The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-31, Page 5»
Open this Sunday, Wednes
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
South End
Hurondale Jills
Discuss Menus
The third, meeting of the Jolly
Jills was held on Wednesday
evening May 23 when each mem
ber answered to her name with
suggestions' for a supper menu.
Canada’s second food rule con
cerning fruit was discussed and
it'was learned that it. takes
twice as much tomato juice to
equal the vitamin content of
orange juice.
Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, assistant
leader, demonstrated the making
of salmon souffle prune sponge,
baked rice and cheese. Meat and
fish according-to Canada’s food
rules was also discussed.
For the . fourth meeting on
Monday sixteen members offered
dessert suggestions for a supper
Vegetables were discussed and
how to cook them to get as
much nutritional value as pos
Mrs. Arthur Rundle, leader,
demonstrated the making of
celery curls „and radish roses.
The planning of good meals was
also discussed.
X ........ 1 '■ . ■ ,! ■ ' '»
Eastern Star Chapter,
Attends Bend Service
<t the 1955 Jamboree had a
chance to see the great dams
and smelters that make Canada
a world supplier of aluminum.
But some did see a Canadian
use of the light metal: outdoor
cooking with aluminum foil.
One Canadian *troop showed
how they used this handy mat
erial for doing potatoes, steaks
and other foods over the camp-
. fire; how they kept fpod freshin
summer lieat ■ by protecting it
with aluminum. If this mission
ary work carries the idea back
to distant lands, Canada may
have fo turn out still more alu
minum foil—evpn though last
year her.output, if laid in a
‘ ' 12-inch strip,' would reach •
382,000 miles,
Caveri CGIT
Enjoys Fete
Miss Lauretta Siegner was the
guest speaker at the mother and
daughter banquet of Caven Pres
byterian C.G.I.T. on Monday
evening. Her subject was “The
Three Needs”. She was intro
duced by Mrs, A. Whilsmith and
thanked by Miss Mary Ann
A toast to the Queen was
proposed by the toast mistress,
Bernice Strang, the president.
Mary Kerr proposed a toast to
the mothers that was replied, to
by Mrs. Samuel Kerr. A toast to
the W.M.S. was proposed by
Phyllis Cann and responded to
by Mrs. Alvin Moir.
The program consisted of a
vocal duet by Carolyn and Gwen
Simpson and a piano duet by
Carole Hogarth and. Mary Shaw.
The re-affiliation service was
conducted by Miss Mary Anne
Erskine and Mrs. Alvin Moir,
president of the W.M.S.
.The banquet was served by
the W.M.S. with decorations in
flowers and blue and. white
streamers and candles.
More farmers switch to Surge
Milkers for safer, faster milking.
, (adv’t)
I cI
s cI
Enjoy a treat from our new refreshment booth while
you’re'having your car Serviced. We’ll take* complete
charge of filling your, car with gas, oil, washing’the.
windshield etc.—you can enjoy ice cream or soft
drinks while we’re doing it. Just try u? for service—
it’s the best, .
White Rose Service Station
About forty members of the
Parkhill Chapter of the Eastern
Star Fraternity attended divine
worship in the United Church on
Sunday morning. Rev. W. C.
Smith took as his subject
“Martha,” and spoke appropri
ately on women’s place in the
home. The choir sang Jubilate
and Rev. Godsell sang a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. GiU rend
ered a special musical duet on
the organ and piano.
Personal Items
Mr- Carlyle Taylor is a patient
this week in St. Joseph’s Hos
pital, London.
Mrs. Harmon Gill, Miss Irene
Gill, Mrs. Ted West and children
visited on Tuesday with Mrs.
David Leigh at Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle
spent the weekend in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask of De
troit spent the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer.
While here Mr. Pask purchased
Hilltop premises, formerly own
ed by Mr. Joe Petrie of Vienna.
Little Miss Neva Johnson suf
fered a very severe attack of
red measles last week.
Mr. Albert Cox was discharged
from Westminster Hospital
where he has been a patient for
the past few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and
son of Sarnia spent Sunday with
Mr. Scott’s grandmother, Mrs.
Wm, Patterson.
Mr. George Adair of Toronto
spent Tuesday with his cousins,
Mr. and Mrs, E. Keown.
Mrs. Al. Dayman has been con
fined to her home suffering with
a leg-injury, for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer spent
a few days in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear at
tended the funeral of their
cousin, Mrs, Jack Henderson of
Kippen, on Tuesday .
Dr. and Mrs, H. Godsell, Mr.
and Mrs. S. J. Truscott and Mrs,
Truscott, Snr., and Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Dorey all of Detroit , and
Mr. and Mrs. Bea.chill of Dear-'
born, Mich., spent the weekend
at their several cottages in
Beach O’Pines.
Mr. and «Mrs. Harry Little,
Frank and Miss Nellie Smith
of Goderich spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Baird.
Origin Of Motto
Kirkton Theme
Mrs. Ross Francis discussed
the origin of the Mary Stewart
Collect at the May meeting of
the Kirkton- Women’s Institute
held Thursday evening in Aber
deen Hall.
Mrs. Earl Watson presented a
paper on the first line of the
Collect “Keep us, O Lord, from
pettiness; let us be large in
thought, in word, in deed.”
Mrs. Archie " gave a re
port of the secretaries’ confer-,
ence held in Guelph early in
May. ' ’ .
,' • Mrs. • Ross ' Francis_.president,,
Conducted the opening devotion
al assisted by Mrs, Horace'
During the business session it
was decided to join the Canad
ian Association of Consumers.
The meetings for, this year are.
to be held in the evenings at
8.15. •
After the meeting games of
croqinole were enjoyed. Mrs.
Dewar was winner of the high
prize and the consolation prize
went to Mrs. Thos. Crew. Dur
ing lunch Mrs. .Allen Eveleigh
distributed the gifts .brought in
by the ladies and the “Secret___ —Sisters” were divulged.
These Prices Effective Thurs
33c box
2 BOXES 35c
2'tins 23c
73 c
33c. FKO.
Weiners Hamburg
39 c Lb.
Friday Night Special
Doug Rivers Food Market
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. E. McIUroy, Merry wood
Farm, were Mr. Al. Leavering
ton of St. Thomas, owner of
“Carter Chips,” Messrs. ■ Orrin
Lomas and Thomas Elliot of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiteford
spent Tuesday in London.A few of the friends and neigh
bors of Mr. W .J. Holt held a
surprise dinner for him on Fri
day, evening, it being the oc
casion. of his birthday.
Mrs. Geo, Ecclestone, who re-;
cently returned from visiting ini
Toronto has as her guest Mr-
Ray Dudley, concert pianist of I
Toronto. Mr. Dudley expects to |
leave shortly on a concert tour ■
of England. . I
Mrs. Wellwood Gill has been
confined to her home with cold
and ear trouble for the past
Merrywood Twinkle, owned by
Mr. Eric Mclllroy, had a beauti
ful bay filly foal last week from
Alpha Hal, and was returned
the court of Apha Hal later
the week.
Arch Of Blossoms
Setting For Rites
A charming spring wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Caldwell,
Kippen. Saturday at 3 p.m. when
their daughter, Jean Elizabeth,
became the bride of Harry Wil
liam Tozer, of London, son of
Mr .and Mrs. George Tozer, of
Rev. N. McLeod, of St. An
drew’s United Church, Kippen,
performed the double ring cere
mony under an arch of blossoms
and spring flowers.
i The bride, given, in marriage
i by her father wore a ballerina
length, gown of white Chantilly
lace over taffeta with acces
sories in white. A coronet of
orange blossoms held her
shoulder-length veil of French il
lusion and she carried red roses
and pink and white stephanotis.
Mrs. Marie Muir, of Seaforth,
was bridesmaid and chose a
gown of blue nylon, ballerina
length, with which she wore a
white hat and accessories in
white, and carried a bouquet of
yellow roses and pink and white
George Tozer of London at
tended the'- groom.
A reception for 50 guests fol?
lowed at the home when the
bride’s mother received wearing
a dress or rusty rose lace over
taffeta, with accessoriesin.
white, The groom’s mother chose
navy sheer over taffeta with
navy accessories. Both wore cor
sages of white mums.
A three-tier wedding cake
centred the bridal table. Pink
and white color schemes com
pleted the decorations. Serving
were Mrs, Wilmer Adkins, Mrs.
Keith McLean, Mrs. Clarence
Ruston ,and Miss Gladys Chap
For a wedding trip to Mont
real and points east the bride
donned a green and white glazed
cotton dress, over which was
worn a green coat. Her accessories were in-> white with a
corsage of gardenias.
Guests were present from To
ronto, London, Dorchester, Hen-
sall, Kippen, Seaforth, Clinton
and Cromarty,
. The young couple will reside
in London.
Mt. Carmel
Bowlers Vie
Last Tuesday the Mt. Carmel
bowling team battled it out at
Exeter. Mr. Carl Radford won
for the year’s top team. There
is one more game to decide the
grand champion in the playoffs.
The high average was won by
Mr. James Carey, 193, and Miss
Anne Cronyn, 169, The high triple
was won. by Mr. Gerald Houla-
han, 833, and Mrs, Larry Cronyn
687. The high single was won
by Mr. Larry Cronyn, 291, and
Miss Betty Ann Coughlin, 274.
Trophies for the - most 200 games
was won by Rev. Father Scalisi
and Miss Rosemary Cronyn.
Church News
On Sunday, which was Pilgrim
age Sunday for the C.W.L. of
Mt. Carmel, a bus was chartered
from Dashwood which took the
22 members to Mount St. Jos
eph’s in London..They were ad
dressed by three bishops.
■ Sunday was First Communion
at Our Lady of ‘ Mt. Carmel
Church. Rev. Father Scalisi ad
ministered the Sacrament to 19
C.W.L. Attend Convention
•On Monday, May 14, Mrs.
Alex Voisin Sr. apd Mrs. .Gerald
O’Rourke attended the C.W.L.
convention held at Hotel London.
They reprbsented the parish of
Mt. Carmel for two days. Sev
eral other ladies.from Mt. Carm
el attended part
Personal Items
• Mr. and Mrs.
spent Thursday
and Chatham,
Miss Nancy Morrissey,«• London
visited at her home over the
weekend. ’v , ---------r-■--------—-
Mr. and-ME5.- Art 'AUem^d-’^ndes’s. She carried a corsage
are leaving the.parish -ahmmoW' '
ing to Grand Bend. t ?Mrs. Paul Masse, Windsor, ■vis
ited with' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Carey and family over the week
end. ’ 'Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dignan,
London, were visitors' with 'Miss
Bernie Madden.
Mrs. Florence Quesnel and
family, Crediton, visited with
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Voisin Sr.
bn Sunday.
Mt- and- Mrs. Harvey Corri
veau, Stratford, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hartman.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dietrich
visited with Mrs.. Mary Mc
Carthy and family and Mr. Jos.
McCarthy on Sunday.
The Mt. Carmel
have entered the
ball League.
There will, be a
que't at Brenner’s ___,
Bend on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McNair, Lon
don visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Voisin Jr. on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Voisin and
family, Brinsley, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Voisiri Sr.
Gerald O’Brien
in Leamington
softball team
Lieury Soft-
bowling ban-
Hotel, Grand
Kippen Man
Gets Degree
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and
Mr. Walter Fairbairn spent a
few days last week in St. Catha
rines, Niagara Falls and Toron
to.On Wednesday they attended
graduatidn at Convocation Hall,
University of Toronto, at which
time their son, Robert, received
his B.A. Sc., graduating with
first class honors from the
faculty of applied ,science and
engineering, specializing in
engineering and business.
Guest Speaker At Ashfield
Rev. Norman McLeod was
guest speaker at anniversary
services at Hackett’s United
Church in Ashfield on Sunday.
Rev. Dickinson of Hackett’s
Mrs. _____ ________ ___Ave., London, was hostess last
week When 15 girl friends and
employees of imperial Fuels Ltd.
met to honor Miss Jean Cald
well, bride-elect of Kippen.
‘ The evening was spent in the
playing of “Act Fast”. Jean re
ceived many useful gifts.
A buffet luncheon whs served
from a table centred with h
small bridal cake and candles.
Tuesday evening 50 ladies of
the Kippen district met at the
home of Mr. ahd Mrs. William
Caldwell to honor their daugh
ter, Jean, bride-elect of Satur
day, with a miscellaneous
The evening was spent in
bingo and contests.*
Mrs. Robt. Elgin read an ad
dress and Mrs. Morley Cooper
and Mrs. Robert MacGregor
presented the gifts In a prettily
decorated basket.
Personal Horn*
Mrs. Alec McGregor spent the
weekend in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and
spoke at the morning
at St. Andrew’s United
For Bridt-Elect
Helen McGlyan, Byron
The Exet»r* Tinrn-Advpcaf, May >1, 1956 Piy >
Our Used Cars
Couple To Live
Near Cromarty
Anna Grace, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Forrest, R.R. 1.
Zurich, and Ross Ronald, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley of Crom
arty were united in marriage in
a quiet ceremony in Varna Un
ited Church parsonage on Sat
urday, May 19. Rev. T. J. Pitt
was the officiating clergyman.
For her wedding the bride
chose a street length dress of
white , brocaded taffeta with
matching headdress. She carried
American Beauty roses.
The bride’s cousin, Jean Trieb-
ner. of Kippen was bridesmaid
and wore a gown of pink brocad
ed. taffeta ^styled like that of the
Jof ’baby blue mums.
Robert Talbot of Bayfield was
• A reception for twenty-five
guests was held at the bride’s
home. Mrs. Forrest chose a two
piece navy and white ensemble
with red carnation corsage. Mrs.
Riley wore teal blue with cor
sage of red carnations. Misses
Katherine Blacker, Anne Forrest
and May Coleman assisted in
For a wedding trip to Niagara
and United States the bride*
chose 'a blue shantung dress and
accessories in white.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley will make
their home near Cromarty.
Present Awards
To Kirkton Girls
Members of Perth County 4H
Homemaking Clubs Saturday af
ternoon won high praise for the
quality of their work at the an
nual Achievement Day held, in
Kirkton club was one of four
clubs to enter an- exhibit with
Patsy Marshall as commentator.
There were also 180 individual
exhibits. Miss Jean Scott, home
economist for Perth presented
county awards to 13 girls among
who were Shirley Rundle and
Donna Stone of the Kirkton Club
and Margaret Johns of the Glen
Gowrie Club.
A. Parsons.
Miss Katherine McGregor
spent the weekend with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Riley, in Seaforth.
We'll Give You A Good
Price On A 1956 Meteor
Dark blue, excellent
Two-tone, better than new
Radio, fully-equipped
Dark green
Two-tone, custom radio
z49 Austin Sedan
South End
Rustand Chuck Snell
When you buy a car from us, we assure you of "com
plete satisfaction. Why take any risk? Come in to
see our selection today,
Reg Armstrong
Phone 216 MOTORS Exeter
Your Plymouth-Chrysler-Fargo Dealer
- '■— = -- ------------- ------ -------------- ----------------------' -- ■ —j
Paint & Floor Covering Sale
Continues For
One More Week
20% Off
Reg. $1.95 SALE $1.49
Reg. $2.85 SALE $2.14
Four yards wide
Reg. $4.95 SALE $3.72
Latest Patterns
., . , , ±, , . .. ’ ..............................A
Sandran Counter Top Material REB. 63t2 LINEAL! ET, a