The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-16, Page 4.............................................................................................ini ............................................................................
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The Millers of Purity Flour congratulate the follow- «
ing winners of the recent Purity Flour jingle contest:
1st PRIZE - $30 CASH - Mrs.R.P.Scott,RR3 Teeswater
2nd PRIZE - $15 CASH - Mrs R.Fergusqn, RR1 Thornbuy
3rd PRIZE - $5 CASH -Mrs. J. HarbottleRR4 Markdale
10 $1 PRIZES - Mrs. J. R, McNab, Sr., Lucknow; Mrs. Stan
ley Potter, R.R. 2, Grand Valley; Mrs. Howard E, Johns, R.R. 3,
Seaforth; Mrs. W. E. Patterson, R.R, 3, Chesley; Mrs. Albert Mero,
Goderich; Mrs. George McGaw, Box 438, Kincardine; Mrs, Russell
Strang, AWanford; Mrs. William Chapman, R.R* 1, Exeter; Mrs. R.
C, Bartlett, 208 Norfolk St., Stratford; Mrs, R. H. McTavish, Rip
Beftfbr all your Baking
11 cents a word pert insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
I ^K3OE====s=aoxaoix===s=soi^QE:
AUCTION SALE^at Edgar Pattison’s
house, Minnie St., Wingham, at 2
p.m., on Saturday, May 18th. The
following is for sale: Radio, tea
kettle, tables, centre table, coal oil
stove, hand washing machine, wash
tub, chair, hammock, dresser, wash
stands, stretcher, iron sugar kettle,
dishes, bed, hall lamp, arm chairs,
knives and forks, carpet sweeper,
wringer, boiler, sideboard, soap ket
tle, frying pan, kitchen cabinet, 6
diningroom chairs, phonograph,
dishes, couch, wall tent 10x12, glass
pitcher, rocking chairs, numerous
other articles. Thos. Fells, Auction
and started Chicks up to 8 weeks
old. Write for price list to Wing
ham Hatchery, Wingham.
AUCTION SALE — of household
furniture and effects will be sold at
Edgar Pattison’s house, Minnie St.,
Wingham at 2 p.m. on Saturday,
May 18th. Thos. Fells, Auctioneer.
FOR SALE—Daisy No. 2 Hand
Churn, like new. Machan Bros.
summer the moths are rampant.
Our advice is to place your valued
fur garments in cold storage where
they are protected against the moth
larvae, also insured against fire and
theft. Remember it is as important
to-store your furs with the same
care as that with which you purch
ase ‘them. We also restyle, repair
and remodel and make fur garments
to order. We sell what we repres
ent. Famous Fur Company, Wing
ham phone 204; Toronto phone WA
WANTED—-Girl to help with house
work. Mrs. A. J. Walker.
WANTED—Girl for Housework. Ap-
ply Mrs. Chris. Newman.
WHY SUFFER with Rheumatism,
Sciatica, Lumbago? Rumacaps’ two-
Way Action quickly relieves pain
while attacking the cause. McKib-
bon’s Drug Store.
funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs.
Weekes, near Clinton.
Miss Margaret Edgar, R.N., Walk
erton, spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs, H. Edgar,
We are sorry to hear that Eileen,
little daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Lome
Kaaks, was' taken to Wingham Hos
pital last week.
Miss Helen Milligan is visiting at
the home of her cousin, Dr, and Mrs.
G. M. Fletcher, of Toronto, and will
spend some time with friends at
Hawkestone, Lake Simcoe,
Mr, and Mrs, George Harris, Saska
toon, are visiting friends here. They
return home by motor this week and
will be accompanied by Mrs. Jennie
Harris, who will visit a sister and oth
er friends in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rae, Brantford,
visited recently with Mrs. D, W. Rae,
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Rae moved into the
new home which they recently built,
last week,
The many friends here of Mrs. A.
Morrison regret to know she is seri
ously ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. George Lackie, of London.
Week-end guests of (Mr, and Mrs.
R. J. Rann were: Dr. W. A. Spence,
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alkin Rann
and sons, Brussels. • '
Mr. Cliff Denny, of Toronto, spent,
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Denny.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ireland and
Mr. Clifton Ireland, Teeswater, were
Sunday guests of Mrs’. John Bush.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carr, Wingham,
visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Waller on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ’Hayes, also
Miss Marjorie Waller, Toronto, spent
Mother’s Day with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Walldr.'
Mrs. Tenant, Toronto, also Mr. N.
Bowman, Listowel, are visitors at the
home o.f Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst.
The district annual of the Women’s
Institute will be held in Gorrie May
30th, commencing at 10 a.m. Miss V.
Bamibridge, who formerly taught in
our village, will be one of the guest
speakers from the Dept.,
Woman’s Association
The May meeting of the W. A. will
be held on Thursday of this week,
May 16th, in the United Church
school room. All the ladies of the con
gregation are invited to this meeting.
let Kruschen Help Keep
You Well
Do you know that millions of
people throughout the Empire, take
the ’’little daily dose” of Kruschen
Salts every morning of their lives?
They are being loyal to themselves
because Kruschen helps to keep
them on the job and on their toes—
whether they axe on active service,
in the kitchen, the office, at a lathe
or an assembly line.Why get behind m your work,
why lose a day’s pay, a night’s
sleep, an hour’s fun—-why grow old
before your years—when Kruschen
Salts will help you battle .the com
mon cause of these disappointments?
Kruschen helps banish the misery
of headaches, backache, twinges of
rheumatism, sour stomach? It does
this because it contains, not one or
two, but several specially chosen
mineral salts, in very minute crystal
(almost powder) form — that help
clear your body, of waste, of poisons,
blood impurities. . ,No large dosage is required. No
bloating aftermath. No violent
laxative effect. Simply take what
you can put on a dime—in your
morning glass of water. Keep taking
it just that way and see how soon
you will get relief, how it gradually
imparts to you that glorious feeling
of tingling fitness that, makes you
willing to tackle anything. All be
cause it helps banish body waste and
poisons. At drug Stores 25c, 45c, 75c.
On Guaranteed Trust
. A legal investment for
Trust" Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
Thursday, May 16th, 1940*
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Toner, Tot’
onto, were week-end guests with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs* John, Metcalfe,
Mr. Norman McGill, of Los'Altoes,
Calif., was a week-end guest with his
father, Mr. W. A. McGill and sister,
Mrs. Reuben Appleby,
Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and
Miss Margaret Foster, R,N„ of Gor
rie, weje Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Mr. ,and Mrs, Clayton Edwards and
little son, Jimmie, have moved to
their new home near Belmore,
Mr, and Mrs* Doubleday, Toronto,
were week-end guests with the latter’s
brother, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Corrigan.
Mr, Wm. Black is spending this
week in Brussels, the school being
’closed with measles,
The many friends of Miss Agnes
Wallace also Mrs, Arthur Lincoln will
be sorry to learn they are both con
fined to bed, but hope they may soon
be about as usual.
Mrs. Oliver Sto'kes visited a couple
of days this week with her uncle, Mr.
John Rutledge, Brampton,
The W.M.S. meeting was held in
the basement of the Westfield United
Church on Wednesday, May 8th, with
16 members present. Mrs. Stanley
Cook’s group had charge of the meet
ing. The theme of the program was
"Survey of Stewardship.” Mrs. Wm.
Carter, Mrs. Fred W. Cook and Mrs.
Percy Vincent gave interesting read
ings. Season of prayer led by Mrs.
Stanley Cook, Mrs. Percy Vincent,
Mrs, Fred W. Cook and Mrs. Wm,
Carter. A pleasing duet, "Softly and
tenderly Jesus is calling” was sung 'by
Edith and- Gwen Cook. Mrs. William
McVittie gave an interesting report of
the recent Presbyterial Convention
held at Seaforth. Mr’. Stanley Cook
gave the chapter in the study book on
"Christian Church in India." Presi-
Just when you would expect tire prices to go up,,
along comes Firestone and reduces prices on threat
popular lines of tires to the point where it would be
absurd to look any further for tire bargains. Now
everybody can afford Firestone quality. When you
need tires come in to us first and see the genuine
bargains we can offer you.
Wingham . Phone 99
dent, Mrs. McVittie, took charge of
business part of meeting, Sixteen re
sponded to the- Roll Call. Several
ways were planned for raising money,
one was the “Travelling Baske.t” an
other the "Galloping Tea". The meet
ing was closed by singing the hymn
“Whiter Than Snow." Mrs. Stanley
Cook closed the meeting by* pronounc
ing the Benediction,'
Mrs. J. E. Ellis and Miss Mary El
lis visited last week at the home of
the former’s daughter, Mrs. J. D. Els-
ley, of near Listowel.
Miss Elsie Cook, of Belgrave, is
spending a few weeks with her aunt,
Mrs. Fred J. Cook.
Misses Winnifred Campbell and
Anna McDowell and Kenneth Camp
bell attended the Young People’s con
vention at Grand Bend on Monday.
Continued on page five |
Between all points in Canada and to>
certain destinations in the United
For The Round Trip
Tickets good going Thursday. May 23.
until 2 p.m., Sunday, May 26.
RETURN LIMIT to leave destina
tion not la'ter than midnight, Monday,
May 27, 1940.
Adults or Children -------25c
Full particulars from any agent.
Carnahan Pacific
CLYDESDALE Stallion, Torrs Mon
arch, No. 29110, owned by Teeswat
er Agricultural Society, will stand
for service at the farm of Duncan
McGregor, 2 miles southwest of
Teeswater, for a limited number of
mares; Imported, Premium A, 5
year old, sired by Scotland’s Emin
ent, .service fee $12.00. For full par
ticulars apply to Duncan McGregor,
tires with warm weather coming.
Play doubly safe and save money.
Buy Super Lastic Masters at Camp
bell’s Garage. Canadian Tire Corp
oration Associate Store.
FOR QUICK SALE—A number of
honey supers and frames in flat.
Wm. H. Mundell, Victoria St.
FOR SALE—Renfrew Metal Tub
Hand Washer, good condition. Ma
chan Bros.
room House, lights, water, furnace,
small frame barn, garden. Apply -
E. W. Bolton, Gorrie.
FOR SALE—Single and Double Pe
tunias, Asters, Pansies, etc., Cab
bage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Pep
pers. Lower Wingham Greenhouse.
FOR ’ SALE—Kitchen Cabinet, with
porcelain top. Apply to Mrs. Frank
Sturdy, Victoria St.
FOR SALE—Shorthorn Bull, grand
son of Walshford Paymaster the
great sire in Beath herd. Apply G.
N. Underwood, R. R. 1, Wingham.
FOR SALE—1938 Jr. Scout Indian^
Motorcycle, in good condition, rea-i
sonable; also yearling heifer for
sale. Apply W. J. Clark & Son.
FOR SALE—Katadins Seed Potatoes
grown fom 1939 Certified Seed
in 1939. M. A. McDonald, White
Rose Station, Teeswater.
F. W. KEMP, Listowel—Monuments
and Monumental Work. 100 monu
ments from which to choose. Auc
tion Sales conducted. Phone 38 or
121, Listowel.
MEN WANTED — A good business
paying good income and with future
possibilities. Selling Familex Pro
ducts men and women all Over Can
ada have found the secret of suc
cess. Wtiy don’t you get in on it
too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for
‘ FREE catalogue describing 200 ne
cessity products and plan, FAMlL-
EX. PRODUCTS, 570 St. Clement
A Court of Revision on the Assess
ment Roll of the Town of Wingham
for the year 1940 will be held on Mon
day evening, May 27th, 1940, at 8.00
o’clock at the Town Hall.
Seaeled Tenders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed “Tender for
Coal,’’ will be received until 12 o’clock
noon, daylight saving), Wednesday,
May 29, 1940, for the. supply of coal
and coke for the Dominion Buildings
throughout the Province of Ontario.
Forms.of tender with specifications
and conditions attacked can be obtain
ed from the Purchasing Agent, De
partment of Public Work’s, Ottawa;
and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ad
elaide St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders should be made on the
forms supplied by the Department and
in accordance with departmental spec
ifications and conditions attached
When the amount of a tender ex
ceeds the sum o£ $5,000.00—wether it
be for one building Only or more—-
the tenderers must attach to their
tender a certified cheque on a chart
ered bank in Canada, made payable
to the order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, equal to 10
per cent of the amount of the tender,
or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of
Canada or of the Canadian National
Railway Company and its constituent
companies, unconditionally guaran
teed as to principal and interest by
the Dominion of Canada, or the afore
mentioned bonds and a certified
cheque, if required to make up an odd
. The Department also reserves the
right to demand from any successful
tenderer a Security deposit, in the
form of a certified cheque or bond
as above, equal to 10 per cent of the
amount of his bid, to guarantee the
proper fulfilment of the contract
By order,
Sccfd&ryt Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, April 30, 1940.
Mother’s Day Service
United Church, its Chancel a pro
fusion of spring flowers, was a fine
setting for Mother’s Day services
which were largely attended. The
Rev. A. M, Grant had charge and he
spoke on Mothers of the Bible, choos
ing for his text, "Then say thou, Thus
saith the Lord God, The city sheddeth
blood in the midst of it that her time
may come and maketh idols against
herself" Ezekiel, 22: 3. In the even
ing the pastor spoke on "The Making
of a Minister."
Mission Band May 17th
The Mission Circle will hold open
meeting on Friday night of this week
in the church school room at 7.30
o’clock. Special music, recitations and
a pageant "The Missionary Alhpabet"
will be given by the members and ail
the parents and friends are cordially
invited to be present.
St. James’ Service
Sunday evening service in St, James
Church was a combination of Moth
er’s Day, Whit Sunday and- Hospital
Sunday. The hymns were in keeping
with these three themes, and the Rec
tor, Rev. J. S. Ball, chose his text
from 2 Cor.: 3 17 "Now the Lord is
that Spirit and where the Spirit of the^
jour focal CjfV
1/2 r&u—
l _■M
McKIBBON’S Drug Store, Phone 53
Though the works of a radio
mystify most people they are an
Open book to the Radio Service
By using his knowledge and
equipment, you Save trouble and
Number One Stand-By
Trade Name
"Genuine Radiotrons"
Lord is there is ligerty." Holy Com
munion was dispensed at the close ox
evening service.
> W.M.S. Hear Report
Mrs. D. W.-Rae took charge of the
W.M.S. meeting held on Thursday
last in United -Church school room.
The meeting"opened with the singing
of the hymn “O-Lbrother man, fold to
thy heart thy brother” followed by the
Scripture reading, taken from St. Matt.
25. Mrs. Cook gave a short talk on
’Stewardship" pointing out that this
year is set aside as Stewardship year.
Mrs. Rae read an article on “Vision.”^
The president, Mrs. G. A. Wearring,
took charge of the business period and
spoke of the bale which is to be pack
ed the first week of June. Anyone
having new .or jgood, used clothing,
quilts, etc., may leave same at Cent
ral office. An invitation from Blue
vale W.M.S. to meet with them on
June 4th was accepted. The Roll Call
was - responded to by a thought on
"New Life.” Mrs. Stocks gave a fine
report on the recent Presbyterial held
at Seaforth. Mrs. Stocks also gave the
prayer for Peace, . and • the meeting
closed with the hymn “O God of love,
O King of Peace.”
Open Institute Meeting •
On Wednesday of this week the lo
cal Institute will hold an open meeting
in the United Church school room.
The main feature of the evening will
be the showing of slides, four sets —
Beautifying the Grounds of the Coun
try Home, The Town Home, Peren
nial Borders, and Homes Across Can
ada. Everyone in the community is
cordially invited to be present.’ There
is no admission and the meeting will
commence at 8 p.m.
Special S. S. Services
With a record attendance of 75 pup
ils, special Mother’s Day service was
observed in United Church Sunday
School on Sunday morning. The pro
gramme was carried out Under the "dir
ection of the Supt., Mr. Robert Stocks
who gave an address, choosing for his
subject, "Christ in the Home.” The
Scripture lessons were read by Eliza
beth Grant and Cliff Denny. A poem
on ‘Mother” was read by Barbara
Grant. The story of The Unseen
Guest” was told by Vera Wright and
a duet by Margaret and Agnes Wear-*
ring was enjoyed.
Mrs. A, C. Hutchison, of Fordwich,
Miss Nellie Hutchison, Toronto, also
Mr. Jack Hutchison, Vancouver, were
Sunday guests of Mr. Tom and Miss
Beatrice Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Brown were
in Guelph1 on Friday attending the
graduating exercises for the O.V.C.,
their son, Mr, Geo* firown, feeing one
of the 57 graduates.
A.F, & A.M. Purchase Property
The members of Forest Lodge A.F.
& A.M, have purchased the local pro*
perty known as the Gofton HoUSC aiid
are at present having sortie alteratlferis
made on the building.
W W*f
Illustrated—Chevrolet Special De Luxe Sport Sedan.
is the LONGEST ofALL Lowest"Priced Cats
„ Want truly luxurious motoring at the very
lowest cost? Then eye, try and buy the new
Chevrolet! Here’s size and style beyond your
expectations at such low prices ... in the longest
of all Iowest-priced cars, measuring 181 inches
from front of grille to rear of body—a car that
combines Body by Fisher and new ‘‘Royal
Clipper Styling to set the fashion for ’40! You’ll
be proud to own this big beauty... and your sat-
jsfaction will be doubled by the savings on gas
oil and upkeep that traditionally go with
Chevrolet ownership. Gome in .. . eve it, try
it and buy it — today! 1
THE *"RlDE ROYAL"—Chevrolets
Perfected Knee-Action Riding Sy*«
separate parking lights.
*Oh Special Da Luxe Medel*.
.. Misses Margaret and Kathleen
Durst, of Tillsonburg, spent the week
end with their parentsr iMr, and Mrs/
I* Durst. Kathleen will remain for
some time.
Mn Athol. Stewart .
Ruth visited at the hom$-pW. D, San*
derson over the w/ek-end* Mt* and ,
Mrs. Mercer, of Markdale* visited ■ at
Mrs* Wm, McDonald attended the