The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-04-27, Page 6WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, April 27th, 1939
MildmayJFuniiture Store
New Miniature! Pianos............ ....................... $250
New Semi-Grand Pianos .......................... $350
Heintzman Upright Grand..............................$165
Other Guaranteed Instruments..........$85, $75, $65
Good Mason & Risch................... ....................$35
Refrigerators, Washers, Wallpaper, Paint.
lj cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
ALL YEAR INCOME selling large
line spices, extracts, toilet requisit
es, stock and other farm products.
Our combination offers open every
door. No experience required.
Pleasant work. Steady repeat ord
ers from old and new customers. A
small amount puts you in business
for yourself. NO RISK. Excellent
opportunity to right party. For free
details and catalogue, FAMILEX
CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal.
tage of the Annual Spring Sale
“Narvo Quick Drying Enamel", a
well known Murphy Product. See
.advt. Page 2. Buchanan Hardware.
AUCTION SALE Of House, House
hold goods and chattels of Mrs.
Norman Davidson will be held at
her premises, opposite Howson’s
Flour Mills, on Saturday, April 29,
1939, commencing at 1.30 p.m.
sharp. J. W. Bushfield, Solicitor for
the Vendor; Wellington Henderson,
AUCTIONEERING—For a success-
ful Sale and Reasonable Charges,
phone or write Matt. Gayner. Sales
.attended to anywhere. Phone No. 1,
Lucknow.. Address Lucknow P. O.,
BUY DIRECT from the grower
Grade 1 Seed Corn. Early varieties
specially adapted to your Northern
Counties. Write for prices. James
Brisley, Thamesville, Kent Co., Ont.
CHI'CKS—For healthy large type
high production layers, buy your
Baby Chicks from our Poultry
Farm; bloodtested; White Leghorns
9c, Pullets 20c, Barred Rocks and
' New Hampshires 11c. May lc less.
Elmer J. Farrish, Gorrie.
Clyde Mare rising six, quiet worker,
also 3-vear-old driving Mare, well
bred, even tempered, good trotter.
Would take cattle or pigs in ex
change. Particulars at Advance-
FIVE ROOM HOUSE — lights and
water, good basement, good garage,
to be sold cheap if sold at once. Ap
ply T. Fells.
FOR SALE—Horses and Cows, also
some Timothy and Yellow Clover
Seed. Apply J. A. Menzies.
FOR SALE—A Chevrolet Ton Truck
panel body. Cheap for quick sale.
Apply J. H.- McKay,
FOR SALE — Edison Phonograph,
Oak Wash Stand, Iron Bed, Brown
Congoleum Rug, Iron Cook Stove,
Kitchen Stove and Pressure Tank.
Apply Mrs. Wilfrid Reid, phone
619r4,_______ _________________
Complete with power pulley and
equipped with Firestone Tires. A
Bargain. Huron Motors, Wingham,
Phone 99,
FOR RENT — Store property rec
ently vacated by Advance-Times,
Apply J. H. Crawford.
FOR SALE—Double House, all con-
venineces. Will sell at reasonable
price. Apply F. J. Mooney.
FOR RENT—‘House opposite High
School, owned by Arthur Fothergill
Estate, Apply J. H. Crawford,
GARAGE TO RENT—Centrally lo
cated. Apply C. S. BlackhalJ, Ed
ward Street,
Property late James Gilmour. Alt
modern conveniences. Apply R, S.
invigorated by using Rumacaps, At
regular intervals; use Rumacaps for
your health’s sake, McKibbon*s
Drug Store,
have disposed of my practice to Dr,
James McKagiie as of May 15th, I
hereby request that all bills owing
me' be paid on or before that date
to save collection charges, Dr, A,
....T. Ford,.................;...................*.....
acres, good water system, good
• feed. Apply G, M. Robertson, R.R,
S, Wingham j Phone
NOTICE—I have purchased the Har
ness business of the late Thomas
Kew and will be pleased to fill your
orders, and do your repairing
promptly. 30 years’ experience.
Wm. A. Heughan.________
cleaned and government tested,
$3.00 per bushel. Apply Allan Pat
tison, 13 Con., E. Wawanosh.
WANTED TO RENT—Two or three
rooms for housekeeping. Apply Box
A, Advance-Times. 0
WANTED—Will tak'e either elderly
man or woman who is to be cared
for. Reasonable rates. Apply Ad
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the Estate of
Wilfrid George Maxwell Reid late of
the Township of East Wawanosh in
the County of Huron, Farmer deceas
ed, who died on or about the 3rd day
of September, A.D. 1938, are hereby
notified to send their claims duly ver
ified by declaration to the undersigned
Solicitor for the Executors on or be
fore the 29th day of April, A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the estate will be distrib
uted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
11th day of April, -A.D., 1939.
‘ Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
’ Woman’s Association
The Woman’s Association met at
the home of Mrs. Heinmiller with
Mrs. Toner in charge, Opening hymn
“Thou didst leave Thy throne" The
minutes were adopted as read. Mrs,
Toner took charge of the business
period. Mrs. Heinmiller gave a read
ing “The Unpomparable Christ”, Mrs.
Nash reading “Stability", advising us
to have more faith and trust in God.
These readings were much appreciat
ed. Meeting closed with the hymn,
“Jesus, keep me near the cross" and
prayer by Mrs. Toner. Lunch was
served by the hostess and committee.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Cathers, Lis-
towel, spent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cathers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton and fam
ily were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Albrecht near Har
, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Burrows and
family, of Harriston, have moved to
Mr, John Hyndman’s farmer, south
of Gorrie.
Mrs. Douglas, of Molesworth, is
spending a couple of weeks with' her
daughter, Mrs. Robt. Harrison and
Mr. Harrison,
There were nine new pupjls start
ing to school last week, Jimmie Walk
er, Mary Downey, ’Bobby Stephens,
Bobby Edgar, Shirley Newton, Joan
Ashton, Norman Anger, Betty Zimm
erman, Billy Wright.
Mrs. George Gregg, of Calgary,
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Gregg last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and little
daughter, Shirley, spent .Sunday with
•Mt. and Mrs. Copeland, at Wroxeter.
Plans are completed for the Wo
men’s Institute Euchre and Dance to
be held on Friday night, April 28th.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar are
moving to Wingham this week,
Several members of St. Stephen’s
Women’s Auxiliary, also the Girls'
Branch, are attending the annual con
vention in London this week.
.Rector to Arrive May 1st
The new Rector of this parish, of
St. Stephen’s Church, Gorrie, St. Jam
es Church, Wroxeter and Trinity
Church, Fordwich, Rev. Mr. Ball, late
of Southwold, Eng., is expected to ar
rive in Gorrie on May 1st.
Mr. Harry King and nieces, Isabel
and Lorene King,, spent the week-end
with relatives in Toronto, and Mrs.
Ernest King who has spent the past
two weeks with her daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cohner, re
turned home with., them.
There was no service in St. Steph
ens Church'here on Sunday, owing to
sickness. 7
TALL? —. Wear them full
length. »
MEDIUM? — Flip them over
at first adjustment stripe.
SHORT? — Wear them at
the second adjustment
.85/, $1.00 a pair
Harina's Ladies Shop
Exclusive Not Expensive
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims -against the Estate of
Alexander McKercher late of the
Township of Howick in the County of
Huron, Farmer deceased, who died on
or about the 24th day of March, A.
D. 1939, are hereby notified to send
,their'claims duly verified by declara
tion to the undersigned Solicitor for
the Administrator on or before the
29th day of April, A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the; estate will be distrib
uted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
11th day of April, A.D., 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the Estate of
Eleanor Douglas late of the Village
of Wroxeter in the County of Huron,
Widow deceased, who died on or
about the Sth day of February, A.D.
1939, are hereby notified to send their
claims duly verified by declaration to
the undersigned Solicitor for the Ex
ecutors on or before the 29th day of
April, A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the estate will be distrib
uted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
11th day of April, A.D., 1939,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
to be situate a frame barn 77 ft. x 58
ft. with straw shed 23 ft. x 50 ft., im
plement shed“20 ft x 32 ft., hen house
26 ft. x 18 ft., brick house, one and
one-half storey, 16 ft. x 26 ft. with kit
chen 14 ft. x 14 ft. and wood 5hed 14
ft. x 16 ft. The property is watered
with two never failing wells, one with
windmill, and is situated on King’s
Highway No. 4, one and one-quarter
miles from school and lVz miles from
the Town of Wingham.
TERMS: 10 per cent of the purch-
ase money to be paid, down sit the
time of sale and the balance, without
interest, within 30 days thereafter.
For further particulars apply to the
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
24th day of April, A.D. 1939.
THOS. FELLS, Auctioneer.
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the estate of
Thomas Kew late of. the-‘Town of
Wingham in the County of Huron,
Harness-maker, deceased, who died
on or about the 10th day of April, A.
D. 1939,, are hereby .notified to send
their claims duly verified by declara
tion'to the undersigned Solicitor for
the Executors on or before the lUth
day of May, A.D. 1939,
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the estate will be distri
buted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the
25th day of April, A.D. 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean nad dau
ghters, Marilyn and Donna, of Brus
sels, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie.
Mi? Harold Watson, of Fergus,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson, and his
mother returned to Fergus With him
where she will spend some time with
her sons.
Miss Nellie Dinsmore spent the
week-end with friends in Toronto.
Missionary Gave Address,
Rev. George Williams, of Toronto,
formerly of Formosa, was the special
speaker for the Women’s Missionary
Societies on Sunday morning. The
speaker took his. text from John 3: 16
pointing out it was the greatest loVe
story ever written. He related many
interesting tales of his own exper
iences while in Formosa which prov
ed very interesting to the children,
members of the Mission Band, who
occupied the front seats. Mrs. Wil
liams also of .Toronto, assisted the
choir, and sang an appropriate solo.
Young People to Meet Sunday
The Young People’s Union will be
held in the United-Church next Sun
day evening following the evening
service. The pastor will give a spec
ial address “Slippery Places.” This
sermon has been given before, and is
being repeated at the request of sev
eral, and will be of special interest to
the Young' People.
___________ I
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Roiss and child
ren, of Kitchener, were Sunday guests
with the former’s mother and aunt,
Mrs. Ross and Miss E. Ross.
soul and mind and strength to serve
the King of kings,"
For the Faster theme a very beau
tiful service “The Master" was given
with Mrs. Alex. Taylor acting as the
leader, and members taking the res
ponse. A poem “Thirty-Three Years"
was given by Miss Bessie Wylie. The
hymn “Look ye saints the sight is
sight is glorious" dosed the worship
The Bible reading, Psalm 72, was
givqn. Mrs. Taylor gave an interest
ing incident of this Psalm of which
she spoke as Bible verse of Canada.
Wlien the Fathers of Confederation
were pondering over a name for Can
ada, one of them as he was beginning
family worship, chanced to open the
Bible at Psalm 72 and saw these
words “And He shall have dominion
for sea to sea and from the rivers un
to the ends of the earth." The hymn
“Lord of the lands" then sung af
ter which Miss Evelyn Dane introduc
ed the sixth- chapter of the Study
Book “Beckoning Frontiers." Miss
Dane had several members of the aux
iliary present the “Challenge-of the
Church", the newcomers, the prairies,
the west, the east, slums, unemploy
ment, etc., each presenting their need
and their plea for understanding and
sympathy. The leader then gave the
“Response of the Church" to these
pleas for understanding and sympa
thy. We believe that if we will co
operate with God he' will work
through us to bring in His Kingdom
in our homes and communities, in
Canada and throughout the world.-
The hymn “O. Canada" Church of
All Nations version, was then sung.
The president, Mrs. A‘. Stephens,
took charge of business. Further
plans for tlie Layette were discussed
after which closing'hymn “Rise up, O
men of God” was sung.
Following this a social half hour
was spent and a dainty lunch was ser
ved by the hostesses for the evening,'
iMrs. E. Farrish and Mrs. S. Ashton.
Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie and Kenneth
spent the week-end; in Toronto.
Mr. , Christ Nethery is under the
doctor’s care at present. We wish him
a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Yuill and Mr.
J. Yuill, of Teeswater spent Sunday
with relatives here. "
. Young People Met
The Belgrave Young People’s Un
ion met in the school room of the
Church on Wednesday last with the
Fellowship Committee in charged Bor
den Scott was chairman with Miss
Lane at the piano. The lesson was
read by Jas. McCrea and the prayer
taken by Geo. Michie. The topic of
the evening was taken by Cecil Arm
strong and was based upon material
taken from Archer Wallace’s book
“The Religious Faith of Great Men.”
It dealt with the religious faith of suc
cessful merchants and dealt especial
ly with the life story of Timothy Eat
on, founder of the Eaton stores in
Of Farm} Property
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage which
will be produced at the time of sale,
there will be offered for sale by pub
lic auction on Mqnday, May 15th, A.
D., 1989, at the hour' of 3 o’clock in
the afternoon at the Office of J. W.
Bushfield in the Town of Wingham,
subject to a reserved bid, the follow
ing farm property:
All and singular that certain parcel
or tract of land and premises situate
lying and being in „ the Township of
East Wawanosh in thb County of
Huron and Province of Ontario and
being composed of the South Half
and the South Half of the North Half
of , Lot Number Forty-two in the
Thirteenth Concession of the said
Township of Fast Wawanosh,
Upon the said premises there is said.
McBURNEY— In loving memory of
Joseph McBurney, who passed
away April 29th, 1937.
His weary hours and days of pain
His troubleed* nights are past;
And in our achiftg hearts we know
He has found sweet rest at last.
—-Fondly remembered by Adam, ,May
and Jack,
* Mrs, Wm. Oakes takes this oppor
tunity to express her appreciation to
her friends and neighbours for their
kindness and sympathy shown during
her recent sad bereavement
Mrs, T. Kew and family Avfsh’to ex
press their sincere appreciation to
their neighbors and friends for their
many kindnesses and expressions of
sympathy during their sad bereave
Attending Diocesan Meeting
Those attending the Diocesan An
nual meeting of the Women’s Auxil
iary, in Cronyn Memorial Hall, Lon
don, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week are Mrs. Jas.
Strong and Mrs. Hugh Douglas, of'
Fordwich, and Mrs. H. V. Holmes
and Mrs. H. L. “Jennings of Gorrie.
iMr.’ H. V. Holmes drove them there
and back.
Jack Cameron of London spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Steve. King.
Next Sunday, April 30th, Mr. B.ZL,
H. Bamford, of Listowel, will take
Charge of the service in St. Stephen’s
Church, and on the following Sunday,
May 7th, the new Rector, Rev. J. L.
Ball will conduct the services.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Earngey and
son, Dean, of Brussels, Spent Sunday
at the home of Miss Earngey.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Nay and families were Clif
ford visitors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish spent
Sunday in London visiting the form
er’s father, who has undergone a ser
ious operation In Victoria Hospital.
Rev. Mr. McKenzie conducted ser
vices in the Presbyterian Church last
Mr. Austin Ralph of Chicago, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
S. Zimmerman,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Townsend of
Gowanstown, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.-C. Goll Sunday.
iMr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and
daughter, of Belgrave, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Will Abraham spent a few
days with friends at Kincardine and
Mr. Amos Smith spent’Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Foster
Smith, at Moncrieff.
Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Golley visited
with friends at Kincardine on Satur
The Brick Church Young People’s
Union met at the home of Mr. ,R.
Coultes^on Friday night. Howard
Walker presided and Louise Coultes
was at the piano. The lesson was read
by Bob Scott and prayer taken by R.
Pearce. The topic of the evening was
a missionary story of the Yukon with
an introductory address by Jean John
son. Plans were made for a final soc
ial gathering at tile church on Friday,
May 5th, and for a concert program
on May 24th.
The regular monthly meeting of
Gorrie Evening Auxiliary was held in
the school room, of United Church,
with sixteen members and one visitor
present. The meeting had two dis
tinct themes “Easter" and “Making
Canada Christian," “Give heart and
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Weir, of Kirk-
land Lake, are spending their holidays
wJth the former’s parents, Mr, and
Mrs. D, L. Wein
Miss Jean Inglis, of near Belmore,
spent Sunday with her friend, Miss
Myrtle Cathers.
Mn and Mrs, James Halliday, of
Wingham, called on Mr, and Mrs, Ed
win Palmer last Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. George Doubldee, of
Wingham spent Sunday evening vyitli
Mt, and Mrs. John Gowdy.
Mrs. tjenry Merkky has sold her
Cash In On These
Specials At Isards
For Bigger and Better Values
Factory Cotton, yard wide ................. 10c
Sheeting, fine quality, 2% yards wide 32c
Turkish Towelling, fancy stripe, Bargain........15c
Broadcloth, yard wide, all colors.........................15c
Pillow Slips, hemstitched, 42 in., Sale, Pair ... 45c
Fancy Rayon Tablecloths, 52 x 52 ................... 39c
Fine Quality Bleached Cotton, yd. wide..........16c
Flannelette, yard wide, reg.,25c, Sale.................,20c
Women's Cotton Crepe Gowns, full sizes, now 59c
5 Doz. Ladies' Slips, best colors, reg. $1.00, now 75c
Bargain in Girls’ Panties, choice of colors .... 15c
A Range of Women's Aprons on Sale ..................25c
Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, Sale ......... 15c
Women's Rayon Hose, best colors, Now..........25c
Women's good quality Lisle Hose, Bargain .. 35c
First quality Silk Crepe Stockings, Sale..........55c
Girls’ Ankle Socks, Elastic Top, all colors, 2 pr. 25c
A large variety of Ice Box Flowers, at 15c and 25c
Clearing Silk Knit Gowns, reg. $1.25 ................ 75c
Complete Range of Frilled Curtains, good at .. 25c
Choice assortment of Frilled Curtains .. 59c to 98c
New Patterns in Lace Curtains, Now $1.25 to $1.95
Choice of Feltol Mats, 18 x 36, Sale....................15c
Wide Range of Rugs in Axminster, Wilton, Tap
estry, Linoleum, Congoleums and all t widths of
Oilcloths and Linoleums by the Yard.
H. E. lsard & Co.
farm to Mr. Lewis of Turnberry. .. this locality. We are glad to know all
The flu has been quite prevalent in. are getting better again.'
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