rivals 9-6 but-
Elmer Goldsmith kept the Tribe’s
bloxvs well scattered and only one, a
hoine-run by Smith, did much dam
age. On the other hand, four of the
visitors’ six hits x\rent for doubles and
unfortunately for the Braves, they
were xvell grouped.
Bob Bridgeford did mound duty for
the Hurons and did a good job, fan
ping ten Knights, A three-run rally
in the eighth after two wrire out and
an error committed, gave Robert his
first, defeat of the season. The
Knights defeated the Tribe here last
fall by an identical score. The field
ing xvas fairly good, no outstanding
plays cropping up, with the possible
exception of Neirgarth’s stab of a
sharp grounder. Only one put-out
We wish himjevery SUlC-
Mr.s. Geddes, of: London,Mr.
former resident?,;,-renewed old ac
quaintances during the Week.
Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Ross of Baden
spent Sunday with Mrs. Neil Taylor.,
Mrs. James Gibson accompanied by
her mother, Mrgf ^Johnston, -are
visiting Mrs. Wm. Armstaspg at Sault
Ste. Marie.
Dr. McLean has taken over the
medical practive of Dr. C. D. Kilpat
rick, who joined the medical Corps a
few weeks ago. a
The Women’s Missionary Society
of the Presbyterian jGhjJr^hEeld -their
-monthly meeting at th'e^'hdme of Mrs.
F. Toll Sr.
On Sunday, June 30th, the Rev. B.
H. Farr. B.A., rector of St. David’s
R. H. E.
Meaford_____ 000 100 030-^ 6 3
Witjgham___ 000 100 010—2 9 3
Goldsmith and. Billingham; Bridgefiord
and . Groves.
Runs batted iri, McGeoch, Smith;
two base hits, Oliver, McGeoch, Pem
broke, Goldsmith, Neirganth, Rae;
home-run, Smith; stolen base, Smith;
sAsrifice hit, Groves; left on bases,
Wingham 9, Meaford 6; struck out,
by Bridgeford 12, by Goldsmith 9;
base on balls, off Goldsmith 2, off
Bridgeford 3; hit by pitcher, by
Bridgeford 1 (Fillingham). Time—1
hr., 50 min. Umpires—Thompson and
The Farm, consisting of 67 acres,
the groxving crop, stock and chattels,
belonging to the William G. Dunbar
Estate, will be offered for sale by pub
lic auction on Tuesday, July 2nd, A.
D.., 1940, at 1 P.M.* sharp, on the pre
mises on King’s Highxvay No. 4, one-
half mile south of the Village of Bel
grave The Farm will be sold, subject
to a reserved bid; the Stock and Chat
For further particulars, apply to the
Auctioneer, Clinton, Ontario.
Belgrave, Ontario.
The family of the late WilHam Dun-
- • ' ' 1
for tiie many acts of kindness and
sympathy shown during their recent
sad bereavement.
’ LAND, late of the Town of Wing
ham in the County of Huron, Re
tired Farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to s The Trustee Act, that all creditors 1
and others having claims against the!
Estate of the* late James A. *Suther-^
land, are required to send particulars’
of their claims, duly verified, to J- W. • bar wish to express their appreciation
VI LSiVll UcuiuSj UUiJ vxiAxauv-xij
'Bushfield, the solicitor for the Exec
utors of the said Estate, on or before
the 13th day of July, A.D., 1940, and
that after such date the executors will
proceed to distribute the said ^estate,
having regard only to the claims* of
Which they shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Or’ario, this
22nd day of Tune, A.D, 1940.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for thg Executors.
7..i—. ....................
Score 5 Runs in Great 11th Inning
Rally; Bill Groves* Bine Effort
COUTTS, * late of the Town of
Wmgham in the county of Huron,
Widow, deceased. *
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
■*The Trustee Act, that all creditors
and others having claims against the
Estate of the late Roseanna S. Coatis,
are required to send particulars of
their claims, duly verified, to J. W.
Bush field, the solicitor for the Exec
utrix ot the said Estate, on or before
the 13th day of July, A.D. 1940. and
that after such date the Executrix
will proceed to distribute the sald*es-
having regard only to the claims
After ten scoreless innings at the.
local ball park Wednesday afternoon,
Hanover and Wingham spared nine
runs in the eleventh and (the Hurons
were lucky enough to have the odd
run for a sensational 5-4 victory. On
ly a liahdfuT of fans saw the most
thrilling finish staged -in the local ball
orchard in years and few indeed
would have'bet the Tribe would come
through after Hanover’s late splurge.
The win sent, .the Hurons into undis
puted posseS&ion of^second place with
three wins and’ a loss.
1 Bill Groves- an^E^FGray were the
heroes this "titanic battle. The
young southpaw set the Red Sox
down with seven well-scattered blows
and not a single earned Bill
dearly out-pitched his mound
ent* none other tirat^' Anient ‘ Pitt
Thompson and ,it *tri>frTd‘^ave been a
lose the game.
Mary Black
Saturday, June 22nd,
claimed a greatly respected and dear
ly beloved resident of Bluevale in the
person of Miss Mary Black.
Miss. Black was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Black, ear
ly pioneer settlers of Turnberry’
Township. She was born on the Black
homestead just east of the village, 84|
years ago, where she resided through!
the early years of het life. She ac-|
companied her sister, the late Miss!
Jean Black to Tara and’Blyth, where!
Mi$s Black taught school, and latei*!
to Wingham, following the death of
Miss Jean Black, she returned to I
BlUevale Where she has Continued to i
reside. Miss Black always enjoyed^
good health, she possessed a keen’
mind and- by constant reading was!
tvell versed on all current events. In!
April she.fell at her own home and’
suffered a fractured hip and did not i
have sufficient strength to overcome
the strain and suffering.*
■ She^s siifyivedtb^^thlfee nephews,:
Fleming an^ Makoltn Black, Blue-;
Young Men
For Active Service With
Vale, Charles .Black, Gorrie; M.rjsrRoy i
Gadke, Fordwich and Mrs. Hamor L.
Eletch, Chicago.
The funeral was held from her late
residence on Moadsty afternoon. Ser-
.vice was conducted by Rev. F. Cm
Bowler, of Knox •Fresbyleriin Churpfh'Mrs. L A. VariStone _ _____ ________ _
WingWill ' ■which she was a member, Duniig-t
The Highland Light
Infantry of Canada
C. A. S. F., Third Division
9 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M. to 12 A.M.
X.„. : I,"
A* *