The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-02-09, Page 10By MARJORIE STEINER
Feminine Facts ’n Fancies
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
Games Net $180
For SH Auxiliary
The ladle® of the Auxiliary to
South 'Huron Hospital were grati
fied at the success of their even*
ins of bridge and euchre at the
hospital on Wednesday evening,
w Eighteen tables of bridge and
■nineteen tables -of euchre were
in play. The prizes were donated
by Miss A. Claypole, superintend
ent of. the hospital, and 'the re
gistered nurses on her staff.
'Bridge prizes were presented to
Mrs. Allan Fraser and Mr. Wes
Watson. Euchre prizes went to
Mrs. Jack Dickins and Mr. H. j
Carroll and to Mrs, Heber Davis,
for Ione hands.
The ways and means commit
tee of which Mrs, C. !S. Mac-
Naughton is convener were in
charge of the arrangements. Mrs.
R. E. Russell, president,' spoke
•briefly in appreciation. The pro
ceeds amounting to $180 will be
used to purchase hospital sup
Rob your Rest..
Many people never «eem to get a good
nighfa reat They turn and toss—blame it
on ‘nerves’—when it may he their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids fronj the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system—disturbed
rest often follows. If you don’t rest well
get and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s
help the kidneys so thst you can rest
better—and feel better. 136
Dodds Kidney Pills
Valentine parties are always
fun-especially for the young
folks. And decorations are so
colorful and easy to plan they are
no problem at all.
We have some suggestions for
food to serve at a Valentine par
ty. The first recipe was sent to
us by Mrs. 'Claus Lee of London,
the former Jean Snell, whose
home town is Exeter. (iHow we
do appreciate -the recipes which
come to us unsolicited!)
Valentine Fruit Salad
(Mrs, Claus Lee.)
2 pkgs, cream cheese
cup salad dressing
cup peanuts
cup pineapple chunks
cup chopped celery
cup drained red cherries.
Soften iy2 tbsps. gelatin in %
cup' cold water. Dissolve over
hot water. Cool. Add above mix
ture. Fold in 1 cup cream whip
ped and a few grains of salt.
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Naturelie Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold! Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71-W Exeter
GIVE "Something From
i Chill and unmold. This recipe
will serve 10.
* * * *
Last week our W.A. held
annual pot-luck luncheon,
have called it a banquet would
not have been an exaggeration.
We did a little "slewthing” and
discovered where quite a few of
the delicious foods originated.
Mrs. W. C. Allison very wil
lingly gave us her recipe for a
dessert that was very popular.
We know -those who sampled it
and many others will want t.o
try it. With the addition of a red
cherry or -two it would be perfect
for a Valentine party.
Pineapple Torte
(Mrs. W. iC. Allison.)
1 pkg. lemon jello dissolved
in 2 cups boiling water and pine
apple juice combined. While hot
add 18 marshmallows cut fine.
Let cool. When partly set, whip
jello. Then whip 1 cup cream
and add 1 cup drained crushed
pineapple and % cup sugar.
Combine with jello mixture.
(Combine 2'0' graham wafers
crushed with % cup sugar and
a y3 cup .melted -butter. »
Pack y2 crumb mixture .in bot
tom of flat pan. Pour jello mix
ture evenly over it. Spread re
maining crumbs on top. Place in
frig to set. Cut in squares to
serve.* * * *
Lemon jello also forms the
basis for a second dessert recipe
contributed by Mrs. Allison.
Lemon Dessert
(Mrs. W. C. Allison.)
1 pkg. lemon jello
1% cups boiling water
% cup sugar
juice and rind of 1 lemon.
Mix all -together and let
until syrupy. Whip until double
■in bulk. Add a 6 oz. can of car
nation milk which has been chil
led and whipped. Line a' dish
with graham wafer crumbs. Pour
lemon mixture over them and top
with wafer crumbs. To serve cu-t
in squares and top with whipped
cream and a cherry?
| On February 14
| Sweetheart’s Day is a day to remember those you
1 love ... in a way that they’ll love ... we mean a gift
i from the Jewellers. A present from Jack Smith’s insures
= good taste, added prestige, and best-of-all, long-lasting
f quality. Our new Spring Jewellery is here.
Reduced From Regular Price Of $1.00
Phone 510 Exeter
to introduce the sensational new
SUPER Roto-Malic
G»»d HoutktQInf J
and a cherry/
$ * * j
to receive your
recipes you’ve
we heard from
and liked the
friom the Clandeboye
and the apple crisp
Last week
who used
loaf reci-pe
recipe contributed iby Mrs. Van
Goozen. A friend has loaned us
a book of recipes for diabetics.
Will include some in the column
members of Am-
Lodge, Hensail,
Pride of 'Huron
last Wednesday
Entertains Lodge
From Hensail
More than 30
ber Rebekah
were guests of
Rebekah Lodge
The degree team of the local
lodge, with Mrs. Delmer (Skinner
as captain and Mrs. Glenn Fisher
as conductor, conferred the Re
bekah degree on four candidates.
Mrs. William Cann was soloist
for the ceremony. '*■
N.-G. Mrs. Archie McGregor of'
Amber Lodge and Owen Atkin
son, P.N.G. of Exeter Lodge
I.O.-O.F., commended the degree
team on their work.
N.G. Mrs. Stuart Dick con
ducted the business when plans
were made to cater to a banquet
for the Legion Auxiliary on Feb
ruary 10 and to hold a euchre
and dance in the Legion Hall on
February 29. Mrs. Percy Pass-
mo-re will convene t-he banquet
committee and Mrs. R-osS' Taylor
the dance committee. A $5 don
ation was voted to the -Navy
League of Canada.
Opens instantly—cleans all
ovor from 1 position
»999S Roto-Matic ,
»1Q00 Rofo-Doliy with
4 rubber ■wheel*
»2495 Slorage-Chetl
TV Bench
'Be My Valentine'
Say Institute Girls
"Be my Valentine” was the
theme of Junioi’ Institute meeting
held on Wednesday evening Feb
ruary 1.
Sacred mqmen-ts were taken
by Mildred Ballantyne, Maureen
Stewart contributed -a reading
and the roll call was answered
by a -sentimental verse, Current
events were reviewed by Paul
ine Lynn.
The group then convened at
Jack Smith’s Jewellery stere
where Mr. Smith gave a talk- on
china, silverware and crystal,
‘Later, the members joined the
Junior Farmers when Mildred
Ballantyne and Agnes Bray fav
ored with a piano duett and
Maureen (Stewart, a humorous
reading. A recreation period was
conducted by Douglas May.
Enjoy Honeymoon
In United States
At Zion Lutheran church,
Dashwood, Rev.1 L. Higenell -of
ficiated af. the marriage of Eul-
■ene (Rose
Mr. and
Baker, .son
Keller, daughitei- of
Mrs. Adolph Keller,
to William Rhul
of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam G. Baker of Owen Bou-nd, on
Saturday, January 28. Wedding
music was played by Mrs. Edgar
Restemayer, and Mr. Grant Mac
Donald was soloist.
Bride in White
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in
white bridal satin and net featur
ing peter pan collar, fitted bod
ice, long pointed sleeves and
flounced skirt trimmed with se
quins. A crown of seed pearls
-held a French -illusion finger-tip
veil. The bridal bouquet featured
two large white orchids, white
stephanotis, red roses and fern
with long streamers knotted with
■Miss Margaret Keller attended
her sister as maid of honor in
pink net over taffeta. Two sisters
of the groom, Mrs. Victor Eden,
in pa-le yellow, and Mrs. Paul
Robins, -in pale green, were
bridesmaids. They carried match
ing bouquets of red roses, daf
fodils and .stephanotis.
The groom was attended by
Mr. Egerton .Scammell, Mr. Eug
ene Keller, brother of the bride
and Mr. James -Cochrane, brother-
in-law of the groom. The ushers
were Mr. Mervyn Keller and Mr.
Victor Eden.
The reception was held in
the church parlors and then ^t
-the bride’s home.
For travelling in the U.S.A,
-the bride donned a green plaid
dress with -black * accessories and
corsage of
■On their
Baker will
Unrest In Africa
Church Challenge
"The /Christian in Modern -So
ciety” was the topic of the talk
given by Mrs. E. Carter at the
meeting of the Main St. W.M.1S,
and W.A, held in the church on
Thursday afternoon.
iShe referred to the growing
unrest in Asia and Africa against
the West, the chaos caused by
Communism and -the problems of
ever-dncreasing population and
-need for food. She said, "Behind
these phases of the world’s con
dition there is a stalking power
of evil determined to capitalize
them in order to enthrone cha
os. Here are the places at which
Chrisman missions must see both
the danger and the opportunity.”
Mrs. R. E. Russell presided:
for the W.M.IS. -service. Members
are asked to bring birthday
money to the March meeting and
also used iC-hristmas cards to be
sent to the Sick Children’s Hos
pital in Korea.
Mrs. A. J. .Sweitzer presided
for the W.A. session in the ab
sence of -the president, Mrs. J.
McKnight. The devotional was
taken by Rev. and Mrs. A. Rap-
son. The members discussed ways
and means _of raising money for
the churc-h improvements.
A bale of three patched quilits
and three woollen blankets and
used clothing was on display.
This wil-l be shipped to Toronto
to be later sent to Korea.
Auxiliary Studies
American Indians
A film "North American In
dians-fitrangers in their own
Land” was shown by M-ns. And
rew Dixon at ithe February meet
ing of James St. Evening Auxil
iary on Monday evening.
Mrs. Allan Fraser commented
on the problems and mode of
living of the American Indian
today. Mrs. J, Goman contributed
two solos.
Mrs, Wellington Herp,, group
leader, presided for the program
and was assisted in-the worship
by Mrs. J. H. Jones.
Mrs. Ralph Batten, president,
Opened t'he meeting and conduct
ed the business.
-Refreshments featuring Valen
tine motifs were served by Mrs.
Hern arid her group.
+ Napkins + Coasters
roses, -orchids and
+ Informa Is + Stationery
The Exeter Times-Advocate
For Your Old Washer
Main St. Group
Aids Renovation
At. the meeting of the Main
St. Evening Auxiliary held in the
church on Monday evening it was
decided, to hold a St. Patrick’s
supper on Wednesday, March 14.
It was also voted to send a
donation to Korea for food and
to assist in the redecorating of
the church auditorium. Mrs. Wm.
jMcjK^uzie, president!, conducted
the business meeting and urged
the members to attend the
World’s Day of Prayer in James
St. Church February 17’.
Mrs. Clarence McDonald pre
sided for the program in which
the devotional was taken by Mrs.
Jack Doerr and Mrs. A. Bowen.
Mrs. R. Turnbull gave the
study on "Immigration to Can
ada0 showing what responsibilit
ies the church undertakes con
cerning • new Canadians citing
actual contacts with these people.
Mrs. Emalie Carter spoke on
"The Christian in Society.” Mrs.
Gerald -Skinner contributed a
poem and Mrs. Tom Walker, two
Mrs.. McDonald and her group
were ^hostesses for a Valentine’
I Regardless Of Age Or Condition
Anniversary Model 80
Regular . Price $209.50
Anniversary Trade-In Allowance $ 60.00
You Pay Only $149.50
• (Dependable Lovell wringer
with chrome feed boards
• Famous Connor bell
shaped 3-vane gyrator
Large seeds may be sown sing
ly in egg shells; when the plant
has grown the egg shell can be
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done without injury to roots.
Nine-pound capacity •
Titanium porcelain tub
-Sediment zone dirt trap
keeps water clean
• Two - Year Guarantee on
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• Connor precision built
Small Monthly Budget Terms
PHONE 18return Mr. and Mrs.
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*134’° VALUE
»• Nez/ 4-Whool
All that’s modern In ONE: cleaner
and you save *3500 THIS WEEK!
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Clip-on toot*
• Super Power—% H.P. motor
« Amxrina 3-D Ru2 Norrie
witN floating bruth.
•h*® rug low—option*!,
live demonstration a* our afore At one* oi
• N6 Oust B»g to Empty
TtlpW Filter
• So light arid quiat—
weipha 2 to * lb*. lew
• Reduced auction
(6t cfeaiiidti drape*
whall tiEr-otsiir
per week
- Exeter
James Street WA
Enjoys Luncheon
The annual pot-luck luncheon
which Snarks the February meet
ing of James St. Women’s Asso
ciation was arranged by Mrs.
James D. Smith and her .group
last Thursday. Tables were at
tractively set for GO members.
Mrs. E. D. Bell, newly instal
led president, conducted -the busi
ness meeting. Mrs. Allan Fraser,
convener of the ways and means
committee, reported on projects
planned for the year beginning
With a baking sale on February
Mrs. Wes Witmer’s group vol
unteered to cater for the Febru
ary meeting of the AyO.T'.’S- and
Mrs. J. D. Smith’s group will ar
range a banquet for the choir in
March, on February 20 members
of the W.A. will be guests of the Women’s Federation for a
pot luck supper ait the church,
Mrs. J. D. Smith conducted the
devotional period.
H. L. Sturgis -showed colored
pictures and gave an interesting
account of a tour of the British
Isles, France, Germany and Hol
land which, he and Mrs. Sturgis
made last summer.