The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-03-09, Page 3WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMESThursday, March 9th, 1939
"the lack of attention given to the
improvement on farm, church, school
and other public grounds throughout
our countryside,” was expressed by
Hon. P. M., Ontario agricul
ture minister, addressing the annual
banquet of the Ontario Horticultural
Association. Mr. Dewan’s address
dealt largely with rural beautification.
Do You Need Money
to Buy Seed?
Han for the balance of this year now. The results next Fall
largely depend upon the forethought given to cultivation,
fertilization and the quality of the seed you intend to plant.
Success usually follows good management. Intensive cul
tivation of your land, properly fertilized and sown with
Registered or Government Tested seed, is the best assur
ance of profitable results.
See our Branch Manager if you need money to carry out
a profitable programme this year.
Cardinal Pacelli Elected Pope
Vatican City — Eugino Cardinal
Pacelli was elected Pope,' Thursday,
and took the name of Pius XII on
his 63rd birthday’ in one’of history's
shortest conclaves. He was chosen on
the third Ballot in the first day of vot
ing, He became the 262nd Pontiff,
spiritual ruler of 331,500,0000 Roman
Catholics and temporal sovereign of
Vatican City just 20 days after- the
death of Pius XI, whom he served as
papal secretary of state for eight
years. He is perhaps the first Pope
'ever to have been in North America.
As papal secretary of state he Went
to the United States in *1936 and was
received by President Roosevelt, It
was a popular election accomplished
in three ballotings within 24 hours af
ter the 62 cardinals,' the full member
ship of the Sacred College, had been
locked in secret conclave.
CHILDREN of all ages
thrive oh “CROWN
They never tire of,Its delici
ous flavor and it really is so
good for them—so give the
children “CROWN BRAND”
leading physicians pro
nounce “CROWN BRAND”
CORN SYRUP a most satis
factory carbohydrate to use
as a milk modifier in the
feeding of tiny infants and
as an energy producing food
for growing children.
Wingham Branch J. R. M. Spittai, Manager
Pope Not Popular with Nazis
Berlin — Nazi circles expressed the
opinion that election of Cardinal Pa-
cellj as. Pope would not improve the
chances of better understanding be
tween Naziism and Roman Catholic
ism. The new Pope is generally re
garded by Nazi Germany as opposed
to totalitarian governments. This el
ection, however, brought no official
German comment. Before his election
the Nazi press expressed opposition
to him, '
__ vFrance Warned Not to Look
for Trouble
Paris — Colonial Minister Mandel,
urging “massive reinforcements” *of
troops to defend French Somaliland
against “Italian infiltration,” revealed
what appeared to be a Cabinet, split
over empire defence and diplomacy.
Mandel was Said to have astounded
the colonial committee by declaring
Great Britain had indicated she would
not support France if the French
“look for trouble” itr East Africa.
ese request for aid-1 against Russia
while the European 'Mediterranean
and colonial controveries still remain
Japs and Soviet to Patch Differences
Tokyo—Under pressure from Ger
many and Italy, Japan, is ready to ac
cept a compromise ’arrangement with
the Soviet Union to bring a tempor
ary halt to their long-standing dispute
over Siberian fishing rights, an auth
oritative Japanese source said. Ger
many and Italy were reported using
their'influence with Japan to compro
mise the fishing dispute in order to
obviate the possibility of a Nippon-
Sudeten, German for Canada
Ottawa —- Amazed premiers of two
Western Canada provinces learned—
for the first- time—that the Dominion
Government had agreed to the settle
ment of several hundred families of
Sudqten Germans on western farms.
Fprmal announcement of the immig
ration branch of the mines and re
sources department 'said each family
will qualify as agriculturists under
immigration regulations and have $1,-
500 in cash. No changes wduld be ne
cessary in immigration laws to permit
them entry. The “amazed” premiers
were ‘ Prime Ministers Patterson of
Saskatchewan and Aberhart of. Al
No Change in Sunday Law
Toronto — Tire Cabinet council de
cided not to submit a bill at the corn-
•ing session of the Ontario Legislat
ure for alteration of Sunday observ
ance Jaws. After an all-day Cabinet
meeting Attorney-General Gordon
Conant made an announcement indi
cating that any intentions the Govern
ment has of seeking amendment to
laws regulating Sunday observance
will be laid over at least until the
1940 session.
dress held, under the auspices of the
Forum Committee. Mr. Herridge an
nounced that he proposes to set up a
committee of citizens free from, pol
itical control which will indorse one
candidate. Its job will be to see that
the progressive vote is solidly behind
that candidate. To become a candi
date of the new party a man must be
- ready to indorse the principles of the
resolution Mr. Herridge introduced at
the Conservative convention last June.
Pope Has Hopes for Peace
Vatican City—Pope Pius XII, new
pontiff of the Roman Cotholic
Church, expressed hope for peace and
concord among the nations during his
pontificate in a message broadcast to
the entire Christian world. Earlier he.
had set March 12th as his coronation
day. The Pope spoke five minutes in
Latin,following the modern trend by
his predecessor, Pius XI, who fre
quently used the radio.
Why write letters and Send money
orders? Order your Bray Chicks
through me—personal attention,
prompt delivery. •
Wingham Ontario
25 Perish in . Flames
Halifax- — Six charred "bodies lay
in a Halifax morgue as firemen pre
pared to resume their toilsome task
of searching for more victims of the
Queen Hotel holocaust. Danger’ of
falling walls forced a stop to the
search after the six had been found.
Wreckers labored all day to pull
down what remained of the building.
Exact toll taken when fire swept the
hotel and , two other structures still
was unknOwn. It was placed at a
minimum of 25 but it never may be
known how many perished in the
Parliament Passes First Bills
Ottawa—First legislation to pass
.the House of Commons at the present
session went through third reading,
-exactly seven weeks after the opening
of Parliament, three non-contentious
measures received final approval and
are ready for the Senate when it
meets next week' and in addition- the
House gave, first reading to Justice
Minister Lapointe’s .bill to create a
pneitentiaries commission.
Request Italy to| Withdraw Troops
Paris — Members of the French
Chamber of Deputies foreign affairs
committee said Foreign Minister Bon
net told them that Gen. Franco
requested Italy to withdraw
troops from Spain.
By Harry J, Boyle
The satisfied acclaim of over a hundred thousand Canadian home
owners is your positive guarantee of the greatest heating value money
can buy. Give your home the thrilling comfort and dependability
of “the world’s finest anthracite”. Order ‘blue coal’ today.
MacLean Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone 64W.
Last night when I finished up the
chores, a final tour of inspection was
made, of the stables. Everything ap
peared to be in ship-shape order >un-
til, J chanced to glance over into the
corner box stall, and there I found
Buttmsky, the Bolshevist goat, in a.
very bad condition. Just the fact that
he was lying there, and not creating
a panic in the stable, was enough to
let < a person know that something
was seriously wrong, and so I decid
ed to take a hand.
Down in the medicine chest in. the
corner of the centre passageway,
there is a bottle of medicine that Doc
Riggs left to be given any time that
Buttinsky went under the weather.
Armed with this bottle, I sneaked in
on him, He just lay th’ere and let me
go ahead with the proceedings. He
didn’t even move as I gently tucked
his beard in under his chin and start
ed elevating his nose ... in fact all
was quiet until he got the first whiff
of the medicine. That did it! Thrown
off guard I landed back in the corn
er, with my hat shoved down over my
head and the bottle of medicine luck
ily enough, still intact.
Buttinsky cavorted around the cor
ner of the stall, rammed his head
against the stone wall and on the re
coil landed out in the passageway. He
tore right along to the end of it,
smacked up against the door Into the
horse stable, and doing a quick-about
bore down in the direction of me.
Just in the nick of time, I was able
to hop up on the corner post of the
stall. Buttinsky suddenly stopped,
and seemed to waver in his tracks as
he slipped down quietly on the pile
of straw. I guess the exertion was too
much for him, because he didn’t make
any offer to fight wheh I bore down
on him.
This time1 I was cautious and I
planted myself firmly on top of him.
He heaved a couple of times, biding
his chance to flip me off. Then the
fun began.
A goat is at any time a bundle of
perverse animal nature. Imagine if
you can, a sick goat who hates med
icine . . . and one puny man pitched
against him with a bottle of a foul
smelling concoction composed by a
■veterinary, and supposed to combat
all the ills and lil-feeling of Buttin
He rammed and lunged . . , .and
tried to roll over. He swilled and
gargled . . . and spat out what I had
managed to get in his mouth. He bit
my hand and when I didn’t notice it,
rammed his horns back up in my face.
When the blood began to come
from my scratched cheek, I suppose
it aroused some dormant animal nat
ure in myself. From then on it was
“catch, as catch can.1
was up and the next mintlte lie was
on top. I lost my hold once, and
slipped over lu’s head. Before getting
back on my feet, he placed his horns
in a very determined way on the seat
of my pants and^sent me spinning on
the top of my head.
Then -\ye crouched in opposite cor
ners and started walking around each
other like a pair of game cocks. Bid
dy, the little red hen, chose that mo
ment to fly tip on top of the stall, and
that distracted me for a moment or
two. SWOOP! Buttinsky charged
like a bull, and I had just time to
elevate one leg. There I was sitting
on top of the goat, and while lie was
TUNE IN on “The Shadow"’*—every Sat. 7 to 7.30 p.m. over station CBL
going east I was*looking west ... it
was a very undignified posture.
Mrs. Phil chose that moment to
come into the stable. I saw every col
our of the rainbow when she said:
“You big b-ully, abusing that poor
goat! Get off this very moment,”
The medicine was all spilled, my
temper was popping off like Chinese
firecrackers and so I calld the whole
affair off, and went up to the house.
Buttinsky could die if he wanted to.
This morning when I opened the
stable door he rammed into it ... as
bright and alert as ever. Something-
tells me, Buttinsky made a goat-out
of me yesterday.
iwere not seriously injured.—Listowel
Forged His Own Name
Unusual was the case of Walter L.
Picot, 28, of Holmesville, convicted
by Magistrate J. A. Makins of forg
ing his own name to a County of
Huron highways pay check for $21.13
and cashing it. Accused was remand
ed to jail for one week for sentence.
The check, it was explained was made,
out to “W. Picot” instead of "W. Pic
kett”, the man who did the work, ire
error and also sent to Picot's address..
Strange, But True
A citizen entered a Broadway boot
shop on some business. The conver
sation veered to icy streets and bad
walking. The shopkeeper produced a
pair of creepers and said they made
walking safe and easy -no matter how
icy the street might be. The citizen
declined to buy, stating that he walk
ed carefully and had never Jallen.
Then he went out and had only gone
a few yards when he fell and in the
fall smashed one of his front teeth.—
Orangeville Banner.
Agr. Representative
R. Gear, B.Sc., of Orton,
Honored on 85th Birthday
A gathering was held in honor of
Alex. McKenzie’s 85th birthday anni
versary. Dr. B. C. Weir was chairman
of the party held in Foresters’ Hgllr
■Auburn. Mr. McKenzie was born at
Francistown, now Exeter, and started'
when .quite young to make harness-’
and Handle real true leather. His fore
fathers were British soldiers.. Mr,
McKenzie lives alone in a smallframe
house and doe&bis own cooking and
keeps his house neat and tidy. For
over 60 years iMr. McKenzie has been
a member of the Masonic order and
for half a century has been a past
grand master of Morning Star Lodge.*
at Carlow. ' j ;
New Bruce
Mr. Geo.
near Orangeville, has been appointed
successor to G. R. Paterson, as Agri
cultural Representative for the Coun
ty of Bruce, and enters on his duties
this week. Mr. Gear graduated from
the Ontario Agricultural College in
1935, and assisted in the Short Cours
es at Port Elgin, Pinkerton ond Tara
since that time. He was born on a
farm, and knows the agriculturist's
problems thoroughly.
Tues, and Thurs., 1.00 P.M, . i
1Q0 Millions Aim of Nazis
Berlin — The prediction that "we
shall use all our power to increase
our present 80,000,000 population to
100,000,000” was made by Field Mar
shal Goering, Germany’s air minster.
In an address before Nazi military,
naval, 'political and party leaders
Goering asserted Germany is one of
the greatest powers the world has ev
er known and that the German soldier
is the best of all.
Listen in to these interesting
noon-time programs
You can compete for the
Bigger Issues Soon, Says King
Ottawa Prime Minister Macken
zie King bluntly warned Parliament
it might soon be called upon to dis
cuss more important questions than
any referred to it so far, as he point
ed to a critical international situation.
He did so in an appeal to member.^
of the House to get along with the
business before them and also to
avoid making statements which might
be misinterpreted in other countries
.or might create unnecessary suspicion
concerning the national defence de
One minute I
Car Rolled Over, Three Injured
An accident occurred on highway
23, three miles north of Mitchell. A
Listowel car was travelling north
when it left the highway, broke off a
hydro pole and rolled over on its top.
All the glass in the car was shatter
ed, and it was damaged considerably.
The occupants of the car were. John
McAulay, and Robert Burns Jr., of
Listowel, and Ralph Taylor of Sar
nia, who is visiting in town. All re
ceived bruises and lacerations, but
Many Homeless after Jap Explosion
Osaka, Japan — Police announced
that probably 200 persons were blown
to bits and burned to death and at
least 200 others injured in an explos
ion, of an army arsenal in suburban
Hirakata. The police .comm-unique
said homes were destroyed by the
flames which swept through the sub
urb from exploding munitions. As a
result 5,800 persons were homeless.
Herridge Launches New Party
Ottawa — .Hon. W. D, I-Ierridge
launched a brand new party which he
calls the New Democracy, in an ad-
Says Rural Charm Neglected
• i « •
Toronto — Disappointment with
Noranda. The little miss (CENTRE)1
er on the first three laps, Martel main-
TheLong Life Lamps*
Wingham Utilities Commission
Phone 156 Wingham
’ Emile Martel was winner of the stretch to fame and $1,000. BeliimL former Fhampmn, withdrew after I North, Rose t ote, and her maid-in-
Qncbec gold fields’ dog derby, Lead- him in eighth place was Mrs. Blanche making charges that his dogs were waiting, Gabrielle Raymond (LEFT), has no fear of the powerful huskies
. .— * ch thin for The queen is a waitress and her at- who take part in the race.
the celebration are the Queen of the I tendant a post-office employee im
Tremblay (RIGHT), only woman cm doped. Waiting at the finish line for
tained the pace on the final 36-mile tram in the. derby. Jlef husband, a