The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-01, Page 66 Th* November 1, 1956
Lucan And District News
Youth Groups
Attend Service
Owing to the Harvest Home
Services in the United Church
October 21, Holy Trinity Church
postponed their youth service
till Sunday evening, October 28.
Rev. J. p. Prest preached to a
good congregation of Explorers,
C.G.I.T., Cubs and Scouts, as
well as adults.
The Junior choir led in the
music and sang an anthem. Two
scouts, Frank Egan and Terry
Culbert, took up the collection.
During the service a cross, bill
board, book-marks and money
bags made at Vacation School,
were dedicated. . *
Pentecost Church
Wedding Scene
In the Pentecostal Holiness
Church, Lucan on Saturday, Oc
tober 20, the Rev. F. P. Thom-.
Son, in a setting of delphiniums
and baby mums united in mar
riage, Nancy Carol Holmes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Holmes, R.R. 1 Lucan and Vin
cent La Forest Denmore, son of
Mr, and Mrs. La Forest Den
more of Moorse Mills, N.B.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor
length gown of white slipper
satin with cream lace bodice
and overskirt. From a crown
halo headdress hung a floor
length nylon net veil. She carried
a white Bible, crested with
white streamers and sweetheart
As maid of honor, Miss Dor
othy Holmes, sister of the bride,
wore a lime green taffeta gown
with net overskirt and with
matching accessories. She car
ried a cascade of pink and white,
Miss Louise Holmes, 'sister of
the bride, and Miss, Karen Clif
ford, Ingersoll, * were brides
maids. The fornyjr wore a rose
taffeta gown with net overskirt
ballerina length with matching
accessories and the latter a yel
low taffeta gown with net over
skirt, ballerina length with
matching accessories and carried,
cascades of pink and White car
Donna Gardener, <*as flower
girl in yellow organdy and
matching headdress, carried yel
low and white baby mums.
The best man was Mr. Louis
Eizenga of Lucan and Donald
Gardener and George Holmes,
Picfon, were ushers.
Mrs. Jack Eizenga of Lucan
provided traditional wedding
music including the Wedding
March and the Wedding Prayer.
At a reception held in the
bride’s home the bride’s mother
received in a wine dress with
black accessories and wore a
corsage of pink and white carna
tions. Assistants >at the recep
tion were Mrs. Hitchcock, Mary
and Dianne Hitchcock and Mrs.
For a honeymoon trip to Oril
lia and points north the bride
changed to a blue wool suit
with blue accessories.
The young couple will make
their home in Lucan.
Guests were present from In
gersoll, Mitchell, London, Pieton
and Lucan.
Turkey Supper
The Woman’s Association of
the Lucan United Church held a
successful turkey dinner in the
Community Memorial Centre
last Wednesday night when they
fed nearly 700 people. The first
tables had partly eaten when
the lights went out. Matches
and lighters served before can
dles could be secured but the
power came on again before the
food got too cold.
S.S. Promotions
Children who received their
promotion S.S. certificates at
Holy Trinity Church last Sun
day evening included: nursery
to primary, Billy Haskett, Joyce
Rummell, John Parry, Helen
Lewis, Jerry Freeman; primary
to junior, Bryan Smith, Larry
Lewis; junior to senior, Kath
leen Ryan, Pat Egan and Mich
ael Murdy.
A cow's
best friend
Any sclf-respccting cow likes to
know that the precious food
product she supplies is handled
* with greatest care so it will reach
her customers fresh and pure,
J ' From the dairy-farm to your
doorstep, aluminum is aiding
j the hygienic handling and pro
cessing of dairy products, Milk
- pails, cans and churns «■»tank
t trucks and dairy equipment. ..
hoods for milk bottles and foil
" for butter and cheese... ail arc
! of aluminum* This modern
J nnetal’s smooth surface prevents
k contamination, is easily kept
( «Wy-c1caiv Arid it docs not
“pick ttp” foreign flavors or
bdors. At one Buropatui author
ity has said, aluminum and
milk arc made for each other.
Child Care
H&S Topic
The Lucan Home and School
Association held its October
meeting in the school auditorium
last Tuesday evening with an
attendance of 39 of which 15 en
rolled. The president, Mrs. Sher
idan Bevington was in the chair
and Mrs. Art Black volunteered
to act as pianist not only for the
night, but for future meetings.
On display in the hall was the
copper tooling done by the child
ren under the direction of Miss
Doris Weir, who is now start
ing a class for adults on Oc
tober 29.
The treasurer reported the re
cent bake sale netted $31,83. It
was decided to have a booth at
the Area Field Day October 26
with Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. W. 0. Knight to make the
necessary arrangements. Mr.
Harold Ribson spoke on Hal
lowe’en Night and urged the
parents to come in costume.
Principal Wesley Clow asked for
volunteers to assist in the en
rolment of children for t polio
vaccine November 20 from 9.45
to 10. Mrs. Don Revington and
Mrs. H. B. Elliott responded.
Mrs. Art Black’s room wpn the
attendance cup.
As convener of the “Health
Meeting” Mrs. E. Young secur
ed Miss Marie Stanley R.N. of
•London as guest speaker. Miss
Stanley spoke on causes, sym
ptoms, and treatment of meas
les, mumps, and whooping
cough. This wasTollowed b.v two
films on “The Care of the Eyes”
and “Why Don’t Tommy Eat.”
Mr. J. W. Smith, on behalf of
Weston’s, was host. He was as
sisted by Mr. Cecil Lewis and
Mr. Harold Ribson. The ladies
enjoyed sitting back as guests.
Presbytery Head
Speaks. To WMS
The Evening Auxiliary ,were
guests of the W.M.S. in the
United Church parlors, last
Thursday evening. The guest
speaker, Mrs. Fred Heaman of
Parkhill, president of the North-
West section of Middlesex pres
bytery, was introduced by Mrs.
John McLean and thanked by
Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mrs.
Heaman spoke on W.M.S work
in .general and offered many
suggestions for improving the
local branch. She urged attend
ance at the January meeting to
be held in Trinity Church, Lon
Mrs. Jack Eizenga accom
panied Heather Acheson’s solo.
Mrs. Alex Young conducted a
short business meeting for the
W.M.S, and Mrs. George Paul
for the Evening Auxiliary.
Beverly Butler
CGIT President
At a meeting of the Lucan
C.G.I.T. in the United Church
parlors last Monday the leader,
Mrs. G. E. Nicholson, conduct
ed an election of officers. -Bev
erly Butler was elected presi
dent with vice president, Mari
lyn Culbert, secretary, Merry
Roberts "and treasurer, Ilene
Mrs. John McLean and Bev-,
erley Butler conducted the wor
ship service and Ilene Donald-
Son led in a sing song. Plans
for craft work for the bazaar
were discussed.
C.G.I.T. News
Saturday was C.G.I.T. tag
day. Lucan girls collected $36.07.
All proceeds will go towards
paying for Cogentra Camp, which
is situated near ~ ‘ "
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. _ _______
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Fletcher of Win-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy
flew to Washington, D.C. and
.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
motored to Washington last week
to the convention of the Amer
ican Union Racing Pigeons.
They report a good reception
from their American pigeon fan
Miss P. Ashworth of Toronto
was a weekend guest of Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Ashworth.
. Four-year-old Avis Walpole,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer1
Walpole of Kincardine, has re
turned home after spending two
weeks with her grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Carling,
Mrs. Jack Essery of Centralia
was a Tuesday guest with Mr,
and Mrs. A. M, Hedden,
Mrs. Harold Whyte ■ has re
turned home after a two week
visit in Halifax, the guest Of
her son, P.O. 1 James R, Whyte
and family.
Mr. Thomas Dicldns is ill in
Kipling Hospital, Saskatchewan.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent
last Sunday in Woodham, the
guest Of her brother, Mr. Ther
on Creery and family.
To celebrate Mr. Barry
Hardy’s birthday Mr. and Mrs.
Merton Culbert entertained a
large family gathering last Mon
day night.
Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mrs.
Jack Murdy, Mrs. Frank Hovey,
Mrs. C, W, Hawkshaw, Mrs. Bob
Coleman, Mrs. Wilson Hodgins,
Mrs, J, Beatsori, Mrs. James
Hodgins and Miss K. Boyer at
tended the Fall Deanery W. A.
West Middlesex, at St, James
Church, Clandeboye, last Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, William George,
Mrs. Chas. George and two
daughters, Shirley and Ellen, all
of London, were Sunday guests
with Mrs, Brokenshire and Mrs.
Miss Lyr.netto Walpole of Kin
cardine has accepted a position
with the London Life and is
staying with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling,
Mrs. Garfield Needham of
Ballymote spent last weekend
Port Ryerse.
Cliff Abott and
Henry Hodgins
Yours truly would like to
his hat (tarn, that is) to
Clow, principal of Lucan Public
School and his capable teaching
staff for their excellent work in
organizing the public school in
vitation field meet last Friday.
Results will appear elsewhere
in this issue.
By the time you’ve read this
column, Hallowe’en will* have
arrived and ‘gone, thank good
ness. Oh to be a boy again I
Wanted: One good midget
hockey team,
. The South Middlesex Minor
Hockey League has five teams
ready to go and would like one
additional entry. The Lucan Mid
gets are making a good shqwing
in practice and I sincerely hope
we pan get some strong opposi
tion for them. More boys are
welcome to try out for the Lu
can team.
Fern Fillion’s hockey school
(boys 14 and under) begins
every Saturday morning at 8
o’clock sharp. This is a wonder
ful opportunity for the little fel
lows to learn hockey.*
The Irish Six. are slowly but
the watchful eye of Bob White,
The drama group, engaged in
the coming Hallowe’en perform
ance, is planning the production
of a three-act comedy, which
has all the earmarks of being
hangup entertainment for the
future. Castings will take place
shortly after Hallowe’en. Young
men interested in taking part
are requested to contact yours
Rehearsals for “Brownsville
Saturday Night” are going along
at top speed and bringing out
the best in what appears to be
top-notch talent. However, there
are still parts for three male
voices. So let’s have an appear
ance, fellows. Anyone in the
district is invited to join the
group Sunday afternoon at 2
o’clock at the arena. Reserved,
tickets for this show, scheduled
for early in December, will be
going on sale shortly,
Join the Lucan Skating Club
for Sunday afternoon- skating.
(The Sunday School attendance
of boys and girls under 14 is
going to entitle same to many
happy hours of free skating.)
Personal Items
Weekend guests with Mr.' and
Mrs. Clarence Hardy included
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lear and
daughter of Muskegon, Mich.,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vanderbough
and two daughters of Grand
Rapids, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs.
F, Donald and family of Byron.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling
spent last Sunday in Melrose,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer
Wilson and Mr. David Selles.
Layman, William Ashby of
Byron, was the guest speaker
at the morning service in Holy
Trinity Church last Sunday.
Mrs. V. N. Prest spent last
weekend with Rev. and Mrs. J.
Five District Schools
Vie In Sports Meet
Pupils Win Prizes
For Best Posters
The Lions Club, Legion and
Auxiliary, School Board, Home
and School,. Women’s Institute
and Kitchen Committee organ
izations which sponsored the Hal
lowe’en party, also offered a $5,
$3 and $2 prize for the best
poster made by Grades 7 and 8
The judges, Mrs. J. p. Prest,
Mrs. Harold Ribson and Miss
Lina Abbott, met at the hydro
office last Thursday’ afternoon
and were unanimous in their
decision with first prize going
to Joan Young, second to Don
Black and third to Ilene Don
Bishop Of Huron
Attends Vows
In a setting of ferns and white
mums at 11 a.m. -on Saturday, October 27, in Holy Trinity I -----«Church, Rev. J, P, Prest, assist-1 surely rounding into shape under
ed by Rev. D. D. Jones, united T>~u
in marriage, Sarah Margaret
Ashworth of Lucan and Rev.
Edward Charles Attwell of Sar
nia. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. David Ash-,
worth of Lucan and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick Attwell of Brantford,
Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride was clad in a gown
of peau de soi with lily-point
sleeves, fitted bodice and full
skirt extending into a cathedral
train, She carried a cascade of
gardenias and stephanotis.
Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins was mat-
’ ron of honor for her sister and
: Miss Lois Caldwell of New York
• City and Mrs. Roy Cunningham
of Clandeboye were bridesmaids.
: All attendants were gowned a-
like in street length gold taf
feta with matching headdresses. They carried cascades of bronze11
The best man was the Rev.
S. R. Lupton of Pelee Island
and the ushers were Rev. E. J.
Shilliday and Rev. E. J. B.
Mr. Kenneth Clarke, church
organist, played traditional wed
ding music, and accompanied a
full choir.
The Rt. Rev. G. M. Luxton,
Bishop of Huron,, following the
wedding, administered Holy
At a reception held in the Lu
can Community Centre, 'the
bride’s mother received in a tur
quoise gown with black acces
sories and corsage of yellow
roses. She was assisted by the
groom’s mother in a teal blue
gown and black accessories. She
also wore a corsage of .yellow
Forming a back-ground for
the head table, were large bas
kets of white mums.
Before- starting on a honey
moon trip to Eastern Canada
the bride changed to a teal blue
suit with black and cinnamon
The young couple will' make
their home in Sarnia.
Ladies' Guild
The Ladies’ Guild 'of Holy
Trinity Church held its October
meeting in the Parish Hall last
Monday night with 16 members
present. The president, Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins, presided and
Mrs. Wm. Brownlee’s group had
charge of the program and re
freshments. Mrs. Harold Hod
gins led in devotions and Mrs.
C. W. Hawkshavz presided at the
Most pf the business was de
voted to the formation of com
mittees and for’final arrange
ments for the turkey dinner to
be held in the church basement
November 7,
Public Speaking Contest
Pupils from Biddulph and
North London schools will com
pete in an oratorical contest in
the Lucan Public School Tues
day evening, November 8.
The weatherman kindly post
poned his promised rain Friday
afternoon to allow children from
five public schools in the area to
compete in. a field meet.
East Williams’ children placed
first with 58 points; Ailsa Craig
came second with 52; Lucan third
with 38; Parkhill fourth with 37
and McGillivray fifth with 31.
relay races
Juvenile and Junior *
Girls—Lucan, Betty Ann Young,
Marilyn Culbert, Shirley Sher
wood, Judy Haskett; McGillivray,
Nile Greenlee, Linda Steeper,
Catherine Eagleson, Joan Cun
ningham; Ailsa Craig, Mary Ken
nedy, Margaret Ann Slater,
Esther Kennedy, Elaine Kennedy.
Boys — Parkhill, Jim Morton,
Dave Waters, Glen Battram, Al
len Gibbs; East Williams,-Kenny
Waters, Robert McCallum, Sam
Chapman, David McCallum; Ail
sa Craig, Jack Collins, Donald
Crouch, Joe Phillips, Sonny Sla
Informediato and Senior
Girls—Parkhill, Judy Gooding,
Jean Vernon, Helen Thompson,
Betty Fraser; Lucan, Joan
,Young, Kathleen Ryan, Vicki
Eizenga, Beth Black; McGilliv
ray, Betty Smith, Doris Hayter,
Donna Mae Steeper, Marlene
McGregor. • * y
Boys—Lucan, Don Black, Jerry
Schrans, Allen Hodgins, John Rib-
son; East Williams, .Charles
Blake, Llewelyn Skinner, Bob
Zandri, Ron Schlegel; Parkhill,
Bob Morton, Jim Richardson,
Michael Fenn, Glenn Battram.
Midgets — Girls, McGillivray, ,
East Williams, Parkhill; boys,
P a r k h i 11, McGillivray, Ailsa
Variety Relay—East Williams,
Don Campbell, Bob Zandri, Ron
Schlegel, Llewelyn Skinner; Ail
sa Craig, Connie Peterson,. Wayne
Dodds, John Stevenson, Bill
Dodds; Lucan, Jerry Schrans,
Allen Hodgins, John Ribson, Carl
Key to abbreviations: AC, Ailsa
Craig; ,L, Lucan; M, McGilliv
ray; EW, East Williams;
Juveniles—Girls, Margaret Ann
Slater AC, Marion Cruickshank
EW, Ann George L; boys, Paul
Young L, Kenneth Katers EW.
Juniors—Girls,- Margaret Ann
McIntyre EW, Linda Steeper M,
Marlene Bice P; boys, Jack-Col
lins AC, Robert McCallum EW,
Bill Woodburn M.
Intermediates — Girls, 'Joan
Young L, Helen Thompson P,'
Connie Peterson AC; boys, Ron
Schlegel EW, Wayne Patten P,
John Stevenson AC.
Seniors—-Girls, Connie Peterson
AC, Betty Smith M, Pat Ackworth
EW; boys, Bill Dodds AC, Bob
Zandri EW, Carl Rummell L.
High Jump
Juveniles and Juniors—Robert
McCallum EW, Jackie Collins
AC, David Waters P.
Intermediates and seniors—Bill
Dodd AC, Carl Rummell L,
Wayne Patten p, "
Running Broad Jump
Juveniles and juniors—Robert
McCallum EW, David Waters P,
Joan Whitehead L, *
Intermediates and seniors—BiU;
Dodds AC.- Betty Smith M, Ron ■
Schlegel EW.
Softball Throw
Girls—Helen Thompson P, Jac
queline Brintnell M, Shiela Pope
Boys — Bill Dodds AC, Carl
Rummell L, Ron Schlegel,EW.
Half Mile
Carl Rummell L, Bob Zandri
EW, Donald Kennedy AC.
Tug Of War
Girls — McGillivray, Margaret
Brintnell, Doris Hayter, Donna
Mae Steeper, Marion McEwen,
Jacqueline, Brintnell, Marion Mil
Boys—Ailsa Craig, Doug Col
lins, Gerald Neil, Lloyd Rees, BiU :
Dodds, Jim Dixon, Jerry Dixon.
School yeU — East Williams, i
ParkhiU, McGillivray.
We can give quick service in supplying
custom made rubber stamps, budget
prices. Prop in and tell us what you
want - we’ll have it ready hr you with
in a couple of days.
S’ X *
Experienced men to put your roof on.
See us before you buy your baler or binder twine.
j Phone 63 - ' Lucan, Ont.
P. Prest and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cooke
of St. Anns spent last weekend
with their aunt, Miss Kate Bow
yer. i -
Mrs. Maggie Dann of Bryan-
ston is spending a week with
Mrs. Lizzie Durham.,
? Comments
Mr. Stanley Tomes showed col
ored pictures of the Anglican
church, school Hudson Bay store
in the village and pupils at Fort
Seunen Indian School where he
taught during the summer, at
St. James church on Friday
evening. He showed some of the
moccasins, mitts and caps made
and worn by the. natives.
W. A. and Guild
Mrs. Roy McRann was hostess
for the meeting of the W.A. and
Guild of St. James church. The
devotional period was taken by
Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs. E.
Flynn. Mrs. Andy Carter, presi
dent, conducted the W. A. meet
ing. A report of the West Mc-
ftillivray deanery meeting held
on Tuesday was given.
The scripture calendars for
” * o -
1957 were distributed for sale.
Mrs. Ray Hodgins presided for
the Guild meeting. Arrangements
were completed for the bazaar
and tea to be ^eld on Saturday;
November 3 in the Sunday School
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. E. Flynn, Mrs. Andy Car
ter and Mrs. Ernie Lewis, '
School Party
Miss E.' Grainger ^and pupils
of Clandeboye school, No. 4 and
12 held a Hallowe’en party on
Friday afternoon with the pre
school children of the section
as gutsts. Gamhs were enjoyed
and lunch and candy were served
Church News
Laymen’s Sunday was observ
ed at St. James church with the
rector, the Rev, J. P. Prest,
—Please Turn to Page 7 PHONE 216
A. • ’ .
See It In Our Showrooms
Everyone Welcome
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Presenting the All-New
New Ultra-Smooth Torsion-Aire Ride!
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Come, take the wheel of the most com
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Ready? Get set for a series Of wonderful
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tionary Torsion-Aite Ride for luxurious
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bars, permits a lower centre of gravity
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There’s almost no sway on curves, bumps
seem to vanish, and even quick stqps
are smooth, without usual ‘'nose-dive.”
Step bn the gas. Feel that instant re
sponse. There’s new Thrill-Power go under
the hood of every big, new Plymouth, V-8
or 6. And it’s yours th command with
finger-tip ease, thanks to proved-in-use
push-button automatic shifting.
Red light ahead? New Total-Contact
brakes ' give you extra-safe stop-power to
match Plymouth’s go-power.
But you’ll have to drive this beautiful
new Plymouth to discover how really
exciting it is I Come in and try it—today 1
4 Manufactured in Canada by
Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited