The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-01, Page 16P«9‘ 14 Th» Timw-AdvooU, Nov«mb«r 1, 1954
Hensall And District News
District' Official •
Visits Kinsmen
Hensall Kinsmen at their sup
per meeting had. aS their guest
speaker, Deputy Governor Hart
Watts of District 1. who spoke
on membership and discussed the
work of the Kinsmen. There are
over 300 clubs in Canada with
a membership last year of ten
thousand, and they are striving
for eleven thousand this year.
Several items of interest were
brought before the meeting
chaired by the president, L. Ti-
berio, one of which was the
Christmas tree project. The
club was honored by a visit
from five Exeter Kinsmen.
George Sawyer won the dinner
Lodges Dress Up
For Masquerade
Winners at the Hallowe’en
dance held Friday evening, spon
sored by the LO.O.F. and Amber
Rebekah Lodges include: ladies’
character, Lorne Rosebourgh,
Lee Parkinson, London; comic,
Miss Lois McLellan, Kippen;
men’s character, Mrs. Hugh
McEwan Jr., Hensall, Mrs. Cliff
Weido, Zurich; men’s comic,
Mrs. Wm. Coleman, Kippen,
Mrs. Ross Corbett, Exeter. I
Best dressed couple, Miss
Lois McLellan and Miss Bonnie
Kyle, Kippen; Mrs. H. McEwan
and Lorne Rosebourgh. Door
prize was won by John Johnson.
Desjardine orchestra furnish
ed music for the dance.
Cromarty Church
Scene Of Vows
In a setting of yellow and
bronze chrysanthemums and yel
low candelabra at Cromarty
Presbyterian Church on Saturday,
October 27, Caroline Joanne,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Walker, of Cromarty, became
the bride of Jack Craig McGee,
of London, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy McGee, of Staffa.
Rev. Samuel Kerr officiated at
the ceremony and Miss Margaret
Garton, of Belmont, played tra
ditional wedding music and ac
companied the soloist, Mrs. R. f>. Sadler, Staffa, who sang “O
Perfect Love” and “Wedding
Given in marriage by her
'’father, the bride wore a strap
less gown of white lace and net
over satin with matching lace
bolero, featuring Peter Pan col
lar and lily-point sleeves. She
carried a white Bible with red
roses and streamers.
Mrs, Harry Elliott, Parkhill,
as matron of honor and brides
maids Miss Gail McGee, London,
sister of the groom, and Miss
Alice Walker, sister of the bride,
. wore identical gowns of peacock
blue Crystalette with feather
headdress and matching mittens.
They carried bouquets of mauve
’mums and pink roses.
Mr; Fred Matcher, Strathroy,
was best man and Alex Walker
and William Baxter were ushers.
Receiving with the bridal
couple in the church parlors, the
bride’s mother “ chose,, •^midnight
blue crepe with trimmings of se
quins and pink net, and the.
groom’s mother wore autumn
navy with black accessories’. Both
wore a corsage of yellow baby
Serviteurs for the wedding .din
ner were Patsy Ramsey, Anita
Sorsdahl, Alice Sorsdahl, Wilma
Harper, Mrs. W. Baxter and
Mrs. Irene Wurm.
For travelling to points north,
the bride changed to navy blue
suit, navy and winter white ac
cessories and corsage of red
On their return Mr. and Mrs.
McGee will live in London.
Guests attended the wedding
from Toronto, Sarnia, Strathroy,
London, Dashwood, Exeter, Mit
chell, Belmont and Dorchester.
Motor Accident
An accident on No. 4 Highway,
one and a quarter miles north
of Hensall Saturday evening in
volved a car driven by LAC
Robert Amnen, of RCAF Sta
tion, Centralia. Proceeding south
with his 1957 model he lost con
trol and struck the ditch. Dam
ages were estimated at $400 by
OPP George Mitchell, of the
Exeter detachment, who also
stated that this was, the first
accident in two weeks.
Personal Items
Mrs. N. E» Cock has returned
after spending a few days with
her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett, and
her new grandson, Byran, in
Misses Betty Mickle and Shir
ley Stevenson who are on the
staff of the V.O.N. Toronto, vis
ited over the -weekend with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Baird Mickle and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling
spent Sunday in Sarnia with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Dilling and
Bernice.Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle,
the Misses Betty Mickle and
Shirley Stevenson, Toronto, at
tended the Varsity-Western foot
ball game in London, Saturday
at the J, W. Little Memorial
Stadium. , ,,Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Corlett
of Leamington, were recent
Propane Limited
Your Distributor for
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Call Stratford 4174
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Besides, we have an excellent
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W. Little Memorial
aiamum, . ,Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Corlett
of Leamington, were recent
guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
Cook.Rev. W. M. Thomas of Wal
ton, was guest.minister at both
the United and Chiselhurst
churches on Sunday last. Flow
ers placed in the church were
in memory of the late Miss
Gladys Luker. , s 'Visitors over the weekend with
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb
were Vernon, Lloyd, Orville and
Robert Hedden, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Hedden, Kavin and Kar
en, all of St. Catharines,
Mrs. George Hess, who under
went surgery for a ruptured ap
pendix at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, on Wednesday, is making
a good recovery.Bobby Mickle, Jerry and Paul
Drysdale, while out at the Drys
dale summer cottage at Turn
bull's Grove on Wednesday after
noon, picked a branch from a
raspberry bush bearing over 12
delicious ripe and fylly formed
raspberries. „ . „
. Miss Mary Anne Van-Horne
commenced a six-months’ course
in Hair-Styling at the Sales and
Armand Beauty Shoppe, London,
on the first of October.
Mrs. Wm. R. Bell returned
home after spending the past
week with relatives in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton
and daughter, of Lucan, were re
cent visitors with Mrs. Stratton s
mother, Mrs. Minnie Shngster.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and .
sons visited with relatives at Tiv
erton recently.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Bil
lie and Carol and Mr. and Mrs.
F. G. Bonthroh- were recent visi
tors with Mrs. Brown’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Neeb, in Tavistock.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kerslake
and Joan spent the week-end with
relatives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ingram and
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth
visited over the week-end with
the former’s sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O’Day, m
Detroit. „Miss Shirley Chapman, R.N.,
of Sarnia, visited this week with
her parents, Mr. and* Mrs. Lome
Chapman. „Messrs, Donald and Harold
Bell and Miss Alma Bell, of To
ronto, were week-end visitors
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. R. Bell.Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zuefle, of
Windsor, were week-end visitors
with the former’s sisters, Mrs.
Ellen Buchanan and Mrs. W. R.
Bell.Miss Betty Moir, of London,
visited recently with her aunt,
Mrs. Elsie Case and sister, Miss
Wendy Moir.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westa-
way, of Hamilton, visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Chapman.Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs. Wm.
Henry attended the W.I. area
convention in London last week
as delegates from the Hensall
Women’s Institute.
Entertains Lodge Members
Miss Maybelle’Whiteman, pleas
antly entertained a number of
the past noble grands of Amber
Rebekah Lodge at her home on
Monday evening.
The evening was spent in play
ing progressive euchre. The“prize
winners were Mrs. Alex Mac-
Beth, Mrs. Leona Parke and Mrs.
Sam Dougall, was the winner for
lone hands. The lucky cup prize
was won by Mrs, Anna Walker.
Cecil Van Horne
Moves To Lucan
Mr. Cecil Van-Horne has been
appointed as agent for theC.N.R.
at Lucan and has commenced
duties. Previous to his appoint
ment he was at Guelph for
three months working with the
For some years Mr. Van-
Horne Was a popular C.N.R.
agent here.
The wedding was solemnied
in St. David’s Church, Toronto,
Wednesday, October 24 of Ethel
Beatty, of N. Ireland, mission
ary teacher with the Irish Pres
byterian Church, India, and
Rev. Donald MacDonald, min
ister Of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Hensall. Rev. James
Burt, a personal friend officiat
Bingo Winners
Bingo winners at the Legion
bingo on Saturday were: Mrs.
Austin, Seaforth; Jack Brint
nell; Mrs, 0. Smith; Charles
Pilgrim; Mrs, A. Bedard; Fred’
Kennings; Mrs. W. Brintnell;
Mrs. Fleischauer (2); Mrs. E.
Fisher, Goderich; Mrs. Roy
Smale; Mrs. R. Taylor Jr,; Mrs.
Lawrence Brisson; Mrs. A Fos
ter; Mrs. Charles Pilgrim.
Jackpot this Saturday will be
$90' in 58 Calls.
See The
For All the Family
Goes Farther"
"Where Your Dollar
Phone 16 Hensall
Society Honors
Mrs. E. Geiger
Mrs. W. B. Cross was hostess
at her home Tuesday evening
for the Women’s Missionary So
ciety of the United Church who
arranged an evening in honor
of Mrs, - E. Geiger, a valued
member of the society for twelve
years and a former vice-pres
ident, vho is leaving shortly for
..London. Over forty members
were present,
•President Mrs. George Arm
strong who presided for the pro
gram, in her opening remarks
stressed the services rendered to
the society by Mrs. Geiger since
becoming a member. “Blest be
the tie that binds” was sung,
followed with a vocal duet by
Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. T. C;
Coates, with Mrs. Sherritt ac
This followed presentations to
Mrs. Geiger of a bouquet of
mums in a cut glass vase, and’
an electric fry pan. Mrs, Wm.
Henry read the presentation ad
dress and the gifts . were pre
sented by Mrs. C. Cpok and
Mrs.' G. Armstrong.
Mrs. E. Rowe conducted a
contest, “How well do you know
Hensall”; Mrs, Henry conducted
“What’s my Line” and challen
gers were Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. C.
D. Daniel and Mrs. R, M. Peck;
the panel consisted of Miss M.
Ellis, Miss G, Lammie, Mrs. G.
Armstrong, Mrs. W. Dilling and
Mrs. E. ' Sproat. Courtesy re
marks were extended to Mrs.
Cross by Mrs. A. Clark.
Showers Honor
Marlene Hunter
Miss' Marlene Hunter, bride
of Saturday, has been much
feted prior to her marriage, a
number of showers being held
in her honor. Mrs. Fred Miller
of Clinton was hostess at her
home last .Monday evening for
a miscellaneous presentation, to
Marlene. Miss Shirley Dales-
read the presentation address.
Mrs. Miller and her daughter
Miss Marilyn Miller brought in
the gifts. Games and cards
formed an enjoyable recreation
Mrs. Howard Smale entertain
ed at her home Wednesday eve
ning for her sister, Miss Mar
lene Hunter, a bride of Satur
day, when friends of Marlene
presented her with many gifts.
Ruth Dianne Smale brought in
the gifts, and shower cards were
read by Mrs. Clarence Reid.
Contests were conducted by Mrs.
Smale, and the winners were
Mrs. L. Tiberio and Mrs. Jim
Clark. Mrs. Garnet Allan assist
ed Mrs. Smale.
Successful Bazaar
The Women’s Association of
Chiselhurst United Church held
a successful bazaar and baking
saje in the schoolroom of the
United Church/ Hensall.Saturday
afternoon and realized over $100.
Conveners were: bakihg, Mrs.
Jack Brintnell; produce, Mrs.
R. Taylor Jr.; sewing, Mrs.' Ed
win Taylor; candy, Mrs. S. Rob-
bol; touch and take, Mrs. E.
Kinnefte Meeting
At the Kinette Club meeting
held at the ‘home of Mrs. Wm.
Mickle, Tuesday evening, pre
sided over by the president
Mrs. Harold Knight, it- was de
cided to have a draw for a
Christmas cake on Saturday,
December 1. Members will make
a house to house canvas on
Tuesday, November 13 with
tickets to sell.
Ice Cream
Phone 134 Hensall
Phone 148
Friendly Service
Low Prices
New! Different!
Exciting Toys!
Use Our Easy
Layaway Plan
Complete Line Of
Drysdale Hardware
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Special Announcement -
. & SON
Phone 15 . Hdnsai!
Saturday, Nov. 3
Call the Shop at 9-W or Res,170-W
Genuine parts for
Reg. No. 1 Cornell
Reg. No. 1 Genesee
Highest Prices Paid!
For Wheat, Earley, Oats and Other Grains
Also Buying Timothy Seed-—Let Us Quote You
Com. No. 1 Genesee
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Treated end PACKED in new jute.
Lome E.
Located on No. 4 Highway — South o^ the Main Intersection
Tea Will Be Served During -The Afternoon
You Will Be Made Most Welcome
Manure Spreaders
Hydraulic Loaders
Mowers • Rakes
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Com, Tetra Pekus Rye
Cleaned and Treated
W. G. Thompson
Phone 32 A SONS LTD. Hensall
Get the A-lBody Builder
For Growing Children
Phone 27 Hensall
Showing Of The New
'57 Dodge Car
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The ladies as well as the men folk are invited to see this
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