The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-04-27, Page 11
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1939Single Copies Five Cents
Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year
.Audience Delighted with Presentation
Will Enter Team in Bruce League
Officers Elected and Reports Re
Enthusiastic Meeting’ Held
The cast df characters of the play,
"Marrying Marian" should be very
proud as their«efforts were received
with great enthusiasm at the Town
Hall on Friday evening.’ The audience
was not as large as was hoped for but
no doubt this was due to the very in
clement weather. The play was billed
■as a two-act musical comedy and it
was just that —- catchy music and
plenty of laughs, This was a repeat
performance and many- were on hand
to see the play for the second time.
It was worth it. The orchestra also
•deserve much credit for their splendid
The lucky program prize, a casser-
■olc, was won by Mr. Harold Walker
•.with No. 136. f
Cast of Characters — Simpson, A
Supposed Butler, Gordon MacLean;
Miss Prudence McWhiffle, A Teach
er, Lillian Fuller,; Marian Stanton, A
Popular Student, Mrs, W. B. McCool;
Ruth Ripley, Marian’s Roommate,
Sara MacLean; Dr. Henry Bowman,
Head of Hillandale College, Baron
Hutson; Mrs. Plenry Bowman, By Far
the Better Half, Betty Blackwood;
■Charles S. Smith, A. Professor by
Proxy, J. R. M. Spittai; Cicero Soc
rates Smith, A Janitor by Necessity,.
Dr. A. W. Irwin. Chorus — Irene El
lacott, Vera Fryfogle, Ida Kelly,
‘ Marie Hopper, Beryl Brown, Mrs, W.
W, Gurney, John P. McKibbon, Bert
■Cullimore, Bob. Murray, John Lafnb,
.Ralph Hammond, Harold Mitchell.
Musical numbers: Act 1, Overture,
Instrumental; Opening Chorus, En
semble; “Shine on Harvest Moon”,
Gordon MacLean and Chorus; "It
Happened In The Moonlight”, Marian
and Chorus; “I’ve Always Been A
Wallflower”, Charles; “It’s A Com
mon Occurence ‘But Gee It’s Nice(’,
Marian, Ruth and Chorus; “Girls,
Girls, Wonderful .Girls”, Charles and
Chorus; “I’m A Modern Jimmy- Val-
•entine”, Simpson; “Marrying Marian”
■Charles and Chorus. Act II, “Semin-
-ary Days”, Ensemble; Dance Variet
ies: Scotch Dance, Ann VanWyck,
Margaret Connell; Tap Dance, Helen
Arthur; Irish Dance, Doris Traill, Ro
setta Dennis; Polka Dance, Very Fry-
•fogle, Mrs. W. W, Gurney; Sailor’s
Horn-Pipe, Ann VanWyck, Margaret
Coupel; Lambeth Walk, Chorus;
"What Kind O’ Flower Is A Mop?”,
Cicero; “Oh, Cicero”, Miss McWhif
fle; “You’re A Beautiful Baby”, Bert
Cullimore and Chorus; “Bye, Bye,
Blackbird”, Bert Cullimore; Finale.
z Orchestra — Mr. Schatte, Violin;
Mary King,' Violin; Carl McKay,
Trumpet; Geo. King, Saxophone; G.
Johnsdh, Saxophone; Eric Schatte,
Cornet'; Benson Hamilton, Clarinet;
Cora Phair, Pianist.
Named Moderator by Synod
Rev. Frederick Gilmour, B.A., D.D.;
of Elmwood Avenue Church, London,
was unanimously1 elected moderator of
the Hamilton and London Synod of'
the Presbyterian Church at the session
of the Synod in St. Andrew’s Church,
Stratford. Dr. Gilmour succeeds Rev.
c. H. MacDonald of Lucknow. -
Bridge Club Results
Seven and one-half tables enjoyed
the play at the Wingham Bridge Club
■ on Wednesday evening last week. The
results were as follows! North, and
..South—1st, Mrs. F. W. Spry and J.
H. Crawford; 2nd| Miss N. Dinsley
and Mrs. J. W. McKibbon; 3rd, Mrs.
D. B. Porter and Ken Somers; 4th,
Mrs. A. Wilson and Dr. Geo. Ross;
East and West—1st, tMr. and Mrs. W.
W. Armstrong; 2nd, Mcs. J. H. Craw
ford and W. H. French; tied 3rd and
4th, Mrs. H. Campbell and R. S. He-
.therington", Mi's. L. R. Blackwood and
Alf. Lockridge.
Stores to Close Wednesday After
As has been usual here for some
-time, half-holidays will be Vgain be
observed here ^ during the summer
months. Starting Wednesday of next
wceks May 3rd, the stores of Wing
ham will close for the months of May,
June, July, August, September and
October, each Wednesday afternoon
except on weeks when a public holi
day occurs.
The annual meeting of the’ Wing
ham Baseball Club was held in the
Council Chambers on Thursday even
ing when the following officers were
President—Mayor J. H. Crawford.
1st Vice Pres,—W. T, Cruikshanks.
2nd Vice Pres,—W. W, Gurney.
Sec.-Treas,—Murray R. Rob’erts,
Chairman of Transportation Com.
’—W. T. Cruikshanks.
Chairman of Grounds Com,. — Ken.
Executive Com.—The above named
officers, W. H, Gurney and the Man
ager of the club.
It was decided that a team again be
entered in the Bruce League and that
.the appointment of a manager be left
to the Executive.
In order to raise money for the
club lucky tickets will be sold on a
Disposed of Practice
Dr. A. T. Ford has disposed of his
practice to Dr. James McKague who
takes possession on May 15th. Dr.
Ford has for many years given valu
able service in this community and his
many friends will be pleased that he
is about to take a well earned rest.,
The Wingham. Women’s Institute
held their annual business meeting on
Thursday last week and re-elected
Mrs. W. J. Henderson as president
for the ensuing "year. Other officers
elected were: 1st vice president, Mrs.
W. Stanley Hall; 2nd vice-president,
Mrs. David Hutcheson; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Clarence Allin; dis
trict director, Mrs. George Orvis;
Branch Directors, Mrs. Jack West,
Miss Beatrice Graham and Mrs. Gor
don Gannett; pianist, Mrs. J. Robin
son; press reporter, Miss K.'Pringle;
flower comrnfl^ Mrs. Alex. Coutts,
Mrs. J. Robinson; property convener,
Mrs. Vance Sanderson; auditors, Mrs.
Geo. Williams and Miss Cora Phair.
Convenors of Standing Committees—
Legislation, Mrs. W. J. Henderson;
Education, Mrs. E. Webster; Home
Economics, Miss K. Pringle; Peace,
, JMrs. Thos. Bower; Health and Child
’M’rc T 1-T Crawfnrd • Apt?-
Presented With Table
At Jean’s Tea Rooms on Thursday
evening the staff of the Bell Tele
phone Office held a party in honour
of one of their members, Malcolm
Graham, who on .Saturday was mar
ried. Mr. Graham was presented with
a beautiful walnut table.
Welfare, Mrs. J. H. Crawford; Agri
culture and Canadian Industries, M/s.
R, E. Laidlaw; Historical Research
and Current, Events, Mrs. J.’A. Wil
son; Community Activities and Relief,
Mrs. W. H. Fraser; Canadianization,
Mrs. Stanley Hall; Hostess, Mrs. C.
y- Reports given by the various com-
14*J-ne* o 1 ■» zx t r *■» oiinnfldCTlll V
Attention, Eeverybody
Here is the treat you have been
waiting tor. The Choir of Wingham
United Church will present their con
cert on Friday evening, May 5th, in
the Wiqgham United Church. Come!
Enjoy an evening of fine musical en
tertainment. , * '
Off Again — On Again
Last week we reported that Mr.
Duncan McDougall had received word
to hold up on the work at the Tweed
Post Office for which he has the con
tract. Later last week Mr. McDougall
received instructions to proceed with
the work.
■Evening Train 10 Minutes Earlier
In connection with the start of day
light saving in many centres the/new
railway time table goes into effect on
May 1st. It will not make much dif
ference here, however, the only train
affected will be the C,N.R. night train
from Toronto which will arrive at
10,19 instead of 10.29. ‘
Brighten Up The Home
Whether it is painting, papering,
general repairs, plumbing or electric
wiring, the Home Improvement Plan
makes the financing' of such work
easy. The barn or garage may require
repairs, or’ new fences required. All
this work can be financed under this
plan. See your bank for details.
A One-Cent Cheque
Mr. Abner Cosens has "a check that
is somewhat of a novelty as it is for
only one cent He received it as a
dividend from Cities Service Oil Com
pany, Barthesville, Okla. It cost three
cents to mail the cheque, would re
quire a three-cent stamp if he were
to cash it, also exchange. Needless
say, Mr. Cosens is just keeping it
a souvenir.
Service Dedicated to St. George
Sunday being St. George’s Day, the
evening service in St. Paul’s Church
was dedicated to this Patron Saint of
England. Evening Prayer was read
by Rev. W. E, Perry, rector of Wal
ter’s Falls. Rev. E. O. Gallagher in
his Sermon stated Chat neither the cry
for*Mammon, nor the cry for militar
ism was the last cry of the human
heart. St. George was symbolic of
this. Flis rescue of the princess was a
symbol of the championship of the
Church, the daughter of God. The
people of England never cry aloud for
a new made captain, their captain is
Christ. They never desire to give
themselvps to a man-made book and
no Mein Kempf, for they are a peo
ple of the Book of God. Mr. Gallagh
er warned against the influence of the
mass, mind, and stated that we must
guard against worshipping the crudest
materialism, through our new found
mittees showed a very successful year.
The treasurer’s report, given by Mrs.
C. Allin, showed a balance on hand of
$16.38. Expense of the branch $312.12.
During the year the society had don
ated to'several good causes and pre/-
vidcd two banquets for the Lions’
Club. Eleven meetings had been held.
At a meeting held in the Brunswick
Hotel on Wednesday evening of last
Week a Wingham Fish and Game Club
was organized with the following of
President—George Orvis.
Vice Pres.—Frank Sturdy..
Sec.-Treas.—Ronald Rae.
Membership Committee — O. Has-
elgrove, J, J, Evans, Tenant Hender
son, Frank Sturdy, Dave Fortune, R.
Galbraith, R. Rae, George Orvis.
Game Wardens—T. W. Platt, Frank
Sturdy, R. Rae.
; Committee to interview people
whose property streams pass through
—Dave Fortune, J. V. Haines, R. Gal
braith, E. M: Snell, T. Henderson.
The fee for membership in the club
will be 50c. All members of the club
will be deputy wardens.
Three members of the Teeswater
Fish and Game Club were present and
assisted in the organization and gave
some valuable advice based on the ex
perience of their club.
It is the intention of the club to
get permission to stock with trout and
use the streams in this district.
Mrs. E. S. Lewis w-as a Brampton
visitor for a few days last week.
E. and Mrs. Perry are
week at- St. Paul’s Rec-
A.Y.P.A. Players Will Meet Middle-
ton in Deanery Finals.
Mrs.Gordon Buchanan
to New York and
Rev. W.
visitors this
7 Mr. and
are on a vacation
North Carolina.
_ Mr, and Mrs. James Spry, of Tor-
On Friday night at Belgrave the
Dramatic Club of the Wingham Ang
lican Young People’s Association pre
sented their play "Friday For Luck”
in competition with Clinton A.Y.P.A.
dramatic club who presented "In
Doubt About Daisy,” Both plays were
one-act comedy-dramas, The Wing
ham cast is, Joe Ellacott, a hero; Lil
lian Fuller, leading lady; Bert Mit
chell, Bachelor; Ralph Baird, Pessim
istic bachelor.
Both plays were well presented but
the judges decided in favor of the
Wingham. group who had a slight
margin over their competitors. The
Wingham players now enter the final
round with Middleton’s A.Y.P.A., win
ners of the Goderich-Middleton com
petition. "Hist! She’s a Man” is the
play the Middleton group presented.
The finals will be held in Clinton on
May 1st. A cup is being donated by
the Clergy of the Deanery of Huron.
Greatest Newspaper Project in the History of Wingham
r—Campaign! Presents Real Opportunity to Candi-
dates, a Chance to Earn Ready Cash and to Make
a Wish Come True—Experience Is Not Ne
cessary—Full Campaign Announcement
on Pages 4 - 5—Get Started Today
with an average attendance of 26, witjj/'onto, who were married on Saturday,
69 adult visitors 1
ing the year, an enrollment of 50
members and one life member.
The following program was render
ed prior to the election of officers.
Paper entitled “Our Women in Par
liament,” by- Mrs. Alex. Coutts; solo
and tap dance, Helen Arthur; History
of the Wbmen’s Institute, Mrs. J.
West;; solo, Lionel Gallagher. Mrs.,
R. Laidlaw presided over
of officers. In conclusion lunch
served and a social time spent.
ittendance of 26, with/'
having attended dur-visited with Mr. apd Mrs. F. W. Spry.
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Mr. .and Mrs. J.w Latronica, Turn
berry. Hope to hear of a speedy re
Mrs. Jas. Wray is spending a few
days with her neice, Mrs. Harvey
Wright who has been suffering from
an attack of quinsy.
— Miss- Fairy Fells of Wyoming, ac-
With a new 1939 Chevrolet Coach
and a holiday trip to England as the
two major awards, the publishers of
The Advance-Times take pleasure in
announcing to subscribers and friends
the commencement of their new Good
Will Subscription Campaign. Hund
reds of dollars in cash commissions
and awards form supplementary priz
CommenCingcMonday, May 1st, and
concluding Saturday, June 24th, the
campaign is undoubtedly one^of the
greatest and most ambitious newspap
er' projects ever sponsored in the
Wingham District.
New subscribers are new friends —
and The Advance-Times wishes to ex
tend its circle of friends. Thati is the
purpose for which this campaign is de
signed. You can assist us in accomp
lishing this object, and there is rich
compensation for your efforts, if you
Would you like to win a new11939
Chevrolet? Dq you want to take a
holiday tvip to England; see the Old
Land with all its wealth of scenic
beauty and historic background? Are
you in need of ready cash? If so, this
campaign is the answer to your aspir
ations and the solution to your prob-
lemsv ’* ,
The Advance-Times Good Will
Subscription Campaign is open to ev
ery person—men and women or boys
and girls, with the exception of em
ployees of the paper or members of
their immediate families. Experience
in newspaper work or in any other
field of commercial enterprise is not
necessary. Everyone has the same
chance of success. All you tiSed is the
There are, of course, some things
which you need to know, and these
are contained in the campaign an
nouncement on pages 4 and 5. If any
"particular is not perfectly clear, phone
or visit the campaign department and
it will be gladly explained.
One feature of the campaign, how
ever, is worthy of emphasis. An ex
amination of the schedule of votes,
contained in the campaign announce
ment, immediately reveals that new
On Wednesday afternoon, April 20,
the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary held
a very successful shower in aid of the
Hospital, at the home of Mrs; W. W.
Armstrong. In spite of the bad wea
ther'a large number of ladies attend
ed and many useful articles were re
ceived. Tea was served by members
o'f the auxiliary.
Following is a list of the donations:
13 bath towels, 17 wash cloths, 14
hand towels, 1 roller towel, 10 pillow
covers, 4 table cloths, .2 tray covers,
5 runners, 1 dresser set, 8 dresser cov
ers, 4 pot holders, 1 waste basket, 5
trays, 25 glasses, 1 vase, 2 tea pots,
2 cream and sugar sets, 7 water jugs,
7 dinner plates, 15 small plates, 8 fruit
nappies, 3 soup bowls, 9 pyrex
moulds, 13 cups and saucers, 14 odd
saucers, <paper napkins, soap and bath
room supplies, 10 jars fruit, cash $12.-
50. . **
The thanks of the Auxiliary is ex
tended to all who contributed or as
sisted in Making the shower a success
also to the member of the Wingham
Bridge Club for their generous dona
tion of $25,00. , ..« ■ 1
Daylight Saving This Week-End
8 On Saturday night this week Tor
onto 'and many other cities will ad
vance their clocks 1 hour and start
daylight saving for the summer
months. ,
Winners at Oddfellows’ Euchre
The winners at the Oddfellows’
Euchre,>held on Monday night were:
Ladies, Mrs. Howard Machan, Mrs.
Joe Kerr; Gentlemen, Art Wilson,
Howard Machan.
LldglXVl. L/X ¥» y uuuug;
r the election companied by David C. and Peter D.
Scott of Detroit, visited at her home
here over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gowans, who
have been visiting at St. Marys on
their way back from Florida, arrived
home Monday evening.
Miss Jean Hart, of the Staff of
i, spent
Sunday with her friend, M1»S Louise
E. Hanna at her home here.
Mrs. John Wilson*1, returned last
week from a visit with her daughter
at Toronto. We regret to report that
Mrs. Wilson is again confined to her
Mrs. George Spolton returned
home on Monday after spending the
winter at Niagara Falls. On her way
home she visited with her daughter,
.Mrs, T. Raum, rJ Toronto.
Attended Funeral at Teeswater
A number of the members of Mait
land Lodge I.O.O.F. attended the fun
eral o'f the late John Symons at Tees.x.
water on Friday. Mr. Symons was,
years of age and was a member of
Teeswater I.O.O.F.
Baptist Association to Meet Here
Rev. E. M. Loney was in Sarnia on
Monday attending a meeting of the
executive of the Middlesex-Lambton
Association of the Baptist Church of
which he is vice moderator. Arrange
ments have been made for the annual
meeting of the Association to be held
in Wingham this year.
Engagement Announcement
The engagement is announced of
Bernice Eleanor, daughter of Mr. R.
W. Dutnall, Toronto, and the late
Mrs. Dutnall, to John. Nelson Perdue,
of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Perdue, of Wingham. The wed
ding to take place quietly April 29th,
at 3 o’clock at the Church of Epiph
any, Toronto.
Dance Was Enjoyed „ ■
Frankie Banks and his band played
for the second time here on Tuesday
night at another dance sponsored by
the 99th Wingham Battery R.C.A.
Their music again triade a hit with the
dancers who were present in large
numbers. The Armouries presented a
beautiful appearance as the "decora
tions of the previous dance were used.
Avi. lb & jean xxcuij oi Liie o
s^'L MacDonald Institute, Guelph,con-
r Mrs. W. Cpnnell, Mrs. A. Preston,
Mrs. E. O. Gallagher are delegates
from St. Paul's Church, to the Huron
Diocese W. A. Annual meetings be
ing . held at Cronyn Hall, London,
this week.
.^__jMiss Lenora Higgins, Victoria
''Hospital, London and Mr. J. A. Hig
gins, Lakelet, spent Saturday with
.their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Higgins. Miss Mary Macdonald spent
the week-end at the same home.
Arraigned before Magistrate J. A.
Makins, at Goderich, on a charge of
murdering her aged brother, Albert,
Miss Katherine Fitzpatrick, 74, was
committed to Ontario Hospital, Lon
don’, for GO days for observation as
to her medical condition,
Dr. A. FI. Taylor, jail physician,
who three times examined accused,
said she was mentally ill, incapable of
instructing counsel or of defending
herself. Similar statements in writing
were filed by Crown Attorney D. E.
Holmes, from Dr, Stevenson, of Lon
don, and Dr. G, 0. Lynch, of Wood-
stock, psychiatrists.
Preached at Clifford
n Mr. Harry Hopper preached in the
United Churches at Clifford and
Lakelet on Sunday.
Jumps to Summer Weather
Sunday was a beautiful day which
made everyone very happy after such
a slow spring. Monday and Tuesday
the temperature went to summer heat,
72 Monday and 80 on Tuesday. This
sudden jump was almost too much
but was welcome just the same.
Car Markets Sold Well
The increase in the price of gas
oline owing to the 2-ccnt tax increase
has not had any noticeable effect on
the sale of car licenses here. Approxi
mately 1600 car licenses have been
sold so far this year, which is just
about the same as last year for the
same period. The number of drivers’
permits sold so far is slightly greater
than of car markers. During the early
part of the year very few car markers
were sold, most of the sales being
made the last month.
Celebrating 80th Birthday .
Mrs. John T. Currie, of East Wa-
wanosh will celebrate her 80th birth
day on Thursday of this week, April
27th. On behalf of the citizens of this
community we extend heartiest
gratulations. , *
Former Bruce Resident of
Manitoba Elect
The afihual meeting of the
County Auxiliary took place in the
Free Press Club Rooms, where the
following officers were elected: Hon.
Pres., Mrs. John Colwell, Mrs. B. B.
Flogarth; Pres., Mrs. Geo. A. Jackson;
1st Vice, Mrs. J. P. Anderson; 2nd
Vice, Mrs-. J. L. McFayden; Sec., Mrs.
E. W. Turner; Treas., Mrs. M. R.
Duncan; Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. M. And
erson. Reports on acitivities of the
year were given and a nice sum was
realized from the bridge of March 28
to further furnishing of the ward in
General Hospital which the associa
tion maintains, Following the auxil
iary meeting the annual meeting of
the Association was held and the fol
lowing slate of officers elected: Pres.,
Mr. R.'E. Evans; 1st Vice, Mr. E. R.
Siddall-; 2nd Vice, Mrs. G. A. Jackson;
3rd Vice, Mr. Charles Graban; Sec.,
Mr. W. G. Pennington; Treas, Mr. J.
H. Stanley. A vote of thanks was giv
en to Mrs. W. Marshall, retiring sec
retary (formerly Minnie Cuyler, of
Whitechurch) for her co-operation as
secretary for seven and five years
with Auxiliary and Association.
Hospital Auxiliary to Meet Monday
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Auxiliary to Wingham General
Hospital will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday afternoon, May
1st, at 3.45,
Extra Week-End for Anglers
The season for speckled and brown
trout will commence this season on
April 29th instead of May 1st, as in
former years, This will give the ang
lers an extra week-end on the streams.
The announcement was made by D. J.
Taylor, deputy minister of the
vincial department of game and
a St.
/ , subscriptions and renewals, obtained
durincr thn first* hav* a
Bowled Well in Florida
We have a clipping here from
Petersburg paper that tells how well
Alex. Crawford bowled there. In the
singles he won four out of five games
in the open, six out of seven in the
Goodman trophy and seven out of
seven in the Mercer games. He was
runner-up in the other two, winning
17 out of 19 games played.
Purchased Harness Business
Mr. W. A, Heugham purchased the
Kew Harness Shop last week and he
took possession on Saturday morhing.
Mr. Heugham for 20 years prior to
coming here, conducted a similar bus
iness at Milverton. Mrs. Heugham
and their son, Caldwell, will take up
residence here very shortly. We wel
come them to Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. Heugham also have a daughter,
Mrs. O. C. Gorrell, Port Credit.
Mission Bands Held Rally
during the first period, have a much
greater vote value than at. any other
period of the campaign. In other
words, in so far as your efforts are
concerned, it is truly said that a good
and early start is the battle half won.
Make your decision now. It costs
nothing and places you under no ob
ligation to inquire. You can be posi
tively assured that the campaign de
partment will give you every possible
assistance consistent with fair play
and impartiality to the other candi-
The 3-act comedy "Back Seat Driv
ers’’ staged in the Town Hall here on
Tuesday’ evening by the Teeswater
Dramatic Club, under the auspices of
the Wingham Fire Brigade was greet
ed. by a capacity audience who thor
oughly enjoyed this very fine enter
tainment. The play ,was wclLdirocted
and those taking the various parts did
exceptionally well. The audience were
delighted with their splendid efforts
and the actors deserve great praise.
Between the acts, "Bill, Pete and
Shorty" with Miss Cota Phair at the
piano, added greatly to the evening’s
success with their musical numbers.
The Mission Bands of the Maitland dates. Why not get in touch with Us
Presbyterial of the Presbyterian i today and start at once?
Church in Canada, held The Annual
Rally in Teeswater along with the
Teeswater W.M.S. Auxiliary Thank-
Offering meeting, The guest speaker
Mrs. G. W. MacKay, of Tamsui, For
mosa, spoke in a most interesting
manner of her work among the peo
ple there and gave many,helpful sug
gestions on how to create a greater
interest among boys and girls of the
Mission Bands. Devotional exercises,
Easter readings, solos, duets and
quartettes were contributed by mem- ham Bowling Club will be held in the
hers of bands from Belmore, Lang
side, Lucknow, South Kinloss, Wing
ham and Teeswater. A dainty lunch
was served at the close, and a social
hour enjoyed,
Merchants Meeting To-Night
A meeting of the merchants of
town will be held in tire council cham
bers to-night (Wednesday-) 8 o’clock.
All businessmen are requested to be
The annual meeting of the Wing-
Council Chambers at 8 o’clock, Thurs
day evening this week. All members
are urged to be present. The greens
wintered exceptionally Well and a
most successful season is in prospect