The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-30, Page 8T 5SWS!
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 30th, 1940
S , r ’ ' '. - "
Show Starts at 8.00 p.xn. except Saturday,
Saturday Night, Two Shows, at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 30, 31, June 1st
— In
Bing Crosby at his best with a group of lovable
younigsters of exceptional talent.
Also “Unusual Occupations” and “News”
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Matinee Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 3rd, 4th, 5th
home of Mr. and Mrs. John. McGee,
and Miss, Eileen Broomer visited with
her cousin, Mrs. Norman Coultes.
Splendid anniversary services were
held in the Presbyterian Church here
on Sunday, when Rev, A. Gordon Pin
tour. of Toronto, was present and
preached two inspiring sermons to
large congregations, Mr. Rintoul has
been well-known in this district since
his childhood, and many were pleased
to welcome him again, and hear his
message. Special anthems were sung
by the choir, and in the morning Miss
Bertha Mackay sang “They Crowned
Him With Thorns,” In accordance
with the desire of King George, spec
ial prayers were held for the success
of the Allied armies and for those who
in any way participated .with the al
lied cause.
Mr. George Haigli, of Stratford,
spent Sunday at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs, Robert J, Robb,
Mr. and Mrs, Percy McLean -spent
Sunday at the home of her uncle, Mr.
Wm. Purdon and Miss Donelda Mc
Lean visited with Miss Agnes Gilles
Mrs, Wm. Martin, Mrs. MacNeil,
Miss C. Laidlaw, Mr. John Laidlaw
and Mr. Herbert Laidlaw spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. Jas. Jackson,
of Auburn.
Among those who visited at the
home of their mother, Mrs. Alec Rin- I
toul, on Sunday were: Mr, and Mrs. j
Lee and family, of Toronto, Mr, and Christianity,” Miss Velma Scott gave
Mrs. Ralph Cameron, of Ashfield, Mr, a reading on ’‘Poland”, and Mrs. J.
In The
1 period, with the theme, “Becoming
Aware,” was taken by Mildred Mc
Clenaghan, Harold Pollock, and Let-
tie Fox, Mr. Pollock also had the
' topic, “Friendship, Courtship and
Marriage” and an interesting discus
sion followed, On account of the
I young people practising for their„play
j “Money, Money, Money”, there will
i be no meeting for the next two weeks.
Mrs, Lott closed them meeting with
I prayer.
j Mr, Harry McClenaghan, Edith and
; Bill, of Belgrave, spent Saturday at
the home of Mr, Wm. Barbour,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Redmond, of St.
Augustine, visited their grandmother,
Mrs, Jas, Cornelius, on Sunday,
First 50 to buy 25 cents
worth of tickets get free
chance on a special.
Draw will be made for
Suit of Clothes during
the evening. Ticket sell
ers, make your returns
Good Prizes -
Everyone Come
Astounding Spectacle . . . Fiery Love .... Roaring
Drama in this thrill-packed story of the
fabulous land of India.
Also “The Masters Touch.”
An Outstanding
One Only
Grandfather Clock
Splendid Movement.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Miss Bertha Mackay, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy, of
Wingham, Mrs. and Mrs. Lome Dur-
nin and sons, of St. Helens, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, of Goderich,
visited with their mother, iMrs. David
Kennedy, on Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. Sutherland, of Wingham,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry McGee.
Mr. George Ross, of Toronto, and
Miss Elizabeth Mirehouse, spent the
week-end at .the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross visited on
Sunday at the home of her brother,
Mr. Duncan McGregor of Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cronin and
son, of Caledon, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil.
Mr. Jas. Hawthorne, from Washing
ton State, is visiting this week with
his sister, Mrs. Jos. Holmes, whom he
had not seen for thirty-three years. He
spent the past two weeks at Hamilton
with his other sister, Mrs. Middleton.
Mr. Roy McGee, of Toronto, spent
Saturday at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry (McGee.
Mr. and Mrs. George Broomer, of
Toronto, spent the week-end at the
Pollock r.ead “The Little Gray
Church.” The meeting was closed by
the society prayer.
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft was called to
Seaforth on Monday on account of
the serious illness of her father, Mr.
Andrew Kirk.
Born—In Detroit on May 16th, to
Mr. .and Mrs. Elgin Ptirdon, a daugh
__ _ ^rs- Jack McKague and Mrs. Jack
The Dobbs crushing outfit moved | Burchill, of Turnberry and Miss Mar
garet Proctor and Mr. Orton Grain
spent the week-end in Sarnia with the
former’s sister, Mrs. John Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Connolly and
and Mrs. Ewart McPherson and dau
ghters, of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul of Lucknow.
Mrs. Wm. Robinson spent a few
days last week with her daughter,
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Robinson, of Tilson-
burg, spent the week-end with their
relatives in W. and E. Wawanosh,
Children Baptised
At the morning service in Knox
Presbyterian Church the ordinance of
baptism was observed. Ralph Harvey,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Shaw, and
Danald Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert MqMurray, were baptised. The
pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler’s text was
in keeping with the order for a spec
ial service of prayer for the Empire.
Anniversary services were announced
for Sunday, June 23rd, when Rev. Dr.
Palmer; of Palmerston, will be the
guest speaker. The annual garden par
ty will be held the following Tuesday
evening, June 25th. The programme
will be supplied by the MacDuff Cope
land Concert Company, of Toronto.
Watch for fuller announcement.
A ,,
This is the week when men go to Arrow deal
ers and stock up on Arrow Shirts, Ties and other
apparel bearing that famous label. Every Arrow
shirt is Sanforized Shrunk — guaranteed never to
shrink. •
Get your summer supply of Arrow products
Free Wallpaper & Paint
Draw Until June 29th
Last Week’s Winners:
Wallpaper Winner Paint Winner
Mrs. Victor Haines Mr. K. MacLean
This Week Only — Room Lots of Wallpaper
from 50c up.
Beautify With Paint and Paint with .
Sold Only At
Commences the last week in this Campaign in the
Meetings every night except Saturday at 7.45, and
on Sundays at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
We need more prayer -for an Allied Victory over Hitler but we
must first Get Hight With God. Churches need to cease their com
promising pussy-foting tolerance of Modernism and to restore the
weekly prayer meeting in their programmes and to get back to old-
fashioned evangelism.
on Monday from John Purdon’s grav- |
el pit to one on the 12th con. on the '
farm of Wm. Currie. i
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kerr, of Brussels, | — ----- ----- ----
Mr. and Mrs. John Rintoul, of Sea- son, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McIntosh
forth, and Mr. Bert Cullimore, Wing- ' of Langside, spent Sunday with Mr.
ham, visited on Sunday at the home . and Mrs. Albert McQuillan.
of Mr. and .Mrs. J. G. Gillespie. The Y.P.U. of the United Churchof Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie. | The Y.P.U. of the United Church
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson and ( was in charge of Mrs. Lott on Mon
Mr. Stanley Moore, of Caledon, spent1 day evening,. and she. read a poem,
the week-end at the home of their par- ;
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mr. Will Scott and Miss Marville,
of Kinlough, also Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard McWhinney, of Dungannon, visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Patterson.
Miss Lillian Powell and her aunt,.
Miss Hanna Wilson, of Bay .City,
Mich., also Miss Frances Wilson, of
Wingham, and Miss Agnes Wilson, R. !
N., of Whitby, spent the week-end
with the latter’s -mother, Mrs. James
Wilson. |
Miss Lorine McClenaghan, of Glen- .
coe, and Mr. Melvin McClenaghan, of
Pine River, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc
Clenaghan. Miss Doris McClenaghan
left on Monday to help Mrs. Wilfred
McKague of Tumberry, for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCallum, Luck
now, spent Sunday at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Ab. McQuillan.
Don’t forget the dance in the Insti
tute Hall here on. Friday, May 31st,
when Orton Grain;, Cactus Mac and
the Gully Jumpers will supply the
music. Lunch will be served. The lad
les are making a strenuous effort to
gather funds to have- the hall wired.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Laidlaw spent
Saturday with her mother, Mrs.
Straughan and other- relatives in God
Miss Kathleen Patterson, Auburn,
is spending a few weeks with her
aunt, Mrs. Clarence- Cox.
Mrs. Roy McInnis and baby daugh
ter, of Lucknow, are; visiting with her
iparents, Mr. and Mrs* John Kennedy.
Mr. Clarence McClenaghan is in
London this week attending the Unit
ied Church Conference,
i Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robb, of Strat-
I ford spent Sunday at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Thos.. Gaunt.
sMr. and Mrs. Will Conn visited on
Sunday at the homie of their daughter,
Mrs. Stewart ScoM.
The young people of Fordyce
school section met at the school on
Friday last, and- spent the evening in
dancing. After lunch, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Rintoul and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Reid, newly-weds of the district, were
called to the front, an address was
read by J. St. Marie and H. Martin
and each douple was presented with a
mantel clock by George Webster. Mr.
Rintoul and Mr. Retd thanked them
for their kindness and remembrance,
and all enjoyed a social time.
Rev. J, C. Nihcolson, of Pine Riv^r,
will preach anniversary services in the
United Church here Sunday, June 9.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Young People of the Presbyterian
Church- was held on Monday with
Miss Velma Scott in charge. The
Scripture lesson was read responsive
ly and Miss Jean Welwood led in
prayer, The meditation period on Bi
ble Study, was taken by Janet and
Dawson Craig. Rev. J. Pollock! gave
a talk on the series “The Bible and
.‘‘God Has A Plan For Your Life,
Too”. The Scripture lesson was read
by Mildred Moore. The meditation
PIPE The pipe without an
. equal.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
For the well-
dressed man
rf/ ' II UIEADIkir
This is a man’s shoe!
Smart! Sturdy! Comfort
able and right for every
day wear. The Campus is
made in an attractive brown
suede leather easily match
ed with summer clothes.
The neat design coupled
with the long-wearing quali
ties make this shoe one of
the best buys of the season.
Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’
whole and half sizes.
Honored on 80th Birthday
The Sanderson home was the scene
of a happy party on May 24th, when
relatives from Toronto gathered to
honor Mr. Robert Hutcheson on the
occasion of his 80th birthday. Guests
included his son, brothers and sisters,
Mr. .and Mrs. Will Hutcheson, Mr.
and Mrs. Her,b. Hutcheson and dau
ghter, Mrs. MtcMannus, Mr. John
Hutcheson and daughter, Anna, Mrs.
Moore and daughter, Dorothy,’'Mrs.
Thos. Boynton, Mr. W. Thomson, Mr.
and Mrs. George Donaldson and Miss
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Henry, Strat
ford, spent Sunday at the Sanderson
■ Holiday visitors:
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chaplan and
family, and Miss Dorothy Hayman, of
Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
. J. H. F. Timmins of Toronto; with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McVi'ttie visit
ing-Mr. and Mrs. Walter-S. Davidson
and other relatives;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull' and
daughter, of London; and Mr; and
Mrs. Harold Harris and' two sons; of
Drayton, with their’ parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. Edward Johnston;
Mrs. M. L. Aitken, of’ Holl’en, and
Miss Dorothy Aitken, S’t. Catherines,
and Mr. Donald Street, of’ Holl’en’, at
the home of Miss Duff;
Miss Isobel McKinnon; Kitchener;,
with her parents, Mr. and’ Mrs; R'. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard’ Gates; Phyl
lis and Wilmot, of Clierrywood’, with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. John G’ed’d’es, of B’eT-
grave, with Mrs. Mary R'obertson- and
Miss Martha Fraser;
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ma-rsha-lT, of' Li's-
towel, with Mr. and’ Mrs. A. DI Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathers, E’mbro,
with Mr. George Mathers.
Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Wettlaufer and
two sons spent Sunday with their son,
Carl and Mrs;. Wettlaufer at Maple
Messrs. Arnold: and Jack Lillow
spent Sunday with Goderich friends.
Miss Florence' Fowler spent Sunday
with the Misses- Cresswel! at Seaforth.
Miss Annie- Greig, R.N., night sup-,
ervisor at -the- Walkerton Hospital,
was a Sunday visitor with her broth
er, Gordon Greig;.
Mr. and’. Mrs;. Vernon Higgins, of
Toronto;, were' holiday visitors' with
Mr. and! Mrs. J.. Q. Higgins.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs.. P’.. S';, MacEwen: Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Cardiff, Dougal Strachan, Mrs.
Andrew Lamont and Miss Elizabeth
Brewer,, of Grey Township, and Thom
as and Miss Beatrice Shearer, Wrox-
eter.\ ..........
Told of Vancouver Chinese
The president, Arnold Lillow, pre
sided at the regular meeting of the Y. i
P. S. in Knox Presbyterian Church on
Monday evening. The Scirtpure les
son forfi St. Luke, Chapter 6, Was read
by Eldon Kirton and Gordon Greig
led in prayer. Mrs. F. G. Fowler lhade
the topic especially interesting as she
“The Good Shoe Store”
SHIRTS — White, Colours, Sport Models, in
Broadcloth, Slubs and Flannels
1.65, 2.00, 2.50)
CRAVATS and ASCOTS — Imported Poplins,
Goulards and Wooltex......................55, 1.00)
SHORTS.......................................................... 50, 75: pr.
Stewardship.” Rev. Mr, Tavener clos
ed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. G.
Lane gave the address of welcome and
Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, of Crewe,
replied. (Mrs. Elmer Alton, President,
presided over the meeting.
We are very sorry to report that
Mrs. Charlie McDonagh, near Zion, is
improving. ' ,
Fur Repairs
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills,’ of Tor
onto, speTit the holiday week-end with
his sister,. Mrs. Norman Thompson
and other friends. ' '
Mr; Harry Moss, of Glencoe, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and1 Mrs.. Fred Moss.
Messrs;. Warren Bamford and Will
Craig, of Western University, London,
were at their homes. over the week
Mrs. Geo. Naylor, of Dungannon,
visited' on Sunday with Donnybrook
Mrs; Rachael Chamney, Goderich,
is visiting with her daughter, Mrl
John Thompson.
of the Chinese in Vancouver, of
they are being taught and the
they are accepting .Christianity,
meeting closed by all repeating
the Lord’s Prayer.
asHackett’s United Church had
their guests on Tuesday afterndon the
ladies of St. Helehs, t)ungatinon,
Crewe* Blake’s and Zion auxiliaries.
Mrs. C. Tavener, of Bluevale, was the
guest speaker, her subject, “Christian
See about repairing or
re-modelling your fur
coat now. Mr. Wmi
Illbury, manufacturing,
furrier, will be at our
store on Thursday, May
30, and will give youi ad
vice on new coat styles.
Miss Jean Robinson is; home? after
spending the past few months ini Tor
Mr. and Mrs. Ross RbBi'nsoni and
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rbbi'nson, Til-
sonburg, were week-end' visitors with
friends on the 9th line;.
NO. 4 PEAS ...
GOLDEN CORN........10c Tin
7-Inch Glass Fruit Bowl and Concentrated
TOMATOES 2 Large Tins 25c
& BEANS...— 29-Oz. Tin 10c
POWDERS. ~.......... .. 5 for 25c49c Lb.
. JUICE .......50-Oz. Tin 25c
Smith’s Four O’clock
PURE LARD..... ioc
SODAS .......... 6 oZi Pkg, 10c
NEWPORT With Premium
FLUFFS--------14-oz. Pkg. 25c
CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 23c
YORK ALL PORK SAUSAGE............ 19c Lb.
Maple Leaf SKINLESS WEINERS ..... 25c Lb.
Valencia '
ORANGES ............... 30c Dozen ■ CALIFORNIA CHOICE
1 LEMONS ..................23c Dozen
Buy Vdur Pineapple for Preserving Ndw. We have Large and Med- I
Siaes at Prices That Are Right. 1 *