The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-23, Page 2MOSS TWO • IVB flw Mnmhon %». n GomhTifr' exira Villus for Bfrh TM tw\v tire with the fam* mvs diamond trend nt the lowest price oveih $eo us today * * * $wHl like out easy terms » » „ our con* vonlont Hud^et Plan! Wt w wvfe^ Mfn m % % % thm WB hwt <Udd$e» Tabes % ON TMft MURRAY JOHNSON CA'r •g-j w W 'CWTA\W1 .. ’W^c Mr. .IwMfeo Ihlgar Chev- fer .gave the decision U>ai ^ho Coat- Whhst partx of ’Canada wa* an uhlaxv- frd Or£am: amm. Tte irjlgomc-m My foxm awaol fo rough out Canada movl 'favom-ably- •oxoopt by those poo- plfe 'Who by fote ■acfrw h'nd afriW tiom? will be Mfteted by foe judge’s •hoiioh. We m Qhe Ib-kish Empire have Thursday, May 23rd, 1940WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES drilling that took pface near Clinton, of ilw leases that were held in this part only to lapse. We would like to sec the area prospected but people who invest in this kind of venture should bear in mind there is a great chance of loss. Of course should a well come in the pay-off would be, no doubt, worth while. of the niQTDTCTJlaM* J* ■JL Aw* A fels have to be nsej. This is no time to he lenient. In using,- stringent meth­ ods it may be that a few teivifrte may be unjustly usedk but this shoute not stop those in authority making absolutely eevtam that we are free from any element that e*n attaek us from vfrhhn Canada is looking to Ot­ tawa for leadership as h has never done before. Canada has to take this war in a more serious way than she has for the past seven months. * ♦ * * MORE WAR mORT NBRDBD If people talk as they thinfe Can* ada's war effort is not satisfactory, The events in Norway, Holland mid Belgium have aroused our people to the toatetion that only out best ef- ; fort will do. Onr opinion has been for some lime that on? xvar effort was sadly lacking. Plans may be in the making; but- they are not getting re*, suits as muchly as they should. One cannot fight a btekreig with slow' motion methods. We are a peacenik nation, slow to anger, but we -are of; the opinion that the people -of this fair j Dominion are ready to -do their best- to win the war. They are ready to' serve in any capacity that they are; able, but .leadership is necessary and: the people, are saying that leadership j is lacking. The G^ernment at Ok law a has the mandate from the peo­ ple to do our pan in the war effort, it is up to them to fulfil their obliga­ tion, fret ns get busy and. help win the waw *- * % % BXACK'GOED The tuetewv Sentinel recently had t' an ankle which stated that in the. op-. ■ inion of \X\ R Patterson, a brother -1 of Mrs, XVm. MeKenaie. oil abounds fa llnwe xdowy, and the Holyrood district ts a favoured spot Mr, Pat­ terson is of rhe opinion, that oil will ;be found at a depth, near Hofenood, '■ of Ibdd to flddi) feet, which would make it a shallow field compand to ■many- fields that are now' producing. Injury Ifatal to Seaforth Man Bynest Dmnin, 6S, well-known con- iractor of Seaforth, died in hospital Friday from head injuries suffered in an automobile crash on No, 4 high­ way at Kippen wiser in the week He suffered a severe fracture at the base of the skull, which caused intern­ al hetnonhagv. He had been uncon­ scious since the accident. Mr. Diuniu’s car collided with a car driven by Rev. F. J. Merrick of Tara. Warns Wife Deserters '‘'Wife desertion is becoming loo prevalent in Bnice ComfryC Magis­ trate F, W. Walker stated in police emm at Walkerton, saying, ■‘I’m go­ ing to send wife ■deserters to fail? A. young man from the northern pan of the ■county convicted in an earlier court on a -charge of wife desertion and was remanded for sentence. been too looienl with people who er.*, icy om- fte iusfamions and laws only If oil ear be located fa paying- guan- ’titles as Mr. Ifenerson predicts then there will be a big boom, fa this dis- trite fr is also reported that Mr, Tas ferson contemplates taking np leases ■on ernhin properties leading np to * drflling- operations in the not Jan dis- j Wt fatrn. XVe hope he. fe Hgkt, 'One ear-mot but think of the oil well i - : to thke & Wk hwfed, at- ihes^ i things m the frm oppomnfey. iCw Udh should :akc SfeCk now, wt •£ U'.iw utc fefeiy on &11 the Awigh bfewm- I wit-hfe on? Kw?§artes-. The way ihc yfehmas have u$od frith bofew w> few is a x^imfeg to -t>& •people In ■. fehoriiy that thm days strong -mofeU To Traoiko Xaw -at Walkerton K. Sw MacKmie, associated with W. K. Tomlinson in a law oifrte in Ton Elgin since IdPS, is taking ov­ er the practice of O. B. Klein. Walk- ' teon, and. will be succeeded by George Bacon, popular young Ton El­ gin barHster. Mr. Klein was recently appointed judge of 'County Court of' Yotk-^Ton Elgin Times, - r£fce ;c^s* „ut^6 c^oU V -e IO" • •^ -.O’65 lW o'-'^or6 lQt ita^’ tw*e , ..C-^ ,seU a^S J,ooker gsd Go^® Bprafai&S Ankle Xu Ball Assfetmg in wrecking the old hotel, reeonlly purchased te Connellor J. 33. Brown, Town. Clerk J&dklin, of Toes- wafer, had an accident fhat might have proved worse than it did. Wute -en­ gaged fa tearing np the rte of the, building, a scantling gave way, and Mr. Jhtjidfa was te£fed through the root ro fife next .floor. — Teeswater Nows. W' A A Towto Tfam 3?m T-aH Mr, K Ward has a tomato plant set oat -fa ids garden which is 5®st six ■feel taU When geranimns were being repotted last fall a tomato seed was cooped up with .the earth, Evenmal- "ly It became a plant and contimied st frrfae. throughout the winter. Twite St produced Bloom And t w it is trn ' fa the. gwfen appatenfry in good shape for' some very early home- mwn tomatoes.—Clinton N-ews-Re- ■kard. 3>ireH neighbors could tod hini. The toWrnoon sessicn opened vtrth of Eratexred Her Arm Helen, daughter nt Mr. and Mrs. Afefa Hfafefe of this village, while playing- at her home, fen backward off a motor muck, and fractured her -arm. '■—Mildmay Grates. 2s Butter ’Mate- st •Cecil McNeill of Tteswater, form- orly of Belmore, has beer engaged as butter -mater at the local Creamery,— Wldmny Grotes. in l&Awiif tiMHiidbw WwhW WWJJ W'WWiFW’W W?X Jg*Jff WkWh MM W X«^iM wi 3Bb Ik WWt* wMwOMbro W» ■ WP.w ow < wk Wwt ww -sumb* »wnr iwli©wsjiW {jpwwSKww •«« .... j^fada WMic -titfjjiiWii ■spsTA.Mfe 'wffftMSj --<|^fiW3;' w was wm. m sto* «few», as* * w*»? ® ■SB*,W’Jsm. WhUS® atfc«■«sd» 1 W®nWer Bfes Btxiidmg- Boom J With only wo woks left Jn -which 'ito take altadi^e ot-the- government ‘ ■ offer of wt Amounts to almost wo '!-years’ free Taxes. rSanover Is In rhe rj nritist of -a Buhfenc boom. At 'feast 1 eight new dwe'Uhgs wHl bn oomptet- ikd -this year. • ^Tfeos -of MtStoOT Tfelfewfr BaufeB. 1 Whte fe Bdimd to 'be a pfeoe of Jmfefeofrfe which fell fest ..fely, ws Hwrfe roocistly by Airs. Earl Mokjy 'and. her sons white walking in their ;. bush on their iarm. Tibs .is fedfefell b|jo he a ptetfe of tfe same amour .'■which fell uwTtrAsdnn • in JulyfrSfet'- jost Bfendard. , l&wpp- -Xfesift Tkssfeion Wiihh&lB ; At tbc TonrJtsiun of n twb-dfey1 .’ frfel Judge -Cotfehto .TsmwS "Bfe B.s- - ofefen an life •oasn bf J. E. Shmdown, ; -who fe .stejmfeg^X,W damages from, frfe Town of Ctedsriteh «nH an anyoup- kten fesmfahig it 'from ppm'ting a, ; ysaivfc garbage “‘tdump’* mfr -tb his 'pro-; jp«W> IBafate lAfifirsn 39taB , i ■ j The Eouw ’Bhutfe frmfe \ jM’dfed two psu -stetten wws; i 'hp life herd, Thfe ws ‘pteteetl frte j W. El, :MaWte XonMxPfet and We kptte from A .-Cutbsfr,, IMngsfei- \ mte Ttefe Wng tdfe ted tw tefe! j tthd frnly two warfe am 4o *»- an test WsiftsEL ICfefe I __________ __ ________ iste T*. W. Atttukagu, fe? Tofrmto,! jphfetel te guilty fa ’Misgfe'mte T, 1 pW. Waltefe owt at Walteton, aswa j (Mtefag .Ufe tefaste wtriti jalfomteasaPbWWfantte j«twn -afadtete. dlfe terfag ws ad- (te-tet ^htfefrsi w ri.winfedter.MayS'1, Atefetfr isah ';tec;d "to tefe ten »Ete Wok fa ,thfe Jfette te ate wm .al tfa- | Wfa 'WithWia liws. I dMSUk I FKESBYTERIAL HAD A VERY GOOD YEAR Continued from page one Tn the rmort of rhe Executive a fit- : HngTwfem was paid to the late Mrs. ■. Alfred M, CaTr, .of Whigham, who, by her faithful service, fetent and person­ ality, bUiil brought inspiration to the m’esrings. Ar this time Rev. J, IX Wilkfe of Teeswatsr, Moderator of the Tfreshy- rery. brought .greetings from the Pres- bytfety. Sfe -spoke words pf approcia- .tion to tire 'WAS. for 'the part ihcy ■„ptey in .the congregation by visiting ; the sick and -shaGfe. 3Se sounded a ; .warning note, ajot -to let the W.MB. givings take rhe place of rhe Budget; ' frf rhe Churdi, wfrh .its .proposition Wfe The “report of ‘the Xife Mohibh^dp snxretary showed a slight 'dbtsmse . from ..fest yean,-white the Glad Wings shbxurlptirms remained hlie same. Xfr- era.tu.rn sate ja-mownd to WM i Books ami tfeligioas papers were stat ; l.o »titlyi»ig districts. The Welcome ’ ama Wafers tss^dtasy •sspbfce -pJ i'hls ; fieparwre-tti "being ’Xove in Atition^ She stiggssttd tmorn Widtig leb tey-witmg. The Stmtem ’ -work frsg* g^tfrpg WTfetl. : The ^uggestkm 'Wt by ihe Tms semtaty '■KT* ibr «wh Auxhiarj- to . bsrae fe Tnss -ssofew, jcnil in wpofe- ing in 'Be pTompt, be wx mtfe «nft j Ztegal wdter the teatitta 3Wfi® jfaM .^pfeefate ws& wwsed to ................ ' ltedfem..w fa tettfag feporfe. i The «mew of t>iir ; mnd faw the wiifaSt i pmeh rte Gospel? i^Tiw feWfed ;thht the 'tel 'nwi the. swt of i3SHtes ’’iKfai.te dfcdF^hfag ^i®,twwr | W Ate. Bmfete ateod the do- j 'Btew A. TFJ dtal -wridtely dimite wte «wd Wss Acteoh, of iai life tarn, tetefa (wte He O jWtehwmb fe.!«fag‘thr mofrng'Whh |Whlfe -A JSWn WrWittr .3W®1 :-Sr»TW.yeT'. shall be peace,’ devotions led by Mrs. J. D. Wilkie, speaking from Isaiah, showing the fit of Teeswater ©n the theme *The work J Ocar&uiefi on. page ’seven lx M Be<gralcxT de^os^ wm Sf m&S4 'S^< into n -shabfe Yc«W3D^aa®t Snv* Sn$s ticmint in *&& ItaaMm Bsifc is ®ofer tmd w&H hr t&R W saW '< <t tons «t Se BgmSaiK* 'd Jbr Oim wIks few ws$aa^ ®o«ats