The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-12-07, Page 41' PAGE FOUR MKT5I WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES TESTED RECIPES Hanna & Co. Sells Advertised Lines For Christmas * Shoppers. mens and boys store GIFT SPECIALS 1 D4 tw MORE APPLE DELICACIES Apple Cottage Pudding cup butter cup sugar cup milk teaspoon salt egg cup flour teaspoons baking powder large apples fi We Suggest:— Overcoats - smartest styles and models for Dad or Brother ..... $15.75, $24.50 Boys’ Suits ... $6.95 - $11.50 Leather Windbreakers ------ ------- - $8.75 - $12.50 Ties and Handkerchiefs ............... 25c, 50c, $1.00 Gloves - Greens, Blacks and Fawns —... $1.50 - $2.50 McGregor Hosiery —• All Wools ........50c, 75c, $1.00 Forsyth Shirts and Pyjamas ........... $1.50, $1.95, $2.95 Boys’ and Girls’ Snow Suits Special .............. $3.95 Dressing Gowns and Sweat­ ers ...... $3.50 to $8.75 Stetson Brock Hats, Stroll­ ers and Hamburgs —...........$2.95, $3.95, $6.50 Made-to-Measure Suits — Canada’s best advertised lines - Warren K. Cook - Society Brand Colthes - Shiffer Hillman Co. £ It will pay you to buy your needs in Woollens, Suits and Coats. £ Make Your List and Shop Early at Hanna’s. J3 tw £3 $ In % % % 1 a 6 Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. Beat well, Sift flour, baking powder, and salt, and add alternately with milk. Slice apples in baking dish. A'dd H cup sugar. Cover with batter. Bake in moderate oven 35 minutes. Steamed Apple Pudding apples cup flour tablespoons baking powder teaspoon salt cup milk cup sugar tablespoons butter GIFTS for MEN Pipes of all descriptions for a man’s Christmas gift. Straight stem, curved stem, fine quality briar, priced from 25c to $3.00 Also a full line of finer quality cigars, tobaccos and all stand­ ard brand cigarettes supplied in special gift packages. 6 1 2 % % % 2 Pare, core and slice apples. Add sug­ ar. Place in buttered baking dish. Mix other ingredients as for tea biscuit. Spread over apples. Steam 35 min­ utes. Turn out to ser^ve. Apple Sauce Cake cup butter cup sugar cups flour cups raisins teaspoons soda teaspoon cinnamon cups unsweetened apple sauce Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe SMILES’N CHUCKLES *lssi WANT AD’S lj cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. [OEsroi % 1 2 2 2 y2 P/2 Cream butter and sugar. Add apple sauce. Mix soda and cinnamon with flour. Sift into apple mixture. Add raisins. Bake in a moderate oven 40 minutes.. Package Chocolates Finest Quality 50c The Pound ARE YOU THE MAN? You will make amazing profits every hour selling 200 guaranteed necessities used in every home. You can have a solid business established within three months. If you are tired of working to earn profits for some­ one else OW1J YOUR BUSINESS and enjoy all the profits. NO OB­ LIGATION. Get details and cat­ alogue FREE. BE FIRST. FAM- ILEX PRODUCTS - 570 St. Clem­ ent, Montreal. .................... USED CONNOR Thermo Tub — guaranteed. Machan Bros. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Arthur Simpson wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relations, friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of symp­ athy and floral tributes extended dur­ ing their recent sad bereavement. APARTMENT TO RENT—On Vic- y loria St. Apply to W. H. Gurney, BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER — (new guarantee) will sell for bal­ ance of payments. Machan Bros. TO THE ELECTORS OF TURNBERRY take this opportunity of express- my sincere appreciation to you BOARDERS WANTED — Apply Mrs. S. A. Murray, John St. I ing for the splendid vote you gave me on Monday. It will be my aim to serve you in a deserving way. HAROLD MOFFATT. Taffy Apples cups sugar teaspoon cider vinegar cup water a few grains salt together until "■ mixture dropped into cold water. Re.- Queen’s Coffee Shop cracksBoil when move from fire and set over a pan ■of boiling water. Add a few drops of red vegetable colouring. Wash and polish medium sized red apples. Insert a wooden skewer in blossom end of each apple and dip in syrup, turning until well coated. Place on paper until apples are cool. waxed STERILIZATION OF DISHES A correspondent, having in mind the protection of the lives and health of our recruited men, writes to ask: "Can you recommend a safe and con­ venient disinfectant for the cleansing of dishes, drinking vessels, knives, forks and other table utensils? Is there any simple chemical which could be used for this purpose?" Answer: Sterilization-of dishes and so on by means of chemicals is not satisfactory. In 'the first place it is well-nigh impossible to -bring the chemical into intimate contact, with the germs of disease that may be found on knives, dishes, and other table utensils. The dangerous germs may be covered by or imbedded in, remnants of food, grease and other insoluble materials. The use of chem­ ical disinfectants is a very poor way by which to sterilize dishes. Most chemical disinfectants are expensive, (in war time). Often they are offen­ sive to the smell and unless carefully selected, they may be dangerous. There is one safe, cheap and satis­ factory method of disinfecting dishes and table utensils, namely by the use of boiling water or live steam. It is simple, rapid and completely effect­ ive. No chemical approaches it; if fire is available, boiling water or live steam may always be had. If you would like to give a present to a member of your family or a frifend for Christmas, a hamper, box or barrel of apples is certain to be ap­ preciated. MORRIS FOR SALE—Double House, Victoria St., all conveniences, stable and good sized lot; also small House with 2 acres, back of Foundry. A.p- ply F. J., Mooney. z FOR SALE—Garage, to be moved. Apply Advance-Times. TO THE ELECTORS OF TURNBERRY I wish to thank you for re-electing me as councillor, I will do my best to.carry on the affairs of the town­ ship in a business-like manner. ROY PORTER. FOR SALE—Two Used Radios, near­ ly new. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 367. TO THE ELECTORS OF TURNBERRY all creditors and others havng claims against the Estate of the late Colin Eadie, are required to send particu­ lars of their claims, duly verified, to J, W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Administratrix of the said estate, on or before the twenty-third day of December, A, D, 1939, and that af­ ter such date, the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims, of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this fourth day of December, A. D., 1939. J, W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. FARM FOR SALE—-South half Lot 23, Con. 1, Turnberry, 50 acres. Ap­ ply G. .Magee, Bluevale Road. J7OR S A IL rec** wire witidsfiield defroster, complete. Cheap for quick sale. Apply W. T, Booth. FOR SALE — Late model Dodge Coupe. New tires, new battery, rad­ io ami heater, in perfect mechanical condition. A bargain for quick sale. Apply Advance-Times. GOOD TIMOTHY .HAY — wanted for baling. Communicate with Jam­ es Donkin, 1292 Bloor St., W., Tor­ onto, Ontario, Please accept my most sincere thanks and appreciation for the mag- nificient vote you gave me as your Reeve, and also all those who vol­ untarily worked in my behalf. I shall endeavour as in the past to merit the confidence reposed in me. Wishing one and all a Merry Christ­ mas also a happy and prosperous New Year. “ ROLAND GRAIN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO THE ELECTORS OF TURNBERRY HOUSE TO RENT —On John St. All conveniences. Apply F. J, Mooney. IF YOi7ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good money with a Rawleigh Route. We help you get started. Sales way up this year. No exper­ ience needed. Steady work for right man. Write Rawleigh’s, Box Mt- 453-2-L, MONTREAL, CANADA. For the large vote you gave me on Monday, I am truly greatful. I will endeavour to merit the continued con­ fidence you have placed in me. ’JAMES BRECKENRIDGE. LOST-—Between Tim Hooper’s and Wm. Nicholson’s farm, a robe. Re* ward. Apply Wm, Nicholson, MEN & WOMEN WANTED — No bigger line of household necessities anywhere. Prices get business. Quality assures repeats. High com­ missions and plenty of advantages. Season at Jts height. If you arc in- teresied in a permanent work, steady pay and a good future, in­ vestigate our Plan at once without obligation. FAMILEX, 570 St Clement, Montreal, STRAYED.— Cattle Beast, to tot 12, Com. 2, Turnberry. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses, Thos, Martin. TW0AVAV~ACTI0N on the Kid­ neys, antiseptic and invigorating. Rumacaps attack the cause of Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago. , McKibben’s Drug Store. NOTICE TOjCREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of George H&nry Edgar, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased/’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late George Henry Edgar, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly veri­ fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the Executrix of the said estate, on or before the twenty-third day of December, A. D., 1939, and that after such date the executrix will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this fourth day of December, A, D., 1939. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of John McGuire, late of the village of Belgrave in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that, all creditors and others having claims against the Estate, of the late John McGuire, are required to send part­ iculars of their claims, duly verified, to J5 Bushfield tile solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, on or before the twenty-third day of December, A, D., 1939, and that after such date the executors will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this second day of December, A. D., 1939, J. W. BUSH FI ELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor tor the Executors. We arc sorry to hear Mr. Jim Tur- vey had a bone broken in his leg while helping to saw wood and hope it will soon be better. Miss Mossie Milligan spent Sunday at her home on the 1st line. Mr. Everett McGee was taken to Wingham hospital last week, having pneumonia. Mr. Jack Warwick was taken to the Clinton Hospital on Wednesday and was operated on and a clot of blood was found in his stomach. He is im­ proving and we hope he will be home again soon. Miss l'sabell Douglas spent the week-end with Mr- and Mrs. Charles Bosman and family. Glad to hear Mr. Harry Bosman is getting better and able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Ncthery and daughter visited on Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ard Johnston, ST. HELENS Young Couple Honored and Mrs. Harold Gaunt NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Harold F.^ Buchanan, late of the Town of of Huron, ceased. NOTICE pursuant to Wingham in the County Hardware Merchant, ‘de- NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate Colin Eadie, late of the Township of .Ttirnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustees Act, that IS HEREBY GIVEN, . the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Harold F. Buchanan, arc required to send particulars of (heir claims, duly veri­ fied, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor tor the Administrator with Will an­ nexed of the said estate, on or before the twenty-third day of December. A. D., 1939, and that after such date the Administrator With Will annexed, will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall,then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this fifth day of December, A, D., 1939. J, W, BUSH FIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator with Will annexed, Mr, honored at a gathering of friends and neighbors in the community hall on Friday evening, Dancing was enjoy­ ed to thte music provided by the Martih Orchestra of Whitechurch. After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt were called to the platform and were pre­ sented with a studio couch and a wal­ nut end table. The address was read by Wallace Miller and the presenta­ tion made by Gordon McPherson. Mr. Gaunt fittingly expressed thanks for the gifts. were Miss Sadie Mac Charles of St. Ahn’s, was a visitor on Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt. Mr, Edwin Gaunt is home from Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs, H, M, were recent guests of Ewart McPherson, The annual meeting will be held on Monday evening, De­ cember 11. All members are requested to attend, The annual meeting of the Beef Ring was held bn Thursday evening. The following officers were re-elected Lee, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. of the U.F.O. * WESTFIELD Pound 15c Pound 39c 15c Pound 19 c Pourid for 25c Pound 15c Pound 15c ASHFIELD Port- Blue- at 11 Thursday, December 7, 1939 Pres., Pharis Mathers; Vice Pres., Earl Durnin; Scc.-Treas., Wallace Miller; Auditors, Fred Newman and Ewart McPherson. Messrs. F. G. Todd and Tom Todd who are showing two Polled Angus heifers at the Chicago Fat Stock Show this week, are to be congratulated on their success. Besides winning first prize in each of their classes, the cat­ tle were awarded the First Junior Championship and the reserve Grand Champion for Females. Mr, C. Cameron, of Detroit ,is a visitor with Mr, and Mrs, John Cam­ eron. Miss Mafjory Allen, of Goderich, was a week-end guest of Miss Vera Taylor, TURNBERRY COUNCIL * The minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale, Nov. 15th, 1939, Members all present. Moved by Wilton and Moffat that the minutes of last meeting be adopt­ ed as read. Carried, The following letters were received and read: Dept, of Highways, Toron­ to; J. M. Roberts, Goderich; Dept, of Municipal Affairs, Toronto; Dept, of Public Welfare, Toronto. The following accounts were paid: Sundries $76.30; Roads $304.35. Moved by Breckenridge and er that we adjourn to meet at vale on Friday, Dec. 15, 1939, o’clock in forenoon. Carried. W. R, Cruikshank, R. Grain, Clerk. Reeve. MOLESWORTH Mr. Joe Cuming, who has spent the past year and a half in the West, has arrived home and will spend some time with his parents here. Miss Dorothea Spence, Mr. Bert Spence and Mr. Andrew Holmes spent Friday in Toronto. The Y.P.S. Guild held their devo­ tional meeting in the S.S. rooms on Tuesday evening with about thirty members present. The topic on Mis­ sion to the Jews, was given by Rob­ ert Mitchell. Albert Aitken read the. Scripture lesson and Beth Campbell told the story of Ssther, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Doig visited on Sunday with Mr, and' iMrs. Jack Hardie, of Moorefieldv Last .week Mr. Davidson of Wing­ ham moved his drilling machine to Mr. Bert Taylor’s and drilled 146 feet for water. Mrs. J. E. Ellis, Miss iMary Ellis, Mr. Ellis Elsley were Blyth visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Annie Walper of Auburn vis­ ited last week with her niece, Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Miss Zella Cook of Wingham, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Cook. Mrs. W. A. Campbell visited , last week with her mother, Mrs. Barkley of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell and Miss Winnifrcd were week-end g-uests with Mr. and (Mrs. Norman Carter of Seaforth. The schools around this section are busy- preparing for their Christmas concerts. Mr. Kenneth Campbell has return­ ed after an extended visit in the West. He visited Alberta, Manitoba, Sas­ katchewan, Quebec and British Col­ umbia through to Vancouver. On his way home he visited various parts of Ontario. . , . Mr and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Eileen and Ronald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McDowell visit­ ed at the home of the latter’s brother, Mr. ■ Wesley Stackhouse and Mrs. Stackhouse of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman and family vsited oil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Matters of Luck­ now, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell visit­ ed with Mf, and Mrs. Elwood Stack­ house of London. Several from this vicinity attended the services at Blyth on Sunday and heard Gipsey Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston, 10th concession, entertained the V. F. O. Club members and their families one night last week. The Community around Kings­ bridge was shocked when they heard of the sudden passing away of the two Sisters, the Misses Mary and Bridget Doyle by coal gas, Mary was in her £>4th year and Bridget 74. it is 25 years since they moved from the Boundary west of Lucknow to Kings- bridge, We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Wm. Sherwood has not been well and has been in bed all week at the home of her son-in-law, Mr,. Adam Johnston, hear Courey’s Corner’s. Sleek smartness in an alli­ gator-grained calf $050 handbag ............„... 4. Deep black ;puede handbag with glittering rhinestone clips, dainty handle, $Q75 for dress................ O Roomy and serviceable — this well-styled calf hand­ bag with double $050 compartment ...„..... m Her Christmas is sure to be "merry” if she re­ ceives a pair of beauti­ ful gloves from our smart collection. $ 1 A Pair ................... A Edwardian elegance in a rich strip- *T95 ed housecoat ... • Dainty lace-trimmed 2-piece pajamas in creamy-color- $095 ed satin —... & Yoil’ll please her most with a gift that’s dainty and personal.. •. one that will seem twice as precious to her because it’s so individual, so lovely, and so obvi­ ously a cimpliment to her feminine charm. See our grand array of gifts for HER today! H. E. Isard & Co Miss Myrtle Johnston has spent I McWhinney and taking in the short two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Jim | course at Dungannon. DOMINION FEATURE French Glace CHERRIES Domino Baking POWDER - Bulk Cooking FIGS - - 2 Lexia RAISINS With Seeds 2 Lb. 27c Fresh Creams and JELLIES - - Xmas Wrapped CHOCOLATES * 4-Lb. Bbx 89c Pound 25c Pound 15c SPECIAL - AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Choice Recleaned CURRANTS Cut Mixed PEEL - y2 Pound Pkg. tChoice WALNUT MEATS - Pound 39c Fresh Shredded- COCOANUT - Pound 19c NEW.CROP HALLOW! DATES Satin Mixed CANDY - . Fresh Chocolate DROPS - . New Stock Christmas Mixed Nuts - SPECIAL PURE LARD ib. p^. 10c fruit specials SPY APPLES iceberg LETTUCE - - . Head 7c CRANBERRIES . Pound 23c CEl’erY HEARTS . Bch. 10c GrIpeF" NEW CROP NAVEL ORANGES 2 Pound 19c DOMINION