The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-15, Page 16r Wt TlmwhAd¥ec«t«, November IS, Tm ------------------------------------------------ ’51 STBER—Strayed from Xto $?”• 6 Usborne, a black yearling white­ faced steer with ’ong J. l)ykeman,inB-H. 1 Centralia, pnone fth'Kton aa-r-11. strayed t. ’51 ’51 You Don't Need A License To Hunt For Bargains Here Not Immune From Attack •'Great as North. America is, it is not immune from attack” .cautioned Srian F. C, Houston, regional m-nrcUnator for civil defence for region three com-' prising the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington in speaking to the members of the Home and School Association on Tuesday evening. He pointed out that this was not only possible hut probable and the only way human beings can survive the deadly destruc­ tion, of today’s H-bomb is "not to he there,” This means mass evacuation of people from in­ dustrial areas and the problems of emergency feeding, clothing, lodging and personal services, "TVs a gigantic problem” said the speaker “but one of the most difficult problems confronting civil defence directors is that of making people aware that every person can do something about it: that it is every one’s concern; that civil defence, like charity, begins at home. He concluded by quoting from “In Inlander's Fields,” which had been so ably given previous­ ly as a reading by Helen Hend­ rick. “If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep.” Mr. Houston was introduced by town councillor, Glenn Fish­ er. Mrs. D, A. Page presided for the meeting and announced that the safety patrol would be taken on an. outing to London, this Friday night from money con­ tributed by the safety council and that the junior band had al­ ready had two practices. Parents had the opportunity of meeting the teachers and dis­ cussing their problems previous to the meeting. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 word* or less 70 Mor* Then 25 Words -*• Ptr Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS Mor* Than 25 Words Per Word 20? OFF if ad P^id With order or by Saturday fallowing th* insertfan ^mi-Pbphy (Restricted to First Insertion t Subsequent 84p Per Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. 40# Citified! one column) 98? Per Inch Insertions - Inch FOR SALE TEAM OF iR>KSESrFr*nk Xtodus. R.R. 1 UentraUa, phone 15c red wool, ilse 13, ladies’ green coat I sixe 14; hoys' sport coat,, size 10-12 ‘ ..............willed Hnirgi man r !i,K.P 1' 3'3 GIRLS’ COAT tjuilUd. lining; beaver winter .... All in Huron St. loc boys' parka, hood. six© 10-12; jacket, lur collar, excellent condition. W., or phone A-16. HUlii CALF—G. J. Dow, pliatje .....:j................ ........ STDYE—OIrcular heater, coal or wood. rWl rendition; owner In­ stalled Juruaca. 58 Huron bl. W.. phono or 24Q-.M. . . _ ■ ..io* “ 12-qauge; bench vise: iv'ers far '49 to ’32 Dodge nth; pair 670-15 snow h.p. electric motor: *1 springs mid spring-filled 2-door modern walnut net. R. E. Balkwill, 47 East. is* SHOT GEN. 1 new slip CO’ or I'lyniou tires; ’i 1 steel bed g mattress; china cabir John SI " GIRLS' 13 REAL ESTATE DASHWOOD PROPERTY house, cottage roof, 3 bedrooms, living room, room, kitchen and utility full basfement, J ‘ Phone 47-r-13» Mrs.'" -Garnet j , Dashwood; Louis sciui-1 Erick storey, dining I room, ■frontage by 131) ft. depth (harm ----- J” ” ” I WiUert, - machev estate.j HI WWW HOMES FARMS HELP WANTED RAWYEIGH BUSINGS now open in Huron County, Trade well eatab- Hsh#d« Excellent opportunity. FuU thus. Write at once. Rawleigh'a Dept. K-wOS-189. Montreal, B.Q. ■........... ....;.......... ,....... ...." 15 ft LARGE Northern Ontario Gold Min# requires men to be trained mF Bitot i underground mining. No pre- \v;th vious experience necessary. It you »pth,_ with f are '2tj „ years old and willing ■.a work, thia is ’ your opportunity to learn a skilled trade and earn good wages while doing so. Apply by letter to: Employment Qtlive, Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Ltd., VirgiuiaWwn, Ontario. 35:1:8:10c X 15:22* NOTICES RINGS OfVALUE Attend The Site will be thrilled at the beauty of her Bridal Bell ilia-* mond » . , and the low price, makes it easy to buy such fine qualityf . YOUR BATH WILL BE?) REMODELED^ GREAT/ PLEASE LET US GIVE AM ESTIMATE . GINGERICH'S.^ -HEATING'ENGINEER GINGERICH’S HEATING-LlCfHTlNG-PLUMBING OIL burning-air conditioning -r x/ V EWWENT&supplies ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING I Shopping days HI MM FEN,CP MM' x V" ' Exeter. FOR SALE J? CHESTERFIELD , and . chair to j match; occasional chair; rocker, n Coleman space heater with pipes; g electric, stove. Apply to Mrs. Emma r Shepherd. Hensail, phone 131-W.15c ,r G.E. REFRIGERATOR, 6 eu. ft., C good condition: Simplicity washing machine, like new, bench and tubs; - portable mantel, plaster composi- q tion, like new; utility cabinet. Airs. R Pearl Case, South Richmond St., n Hensail, Ont. 1JC n RED BULL, Shorthorn. "William J. ~ Thomson. R.R. 1 Centralia, phon© Kirkton 103-r-4. L>* PUREBRED EO.Ul, English York­ shire, 2 years old. Apply J. Hovius, Hensall. ld MILK ROUTE—Hensall to Holmes­ ville, for Carnation Afilk Co. Apply j. Hoving, Hensall. 16* SPY APPLES—$2 per bushel. Wil­ liam Schroeder, phone 514-J3 Ex- eter. 8c F 8 WEAKER PIGS—Apply John Kel- - lett, R.R. 3 Exeter. 15* G - J ■ 1 ; ■ , 0 25 PULLETS, "White Rock, 5Vj f months old; also oil heater, used. ? in good condition. Apply Gordon n Pearson, .Dashwood, phone 34-r-9. A ,.......A®* r NEED GLASS? — We can supply i glass for car windows, house win- * ,dows, table tops, shelves, etc. Cut ■ and ground to size. We also do 1 glazing, Fisher's Hardwai’e, phone A 29 Exeter. 15c» - REFRIGERATOR: 6 months old, good condition, reasonable price. „ Apply Airs. Walters, 365 William ° St., phone 698-W. 150 , j TROMBONE and 1 cornet, in c A-l condition, phone 81-R or write Box 2S3 Lucan, Ont. 15c 300 HENS, Sussex Red, laying 70 per cent. Apply Ear] Dietrich, R.R. - 3 Dashwood, phone 31-r-16, 15* '56 'CONSUL, 4 months old, stand- ] ard equipment, perfect condition, will sell very reasonable. Apply 66 John St. East (upstairs), 15c ROYS’ SCOUT PANTS, regulation, size 34: $3.00. Phone S81-J4 Ex­ eter. 15c 250 PULLETS, 5 months old. Emer- ; son Glenn, phone 619-r-2 Ailsa Craig. 15c COAL & WOOD RANGE, in good condition. Apply Dennis O'Rourke, phone 16l-r-l0 Dashwood, 15c 7 CHUNKS—Phone 21-r-3 Credi­ ton. 15c SNOW SUIT. 3-piece, to fit 3-ycar- old girl: worn one season; will sell » for half price. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 15* AfAY BE SEEN at 17 Main St.. Exeter — embroidery, knitted and crocheted work, pillow cases macle* to order. Suitable for Christmas gifts. Apply Airs. George Lawrence, 17 Alain St. ’ 15:22c IF BACKACHES are slowing you J up, take RUMACAPS. and help J yourself to relief from pains and 2 aches. Ask your Druggist. 15c QUEBEC HEATER, hew condition, complete with pipes and wall pro­ tector, cheap. Apply 192 Columbia Dr., P.M.Q., R.G.A.F. Ceptralia. 0 ’< 1.5* ACCORDION. 120 bass, 41 treble, like new. with luggage typo carry­ ing ease; $100. Phone 161. 15:22* LETZ ■GRINDER, works like new; ; half price. Annly Gerald Prout, ; phone 172-r-4 Exeter. 15c .. 2 HALL TREES; single felt matt- •; rcss; 2 chesterfield .chairs: library table; cream buffet; wash tubs; i large wardrobe: dressing table; rliean. .45 Huron St, East, phone 5 237-W. 15* GALVANIZED PIPES, stove and. a furnace, price. 6" -10”; elbows; < 2 carnet stretchers; goose neck i iron; Edison phonograph, plays 4”, si 12" and 20" records: cheap. Applv :■ J. W. Powdll, 90 Victoria St, W. 1 ' 15e ■i l.n0A-LH. SCALES, in brand new condition. Apply Exeter Salvage, g phone 423. 15c. '? GIRLS' AIAUVE COAT, size 12; girls' grey coat with fur trim, Size g 12; 3 skirts, size 8, all'In good eon- I dltion. Afay be seen at Brang <■ Cleaners. 15c j;i 4 KITCHEN CHAIRS; 2 tables; re- frjgerator; Wash tub and 2 gal- ■■■ vanized nalT. Applv John Ruxton, phone 784-W Exeter. ISc ;• SNOW SUIT, bine, fur trim, size G 6 months to 1 year: hrdwn 2-piece g boys’ Anol? suit, size 4. Can hfe ■?? seen at Brady Cleaners. 15C' r.i GIRLS' WINTER COAT, size- 12, K sub-teen: only worn a short time E and is like new: cost $30. will sell i for $15, Apr>1y at Brady Cleaners or Airs. Russell ATorley, 15* PORTtBLE SAW MILL, comnlefc, ';j with 50" inserted tooth saw. Quick' > sale for cash, $300.00, Annly Dash- si: wood Planing Mills Ltd,, Dash- WOOd. InC 4-TrtJRNER STOVE, Moffatt, Ilk© T: ,new. «23-,T Exeter, 15c SOYBEAN MEAL, off citr, arriving this week; carload prices. Snow fence, special prices, Centralia Farmers’ Supply. lae ... PICKETS, nine. 4’ x Apply 71 Main SI. North, 15c 1“ “r.‘„TZ3, white, ladles* figure skates, slsates, size 8. Mrs. Hensall, Phone 683- • Stfn EED 'TURNIPsT^Lof a""ton: also •heat and bean straw. Apply D. loersma, R.R. 1 Exeter, phone 36- -22 Dashwood. 8:15* she Ise 'Mi FIGURE SKATES, and is * ,, child's •girt Bell, 5Q MONARCH, blue, good, body, rood radio, $750. Contact' A. Clarke, 7orlh End Supertest, after 6 p.m.___________ s :15c JORN PICKER, Massey-Harris I.P.; Allis Chalmers S.P. 100 com- line, 2 years old; Massey-Harris nanure spreader on rubber, $85. ’hone Dashwood. 164-r-lL S:15c > Your Livestock This Winter SEE US FOR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP me 287 Beside CNR Station 25:1:o JET YOUR "HOLIDAY regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday" at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14 months for >3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the i e w s t a n d price, Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8;23-10:.a .ADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save mlf the single copy price by sub- icribing now at the special rate or 13 months for 34.03. We’re agent or all magazines. Exeter Times- advocate, phone 770. 8>23-10:18 FOR RENT C. V. Pickard *> Exeter 3 - BEDROOM BRICK, close schools. This is a tidy home good, repair t.U*.; Nice Jot with garage. $5,800.00—Full price to: ed 3-bedroom home, clien heath dept with ------ Immediate possession. $7,000.00 — 4-bedroom modern kitchen and Extra lots and garage. Small down payment, COMPACT 3-bedroom brick, good kitchen and better than average bathroom; oil-burning furnace; garage: reduced price; liberal terms, t ACRE OF LAND with good brick house and small barn. House Is in excellent condition; good kit­ chen, 3-piece bath and heaxy wir­ ing. Reasonable price. Terms. FARM100 Acres with comfortable house and exceptionally good barn; drive­ shed; hydro throughout; productive .loam suitable for all crops; 7 acres of bush; price $10,500.0Q. Terms. Possession to suit purchaser. If you wish to buy or sell, see C, v. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter; phones 165 and 628.________________________15tf0 FARM FOR SALE 12 acres land with 7-room insul- brick house, barn, colony house and garage. Water and hydro, and situated on highway, S miles from town. Possession early spring.Ali enquiries should be addressed to: Bruce Tyndall, R.R. 3 Clinton, Ont.This advertisement published free by: Allied Farm Services, 243’6 Dundas St., London, Ontario. 15c 1'00 ACRES, Usborne, clay loam, white brick house, new furnace, good barn, hydro. Must see to appreciate. Apply T, Creery, Wood­ ham, or phone. Kirtkon 84-r-5. 15:22* to , T ifc with all conveniences. 22 Tto to-- to well local- bedroom home. Modern kit- and bathroom. Nearly new :g equipment. Owner will ac- very smell down payment moderate monthly payments. house 'with bathroom. nomination PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with by-law No. 13 passed October 16, 1956, under authority of Chapter 266, Section 74 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the electors o£ the municipality of the - —.........— held in Village vember One tn purpose for — Councillors to ____ Hay for the year 1957 and for three for the Hay Township School Area Board to 1957 and 1958. When a Proposed Candidate is not present, his Nomination Paper shall not be Valid unless there is attached thereto evidence in wrl- ing signed by the Proposed Can­ didate satisfactory to the Return­ ing Officer that he Consents to be so nominated. In case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on Monday, Decem­ ber 3, 1956, in the several Polling Sub-.Divisions of the Township as follows: Poll No, 1—School House No. 2; Percy Campbell, D.R.O.; Lome Chapman, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2—School House No. 14; Hugh McEwen,' D.R.O. Poll No. 3—Town Hall; Leroy O'Brien, D.R.O.; Gordon Surerus, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4—Town Hall; Albert Hess, D.R.O.; Lome Klopp, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 5—School House No. 12; Hilton Truemner,, D.R.O.; Clifford Pepper, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6—Earl Guenther Block; Reinhold Miller, D.R.O.; Sidney Baker, _ Poll Clerk.Poll No, 7—School House No. 3; .Tames A McAllister, ’ D.R.O.; Glen Weido, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 8—James Masse Dwell­ ing; F. Ducharme, D.R.O.; Ed Corriveau, Poll Clerk.Said polls will be kept open from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. Dated at Eurich, November 10, 1956. H. W, ■ BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer 15c shin to Hay will be " ’n the Friday, No­ To’,..,™. -— the Township Hall of Zurich oi, Tito, ... 28, 1956, at the Hour from Two O’clock P.M. * of nomfnatinReeve, Ito., for the . ..... ig candidates Deputy Reeve and the Township of Mohawk Opener SATURDAY NIGHT Jack Smith JEWELLER Fh«n» 519 Ex»t«r J - ROOM HOUSE, furnished, in ffensall, from December 1, 1956, to May 1. 1957. Phone 217-W. Mrs. Jrace Harpole, Hensail.______ 15c APARTMENT — Heated, furnished JI' unfurnished. Beavers Hardware, Exeter,__________________ 16c GROOM COTTAGE, with basement xnd large garden, in real nice con, lition— available December 1. W. 3. Morley, phone 226. 15:22* APARTMENT, in Centralia, run­ ning hot and cold water, private entrance, 4 rooms, newly decorated, lieavy wiring, -lovely grounds. Will rent for $25 for winter months. Apply Mrs. Ken Hodgins, phone 880 -J3 Exeter._____________ to APARTMENTS—A number of 1- ahd 2-bedroom apartments. W, C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc 3-ROOM APARTMENT, upstairs, No. 4 Highway, 1% miles south of Exeter, electric range, refrigerator, separate 3-piCce bath, private . ent­ rance, partly or all furnished, all utilities supplied, Phone Exeter 378-W. 15* 1NISHED APARTMENT. 3-piece 1, electric range and refrigera- heated. White’s Ice Cream Bar, Main-St. 15* WHITE ERICK HOME, 6 rooms with built-in cupboards, full 'piece bath, oil heating. Available Dec. 1, Apply Fred Dawson, phone 456-r- G Exeter. _____________________15* APARTMENT, self-contained, fur­ nished, downstairs, generate ent­ rance, centrally located. Apply at Times-Advocate. 8:15c .PARTMENT, -- private entrance, rivate batli, available now. Apply odbolt Apartments, 16 John St., hone 202. 15* 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, cupboards, bath, garage and pri­ vate- entrance. Home in the coun­ try. Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensal). phone 6S3-r-33.____________ 8tfc 2 APARTMENTS, ground floor. 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished; both are heated, hot and cold water, built- in Cupboards, use of laundry for washing; private entrance. Blateh- ford Apartments. ______ 15* 3-BEBROOM HOME, modern kit­ chen and bathroom, good heating equipment, well located, with gar­ age; reasonable rental; Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. Stic 2-FAMILV HOUS0; ' insul-brio. 3 bathrooms, oil furnace. Price .$6,000; $1,500 down, balance by month for 10 years if desired. ELIMVILLE HOUSE, barn and 5 acres.BRICK HOUSE, furnace, bath, water pressure system, attached garage, in Crediton.BRICK HOUSE. 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, large garage. FRAME HOUSE, basement, room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, room, one floor. 1Q0 A ORES, Kirkton area, house, new furnace, bank driVOshed.200 HIGHWAY ACRES, good ___ Ings, water on tap, silo, convenient for schools. We can show you farms of 50 to 250 acres, cheap and high class. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parson, Fred Cole, Salesmen, " IStfc WANTED 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished and heated; available December 1. Apply 6S Sanders St. or phone 144.. 138:15c DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, fur­ nished or unfurnished, Mfs. Harold Beaver, phone 602-W. 8* 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private 3- piece bath; oil heated; unfurnish­ ed; quick possession; §35 per month. C. V. Pickard, Realtor,. istfc 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, hot and c.old water, private entrance. Apply Penhalo Apartments, 70 John St. E., phone 294-R, ________lltfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100. Zurich. Otfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold rvatet, bn Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. IGtfc If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe Bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing; seriously Wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and Wastes. That's the time fa^take Dodd’s Kidney pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and »o help restore their normal action of fetndving eiteas* acids and Wiates. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney PilU now. Look for the blue box with Ihe red band at all Ye« cam depttid on Dodd’s. 3* living bath- brick barn, bulk!- GIRLS' SNOW SUIT, size 4 or 5, in good condition. Also baby car­ riage for sale. 15c Standing Timber Have you for sale; soft maple, elm, hard maple, ash, birch, white oak, red oak, basswood or pine? Then send this ad to The Exeter Times-Advocate with your Printed Name Lot Concession Township 15:22c TO HEAR FROM SOMEONE- who has a dulcimer. Ross, W. Hern, Granton R.R.l, phone Kirkton 4-r- 7.____________________ _________15* BABY CARRIAGE, ’ in good condi­ tion. Apply Bob Gardiner, Crom­ arty. t5* SERVICES........... ....... CUSTOM CORN PICKING—Lome R. Becker, phone 118 Dashwood, 15* MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor­ man Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W evenings. ______________ _____Itfc HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Shai'penirig Service, 105 Sanders St. E.< Exeter, phone 454.________ ___ _________ ______7c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton H'u 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:3u A.M We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING— Arrangements can be made. Bill Watson; Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 7:12-ll:15c STOCK WANTED I AM in THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. — G. I. Dow, phone S3, Exeter. 12tR NOTICES TO CREDITORS Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARPWARE. EXETER SEWING MACHINES - Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phbne 99. EX- eter _ , 8tfc APARTMENT, furnished, self- contained, hot and cold water on tap, private bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-in cup- lioarda; available now,. Phone 400-W evenings.________ 30tfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-suite steam-heated apart­ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bcdrdom apartments with private bathrooms, Plenty of closet space, stove, re­ frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service: plenty or hot water and parking space tor cars; very reasonable rates. One. vacancy now. sandy Elliot thOlife 476 or 6-16-J Exeter S:9tfc , In the Estate of Gladys Luker, deceased. __persons Wiving claims against the estate of Gladys Luker, late of the Village of Hensan, in the Count# of Huron, Spinster, .who died On or about the 19th day of October, 1956, are required to file particulars of same With Belt & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On­ tario, by the 24th day of November, 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard -__- ■■ • - - which All only to those claims of notice has boon received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 8:15:22c HELP WANTED REAU ESTATE NEW, MODERN .HOUSE bearing cAmpietion, 2 . beqrooms. oil for- pfica, Reasonably priced. Apply A. Whilstnlth..phone 270-J...... „ .lltfc Nl£W MODEBN HOUSE WUlt oil fumweft: feMt Aide of Exetert ntose to school*, R* JBAlkWUU 47 John .....- .........-— -----------1 ■jaitanMatXflaUMi charged as fixed by Township by law via; Roll 1—-Library Rooms, Gon. J; Gordon Wilson, Ralph Gates, Poll Clerk., Poll gwFrank THebner’s Lot 21, Con. 2; Preston D.R.Q.; Frank Triebner, P Poll StoVensel’s Ito-- Creditor William O e s t r I c h e r D.R.O.; Aaron Wein, P-H Poll 4—Town Hall. Ito 1(1, 7, Alvin. Baker, D.R.O.; Flnkbeinar. Pod ,cierk,\„ . Poll 5—O’Rourke’s Kitchen, 10, Com 12; , Gerald C’R: Poll 6—Club Rooms, Ito 24,Con. N.B.; Otto Willert, D.R.Q.; Chester Galser. Poll Clerk* .Poll 7-Uwettaer’s t Kitchen. Ito 10, Con. 17; Art Flnkbelner, D.R.O.; Ross Love, Poll Clerk. _ . /nRoh S-*Pollocks Store. Lot: 40. Con. S.B.; Mansell Hodgins, p.p.O., William Hicks. Poll Clerk,Poll 9—william DesJardine, Ito 4, Con. A.'; Colin Love, D.R.O.; George Walper, Poll Clerk.And all electors are hereby re­ quested to govern themselves ac­ cordingly. Crediton, Ont., No' FREEMAN W, Returning ' THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER of "The Muni­ cipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act" (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 245), as Amended, • - and - IN THE MATTER of an-applica­ tion of The Corporation of the Township of Stephen for a Quiet­ ing Order to Establish the boundary between the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron and the Millage • of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton. NOTICE OF APPLICATION ! . ■ andAPPOINTMENT FOR HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the Cor­ poration- of the. Township of Ste­ phen has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for a Quieting Order under the said Act for the purpose of Establishing the bound­ ary between the Township of Ste­ phen and th© Village of Grand Bend; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTToE that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of NOVEMBER, 1956, at H,ouL haLF PAST NINE O’clock (9:30 a.m.) in th© fofenoon th® Council Chambers in the yillage of Grand Bend, Ontario, for the heal'ing of all Interested persons m support of or in opposi­tion to . the said application; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a Plan and description of the boundary in question in the said ma-Y be Inspected at the Office of ihe Township Clerk at any time .during regular busi­ ness hours prior to the date ap- i3aicl Hearing.DAPED at Toronto, Ontario, this 29th day of October, 1956. OWEN R. CHAPMAN, Secretary, Ontario Municipal Board F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Township of Stephen -------- ------------------ --------------------IT- TOWN OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION •u Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Town of Exeter will be held m the Town Hall on Friday, No- 23, 1956, between the hours or 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the _ evening for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Mayor. Reeve, Deputy-Reev© S'™! s‘k4 Councillors for th© year 1957 and for one Public Utilities Commissioner for the years 1957 and 1958 and for three members Of the Public School Board for the years 1957 and 1958. And further notice is hereby given that in event of more candi­ dates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than re­ quired to bo elected, the proceed­ ings will be adjourned to Monday, December 3. 1956, when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 6 o clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned of­ ficers in charge as fixed by town by-law: Polling Sub-Division -No. 1-A—at showrooms of Reg Armstrong Mo­ tors, Main Street; George Lawson, D.R.O.; Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk.Polling . Sub-Division No. 1-B—at showrooms of Reg Armstrong Mo­tors, Main StreM; Chas. Monteith, D.R.O.; Edna Taylor. Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 2-A—at Town Hall, Main Street; Eric, Cars- cadden, D.R.O.; Louise Heywood, Poll Cleric. Polling Sub-Division No. Town Half, Main Street; Campbell. D.R.O,; Grace Poll Clerk. Pollin'* Sitli-Division No.Glen McKnlght’s residence, main StrOOt: Sarah Laing, D.R.O.; Grace McKnight, Pol! Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3-P>~at Glen McKnight's residence, Main Street; William Allison, D.R.O,; Lois Learn, Poli ■’Clerk.And all electors are hereby re­ quested to govern themselves ac­ cordingly.Exeter. Ont,, November 6, 1956. CLARENCE V. PICKARD, Returning officer 9:15c BOARD and nursing care required in private home for setnLinvaiid. Apply Box "D", Times-Advocate, ............................ U* SOMEONE to feed 10 nr 20 steers by the month or by pound gain. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood, .................‘........ , , S;15c EARN $66 Gfi MORS WEEKLY Part or full-time opportunity in Huron county for farmer or ambi­ tious man with agricultural back­ ground, Ago 25 to 60 preferred, car essential. Take orders in ex­clusive territory. Be home every night. No investment, provide complete training at noma office plus, field assistance. Reply giving age and experience In, first jotter to Na-Churs J’llittt h ood Co,, 2 notices Lot 205, D.R.O.; Kitchen, Dearing, jr, Poll Clerk. Barber Shop, , , ,, 1 r, Poli Clerk. ' - Con.Russel Lot „ O'Rourke,joe Regier, Roll Gelrk. Otto Willert, D.R.O. 'ember 6, 1956 MORLOCK, Officer ’ n 4,3:15c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION & ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Usborne will hC' held In Township Hall, Elimville, on Monday, November 26, 19a 6, at ROD o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of making and J/06 nominations for the offices of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 3 Trustees for the Township Area School And' further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, December 3, 1956, when polls shall be opened from 9 a clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p,m, at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz:Poll No. 1—School House No. 4, Eden; Fred Ford, D.R.O.; Harry Coates, Poll Clerk.Poll No. 2—Residence of Lloyd Steiyart; Charles Jeffery, D.R.O.; Lloyd Rallantyne, Poll Clerk, Poll 'No. 3—School House No. 1, Hurondale: William Sims, D.R.O.; Harry Jeffery, Poll Cleric. POU No. 4—Public Hall, Farqu­ har; Leonard Harris, D.R.O.; Roy Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5—Township Hall, Elim­ ville; Lloyd Johns, D.R.O.; Laverne Skinner, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6—Residence of Ross Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Everard Miller, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7—Kirkton Public Lib­ rary; Ira’ Marshall, D.R.O,; Law­ rence Mills, Poll Clerk. Should an election for Township School Board ensue, voters in Blan- shard and Biddulph will vote at Polling Sub-Division No, 6. And all electors ar^ hereby re­ quested to govern themselves ac­ cordingly, " . R.R. 1, H'ensall, November 15, 1956. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk 15c 2- B—at ; JohnWurm, 3- A—at . Main REWARD — ?5Q reward to the apprehension and conviction of th« party or parties who, set 1° my fitrawslack Monday evening. James W. Gardiner. ........... VOTERS* LIST 1956 VILLAGE QF GRAND REND Notice is hereby■. glyenhave complied with Section 9 of the voters^ List Act and that 1 have posted Up a.t l'W n££lcec,,inBend, Ontario, on the 5th day of November, 1936. the Hat of all persons entitled tn, vote *n th# said Municipal Elections, and that such list remain there to Inspec­ tion.And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate steps to have any errors pr omissions corrected according to law, last day to appeal being the 19th day cf IM* vember. 1956,_ , , ,,, r,uDated'at Grand Bend this 5th day of November, 1655. • HERBERT WAINWRIGHT. Clerk «£ the Municipality BABY CHICKS FOR SALE CHICKS *-* whatever you neci^ pullets broilers, cockerels. hatching- weekly. Has wide cW for egg or meat production, lief ,, advance ordera but most week have chicks on hand, some started, Ask ua for list. ?^ebt: Elio Cars- cadden, Exatar« phone 246-w Moved To New ft Location Situated on Highway S3 Between Dashwood and Exeter Crocker Refrigeration Phone 37-r-4 Dashwood t 8:15:22:29c Scout Christmas Town of Exeter- NOTICE RE: COLLECTION OF TAXES will be in the town hall following days for the collec- FRJDAY,' NOVEMBER 30 From 7.30 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMEBER 1 1.30 to 5 p.m. 7.30 to 9 p.m. ERIC. H. CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector . 15:22:29c ithe ........ „ lion of taxes: on COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF GRAND. BEND A court of revision on the 1957 Assessment Roll for the Village of Grand Bend will bo held in the Municipal Hall at 7;30 n.m. on the 4th dav~of December,' 1956. HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, CLerk of the Municipality 15:22c Fifth Annual Fall HEREFORD SALE ' AT .CLINTON FAIR BARNS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 at 1 ;30. p.m. sharp• 10 BULLS 6 4-H CALVES 19 FEMALES All bulls eligible for'government 25% bonus. _____ to Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household. Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, 352 WiiHam St,, TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer is in­ structed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY' NOVEMBER 17 at l:3Q p.m. Three - piece chesterfield suite; dining room suite, consisting of extension table, six chairs and buf­ fet;. studio couch; 2 oak centre tables; 3 small centre tables; cof­ fee 'table, chest of drawers; large hall mirror; flower stands: small electric radio; Astral refrigerator and stand; heavy fluty rangette, like new; Duo Therm oil heater; i-plate electric stove; Sparton elec­tric Washer; barber chair, like new; .paper rack; tobacco stand; various electrio lamps; antique chairs and tables; one small chair; scatter rugs; 1 rug, 10x12; pictures and picture frames; 2 small tables; 1 oak bed with springs and matt­ ress: dresser and commode; 2 small stools; single bed with springs and mattress; dresser and com­ mode; quantity of -bedding; quilts: comforters; large assortment of dishes, silverware and glassware; 2 lawn mowers; furnace blower; cellar table; 100 ft. garden hose; lawn chairs; galvanized tubs; seal­ ers: large assortment of carpenter tools; garden tools and many articles too numerous to mention. Everything in first »class condition.No reserve. TERMS: Cash. CHRISTENA BLATCHFORD, Prop. - ’GARNET HICKS. Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15c The Exeter Scouts are pre­ paring for summer campl This may sound ridiculous avith Christmas still five weeks away, but in keeping with the Scout Motto of “Be Prepared” the troop is doing the ground- work for next summer’s camp. Even minimum equipment re­ quired under provincial health and Scout regulations is tre­ mendous and in order to finance this the selling of Christmas trees was suggested. So, in the next week or so when a scout comes to your door with a ticket like the one above remember that you're not only assuring yourself of an excellent Christmas tree but also helping make a real summer camp pos* sible for some Scouts. As to the trees, you can have your choice of spruce or scotch pine, Tree will cost from $1.25 up depending on size and form and your deposit of 15$ or more will of course be credited against the price of the tree. ' ' Since the trees are’ being cut locally you can be sure of a fresh green one and the week or so before Christmas a notice will appear as to when and where you can pick up your tree. Remember to watch the “Scouting Trail” in your Times- Advocate. Christmas shopping may gn, put off until the last minute b'ni> here is one important part. of the festive season which ' you ; can' stroke off your list before i the rush beings (adv’t) /* TOWNSHIP OE STEPHEN NOMINATION & ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors Of of the Township v of Stepuon will bo held (n tha Town Hall, Credi- ton, on Monday, November 26, 1056, at 1:0(1 a’cloek in the afternoon for the purpose of making and re­ceiving . nominations for Reeve, Deputy-Reeva, Councilmen, and also for trustees Of the Township School Area comprising Sections a 2, 3, 4, ■5, 6, 7, 10 and Union R, 13, 14 and 16, three to be elected.And further notice Is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of* flee than required fa be elected, the proceedings will bo Adjourned until Monday, December 3, 1056, when poll.’i shall be opened from 0:00 o’clock A.m, until 6:00 o'clock P.m, at the following plates witlt GONE DEER HUNTING Orders Left Are To Accept Any Reasonable Offer Or Deal Take Advantage Of This Opportunity At Bob Cook Motor Sales HENSALL, ONT. ’55 CHEV 210 SEDAN VS - o Radio, etc............. $1000 Discount METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN All new tires ..................... $1,595 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN Like new, extras ........ $1,575 DESOTO SEDAN Automatic, tinted glass $1,865 CHEV 210 SEDAN Custom radio, etc............ $1,295 PONTIAC SEDAN Two-tone, a dandy .......... $1,295 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Black lower, white top Picture this one .............. $1,395 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP Automatic, radio, tinted glass and Ml other accessories $1,885 MONARCH SEDAN Automatic, radio, a dream car ....... $1,675 PLYMOUTH COACH To value lovers ’52 DODGE SEDAN $1,195 ’5^ FORD SEDAN, two-tone . $1,26(1 ’51 HUDSON HORNET HARDTOP Automatic, radio, 2-tone . $1,065 ’51 DODGE SEDAN • One owner, less than 28,000 miles ................... : ’51 SRUEBAKER SEDAN Automatic, original finish. We’re tired of looking it. Make us an offer. ’54 ’54 ’54 ’53 ’53 ’53 ’53 ’53 ’53 $1,225 $ 925' 1 METEOR COACH Custom radio, new w-w tires, less than 30,000 miles.,.. $ ’940 STUDEBAKER COACH Radio, side mirrors ........ $ 860 DESOTO SEDAN ' Automatic, radio,. absolutely like new ’50 DODGE COACH Originial finish/ low mileage ............................... $ 850 ’50 METEOR COACH A dandy ............................. $ 860 ’50 EORD COACH ’ Priced to sell.................... $ 675 ’49 METEOR SEDAN ...... ... $ 495 ’49 FORD COACH ................» $ 475 ’49 DODGE COACH ...........o'$ 450 ’49 AUSTIN, rust spots ....... $ 125 ’49 MERCURY SEDANS (2) Your choice .............$ 450 ’49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Radio ................................$ 475 ’47 DODGE SEDAN Needs work ..... ................. $ 149 • *41 DODGE SEDAN and ’40 dodge sedan Your choice OTHERS ’49 DODGE 1 TON HARLEY .DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE ' A PHONE 178 HENSAtL FOR DEMONSTRATION OR TRANSPORTATION LOCATED NEXT TO C.N.R. TRACKS $