Huron Signal, 1867-1-31, Page 3Y,
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' _ _. _._ ._ -,_: - --- -- _ - - d Rd cent - - - �� 1
- - _ _ _ _ _ -_. __ _ _,_-..__ - - s __ _ - _ _ i• t4 __ r _ y - .w , �Gsul Dltcrtts9mtnt - - ` tb }Rtllitut>tttltuY j CULU�IIAL HUL' k��:11 la`ull eat Act tit l Kat to Amor + S -FIRE .) �'
0 N it 10 R, It N tM lot of mad -ewe he, whn pad I•htate40 - ` ' thereoL `,
el► hurled his br+ ns- actual the sho at t y,,y, p� �•
• oRendrr's herd, m■micg hem Ly r hair'$ g8IR1l: RS I wHiox]tn.I VIOTORvs $paslp (iOIi Q,H. �• InthematterurH,ekYnlV•n.l"nr, •n,ns•!rrxt. V cuasrqur t o ofie old Mer:
real If, would spend ten m{nulre iia tae noun Now that ILe skatiug mania has broken yyy- J„ U. Mortr"' Cur'efs. the g.wt'" porn N It Q H T d O N LT I � GL�IEB GLUVEB pY 1',n*• w a,,...ahomy Tedford ,n n,r, we the burn•.. out til Lia old •land, �i
7feIM Alemury o! Mtnrk Cwwr out nth viulrurr.e, rn ezchenq• take$ coca- uutm ,. tae w ,oat. will fore Whisker•us Mur TWD lnsephinr'e, .Air■rndrr's, Juuyul's, Uets. "• D Anr,gnee el'I'd -Aot•ot she &b,•e•"omed
w Thu a1r.1+1• aurae I• cleat,, by ►r Y.Iluw hour in re6dwg lht Lish maws to Counor.- .tion to riot lk8 tolluwiu dlrecumas frr u.w t.ehd$ fe grow ,,a the •nrouthml face or ,ren 1 +t Aitzandrlas in white, hlxck and the uudwnlu,o the to Nat,• that bas L.d'
Lrew Lace. I.■,pulwnl, rewkr thn nrur,mene el IM •Iwr• •el. „yelled • cert abuN m tM baildiug RCu and
W-lsaaeu ,• There was Tom Barker, the meanest moa P Y I arrrr ksee'n to fah N.eapk Inr trial and frrw TAE FUCItril ANNUAL TOUR eolun. T'be lame"I Nock in the l'uunties,11 .1,+11 ugvr tur.":e til tl•r Conn Ifw,m, Iw Inas o p
$&asset the number, who lad never bee¢ p•Riocen' ap the
1. Nrrcr to In to tknV in %sin dirrelions to sn w.r dt'*lry . .ta . d• nwau. AeMlroa•
Y n► lane CIL\4. 1:. ABCIIII:.kL(i. I'uwnw'L.lan.•o,onTudsy-,Ips tw•uh,lrl
TheN «.n b ins m., nae .ni •lay upon Is mesio to �•IT0.anything to ally a„* bill....., Brays%Jr Co., 7e N.wm N. Y. GIslerieL, AuJtwl 22nd. 1HG>. ■w 10 t w March „oat, of Iwe,rr ., ,.l- wenn. )Il tIl! 0 L D P 0 S T 0 F F I C F;
• +Lite olrD m • grlsin Calholia cemeter, &bsulutal) Drrlered nu u:J �sckel fur a pair st once. 7hie flat has til ern Dm•n rlto efob (hu krtlen a\ria Yn!rma proyawl) wl9 FAVORITE EXHIBITION ! - _ nehl. IrtIH m1 bd.•yrn of In! hod ;nrdvl++n, n
act many slwlw. from Yaw Yah ; bel you of gate .oars, which r{'tiddler brought in his ed by new beginners, bat never succutdully. __ __ - r and to h,t ....,,,Last Mw•n, , $ fnm•n deie. tit I .y� E S T S T,R E E T ,
wi bl trod them as huudreJ :Imes with ,tit Lraket las lM $bur, wnd oretenlyd them to IlrI ways ends o. w. row. STUANGC, BCT TRUE• �!}�Z•].I �yj,t l.. w,h1h••r ria het, InC ■Ib run nil C.,t:• If
Y 'L. Eat a fort u let far refrewhmenl ! Geary yuuuy I•J).ad grudnnru,n the t'u,rsd seals. 1 st and 2nd February" t ,Lr r,..n•h-p of t'•':4 •roe, and C„m.tT el R'ht M,hn watt �P Mppy to meek hi• friend"
g&rwIng at rte little tragedy they ii diene, Connor fur his Nora's maullepie:e. Arid whJo ak.lirg, wnd M Burr to throw IM res , u hrp.nurthu'y *I'y rash b. Ihor WvwmaR„ by I Hun,¢ eu•ta'u,"e m "Ir one bnndred aed •litre wml ru!tomrra.
den., n.orr ar kr, wrth lhr Ludt. nn,; tb e.wr As M wiehrt IO reduce pit resent et r!;,
without keowiug the humble romance U'ere w,w idle �Icl, the ryTicflDce, who re- amu lM ice liar took n to break their $Mut -tot," p. re ,n ehvtel !ti ■ddrsae,g tae`u,,,M.- r .1 CLEARING SALE • rccta,l, ■t.dkoow.t rite. Y■n.lon, Fxrm. P
rhirh ruJrJ will. tb. placing of thnt s1 u..c ,,rely worked two hoar• nn Cu nor'$ wu•k, •'M xnen. 'Ch... i,..,ua r�arr of tK"'t nu,',mxii n ala pOSITIVEIY FOO TWO OAVa DN�Y g r the gu'ai• wit! let r�8:red •t pneee ¢ I,c�
rarer. F'asl akrtea ora your uutuml ouemiv", Mo,„. by m. ,w ,,.e,R ,"decd. Au e(pe r• wily:.m PUI,IAWK. Inwrr ll:.n hll Lr rl o.
shore eke Jwt of ore poor u,d LumhJe when illneN kept U.e Li■bmn.. al bum* Dian and aboYld mol De rllurtl 1 W enjoy the lade!ere •,drew th•,r••b,Jmut .rvv,l, I OK (11Gr,v1 A,•ig lire les 11. k tl.
ma„• tiny. Connor het tLi•.klndnete, and return wt-Ir••u TI11 U,ar,:�%►%IAK Friday gut Ssterllsf Elenirgs.I Wet AN.rne,'r,01li r, t l7 AI! orders purctuilly attended in.
In hi, shabby frirxaj■Ckel end mud Irdru I mi it rhnserer it ria io bas pwwar, aed the {'e•ceaDly. a.•w .,.t .' `- 4 1 I '1
3. Nit down occasionally, no matter where _ _ __ ---_-- . 1 _ -- ALao, / f( �r1\1 N t v Men• a. YJta or , I+ta_t _ r43tJ) L (Il \ ,O I'.
hie Leu, hr w1uI scarcely an attractive objelt luys fl,w by and brvught,. a lost, a letter -right in lh• r•ay of she re.l of the pnrly, -- R y t f �#PZy,i1$ a�At17LZOO I 1;00 `S ND S110049I - •d Neel St., Uel:• -rich.
mohe walked iiia. Mr. Basin's latest ti.., ...d I,um Lit rife. Ila$aa Mrp.crngA.=1t is rxtif in IV�t)L�'ENT AC'f OF 1861. Ike. ?7, 1Pf,G. r19 tf
d you want to, There Is no law la prevent a know that there is. at leint est rhirh has _ _ _
benlwaro shop, one day, oat pra*tutcd Lim- "She Ili start us h!desired, and she Oh S•,t.n%Y A►TRSROoa ♦t a U'i L•n'a, , .-- ___-__-_.--_ _ _ ___ _-_.-
urw bas inner froms.tun Jowu wheuere[ Lu stool the lest and royfk itself with ILe
Y X p T r h R Ir,.;%'cunt • Cnud .•i lha l'rolad Cnmut■ r
self al the c� ut,r with an was well wnd so rd$ the boy, wnd might the has &n ulcliuulmr In Jo w, when Child:eu *Kill beadmiaeJ tut• 1Uets• Ready -Made clUihl�g y I�OTYOE
•' Vvo'be u lould ye advertisd far build*, Lo,d Ming Them oJI-j to each other's -als, cuufidence re;-,, J In It ; we know of no I Nuruit auJ Ilru,
t hosor'k and Drees 11 owe sihu Lad hren po kind W Bial." 4• %whet. yui weal a partic,l;Yr,y h rn,;aams other article whiel, has proved ore Lreeeral!v ( In. lhc,aserg til W,I',•m It„'. n., ■n r.. when'
r 1„d tr 1, $kntc on Luth Sidra tit her at� . II F.;IRRY GIVEN That no oroAPt Is In
"Fully I pled, my t�ail,' amid Dir.l That" bathe aubatrnce of the ep,dlle which f, , soccrossful, or g,wo ouch uuivrraml wlurat- The Hoag tielrmmrlltMur I•;1h:- ( fey Cottons Prints pwv;nrr,•ICanFJ•) lS '1'hur+.t,v,ln•Chef I hr �iJ $tier Uta Jule to J1 r. Ro•lard
Iiawn out lit ug pis herd Irum Lis accoruh Cuuuur roudl avurlJ hid fvlluw.wohmru once. flus is very p:,tiv, said sort t fc�s1. lion : we ore c,tw:,lonl there ie mgrr of it. b:llea MOI( 'Prat CIIIuK : t7 sJ v 1 f CnnrJ 4^ulun•"f }t! filar day ••I J•n•r"n I''
P 7 a seunalian. If the I.dy'v Ws rut uNd Ihan ell Mhrrs combined, awl that it lluron wnd Bract, .A. D., tbb7, .he•, w•i!;iume as mr hai'i}f.
book Nurawruleherarl(. tihahrJlivOJatNrri«, siX,tiliswrllruomitCbis. 1IO\l-tI1D AND RAT11WF:LLri Flannel Shirting3,dto•, tows: so;ne,I;r Iytnlw:llarpl% Jt1HN1JAC ONAI.D
•' I'd work faithful, air, and tulle low wages as r rill, with a certain gas„d u!d hady, who will VIII dainty a1t11•rl'is ell ley's l Ara can , 4.tM 1hv..lJ Thr +.i 1 Court for ■ J.-b•rga Ehrr.O H. t R.
till i eould du better, and 1'd Iain r &dy-1 I hold given Ler rn education, the item► til 5• "ter all Ihr small boy at Dote.- vie no dauTt it i. "Dalry'$ ArnMuo f=•��'L �11•LJ X a '
K'luck'em down. It make$ great tun, and, Heav* R^mrd til Condition i e,I-cim,• t �� -1f , TT� T � aadolood iia.a A••t., �Lr1st I uvenot r,,,IFE6.,
womold that." which Connor told uedu. ti■ f n !r$. "The -tLv)) oke it. f OF I'll I, lv v U a'� Ilruulwn :, \uYourt , IhC6 31st Ikremhrr, 1ff,R. wJ9
1' ria an Irish ltro�ue, and Jlr. Rarn al• r&diu', that * wan, and Ihu •titin' Vat's two' 6. It )u ekal< into n 11o1e 1n the ice, take we $dein,• ell rho Mquire artything of the • 1v44 fen N'ILLIAlt KUPERT�. _ - - ._ - - .
ro s d0clared Ibat `jle 'i 1nR-d 'he lnnh. and Uar tigurts ILat'. lhset, end moreover, y' kind to give it i trial -we knot they will bas gp y LAND i I - - y '
1 't cuoly. Think how you would feel, if the • -'
The speech confessed to incnmlwicto r, wnd she know. all a woman cm.." l h••n he ett,e6n1 with lh• reat.l.. InsolveLt Act of 1864 Cheap ! (;heap ; Cheap !
rarer sios buiLog hof R,•member LSP n amu^. nn 1 set that IL•!
krr ]town had always declared .fist he would looked asp al hit fellow workmen %fib tea 3 T. 1f your skate, are too dippery buy a the pl ins . la.y3 .'ckner, e't,me,,4 cid with
never employ on incom Detest bond. Vet the in her, rye ll, u I rake I : few pal;. Keep buying new times U,l you ■.ok"re of I/mrd ¢ Co. ie on tach the Plates of fJet leuTern red Rod,:.,{ .InF the 13 the ^•uharrith is );.ring is ILe &ItevP AT Illi
tone attracted him. lit lunlcd blIXv, ald I- the yv wondher the time Nems lono be• find r )air lh•f ere nut •!i rr paekeRe. i,, lesux % r Je.n.ulem undo r nritro '('hear I j yn,tion of Lit hnsin,sa, h•. hasv}eir•rtriurd !e the mal([r' f r h,rr/ra L•t yR, -an ineof• s }
with tis pen behind lust nor, add,"d tire tune me utV her, Lit)a 7' 8. In sitting dowi., do it Pr•dually. Dunt 1YorlArep g• Lyman, Jrwca;l't, C. W' '1'abllaus ern a:L;Qllad in Nen,rerl aa4 Lo tell lM whole'; Goderid Pool & Shoe Faef oiyl
r) rirtora for the C.eai,u. Suld by al! rept.
aam, who esu only one Cf The b1.T who teed fin it ria -Non ■t the Jrwn of Jwy-Van ba loo suJJru ; u mb b,rw4 the ice. p ' P LlueMe, wnd ILe err eat hills wen cro+Aed ygg y emu....." rfth.rr. ,,.:.•d ,diol ar o ..1.
T" T w50 Im A+r-;AND IIATDEB C09T 1, IZ of mr, rnhr ..,.e....mrd u.,.. wit airnr
aaarefoa hu •dvettl&enti fur lour im-Lmcu al nom-Ners til nidLt-tii the news 9. t, beg amu (all hc.dluu , examice the Medici nor dealers. to their ulmwt eal•acit�f ; su .ko IW*ton the yr..vr.a,a air lh+xf.,ve M•I. I slwll .abr ire NIt ria -.•
that ao.nuo came that tM ttnrm Petrel tied come las f -__..___-__ -- - -- -- SAMUEL FCR�E Ias on hand and k•c,ew
(• 1 stra til' ou' skstet ver earlit before - finely eights, Yi12E \T R.\IIG.\iNS WILI. if F. IVF.\ Thr C.,u,r R•w.n ,, ,nor::' ,e.-.1. to, T .". nrr.,l•,•
" 1\'bat make* you expect to itnro fiat port, ami Connor, 'treulh,ase &oJ pale fit" uuwrt uy. This will mrF• ever Lod ihi.:k , Iwettneey M F.nmar• nr n, .1 'fw•Ive o• L"-► .
Yor 1% other fate$ -ars you sly an.rrt exdtemrnt, tlung his Trp iia the air YndIT P l Y 11pwtNrn Kf�wd 'Phl*� irgllAw Adm,a,on.25cu Rtslrl?edSeaU,50cu.; e•��i.r, lllltt i`i]L%wy..•.Id,^"t,a.rtil.u,n,,..rreaenerr10.fmrrie.o'' CU\yT:1NT1,1'� \ FACTORING
ou fell becii aur sees••• were luua., lie. W %%,. 1 ,•. "x, • r, nil rf re Chi�dreo, 1 `Jute. In• In Ilrr relmm net or an, .eA prsrn .,.. o.•.. i A L
et 1"' ahnuWd, I f f. tw y\,+'rass ewer•„ wl PAuww-b h Y • areR• .-_ _--_.,._...-__-- pr M. r
ginnitro always do too kwi+• ►tin sin till, mefSneb..'e fart that n.< ,real Mu.F' of 1) open wt 7; to eommrnce al R o'c,nak. No,M ...."•h n ,e 'Tyr •r.1 f.•toey ,I tl.m•,
•• 1'R +tot say that," suit the man ; Lut It Mppracd un w Lu'nJay afternoon, and I IU. R'enr a hent' urercont or cloak till nenb em,. cn:klMu,. A,wa $corm. ..1 ea area n. Iv uv�.uue icon e. ltd. ►Ylay erste or
nil tart would make it belt • d,.srn men «wrr read to o nth C'on-I , f V "" ' For arDeta,irt see litas ojlhe day. ' i }�R rC ill s1l lb.;r varirly.- <.u.e,. •I;sin. a wu.undr„wr"1)-li•„nu,olee•r•"' LA DTE3', GF:N 1S', t CFIILDRF.NS'
1'A be visitin to; • y g n4"„k ,-(•.y ,fpr«.+.•,1 u+n, Inc .,del+..r ;,.ren,. 11►r p ROGL\.ICY '
g - you get lhuruu;hiy w.umrl u,, and Then , r, a,Ar ,•r", -can q,nf T„roM,ry..,•h •hat u,-:lrr g.
moier." t, our tithe /teamrr, bud latye Ins wife • g.0tt , d-e..",�ri,w.•ly wwn,k,.a Ire. eh,a•o. Ih, . As ab'e Lecturer, Dl r. John, til 1\ inrn. RrxnJi-a, hc., _
throe it olrand lel the.,rid e,w�,mu.,I gll.elnt.d+......ling(he.rmpe,: n.",.d,." ..w 'Mlr"af ..'.I k- Stilly •I,Lu(;
•f Are you used to �thA work T' ixg. Hcr little Lome w:,s re.!y ; Ihr Rosin'■ ! rtl'1 insure you •tine cold which «i I Inst Jou .r2nedere"•,wrrn4 ••fend rnu n.,xh, air •a. eJ hwn London, F.•riland, will rrrne Nlrrted potUuna Cheap as the Cheapt�.�Lw il. PItLLU(:a'
" 1're don• •lit of it." art. servant Brat ,tit it iia Drat^q del Couuor w,iv pp.vas•.. srwrn,r. "r syr. r•.-T►r 4d4 ". 'of ibe Scripture, es . Ding elli n 11-- IA •a Iw
I u long M you lire, l mekvr. nflha ' mors. e,v"'-Z "nil `` -_ (Mein rltu 11 k I' _++
,e.y.. u. \VM. K.AT'IiN'EL1,. ,4 en lwo,.r t.-iif.flet, .. !
i1 utich T" look one peep at ,t hefore I,- started. 11. Aller you get so you eon *kale toierr- wh,rtr.r, r.n.r.l by worms : ",r,-,e•,l •p lane..,'- ` .. e,r ■ reel. rtes , I . { """' R 7L -[t
" No, l)er honor. I.11 tell no Ito, Tim : • SLc hudo'l all& like of that in the (,u:J I bl well, Skate uurx•l; sick imdorditti•l elYMf Q■■rrm ask•. wSons a breNk, fo-q.rnl pek,nt a Gode, tel•. J.n. 29. leh7. .� 11 Clinton Browory tvroain Ale, -- - Boo UPJ and Shoes I
O'Toole had't the tike of this place : bat 1 ! c •entry," he said. '••But she'll kuow to tape f T cr roc i.,.+. g.," .•r(h+.+,• P u,on.ew of ` -
Dun't bas Erna oal.,i rhout R ; $:rte %L[Ce Cr `,M belly end fee %nem dhm ... I. aid.av,wo o nm. / \ , ill W end and ilullle, 14in arti(•ie 1•., a o.l it
koow a bit about till&." shim aid)." i forir'b, Yrs-nkatc Inoticv!I -akrte till run I rs!.ra su: p+i'• in ill �,+ 1 ...I r.".m I.. r„wu'rl I 1 ltI l l� I� ( `! Insoly' ti AL' of 1864• IIs n!so krepw nr:c ,4 tl:e L'lryst hnt:r
lbu err too old for •n spprcutic., and not w ter, ,r in an wthe' west of Muulrenl.)
Thou he led the way Wward the dock I email ttruJ D• Du for ever da red it ,.'I"'f' ! ""'"t` ""p'rt°!'' a. rM utA,g<ui.•n. I„w • T, 1 T cf imported Work in 'Town, all of ah:ch he
OYd ba In the .a i d nlcuirte," aid Mr� Yber! Ihr ple*mer Ia ■1 A f! rl,.l'll moat! • T T .r, ("Shu.,I dr.a...'Xio gn." sway of iLl. bat to kill ley tee under•.fnnl until A1. ma)r•e•ti01 CI Ita In 1h A• ventler 0 Jdllles /lotrson, a■ N JeterlanleA to "ell art fhrYp as ally house
T Te P'' ■Iii bas euro mrkr you $ick at last ; end %• , W Z o'clock, Vvh,vary the 20th, flit v
Sawn, loolnnla al the brawny arms slid bright � it hard fur the rest las follow bits. The ,hen nu ma din, and th.11 will hr u, excel• Tne>ve 1•':a.rd< a,.a.,:r-,vlm+.nnt.ra In rr.e .rh,W lnaoleent, - In the Inds. Q} %'all wnd u•.
syr• tLOt rumiwa atren •Th sod i.tei!IXrnn.' • t wed retched at IW •crowd r,l nh.e- f f dn., ,,. .,. w. m,. ,nor,,.rmr w:m.".1 ciao. ons Stools Prico
y L p" i lent Ihn, , : n will Le wih a oat enm• le I - Bultding and Finishing a v1113 cnditnra nl the $Lore n¢mtd In- FANi'F;T. F1'R4F..
" Be.,des 1 koow our courdr men-6xy, Ire blockrJrd the Hoyte; • trot. of immi I ► l" �, ewt*.arly duwv'he nlxr,.n-■ncrot7- O. ewer T1 '(
T T P to tl.e Mat of it,,• yuo•.Y peop'e. I v n me se'.,, et.l..n.trlmg C..t p aid r utb,l Sc ool House, it respecUully requested. ` . ,Irene are h,• Fldin Street, Ituron Reid.
good to, -nothing fel:.,ws who never do thrlr � grams came threnlging up; title cobalt. ud.^wot cam.dtr.-...r the sir a.f mMr w.wum rr Dy netiSrJ l) meet al
Atvw.imp:od,mcuu¢selurladyakatcr'sare .,,norm•, Iin4ecli,n Nu. 4, Luton wnd A,!.re'I 11 r� ,le,M,,".. 1;a',`o:u•un, 1:"l, Rn!i Wr. "Gnd•rirp \or.19,IPfi6. fiat(
brat. Nu. Cr• bean taken l6 h, Irish hoods passengers wen strppirg Tata crLa, and �adda-0; v ash mammas•,. mr r.r..i,o.!e "nr•nnr'" )oho Dou 'CiS. -- -
Yi' Builder to licit It nal funwb even tl:ir.g. n Ihr Ydls_r of Gintnn, in IAe C•nlnt' of
bofmn. and i won't hate another. dnrrr , purlea,nnd til.•r of emyu,yrep 1. If eau wear tiara on t:Ie ifs, Le taro I s• rn*or t 1.*res, ]a.,•r•Ile, r. %f., sin.... les
"The virgin rritl avec n b r-" brio I y g Plan a, d I,por'6nd,on r:". Dc ween wit IfartJ llurco. on fua•6da,, the nincl0enth day of Tendors Wanted.
g,, were •Ilio mud shouting e. the usual m.un, I T1`T.,orr
that four ealre• ate pro;x•rly adj oared. TM M•N. Is -•'e ler Hotf•.aY tri"m Le.+rrr : 1' 1ic(wnn+u'$, lsl sun.. Durum, $l,•i0 ri!I M (ioderivh 1•Ilh Jpn., 1NG7, w::0 pearu•ry n,a t, at ILe h"ar of tlrrru o'clock,
Ing 'era ever in her t+m arms, thin," aped I list. Nora would r„a un buriJ (air her --- ` •R from tiO to Iu11 rurJ+nf tnbd rMM w•nl
ores, all . I e ct•turs aloe • the book ret , ucrAll Crit.- Ick:: ern mare+. C7 "add nv .i. me drukguils i,. I�.lar IvOn in adrnn,e on npprored atio,ray, ariA n. m., for tiro put, yranl notion. of the 1' to r. J. hot. if ) ,,, Ina C",krne :'robnt
the mss dl& airing 1 "(air res t ■ hasbrud, he knew th*t. iw • 1 T cn .,W m<nmu,rJN1. evrrvwbre. wVtew T 1 (.,r the ordetiog of rho alliin I,eio-e I"a le Al ora h. Cfo,b oa aft.rrry. AdJru.
p ' Y• • , cal• 11250 in twelve mouths !rare Ihu 11:11(•, and TILE SAL OF LOT$, o solvent, sm
da, for the I tit furtui,;htanJ uirar r josh ren I 'Thr int:e gruuy made Vlrir way into the t. __ .._ ___._. .. _ _ -., t g J' li "1t a p •�•• r 1' y :)Ir
I 2. Stream prettily in paru,g nn sir Lole, t- "•'-`- - Ihq-balance in twenlyddar mnntLg fru... %hid of his stat. rneral: fl•.s tic, 11,a1•rn�h wand a laid ode•.
I get end that's the lot yeuny I brae, Ter' vrawl o, last, rad rherc, •nrdat th r, whoisnd give the arm' of Chorlex Augius4p • ERROB OF li O1 T11. dose, TM 1rus4w, do tint bind tkrmse•In s I Ig Tee I 1),ted wit rod.wrh, in the County ni I h,Jnnuary ha, i tp,. w
honor, and Its but hal( a one. I set watcbmg for cu(wog lueudd. Cum,o; i frantic Squee•z" It mike• Mm b-cl hu oats, A a"nacm•n wko,alf,red for years 1•om Nervosa - -" ------ - -- __'
Aa Lc •yon he eynul hl■ ynlmops.. with awrehe•d lor,he two a) dear to Lim. I'"- in*yfmud:w,wl wry. rkrs. Pre,.umrslr.n aid .ulM rne,unry,ml►• to Inks tM lowcpl tender unhas mhtrwisr A. If.,,the+ twen•y-tecoud day of January, `-,besymnnil. sm,o "Iort,eawoaDia t t h:. V y. Y astiwtactory:the-bviAing`lobe fiulehed-oilIVILLACC OR i111T0111 :\!s6r. STRAYED NOTICE.
b I , (an,d-ht rvuwin u,oi •us t.ml1rxcltr. T 3., If y)or skating partner l& e.;f�iMr, end .I.,.hrere•nw..will fes .hsrl„or.mtensS Imm&u"y air be (ore the 25ta I4e. aelat. FUIC '1'.\NF's iN .1RRF:AiC, 3. i'01,1.00K,
'• Bang whom over T" asked kir Resin e Y g 1 your toot is pretty, doa't holm , w la oskiug arte'rrrr,.,.'I .eh,,,.. I I,.'be I.,or .od.orrrl"mif•.I DUSALD MrLENNAV, w: ? 2w OrB, ial ANigri ( AME into the enclosure of the rub■cliber
arrcated by the old s{eecb es be turned upon •Slee wom d ower po .Olure &!m: he ..%,.ylh. •,mpler.medy b wast. hr .0<ur+d. . air 11'ill t.. tS plrcr nl 1Lr C.•urt ilo ^, Coder -- --- - �) nn er dL.,ut for midAte nr '. t_oye
him to ■..%just )'our s h, to str.l�a every to mm' ere.. whho,t u. voefi. by rte ad,.,. -r'. • iat coo., H=run A mi! rIty
pis heel, and retulnro back , l•, r,, ' ,\ 1•
e. ami11. •• Nus'1 LY lu.t u.tu ori I Late Mr � e.n duwo •m.rwu, '• Ica, amu lYnb.r•daq the 23rd tease., dt tM 666, lot I9, con. 1st, Caborue, 7 heal u(
g •IW 7 ` I $tea. Hs will mlLrr Rke rt. ) t Janne 22nd, 1667. wl 3t' 1
"Jidp Nnn and Jamwy." - wail, but 1 dua't ap her, boys, 1 think sae's' , JnHN n,o Neiv _- h. -___-_ - ,__ -__ - Iniur uC.J o'clock, n m. _ COLONIAL HUUSEI -yoao Cattle. The owner in re ursted to
t - ----+•: ------ leo.11. Ca■,uuenrl.,, \ores Yurt.
" N'hu ►n t1a:Y T" nu, in rt."
,• rhe .an'$ me *frn,lhe othe,'s me child^' I •- 1Yhy don't you are ,Le captain T' asked �y. The GcrmanjouMi's relato the fat -- ' (� "� J UIIY MACD lit y ! away. property, pay cbargrs, and ,.k• Clem
L ETT E I b BOO K5 fl«rile Hn m 11iF; Su scrili,r &Iwovs keeps ILe largest awey.
said the man. Uh, masahrr, )tot tbry m „wit, rod 1'ununr jnn:yel at th! sug;ea-i lowing ooecaote: Swihaunit I% one of TIIE GNE.tT EY6il,i3H KEIt[EDl `ILori:T'. UILft, G,d,•rich, vanety and be.t Stock of ANDREW M,CU\\FLI,.
How'It I Grin them milli w me d uo -me Ill aloud belo,r t I Ar Suburb f FJenera,ri, cdnis p, rt y red, J c I' \ F: C'I,. 11KF: S t I -- ---16th Jana air, id1;7. I- --- - It
Y Ian. Inr !,si lila worn.• ho
give me a job T t .abt t" he.,rei.' land`the I petty, rrbicrud down, who nodded le him et. ird a - Co7�\pIn Letter BookB- ' -__ OISERY & GLOVEB I Cxl.ernt Jan. 9th, 1`ifig. w51 31'
whole big city seems agaiwat n, bud me with i kind, . I wit Ltl% or 'wren Rlr, to lir a clownl.h lot. I i J.k.l S \ YJ
wiwr, er honor;' , I� 'f 11 F. GOLF\TIES. A
armor like tLlm." •' Ism lookin' for my J ,'{'p!n Ihr,a troop; tntvfed Lha city, � Oelebrated Female Pii11T. VERY CHEAP. A few Thousand Dollars
IIs hercd hu ■rr.0 to the abouWrr as Le aced Conn�r, '• avid i. can't hod ler " twery horst raa oDlid^d In cot or two � Prr)vrred free& a prrarriptirn rJ fir J. M O N E 1 T O LEND F'ii.13. g. A ITUIBAi.D. -
spoke, dui kir Bawu looked rl them. Ocu at '• Perb•ps •Lot's guuu "Ito", u d the cap I&,,der•. The inhabi•anta of Saxh.,usen are Ciurke„11.U•.Phy=man F•stn,urdinarr 500 Pages $1.2.5 i �* Ooder b, Auentl 2'Jnd.tftdG -_ ow10: W '.h.r aJt•, .,J nn..,A i ..Ih.,J rlwt. nr
hMfact. Itmd. Ignil4•dThrms'Ivr' of Chir Duty wish 'a ve I to file Queen. 1�/\(b :I� t•,,I,.um•nesteresIhan•I(0.
IV�7 l ter -i i'.1: c;c�'r
rj l,$$ Iw afrr er - Sii1;R FF'3 SALE U! LANDS �P�>.r+�:
191 h.n you (air •week," he amid, "and sec " 1 b•,le her rail," trial Cuuno,• I pail grace, and one of fh:m ehuw, ouch i -- A bfv O(N)DINP,
what you an worth ; and.a., as tit 1"..". ,. IYumen ,Ili $tesla)• 4 u they sle tod, manifest tides of ill Ili Iowa•dt Lia goof' TLu rnrainaMe mr,lirinr .t uni.uLnla to tM IIO(y(k 2.50 Ort Ilnndred bollars and llpw•ard 1'edcf rolm.i.;. of 1' tlrint of ■ ant tit N■n.uer, WeN Pt., lf."kneh.
o data Into the knch•u allyl Irl% rue gel w 1• Nur. would," amid Connor ; "but may-: that ILa latter„when he eat down to dinner, until ad •n,..e pudnl and dnnrrrnNl• e,r6Ka 00 (SNderlek f6.4 Nuvs $herr INe. wHrr
give Tota yuur Jiuoer-a hun •1 man esti t Ma be ■he dede'l Ito vi 1, file female ronin tutiou a wh"'t tt I \PVb'u 1 liurun .m1 Rruee, � F,rn Furca. ,wool ow _
b J he elm esu Irtt Dehm'i. f �jlfacrA hes ■word un the b%h'e b, bis skit with ,,,,,,.%rale&,'!v, is•en.I M�o'-.1lo!.unwuree AT THE ^'1)11 _t M 1v)I;F, 7't. den: ) of Ilan M.)neli'a A:u.O-V
work.' 'tum • : I'm umyhow Ih,nkmg •ht d,d.i t. ' I diet obit rot $lure. Tbr eountr man Ned I I ltal.?te- C. nl of the Cn,t t G.omlea ..i lluron .ni, Parcel Lost..
ti Re T and arpewl eon m• • lir re1„d un 71 t f Brm. and In me e,1. bred a as Ira tut Lxies
A¢d with an Li+ii.Llc•!nJ Lhe ..ores hand Al the ..amt Num IM rsyoin b■J strrtrd. moron t hat lett the rp,•m rn I mtur, n illi a I .TO MARRED LADIES SIt><NAL OFFICb1 0" IC Rn .IIS . \ 6s".SlACllA-311 and rmrment.^I 1,,,4,u.ibutb, at t►t.uttot OST on a O. T. Railway %min• a Tota l
obr ed, wLde )Ir Rawn, uolyu.g ha apron, L. • m,)mrnt be eked : moment with art enormeut pitchfork, h. . ,I;r ulixrl ,*Ned t will• m a short tout, - - .. _ __ • _ -. I;dw.,d Krn„r,l -,
J px y ) 1'L■ve •or,edl .uJ ukrn a L ConlaiomR ► leltnr, • par o(ekate., aed
went u stain to h.s own mea,. " What ,s ,,,., e•n-." be, Imd down beside the sword, I Ir soldier I b'na en Ibe mo•thl p,ne.l worth ro ul■rat•. - - _.-- - - .•a,.•urwn -'I Ihp.nohL nue "nil u: I.,of of 0-e
Nap Pinus M he am tit the only hand r in- w 1. P&a Coonan," amtJ the man. tlsahed nth angeq but the other quietly tib E•ra Iwu:e, pia ri Qac Lblla4 be r. Ilk I:ev- I COUGH ME D I GI N E : - d.�tell toot in unit t. ha m tib -, ern. of - Inr a ltd get nnA U&1 [Je.nk, TM finder will
tetnty &ad ability, Le was aigreeab y d'as p• i " And your .fit's was Nom?" •erred, ' i Ihoucht %list fur $a big • kvide a trome.l -A$mp of (%Mat be".4 I. Poor cur._ BLA��K BOOKS .r.a•u.l ,-en,ew.m of tlw '-1, I,, sip of Arran• m t . math ze.o. by now, for tae mow. to
pro�i owj. Cuonor .o,krd hard and ac.uai,y j - I�h,,%a her a.t m., recd the bay with r, big teak waw required. It you like lye can I, rrlrao. I PnFPARP.D RY ` Ihr. C.-asef, air Ilrw-c' wit.. 1 ".da .. I leur.utnr, li. f. Ifur,•r•e. Iar•:Lnow, or leasing K •t
Iran.t last. Al the aid of the week L" .as T � tech uat our own on mems.' This was dl , C-\Y•,t;I J,. s \I .� IC 1 I N G L I 3 I 1 •hall on, r amma'r At my oAlre In the ,'ono the Signal UtTico (or that t to _
u J•,muyl er bvnor. ' s*id Connor. M It g , k rrpprft�at
ea 6 eJ rmu.rnCv,and soonwsathehart P!r T7r,n1'!f.•Avwel.,nrMi,.Jvwiv/ nf< lunnC `• IH,.r . n lo•'1„sin ,•fO.,knrh, on T.r•wl■v, T.MYOURDI,
X g yr i TM c■pt*ir. looked at Conwit friend"� the pat i.faction thy, Snn nl Nan t"ulA.brain• Thr N1X.17 THRE1S MON711s bas lo"g. In Every ize dl, Quality Arc,Ktll>r, To
workman m air* ■hop. I,they ;nuked al the a•pduu. Theo b• arid, he Ihnught fitlo put hi� gwonl .way In a ""wry• w thry sir s.r, 1o.n.,y ar LJ.•,ar- - I I the fi.'h Jae W F i, n..y real, 61 elle b• air til Londe... -
g bus. i' + twrl v" air I►r I luck, aa... _ _ _- __-
He wad a nt.t talker, bat not ("nil of T : I n•r of tot kitchen, wh.IAt the other with• ,Ayr<•,irt, "r anla r"An wrr<rMY ",. test .. D fi. �J $ASL' S R E G E I P T. . JU V V.k('1)OV ALD, Def. 31, 1566. nZf Zl
drink or of oato,., mune,. At hu .ales • pit d )sin. my man ; Ire gni wmethi6g dre he ,itchfork." I• .tl case. of \ein, m x .,l s(•,,,.I An;.rhe.n,, l At Red used Rates I ..
w Le hoarded ever nn a d wore the' I 1 I Pn,o .n Ihr Fsrk and Lnul."; cut nn .IaSbt ! FhR' ,,.ate n( non oblta non nl w SAtn�7/. �• U Mortgage Sale of Landa-
jre T p' T to •kh you.''---.--� ��----- rrtn.,.n, 1'.,pnnun of for Ilrart, )tyrlenr• sn.l will a!,"f n the m•,•IpIistM4ing �De^'r. „RI. r, (:oder:fll, 1
sass ahobb e'otbes in which he and made' •• 4h<'p 1 -ft behind?-" rid Connor. nrJ lewl.r, lot.. . (!feat,
7 , 'her: s • differtnee in lime, you know, What,., these P U, will e16•, t a cer, wM r •ll
his first a esrance. flow eat monitor he 1 .1hr ended w,lh W" said Ibe cAlz-m. �ntlwr mr•nn h, ve f•da.l; and stlhoarh . wee. cnYgh of the lungs, tool hrg, and nll■y irrn - I F.FACLT hnvtnla Lew$ moa ,n rte paymrnl
Pp between his country and Europe• ani, a r" 1) r Se n.adr h B. Vas-
\ , h.,..•
rid -one dor. "wnd ,rrrg Trot i s{wnd {esu; " e acre n •hr," .all ••d ('collo'• tot1< on Ihr' wharf to a newt arrived Gu rrmrJy. do newt c..,tnw .for,•Fe •nu_ tylion, OAA, 1(CnnIYaMI, wMIfP $ any Vn- ( i } ll I al • .I,n • V T
oQ the bnn�ing Vora Sat Jamety „•.r ; ar.d • .. M creta,,. he Sia .."•"Yr• Inahman. gnr io$Mnfe gr lriruAa .t Curti l a,•n,. nr rn,thinp li-tiel t^ Il a r. no, c Q^T C u de .c) las) en,,burnp -it, breaLf, u•, entirely THREE MONT'd IIISTR��TION I Eve y nnJ [:ewge RnmMI1 (.d, leer wrrr•
• I non," nor as,J. " r .II have our I T' I Fu❑ d,n•a•oeod m the a+mpMel arerW r•rch QABUt1 l I� UcllO LI8BARIESI ill int C'ru a, and no I,etter relm•J juin.•,.Inr wt Purp.w ,, IK6 . Th eq)Muug
v for clot Ma IMm 1 h►ve must d., me- het• I 1 1 oro in Led ■n wn!etp h this time, white sir ekes dere Ise Send Sr 1 mho., Iba2. The tc ltowlac
ter no Coal to me beck aha.. no wilt end boy s trial$ ; Gud Nuts them. w e newt try to T M gr, wh,rh .honed Iw .v.Nu.. )- per en•,"1. P R f ] ` 1 C ]') I .` t P
nen he found 1'ur !'roan. Asthna, Itnachitie. P par d 1iY P,a R -oto,. at O. M.
arc enjoying nu elves in Ihie rayl, Creui�R•' tlulr ■gent liar the I'nua•d Wnlr•ao.l Canwd■., ro Ir .nl 1.e .,!
by are fireside ; and eny bow it a slow work 1 realuubrr that. Yes-Nory sorted will, i el•h"t. slways r .a_r•' egcl+mod list 'ire JUH 11 USE -Z, Ilnrhewr, N.Y - and all mil etiat of Ihr Lane u,A Thrnrt. REN1 1'K(E.NA N'+ Aura„n R• ,amu, un IM
movies," u•.' ' N.R.-g1.0•&nJ'nt I'^ f.;re unmp., enclosed F'r Psle wt DOG1;1,.1 J' lirocvry diad �+ NlEMIN AR PRI:V-orl,m1-o the FI Al.
Land serer got jw ' e Tel: !1 sE\t I N g RT wrr b • o Ion tee F1H IT I Sfcond dos of April Dept, al 12 noon.
It oil ■lo+ work, but Le keel d sill the Connors+d nuttin;;. Ae sins looking &t to am "mho:.aM acrm w,p attire w gotlla cue• I JUEi,N UdLL•'K'S ILrberahnp. p'"^
samo. other men, thu.. htless and lull' at ! i - - _ owning fifty Pills• I v rrinrn m..a; Orde-i, h, Jan. i,Ath, 1tt66 w52 3m9 0l JANUARY, 1h6), in comic liA wdh- 'Lel ,inder th,. pvwemeouuln, J m the •.+,d NI-tgogr,
6 the c.ptrm naw, wLlle ,o Ihr I,,,. - OVER _ p l.• ole. r•wum,rc..1 toile n .1 -or thnronah rn: U•1 rnnou, nnn.•rr Ienc T'borlNnd •ml
tun, tried to make hem Annk-made •1001 oft "It's been •sickly season"a,id the crop- THIS JI 1KF:1'19. NUiCI'H HI'P d I,Y1LA\, --------------------- . -- - '
his t■vmg habit,, coax,, h+m to accaup•^T min. 11,We had itloeas ua bo•n1-the eau• Newrnlle, t:. \t'., grtenl Mortgage .Sale. "'•'ruru oo wd4ler R've., by 1'rulerwn "1 Blah runt+.ash•• un rho H.rl..r Fl.d in Ibe NMI Town
egr wit fart. eiJ.. •tandmt sod nn......I,M "L.I,,y. in CUMl1(,\ ret l;.dM, h. Term• eoh - vredla. Dew1 to be
-ro. You Lane. that." Gorazn1Ct1 n. 29, 18ir7, I awd HIr1HEH CIMI I+11, THENt:H, rl.AS8-
them to forte v( amWrmcul air w •here m , "err, the power r"otnar,l in Mowpg..
their Sunday fruhp. All in •ain. Connor i 60 (d 1.'66 tr °pld is G,alerieh by Parker lk Cattle and ' a; IcN. rnJ oil .woer h -m -h- mennaIh' un ht in e,ur
" I didn't," said Connor i " I cads read i I Fall de 0 F. io firu ; nit dins or C.C, Rrcfiekl ; J■mep DI:!l A 1'nwrr of �alr ecnlaineJ in • R Fme IurtMr parhouhu •p,Jv Io
Leat sod.4 an 1I:,,0 -se•,. Toone men may )),',ifADE GUODI. I
liked beer, filled fm, liked rompamm,ahip i I the, kept it f om me." Spring %Vilest.. _.... 1:. bi. 1.:4;,nm; Rowe fli, ; J I-witard.l..,,vr, J.H. Moll;ate made by Casper m,rm,yrr, o(; herr ht lhem.elea• ,u whn •n,•rte.l l"••,I:e I:mr Ndr. aur 7W Aiatgsgte.
bot M wu*b oat dt lila hsI long 4,rileed fur i ,• w e didn't wnot to .n. hten him," said I ('motor . ..... ...... .... 0:? (e4 0:29 1'."mlr., mlon, . ergonl Lucknvw; E. H.eksoa. 1 of Ilar{wrhPir, in the County or ,,•, b.rmnn,g Flr,u a, Ids. Te., I...... air for entw-
brir,ging of Vora oyer, a u nut I' mals' r 1 - lilted ;6th J■auatr, IN,7. - welU
mor n,su in a halt wt.up,e,. ' Ploer ................ 6:00 ed 7:50 Sou,+th, and will Alw,u_me tJ,1aIM• sill•. Lr HIINDfiED Hu n, and Ma+d ilea (lotto, et hi$ wife
J n'g Thr 1 n Yen uy sl oq• ay IaLir ;vow of a.l-
enuugh" roaccept t•voia froat.othen. H.I .. jreu kwr bow land .e lay al gauao Rarky ................ 0:3u ( 0:45 - - (Sb^in a pIrty td•n•to. f"r thn pnrpe'e O(j v.twven.rnl m Ihefmrrnrfy I ours, nal Ih„-
martyr tog .1141 great wish Cbl ,aDbt'rttllelllents. r,rrri, r cr do*r•r,) default havin Men made I ,whn tion Bade p,•eddaln{w liar ^air nJmrntair Mortgage dale of Land
kept bas w.y, • tine T" F'eu ......_ ........... 0:60 q 0 55 .t [ m -�
an nn , ...-.._...�.�.M.. SELECT , nme'e,.l L„yr, »„l Iw a„ntlrel rn t.,ke a
-.Iryh nn litt'�e, rurka9 a night 7 I .. The Ph; , i rame Ill did that•" rid Con- Sheep ................ • 4:00 hr. ..n) m the do paymnrt therenl, and elle no ,re
job bas could rern • Irw ezl •fo ah'lungs ;tun- I I Id+% lout.'; hn•r M.mfh.' heoll.lrtimt I..ny - T1E1`i h• etz been mad, In Ibe ptfineat
wog err ■oda m hu 000nuda hour u( rear, car '• Ihd ye ay Nnrs went ass lure ; 1 1(Prf, 'u cwt..... 5:30 !� b:�5 `a QjA sal �r t� Rent.baring bye xtren la all p.nlrs tyle:cstc(li l all rho• Lancbr" lan_ht m the `cmuo• U
coil talking In any ane whn would listen of ougFt to be looktn' fur her, Capum." ILdes (;rern) .......... 5:50 (It. O.b 1 _ IMre wall Sold h Puhlic Auctioe, oo l i of • Mmtr■ a by Ihr I,ae John ■It user
" M..Iy died," «elle un the captain- Holter ............ ..... •:14 (� 0:1.'r f este iouuna Was os lurp,r w Mrdnla hes bw-
his one 6re•t h.ep* sod til N.rt and little 110ndY', the 8th da • of Ftbruar •,
FREE 'OF CHARGE, yr) Irsr,,,g d.l. Ike Fal"wil A■y ,•, Daermber,
11 Jrmeay,' g"sped Cunomr. P,•tatees................ 0:40 (,V. 0.30 That well known Tattoo Stand the LIBRARIES. } } l *oil. 'f Lr sin„nog proPeny .tit nor son try
J•mesy. ,1 ties ramal her watched Lam ..,;fit slid day; w o.d .... ..... 2:00 (rd 2:50 al 12 o'clufk, nfi0 � A. U. I-if;7, at Tabors We f rase-rar,nl as Pmf�sM•nt fn Inr PPrmn PuLac Auet.on at t:. Is 'I HL EMA `1'S Auchan,
AR112Ef2 S' INN
At firwt the men, who priJesl Ihenuetvsa on I axid the capua,, "bud we JIJ ..' .e cow J, Ilay, ser � ton ........ P:00 (1i 0:00 s t. Hotel, iia tLo 1'i IngP )i Ho;�nrhvy, the' (old ++v, '1. A. HnYf E. A. M f:r.luoe til f'In„q..w Hum,.. "n fhb
being ail Americans, and ou t.-ine Til _M{ bat wit tut h0 died ;only one u( m"ny. Tae re F.xla* .. 0:10 (ra 0:00 . with iar-'r.• elablr stfaeh,d. Rauated on the to ill properly gam. o1M-quarler of an 1!nne..;ty,and anu,ur ." 1L).crorr J N'ncnl'" Tw'cDt •-third da • of A ell Del;t, it 1•l
beM work m Lha fay, mad' w *. % til bas t u I „• -„ 0:20 (tri 0:25 11.rket tiq•.aM, l;alenrh. At pre sent in ti I - of IforA h^ he tame m"r or IraP, (wing co:o I Y1O1Inrn ml Ari•nnrrnr; amt A. \. ATA 1"IdEF., 5 p
+ere fir.. boned that d.y. Bat n u, oke m, Chtekens ........ I v�ng In BIZ@ from Prnrd of villn!,r lot numb (SI) nfty three. fM)th .' IIM fl erntlewhn•Minoluwdh Ithrmult he wenn, under the Prawn. rnnu.neJ in the red
Connor, .h•l&e " wJA Irish •fila and ver• i heart to ter the mdlber linking but upon the Turkey ............... 0::10 (m 0:40 ne.opauolk of Mr. Andrew Dmnough, Applf D { N„nRer,., t -,a:_ r "w nurlrn r fun nor tse Hsr-
dancy were indeed often I,-gbat,:e. Lqt be %.&ler. , Ii s bas rather 1 ih,nk tit,' she rid; Pork .................. 4:50 0 4:65 to of (itorgr Ominlnek's Purr. in thn. Yillege e a rdrrtennx te•'lmamota.1 ". Egnvnl lelev
(r4 I strr Fl•1. the e',d on ,h. - rf Wwt
won (heir hraru wit last, and when one d"yr ! hu s lo•. ge.s to 4" poor Jamny ' _. s - .-_---.--_. ` Q V of Har .u. hew, nth wn at �s t Mon. ser Is-uup,k. We late koros ba ie eve% Ih,n •effort. m Ihr "Town tit I;Idn der Terme rs r m
recanting a work be, Ibe ,.cull pia little - _ Q M Y R U E M A N I lour tO fifty Y O11IInQJf ( 1'erue rnnJr known •t awls. d asdcr I'"rnn•r uuy.l.. We Ihmk n mu.a lee evoe•nl air a robe. jo, or he a,wn nnJrr the power$ row -
Ce noor groom,' f$1 �Dberttsements.• I Goderlch, Ja`e Z9, 1P67. silt( i
bundle, ampr,,,d- in a rtA k,, $,lore I. a Beep up if Jou can, my man," amid the l _ dr•. ..11, that sir now „Iter ..Jvod.xr. whish ■ria lar
lhelrByer, yowl .IbonteJ '• I,,ok, buys I'rt gut F'owee u( 9nle in the Nmt; m Wenn.•r M wLsl eon I"• •e• aI In�nrJ :n ,h, s.wd• F'ur farther parUcu-
ewp I. I wi,ih ally .lie else lad n to tell -� _ ; , •M'• $IUxIFF�B LE OF LANDS. snitab:e for Sabbath ` WILLIAM elle Ian .,,P.y to v
lM •Loleat tut. I'mSoin' to Awing Nor" rrtber th.n 1. That a.ght :Y u.■ wi,p lrtyn •PO LO. : tlPTIr'hF. „ Any o/Bar 4'OMI�erCltSl C.o1MSC D. A.111F GG(1D1VO,
u Asn Jan. -1tu, 1,;67. tlw3tl Neat gPe. In the -,World. I'm.-flor 6,r Alon
and Jsme%y over at 1&,t. W he_roo 11,ve at,.t Thr Ml.e,o•. •. hall' I re• -.1 In heailh ,n . - -- R•r•w.
Jr ales; rola suddenly. Site grew worse UnuedCounnePol nrtwotrwowtifant School dlt Famil Reed-
itI" all felt a sympathy in his joy, and es,hi awe Imi Ly■v-)-nidr t<m<dr•. olh-Iii a.'(- Huro■and Bruce I Ydr,a• {.wird Y 1A,%ii, isTO TiiE EVC1,04CIii? Byit,o rrancrmenl,•nr Couvnennal Students Dale, 16th, Lf%7.- w0:1f-
e In the morning $he called me to reredfnr,<.ersl �•:o., .h.•,Ifetemg.n , n.,., ' I Bare um,Ar,uet..l r..•Jd,eaf"r thyro.. xhey' emu nil. -__ -._.- __.._..-
grsaped hu great nand m cardtaJ conlr•tula her. to air: oil oY He, A1nj •.tv'. • the et. Dacriht ass I,nt 12, I Ith ran C,•rwio
tion, and one pmpeseA to '• treat all round," 1 Ihni dreaA du• -*w. Cemanq,o"nl ,. w .u+ )^ mwta Cnanl ('mut of the ITmMI Gwnuee nl Huron na Ihrmrhra m In,n,! Pondamrm■I till nehr. ,m
' Jell Connor i died thinking of him,' k,"ovnrnnuf.1b, - -eF,rr ,• 1.. e!sr %q(rnrr. y 1 i(lg, 'I've Ino, $hunt th^ tint or a ownerr lace, ARM FOR _dALta
and d,i..k a good voyage to Nora. T.'sn .rho.n.r• It. hr will ..or' lln•ry nl .h' .M Bnroe,+nil tn,ne 1, -in Irl% "teroot the Lards - .ch n round emnmrn til ;•,nosh.... nrermnh _
w^. Two IIri Hrove I nlveg, Thy nwne•r le ro r amt wsu-tor Ihev r•unn,.r ho G.' T W NSHIP OF KnON.
she saiA, ' nnJ 1011 him to milt mss-' .nJ traemenl, m N'eiI„m l'o.dter ry�l u w e
They p&rled it ► mere mons. li t poor I ,nru..n...I ire'. n(,hnre^). »ua,n,l vroi fe l or me r. f vi„Per, I"'
J And, m doAn, GUd hely you, Sha waver mold ran„t xr.d n.lnt n,, ..m<. wn"n m,y pd. h..I..r*a (:caber al Ihr Pae. n 1 . ,,t e'1rkDnn, KSod t 1 m prove prtp,�erly, pay chnrgr$, cud ,ore , ,a. lbr•nw+. LdI•. HrmanAM mat • 0
wen going Io Comfortable hcw►e. But pour I T raa 6•. rs•rrrnnv. giro.+. ""'r1y .. fern... J hn Hmwn and W.14•m "rhea Marra tad tib tMm mownq km.r. n• til 1,.. French'"'o,Y, a or -n --�--
■n rain mnrr-in rn hour ■he was gone.' IY T
Connors testing place wet • low lodging I d Couw. end m'rh•a.t awl Lent AI.•'toX Th• cola RoIlApho. Enrland, 1 have •road and lak.n m Jtk4. CASS.\ DY. s+LL• in ,wing M't.a imna I. Ihr Irrp wl . nla n1 'Tse *nlerritirr..Orr' 6w if Ha •we
house where he shared s crazy garret with Connor Md riser. lie stood up trying to .leer. nl the ddverii,e„n v-dwer th, I'r.,nlq;i,r ,r to b„ration ■If IBM r rlt, lisle and .nt,rrst of the A VERY Rnndh Ar „fie.• amt,omr woo, Yon ....n .rt W In— n. the lown.h,p of Huroa.
eio of hie heartlsteal Mmaal; Iookiu mot the cw tem with "Thr ,„soh,..<A,end.l", An" ne",,e "it, hr w,dit•.n.nil . IAe MnuIf !,all of flit 11thJaneMy, IFfii_-__ __- wl-3l
fuer olMr men, 6nA in th T T g p Ir .mew we..,.it..t,. n+n^la roes..,,, _ Ino Lnowl Yat: t., IS UUV,i F.t "17uv UI•unly of Blore, tw nig lot JI a Ibe IIY art.
oncr'•e . _11 "
the oar fallow sahihi'eJ Ttu hrndkerch.el, I hu eyes dila a two $len,en. Then he turned watt try hu rc ,h.. mail . dl c,.et them ,n ,g..M member roar, b the third rI n -osier ,I the with I tlF: 1: '-1T Hl::y. N E.R9 CUIIHIE 1 Y I A) $errs.. A "Il. geor err. -k .$drum tb. ceap..
p Towmh, f (Morn■, I. the Cnnnl of %inn... r " � A,Mt ItWA :s) rrrw drnmd and �. I,npPrd. 1 nor e".N.a l
with his herd earned Savin s' lied u in a to Lis friends : nay pmt..."rrn.e. r P ^ Y 4..,, y.'r " . -ern I.eMro o,eh.rJ,N-oo,A Thrr.• t.s sew ama
Y P P.n.e• w,+hmt'he tire$^nplk,n, r■aa. I,y roar mW when IvnAa •nil trnfinents D eha0 ogre Inr style LIBERAL ''`r"• :);' Sl.nlenla rlfrnil, Ibe • mn.nary Ault'. will la• I g•
bard wad iia the middle,befure he put it under 1'rr xot m• de•sth, Dolan, be eat,, and will pk",..ddr... al my offi-m the Coun Hour. in Ihr Town of `` 'b I rh■r.r.f Frve IL•Il.r uer f •r own„•n.•■ wnl..n AuHar mite.=.rA.,e1, p. p cell. r, ha, ern
BIP pi•low and fell asleep. w hen he waken- it, ping to the floor like • log. ar., r D'r.%RD h, tall a(i-r. ;ewlrnrh, nn Turrd■v,rbe Mtenth d.y M M•y w m rd Ma C.,m tit"n n"I 111 �1 r E rinh, Frfnch' ^-rave knl. 1 he nttgslwwwl n a fowl roe. ne.
wohano,ret. limn Ce.. Ne w%bask. r
ed in Lha marning,h+ (OY^A hla trPNW! gOhw, l fley raised hon and bore him away. iL -__ __--._ _-__- _- next a'the henuul'Twelve ofthe en"•k, noon, I.reat Ridncuon • I ,er1'la••lb• ; .nil Ten act! res per gnotrr ,.r mx • -V1. li lot d i• ■ gnml re., t. sir uT Me
Som• villain, mora eontempuble than most sn hour he was al beef" in hu little bed a a a a ❑ n Q• J:LHN AIACINYN A LD. DI9CQIINr 1 ThrnT D,dl:ow per rP■r I .orale• Ihem 1. in. w'.•heg to e..rl ender ■ awre air urc.n.
bade vi ern, Md roonte Mm wMch had 1)een m►M ro.(1, for Nor►, weary T i 1 T T T 7 ."henfrIt. and R. Ir refCf:w AT THE '.lrurnon m NI ILe In"urae aught tiler. m. PI' HARD MA\TT\.
e. 7 hero at last, M e D^ Ph�r.O•r ll,grr,nnJPAeh, ( r I Yerdn. P. n h l .
Al fine Connor could not even bet it I with her long •oyag Awmo Ibe rwlrt im of the mmhe'1 201b Janna 1187, ( w1 �•' 1fAVA1 U`i'F1 yJ' Ple•N NnJ lar Citf"In 1"n. 1:,. ItAi7. k w51 9ma fn. .e
I lost. If* searched seri/ corner of the rood, opened h,s eyes Old Mr Rosin bent over dIM,rlrnM stead" rot ')'' AAdrewr __- .. ___ _. _
$book fie gailu sod b wrlkeu, ane beg,ted' him ; he hal been outsmarted by the r.ew$, UANADI LN Fi DF+rnuYER I SHFAIFF'8 SALE OF LAND8. ALLOWED %. ' li(IOT SH�f. I w/ a `V. J0. ,`e �{ f� �r y
thner about ham to "qua joking, coat give is and the room esu full of Connor'$ fellow As a Pi.mty MnLeme. it n well and fey"ra Lly - k ' S T o it E, ALLAN P. iUJ .1V LEA ,
worth en. k..own. rol.rong IhuaN nil• Dom prina'n Ihr I Principal a/ London Coinmtrriu College,
beck." 9nla, Heck and heed,Cou hs, Cold.,=pro throne• United Ont. nhrsr f)�) Yrmut ollwn wnt•el
" RH'••r, Cmnnar T' askeA the old man. r Huron and Bru,a, (DVendmmn EatKm10• rad �if E ,•n I&..p,,.ml h,- London G, N'. 1 �, k7
Ila' at last he realized the truth. Spread.. fitm$n, Cramp+ ,n lime 't( •n b, To wit : S two was ofrion Fam■■ rf OR CASH• , (
" In unit man that bad ibot it's thaved " A dale," •aidCannor. " it's may now i Caerere mo'bu.ltyarmrry Rnwel c"m- u,ned nal M Her Mai,"v4 (--e- I of C' mon n,•f m.. So w large I TM f:ewlenrh Commereinl god MsH„m rr.l I
•f nrk rr fF,ertr ■nil P•A,,.^ Alad<my i, s011nr,d wnh rhe Co!,rg.. 'o• •It. •�.+ f•. 0
from m* P• be asked, in a breathless way. IT be whir her soon, And look ye, mawther, pial., Hurt.., Arrow.. Orman Oil", 1'Iraa and Co -t of Qo' n's Ren, h, s•:d le me .f 1.0 beet ' anuf nu •• 1 tarn.", tor., ,Idnrslhr P,o,cip■l. O e rr' >( --1
' Rny i$ soy man tDwt Md T" I've harm coo thing -Goll is good ; be k,., tc hc. d, --ted alaam.t the load..nil lornemenu .1 J 1:%Ildryn.', L•dlrs', sin J. e. McHellar, J __
Thr CANADIAN PAID DF: `<TKUYRK Bar p Iic",iemans•
M No doubt at it, Colmar. it's *thole." wooldn't Ill me bring Nora ^yet b mn, brat now tern lwl"rr tAe hLr I:rr w fen th n time, H<nn C,ugmMr, John Lah tnJ Ir■ Lewa, AT THS
The.. Counnr at hu head down upon his hti s laking me over to hot -to her and P" If el the riao k .(Coomt Mer-ge F. Thr Cnm- �,' w10 Ulaknea,+'. W'. Q t M
p and theory th a silt nkwl, ocher toner menu, oft'anad•, Cwt -,t F'. Th- -and 1..,- � IAQB hF. BIa, dt•C• __ __ •"
taoode, Said hfled ap his •nice, and wept It Ja• eery -over IM near ; don'1 you tM it acrd 1, a M"Rle rnMwmelas R'he panr•nent re6, Iwhen Thr R,nk of Mnnrr a1, I herr era gl and Isktn 111 of whreh w:,, M n,h, - - -
vY Dee of Ilwt■e siltbu which wen never for- her •leading on rho other nide to waleom, l,m'ly usi hod we have rr b -in I....ogle in trMnlWn that yrtwe reel err rye 1 nI Ided na.r tomo C.•n. I FOB BALE. - a -
caMofd,rtatisf cl.on whore the d,rsr9,ona hav^ ppes
get. it r•emeJ more then he could Mar to tat- �„ r followed; Mt,nn Ibe m„fnr 611 he'•• Mn ollm ••D^ Western D.eiaio,n "flee n.\ CST' KFI�Fay'F:U A LARGfi
pave Non dna hie Child " put." as he eR• And with Rote words Connor stretched P"'F• 'Y y T^wn•hip "f U:,Ih...t, •n.l more Pertr•al"Av I\'h, ke. It, N� i LOT Vn. 16, 3rd eon. Wawa,ed. rhe "
am del,rl„e.I with.1. opwntnnma, rand •p,Le in d,s•nt"d,h res,, doe.. hem Robes (frah.m SIGNAL 0 'f"dr'i`�h' fkt. IR. Iw 9SSOR ENT OF CCOTH3
Presacd d, mopl►t sway Irom Mm again. oN bis arms. Perhaps he did see Nom- .nr h,ghe'n term• of iia vrnow . "I mag.•al at. p,,,,bry. to D■•'J I,awM n awd Walter Lswron, ♦'���� in; 50 :•trig, l:i acr^s c cared. TM and
LL♦a r17fp.n•, •nsitnsted12milesfromf-elf-rich, ant will
Houwen only knows -end so he died. its, end lately iM prolany of in♦ Tale John Oslo, I Conle.11s In 1 l of R'wI of England &cad
Rut .hen he went to work that day, it womnis k from etpnr..ow m the m■u,r, hs•- I„ref Mr w Ih I+P mar h, wrr► ..M -J i* drlla'nr the - _ be $mid un reasonab a terms for cub. A J
d PI Tlduth•, Hesyen, F-oh.av, wexr-,Le. Posey
moemOA l0 all who uw him lh•t he had Lick. Int I-f•f n thor"...1.4..00 ta.e,t;..n• .b;w!e whn .des mill, ,u , the boder, o'pn, no •eMf to J. R. OURDO:1, ESQ r F. 'Ar".h +c,.r,,,nm 'rrnak I'w. wl•,Cn►nsrear
eA n new dptvrmination. Flit banJn aero an ..&,.ng tfwm any of Ike compaistn s (1r m.I•hrn,-rnnnrelnl,,he up•,th. ,xw. end el., i „t- or E. CAMPAIGNS, end ■ Yt r' Y of ('.nodi"• Clutha;
ae,epr idle. His fa$e Seemed to say " i'll -- --- - - - - wYrh it 1, rrr.mlmemled mny d -Pi open iM the m ,ionervenon m,ri with the ..rc"!•r saw• Oodoneh, Jan. Zest, 11467. -_ - "� - __ Now. 2S, 1 r•16. w -t Itf.- -- at the (1661. R.fn• Smi of 8.1 ri., ' rwl Veamgr, �hlrl.,
h•.e 24om wllF elle yeL" At noon M ect ateb- Befog • rov, Remedy. and Thr ronwge of Ihr ma re, a .Iw the torn. l+love.• a'sp■. A r., til.
h T.• • ,I IBP Cenwdl•n ine Is,hr„n lhr Ned mail the l.nq.•rty .a Ise Q�1 fR is I Hr bM'. e+MRJrat of R.rr g"haf■fuoa to ah
.d alit a letter, blotted sod very $Iran,( I) Ihr ..mru .nor a ser , _-- - t err t,0�
,Crswl.d. telling Nam what bad bappmvd, Qte>i• prlrover a eunng IM deuterium lime while. d it .old ),,he 11.11, which 1■01. end triton • I - i1 va i n a u l lj arm whe may uwrLeln F it n.
omn,rndvd. and n+ wnnde All mrorr m ,nl. ■1..11 ogee hw Nle fit mY emir m Ihe Cr,orl 8$EBIF! TA SAJUr OF LAPL,f. f
♦nil those who oMervtd hem a $iced thrt hs On Ihe 20 tool, Cnn*tanv Amy Wolfer- ,le -ng ill,. l rlmrag,w.,n, of ithrn,n"ior", at.d m H wN, a t4 town et fi.der,rh, on Tnv.d&7 1 HE 4rhmoriher og*rn to any yas•$no or TWEF,D 4ti ITa (foil wnml)tl epwat�s.
bad nor vrb with rve dinner. indeed, from sten, yunngumt child of F. W. Thomas. Zrq., reli•rn r Nerve to A" io■a, *glide it t^ a high tM Nvrnte 4av of .Nay nae', N the boor M nnnedCesinUN wf Y v.nre of • wnh M FOR SALE l
nhk ;A IAe I'K UI TOM'M tut IArdn r mplunp. Twelve of Lha rlw k, ■a,n. [] comp,ny fora Mlett]] of onean-i with sW N, ]I. -Cutting tiQae to . -M
that mon cut he lived ni breed, potatoe■ -nit Rank of Mentreat, London. mhk I ere list.I .n from ., th - Ihtrrn n JOHN MACTN)NALD, Hurole and Brv,el H Pesti F'ar'os .►n,eai owl ^f rho radlartinn, not h•11 0 of land. wits � - .
j' IIE Pmpwtwrw of I,al \n, I I, sin the Mad- (t:wlerich, Bert Z.itb. 1P6d, awe
Ia Lendno, On lhC 23fti Ina%., iierMrt dLbrea/ M4 d. T^ ••'' • of Her Mai•sly•• C,,,,nr aheul Gar hundred foal front Iaod Siena• I T I.nd ti..o,_-om. F,■.rern thy,aon, in the w..� �? --T
Cold wafer, slid workedN fewm ever work will (r.o re(tM room ler mnhrr-1,14.e., and Co." Mlao fl."'d C.mntn,ii.m.m. *rid Rnre ted ahnut aighly yods front the pre■ent rovan,hin of Colfmrne, t7nonfo,of, wished Flve Dollars �@WB.T •
ore MfnM. G Ircw to M lM u1k of Ibe lA allow Gr1•dley, $Beat 2 years anti 4 each le*/0polf sad. IP "mi toad ri.f.,f-l"e"a Abtne'.011 .,Ooderleb, l aN for rM rhrers.e ■f,■row rbr IAndn *nil IIM•
she , and now, that $ympwth mm settled, vest •atb Janus 1.67. t *I G.iderirb Pall W orks. :o,`i "tit the slave pr -r" ,<. wnA IMir ■ ar
p mdn'hs, yoenge.t ann of Fnneia yVAll- ID rf• _ we"f■et Pnnrrs Ile•i,m I ,he d.of of R. anon es. Tlwnlum ro,nonM. ton ■-ass 7. M
every on• wansed to help onnor. Jobg TM CuMun P6in I1r.I Mvtrntd. •e _ _ -_ -�- Pok and (;-k, I wruI *nil taken ,n Forfonhit p&rticwtarm apply by lelttr er
.rstadi Thtrman, IC1 Bank of M6ettmol. • e'p TENDEN,B WJ�NTED.
were thrown in his way, kind words and sq•. gITl lmraMwlr ..,IMI. Ali nor tiwI-*" taernfro•611 the n ht,lal ■nil iwftngfe offM Pnnondly IOI Invy. i.'Irar<1, Therei, • I*rtw nr,lh, Id d
rt. P"yoreins onler and w it, anti no family r rnry r..m h.rloda toe hen-, M+wl 'asMe, st,d 03'r OR STOLRY on the 7th Decent t r. 1
friendly wie11M helped him wIgktii. Rat no - will he watool it anrr no- ti • 'h _- am4 dorfar•l■M m and 1n bw we l nae,,.,be I F,. C AMPA [ONE e
�g T' t Inunhce"e•*.,un.tIke Trwn•hI Ian�pliti.,aeh,gtb■naohlMplywl•ea. her, 1P6• •
pnwnb eelA make hem $Lara t I xrl or )glllr �►dLerttllemflste PrfN only ItSaent. per ,.ret t. EVDF.R9 will M reee.ved by the dbd.r apasy.nd,v'.,..n. a Inr Inunt ' ^f AtaMld, KPppwr of Cnanly Oenl. If i4 ■rwrt et M mJp. e..n Oakrkb, two e
drink of any other .omman. That Seemed 1AII indent Meeh hr aridr0easA In ai „� anti% • y or Humn, road l Otaderieb, Dec. 6th, 1NAn, di m•f<. 1 -no flar"WI1■r'- still' mill-, Nw rm"r snit lil„ ACK l •f AN EVni ISP "ERRILR DOO
NOIt MA P t I,YAt k11, R ,•1„'^R one hnndr«1 ■repo mon or M.., wkwMl - ..._. _- --�- pail "all rr and n, IM Llool fketllre rot Th— i
a kind of charity to him. Rlilthe *so helped Newr■rld, C. W., I•nd* toil .enr,nrnl• I shall of•r ! r NIe .1 w .* . -heti ho rr nn Ibe attitude,Il the fat. TM ene.lrMit to able nwra of ' . eR.^ Any
&long. A present from Mr. hewn, •t pay The Fret D•y of Febraars DeIt MIP" ,n IM ('Dors W -air, Jn the rnsn ni !�b'90L IBNT ACT Orf' 11164. hind r r.lkn" and M a btwv 1■ loom. rson Ked.a *olid do rad ntrctin him
Hanerwl Agent for i R R. e
K O R (F.dtr.,h. ore T.-dit Ike s•rvme d* of M■ Thr trrms arc err Mw,u •tMil end mnv b to els whocriber, will rarees,t tM shore ro-
d&y, sal NOf& M A! Nid, '' a week naanr," E O V L g,]•Sula to Oodenck by Foktr t CNtle and ndn• •t tbt hour of lr•fs, "f Ih ,I_k,mm�, y in lM wnttrr et M•UMw Ilddser, an in- ■ evortal""I nn 101,10. +u^n to the protw ere? ^n word. Any portion ko*oing ■aid dot differ
Md this and the, &nil the ..'her added to Ihp P. 1 wlwn ; OodmPr b Cn. ""40N; 1*mpg
little board. it grew faster iMa the Rnt. &,ad rynthe . H.,sendk; i Prri■af. Kstrowt I. H• %O Oords Firewood- JOHN MACMNALD• entreat.
Ceenoi $ Isart wN nM en Aravy. At last, Comb..t'Ialr.e; 41rrr.1, I,ullknnw; K. H.,tsea, r►dne H, •std R. tM pwtmisN, lir. Mn.tla(wntry, er wit IM ollke data or tbi6 ..apt•* will M prreeeMd &ecce, -
before hes Mp.A H. M wsa eller mon a►le to M 18 8 R A D C L I F E Iwfe111 ,and ah Mild !ma Dr■IdM. .20 Itaech ped Maples, *nond and fir• f-ln t, net* ebwdl`s (itlrv, Ondine b. � HF eMMraro of Ihr, abort n& n.A In A1rNN wit
and Bleb$, In M debdnd ferthwilh at the R J•sse,r, Ihw7, sM notified to meet ot the offire of Meears r L, fko,' R. ing to I&w. H l . F.0
edit, 1• Iran gnrar to bring %him nor*,," and BWlii., irfnrw her rntteorwrrr and the in - --- w1 Harris RMtnar", In 1mnAen, P. W., on r•rrMtr. to,tl10 to. .
O33NTRAL AOHOOL. - - 1.a rr.l.,- woo fm. Ciintea, Ja. i•, IR6T. .61 It
(n show hes Anndk*rebiel, in wh'cb. wit Mfon. p&Manu nl OnAwri,h and nor. hhnr NOTICE, fhsr• it tM fA&rwath dq of R*brwary, -..-_ __ - -_.__ _ - -
n 1�RT f I ll C P PiM bt
be bad tipA op big savings,lbf* time, haws'*' bond %hot the bat Mm*•vd ffOO bar lam
only to Nt friends. ()aeuout s,•ong strong. Mwde"c* M the Square. Il, the Hn.wo on FOR SALE O R LEA 8 E .
sea, M bid IM tea&&arw, ►nil kept Ms •orae fiat 4tneq near Knoi s Church, lately ---
tithail bwet.w*d freer it nig►t and day until o,,upiod by the Rw•. Mr. Flttthrr, +Mn WITHIN tior s. wit fhw pnNal uodenrh
IM ticket• won bees ►t end ret. Than •nfl Wn'b. Alan.
t aAr will Ma4nn, het M•,•, *a N V A R K 1 N O 1, A N D A I wam, wow&& u.f eMld npaMe of Mo
fltjerandarstendiwgt knew that Nem land Dress and Cloak Mi 0 w,AMrrt to Ifter •.I,t) . Applaivin
her he wore Jamwiying, BnA nit mrd Emh,niAerf. 1n"N asLh rYJLODF.
TM.e wait Jobe Jowls, wbe Aad www* of N. B.-Apprrtmrs Wanted. wt 3t tim"'h, Iw Der., Imm, tte!.r11nr, d �r `t
t1.. brute m be "Mraflie- thea dealt Jawry 22nd, 1067. w
TpnAtn to nab ptite rise cord. Rett.ity A. . at tha Aour o ors n r nC "."%
will he rprei,.d for the don fulfilment of the i AkREBY forbid an paras •4wi& r^rthe poo. gamin .o ref the pnsol'enl,
ennttw(•t. + on• 1100 note, end Ihr.$ otos of ]56 I~� tM wRain of I►a aaMM
Ry Ordeto(the Board of Common 4abool ••,•h• mad• by aN in fwtooe of atm Sooty la.nemlly• THOMAS CHI;RI:HRIF.
Trsabes. N••Mw, mo i bell$ nater received &ny w&IM Cfaf Aawi fila
AK.MACKAY. Ferro*,
,tbeyebry. ANTHONY HUi.T, Ceeafgej i/d/tw.r.
i'latpd at i,nmlon, (l. W., that 22nd de of
Goderieh, 1R Joe., i!16T. w52 td Jtduay 23, IOR7fmt 21, eon. 4, R; �ek. IJ6a&&ty, IA6T. wl '.t
MARINE INURANCE. DI•solNtlon of o- APs r -
8r It left Amorleas loomrwwe•n Cor
or Toae•ro,
Marine Denartlnlent•
Ass nt.
fifat.rwb.Ariamuh ye*a. sill
TtyF ('e.Psttrttnh.p Mrotefn•e /st�
1 .-far Ike "a,"• ■nil gra of I',ofth
store, It this day sl.efw10d by weryal
AIf .Isim6 oat food yoh•t ty
.BI be so"" by Retort TW"Ml
Wroneter, Jan. 19, lee?, sLa