The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-09, Page 3Thursday, May 9th, 1940 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGEETHREE cruisers, destroyers and submarines with “mother” ships were in the squadron, the forerunner of an even larger Franco-British naval force ex­ pected at Alexandria, The ships were in full fighting trim, Are You Still Pioneering? LIKE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary accommodation are relics of pioneering days. They are out-of-date, inconvenient, unhealthy —> and your family should ndt have to put up with them. Running water under pressure enables you to replace such antiquated arrangements with a Modern EMCO Bath­ room, and up-to-date kitchen and laundry fa­ cilities. An up-to-date DUR0 Water Athens Calm But Alert Athens —>• Arrival of a British- French battle fleet in Alexandria and reports of large-scale Italian naval, air and army concentrations in the Dodecanese Islands switched South­ eastern Europe’s anxiety over possible Spread of the war sharply to Greece, Athens itself was calm, but alert. Italy Cautious Rome — ..Italy, as though anxious to avoid war, displayed official cau­ tion'amidst tension oyer the Mediter­ ranean which extended from Athens across the Atlantic to Washington. The Italian tendency was to regard as unnecessary the manoeuvrings of Allied war fleets in the Mediterranean now at Alexandria, as well as diplo­ matic attempts to keep the war from being spread by Italian action. $ gg >U wks ■■ . n 5$: WO !■#tip i Stockholm Finds Sabotage Ring Stockholm — Discovery of a pow­ erfully armed sabotage ring was dis­ closed with the arrest of G. Rittmann, merely identified as "a foreigner,” whose home was said by police to have been turned into a bomb-manu­ facturing plant. May Ask Italy Limit Imports Paris — Authoritative quarters said that Italy may soon be asked by the Allies to follow the example of other neutrals by limiting her imports of goods which may later find their way across the border to^Germany. , Officer Joins Air Force Robert France, who has been Traf­ fic Officer on this, section of the pro­ vincial highway for the past two years, has resigned his position, and has joined up with the Canadian Air Force,—Mildmay Gazette. --- VITAMINS IN INFLUENZA $ ;gg ’$ f i will furnish all the water necessary for these home improvements and it will also supply running water to barns and other buildings where required. The Duro- Special System, capacity 250 gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvan­ ized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only For a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with trimmings costs only.... . (Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra) ' Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as...................... „........................ Balkans Uneasy Despite Assurances Belgrade — Reassured by Germany and Italy-that Balkan fears of aggres­ sion were unfounded, but nevertheless aware that the situation may change at any moment, the capitals of South­ eastern Europe weighed the import of several disturbing developments. low as. $86.00 136.00 83.90 Can be purchased under our , Easy Payment Plan or the Home Improvement Loan Act. Machan Bros. For Sale by DU RO SPECIAL‘ DU RO SPECIAL Can also be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 240 Allies Withdraw from Southern Norway London-f-The Allies withdrew from Namsos and left Southern Norway and the fronts immediately north and south of Trondheim in the hands of the enemy. But in doing so they em- bared with the withdrawing expedi­ tionary force — at least in the south — all,‘the Norwegian troops which Norway’s high command decided could be best employed elsewhere. Norway’s King Haakon was reported aboard a British warship bound for his country’s northern area. Despite the announcement of withdrawal, a reliable military source declared em­ phatically that Great Britain has “no intention of abandoning Norway.” From an English medical journal comes the news that the use of Vita­ mins A and D by intramuscular in­ jection is a valuable remedy, in Influ­ enza. An English physician says that “from personal experience, in several epidemics, as well as observation on my own family and intelligent pa­ tients, I,,feel convinced .that an injec­ tion given early in the disease will us­ ually abort it.” He recites the histor­ ies of severe cases which were com­ pletely well in three days. Most of his work has been done with vitamins A and D in combination, In severe cas­ es he gives 2 cubic centimeters (about 31 grains) at once, repeated as re­ quired. There are no contra-indica­ tions and the injections may be used with any other treatment indicated. SOIL REACTION - ITS RELATION TO CROP GROWTH Sedan. Amai. VACUUM power gearshift 77$ « Seized by Police as King Arrives ■ London — It was disclosed that a man was arrested at Euston railway station and charged, with-possession of an “offensive weapon” shortly be­ fore the King and Queen arrived from Lancashire. The return of the King and Queen from a tour of arms fac­ tories in Lancashire was otherwise un­ eventful. exandria,. within striking distance of the Italian-owned Dodecanese Is­ lands. The long line of gray warships stretched from Alexandria harbor al­ most to the horizon. Battleships, Allied Squadron in East Alexandria, Egypt — The most powerful Allied naval squadron ever assembled in the Mediterranean Steamed into the sunny harbor of Al- X ON TIME! AS LOW AS 57c WEEKLY FOR GUARANTEED GOODYEARS mileage tire In the lowest price class—- PATHFINDER • Drive in ! Save money on tires today! See the new Pathfinder * . . a Goodyear tire at a rock- bottom price. Pay aS low as 57c per week on the easiest terms in town. Pay no money down . . * trade in your ol<f tires * * . pay us weekly as you are paid, in small easy payments. No red tape! No delay! Use your credit here today! MURRAY JOHNSON Wingham, Ontario Got Only Limited Assurance Rome — Count Galeazzd Ciano, It­ alian foreign minister, has given the United States ambassador only limit­ ed assurance of the Rome’ Govern­ ment’s peaceful intentions, it Was re­ liably reported. As official Italians expressed indifference at Allied pre­ cautionary measures in the Mediter­ ranean,r including dispatch of a battle ■fleet* to Egypt, William Phillips/ the American envoy, was reported to have been told by Count Ciano only 'that Italy^* coptemplates no warlike moves within the next 10 days. Tension at the Vatican Paris — Reports reaching from competent sources in Rome dis­ close that tension is mounting be­ tween the Italian Government and the Vatican over the Holy See’s refusal to follow Italy’s lead in adopting a pro-German war attitude. ' Paris B.C. Gas Strike Ends Victoria—British Columbia’s week­ long gasoline drought ended with Premier T. D. Fattulo announcing a settlement had been reached between the Provincial Fuel Board and the province’s oil industry. Supplies start­ ed'moving to service stations immed­ iately, The fuel board had agreed to reduce wholesale gasoline prices one cent a gallon instead of three cents. Conant Considers Vigilahte Plan Toronto — Attorney-General Gor­ don Conant announced at the con­ clusion of a conference of Ontario traffic officials that consideration will be given to a proposal for appoint­ ment of "vigilantes” among “response ible motorists” who would report reckless and discourteous driving in­ cidents to provincial police. A, F. of L. Would Back' Reich Revolt New York —■ Bedrick Stanipher, re­ fugee Czecho-Siovakiari editor, said he had been promised "ittgral support and money, too,0 from the American Fed­ eration of Labor to back a revolution against Hitler in Germany and the countries Germany has taken over. Stamphcr said he addressed the Penn­ sylvania convention 6f the A.F.L. in Pittsburg and received assurances of support itt hti attempt to revive the trade union movement throughout Central Europe. (Science Service News) Soils may be divided, on the basis of their reaction, into two groups, acid and alkaline, states H. J. Atkinson, Division of Chemistry, Science Serv­ ice, Dominion Department of Agricul­ ture. Alkaline soils are characterized by the presence of appreciable quanti­ ties of calcium (lime) and sodium compounds. Acid soils," bn the other hand, contain varying amounts of hydrogen ions which have replaced the calcium or sodium ions. The re­ action of a soil is usually defined in terms of its hydrogen concentration, and is expressed by a scale of num­ bers,’ running from 0 to. 14, which is known as the “pH” scale. Soils with a pH value of more than 7 are alka­ line; those with a pH of less than 7 are acid. Soils with a pH value of 7.0 are known as neutral soils. Those soils in which sodium com­ pounds ..predominate are commonly known as “alkali” soils. They occur only intermittently and constitute a very small proportion of Canadian soils. Usually the presence of exces­ sive amounts of salts and poor phys­ ical conditions (due to the presence of so much so.dium) make such soils difficult to handle properly. Soils which are slightly alk'aline due to the ! presence of lime compounds occur : somewhat more frequently, are in bet­ ter physical condition than those in which sodium compounds 'predomin­ ate, and are usually quite fertile. A very large proportion of the soils in Canada, however, are acid soils and range in pH values from 3 to 7. Un­ der climatic conditions where precipi­ tation exceeds evaporation, the percol­ ation of water downward through the soil layers causes considerable leach­ ing. In -this process the soil bases, particularly lime, are removed from the surface and their places taken by hydrogen ions, thus forming acid soils. While many soils which are only sljghtly acid cart be classified as good soils, conditions of extreme acidity are frequently harmful and should be cor­ rected, for example, by addition of lime. These harmful conditions may be caused by the soil acids themselv­ es, or by the presence of aluminum whichJs rendered soluble by the acids, or to the lack of calcium which.may cause either a deficiency of this elem­ ent for plant growth or poor physical condition of the soil. In soil studies, it is difficult to separate these factors. In acid soils, conditions are unfavor­ able to the growth and activities of Soil bacteria which are needed in the breakdown of organic matter and in t.he release of nutrients for plant food, The effect of the reaction of the soil in plant growth varies with the crop. Some crops Will grow well only with­ in relatively narrow ranges of soil re-, action, for example, alfalfa, which grows well under neutral or slightly alkaline conditions hat will not grow on very acid soils. Other crops are tolerant of large variations and wilt grow well tinder ipiite a range of con­ ditions. It is impossible to draw «p any precise list and assign various plants to definite pH ranges, since other factors as the amounts of Nine, otgabic niatter, moistute, etc,, may also have a considerable effect on the growth til 'the crop. I 1 You know! . , . Tests are better than talk, and riding • beats reading! . . . That’s why we invite you to take a thorough-going demonstration ride in Chevrolet for ’40. 'You’ll find you can’t equal Chevrolet driving ease — Because Chevrolet has the Improved Vacuum Potver Shift, which supplies 80% of the gearshifting effort auto­ matically, instead of making you tug and pull and do all the work yourself! And you can’t equal Chevrolet riding ease, either — Because only Chevrolet has “The Ride Royal”, which combines Perfected Knee-Action*, Scientifically Bal­ anced Springs and Automatic Ride Stabilizer to produce the smoothest, safest ride known! Will you make the test—today? There’s a car waiting for you at our showrooms right now! / CHEVROLET HAS MORE THAN 175 IMPORTANT MODERN FEATURES, INCLUDING: new "royal CLIPPER" STYLING • BIGGER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE • NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS • NEW FULL-VISION BODIES BY FISHER • SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE • PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES • LARGER TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH. ‘On Special De Luxe Models. •S’ 3 20°/ a •r Y°U °nd requ”es only 2°% dr,ver effort! * Cftevrofef’Jft,mow RIDE ROYAL”it >7 Che.rol«-. SWem._p|„, ■“'.•meed "* „.,er befo„ kn^“ Crawford’s Garage The presence of certain plants com­ monly classed as weeds, frequently in­ dicates acidity in the soil. The rea­ son these weeds will grow in acid soil may not be simply that they prefer acid conditions, but because other plants ’do not grow so well on acid soils and thus the weeds have a better chance to grow. In undisturbed grass­ land, it is possible to tell quite close­ ly the soil reaction by the kind of plants that naturally grow best on it. j such conditions. When the soil reaction is changed by j changed to make itlie soil less acid, the addition of the proper chemicals, J scab may appear on the potatoes. the growth of certain plants will be greatly stimulafed, resulting in the crowding out and almost complete elimination of other species. The occurrence of certain plant dis­ eases is also associated with soil re­ action. Many of these diseases occur only on acid soils. Potato scab on the other hand, does not occur on acid soils below a certain pH value, and potatoes can be safely grown under If the reaction is > C-4I78' J * Soil reaction may be changed by the continuous use of certain fertilizers. Thus, the ammonium sulphate will tend to make the soil more acid and calcium cyanamide will tend to make it more alkaline. The common method of correcting soil acidity, however, is by the addition of ground limestone. Soils may be made more acid by ap­ plications of sulphur. It may be pref­ erable in some cases to grow crops, which will tolerate existing soil condi­ tions rather than attempt to change soil reaction to suit certain crops. POSSIBLE ROUTES FOR NAZI INVASION OF SWEDEN Following reports that Germany is what the next move of Chancellor Hit- event that Germany launches an at- preparlng troops and ships at ports ler will he. If Let Fuehrer should tack on Sweden, the ABOVE map opposite Sweden, the Swedish govern* decide to invade Sweden, the Allies shows possible routes and objectives ment is watchfully waiting to see have pledged aid to Sweden, in the of the Nazi armed forces,