The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-05-02, Page 2PAGE TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 2nd, 1940 better boys and thus when they grow [ up, better citizens. A boy’s character 1 : Is developed to a great degree when , he is of the age that scouting will help him most This, organisation has be- 4 come world wide and should be given i every support as its goodly influence • covers the face of the globe. If a'i scout learned only to do his good deed i every day the efforts of those who-; give so much time and effort in this j movement, would be well worthwhile. I The boy who becomes a $cout wifi, 3 however, learn many other things that s will make him a manly man. | * * * * WORLD WILL NOT BE FOOLED | Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib-’ bentrop, one of Hitler’s favoured '* Naris, on Saturday made a feeble at-1 tempt to lay the blame for the war in | Norway at Britain’s door. He saidj that the Allies had planned to invade I Norway in an effort to widen the war to destroy Germany and that German intervention foiled the design by a few hours. This claim of von Ribbentrop | is an their favour. Tell them that we | ’'rill not influence the world against have plenty of food and all the other things that will make their holiday a pleasant one. Tell them that although we are at war there is no danger here and they can enter and leave our coun­ try as easily as they could before war ■was declared. Tell them the$ will be: hi some respect: Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM . ONTARIO ‘Subscription Rate — Que Year $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To V. S. A., $2.50 per year, Foremen rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. REPORTED SHOT ENCOURAGE TOURISTS ! Some of us do not reahoe that, the tourist business is an important phase of Canada’s economic life. It is, how­ ever, just that. Every visitor to our country spends money, foreign men- $$»,. money that will help us win the I war. It is expected that 15 to 20 mil-1 Ison Americans will visit our country j this year. They come for a variety or:! purposes. Some to fish, some to hunt, jj many to see the beauties of our fair I country. We should do all in our pow-j er to encourage them. Tell your Am- 3 erican friends that they can see Can-8 nda -cheaply as the rate of exchange | I the Allies as it is intended to do, for people who can think for themselves know that the Allies have beer, more than fair m the conduct of the war. The opinion of many is that the Al­ lies should have been more aggressive ... . Germam* was using welcome and then when they come the coastal waters of Norway as a ■extend every courtesy possible. Can-: shipping Jane and the Allies did noth- ada. hopes this year to collect $800,- 3 mg about it until they decided to mine W0,ODO from wruists. This is big bust- J a part of that coast to stop Germany ness. Let us do what we can to make j taking an unfair advantage of neutral this the biggest tourist year we have -ever had. W W A. SPLENDID ORGANIZATION Last week there 'was a Stouter ban- ■<juet and‘meeting held here for the Huron district. This may not sound ■•very important, yet it is without doubt ■ one of the most important events that "has taken place here for some time. •One may ask why this gathering was so important,, and the answer is that-' ■plans were made to carry on Boy ‘Scout activities in this district and. ways and means were discussed to bring the Scouting influence before a ’'larger number in our district, Many of us do not understand that Boy ‘Scout training has influenced the fives -of many, many boys, making them Henrich Himmler, dreaded Nasi gestapo, is reported to have been shot in the mouth in a Cop­ enhagen street shortly after the Nazi waters. Long before Britain took • invasion of Denmark. The report or- steps to stop this illegal practice Ger-«fginated in Sweden. Berlin denies the many planned to Invade Norway. This ’ report statement is not a guess but was made | ’ by Norwegian officials, It would be | ~ impossible for Germany to carry out J disintegrated, portions of it striking the operations such as the invasion | him in the forehead. — Port Elgin of Norway without making plans far in advance. The Nazis cannot justify their actions in striking at Norway. i S NEWS of the DISTRICT «■ Thues. General Store Robbed Effecting an entrance to the store by a rear door, the general store of O. E. Hall was entered by burglars on Wednesday evening last, and a quantity of silver and merchandise stolen. Mr. and Mrs. Hal! who reside upstairs, were in attendance at the en-' iertainment in Carnegie Hall, when: tlse break-in occurred.—Grand Valley' Star. ing the Finns to combat the Russian invaders, the first two weeks of which were exciting and hazardous as the local and his comrades engaged in dog-fights with the Boshevik planes, arrived back in Walkerton recently feeling fine and fit after his brush with the bewhiskered Reds. Salter got out of Norway and Denmark just be­ fore the Germans marched tn. He left Saturday for Toronto, where he is tak­ ing an instructor's course at the Mal­ lon air port. Fractured Arm Patsy Baird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baird, had the misfortune to fall on the sidewalk while roller­ skating Tuesday and fractured her right arm.—Listowel Banner. Stop Removal of Famous Boiler The boiler of the wrecked f‘Erie Belle”, which has been a landmark on tire beach south of Kincardine for many years, was almost removed Sat­ urday, and had not the residents of that area been vigilant and quick to act in calling police, the landmark would be long vanished. An Owen Sound junk dealer, giving the name of XX'hite, had all the equipment neces­ sary to hoist the heavy piece of metal on to a special truck, and had almost completed the task when Chief, of I Police R. C. McKenzie arrived, in re­ sponse to a call from Reeve Ben Lo­ gan of Huron township, and others Kincardine News. Takes Over Bruce Charge Following his ordination as a dea­ con m the near futrue, Howard Ham­ ilton, member of this year’s graduat­ ing class of Huron College, will be­ come rector of Bervie parish, which includes St. John’s Church, Bervie; St. Matthew’s Church, Kingarf, and the Church of the Ascension, Kinlough. Mr. Hamilton began his ministry on Sunday. Charges Alienation Through his counsel, L. E. Dancey, K.C., Henry Pierce, Goderich watch­ maker and jeweler, has caused a writ to be issued in Supreme Court against Clarence Brenner, of near Zurich, far­ mer, claiming $5,000 damages for al­ ienation of his (Pierce’s) wife Grace’s affections. The couple are now separ­ ated and Pierce alleges in the writ that Brenner is now maintaining Mrs. Pierce at the home of his sister in Kit­ chener.I . .. Give us Chevrolet Trucks!" Talk to an experienced, performance-wise truck driver... and you usually find yourself talking to a confirmed Chevrolet Truck booster. For you can’t fool drivers about values. Day in and day out their own driving experiences reveal example after example of Chevrolet Truck superiority in advanced engineering — Quality construction — durable dependability — upkeep and operating economy. The men who know truck values best agree, “Chevrolet’s the Choice!’* The Bray Chick does, the trick. ..Let me shew you the proof. Place your order here. No writing. No toother. Call or phone. A. C. ADAMS ’Wingham Ontario Hurt by Garage Door Donald, the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Weber of the Sth concession of Carrick, met with Sieves he has a record that is unique, painfol injuries. As the lad was pass-. He is now a great grandirather and in ing the garage, the high wind blew the his youth he saw his own great grand­ door open, hitting him squarely in the mother, thus making a span of seven face. His nose was fractured, face cut, and several teeth loosened, and he al- brated his 83rd birthday on April d so suffered from shock. — MHdmay,and has been a resident of Bayfield' Garotte. * »and vicinity for over sixty years.-—Sea- ------- : forth News. Bursting Emery Wheel | Brings Injury t Percy Thede, while working in his • Bayfield Man Has Seen Seven Generations Mr. Sam Houston of Bayfield be- He is now a great grandfather and tn generations in all. -Mr. Houston cele- Teeswuter Girl to Kitchener Miss Alice Bafiagh, who has been shop near town, had*the misfortune to ’! engaged as operator at .the Teeswal- suffer painfol head injuries when an ’ er office of the South Brace Tele- esaery wheel taming al high speedCHICKS ON DISPLAY ..... A Petit cl forote’tn Com Mm Ttei a Bright light fet MB'S Hssrs HYDRO SHOP 1S« Wtogham ................... . ........ phone Go. for the past few years, ■went to Kitchener on Sunday, where she has accepted, a position with the Bell Telephone.—Teeswater News. ■ Blyth Mill to Make Gloves In conversation with Mr. Fran&in BaintonC Proprietor of The Blyfb' Woollen Mills we were informed that within the course of the next month or so, he intends to add a Glove man­ ufacturing' Department to kis other lines at the Woollen Mil's. — Blyth Standard. Lost Money Turns Up The disappearing snowbanks are bringing to light some rather interest­ fog things. Children especially ■are |5foding favorite playthings “‘•lost” fo | last winter’s snow and now comes to t ns the story ©f a $10 bill lost before i | Christinas, found this week, and res- | iored to the rightful owner. Mr, Jas, |*Flynn reported to Constable Efifott' 1 that he bad lost that amount before “ Chris&aas and had given up hope ©f ev- ?t er finding it. Miss Tough spotted' the; •icrumbled note fo the remnants ©f a' | snowbank this week, turned it over to; I Constable Ellfott who an turn banded: 1st to Mr. Flynn,. Everyone as happy. J* about the whole thing.—Clinton News-.' Record. .Mitchell Man Electrocuted | Albert Ruston, maddle-xged foreman, led the Mitchell Pcbfic Utilities Cton-i jlmission, was electroctited when he! ji touched a fiSS-volt live wfoe feadfog; iftg repair ©psrations, For three bouts | Attempts bt artificial respiration were? i made, a mpfoator bating sett by the-’ ■' Stratford, fire. departtiaenL CHEVROLET TRUCKS Kicked by a Horse When John Payne, Exeter, was de­ livering groceries with a horse-drawn vehicle, a buckle broke and the horse became frightened. A kick from the animal resulted in a compound frac­ ture to Mr, Payne’s fog. Dr, M. C. G. Fleecber had the injured man taken to London. i Jtil Governor Ihjnred. J. B. Reynolds, governor of Huron ! County Jail, ss tn Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Wttii bruises and lacerations suffered fo an accident. N©« S fogb* »sl save ware aci»584aigj, way, near HolmesvaEe.. His satr was into the v.-femm5ssfonTs taafo ©ffite struck by aaafher driven by John Mc- Guire coming out of a formers drive­ way- Mr. Reynolds' car was turned over twice.I i ?_ Thieves at <M£ Ldnks ;; Tbfo-ves broke steto tile HstoweL; - GbliF and Cosmwy Club hsiase 3ast Jwesk and stoSe the cq J Pcifoe RoSte 5s itowJ Steaest | g 1 ;j Back from Pfoted f! jfoiesis Waitetop, wk© wmtwetjjWtetoh m three ©the of JJ ... M. . W W _W.... .....t .....*L.L„A, JU._ _Jfc fl- which was not paid into the town treasurer- On these counts he was giv­ en concurrent sentences of two months. Restitution has been made by the accused. Dislocated Vertebrae of Neck Little Pearl Culbert, four years old, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Culbert, concession 4, West Wawanosh, met with what might have been a critical accident at her home near here. She was playing oxt the farm sleigh, from which it is be­ lieved she fell to the ground, a dfo-i fence of about two feet. Later she was noticed to become delirious, and the back of her head and neck began to swell, She, was rushed to Goderich for i medical attention, and she was 'found to be suffering; from dislocation of some of the vertebrae of her neck. Af­ ter treatment she soon was restored, to her normal condition. TREES NOT SPRAY­ ED MENACE TO TO ORCHARD Thousands of dollars are spent an­ nually throughout Canada by prospec­ tive amateur garden fruit-growers for nursery trees of apple, pear, plum, cherry and. peach that are profitable only to nurserymen, state R. W. L. Bligh, Dominion Experimental Sta­ tion.. Kernville, N-S. This is particu­ larly true in areas remote from the recognized fruit growing sections. One sees it on every hand—a poor site, an unsuitable soil, improper planting with no thought of pollina­ tion, and after planting, neglect. The trees soon lose their self assertion, and when this' internal or inherent “push” is gone, they become mori­ bund, linger and fall an easy prey to rodents, winter injury, insect pests and fungus diseases. The prospective amateur garden fruit-grower must be in a position to feed, cultivate, spray, and more or less coddle the young trees from the start. This intensive fore need not be so thorough, but from the time the trees begin io fruit they must receive defin­ ite attention in respect to culture, cul­ tivation, and a proper spray program for the control of insect pests and fun­ gus diseases. Improperly sprayed trees become a menace to the regular commercial or­ chards. It is from these trees that many of the destructive fruit insects are being disseminated to infest or re­ infest commercial orchards that have been inspected and found free of in­ sects. Spraying of these garden orch­ ards has become compulsory in some districts but has not proved wholly effective because of the inaccessibility of the trees and the difficulty of get­ ting the work done at the proper time. Elimination of some of these garden gjA orchards has already taken place i»:w^ certain districts and may become gen­ eral and compulsory. CANADIAN MILITARY ATTACHE IN PARIS Advance-Times Want Ads Bring MaJ&r-GenefalL, R.. LaFleche, €w»*h defow at Otuwa, is shmw here sign-»^otdtw s* t*, *tu. riFNTRfi if" iwltifew attache in .Paris: jtndainw *lwt in TartS. In the CENTRE- Ex-Police Given Jzfi. Term _ Fsrmer police chief ©f WfortPn, St « B. Carson, was sestented to w©g wasM 't*j -She essffidy JaB by Magas-1 toale 'F. W- WaSker ra weekDy com ast Waltetoto after guilty threfe charges cd ©T money amounting to afosM $S5. which J ijwws sjiteti in Ks care. Cawtoh alsrU l$aSser Gwens. ©nSy Judge |was torsrietod 'carte th She Week 5a ‘ erwens ©f waSterom who w^xWvcqi wite©n i-LihjsiS dH ...ts 9ROWn nett Sigft-toOhhW t-, ♦Ik* rWNTRE if I jsia .ite FrasSS sit foteft, ttrfhfaft ef «Wta «C al*toa «*«’* “ ®“« «» l»0h ate H-ine JftSi £«? of 1 spwlt * math ™ »em1 warfare a^iM-jiag same W M»^S «» twa|foa»«Jy ^s«W anaisltt of nahsaal1 wreaHi at ot tto unitawnhwotsia the Parfsam^ ** I