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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-30, Page 4
>AG® FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 30th, 194ft) BELGRAVE Of course not —but some motorists do —- and somebody pays. We offer sound insurance advice ;_quick, helpful service. COSENS & BOOTH Wingham We Represent— PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY ^Writing selected risks in — Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary, Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. QaiiQ'T ■ ■■ J-1. Jffl.-t ......,jirint uniirnr num" -"nrwawwiriawfcnn—mwthrr-r-ra •A AUCTION SALE of Household Goods will be held in Bluevale at 1.30 p.m., on ° Friday, June 7th. Terms of Sale—Strictly Cash, as proprietor has sold his property and is giving up housekeeping, George Mathers, Prop.; F, W. Kemp, Auc tioneer. FOR SALE—Used 4-wheeled Trailer in good condition. Apply Orval Jones, R.R. 2, Auburn. FOR SALE IMMEDIATELY — Six room House, lights, water, furnace, small frame barn, garden. Apply - E. W. Bolton, Gorrie. FOR SALE—Double House, reason able price, well located, good gar den. Apply F. J, Money. FOR SALE—Used Durant Coupe, new tires, perfect condition. See this car before buying. Less than nine teen thousand miles. Apply George Walker, Gorrie. FOR SALE—All Spring Bedding Plants, Cemetery Work, Window Boxes, Hanging Pots. We Deliver. Lower Wingham Greenhouse. FOR QUICK SALE—120-Acre Farm on 4th Line of Morris, 2^i miles from Brussels. Apply to Wm. Wil kinson, R.R. No. 5, Brussels, or to Mrs. Alex. Dark, Wingham. FOR SALE—Car of No. 1 Feed Oats. Expected to arrive this week. C. R. Coultes, Belgrave. J? NOW WITH THE APPROACH of summer. the moths are rampant. Our advice is to place your valued fur garments in cold storage where they are protected against the moth larvae, also insured against fire and theft. Remember it is as Important to store your furs with the same care as that with which you purch ase them. We also restyle, repair and remodel and make fur garments to order. We sell what we repres ent. Famous Fur Company, Wing ham phone 204; Toronto phone WA 3385. STRAYED on Lot 42, Concession 11, East Wawanosh, zone Oxford Ewe. Owner may have same by paying expenses. SALESMEN WANTED — Familex Quality Products becoming better known every day, we need more salesman to insure the best possible service to satisfied customers. Any active and honest man can make a living selling 200 necessities which bring repeat orders by themselves, There is no RISK with our Success ful Plan. Ask for FREE catalogue and information: FAMILEX COM PANY, 570 St. Clecent St,, Mont real. WANTED—Girl as helper and com- panion to young married woman. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED—To purchase White Leg- horn Pullets, 4, o and 6 weeks of age. Kindly advise me the numbet you have and the price you are ask ing for same. Apply Sam Pattison, Fergus, Ontario. Institute Plan Cemetery Flower Beds Th? May meeting of the Belgrave Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Rt W» I’roeter in (Mor ris with a good attendance, The pres ident, Mrs. N. Keatitng, was in the chair. Further work was planned for the flower bed at the cemetery when plants will be set out at a suitable time. Arrangements were made for the District Annual meeting which will be held in St. Helens on Friday, May 31 and the delegates were nam ed. It was also decided to hold a shower of small articles for the home at thia next meeting, The choice of subjects in the co-operative program was Quills and Quilting and the speaker service as second choice. The Roll Call was responded to with a fav orite verse of poetry. The conveners of the different standing committees each suggested an idea that might be carried out in their particular branch of the work, and this proved quite in teresting. Helen Yuill who attended the Girls’ Conference at Guelph, gave a report of the activities there, -Cur rent events were in charge of Mrs, Willard Armstrong. Miss Alberta Mc Murray sang a solo which was much enjoyed- Mrs. R, M, Week'es of Blyth gave a splendid address on the subject “Empire Day” which was very inter esting and instructive. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Earle Anderson, Mrs. James Michie and Mrs. Joseph Holmes. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Coultes, Morris. ftTHAT EXTRA TOUCH It’s that extra touch that brings so many customers back to us again and again. You’ll appreci ate our taking care of the small est Retails that make your driv ing a pleasure. Come in. You’ll leave us with a song in your heart. BERT ARMSTRONG SERVICE OUR MOTTO 6, East Wawanosh on Wednesday. b Mr. and Mrs. John Petts, of Bly th, Miss Hazel Petts, of London, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. j COURT OF REVISION J TOWNSHIP EAST WAWANOSH Notice is hereby given that Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for the Township of East Wawanosh 1940, will be held in the Foresters’ FOR SALE—Crushed Gravel. Apply to Joe Kerr, Phone 353W. FOR SALE—Bicycle, second-hand, in good repair. Apply Advance-Times. F. W. KEMP, Listowel—-Monuments« and Monumental Work. 100 monu-.! meats from which to choose. Auc- rr.<n"Hon Sales conducted, Phone 38 or: ifon<ia-v> ^une 3rd> in-i t j *’* on’- o ciock p.m.A-i, wsowe _________________jj Parties having business at the said ' .N7KD — A good businesswill attend at the said time and good income and with future place without further notice. - - “ - “ A. PORTERFIELD, Tp. Clerk. MEN WANTED paying — ....... possibilities. Selling Familex Pro-,; ducts men and women all over Can-. ada have found the secret of suc cess. Why don't you get in on it; ' too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask fort ’ FREE catalogue describing 209 ne- .■ * eessitv products and plan. FAMIL- . ,, . .......-—EN PRODUCTS. 570 St Clefoent Noll ot the Township of Turn- St, MONTREAL. ’ ........ '* COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TURN BERRY A Court of Revision on the Assess- berry for the year 19467will be held —---- ------------------— - . ®t Bluevale, ©st Monday, Tune 3rd. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED - 1949, at 3 o'clock m the afternoon.Excellent DIRECT SELLING OP-;! W. R. CRUKSHANK, Clerk. PORTUNITY — exclusive territory — —_-— _____ * ’rights for p:v?-xrire amMtfous men4 ' IN MEMORIAM and xxYCiieth sO.hug a Ime ot guar-------- anteed w^ity ^±±2 w?n/v LEAVER-In loving memory M Mrs. '’'V Leaver, who passed away MayFaml.cx Pr?ducts l empany, bt. wm, - - Ofcxnt Si. MONTREAL. ; SU fe fappy . ’ In Ottr isavi-iW's home above, 3 Growing fairer as she Ungers Its the sunshine of His love. : —Ever remembered by Millie and Charlie.Timber Lot For Sale Tenders will be received by the undersigned until June 15th, 1940, for the purchase of a high grade timber lot containing 122<j acres, about two miles from Wingham and being Lot 35, Concession 11, East Wawa nosh. JOHN E. PRITCHARD, K.O, 58 Richmond St West, Toronto, Ontario, Held Final Session The Young People’s Society of the United Church met for the final in door session for the present season on Wednesday night of last week. The meeting took the form of a social and was in Charge of Harold Vincent and Goldie Wheeler. After an enjoyable period of social activities, lunch was served after which a devotional period brought the meeting to a close. The Dramatic group of the Society had a particularly successful presentation of their play at Brusels on Monday night and the next performance will be giv en at Brick Church on Thursday, of next week. Memorial Service June 23rd A meeting of the Sunshine Cemet ery Committee was held last week with Rev. J. B. Townend in the chair. The Annual Memorial Service at the Cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 23rd. Rev. H. Kerr, of Brussels, will give the address with other local min isters assisting. It is hoped to have a Band in attendance to lead the sing ing. A Bee for cleaning up the grounds will be held on Wednesday, June 19th. For the second time since Spring came there were well over thirty cars parked around the United Church on Sunday morning, quite a pleasant sight. The church itself was pretty well filled with worshipping people. Rev. J. B. Townend and Mr. C. Ne-1 thery left on Tuesday morning to at-1 tend the annual session of the London | Conference of the United Church in; Centennial Church, London. Miss Kay Townend visited with her parents here over the week-end. Miss Florence Nethery, of Toronto, > spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Nether,?. Eldon Cook small son of Mr. and Airs. Lewis Cook, near Belgrave, fell and broke her arm. We hope he mak es a speedy recovery. C. R- Coultes, Vice President of the Wingham Legion Post ISO, is attend ing the Dominion Convention of the Canadian Legion B.E.S.D, being held _ during the week in Montreal, Quebec. I WESTFIELD Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of Hensal spent a few days with Mr- and Mrs. Albert Walsh. Inspector Kinkead visited S. S. No. ‘I NOTICE TOCREDITORS I TAKE XOTICE THAT aS persons ; having claims against the estate of i! Mar,v Jane Loagheed late of the Town ‘‘ of Wingham in the County of Huron, iabMt the First day ©f April, A.D. fleets, for particulars of which see sale susses there is situate a good * frame dwelling house in good repair, ideally located,'' and suitable for a small fam ily, and is equipped with running wat er, three piece hath, electric lights. ......... ..... There will also be sold at the same Widow deceased, who died on ot I rime all the household goods and et- j! 1940, are hereby notified to send their- I daims, duly verified by declaration to: i the undersigned solicitor for the exec-’ titor on or before the ISth dav of A.D. 1940. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ,i immediately after the said date the !l assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been properly filed.. DATED1 at Wingham, Ontario, this. 27ft day of May. A.H 19M R. S. HETHERINGTON, KC, Wingham. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. bills. . .. TERMS: Real Estate, ten pet cent, dewjsit Cm day of sale, balancefon thirty days or at the time of giving possession which may be had bn- mediately. Chattels, Cash. •THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. _ R. S. HETHERINGTON, K.C , Solieifor for the Executor. HURON l^u^‘ COUNTY COUNCIL EXECUTORS’ SALE There waB be offered for sale by' adftfon at the residence of the late Mrs. Maty-. Jam Loucheed on the south side of Patrick Street in the To*m of ott Saturuav. the Sth dav of Juno, 1SW, at W o’clork fo the sdtevnoon, the house awd lot formerly, owned by the late Mrs. W Lottghced, Upon the pro- The next meeting of the Huron Count* Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, God erich, commenciug Tuesday, Jane .lift, 1W, at 2 P-m.All accounts. notices of deputations and other business rearing the at-: tention of Conned should be in the* hands of the County Clerk not later j than Saturday* June 8th» 1SM&.. . |XW. MILLER. County Clerk. I (foderich* Ontario.1 Phone 84 Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. McVittie and Mr. John McVUtie were Goderich vis itors on Saturday. Mr, Hugh Blair was a recent Ailsa Craig visitor. Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDowell and children, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mc Dowell, Miss Mildred Thornton, visit ed with Mrs. Osbaldeston of Goder ich on Friday, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrsv Earl Wightman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Wightman, Eh eanor and Joan, of the 10th Conces sion of East Wawaposh, and Miss Ruth Wilson and Master John Wilson of Auburn. Mrs. Wm, Kelly and Master Jimmy, of Walton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Alva McDowell. Mrs,.G. A, Ainslee, of Leamington, and Mr, Roy Patterson, of Goderich,’ were guests on Saturday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Mrs, Ross Robinson, of Tillsonburg, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cook. Rev. H. C. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Ruth and John, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. .Reycraft, of Picton, last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and MrS. Marvin McDowell over the week end were Miss Colina Clark, of St. Catherines; Masters Donald Cowan and Bobby Vokes, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sibthorpe, of Blyth, visited with (Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McDowell recently. Miss Grace Redmond, of Linwood, spent the week-end with Reeve R. R.. Redmond. Mrs. Wm. Blair, of Brucefield, vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blair. j. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc Dowell were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. K. Cameron of Lucknow. Miss Mae T-unney spent a couple of days with her cousin, Mrs. Walter Cook. Mrs. L. H. Hutton, of Londesboro, visited on Saturday-with her mother, Mrs. John Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Miss Winnifred were Goderich visit ors on Saturday. Of Interest ST. HELENS the ■ IB■ ■ 1 OB ;U: If you have not invest!- JJ gated the Coffield yon ■ have missed the best ■ washer of this modern JJ time. Carefree and leav- ■ es you to your your oth- ■- er work or spend a little ■ leisure. B ■1 3]M| 1 :®§t 3 im GOLF SUPPLIES | Golf Balls ...... 25c up S' Golf Set complete $16.00 ■ Golf Clubs, Right and S Left, from .. $3.00 up ■ Golf Bags ..., $5.50 up ■ See Our New Golf Sup plies. There is a new line of Baseball Equipment — Offic ial League Balls, Gloves and Bats. Make Rae Hard ware your headquarters, where Prices Are Right, HAVE YOU A PAINT JOB 5 This Summer we will give prices and a satisfactory ■ job guaranteed with Martin-Senour 100% Pure J Paints, onie of the few pure paints on the market. ■ Priced at $4.20 per gallon. Wide range of Colours, g Drop in to the store and get a colour card. ■ There are a couple of good buys in Coal Oil Stoves ■ of best makes, also Electric Ovens and Hotplates. ■ JJ It Pays To See J I DONALD RAE & SON | ■ 28 Years of Service to This Community. B- ■ PHONE 27 COAL & HARDWARE ■ iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiinniHinnnii in the Community Hall on Friday ev ening, June 7th. Music for the dance will be furnished by the Gulley Jump ers who will be assisted in the pro gram by Cactus Mac of CKNX. Lunch wall be served. Empire Day was observed at school here when the teachers and pupils entertained the section. Many took advantage of the opportunity to visit the .school and a delightful after noon was spent. Tom Wilson, the principal, presided over a program which included, choruses by the pupils, a reading by Dorothy Webb, a solo by Willie Bolt, the Highland Fling by Theresa Gaynor and the Sword Dance by Margaret and Florence McPher son. Rev. G. A. Barnard was present and gave a splendid address in keeping j McEwen and Mr. McEwen, with the day. Lunch was served, af ter which the guests were free to wan- rywood, spent a few days with her der through the school and view the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shaw, work of the pupils. Visitors for the holiday week-end included Miss Anna Stuart of Toron to, with Mr, and Mrs. George Stuart; Miss Irene Woo’ds of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. R, Woods; Mr. and Mrs. William Dougherty and Gwen of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ’ Woods of Dundas, with Mrs. R. j.» Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and family, of Hensall, with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Webb; Charles McQull- lin, of Zurich, at his home; Neely Todd, of Stratford, with Mr. and. Mrs, D. Todd; Mr. and Mrs. Torrance An derson and Josephine, of Toronto, With Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson; J Mr. Charles McQuillin of Zurich at Wm, McQuilHn’s; Mr. Percy Hyde I and children of Kincardine, with Mr. Jas. Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. E. Crans- ‘ ton. ! AH the ladies of the community are S invited to attend the district annual ,t I meeting of the Womens Institute to ' I be held in the United Church here on Friday. Ssessions commence at 9,45 and at 1,30. !! Rev. G. A. Barnard is attending Conference at London this week. !! Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacLean, son,« Laughlin, and daughter, Phyllis Mary, of Sarnia, were guests of Mrs. J. A.,; MacLean, over the holiday. > Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCabe, Wind- ■ sor, are guests at the home of her fa-'' ther, Mr. John McQuillin.- The meeting of the Y.P.U. was held, on Sunday evening with E. W. Race, ’’ the president, in the chair. The topic,« ’’Friendship, Courtship and Marriage” j! was taken by Stanley Todd; a reading "The Last Hymn” was given by Dick' Weafterhead. Mr. Fred Webb and .Mr. E. J. Thom were recent visitors with Mr. WmJ Bell at Pane River. » | The June meeting ©f the Women's ' Institute will be held on Thursday,'! June 6th in the C: mmunliy .Hall, Roll ? Call—-Suggestions for the year’s pfo-'; gram. Subject in charge ■©? Mrs. Tom 'i Todd, Home Ecor.oteiics CowenerJ, Program committee: Mfo. A. Aitche-' ■ ■ « i Lfi,n« J* Cameron; Hostesses, Mrs. < Wingham Todd, Mrs. Cranston, Mrs. Allan'! JLZurMW* 1 With proceeds for patriotic parposJ a program and taee will be held MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman and son of Dutton, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman. Miss Gorley, of Toronto, spent the holiday -with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Mr. and Airs. Leonard •Gates, Cher- I and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy King and family, j Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. I and Mrs. Jas. Peacock, and other j friends. Mrs. George Lowery, of Brussels, visited with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Bone-and family, also with her bro ther, Wm. J. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and. sons, of Drayton, spent Sunday with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and, baby, visited on Sunday with her par ents at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and. daughter, of Byron, spent, the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Ed. Johnston; Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield, of Gorrie, visited also at the same home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers- spent Wednesday evening with his fa ther, Mr. George Mathers, at Blue vale. dominion CFRB TORONTO THURSDAY S PJtt. Wvinj Ttrat €ET GAME CARD FREE AT YOUR DOMINION Sunton Grapefruit Fare LARD Heinz Tomato 3 Tins 25c Alymer of Libby’s TOMATO JUICE Alymer Choice Quality PEAS 10c CORN Tin 2 For 21c 5t"“ 23c - - 2 Lbs. 19c Conner’s CHICKEN HADDIE - Tin 15c Blue Ribbon TEA - - - i/i Lb. Pkg. 33c Clover Leaf Fancy Pink SALMON - 15& Oz. Tin 17c SUNLIGHT SOAP - 4 Bars 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP <. 2 for 15c LUX FLAKES - - - Lg. 23c LUX FLAKES. - - . Sm. 10c Blue Ribbon COFFEE « • « - Pound 55c Lynn Valley PEARS <- ■w 2 Tins 21c FRUIT specials SfcAFEFRUIT - * - - 5c Each < 2 Bunches 15c PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 88, 31, JUNE l«t NEW CABBAGE . Pound 5c ■ ASPARAGUS