The Wingham Advance-Times, 1940-04-25, Page 8#
.Show Starts at 8.00 p.m, Except 'SaturSli^Mo^
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7,45 and 9.45 p,m.
W .......iw.,1—■ ■mi" ■■nniiiiiii i. K.m nW l||lli..lliMi.»ii«pliniiili«il.. niiiilii. iiiiii i» ill»ni-,W 11 j i,ini in i ■
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 25th, 26th, 27th
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES «Thursday, April 25th, lS4t
The regular meeting of the W, M.
S. of the United Church was in charge
of the" village group- on Wednesday
last, and Miss Genevieve Watt was
in, .charge of the worship service, Mrs.
ij„ Tiffin* ,(Mrs. Lott and Miss Agnes
‘Gillespie read Scripture passages ac
companied by ‘their comments, Mrs.
J. G, Gillespie led in prayer for the
missionaries, and Mrs. Holmes read a
poem, Miss Watt explained a chart of
comparisons of religions in India
showing the great increase in Christ
ianity during the past few years, and
Mrs. E. Scholtz gave R talk on the
chapter of ‘the Study Book, Moving
Millions, hnd giving interesting des
criptions8 of the churches in India.
Mrs, Lott sang a solo, and Miss Watt
led in prayer. The Temperance Clip
pings gave a comprehensive account
of the manner in which Great Britain
is handling the drink problem in war
time, finding a different use for .a mil
lion bushels of grain used weekly in
the manufacture of- drink. Miss Agnes
Gillespie sang “Happy the home
where Jesus dwells” and the meet
ing closed with the Mizpah benedic
Mr,- and Mrs. Jack Burchill and
family spent Sunday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Lance Grain.
Mr. Donald Finlayson, of Lochalsh,
visited on Saturday with his aunt, Mrs.
MacGregor, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Henderson and children, of Lucknow,
visited there and with other relatives
here, on Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Mirehouse spent the
week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon and spn,
Billie, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Rintoul ,of Seaforth, and
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rintoul, Brus
Mr. John Mowbray spent Sunday
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.
Leggatt, of Wingham.
Mr. Will Scott and Miss Marvelle,
of Kirifough, visited on .Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson.
Mrs. John Kilpatrick and family, of
Lucknow, spent ‘Saturday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson
and on Sunday all visited at the home-
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler,, Mor
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Church, was held last Thursday with-
the President, ’Mrs. J. Pollock, in
charge^ Mrs. Welwood read the Scrip
ture lesson and Mrs. Patterson gave,
the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. Robert
Ross, Miss Merle Wilson Sind Miss
Agnes Mackay gave interesting pap
ers on Missionary Work in India'and
Mrs. W. J. Coulter led, in prayer for
the missionaries. The meeting closed
with prayer;
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mr.
Calvin Roginson, Mrs. Joe Thompson
and son,, Claire, all from TilsOnburg,
spent the week-end at- the home.- of
their father, Mr, Thos. Robinson.
The regular monthly meeting of
thp Women’s Institute was held on
Tuesday last with the President, Miss
Grace Richardson in charge. After
the opening .exercises, the-roll call wa£
responded to by telling how many
meetings each one had attended dur
ing .the past year and paying fees for
next year. The ladies decided to hold
an old time 'dance .in the ..Hall this
Wednesday night, and serve lunch.
The- Red Cross ladies decided to hold
an afternoon tea on Friday and have
on exhibit the sewing and knitting etp.
at which the ladies have been work
ing. They also expect to quilt a quilt.
All' the ladies of ,the„ community are
invited to attend.
Mrs. Emerson was appointed as
chairman for the election of officers,
wirfi Miss Louise Martin Acting as
Secretary. The following officers were
duly elected: ^Hon. President, Miss
Grace Richardson; President, Mrs.
Lance Grain; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Em
erson; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Rhys Pol
lock; Sec.-Treas., Miss Agnes Gilles
pie; Branch Directors, Mrs. Lott, ALiss
Rchardson, Mrs? Scholtz, Mrs. B< S.
Naylor, Mrs. W. J. Coultef, Catherine
Mowbray; Press Reporters, Mrs.'Etn-
erson, Mrs. Beecroft; 'Flowers ' and
Fruit, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; Pianists,,
Agnes, Gillespie, Merle Wilson; Aud
itors, Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. A. Coultes;
Program Com.: Mrs. Farrier, Mrs*.
McLean, Mrs. Sparling, Mrs. C. Fal
coner, Mrs. Robt. Ross, Mrs. C. Cox.
The retiring President will be District
Mr. Price Scott, who fell while
working at the mill a few weeks ago
and broke a, bone in hrs. foot, is able
to &et around nicely on crutches now.
The young people of the United
Church accepted an invitation to have
a united service at the Presbyterian
Church on Monday evening. Miss
Velma Scott was in charge and Miss
Janet Craig was in charge of the op
ening Song Service. The origin ot
several hymns was given and all join*
zed ifl singing, Mrs. J, Pollock read
the Scripture lesson and Rev. J. Pol
lock gave a talk on current events.
Rlv, G, A, Barnard also gave a talk.
Misses Merle Wilson and Annie Ken*
fledy and Miss Scott led irt sentence
prayer, Two English mimb^rs were
given, a piona solo “The Old Oaken
Bucket,” by Susan Carrick, and a
mixed -quartette sang “Drinkwto Me
Only With Thine Eyes”; twort'Irish
numbers, a reading by Mrs.”Jas,"Fal
coner, and a piano solo, “Londonderi-
ry Air” by Clarence McCelanghan;
and two Scotch numbers, a reading,
“Bonnie Dundee” by Genevieve Watt,
apd a claripQt’Splo,.“Annie Laurie” by
Garnet Farrier*, .'^he, .games and con
tests, which proved- very interesting,
were in crarge of Miss Velma Scott
and Miss Janet Craig. Lunch was
served and a social half hour was
much enjoyed by all. Miss Agnes Gil
lespie tendered a vote of thanks, and
the Mizpah Benediction closed the
meeting, ' '
Mrs, ;!; Cr. GiJlespie, Mrs,1 J. B, Mor
rison, -.Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Miss
Genevieve Watt anduMrs. J,’ D. Bjee-
croft attended the W.M.S. Prqsbyter-
ial al Seaforth on Tuesday,
Fasheen — a new Wool(Rayon,Suiting - - - 3 shades 1.25 yd.
Fine Wool Checks and Plaids fot Sport ’ Jackets 54 in. ........... 2,75 yd.
Spun Rayon Dress Goods - - - pldin or figured . 69c, 85c, 1,00 yd',
Spun Slub - - for Sportswear .,a new rough weave ,.,, 59c
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An Australian version ot Kobin • Hood, Brian
Aherne is the dashing eisreon^io^ who champ
ions the settlers against theit oppressors.
Also “Traveltalk” “Cartd^ “News”
Matinee Saturday kfte/hbori2.30 p.m.
Matinee Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c. ’
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 29/30, May 1
44 99
A detective melodrama.-Harker supplies the com
edy and Sirn is, the stooge.
Also “Traveltalk” “Jij$my, Dorsey and Orch.”
“GONE WITH THE WiND” — MAY 23 24 25
' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Hender
son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hender
son, of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. James
R. A, Reid R. 0.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office
At Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
9 to noon.
/H.endeUon,’ of Wingham, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Dawson, and" other relatives in this
commuhity^ dh /Sunday.
Rintoul ‘‘Brothers are busy these
, days ..taking,,down the house on the
farm formerly owned by Fred Mow-
i bray an'd iidW owned by Mr. Vint,, and
taking it to the property they pur
chased across from Mr. John Craig.
Melville and Irwin McClenaghan,
•McKenzie Mowbray and 'Kenneth
Laidlaw spent 'Su'nday with Norwich
Mr. and 'Mrs. Len Westbrook, of
Goderich, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. apd Mrs. Amos Cornelius,
While working at the bush near 'the
river one day last week, Mr. Henry
McGee counted ten deer grazing on
an.: old’ hay field.
■ Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Barbour and
family, of Fordyce spent Sunday at
the home "of his sister, Mrs. Ben Mc
Clenaghan. !
. Mr., arid' Mrs. Jack McIntyre and'
son, Grant, of Langside, spent Sunday
: at- the home of her sister, Mrs. Cecil
Sun-Tested Wallpaperand
L Paint
Listen over CKNX each Saturday at 7.30 for the -
lucky customers.
Last Week’s Winners
Wallpaper - Mrs. Thos., Taylor, East Wawanosh.
Paint - Mrs. W. J. Walters, Wingham.
This week Special — Heavy embossed living
room, dining room or hall, paper fpr 19c per roll.
f U-25-26- 27
I Wed., Thurs.,
■Fri., Sat.
■ This is your chatice to
B secure Real Batgaifts. .
■ The United Drug Cd. Semi-Annual Sale
I McKibbon’s Drug Store g
b Plume ot Mail Order* ireful attention. H
• '. ■ . . ■ ' 1 0
/ bluevale
United Cuhrch W.M.S.
The monthly meeting of the W. M.
S, of the United'Church was held in
the Sunday School room on Thursday
afternoon, with'the president, Mrs. R.
J. McLennon in charge. The special
item of business was arranging to
have Miss Clara McGowan, of Blyth,
as guest speaker for the.July.meeting)
when the Steady and True Mission
Circle will have charge. Prayer was
offered by Mrs. Robt, Shaw, Mrs, Ar
thur Shaw and Mrs. J. Curtis. Mrs.
Joseph Breckenridge, the Temperance
Secretary, gave a reading on the Tem
perance question and Mrs. C. Tavener
Inner-Outer Slips - - an innovation hi Crepe-glips'— smoothly finished
on both sides „ |*4 .. /........... . *,. .. ......... , 1.59
New Straight Cut Slips ............................................. 1.00, 1,95
Trefousse Gloves - - - fine Erenph Kid .7^;..................-. ............ - ..............2.95 pr.
Oiled Silk Umbrellas - assorted-shades.............................................../ 1.95 ea.
■■■■■»■■■ I I.., ,l.i J ’ ;>>l
CURTAINS. We are confidents‘tha.t yo.ti Will like our new range of curtains and
materials. Your choice can be ftfem, an ;ilnusually large: stock in all kinds and
colours of materials. Several novelty weaves are introduced this year.. Prices
® run frohtfaif/and 19c yd.
J t
' ■’3 ’ ’ •)< • V
* -r f t *
Tailored to Measure Clothing 6
Prophetic Sermon, for
Sunday.,. April 28th, 7
and thrilling touch
to yow new ensemble.
• Ju it
“The Good Shoe Store”
“When: Russia and Germany
March- to>. Their Doom,”, andi
“Where: God; will bury Staliir.’”
Baptist Church
Rev..El.M/Eoney, B.Th., Pastor
You will swing along with
smartness and ease in the
new Happy Foot shoes.
They will flatter your foot
FREE! Annual Congbleum Contest FREE!
1 Guess the lucky number and win a CongdleUm Rug. Guesses are Abso
lutely Free. Contest opens April,,26th and closes May 4tFr.. .Donft Miss It.
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Men’s Trench Coats----Navy and Fawn gabardine in a smaut1
lpilitary cut .. . . .............................................. ............. 6-75 — 12.50
‘ English Gabardine Topcoats - - - Bal^Raglan style, showerproofed, and .
satin lined throughout .............1................. ......... .............18.95
Raincoats — a new long wearing1 YDup.ori|’ fabric ..........................................4.50
Men’s fur and woof Felt1 Hats clearing at special prices1: of 98c and'
1.49. You get a Real Bargain in these hats.
- Make your choice from hundreds of samples. Expert tailoring in three
well known lines — Cambridge, Fashion Craft, Tip Top Tailors..
23.50 to 45.00
im speaking on the subject of “Chris
tian Stewardship” explained that mon
ey was not everything'and that words
often-' -gave- better results. Mrs., Eliza
Fell1 read!-a paper on “Africa.” Rev.
S'. Tavener spoke briefly on “War
Conditions and Red Cross Work.”
Mrs. -Arthur Shaw had charge of the1
study- chapter which dealt with “The
Necessity of Healing In India.” The
Roll Call was answered by repeating
a> Bible- promise. Rev. C. A. Tavener
pronounced the Benediction,
■ ............ U
Arranging Social for Closing Meeting
Miss Rhoda Robertson presided at
die regular meeting of the Y.P.U. in
the United Church on Friday evening.
The opening, devotional period was
conducted by Rev. C. Tavener leading
in prayer arid Miss Delphine Bisback
reading the Scripfare.. Miss Bisback,
Miss Rhoda Robertson; Will Peacock
and Smith Robertson were appointed
a committee, to arrange the program
for a social which will close the win
ter series of meetings. Mrs.- C. Tav
ener gave a talk on “St. Patrick.”
Jack Wettlaufer,' in mechanical
training -at 'Galt, spent Sunday with
his parents, Mr.-'&nd Mrs. J. W: Wett
laufer. ’ .„ :
Mrs. L. G. Turvey received word on
Sunday meriting thdt her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Hemmingway has passed away
at‘her home near Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, of Wing
ham, f sp'ent-,Sunday • with Bluevale
friends. ,
■ Mr. and Mrs. Roibert Turnbull and
daughter, of London, visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Edward Johnston. ’ |
Young. People Conduct Service
The evening service in the United
Church was conducted by the Y.P.U.
members- Miss Rhoda Robertson pre
sided. Prayer1 was offered by Mr.
Robt. Shaw and Carl Johnston read
Psalm 84 as a Scripture lesson. The
subject was “Temperance.” Rev. C.
Tavener and George Johnston spoke
on the topic. The closing prayer was
offfered by Mr. Tavener.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph and daugh
ter, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge
and two children, of Fordwich, were
week-end visitors with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mann.
Duncan McKinnon, Brussels, spent
Sunday with his brother, R. H. and
Mrs. McKinnon*
J. Wesley Beattie and daughters,
Ethel and Florence, Seaforth, visited
on Sunday with' their cousins, Mac
and Olive Scott.
Rev. F. G. Fowler add Walter
Davidson attended the meeting of
Maitland Presbytery at ‘Lucknow1 on
Friday night when Douglas MacDon
ald was ordained and licensed as a
Minister of the, Presbyterian Church
in Canada. '
Mrs. J/ H. Smith, local leader for
the Spring Project for Junior girls,
“Cottori^ /May
class otr! SaltiMay/ Mrs. LeonSird^Ew-
Hott lias offered her home for the
class lessons which will be held week*
' BLACK TEA ........69c Lb
The pipe without an
: 50c
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
FLOOR WAX ...... 25c t-Lb.Tin
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49c Lb-
The New Popped Wheat With Premium
Newport Fluffs 25c 2pC 39c
SUPERSUDS ______ 19c Pkg.
PRUNES................J 2 Lbs. 25c
TOILET SOAP ... 5 Cake* 23c
".......■1 ■ ■"|>I.........
Special Value
Tip , Top Plum Jam' 3j“
NO. 4 PEAS 10c Tin
Maple Leaf SKINLESS WEINERS..........25c lb.
i - . L .... x, 2„^xaaLLH:,-b—-—
‘York Good Quality BOLOGNA *........ 17c lb.
NEW CARROTS ... 2 Bchs. 15c
GRAPEFRUIT 5 fop 25c
RADISHES —..... 5c Bunch
Our Stock Is Fresh. Our Prices Are Right. Phone 161 for Prompt
Delivery and High Quality Mesrchartdi^e.