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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-05-17, Page 10
w THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO/THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 195$ James St. Girls' Group Entertains At Banquet1 Xi* '.C* White -of Ingersoll Wte at the mother -WQuot of the el Jturnes St* Church on _ “Where you going?” was ®ul»tee-t discussed by Mrs-, usimg the flannelgraph ^to illustrate her pointe. 'She was in-- teodwed, by Mrs. Lloyd Cushman Od hlvan ked by Marlene Mac- T’he worship was conducted Iby Hubh Ahn McBride, Heather Mac- X«u®hton and Marlene McBride. The banquet was served by tee Evening Auxiliary and the Stable© were decorated in blue and white—'C.G.I.T, colors. Robin Smith, president, was toast mistress. A- toast to the church was proposed by Jeanette Taylor and, r responded to by Carfrey Cann; toast to mothers by Betty Dixon and replied Jack (Smith. A re-affliliation led iby Robin Smith E. Zurbrigg', W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary, an evidence of their interest missions, $30 is being sent W.M.S. presbyterial treasurer, Girls chosen to attend camp this summer include Diane Del- bridge, Mary Margaret McBride, Judy Snelgrove, Betty Dixon, Jacqueline Hannah and Barbara Hodgson. ■tp 'by Mi'S. service was and Mi's. C. president of (the As in to CANADIAN PROPANE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL APPLIANCES Low Down Payments GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend Used Cars COME IN TO MAKE A DEAL ON A NEW METEOR SAFE BUYS '54 DODGE SEDAN Excellent condition. '53 CHEV BEL-AIR Two-tone, centipede tires, radio, special seat covers. BETTER THAN NEW. '50 MORRIS-OXFORD SEDAN Good condition. '49 CHEV SEDAN Green, radio. NEW '56 METEOR MAINLINE Radio, whitewall tires, signal lights, windshield . washers, special Mercury paint, r colour, Verona Green. This car was ordered special fey customer and is for sale for special price. South End RUSS A CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notice* are inserted free of charge, Card* of Thanks coat 75c* In Memorlam Notices 75c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notice* are 75c. Classifieds FOR SALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE STOCK WANTED WANTED Elect Airman Kin President Fit. Sgt. Leo "Ti” Tiberio was leclted (president of Hensall Kins men Club 'ait (its supiper meeting Thursday night. )He will succeed 'Bill Mickle in September to be come the third .man (to take the reigns of tflie .club since iit was formed in 1954. New vice-president will be Jack Drysdale. Dither officers include Ross Jinks, secretary; Angns Mc Lean, treasurer; Harold JKnigiut, registrar; Robert Harold Bonthron and. neil, directors. Presidenit Mickle that $293.85 was raised-for the cancer fund in the drive sitaged by 1tlhe club 'recently. John Thompson, one of the leaders of Kinsmen’s 4-H bean club announced he will be leaving shortly to take up residence in Blenheim. President Mickle was the (lucky winner of a draw. BIRTHS CONSITT—-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Con sitt (nee Margaret Shepherd), Kippen, announce the birth of their son at Clinton Hospital, May 9. 1956. HARRIS—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har ris (nee Helen Pfaff) wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Deborah Jane, at St. Joseph’s Hos pital, May 16, 1956—a sister foi' Susan and Bobby. MORGAN—<Mri and Mrs. Al Morgan, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Jean (5 lbs., Qis ozs.) at South Huron Hospital, May 11, 1956—a sister for Judith Anne.RADER—Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, Dashwood, are happy to announce the arrival of their fourth daugh ter—a sister for David and Paul— at South Huron Hospital, May 13, 1956.VALLEE—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vallee,, 277 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the arrival of a daughter, Mary Linda Dianite, at South Huron Hospital, May 13, 1956—a sister for Serge. 2,000 SUSSEX RED PULLETS, 12 weeks old; 1,200 Red Rock, 500 Red Sussex, 5 months on May 22, Andrews Poultry Farm, Seaforth, phone 647-X-3. 17:24:7# FOOD FREEZER, 12-ft., upright model, 5-year warranty, new $500, only 6 months in use. Sell for best offer. Phone 657-M. 17:21c •49 METEOR TUDOR, air condition ing, radio, signals, duals, good tires and motor. Will trade and finance. Phone 657-M. 17 GIRLS’ BICYCLE, new, Sunshine de luxe, never used. Apply Times- Advocate. 17* CHICKEN SHELTER, 75’x6’; cast iron sink. Apply to Fred Howe, Centralia, phone 732-J1 Exeter. 17q ICE—ICE—ICE—Any quantity. Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14, Exeter. i7c Reaburn Jack Cor- annoumced Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Terry Huron Fisher. Miss with her mother, iSweet. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Corndslh were pleasantly surprised on Mo ther’s Day to receive a phone call from 'their daughter Mrs. H. A. Woods of Red Deer, Alberta. Mayor R. E. Pooiley, PUG Chair man L. J. 'Penhaie and Commis sioner W. G. Cochrane attended the 50-year anniversary celebra tion of Ontario Hydro at Kitch ener Monday. Lee and Gary o£ Pont with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Helen (Sweet, Toronto, Mrs. Muriel This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Lagan of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. burn Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr. and •Mrs. ~ ’ — - Newman Baker of Well- w-ere weekend visitors with Gordon Ford. IMr. 'and Mrs. Jack Wicks of London spent the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Armstrong and Janice of near Hensail visit ed. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. •F, Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Bison Lynn and family visited (Sunday with rela tives 'at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and children were Sunday visitors with Mr. -and Mrs. Goldwyn Glenn of Brinsley. Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GAOKSl’ETTER (Special mother's Day service was ‘held in <St. Andrew’s ■United Clhurdh, The Mother’s Day pro gram. was 'followed with the bhem-e “God In Tihe Home, Peace In The World,” (Scripture readings were given by Johnnie 'Consitt and Daivid Cooper. The story, "'God’s .Room”, Was; (told ,by Margie Elgie. The Choir .renedered ia Mother’s Day anthem under Ithe direction of Miss Jean Iveson. The sermon, "'God In The home of IMoses,” was delivered by Rev. N-orman McLeod. The usher ettes for the service were Mar garet Jean Broadfoat amd Joan Young. 'Infant baptism was administer ed Ito Darlene Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay and Ross John, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander, GIRLS’ BICYCLE, balloon-tired; good condition. Phone Lucan 48-r- 13. 17c FOR RENT HIGHBOY SPRAYER for your weed kill problems, at a very reasonable price. Contact me for rates and dates. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. ______10:17:24:31 7-ROOM HOUSE, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, all modern convell- ienees, garage and garden; near the business section; available immediately. Apply Richard Hunter, phone 8S9-W, Exeter. lOtfc 7-ROOM HOUSE, in Grand Bend, right on river front, completely winterised, all modern conveniences, 24’x28’r full basement, gas furnace— $4,200. Gerald Grattan, phone 6, Grand Bend. _____ 17:24:31 50-ACRJ3 FARM, in Township of Hay, located 3 miles from Hensall. Good frame house, bank barn and drive shed, hydro available, good water supply. Apply to Edgar Mc Bride, 'R.R. 3 Kippen, Ont., phone Hensall 671-r-25._____________'17:24* DEAD, DISABLED STOCK—Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves,—Glen Kennedy, phone collect l&S-W Lucan or Exeter 235, 12tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone S3, Exeter. 12tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE APARTMENT, unfurnished, heated, private entrance, private bath; no children. Apply 103 Huron St., phone 225-J. Exeter, __________10:17:24nc EXETER Modern 2-Bedroom Cottage Near High School Available May 24Call Exfeter 323-W 17c $2,000 MORTGAGE, far a Client, oi» real estate, W. Pearce, Realtor. 8tf<j ........ ......... ■ -".'-l-ll..... .......... . -..-.I-...........I I 13, 1956—a sister for Serge. ENGAGEMENTS and Mrs. Percy Elsie, Grand wish to announce the engage- of their only,,daughter, ^Lois ” Webb, D.C.,Elmer Webb, SHORTIE COAT, rose and white, size 1'4-16. Brand new. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. i7C Fishermen who begrudge the effort involved in catching live crickets for bait can buy a quart of them, by mail, from a Georgia crieket farm. We learn that it takes fifteen days for cricket eggs to hatch, eight week* for the insects to wow fo bait size* We note, too, that the brooders where they late abdttt in 85° temperature, jabbing tip chicken mash, Ate made pf Ahmiiritirti. But we con fess we’re not too surprised. It •imply that this busy metal has found still another use in the busy housing industry— this fWiWbvidtoi clean, warm, oteassmt quarters for aristocratic "fBW days’ COMPANY OF /ft). (ALCAN)w Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR The May meeting of the Women's Missionary (Socieity was held iat the home of Mrs. Frank Alien iMrs. T. Laing 'presided, Mrs. 'Calder MieKaig was in char ge of (the .Study IBook with Mrs, Moore, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Lamond atid M'te, Harburn (assisting. (Business 'conducted by the president, Mrs. iSarsdahil. Mrs. Houghton' read The Glad Tidings prayer and the topic "Day by Day" was (given by Mrs. K. Mc- Kellar. Mrs. Hougihiton presided tfor Ithe Ladles’ Add meeting and opened with scrip teto rending and pray er. •During <the business discuissidh it ws decided to donate $10 te Ithe Cancer fund, also Ito order dozen new hymn hooks and to have several hew tables made for ths basement. Mr. Bend, ment oi xuew uuiy ■MerJene, to Gerald Allan Webb, D.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb, Grand Bend. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 16 at 2:.3O o’clock in the United Church, Gi-and Bend. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Orton, 821 East Bernhard St., Hazel Park, Mich., wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Ronald Orville, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley, W'ein, Crediton. The wedding to take place May 26 at Bethseda Missionary Church, De troit. 17c Mr. and Mrs. Arie Binnendyk, Kippen, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Gerda, to Mr. Gerald Vennema, son of Mr. S. Vennema and the late Mrs. Vennema of Hamilton, Ont. Wedding to take place June 9, 1956, at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Ont. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell, R.R, 1 Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mar garet Marie, to Mr. Kenneth Ray Consitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt, Kippen, The wedding to take place on June 9 at Carmel Presbyterian' Church, Hensall, at 2 o'clock. 17* Mr. and Mrs. John Bregman of Exeter -wish to announce the engage ment of theii’ only daughter, Ann Joanne, to Lloyd Percival Keller, son of Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Keller of Dashwood. Wedding to take place Saturday, (May 26, at 3.30 <p.m, in the Main Street United Church, Ex eter, Ontario. 17c CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Hector Gill wish to ------- ------- ----- kindness cent sad to the United _____, _______ ______ home and all who loaned cars and sent flowers. —Ethel Gill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gill and family, Grand Bend. 17c J. Willis Powell wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him with cards, " visits while a Huron Hospital home. We sincerely ___ __ those who voluntarily gave ___services in any way at the farm. —Paul and Geraldine Schenk. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many relatives, friends and neighbours for our many gifts of flowers, fruit, cigarettes and cards while a .patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Specil ‘thanks to Dr. Oilerhead, Rev. Smith, blood donors and nursing staff of second floor; also Canadian Legion Brand: 498, Independent Order of Foresters and the -Haippy Gang of Exeter, Ont. —Glen and Dot DesJardine, Grand Bend, Ont. 17* The Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital wi'sh to thank 'the people of Exeter and outlying dis trict for their wonderful support at m " on 17c REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse; in use 1& years. Excellent condition. Phone Exeter 265-M12. 17c CHROME TABLE with 4 chairs; also child's Sunshine tricycle. Phone 671- R, Exeter. 17* 3 COWS and 2 heifers, due this fall. Also 2 calves. Apply T. Simpson, 1 mile 'West of Whalen. _______ 17* RED SUSSEX PULLETS, 11 weeks old. Apply Edwin Miller, R.R. 3 Ex- eter, phone 44-r-2 Kirliton.______17* WHITE - FACED CALVES and 8 good weiner pigs. Apply to Roy Dykeman, R.R. 1 Centralia, after 4 P.m._______________________ 17 thank everyone for their and sympathy in their rebereavement. ' Special thanks pall bearers, Rev. Smith, Church, Hoffman funeral flowers, treats and patient in South and since returning 17c wish to thank all their 17c the Trash and Treasure Sale Saturday, May 5. IN MEMORIAM CORBETT—In loving memory of dear father, Nathaniel Cor.bett, who passed away one year ago, May 21, 1955. God saw you getting weary And did what He thought best. He put his arms around you, Dad And whispered come and rest.—Always remebered by his son, Jutson. 17 CORBETT—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Na thaniel Corbett, who passed away one year ago, May 21, 1955. Please God, forgive a lonely tear, A silent wish that Dad was here. ’ When he , left he could We He All my not say then we cry. all in vain, not heal his goodbye;think of him and suffered Jong but our prayers could pairu. ' love him now as we uiu LUSH, And hope some day we’ll meet again. —Always remembered by his daugh ter, Eva, son-in-law, Doug, and grandson, Roy. 17* CORBETT—In1 loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Nathaniel Corbett, who passed away one year ago, May 21, 1955. You can only have one father,Patient, kind and true. There are few in all this world Will be as kind to you. For all his loving kindness He asked nothing in return. If all the world deserts you To your father you can turn. So you who have a father Cherish him and care, For you’ll never know the heart acheTill you see his vacant chair. —Lovingly remembered by his daugh ter, Hilda, sen-in-iaW, RUssell, and grandchildren. Eddie Donhie, Marie ,and Freddie Brintnfeil. " 17* CORBETT—In loving memory of my dear husband, Nathaniel Corbett, who passed away one year ago, May 21, 1(955. One year has passed since that sad day, The one I loved was called away, God (took him home, it was His will, But 4n my heart he liveth still. —(Lovingly remembered by his wife. Ellen. MAIER—In loving memory of husbdnd and father who away two years ago, MayThis day we ,dd remember, A loving, thought we, give TO one no longer with us But dn our hearts still lives. —Ever remembered by wife -family. We we did then, ■17* a deai* passed 17. Attend Wl Conference Mrs. Ward Hern of (the Elim- ville Women’s Institute attended thd eighth <annuial Ontario Offi cers Conference held at Guelph last Week. Over '520 branch secre taries registered for the sessions. in conversation with Mrs. Hern since her return she ©add "We Ji.ad some wonderful speakers and the conference was a grealt help to inte.” Mrs. Edwin Geiger, (secretary of iHensall W.I. i^lsb attended. BOYS’ JUNIOR BICYCLE — Apply Wray Sweitzer, phone 164-r-12 Dash- wood.___________________________17c CAR—very cheap. Apply H, Bierling, Exeter._________________________17c RASPBERRY PLANTS, Columbia special price. Also Black Caps, while they last. Apply Emalie Carter, .phone 322-J12, Exeter.___________17c 1947 CHEV %-TON TRUCK, good running order. Apply Carman Park, R.R. 1 Kirkton, phone 9-r-7._____17c MILKING MACHINES, new and used units; parts and inflations for all makes. Seed and table potatoes. Ex- eted District Co-op, phone 287. 17c BOYS' BICYCLE, 1 year old, good condition. Will sell cheap. Reg Arm- strong Motors.__________________17c HOT PLATE, 2-burner, used 1 week. Phone 69 8-W.___________ 17c GIRLS’ DRESS—Long flower girl white taffeta dress with tulle, will fit 5-7. Silver-grey Gendron baby carriage; teeter baby chair; man’s brown gabardine topcoat, size 38; small Quebec heater. Phone 702-M. 17c 31 WEAKER PIGS — Apply Bert Baux, phone Kirkton 14-r-17. 17c LAWN MOWER, 16-inch blade, in good order, $7.00; trunk with tray, $5.00; Axminster rug, 4^x6 ft., $12.00. Phone 236 or call at 46 Gidley St. East. _________ 17* ELECTRIC STOVE, old style, high oven, perfect working condition— $15. Apply R. B. Patterson, phone 51 Hensall._______________ 10:17?' CEDAR SHRUBS; "also Latham rasp berry plants—$4.50 per hundred. Free delivery. Apply K. Vanden Heuvel, Phone 652-W1, Goderich._____IQ; 17* SHORTHORN BULL, 15 months old. Apply Walter McBride, phone 39-r- 15, Kirkton. 10:17* CASE TRACTOR, new last year; Farmall ‘A’ tractor; Massey clipper combine; rubber tired wagon with rack; spotted pony, -6 years old; 7 pigs, i8 weeks old. Apply to Taylor Bros., North End, Exeter. 10:17* 10 WEAKER PIGS—Frank Triebner, R.R.l Exeter, phone 620-J4, Exeter. 10:17 SEWING 'MACHINE, used, White portable, 2 single treddles, in A-l condition. Phone Carl Peterson, 92 Ailsa Craig, '______________ 16* FRAME HOUSE, 1^ storey, 21x26 ft., to (be removed from premises, Lot 31, Con. 5, Usbonne Township, Also quantity of 1x4 elm, suitable for sheeting steel roofs. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1 Hensall, phone 177-r-i._____________________ 10:17c I HAVE AMPLE SUPPLIES of Amine and Ester weed-kills, also brush-kill, and Heptachlor and Ald rin for maggot control of turnips or cabbage at very reasonable prices. I have also Orchard Spray material and -am open for contracts to spray your fruit trees, your grain for weeds, liquid fertilizer, the fence bottoms for weeds or brush and pasture fields or for twitch grass or any other spraying you require. L.V. Hogarth, Exeter, phone 266. ._________________10:17:24:31c CAPONS—Started capons on order, and custom caponizing. Apply Carl Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23, Dashwood. _____________________16:2-17:6 STARTED PULLETS, Il-week-old Foreman Leghorns and Rock Leghorns. Hubert T. Miller, 57-r-7 Dash- W, d.______________________22tfc c See Us For Pfister dr Jacques HYBRID SEED CORN Early, Medium, Late EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 10..:1? TRACTORS —- W.D. 9 International Diesel, 1951 model; 44 Massey diesel, 1951 model; R< Minn. Molitle stand- a rd, '1949 itiddol} row crop, John Deere. These tractors are all 'in first class condition. E, L, Chaffe & Sons, your Cockshutt dealer, on No 4 Highway and Crediton Toad, phone 548, Exeter, 10:17c Softball Schedule Starts Wednesday A 56-game schedule is planned for the Lieury Softball League. Exeter, the newest entry in the loop, will make its official ap pearance under coach "BUnny” Ford on Wednesday night against the Creditoii nine, All of the league games will be played at 9.00 p.m, under the lights at McGillivray Memorial Park near Lieury, The schedule for the coming week Is as follows: Tuesday—Brinsley vs. Greenway Wednesday-—Crediton vs, Exeter Friday—-West Cornels vs. Mt. Camel Thursday—Lieury vs. Denifield MODERN APARTMENTS, heated, with all conveniences; rent reason able. Apply Hodge's store, Crediton, phone 7. _________________10:17c HOUSE, with all modern conveniences, also garage and garden, 3 miles east of Hensall on county road, near school and church, possession June 1. Apply to Mervyn Eyre, Hen'- sall, phone 670-r-13, Hensall. 10:17 TRAQUAIR APARTMENTS — Upper3- room, with bath and shower, heat ed, furnished, and hot water, avail able now. Also lower 3-room apart ment, bath and shower, furnished and heated, private entrance, avail able June 1. Apply 59 John Street, East.________________________10:17c APARTMENT, centrally located, 4 light, airy rooms, bath, hot water, part furnished, separate entrance; rent reasonable; immediate posses- sion, 343 Andrew St., Exeter. 17c 4- R00M APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water, private bath. Pen- hale Apartments, 70 John St. East, Phone 294-R._______________3:10:17c 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished. Ap ply Mayfair Apartments, phone 52.19tfc 3 APARTMENTS, unfurnished, for rent at once. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter._________ ______________12tfc 1-BEDROOM HOUSE, modern,, living room, kitchen and 3-piece 'bath, electric stove, fridge and .oil space heater. Apply 583 Huron St., phone 85-W.___________________________17 APARTMENT, 1 mile north of Centralia Airport, 3 rooms, 3-piece bath and shower, hot water, ground floor. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J3 Exeter___________________________17c 45 ACRES, fall ploughed, well drain ed. Apply T. Simpson, 1 mile west of -Whalen,_______________ 17* APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shipka high- way. Phone 6-J Crediton.______16tfc UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 4 rooms, 2-piece bath. Apply Lakeview Hatch- ery.__________ 17 VALUABLE GRASS LAND and cash crop acreage. Will ' rent or share crop. See S. D. Wein, Lakeview Hatchery.____ 17 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfur nished; 1-bedroom apartment, fur nished. Apply John Ward, phone 348.________ 17* FURNISHED APARTMENTS—Com plete, phone upstairs. Apply 357 Carling St., Exeter. 17* Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER 2 APARTMENTS — Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich._____ 9tfc c MAIN STREET APARTMENT—Over Gould and Jory store; living room, bedroom and kitchen; hydro and water provided; available April 1. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. 22tfn* APARTMENT, furnished or (unfur nished, with new private bath, new built-in cupboards; newly decorated, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, hot and cold water on tap, separate entrance; available now. Phone 400- W (evenings).________________<22tfc* LAND—Large acreage, suitable for. cash crops on cash or share crop basis. For further information phone Dashwood 31-r-15 after, 5 p.m. 3:15 - 5:3 SEWING MACHINES—Electric port ables, by the week. Hopper-Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Exeter. 8tfn c MODERN APARTMENT, May 1, furnished or unfurnished. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, phorie 86. 3tfc REAL ESTATE FRAME HOUSE, 5-room; 2-storey, shingle covered, in Centralia; nice garden lot. Apply Mrs. Alvin Essery, phone Exeter 378-W4,__________lQtfc ■VALUABLE BUILDING LOT—This lot is situated in residential section close to business part of Exeter. Act fast. B. W. F. Beavers, phone 86. 3tfc HENSALL Brick home with good location. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, new furnace. Priced reasonably, with terms. Inquire at once. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensall, Ontario.19tfc CENTRALIA—Comfortable 3-bedroom home with 1% acres of good land. This house is in good repair and nicely decorated; inside toilet; garage. Price $3,500.00. C. V. Pickard, Real- tori_______ _______ ______________19 EXETER HOMES—C. V. PICKARD 3- BEDROOM BRICK, in best of con dition, oil heated; nicely treed lot, with good garage; immediate possession. Reduced price makes this property particularly good buy. 4- BEDROOM HOUSE—This home is nicely decorated throughout; hard wood floors hnd fireplace; forced oil heat; exti-a lots, beautifully treed; garage. Price $7,500.00 with very easy terfris. 3-BEDROOM HOME—Exeter North, With ohie acre. A clean home at the very low price of $1)900.00. Immediate pos s loti < 3-BEDROOM BRICK COTTAGE, very attractive living room, dining room, convenient toortiy kitchen, t 3-piece bath, .permanent laundry tubs. This comfortable home is particularly well located on d beautifully treed lot. Owner leaving town. Quick posses sion. 2-STOREY BRICK, 3 bedrooms, choice location. This property is in WbndehfUl condition and has every modern convenience including new oil burning' fUVnace and water soft ener. Extra large lot is nicely treed. Brick garage, Possession arranged. Ifyou wish to buy‘orsell.sce^C. V, Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St.r Exeter, phone 165 and 628. 12tfc 100-ACRE FARM, one of Huron’s good quality farms, , vVell Underdrained, gOOd barns. sllp, good house with conveniences;. Exeter area, William Pearce, Realtor; Earl parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. ........ 16tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE With Oil furnace; east side of E*eter; cldse to Schools. R. Balkwill, 47 John St. IN GRAND BEND—Double Overnight Cabin, like new condition. Apply Willis Gill, phone 38-r-3, Grand Bend.________ __________________17* BUSINESS—Coal and Builders' Supply 'business. Famous “Blue Coal" line, well established, all automatic equipment. Excellent franchisees in building supplies. Good income. For Fuels and Building Products, see Lloyd Ford, phone 299, Exeter. 17 50 ACRES—Bluewater Highway, Bay- field, nice square 50 acres; good soil, suit gardener or hobbyist; (bank 'barn.; good brick house, could ..be duplexed; good wells; hydro; quick possession. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 26tfc BRAY HAS CHICKS available for the markets you aim for. Eggs from Leghorns or Ames In-Cross, etc. Chicks for production • in specialized fields. Started to order. Order now for reasonably prompt shipment. Full information. Agent: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 17c SERVICES SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING— Houses, barns, roofs, etc. Arrange with us early. Lyman Gratton, Grand Bend, phone 53. 17:24:31:7* LAWN CUTTING—Anyone wanting their la,wn cut, phone 594 Exeter, after 6 p,m. 17* SEPTIC TANKS pumped out, Im- medifate service. Butler Bios., Lu can, phone 108 or 130-W. 3:10:17:24:31:7 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL 2 Blocks South of United Church WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1:00 P.M. Three-piece chesterfield suite; oval parlor table; oak table; rug, Ox-lOp Quebec heater; solid oak dining room suite; China cabinet; buffet table- and 6 chairs; complete bedroom suite;, bed springs; mattress; dresser; Oros- ley frig( 6 months old); rangette; , cook stove; kitchen cabinet; buffet; 4 chairs; electric iron; chest of drawers; combination dresser and. wash stand; wardrobe o congoleunx rug; scatter mats; rocking chairs; occasional chairs; hassock; mirrors; Pictures; cooking utensils; curtains; drapes; silverware; set bridal rose china; ornaments;' vases; tea pot; antique china; sealers; clocks; other- articles too numerous to mention/'TERMS: Cash. MRS. GEO. DALYRMPLE, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 10:17 LOST HANDBAG—Large light tan calf skin handbag. Containing change and paper. On No. 4 highway between •Exeter and Lucan, on evening of May 12, Reward. Call collect Zurich 162. t . 17c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used’’ For artificial insemination infor mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M, We have all 'breeds available—top quality at low cost. 4:26tfc NOTICES MANURE LOADING—Apply Norman Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W. 12tfc c DOG OWNERS IN DASHWOOD (No dog is allowed to run at large during the summer months, by bylaw No. 15, 1953, effective May 15, 1956. VILLAGE TRUSTEES 17 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERHANGING & PAINTING—40 years' experience. Quality workman ship. Wallpapers available. Bert Olark, 430 Albert St., Exeter. 12tfn PALOMINOS, the world’s most beau tiful horse. Breed to a champion. Standing '.-at stud. “Mac’s Golden Ace", registered, Grand Champion Palomino at Royal Winter Fair. To ronto, 1955. Fee $25 at time of service.. “Stonewall Pot O’ Gold", registered American! saddlebred Palomino. Recently imported from United States. Fee at time of service $25 and $35 to registered approved mares. Also for sale yearly Palomino ■filly; several Western and English saddles for horses and ponies. At A. Whllis Farms, “Whalen Corners”, R.R. 1 Granton, phone 29-22 Gran ton. Owner A. E. Boug, 629 Queen’s Ave., London, Ont. 17c FARMERS! Have all your saws sharpened and set at Stew's Sharp ening Service, 105 Sanders St,, Ex- eter, phone 454._______________ 3tfc Repairs Cement Mobile Disposal Contracting (Septic Tank Cleaning i on Brains, Watermains, New Installations on ; Septic Tanks,- Brainage and Brains •Meet Your Requirement Grand Bend Phone 205 10:17:24:5:12:19 To Phone 205 Etc. Tile AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects Corner of Carling and Victoria Sts- TOWN OF EXETER or 2 Blocks West of Blue Sunoco Garage WEDNESDAY, WAY 30, 1:30 P.M. Three-piece chesterfield, -piano, 5- dining room chairs, arm chair, china cabinet, coffee tdble, 2 studio couches. settee, walnut oval table, leather sofa, 2 upholstered chairs, floor lamp, 2 buffets, hall rack with mir ror, odd tables, 2 walnut bureaus, iron bed, single; 2 wooden beds, Z bedroom suites, complete wardrobe. 2 chests of drawers, 4 toilet sets, dressing table, dresser, 2 rocking- onairs, 10 kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, kitchen table, couch, white kitchen glass cupboard, hot plate, upright electric heater, coal heater, kitchen range, hydro stove, McClary refrigerator, linoleum rug, coal oil' lamps, glass and chinaware, fruit dishes, antique dishes, 200 sealers, pictures, child's play- pen, verandah; gate, curtains, drapes, quilts and5 bedding, lawn mower, step-ladder, quantity of wood and coal, garden tools. The above articles are in a goodl state of repair with no reserve. TBiRMS: Cash. MISS DELLA PEART. •MRS. RHODA SHAPTON,• Proprietresses ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer GARNET HICKS, Clerk HELP WANTED OFFICE 'GIRL for bookkeeping. Middleton and Genttncr, Exeter. 17c GIRL OR WOMAN to mind baby while mother works. Phone 351 Sea- forth,________.__________________17 c WOMAN to look after 6-year-ofd boy while mother works. Odd hours. Phone 679-J Exeter.____________17* MALE OR FEMALE ASSISTANT— Either with previous experience or interested in learning to do photo graphic Work. Please reply by mail giving full particulars as to age, education and previous employers, if any. Application forms available at tfhe office of this newspaper. Hender. son’s Studio, Goderich, Ont. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN •SELLING REAL ESTATE? We require a salesman to represent our firm in ybur area to sell farms, residential and commercial proper ties. All advertising- will be paid by our firm. Listings and leads supplied to you. If interested write .us for full information giving details as to your age, <sales experience, automobile, etc. Write or phone Larry Weir, Bert Weir & Sons Ltd., 237 Dundas Street, London. Serving London and district' for 38 years.-________10:17c TO HELP take care of our expan sion program. Ages 26 to 60, with car, neat appearance and character.If your present earnings are not enough for present day living costs, and you are ambitious enough to be willing to do something about it, we can offer you the opportunity of earning at least $100 per week, as many of oui- men have earnings above this figure. Why not take one day off from your present job to investigate. It could easily affect your whole future. Apply Box "R”, Times- Advocate. 10:17c TENDERS WANTED •Miimiuiiiiiimiiiiitiiii.......................................................................................................iiiiiimiiAiliiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimtg And The/ Rains Came NOW IS THE Time to Fertilize IF YOU HAVE NOTHING- MORE TO GIVE THAN A SINCERE GREETING, YOU'RE GIVING A LOT Be Sure To Use your Lawns, shrubs, FLOWERS & GARDENS Vigoro Fertilizers Sheep Manure Peat Moss TENDERS FOR’COAL South Huron District High School Board invites tenders for Coal for the school building on Gidley Street, Exeter. Livingston Stokers require 150 tons of IVi x ¥4, oil treated stoker coal. Tenders should quote price per ton delivered at the school as required, and include an analysis. Please address tenders to the Secretary of the Board, E. D. Howey, EXeter, Ontario, by May 31,- 1956. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted.____ ___________17:24 TENDERS FOR TRUCKSSealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents^ will be received (by the undersigned until 5 p.m., Monday, Jlune 4th, 195'6, for the supply of two approximately 3 ton trucks, equipped as follows: — heater and defroster— electrical directional signals, front and. rear — 9.00 x20, 12 ply tires — outside, mirrors— 2 speed rear axle — dark green in colour— all lights required by law — equipped with Galion Champion (7’x 11’ approx.) 12N3 box with No. 710 hoist. Wheelbase sufficient (to allow mounting of above 'body.—• No trade in — Lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. J. W. BRIT.NELL,Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich. 17c BULL-DOZING DUMP GROUNDS Sealed tenders will be received by the Undersigned Dashwood Trustee up until May 31, 1956, for ‘ “ dozing dump grounds and road Ing to dump. ERVIN RADER, Box 57, Dashwood SIDEWALKSealed tender’s will ibe received by the undersigned Dashwood Trustee up until May 31. 1956, for constructing 6,000 eq. ft, of sidewalk in village.ERVIN RADER. BOX 57, Dashwood REWIRING Tenders will be received for some rewiring work to be done at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Ai>- plications to bo in the hands of the management by June 1, 1956. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply Clarence Volland, HeniMll. 10:170 Tenders for concession privileges for the Exeter Race Meet to bo held on Wednesday, May 30, 1956, are to be in the hands Of the secretary not later than May 23. W. C. ALLISOH, secretary 3:10:17 bull lead1 17 17 7 See Our Merry Tiller Garden Tractor and Power Lawn Mowers % CERTIFIED A SEED POTATOES COBBLERS, KATAHDINS, SEBAGOS Baler Twine Carload of Belgium Corbell’s twine to arrive first half of June. Take delivery off car and save money with cash discounts allowed. We suggest you inquire about these savings, place, your order now and not miss these savings. Also Your Choice Of DANISH and BRANTFORD TWINES LAURENTIAN TURNIP SEED — $1.85 LB. SUGAR BEET AND MANGEL SEED Seed Corn For Sale or Contract WARWICK, PFISTER DEKALB, JACQUES Order Yours Now •x Fertilizer For cash our prices are as low as any. 0-20-20, 4-12-10, 5-10-13, 10-10-10 Ammonium Nitrate, Etc. Special This Week Special Acme Mineral — $10 Cwt* Recommended for pasture feeding. GRAIN-FEED-SEED EXETER 73^ ••WHALEN CORNERS KIRKTON 35RI5> £ E,