The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-07-12, Page 13for
Open this Sunday, Wednes
day afternoon, apd during
the evening throughout the
, •> week:
Graham Arthur
1 i ta n m w j w—
Pupils Pass
To the list of promotions last
week*are added: from Medway
School Arva. grade fl, Keith
Simpson and. Douglas Thomp
son; from Parkhill District High
School, grade 10, E. Thompson,
and grade 9, Alton O’Neil; from
Marrs School No. 4, grade 8,
Tommy Abel, Gordon Beiber,
Patricia Gilmour, Blanch Bol
lings and Harvey Bollings,
Promotions from Clandeboye
School No. 4 and .,121 Grade 8,
Jeanette Blake, Ruth Ann Mur-
less and Jimmie Scott; grade 7,.
Bosemary * Hall, Donna Blake,
Marjorie Donaldson, Sharon
Kestle and Nancy 'Scott; grade
6, Wayne Williams, Nancy El
son, Bobby Eaton, Hughie Elliot,
Balph Simpson, Shelia Donald
son, Sharon Blake and Tommy
Kestle; grade 3, Judy Scott,
Bobby Donaldson, Nancy Kestle,
Murray Simpson, Betty Lqu
Thatcher and Gary Cunningham;-
grade 2, Linda Lewis and Bon
ny. Thatcher; grade 1, Elizabeth
Hill and Dianne Cunningham,
Teacher, Miss M. Thompson.
Personal Items
■ Mr. and Mrs. rEd Armstrong,
Bose, Larry and Bena, former
ly of Brinsley, haye taken up
residence in Mr. Ward Hodgins’
apartment. t
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Bollings,
Bicky and Margo have taken up
residence in the village.
Miss Joan Muriess is taking,a
two months course at RCAF in
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aimer
Hendrie recently were Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Wilson and Joane of
Riverside/ Ont., their grand
children,- Karen and Joan Down
ing, of Chatham, who spent .a
week. On Sunday their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing,
came for them, Othe guests in
cluded Mr. and Mrs, Paul Kush-
mer of Dryden and the latter’s
mother, Mrs. Emily Neale, of
Mp. and Mrs. H, Beiber and
family attended the Marshall-
Chambers picnic at the hpme of
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Moore of
Edgewood on July 1.
Mr. Melvin’ Gilbert of Alma,
visited with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold
Blake, last week.
Mr. Jim McWilliams, who
spept some time with Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Carter, has returned
to Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. George. Carter
and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carter
of St. Marys ?and Mrs. Hilda
Stevens of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter on
Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Paton and
Clare spent Sunday evening
with Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred
Logan at Thorndale. *
Howard Rostcroft Win* Again
“Howard Bosecroft” owned' by
Sheridan Bevington and Bud Gil
mour )von its third straight race
at Buffalo Baceway last Tues
day night. Mr. Bevington and
his two children Marlene and
Gary were present to see the
We confess a sneaking respect
• for one resourceful gentleman
‘ who fooled the Commies—albeit
by morally dubious means.
Seems he would load his hollow
aluminum artificial leg with can
dy, coffee and nylons in West
Berlin, then whisk over the bor
der into East Berlin in his
motorized wheel chair. He made
. a neat profit — until the border
gendarmes ultimately caught up
with him.
More and more businesses— -
from artificial limbs to shipbuild
ing — similarly find aluminum
a valuable aid to sales and pro-
' fits. Further major expansion of
Alcan’s smelters in both Quebec
and B.C. is aimed to satisfy the
- continued increasing demand
for the light metal.
Jgj iii iiiiiiiitiliiniiiinin
Investors Syndicate
of Canada, Limited
Investors Mutual |
of Canada, LJpiited
Zurich, Phone 168
Jg"" "!■" ... 1 *
uuid i1 iim wiai r 111 news
Bachelor's Body
Found In Bush,
Funeral services for Harvey
Lerey Gibson, 44, whose body
was found in a bush north-west
of Clandeboye on Tuesday, July
3, were held from the C. Haskett
and Son funeral home, Lucan.
Thursday, July 5 by Bev. George
Simpson of Bryanston United
church. Interment was in Siloam
Pallbearers were Stanley El
liott, Lenwood Topham, Clare
Campbell, Gerald Gibson, Orrie
Elliott and Dalton Albrecht.
Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Gibson, Concession 13, Lon
don Township, he was a bachel
or, For some time he had been
in poor health. He was joint own
er of a cheese factory. He dis
appeared June 16,
Besides his parents he is sur
vived by one brother, Murray,
Concession 13, London Township.
Birthday Surprisa
July 4 being Mrs. Frank
Hardy’s birthday her daughter,
Mrs, Leroy Bevington, sprang a
surprise on her by taking to her
home a birthday supper with
birthday cake and all the trim
Fxchange Vows
At Thames Road
At the Thames Boad Parson
age Wednesday, July 4 Bev. W.-
J. Moores united in marriage
Dorothy Jean Miller of Lucan,
and Donald Arthur Leitch, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Leitch
of Denfield. %
The bride, gowned in a navy
blue suit with white accessories
wore a corsage of red roses and
stephanotis. She was attended by
the groom’s sister, Miss Alice
Leitch who chose a blue and
white sheer gown with corsage
of pink roses, , n
The groom was attended by
Harry Loy ens of Elginfield, '
After a, honeymoon trip to the
States the young couple will
make ^heir home at Denfield.
PenUcostal Cru**d#
Bey.and Mrs, A. Alan Alaimo
of Brooklyn; N.Y.. are- holding
a, “Crusade for Christ” in the
Lucan Pentecostal' Holiness
Church,’ July 13-22. Sunday serv
ices will be at 11 a,in. and 7.30
p.m. and week-night services at
8 p.m. - z
Baseball N»w»
Two Thames Valley League
games were played last week,
both at Lucan. On Tuesday night
Evelyn defeated, the Irish Nine
11-3 but on Thursday night the
home team defeated Granton
7-5. ■
Teresa Karen Porter, small
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
J. Porter of Alliston was baptiz
ed in Holy Trinity Church, at
2.30 p,m. last Sunday by Bev.
J. P. Prest. Godparents included-
Mr. D. J. Porter, Mrs. Harry
Bond and Mrs. Jack Henson.
Mrs, Elva Williamson
Haskett and Son, Lucan,
funeral arrangements for
Elva Williamson, 90, who
passed away in Egerton Private
Hospital, July 2. Bev. Bruce
Guy officiated. Intorment was in
Littlewood cemetery.
Mrs. Williamson was the last
surviving member of the John
Haskett family. She was a chart
er member of the W.M.S. and
the oldest member of the Ilder-
ton United. Church.
Pallbearers were James Horde,
Gordon Hughes, Alex Taylor,-
Harry Phillips, John Ardiel and
Clark Loft.
Prior to her marriage last
Wednesday Miss Dorothy Miller
was guest of honor at a miscel
laneous shower at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Weller of Lucan.
Twenty-eight guests from Lucan
and vicinity were present.
Military Funeral
For Road Victim
Following a car accident three
weeks ago Corporal Louis Jijnmo.
28, of RCAF London, died in
Westminster Hospital on Sunday,
July 1, He lay at rest at the
C. Haskett and Son funeral home,
Lucan, where a military funeral
was held Wednesday, Jyly 4.
Bolt Strikes
Area Farm
(Owing to telephone lines
ing out this incident did. not
rive in time for iast week’s
During the wind and electrical
storm Sunday evening July X a
bolt of lightning^ntcred the barn Mi___ ..
of Mr. Alvin McLean, Concession Requiem High Mass was sung
16, London Township and No. 4 at 10 a.m. in St. Patrick’s Church,
Highway, ran around a mow and "-JJ ’ * * - - -----
out the door before bursting into
a flame of fire.
Murton. McLean, a son, was
setting Up the milking machine
and received a shock. The nine
cows all dropped to the floor
but later we.e able to get up, ap
parently unhurt. Murton went to
look for. his father who had a. JU I_
pitch-fork in his hand at the home in Dorchester,
time. He found him badly stun
ned and eve?, yet his arm is not
back to normal. ,
The lightning followed the wire
to the house where it burst open
every door of a cupboard and
ruined a radio and electric clock.
Mrs. McLean who was in the
front part of the house at the
time, was unhurt.
Ham And Strawberry Supper
The weatherman really co-op
erated for the ham and straw
berry supper sponsored by the
W.A. of the United Church last
Tuesday, permitting the tables to
be set outside. There was a
splendid attendance of members,
former members and friends,
New Canadian
Receives Gifts
The monthly meeting of .....
Evening Auxiliary of Holy Trin
ity Church was held on Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. Clarence
Hardy. The devotional was taken
by Mrs. Jack Hardy and Bev.
J. P. Prest.
Mrs. Ed, Butler gave an ap
propriate accordion and vocal
solo. The study book entitled.
“Mechanical Agriculture Chang
ing in the Prairips” was given
by Mrs. J. Elson.
It was decided to leave the
membership pins until Septem
ber. The members voted against
paying the membership fees for
children going to the . church
Mrs.- Clarencp Hardy presented
the guest of honor, a new Can
adian, with a. number of. gifts
from the group. Some interesting
articles from her native land
were displayed.
An invitation was received
from the senior W. A. to attend
a picnic at the Corbett farm‘in
August. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Nopn Hardy and Mrs. Geo.
| Biddulph, by Father J. A. Mack-
; ery. Interment was in St. Pat-
| rick’s cemetery.
»Son of Mr. and Mrs. -Raymond
! Jimmp he was born in Chatham,
‘New Brunswick. He had been
i stationed at Centralia BCAF for
j three years prior to being trans-
I ferred to Crumlin two years ago.
| He and his family made their
He is survived by his wife,
the former Jean Smibert of Lu
can, and two sons, tvyo-and-a-
half-year old Jimmie and 11-
month old Johnny; also his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Jimmo of Chatham. N.B., one
brother, Wallace, and, one sister,
Mary, both of Montreal.
Mrs. John Sparks
Former Resident
Mrs. John Sparks, 80, wife of
the late John Sparks, passed
away at 115 Myrtle St.,. St. Thom
as, July 7.
She lay at rest in the C. Has
kett and Son funeral home, Lu
can, till 2 p.m. Monday when
Bev. Edgar J, Boulston of the
Lucan United Church conducted
funeral services. Interment was
in Bayfield cemetery.
Pallbearers'were Mitchell, Has*
kett, H. T. Hodgins, Cliff Shipley,
Ernest Lewis, E. B. Pitt and
Harry Carroll.
Her only survivors are one
son and one daughter, Bussell
Sparks of St. Thomas and Mrs.
Bruce Smith (Hazel) of North
Yarmouth Township.
Mrs. Sparks was the former
Salome Cowan, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs, John Cowan
of Bayfield. She lived for five
years on a farm on Highway 4
on the edge of Lucan, before
moving to St. Thomas six years'
ago. She had been in poor health
for some years.
Plan* Continue
Last Friday evening in the
Anglican Parish Hall Bev. J. P.
Prest chaired another meeting of
the Vacation School executive,
and prospective teachers. ‘Dona
tions of pictures were on display
and arrangements made for
prizes. All children will be made
Welcome at Vacation School July
23-27 whether they have register
ed or not.
■nwnw t i wi".'
On Decline
Fatalities in motor vehicle ac
cidents during the first five
months of this year in Ontario
numbered 348 as compared with
375 tn the same period M w
year, Hon. James N, Allan, min-
ister of highways, announces.
These . figures are compiled,
from official reports of all acci
dents pu mVincigl highways and
municipal roads. *
The minister'? report noted
that diming the\first four months
of this year the department re
corded 7,22 suspensions of
drivers’ licences, an increase of
820, or 12.8 per cent over the
same period of 1955.
During the first five months
of 1956 '• there were 1,534,931
motor vehicles registered—an
increase of 92,830, or 6.4 per
cent over the corresponding
period of last year. In the same
five months the total of licenced
drivers was 1,784,119, an in
crease of 118,196, or 7.1 per cent.
On the basis of mileage travel
led, computed from taxable gaso
line consumed, motor vehicle
travel in Ontario in the first four
months of 1956 increased by
more than -300,000,000 miles, an
advantage of 8.2 per cent from
the same .months' of 1955.
Driving licence tests conducted
in the Toronto office, where ap
plicants have been required to
submit to written, vision and
■sign recognition tests, have re
sulted in 50.3 per cent rejections,
Mr. Allan stated.
Only one fatality was reported
in the Mount Forest detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police
during the month' of May. Fifty-
two persons were injured and,
116 accidents reported,
Over 600 charges were laid by
police and 1,700. warnings were
issued. Eight thousand cars were
checked for safety.
‘“He’s a man about town.”
“Yes, and a fool about wo
”---- -----, -yr.
For Sale
Experienced men to put your roof on
| Set us before you buy your bsltr or binder twins*
| Phone 63 • Lucio,. DnL <
* i
t f f Bjr • . f
i Have You Tried
I Our Sundaes?
2 for 1 Sale
I topped with delicious chocolate fudge, butterscotch, I
| strawberry, pineapple or fruit salad.
| Try Our Milk Shakes, Cold Drinks and Hot Dogs . 9:
Elliotts Dari-Delight
| The Aristrocrat of Frozen Dairy Products
Lucan Personal Items
.White top, maroon bottom,
covers, perfect condition
Sunvisor, slip covers, clean car
Green, slip
covers, .heater, radio
New, air conditioning, slip covers,
top shape.
Radio, air conditioning
. Green, low mileage «
'50 AUSTIN SEDAN, green .... $395
Blue, clean aS a whistle, beds
'50 CHEV SEDAN, grey .........$695
tM50 PONTIAC COACH ...........
Grey, heater, air conditioning
Grey, cleanest in town
. '50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ..... $479
Air conditioning and slip covers
'50 PONTIAC SEDAN, grey ....
Grey, a nice one
$479 '51 CHEV l/i-TON EXPRESS * $625
Clean ”
The Bargains Available* At
Mrs. Snelgroveof Merton,
Mrs. K. McGown and Miss Nellie
Foreman of London called on
Lucan friends last, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaumont
of London called on Lucan friends,
last Monday. <
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis
(nee Edna Hodgins) and. two
children of London were Monday
guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Ewen and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenrteth Gage
of London were, Sunday guests
with Mr. C. Cooke of Market St,
Mr. Howard Kew and Jimmie
spent last weekend in Toronto.
Jimmie remained for_a vacation
with his grandparents. On Tues
day Mr. Kew left for Sudbury
to instal a Keates organ in one
of the Sudbury churches.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins last
Wednesday attended the funeral
in Ingersoll of her mother’s sis
ter, Mrs. John Collins of Put
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting
spent last weekend in Bowman-
ville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Bahting.
Mr. Walter Dobbs is recover
ing from his recent set-back.
Mr. G. A. McDougall who un
derwent an operation in Victoria
Hospital is making satisfactory
Mr. S. B. Ashby of Brantford
was a Thursday guest with Bev.
and Mrs.' J. P. Prest.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weir and
family of London were Tuesday
guests with Mr.~-and Mrs. Edgar
McFalls.. Sharyn and Judy re
mained over for a week’s vaca
Messrs.* Joe Benn and son Ber
nard, of Lucan, and-brother, Pat,
of Toronto, are on a 'motor trip
to the West.
Mrs. Balph Loney of -Cass City,
Mich., is spending a week with
her sisters, Mrs. Chas. Windsor
and Mrs. Jack Casey.
Miss Lilias Powell, a mission
ary in Japan is visiting her sister
Mrs, Cliff Shipley.
The following grade 11, Med
way pupils from Lucan were
successful in passing to Grade
12: Margaret Culbert, Audrey
Whitehead, Margaret Neil and
Alan Beady, »
Mr. Spender A. Stanley was a
guest of Mr* and Mrs- Bussell
Goddard Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week. While here he took
his father, Mr. Alex Sceli to a
nursing home at 266 Egerton St.,
London. Mr. Sceli has never re
gained his strength since his
last illness.
Miss Gertrude Dempsey of
London is a guest with her sister,
Mrs. C. Murdy,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Neil of
BichmOnd Hill are spending a
few days with Mrs. C. H. Porter
and Miss Gora Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb
and family spent last
at Ipperwash, guests of
Mrs. John McFarlane.
Mr. W. Daniel of Bervie was
a Sunday evening guest of Bev.
and Mrs. J. P. Prest,,and report
ed that six- of the barns blown
down during the afternoon at
Kingarf belonged to Mr. Prest’s
former parishioners.
Miss Audrey Whitehead has ac
cepted a position in the Bank of
Commerce at, London.
Mr. Jack BOoney of St. Marys
was a Sunday visitor with Mr. I
land Mrs. William Aylestock,
Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stanley of
St. Catharines were weekend
guests of Mrs. T. C. McFarlane.
' Mrs. George Coursey under
went an operation in Victoria
Hospital last Friday.
Mr. and Mirs. Ivan Hearn have
returned from a week’s visit in
New York.
Over 100 descendants of the
late William W. Bevington held
their annual picnic at Springbank
last Sunday. Each- year it has
been the custom to hold the pic
nic as near July 9, as possible,
it being Mr. Bevington’s birth
day. The rain held off till after
the picnic dinner but ruined the
sports of the afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Hodgins is suffer
ing from a bad attack of shingles
so she and Mr. Hodgins spent
a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs.' Harvey Carroll of
Mrs. Irving Gibson of Lucan
and Mrs. Fern Cunningham of
London spent the holiday in
Northern Michigan and Detroit.
While in Detroit they were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Mc
Namee. ■
' Miss Lina Abbott visited with
Mrs. K, McGoun of London last
Thursday. (
Mrs. Horace Hardy of Canton,
Ohio, is holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hardy.
Mike 'Culbert, small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Culbert
has been very sick in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter. He had
a bad attack of pneumonia which
necessitated an oxygen tent. He
will probably be hospitalized for
a couple weeks longer. •
Bev. and Mrs?. John Armitage
of Whitby were Thursday visitors'
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armi-
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hill of
Woodstock spent last Saturday
with Lucian friends.
Mr. J. Alex Young has been,
made assistant to the Fire Mar
shall, W< J. Scott, for the village
of Lucan.
Mrs. Laura Blake is visiting
with Mrs. Sidney Hodgins of
Mr. Bob White, one of Lucan’s
hockey players, has purchased
the hous6 in the .Lewis sub-divi
sion, recently vacated by Mr.
Louis Kilmer.
These Are A Few Of
phone 200
Available At
MATHER BROS, are happy to announce their appointment as SHELL
y dealers for Exeter and district. We’re proud, too, to introduce new SHELL
“ Premium Gasoline with amazing TCP to local motorists. You’re actually
wasting power if you’re not using' Shell Premium with TCP. It releases
power locked in- by engine deposits—stops pre-firing and spark plug
“miss”. When you fill up with Shell Premium, your car runs more smooth
ly'» t ..has new pep and go.
Mayor R. E. Pooley officially opened our new SHELL pumps recently«
That’s Frank Mathers filling.up His Worship’s tank while Hany shows
the mayor the attractive new service island.
Try SHELL Lubrication
Try SHELL X-1OO Premium Oil