The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-16, Page 7THS TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY Ife 1956
News ofStephen, Hay Councils
Plan Bridge Building Clandeboye
Lucan And District News
iStepheu Gouucil agreed at a
recent meeting to -build two con
crete bridges Ip the township
tihlft year, one near the farm of
Edwar4 Chambers, the other on
the ® Dine,
Salary of (Clerk-treasurer F. W,
Morlock was increased to $1,400.
■Goaflcll approved the increased
estimates of $1'37’,000 for the
five-room addition to South
Huron District High (School.
The MCCartei* Municipal Drain
and the iSitter Municipal Dr&in
Repair reports were provisionally
Alvin IBaker and W. IF. Hod
gins were re-appointed warble
fly and brucellosis inspectors.
Tenders are being called for the
-Fox bounties were -paid to
Louis Masnica and Roy Treibner.
Grants of $25 each were made
to the Huron 'County iSeed 'Fair
at Clinton and the Salvation Ar
my. Membership fees were paid
to the Ontario Association of
Rural Municipalities and the Ont-
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(iSouth of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Natnrelle Permanent Waving '
Lustron Cold Wave*' •>
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
ario Good Roads Association.
Reeve Jack Morrissey presided
and sill councillors were present.
Hay Orders Cement
(Hay Township Council is
making plans to build two brid
ges this year. The council order
ed 600 bags of cement for con
struction at its February meet
Tenders are being called for
the Stephen Drain.
A by-law was passed providing
■for an estimated expenditure of
$40,000 on the. township roads?
•Council approved grants of $2'0
to the Dashwood Library and $10
to the Salvation Army. A request
for a donation of $175 toward
the hospital at Goderich was
Tenders are being called for
warble-fly spraying in the town
ship and applications are being
received for inspector.
M'ilfred Schilbe was appointed
to the Hay Township Commun
ity Centre Board as a representa
tive of the Zurich police village
and Bob McKinley was appointed
from the hockey club. The Zurich
Chamber of Commerce has been
requested to appoint a member.
Only six men have served as
Prime Minister of Canada since
The Boys’ and Youth Commit
tee, of which Mr. •Ganfrey Cann
is convener, arranged the Febru
ary meeting of the A.Q.T.S, Men’s
Club of James St. Church which
took the form of a lather and
son banquet Monday evening.
Bill (Pollen was guest speaker,
telling of (the Older Boys’ Parlia
ment which be attended in To-'
rente- He told what the Parlia
ment was, how it was constituted
and what it meant to each one
who attended. The theme of the
session of Parliament was “Seek
Ye First the Kingdom of God”
and was 'a challenge to Christian
Dr. «H. H. Cowen, president,
was toastmaster and a toast to
(the church was proposed by
Carfrey Cann and responded to by
Rev. H. J. 'Snell; to the fathers,
proposed Iby Dean McKnight and
responded ”to by Mayor R. E.
Pooley; and to the sons, proposed
by R- D. Jermyn and responded
to by 'Fred Ward.
The ichief item of business was
making plans to attend charter
Former Minister
Dies In Windsor
Rev. Arthur (Sinclair, of Wad-
i>or, passed away suddealy In
Windsor hospital on .Saturday.
®orn in the (Sarnia area, Mr.
clair was former minister of
Hensall United Church from
to USS. From Hensall he min*
istered at Blyth United Ghurth,
from there to Windsor, and
the time of his death he was 'retired supply at Walker Hoad Uni
ted Church, Windsor.
(Surviving are his widow,, the
former Elva Jermyn* of Wingham
district one son, Norman, Wind
sor, one daughter Mrs. Harold
T. iSherritt, (Marion) Buffalo,
Junior Farmers
Stage Festival
The Middlesex County Junior
Fwmerq staged their first Drama Festival in the Jlderton Com
munity Hall Monday evening,
February 13, with three branches
The Edenton club put on
"Good Night Carolyn”; Lucian
followed with "Be Home By Mid
night" and then Thorndale with
“The Last Cache”,
The adjudicator was Mr.
Charles Brown of the London
Little Theatre, who was most
kind in his criticisms. His sug
gestions of improvement should
be. helpful in future plays. In
summing up, he said it was very
hard to make a decision but he
ifia/vored the third play, “The
Last Cache”.
Lucan Irish
Riding High
The Lucan Irish finished up their regulation schedule in the
W.O.A.A. Big Eight League this
week with.a bang. Monday night,
February 6, at Blackwell they
were winners to the tune of 19- 0.
(On Wednesday night at Lucan
they again defeated Blackwell
11-2 and for a grand finish on
Friday night they defeated Wat
ford 10-4 at Lucan. Lucan fans
are mighty proud of their fine
(team and hope they do as well
when the playoffs begin in the
Council Seeks
Parking Help
The February meeting
village council was held
council room 'with Reeve
■in ..... .
Stanley, McIntosh and Reilly pre
The Clerk is to send a recom
mendation to the Lucan Hydro
'Commission requesting a light be
■placed on the hydro pole located
in, the back of Bevington’s
butcher shop and one on Alice
street between Beach and Main
.'Constable Laughton in'terviewr
ed the business men and request
ed that they and their employees
refrain from parking their cars
on the (main street during busi
ness hours.
Guild Elects 1956. Officers i
At a meeting of (the Altar
Guild of Holy Trinity Church
last Monday evening, Rev. J. P,
Brest w'ais elected president for
1956, with vice-president, Mrs.
Clarence Haskett; secretary, Mrs.
J. P. Prest; treasurer, Mrs. Glare
Stanley; flower committee, Mrs.
M. O. Smith and Mrs. Kay Egan.
Five new members were en
rolled, Mrs. Clare Stanley, Mrs.
Gerald Lewis, 'Mrs. Calvin Has
kett, Mrs. Douglas Scott and Mrs.
Allan Scott, making a total
17 members, .
Local Merchants
Honor T. S. Hill
Some 30 members of the Lu
can Business Men held an infor
mal .gathering in the Stanley
drug store last Tuesday evening
to honor one of their members',
Mr. T. S. Hill, who will soon be
leaving to take up his new
duties as station agent of the
C.N.R. at Woodstock.
'During the evening, Mr. Hall
was presented with a piece of
(luggage* and a pen and penteil
W,I. Family Night
The members of the Women’s
Institute held their family night
with a ham supper on Wednes
day evening in it'he (Sunday
iS'chool room of 'the United
■Church, when 70 attended.
An unusual roll call for the
•gents was answered by “Where
and how I met my wife”. The
program committee included Mrs,
Ernie Lewis, Mrs. Clarence
-Hardy, Mr-s. Mac McNaughton,
Mrs. Rupert Williams and Mrs.
Arnold Blake. .
Miss Ann Revington of Lucan
Showed moving pictures. Mrs,
(Clarence Hardy conducted com
munity singing with her daugh
ter, Miss Helen Hardy, at the
piano. Piano solos were given by
Miss Jeanette Blake; Master
Tommy and Kenneth Hardy sang
a duet and Miss- Marjorie Donald
son sang a solo.
“Clandeboye Menuettes”
The junior girls attended
Achievement Day on Saturday
afternoon at Medway School,
Arva, with 18 in attendance.
Provincial Honors award was
won by Mrs. Jack Heaman for
completing 12 club projects. Cer
tificates of achievement recog
nizing completion of two club
projects went to Janice Macin
tosh, Nancy Scott, Ruth Donald
son, Nancy Elson, Maxine Dixon,
Phylis Lee, 'Sandm 'Williams,
Marlene Ha-rri&on, Beth MciRann.
Others that won spoons were
Donna and Janet Blake, Jackie
Williams, Suzy Murless, Rose
mary Hall, Marlene Hotson, Max
ine Dixon and Miss M. Thomp
Personal Items
.Miss Marlon T h o m p s o n ,
teacher, and pupils of Clande-
boye 'Sdh'oo'l Section No. 4 and 12
held a Valentine party on Tues
day -atfernoon. After the exchange
of valentines, lunch and ’ candy
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
■and Mrs. Wilfred Leitch, Den-
'Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, of
Petrolia, spent the weekend with
tihe latter’s family, Mrs., Emily
Miss Mary Carter, of London,
and Mr. Bill Walden, Thedford,
spent Sunday with the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
(Miss S'hirley Rollings spent the
weekend with Miss Marlene .Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and
Glare Paton were guests of Mr.
•and Mrs. -Dave Hills, London, on
Mr. Gordon McDonald, London,
visited one day last week with
■Mr. and Mrs. Ceafur Atkinson.
Mrs. Alvin*Cunningham visited •last week with her\ sister-in-law,
Mrs. Idia iPrest and family, of
R.-R. 3 Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Hetbent Ashworth, Ilder-
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis, of
Lucan, were guests with the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
‘Ernie Lewis, on Sunday.
;Mps. Emily Neale, of Hensall,
spent the weekehd with Mr. and
of the
in the „_IBI Lewie
the chair and Councillors
when the playoffs begin in
near future.
Social And
night on (Saturday, February 18,
of Wingham A-O.T.S. which the
Exeter club is sponsoring.
Weekend Specials
Al's Groceteria
Our coat sizes range from 10 to 20.
For the shorter ladies, 73 to 15J.
For stouter wiomen, 123 to 243,
Phone 190
Men's Wear
Rainwear will be ‘exceptionally .popular this year. We have
them in dressy styles of baric cloth in high shades at $25.95
to $81.95. .
We still hhve a rack of ladies' and misses’ dresses, good
styles, on sale at 25% Off Regular Prices.
Nylon Hosiei’y Special-—A real bargain this mouth—60 gauge,
15 denier, first quality Orient brand nylons. New spring shades
at 99(5 pair. Ask to See them.
Phone 287 Collect
EXETER Phone 190
- Ladies', Children's and Babies' Wear
Dry Goods — Floor-Coverings, Ete.
Meat Specials
Fresh Pork Shoulders ............................
Fresh Pork Butts ...................................
Shoulder Pork Chops ......................
Beef Pot Roast .......................................
Swift's Premium Rineless Side Bacon
Ready-To-Eat Picnics
290 Lb.
390 Lb.
430 Lb.
290 Lb.
590 Lb.
430 Lb.
1 .........
Grocery Specials
Libby's Pork & Beans, 20-Oz.....................2 for 350
Aylmer Pork & Beans, 20-Oz................... 160 ■
Wagstaffe Orange Marmalade, 24-Oz. ............. 290
Aylmer Pineapple Tid Bits, 15-Oz...........2 for 390
Culverhouse Pumpkin, 28-Oz....................2 for 290
Fab, Reg. Size, ^-Price’ Deal ..................2 for 590
Vel, Regular Size .......................................... ........ 290
Pamolive Soap, Regular Size...................4 for 290
Mazola Oil, Quarts .............................................. 730
Paramount Pink Salmon, Halves........................ 250
Gold Seal Tuna Fish ............................................ 370
Lipton Tea .......................................................... 650
Sheriff's Pie Crust................................................ 330
Muffets ..........................................................3 for 310
Our Own Blend Tea .......................................... 790
Green Giant Peas, 15-Oz...........................2 for 330
And Meat Market
Hensall Ontario
Exeter District
Ladies & Misses
Easter is early this year, so we have taken early delivery of
our spring 'coats. Come soon while we have a large stock to
choose from. Use our lay-away plan if you wish.
Here are the latest styles in all the multi-colored weaves;
■also plain shades in beige, blue, tan, grey and green etc.
Reasonably priced from $24.95 to $52.95.
Lions Consider
4-H Sponsorship
Mrs. Cliff Shipley’s group
Holy Trinity Guild catered., for
the dinner meeting of the Lu
can Lions.. Club last Monday
might in 'the ” basement of the
church. Mr. William Walters was
the guest speaker land three other
members of (the Parkhill Lions
Club were also guests.
Mr. Walters spoke on the
organization of a 4-H Club. After
hi® laddress the Lucan club held
a lengthy discussion as /
possibility of organizing a 4-H
Clu'b in Lucan.'
Mr. Harold Whyte of Lucan
gave an interesting talk, on .the,
ethics of Lionism. ' 1’-
Teachers Discuss
The staff /of
iS ch oo'l 'attended
meeting of the
North London
sdciation held in it
to tihe
Discipline .
Lucan Public
•the February
Biddulph and
Teachers’ As-
■tihe Clandeboye
school last Tuesday afternoon.
Following a display of note
books, tlhe meeting was divided
into groups for the discussion of
•discipline problems.
W.I. News
■In 'the absence of Mrs. Frank
Hardy, -Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
vice-president of the Lucan W.I.,
presided at a successful eleven
Hamilton, the euchre prize, and
'Miss Lin-a Abbott, the
Ibridge and euchre dessert
in the Anglican Parish
last Thursday afternoon.
Clarence Haskett won the
number prize, Mrs. Roy
week, Principal
staged, a poster
B. H.
_ ___ contest
with his Grade VII and VIII
pupils. The boy and girl making
'the best poster advertising the
Anglican Men’s oyster supper
which Was held in the church
basement on Monday would re
ceive a complimentary ticket (to
the supper.
The' two lucky winners were
(Carolyn Odd and Carl Rummell.
Victoria Jane Brownlee, daugh
ter of LAC and Mrs. William
Brownlee, of Centralia, was bap
tized in Holy Trinity Church
last Sunday afternoon by the
Rev. J. P. 'Prest. Godparents
were Miss Joselyn Limbrich, of
Ottawa, Miss Margaret Brownlee
and Mr. Charles Elson.
Teachers And Officers Meet
Mr. Harold Whyte, in the ab
sence of 'the. (superintendent,
chaired the monthly meeting of
the Sunday
officers in _ _
parlors last Sunday evening. The
suggestion box was opened and
the contents- discussed. A “sun
rise service” Easter (Sunday for
the Sunday School was one of
the suggestions discussed.
H. A S. Executive Meets
At a meeting of the Home and
School executive last Thursday
evening, Rrincdpail B. H. Elliott
.presented the letter re “licentious
reading” wlii'ch he had drafted.
Tl)e same was approved by the
executive and a copy mailed to
■the Attorney General the next
day, together -with a parcel of
objectionable literature.
The Home and School hopes
that some steps can be taken to
prevent obscene magazines get
ting into the hands Of children.
$ch'ool teachers and
the United Church
After a two weeks’ visit with
her sister, Mrs. E. L. Gibson, of
Exeter, Miss Hattie Hodgins ’ re
turned home last Tuesday.
Mr, M. O. Smith left last Mon
day for the James Bay district
where he will 'be employed at
antenna raising and micro-wave
Mrs. Lome Genttner, of D'ash
wood, was a Thursday guest
with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson.
Mrs. M. O. Smith, Mi’s. Irene,
'Cioursey, Miss Marion Coursey
and Mr. Merrill Edwards, attend
ed the A.Y.P.A. Drama Festival
at St. John the Evangelist
Church, iStnathroy, last Thursday
Messrs. Wilbert, Wes and Glen
IRevington arrived home from
Florida last Monday. While there,
■Mr. Willbent Rev-ington was a
guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs.
Bert Elliott, while.Wes and Glen
vtere guests of Dr. and Mrs. Jack
'Rectory visitors' this week in
cluded 'Mrs. Brest’s brother, Mr.
■S. B. Ashby, of Brantford, and
Mr. and Mrs. Orland McLeoid
■and Mr .'and Mrs. Keith Carter
of Bervie, on Saturday.
Mrs. J. P. Prest spent last
Friday with Kincardine and
Bervie friends.
Mr, C. H, Knapp of St. Thomas
called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
man last Friday.
Miss Marion Coursey attended
'the A.Y.P.A. conference in Lon
don last weekend.
Rose Marie Robb and June
Mackenzie, of Sarnia, and Mrs.
Orval Guy, of Mitchell, were re
cent visitors with Mr.
■Cecil Robb.
Mrs. -Cecil Robb is
the Ferant Clinic for
of a back injury.
/The men- of Holy Trinity
“GnUrch, Lucan, held "their oyster
and foam supper in the (church
basement last Monday night. Con-
tsiderable credit goes 'to the
ladies, who set the tables, pro
vided the . pies and cakes, etc.
■and overlooked the cooking..
Canon and Mrs. H. B. Ashby
of Ayr were recent visitors' with
their daughter, Mrs. J. P. Prest,
Mr. Prest and family.
'.Mrs. Viola Jenkins, of Brad
ford, was a weekend guest with
•'Mr.. vand Mrs. Erwin Scott.
’.■jIHea'ther Acheson and Frank
lEg'an ; sang' last Saturday eve
ning 'at the Registered Music
Teachers’ Federation recital, held
in London.
; Mrs. Cap Howard, who is at
present home from St. Joseph’s
Hospital, is in poor health. Her
Sister, Mrs. J. McGillicuddy, of
Forest, i(s with her at present.
LAC and Mrs. Billy Bonwnlee
and family, of Centralia, were
Sunday .guests with Mr. and Mrs.
William Brownlee.
iMrs. Devine, of London, was a
weekend guest with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Clare Stanley, and Mr.
•Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins
and .Don spent last Sunday in
Woodstock, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. (Sam Earle and family.
'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hedging,
Joey and Judy, of Owen Sound,
are spending a week with Luican
and district relatives and friends.
Guests with Mrs. Will Diickins
this week included Mrs. Eldon
Caldwell, of Sheddon, on Wed
nesday, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Noeils, of Springfield, on Satur
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and
family spent last weekend in
Oakville, the guests of Mrs. P.
0. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFarlane,
■while on (a 10-day vacation, were
guests of Mt.
Wihite, of Newmarket, and Mr.
iand Mrs-. Gordon Bantermian, of
Rev. James Allies of the
United States is holding revival
services at the Pentecostal
Chutch, Lu'can, February 7-19.
On Friday night, a missionary
film on Mexico will be shown.
Saturday night will be a youth
rally meeting.
■Mr. and Mrs. L. Sholdice of
London were Monday guests wi'Oh
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Atkinson.
Miss, Merle Law, of London,
was a weekend guest With her
sister, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. E. Knowles .
Dies In Hospital
Funeral services for Mrs.
Ernest Knwv-les, who died dn St.
Joseph’s Hospital, Saturday, in
her fifty-eighth year after a
lengthy illness, were held from
the C, Haskett and Son Funeral
Home, Lucan, Tuesday. (Rev. J.
/Slade of Woodham officiated. In
terment was in Exeter Cemetery.
PalPbearers were William French, Wellington Brock, Ross (Hern,
Thomas (Hern, Clarence Johns
and Norman Jbhns.
Mrs. Knowles, the former Re
becca Boynes, was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Boynes and was born on Con.
16/ London Township. Foi’ a
time s'he lived in Lwpan but for
the past 19 yeans lived on Con.
9, Uslbor-ne Township,
IS'he is survived by her hus
band, Ernest Knowles, two
daughters and throe sons, Mrs,
Ja'ck Munroe, of London, Anna,
Anna, Franklin and Grant, at
home, and William, of Pt. Credit;
also three brothers, Harvey, of
Lucan, and George and Ernest
of Detroit.
Sunday School
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
“Teach Me Th/, Truth, O Lord”
Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich
and Mrs.
and Mrs. Cliff
Sign Work
See the
“Personalized Service”
Comments About
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
.Sunday, February 19, 1956
10:00 a.m,—"The Why of the
11:05 a.m.—.Sunday .School
7:30 p.m.—"The Hardest Word”
Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
First Sunday In Lent
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:15’ a.m,—(Sunday School
11:30 a.m.—-Morning Prayer
Wednesday, February 22
7:00 p.m.—Uhoir Practice
8:00 p.m.—Shor.tened Evensong
Mrs. Aimer Hendrie.'
Quilting is very popular with
the ladies of both churches.
W.A. -of the United Church
quilted 'two in the Sunday School
room, one at the home of Mrs.
Rupert Williams and one at the
home of Mrs. T. Collins.
The Ladies Guild of St. James'
Church have
at the home
at the home
and one at
have Use The
quilted three; one
of Mrs. Tomes, one
of Mrs. J. Harrison
the home of Mrs.
Magic Marker
Personal Items
The pupils and opre school
children of S.'S. No. 6 were treat
ed to a valentine party on Fri
day afternoon. After a- short pro
gram games were played and the
children exchanged valentines.
Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing returned
home on Saturday after visiting
for two months with their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Eves, Moosejaw, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dow and-
Roger visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen.
Mr. and MrS. W. N, Binning
and family, Mitchell, visited on
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. K.
-Mr. James Ramsay, George
town, spent the weekend with
•his parents, Mr. and Mfs. Alex
The regulai* meeting of the
Y.P.S. was held on -Sunday even
ing with Phillip James -presiding.
Margaret Walker- read the scrip
ture lesson. George Vivian read a
chapter from Jhe Study Book and
Kenneth Walker a .poem.
It' was decided to have a box
social in the church basement on
Thursday evening.
Miss Alice Howe spent the
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
Jas. Howe.
i ........ . ■
Rev. H. Filcse, Supply Minister
Sunday, 2 p.m.—Dutch Service
All Welcome
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. Glen R. Strpme, Minister
10:00 'a.m.—Worship Service
‘‘God’a (Chances”
11:00 a.m.—'Sunday 'School
7:30 p.m.—Evening Service
"(Held In His Love”
Wed., 8 p.m.—Mid-Week 'Service
Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Service
"Conquering Christians”
Wed., Feb. 22—Lenten Service
“The Lamb of God”, "The Re
deemer Appointed by God”
Samuel Kerr, B.A.,
J. G. Cochrane, Organist
a.m.—iSundhy School '
-Morning Worship
Sermon 'Subject: "I Believe In
God”—First in series on the
Apostle’s Creed.
Rev. H. J, Snell, Pastor
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.,
Musical Director
10:00 ia,m.—'Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—'Morning Worship
Lent e*n Meditations on the
Theme "Witnesses of His Re
surrection — 1, Mary Magda
Anthem by the Choir
(Solo: Maxine Reeder
7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship
Sermon Subject: "Nahum—a
Prophet of Faith in God”
■Girls’ Chorus
A Warm Welcome
■Is Extended To All
United Church Of Canada
Rev. Alex’r Rapson, Minister
Mrs. A. Willard, Organist
10:00 ___ _
(3 years and under) In the-
Primary Department.
11:15 a.m.—The Church School
“Draw Nigh Unto God and He
Will Draw Near Unto You”
a.m.—Service of Worship-
Beginners (4 and 5 years)'
withdraw from the sei*-
during the second hymn.
a.m.—The Nursery Class'
Sunday, February 19
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Wed. 8 -p.m.—Bible 'Study and
Friday, 8 p.m.—Christ’s Ambas
are Welcome in the
of the Old Fashioned
Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor
Good Buys For This Weekend
See More Details in the Full-Page "SUPERIOR" Ad
in The London Free Press Each Thursday
Always Serving You Better - Saving You More
Prices Effective February 16, 17 and 18
Dole's Fancy Fruit Cocktail
Shirriff S LUSHUS Jelly Powders 3
Maple Leaf Tea Bisk
20-OZ 0 QOa TINS £ for OwC
PKGS. 26c
Robin Hood □ LUCK COOKING Oats
Tree Sweet Orange Juice
Tide Or Blue Cheer 12c Off
Domestic Shortening 9Qf*
Off Package ..................... fciWV
Cherry Pie Filler
E. D. Smith's, 20-OZ. Tin ..
Lennox Applesauce
Liquid Detergent
Maple Leaf, 70 Off, 12-Oz. . VWV
5 lbs. 45c
plebr 53c
fish sticks
^2. 35c
Peas O
Nature’s Best, 15-Oz," far
Sweet Potatoes
Peter Pan, 20-Oz, Tin ....
Golden Corn O
Aylmer, Choice ... * for
Cheery Morn Coffee
Per 'Lb................. ...................... ..
Pl feC E
The Best Place To Shop After All
J. H. Jones Groceries
Phones: 32 and 752 Free Delivery