Huron Signal, 1867-1-17, Page 2__ -.- _ ___.____ � -- .— _
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's : ii l: TAIs a. T. Il. - --�-- - - -- - - - - - r It Y my delerml•Mwe-mud let so man' ? down,'' or "Oftilow"a of money of the' oder every stitch of runes, tb ••en q
gaKed is stltporiRumd ilia work, and r TM alluslsa los Mr. G.'e fhmily tomo •TANLBY. TN® aBBAT E1IA111 I . go y y„ $ "a ..d
IIWIXDLII. enetake ms -W into Inland tlsw ynr° Iprlscipel bwioeSe filws wen Ja+tru en, r str it wt, and witty bar reeler
N FTal 7 ANO ooD':uICR DISTPI1CT, Joubl u Celt with id W the woew a•eti4i" L nae of the reatest ou -- 1 tell ea that the a le •• will fi ht summer well u mut blit d.vl6m e. YaseV CJob easige proudly tl•ating oe the
ARtt\'t. Of /h• Mterprtse. 11'e wrtaluly peps that has twee ditigrted Cmadiam jour- A lea -Bunting sad presentation look JArr ttlarrzxs gxerxD AND usfouseso or later." They Spice bent upon gfight this FArly t° the day large gdoucbmeuu of •tiff breer, t►e Benrieta (hied by two
pesrr(pfiow olfre'a. Tirsi; thh Cow a will " elrike " the time aa4•m, and wh•nter reed will Wise • cr Place at the School Hour in Seo. % Hey Aa A "'!'Ratio•" -Ta C. O. i. It. as ( year ; sand I am determined to live or die sailors and mariuer were landed from ills Noodle•, rad 11r"aet. Jerome aed Knapp, jibe
Amomodetfos ...................11:30 a.m. Y J and Stapley, on Friday evocisg, Dame ACCOtrr tetra vas Ialrs ST1ta PXISUX- I with the people, Nu muter whether by its revel. of ilia Brit" Get% lying ie she Dar judges fa( ler he cowing auJ fwli Vaca df.
nrtxle d • reewnoble depth and esyey of indignation. Shame upon any man ems Axs OTa►aa, be.,1C. "ado, i&e,mlallon, studs, winks, or I use her, who at first worked well under the tun- caled that ell tike cadiuuw of tins rice pad
Ysipress mail ................?... 3.00 p.m. 121 et. The room was •rowdd with the I other various waysso congenial to certain trol dt their o1cen, but*trips access to baso strictly cum Jird wit%, down west the
Itliaw.............. .... 10:50 " every pppsp.nty, capable of such es "t I
••• •••••• rets and tMehildreu of rhe seauou.- Nduuraud nawrro. " d u u a@SertoJ lLrt li mor ilia bet . p.rlact y "numn•gerble. newgaas, mud t, primate signal took lar
.- �,,,_ _ ____ -_ - � r._ part Our special correspondent writing from 4 y. lace As lbs w
Dt►ART. BILLIARAP MATCH. After an excellent tea, Mr. AIIAD ylitChell New York us the 7th lost., rads es the lot -I1 do vel easui w fight, lel them M branded I From strinug to w rayeiq they tv"ed I W Covers 16. land huttuutytLeu.ntd, wd�ib
The Blo hOnR SSYlI. _ i be events soon to occur u falx ro hen °r 'heir attention lar lU. m u1J-eubberles
Expron.mssil..................... s:00..m. P P r P Fin
b.i w mai1.....................10:00 " -- war mailed W the chair, and intctcsting latwiai extract frca one of the F'euias organ• Gan." 1 toll you Ibaro bs+ got to M • fight' u( the boldest urtun vers sole while fie one sato haR fiuisbd •lung cad toihot" trek
Ae the .ora oat shi of Fealaniw A friendly billiard match lsetwsap
Aeco bodatios ..,....... P addrerSe wen dtelivet•d b tho chair• in'haf tiff regardirj thw gi$aatie Midle. its lnlud tbw err, " rbrther 1 am uann ownon of property were /landiaj hnlpl"s I the beta lions yarbt darkened hue •pad
T:3U P•1° twelve of the billiard a en of Uoderich I
Woks beneath ilio waves of ublinun, tike PI I man, ■uJ Itov \l r. U re, wive, at the sake LisA dmrrican enys : use nut ; but l r ell M'here heyonJ donut.'' I to pnertst them. rod tlurwd leisurely slung. Her blue ligbu
- -- - -•--- - -- tri oo eech aide war •,'a d io the y I Tbe all°ted period is alwost exhausted f I Amostg the luasnt by the fin std 4"t,uc- and socktte auuuww•d bear •(rival Lure, skimp
laigoet sad ebrcwdest oC the into an ) W I doe^ of his remarks, presented Jnr Thos W• had 111 a mount number of the Detroit I the Issl s•mos of " this year" sen already I fins was the •relives of the L'niteA Stutrs having crossed tLe Ad•utic to the isle of
rA1 t 11411• drulgling to eac^p0. Stephen•, (he Chief Huron Hotel Hilliard Room, oo Saturd•) + Deal Y1s1 the ?nursed letter fru) the wife i falhn from tike glw of time ; and event ! CuusylAte. Thete were nacrd by Cwual I Wright in lelrtwn dry, twrnly-two hours
•Y • •a Larry, Ute terchrr, (who is luaring tbest of Yened%b O'Wlwv&a Nur%, who bar g
_ sf Or •velar: of the Irish Re ublic -,be evening last, of which the following ac- haw " DrunJfd," rs • ' Irbv proy%u and b'uber from bar uMlce, sand ulacrd t^ r hued and forte ria mmuus, m-uu time, .ad that
b P Parte) with a haodouwAy bound copy of been acting ase �eemlary lar a Committee' fur Ito," uuly Jamie Stepho,A the malignant I ed warehouse, which won after ver %Iso de without awing carried •way any of liar lijbt
Q H JAN• 17 1867• man who wars te initiate the revolution in count has bees furnished a fur publics- the relief of the families of the Irish State
the Hdy Se:ripturet. Mr Curry mads wJ Iwnistaut reviler of hour+t sand wird tern uruyd. A Iargs parr{1st° of the arcLirrs of rib use Byrn, use e•ar w much r • R►aeA W
�.,•_ Ireland ere tike lot of tibia mouth, and tins ■n aWe std lixlis re I Thr Berne Prsosten, racy u[ weum Bare bces leh m • -James Stepl,alt who, to escrow ter coon• Sher cuueulrrey w wall u elm Fnx► olfics, torr use star-_ td rope.
tIMALL BILeROBfilat• g P y• slaw of d"titutiun suwe ire rrsmes, by the reliance of the strewn of tremury toured i1LLJ wen destroyed.
_ who war believed to have departed on The parties opposed W each other Brass Hoard di•coucud oa itaI wuaic Jar• British Government, art veru Autuial protea' V ( $lwlre caw CsafeieratlN.
Lis mirl"n man w" e --has been were : its •the eteain AlW cher the rooted• ton. The letter will be intemtin to those V'� wi lwe uttwrs ebildrea al Irolewd,
In the ditcus.iot of local yuntidur, It y i g g P rho baro confnbuted, its ret o 1, se lar tike , PromorJ' ?iris W tight its 1 cSg, olid never fSowth ►ererlCa g Xh thinks tlskl the
tio. 1. T, Dare T. J. Nloorboose, its s were vc int,reatin ser -a we air v Th. Maitreel Tele n
it astonishing .::at bap awount of capital fuond okulkuag is pritatl..lodginge is same I, g r1 g' mut• els mrue b J►t"s ate herr end struck a slow; pr°mired ag in and &Assn, I Now fork, Jan 12. -Advice• from Rio Auti Couf ldrrrtes burr received an re "iu1,
Cr t MeG or, R. Bluett, 1Y. Tbumi sw-say ver cannot give the full report which . apps I P from 1860 w 1864, mud each time broke bar I I.
of the back rlrcets of \eve York, payiog P reg P hw abettors here, (or std fur the families ul' te ?rub wwleh oar ht lu be wok co. -
may be wade out of fuocied wropgs in occu pearl fir? a e• of fuolea wwd ; rowed brW.e hnndocJs o[ wlunrracs , Jaoe,ro of rhe :tel u;t , slate that Ihe even K
for hu board al the rate d $45 r week top awed V. l wewd. P y P g P the eondtmnd risunere, lhi"As June+ Aw+sun, Tuean,le/ and Stu Fnhelwe erre I wlstiau to them for the explus,ou of Feman-
small matters. W hep de-iling with the Pe - P tart 1 would fight uldre the all of nectio - I,
out of the sum placed ■t his disposal by No. 2. Dl. J. W rigfl, C. Slack, J, T. Wrlsd mthe or plc-ucs its Itellevor Grrelr., y i sem sad she out de o dwtp•u n of the
derelicliune of great fusctiusarics from eche em laslU 11 to T balls io the Garuuuia Arrmbiy Ruums,'and her, 1 or m would ?sass tell cunueNwa been tnruwu u n to the tarda u[ell naliaul. , L■•q
U for the Oarrow, C, E. Rubcrtoun, rV. Mori r, with lbr F'reiru orgrnpntwu, yet rhea the I A salol had token plate betwesn the Bn• hep" tory had fuumd+d on toe ?lienee. The
Chatcellure of the F:zch ter to Railwa patlietl° navrioo and Rervtmt 0. rego fain, festivals ad concerts C*uendly. As time coax, did oeither who wrote tai the aiiisr and Punts ser" i^ Pernaobsoo. is Oovernur of the State of Main, its Ica anneal
I u of ?assist " O,W Nie@" on the L. H. Robertson. At iLa .I Genanl MesUoB of the the newspaper rcpn,u of tLsas affairs (care i eddnrss to the Legwlatun, don,oaac" "the
Idosu lialR, small minds find themselves P rPo" B members of tee Mechanics Iwtilute of the Ldly " n•lwd' Mfon publication) always urn of there b- I which 20 PorfugueSe rod 100 Birsihaaal were
po � •' Let then be no mistake about iL Th,e ' ktllyd. sebewe fur the wruuliJ&liost of the Bruise
Lost is ISL riuths "f atatistip and Res ' shores of ilia " Gem of the Sea." No Pla o°mmenced clock, three on Towo of U°dench. held on Theraday *writing Pro, Luce ' whi h he believes to be 'ti rt
J declared them to bare bean, each, "lar sem- ti C
q I 10,11, 10th last., the ful!aw.,X • mtmenN, mwt ,, u year of r. too. J spark rich • Than bad boost apulber yiuleal storm to
doubt `die Ibew lhau;:Lt the {natWr oar, each side being up t° rwh other, PV" writ. how ," rhe auh+enhen will M gird ...Ilan • t.J author' to which no other I of eke great twasptr&ct •gainer Liberty on the
tions of nalluual twportauCc, bat it is I were m:we fur t4• turnot year :-Juba to icon? how much of the roceeds of thew A y 1 Bartow Ayrw. on lbw youllsful wsuseet.,' Ht naccons,
quitepiffmrest.hco they come down to tike i and being well aware (hat a hempen on- their places being taken when they got I Uandwn, PrSeidrot. Nubt. Gibbous, let P morn cut pretend. I rife+t the fl'i rel lnLuo -_—
baa reached the intended destination 1 but -tae flu sf lbs Iruh lie ublie-meet this lhrt if cus(daratiuu M auceesslully accom-
abtaodaloua eztrsvaganoes of puu�d•ketp vet would probably La: Ilia sok retrarJ through by a siutilar number. The ea- Vice Pr.sidout. Samuel Platt• 2nd Vice we think, after readier lin. O'Donevrn's i P I Mortices lisbed in revel% will be "injurious to tee
Preudeot. A. M. fives, Treasurer. cam j year be raid-"
should be rociait Ireland, determined to fire number of pane W be played wan lett?, I l lions? bot deldeJ portion of And Iw ke t that ram:"" utttu used States." flu Hari uakn the sm
Cn, conatrbles a road•ins cion. It is P P 1 I Cummins of br ua sent :-S. Pentland ; ,, - V V p 1 I Hr,J&z rill?, Jac. Cul Tike eapitel chin i hrtic annuauc.m.ul , •• 1'he GwoJa of tbw
Pr I t )dcKy, Seerewr . them wdl M inclitsd :u ark, like the adhar P
the fash•Wn uOv i Rya W charge soy man I retire to acme @ccurc retreat, awed like IS( 0, or 300 for tach air of la urs ge emu of lite Moffat Mansion dynasty the hi ted sp t" bol Dthe Brttai Governme ts. ; Urd by th ser, bor&] rtes -the, are rib encu I suuotry its the Pro•ivan are earnestly up.
who receives a few dollars of public I poor Jls"wber, wait until something The contest, on the whole, war a very C. Fletcher ; S. SIwU ; W. M. Savage ; U. a. Whom has this money gonr r' P irJ D the IrMrel forces -the l.o termer
said It refusin to fi ,ht s Leu the rime Lad , V 7 in, tl.e scheme i" and d• liken taint" the
one, althou h several of the I• en Gordon • A Lefroy ; H D Ussairus ; W T ti u 17 Middlti Muuutjuy wreck, 7 i ° la Cr by an mor, judo. Gan, Prra, rod the .tawlaturs W r.w the o most of " tike
money with rcomethino, Mitt to Li shwa should tarn up. But lbw cutrrprise of fS g P I Ha ■; * G Smith Jraa",l'homaou ' Hoa hero "t by lbr ores cab° wilh.A w burr by Gen, " runts*. Vrjlr, ilia luape"'l fneads of the L' oiled `Slaw apo Use provinces,
b y I A toss ed pews a r re eters war too Fa,ld W make their arta a ams, awed y 1 ' Uublm, irolud, No.. Yu, ln6o.
Y g awe Horton ; J B Gordon and F Jordan. Dear Madsme- Your vert khld and wet. tp k tgh 188`6.11 Ibe has tbeen obra;aino� Ila, I com c ompl to tock mud li■hearteued, eon bar I by cooking arca nmowt 11 r they aro
robbery, awed LLera art nba)'s pcopl I who sag 5 P Pe �' h shot or run war • lauded b b
- ^__!_ _ - _ , roti; i troy cumpbMly drmorrliwd. ' a le and bl ?Curio " tM more
are read to swallow tiro most unt alted I much for Lim. ilex was dragged Out Uf eaC 6UOd PP Y nota leaser e U ter, I lu to toed bJ your moue of hrrdrwkm men utJ roman u, r j overn.
y I OODEBICIR ►VD H.�LIF AZ. note ufa.eek lank tselwin est orJrr fur 7 g The Washta Wu Chronicle (.ulunnl Fur-,daro+uoos of tie Csitd Stade Govern•
Lia oidia ince and wast now fame the •largo puwberof oa•looken. The high. s 1 Avi. ad , b •` promise" that a at Ja be y I R ( .
honk throws opt b] uoserupuluua Sema- g -P tlT, came to hand i^ due kms. It w urrd I.rI.oJ rue6Abti.g brio?? the Id Juiwp, i ort) hr the loduwmg threat in st. leaditsg moot." unagtheuing hie reeummeeduios by
nes. If a man receives fifty dollars music as he brat can. Of,worse, he est run (40 ) war made by 11 r. 1Yright. By advei ttsement in another column it lend to mp. at how very necessary w:as the I IS67. TLe Jay is at hrud : cad even r Lred edotor al : " If the esi.ting eoufiict is not I the Jeelrnuou tout "the mrue? i1 of mon
g°g I will be tried fur trea000, and if Lis irate The Nliewiog was the result :- will be seen that s Halifax firm is dceir- gift W the fund+ of our Committee ; but sal ( as u ts!w prophet rod fir?," Jame►St. phr.s, I ferwherd bs impeacbaeot it will end its ouuvrn to ui (eke peopl. of tM CniteJ
let a ocrtaie awount of work, t`Ae quos- W ri bt Dent Ilene I I els. mus of u sin a a roduee butiaeRr low r t° thank u and the Detroit Sister- g, but to tL• t war•" States) Lban may •planar at fins sight."
brethren, heads of the Irish Re ublic its g I Pa y° war un t p. LrtutJ fi�htio _ _ _ _ -
tioo is put, flu. much Rorl' wAr a^l'ttl}y P Garreer Muorbour . PC g P P hood vary aincuely fur the Time cad upoble I UniteJ States, syuauderi.g the winry so I An importaot dispatch is said to have A Teribler Firearsm.
door, but tatucr, would nut s wo one I America, hart tw power to hang hitt, be W.McGregor" Blasts , , 24 1, with our Huron Produce Dealers. \Ve spent in realising o1. A/ you arc suis6ed I basely uLta,. J, been remetvea to Utur• el cable, W rhe
♦ will be deposed, and some fresh dews• C. RoMruWn beat Thompson . 3; �ruat that ire long it will pot be wasider• with the *zplsnai•uas o[ my turmar IrtlerR U.e woA auore u w his troa•meot of the effect that the Coufpdarrtos delegates in
else hate unJertrkeu if for (Litt; dulhn . I Co t.MeOre r •' SI•ck . 71 d insulting to tell a nan to • Go to Hali- then s ao necessity fur again euteriag apt, 6moies at those who" wives he halt het Prom MA IT. A e.
An asstsecr gets, say, $50.00, for his g'ogue pat in Ibis place, Femianism hu P K° „ details of the vert u ped, w: gice ld My Ilia C it ant Uhe std
Elwoal L.H.ItoMruoa 89 fel I" The lade with the maritime fro- P° I 'a .treat Je+thRtiue to wiJu+, sand who+r cLildryu aro urp4ru' maAe Quabee the "pilaf d tb Unitod The American Govenmenl a sow ►•tint
run iteedf into the ground, and we think winces is destined to be one oC reat im. 11111 existing among ILe pnsuners' (■¢iGrs. ,hreu t to iwtrumental.r• We bare +Irow, ; British Province• etude al' Hartford, Connecticut, oils handfed
year's work -he cudeavors to discharge • Yo. 1 wiaung by 82 points. 1Y Les the B 11 m T be prance to remark here that, having '''
n will meet with aolLiag het«Corlh Wt rtance. bur, all utscwsspously the wife of U iHooree ! battery turn of r mew Invention. F.fty of
his duty carefully, sad yet Lis Rapport- match was ore?, the party sat dowp t° P° -_-�____- _ !card of Wy/: Dren nal un toot fur "Am Ica testified against him, that the funds' them will haw • o al -inch bon. '1'Lm goo
Pe the emitting kick• which are generally pp< g the rellefcf the prisoners' fawilief, and e y pw By \ tlan*sc/ Coble. q y
en are dmoanced becauan nom: two ser ezcellcnt @u r ip the diose room Electlow of f3chtsol •t'ruteem. awed b • ab its their acme have war I D 1 1 ILL li til is airs • esnueir W look at. Tice nae
meted out to those who are ra idl oing _- large gain realized by the Junri Woo 1 meet.
would have tak'ea the job in hand far P i g b of the saute hotel. Phe return match reached them. Ila bas himself, pro.ouseed ebaractariuxs of this terrible weapon are
:sl, we ?oro exprcang thew prat months
hl+Owe emtdemurtiuu. ' In ilio R;,eeah reitls Ilial it line r /trim art' barrels, with •tamer
sift dollars. That is the rent ase u• down Lill. The juuntAL which formerly Then teat very little ezcitemeut over cunt: iwuGors from America ; but u) to this London, Jan. l: (noun said luck e I
] g g will be pleyed nest week. 1 ice dcnwred at the ulcus: hrW Len last Sep )•-Tike L,rtL of � y infer, ngidly fouu"d to IM
mens of rrot.(l rrf'orm which is dra�rod aided and abetted the Brotherhood are -- the election of School Trusted. The time have ?het dwppo,ntmen , a, none teuber, to miss thew funds. he toys [and we I the Admirsity are busily ougagd to the wen• , ta•i. abaft. and rotating simultaneously sad
1 pow a er 'ter their endeavors rove HOBHE T/IFFY. fuPeWis utlemeu have been returned : sd dlu thea, arrived. ]'ver p, rs I. re ,I,i.,te it from hu own °ttiviai report) i p.nrpun of eaimaus f,r the targe u,crease cuutiuuowly De meens of a crank, the xa.,U,•
from the breuxhcs pockets of the diswp• 'B P _,_ g gardmg Ike chuJreo of like pns•,nrn is net of the curl ane of tbo sert,ce which hu
I U'U.nuvrn Burr has lett hehpnd him dges brio [ f. iotas lM carrier from teed -
that it hex been from first t° Inst an un- SL Andrew's Ward G. 2i. DATIs ; t. at p vseut tersb:: ; there are several mwos, latel 'been ordered.
opted Or disappolgad at the clot of RECOV[RT Or 7D6 A`IIIIAL AND At• ' for this. TLe cbttd fire ehpWnn rnpruadrd fur : and hu ie only y � boxes,.oeentt dnpn eadw;ss into the nor
miti ted hnmbu . Ponce to its ashes! R[xT Or TUR Trltr. Geo► e's, Chas. E. Robertson; St.�Pat rvu are really all too I The Tassel of this monlm tins a Ion
\ every municipal ]car. Rae believe in rt• I g' g wuun ao nor', or be of service. A4,,,, we O11e lien. AIt chiidtc t op'r haw PastaJis R g cud u! the Darrela, eke^ al,aw"eWi nod my
-- - �- � 8 bur the destitute ehilJ:rn ul lL�ir aft ilio. nr,(wurntrtira article em the ouDyct of the tm ser carti die errs rrthd,awu nthuut .n
\\\ s rick'e Juo. Walker' St. David's F.. Clif• 1 l
form where there is abo,re of power -we ; "� ' > have out the carne of Reading thew ; fur our %1'111 .,1 err legit them. ]'ou moat pike sure 11OV"r,•hmeut or' tib. 1 resident o' the Cuil pease im tM openuon. 1'be ioc•rrnt Iodpry
TIRE NEW .WUVICIPAL ACT. Op Tharday weight a nluablc fotdapd 3. Fume. ) g
believe in every progressive movement »- _._ _ funds allow us only to live •• from hand t, that history wi!I L,tLi yard J.,w. t. eternal , States, anid rays Lite scheme looks like • faal •uJ 6rieg an produced byvbe simplest kind
ware was atolea from lir. Allan Groy, u,oath." having Io JJ• suthcient for to-h.y's ; b!,w at the con.atution• mechanism, there Min 1
Calculated to reader the work-isg elasece I I1'e expect that a good many changes aw JUDOL WtOL'OU hu entero) npop fanare of tile, rhay� but nu rorwiun I , otr►my err honor according as you"act." g er pans •boat hi
townsbL) of Plympfon, Cons of Lamb. Pe P ' r Hy tib•' last sail We reeesv.d a letter from Paris, Jau. 11.-1'Ls Japanese em%auy gnu tb�n in 'be 9pnngfield mastet. Thr
.\\ sore eu:afort:sWe and happy, but we do will have to be aside Is the new AsscR.s- I his duties as County Judge for Huroo.- l to morrow ;-rather a A.d peaitiou fur (anul' an lrwh Ida, ilia &nsexrd estruM from which ha arrived wen tit cu•, and rdl ahonly laare' gun ern be Jiseh&r rJ a the me u( 200
too. On discovering his• for r. Grey He Ix s ken of as a Round law et and a wen that bad unci been comlortab!r ntuated. fur Amer ice
Oat liehcve in the cheese-pariug policy, meat Act at the nezt session of 1'arliA- 1'a I beers u. thu'matter eumewbat heavily. elven par mioat@. �ne of its features w that
tallied the issue of bills offering reward men of sterling character. We wish hits 1 Puiti.z wide thaw objeccuos I nether exists S.,vi uf. the yacbt''clubs el France pro I there s no recoil which ears aR et the stew
which Jewunds at all owes, end under i mcpt. As .0 aaticipatd, a gaaod diol of of $':0 fpr circ recoveq of the apimal awed puny ]tan of hap finer awed nseftdncss ser tow -that we cgng rex. fond{) ■till to Ira s K:a"tows, Dec. I., 1+.6. o,.ae to Nn(rr medals of honor ur,•a1 James, ratJ of the aim, whom Ilan gun w once
all circumstances, that greatest possible trouble has arisen at the re,ccut elections smotogrt nR. I:and • +std tib° promises of James Stephens." . a Godo. Be,mett, jr., owner of Ilio socCentral I eig6led at • gaven ,object• the same aim ten
awomat of work fur tbo ICaat poesible through the awb'gui'y of many portions quenthc traced thehfellow (W this slab- Ila or GI of Lond on hu re the auff,•renhwill avail the aselves of the kind James th 'ia w umentd re be io Duo- 7sI ilost , J nu a,2 -T'.o MorninT Journal of l untilitth usands uftdiscbarles( tie lace. r
awount of pad. Take fur erswple the of the Law. Op setenl iwportaot points borhtwd sad heard that he had bW ti ri hos tbernic chair eft rf three years offer of the Swterhuod io Detroit, and seek I viS�;cnliw•lt� (or Lem attall the• I orae! igll i' this city to day contained udiliCirt eerrounw i tg okay web ekept
lateral ruin matiuo of the un as
Assis a of public officers. In nine CAta the lawyers differ " W the meaoipg to- Service, ave a ear r to the members of the their homes in America, myrelt among die d . wenn t'owI t%s SuW:a Yuru hr ea!led u it denawd were the en to hemg Jsebarged
g PP• r:ic w herr, tlauntu. In the streets an the I ► t
out of LCn, if ilia hrioa oboes of a Colborne. Calling un Chief Consta le corporation sad fames, on the evening of the number. You will be Plea%d to hear that * "c in t•Iret and cables -a1 jou •be as , 150,000 men iutc sorriest Vo quell the Greeff w that • psrfee, ebert of belie a to be mule
teoiid to be conveyed, and it is not a t the rison_rs under the Act of Ilutxal Cor 1 y ineunection in the !Mediterranean.
Trainer about 5 o'clock on Funday even 3rd. Tho duly prps� speak Jishl of the P s,ucc they are p aid fur u_ut of the �.,d darn , W swe*P • weaum of any cVe'e within m
muoicipality were let out by auction on wonderful that other people should differ aff it u one m much luta xst. lir. Gbss Poe, us, wish she exception of about fun)' in{, of the )tor Irish t sand wor;up; me. 1 eslb, J.e.. 12-M D mak hso wued sr' rasp. Alt there w no ewspu sl gou ret rhe
ing awed atatipr ilia case to him, he stop ul et lixrty, flowevrgtLa convihled men's D' Y r' addaeu us mL1cb he eu,demns the stent'
ao iaversod toil -gate prineipie, it would I as well. hardly any two towns in the knows exactly how to d° suck things, .a Amerces I:' F bnceh, all the tone of the pa.der is szpen
k found that' a etrtup anmber of dollar ped in his ,earth. Mr. Trainer of once .�. �-__ families are numerous, and si II entimly un' phi wife and children of U DJetvas Roa.a lately iwu d for the reor;•u:zat o^ of the deal it giving velocity all the ball. A con• i
country wrrid on ilio eleclioss alike, secured the assistance of Constable Ad- It i• •aid that Presafenl iohnson provided tor, except what liar a wi cru week ez.,:in in Uub:ut, oa ebaritr, "from 4auJ array. Ile says that the carrying root of the sideration which w ,,ho wed to bt of the fist
would be saved annually, apparently, and I awed hence there will no doubt be a ood k a clerk constantl em lard cullin by week spare to them �lom'the (L'nds. I ant, ■theme will crrtai::i ru•b fatal to rhe sr•
$ divers end started off. ARer some search y V y S to mouth," laving �o•d►i smlflcrul for to 1 V ridge Mus its tau cher u thu every tarn
yet, after all, those who here tri^,! the i deal of litigation is cases when there have aid es stir the diawvcred twat the veld prp.nd • •e st sbwn Ser cp uAswere?y wry /Lucenly, yM O'DozoTAx ILw•. day's feature of life1yatrhap•, but'nu plorisioo ores them mere pn/cnt cede the •ad d• edge mwt M either dwh•rXrJ or with
ez riment hate bad to declare that it q Y Y r Pu' 7• '� ( ) for to murro+; sty'd the rile u( Jam ds Ste•' i�res'he Itmueror to concrlf tike claim• of drown from the barrels, thio pncludors •lath
pc beep sal arp coptss`Zs. But is oar humble mare had been sold to 11r. James Wilson Amour sen journal con•Akrs it a public duty To Min Anna VMepons'd, R:c:etar . pheas ti.auuling through the arms city " is R h' , results " wen shows "a the battle field of
was a principle evil in its naturb and din I opiniop, where to effutt hu been made to to disc the pros and cons art polity, F'rn sen Sisareo d, Wuoit. y ilia richest veltet std asblrs I" U'Wnun'a Madrid, J an.12.-The proffered mediation' Getlyu orb. where of the •a 574 mask.,,
of Colborn?, for $83,00, $30 being paid ,be Pro -dent will have • retry lar a sen of the Cs�teJ States in. the Jsffrrences be-' cullecrd after the battle, 25,006 were found
?trop• is its operation. It opens lite way ! carry out the law in goal faith the elec- P 8 p' ¢ iway!" i w • the wed .Sts of James benea U lretort a of a m, cave, Il any twcen Spun and Chili i1 regarded as almost to be Lorded ; 12,000 of them coutaui^ two
dowp. TLa young man who sold ♦V iltwp book at the cud __ _ term of ut5ce. upbt R+!" I'uor w,dwed wde ! God help Mnrrth the torture tf yanviet ids. w Pen. g
for iooempetetsey-i% dor ■way cnuln•Iy tiaras will be held vshd, altLou rib it --» ) eerlainl tee f,rerounes of •s hwonhte and I load. e&c b, rod 6,000 helm
with the idea of old servants, who, froom b Themmrobwu brow hl W tot►ost land aR•r Thi Clinton .Car Era comes'lo hope`n� Illlun opo° ilio ,?hours roe�ailhe p ,i;l.- tBJgin (s ~\er Turk I D edat1tke Permaneht peace! tram tkree to tcb loafs each rhe•ri't idt"
should be ascertained aRerward@ that 1faT _
'long sequaintates- with their work are something elighaly different was meant a I us wucIs enlarged and otherwise imp: oved. pram•" ofole *be, hitter?., b" te•.pted rate of $45 A week, oat of the "i of the 1 A IStassatlooat •awwWstserw. afroumn being Ioroled .gbuut bre•kmg
prepare) W perform it thoroughly -awed s we hate intimated bcforo, we think a shot, time spent in following up indica- The paper is conducted in ■ gentlemanly braver and Muer sten then himself to risk Irish people f Man rod women of lmlad- 1 t thea, s d man! instltOd will, the ball do..
tions Mr. Charles, ter much W his own their all of ha iness io this life, onl w )on wile have n eo de ,ed and depived Co. Th+ gun s light •od.sally truupuq.d.
7 meaner, nod wk wish d suocesv. PP 1 b t From [Ae V. Orftans Picaystie, Jun. 4.I Uue of the sista mow brie mad. w, ikb
it leads W atter confusion in matters it a wise provision to have the poiling sur rise, was arrested fp 9iadair's lintel, - - Ivory thew i. the larch when the aryl bur y the knave and hs •betttars-ere you New Urltant won qoils • mo•el appear- n.m ser duch.rgn S8 100 inch rlsbn h.a
which should bJe tett club Kr ornb, P IAY of tnnl came, even"be left O'Wnova and "tw6ed with this division of the • rewura/
pert y J eommtnee and eonelade on the same day, Goderich. Thcn bein no doubt about �_ _ Rickham cad the erben in )Imnn 'u . n, nu ate ■id• a oot ho a and • fervent ur I ane• yeslbidry, daaped to its snowy garb.- of one at,cb calibre (nine ounces in ei bi
io the true won of the term, u a wine- bat it is manifestly wrong $hat Monday Nt a idealit of the marc he was iven u The Cumnoil of the Township of Haw met wh,n tbo• r mist) planned and stfecl J his own y r 7 will you cling wayflonger to a deluatnn , F doer° yam bas pma"d eau snot war i end wei,(hs Mtmces 500 and hto pound.. \
thing worO.y the tire -struggle of such a should be that day. Most of ua know y R P to the Town Hall nit Moudr) rhe :4th of escape bail ealtelated W free them likewise; but a hideous witchery � your patriotism i , 1U oar city. At ao early hoar in Cit morn- I Ter lint a.mrri ha. •liege o! •Dour o"
to Mr. Grey, and the prisoner bang ex• fee. 1866. liobert Htvwn, Esq., Itreve it. and would have done w, but for the rlfi&h r ! jus mall tbil,k tlut utw b" inf+m L•; ws rtvmd•rd to Ibe top of rhe City Hall. , mise• and the latter onwards of two miles.
mea u Fe.ix Hult the Radical, (iCsac6 the paspre of a hot tooeeet in rtmiciprl amind before the Jia or teat committed the ehur and a fuG Con ell rese,pt coward" of J•me1 to euro ! Pour widow. b •ck etor rib io ri,ish ade� tee u.e i i', Us tike rout of'Fu erddiati tike sn.r ver
' there be in real life , but two- qn half• elestiaw►-the eaoneyiog, aril 10. 7 P 'hr $ V F' " 1 g° from t+o to thre inches in depth. I{aaching - _
y- Pref g' for trial. '(be Slinatr/ o! tut melting were recd and rd wde t null JepenJio; on " t6r proo,xR of lsemtndrel 10 beartlru a+•,tbur •cu of I
penny radicalism, trumped up for a pur- I and the drumming up and increasing _ approved, when the to:lowito business was of James Stephens," *well wheie,in the ::mplc Jam•* Ste�bens have proved bias sea be. I the ht;hni pmnutr, .e strund our ales in F nghlfal Ca_tasgr o he.
poi, u one of the meanest things under ezcitcasent on the eye of the decisive da 1Wy We free uentl receive lettere from I rnnsacLd. v,z . - language of patent outfitting, you Iso ter every a city, a. fe b wry blue vnporr hues P
J' 1 J WV lam Burkholder • lied to the Council able evslrnan a,(si west him, Visit of all the tier the arty, end and u rt fl aka ° reaow fell
the canopy of Leaven, It may be argued If the election comes off on Monday it is subscribers covering small some sad ; to be relieved from paying'texVur two Dog., mun••y w'ii.h he hes obatined by trading os Th Toronto Fenlaus. thick sed test ut)rd u+. 1'hu trendy cu• j ♦ fAR sal Lr o► CYIURIxTA ROLIta roww
that even emhll marten, are of importance, I impossible to keep excit tle people from asking for receipts. Now we wish it to I he baring given satwfuctury proof that. he the sympathy of our people fu your woes cad vbm•eribed oar wisi,,n Sach.,porli,ns of ILe AX traAirsaT.
owned but one deg at the tome ur bis Asses- tha surrowt•od privations of fh,ss- bereft li'.e From 5e GJube, Jan. 11 city as we Could tea prewntod as odd *&p -
and ehopld l c tooled ager. 3a they I thimkiDg about rotes and votimg op the be uadenttod that the addrir label oa mens tike Council Cnnled Dam the relief •p, yua art the arms Ibat diould swain end gnarl lan+nnce. A whiw pall wcmd to manus I Prom flit Sl. Louis Rep10/rrop, Jrw, bd.
\ 'rile eummute, sentence• of Rho serer everything. 1' le clerkofthe.earlierdone• Yesterday morning, about half I ow
should by all means, but not in a harping, I Sabbath prcccdiug, and it it more than the paper is changed when parties pay, plied fur. \ them, not one ears? hss ever reached y.0
detracting, c2vtiDttL spirit. If the labor I probable they will do a little electioneer• and this is a sufcient receipt. Persons The fullowio: Accoontl for Grevlll l were l rough all those months of weary clingm: Fenian pro mere, wi date from the d of Wr s:uauben h ad droppal n %hret over us L.^d o'etuak.a •eriuus rce;dent orcum w ,be
P W r P' 7 I raealecte•1 furnishing a blanket, This was m;ht ez seer pavRenjer train Cooing west
et, in orJipaq hf., is worthy of hu Lire, ipr work as well. Lit not morally c -r• subscribing will oblige by giving their rotonled end nrdered to M id, (Srnr a t� ewe ho whose only alternatives a.o at.&(- Januar lout. It is su esfed that the ca aro I P
Lowe IH.70, N'dliem Sanders $3.00. K'i liam tenon or exi:e-elle: nati•ea, an),.drPendrnr fur dela sR, (heir de art a Ibr 6in_etos ic' Cyatainly told tomful web • pi:ht. un the 'frrre fisu�s Feailro&J, about • mr:e
he is certainly just as worthy of it in pub- t7io thst a good deal of this kind of thing 1'. O. address plainly. Advertisements hell $13.12, Chnsues Blears $1.70, lin upon the ebnnie of good frith, or cosnje or I F LJryCtta /gone proeeuted gtite a pieta? area of Par w. Tre train, which conoid of
lie life. By pa]isp a fair awed honorable was going on on Sunday last throughout for the Weekl S• Rdl eboald be is, at Gash $6.15, Christian Qswel l $4.50,Ceritt: manhood of a knave, who ha. but to a Ion_ w°'der to gi.e such of th m as here &my I esgue appearstic -a wide sheet of snow; nut I six ce four bei^
J '9 a s ,art unco•ered. The old ,ua•nch A t rs' i P'•a•^ger ewe hr, ver
Murner $4.50, Patrick Ford $3.40. played the foenu,'s gime of f ani and evidence t) ,dirr :1t the rp..r thine trial of 61 ,which breve fur 1st man ears rye•- thrown (rum the back by IM breaking ul s
price b our public se"soLs we do not ex• thea country 7 'In the iaterest serf the latest, on Tuesday morning. I he following magistrates Seri in their treachery, nod now seeks stiff, the secure ob. their comrades, an op;r,)rtunit to do so. I y T . j •red l sail. TDn uogiw end a ser car
eerie in which to s n d the iii• °!ten i film sc ion, for ones won • arb becomi^ _ p s pgr o•'r
ptet the mete amotr t of kbo► tky are priaeipk of Etabfrath ob/erPapC9 whic` pODEBICH !SALT CO. sccouou fur recririug cad gnntisg ttrti6 7 fK' i 3laruy rt m arid, N s, ,Irn.ncJ to two fwi I their lags, std each or" iovked hoar g l re at viol 1 t haalhi: car rims Dartielly
a able og Nae K [hC eollaloral ales to arties who had sheep destroyed Dy p ofiu of his vil any, Gad het poor Inland d•, 1' rrew,raJfrom :he nils ; Ibt maxi ear, crow.
p pert has always .limen ehorished by out logulo- FF p i ee art the .1+a:x os n° ibis? beret. Puss- hedeJ.
dogs wittl,:n the Townabip, •u : -R Hrn+n d er suffering chi!drcn hu(• inda•eJ, oo I tire iu'elli,;enee of the commutate ,n n their V.rinl •he morniu,T else n"wo%o s Mat a dud with emigrants, mnstll Garmrnl, rex
wecotity,-if we may use the term -of ture, the day should be °hanged W Tues- At the annual meeting of the Share- g4•,;p, W Cue !'.00, Michael Gallar $6.00, oth h,pe. than Ast which depends nn /, I lin time an the a u,n. Afar y number I thrown from tee rails. a J fed dome ■s .m.
ability, integrity awed faithfulness, and we day„ tic the Cod of this municipal year. Leiden of ilio company last Dight (I 4th) Thomas L•mb $1.50, Walter F'ee $3.1 hail prop, as the oft made and so oft•hrok srntenlrs dal not roreh the condemned ill PPI { g" b,lak runt of only tib rty Iret Ai (b, trroIn j
Thoma L M paid. en remises of James Aepphe•m." Por I WV dueaday night, an hour or two befor could be seen will. bare fret raimg large 1 over sm st fell, nod wee aboroughly •locked
aph xitatingl aerrt that these i?.lien - •o - - - the fdluwiag d'trecton wen cleated :- reeks o r columns have been lad. wnh arc I bats of nems with u much load ffrre"i to the' the shtnk Sina ,ff,
J 'Iha followmr access wee prented, th-•y were to have started, and the news al• rather u if rhe IIA been rearedam:dst itv fined ami the ud� d�nkm�aeh sa=ys':
THE DECLAB.tTIOY. fi e.ants n how bis dun/ is inland bnetl y
peneablc gpalitics are�net b a obtaided by J. V. Detlor Robt Gibbons, M. C. !Jame• accompanied by the Legal Curti tate•, for 0S,ugv,h reherin; them from the dread hf the , These balls 'hey P.Ckd together, the b d
roe, T. B. VenYrer It. Runciman, L. I destruction to @beep by dogs, and ordered to wen nan into Em;lisA dunrrors curs I I end " /now men" erred the cental .alk 7 of the ^ase crobed um ,►e f se* es
section. How is it io the various The declaration of candidata eleofed S, al!uwe, was a •rent! not at RA agreeable. $ for level round Mlow,
C. more, Win. Campbell, Win Kay and hr ;o•d out of the Uog Tu, via :-Godfns ag xd tib tib r by lLa tory warning+ which , g Pi' Y I g and ver IlmMnd
depattmcob oC bneiatr 7 WCpld I du- he bad untie • [iven to the encm to bo mot about ;ase o'clock. A hods snow fi me �
Nicbols.•n $7.00, 1 Brown 811.00, P Martin• P y I •\ portion cherished the hope that if co) i •nA broken open on eery ,a&. one of thio
was held in (he Victoria H•11, on Wed• grecd t balcon ret a buildIn cornor of
$• PlAtt. the watch for at this lime, well know- muted, it wou:d M for n aehrfer sriuJ, w y R trucks r"ttn m rhe middle of ewe ear,
ins the foreman of my jobbing or Dews $3.00, ty lAstlor beinX tared ii.24 err••re 1 I f liaronue a d Pordrw reefs u {ato " S i
nesday last. TLe properdin. were open- A stormy diwasaion arc•• upon the re- of Taxes• projaced lbf County Treasurers in;, o he did, hat his words-sedulowly De mAe still less it the Fenian organization o'clock in t evenin F'ortunuely, at tM titee rhe acnrlbnt se•
departveut, who receihs Lis sevum or port ofa Apxial committee appointed to d:wminatwd the° h tbo modem of •cur- is toe Piutcd cotes Meelue sLipwrcckd • d•
ed by the usual •onouncament of _the receipt fcrthe samosa-orda ed ro be rulnsded a cansuaation which, it ma be inferred flit Cemutm f orators of the commmmty eorn•d. the tram had only partially emrrgeb
eight dullaro a woek foe work which givcs iovdtib-ate the stock Moks qP the sum- J°ba McEvtn (a puhmr:e.) .r•• ord.rcd t li rapt per -would ombine with the utter ) f7;MCln'iy t%Ne ,sen and nerd in our midst, ("m the cut. and hence the three other Psa-
Clerk, when ,Ilse. Crabb reed • formal ^ at the close of which stir. Runci- .o,If P D (tell to remove a oostiun of his hopelessness of the c le Lad betrayed, at from this fact, they uuous,y wished tor. Senjer cu• were not thrown down the am-
fpe every eriisfration, merely bccxnas protest agaiosl the return of Mn Dello?, mop rcsit ped office u dirocter. fence off the tiny gavel fwd, which fine 'A Produce the renis ?leap FlinfI wb,etr Versonel liberty to them they felt was mow a ash" oceari�un amazia a",. Welnoticednlmwrd bnnrrao.t All, however, were dnggeJ
another man tells me he could do ■ simi• : ui to men, in the e r of rein, to rub qa%err oLject than nn a lecmcial rex ect y y
on the grounds of corrupt bribery, plur. The Directors met at the minces of the "using • one. drift c n amid rwA, std ie pp P f y F P J of them battLn with/ t)w.belb, rnA „r fioo tklrack, and thrown up aga,ast the
lar amount ul work for hit board awed cess of kilt nlwin or nc�lettin to remove biwd'� on destruction. he, period within Jr the liherauon of Ireland, and they ima. Pog bank of IM cut, the r' hl team .hw4 Mis
Ality of votes, and informality generally, publie meeting and elected J. V. Dollar, i j which lib so!e"tuI sena, those who bo- .used, the saw, in the downfall of rhe body in, eazh other will w he say goo4v ill. They tensed in for air, t
lodging 7 Certainly not. Docs the pro. E President for the current oar. amid fence for ten day after notice to y � ' un tar miner aide ► wnhdnwnl of the esu l frisked and rompd likes telopes skipping °
TL• ('kik tcte declared a aj iity o KI • I take lerat .proceedings to have it removed. lisved in him. $hit . e would be in Ireland, tie &bon-, and their rnerr Iaug cr and bri ht The train was going at the rate of *igliteon
ere mereheat t std •e hu wafidcptial s. 6 h,io shins! bu:ia5 do: inaliors, will i fur which they were imprisoned. The pact. , y B mil. •n hour. hr •c*n' 0 r ton ed cher
per° �g b Eaq., duly ekoted Mayor by a majority of Mr licit Ming uoufied last wiener or g T frccR turd of tJe ' to lime the wen b..rin
)tom' 1Ve regret to levo by telegraph have d aro this rrsci..s cet of our ct of Savin to scare at h►rd IaM)r in jibs 1 y g•
clerk the solar which h: deems bar f_itb- 37, and Ilurace Hortns Ib art jieeve, t+aloe monthe ►go to remove said fence P'••e 1'he char f 's c uetroplie ntsy be belle, ima ind than
rcders. Even ai , we write, f 'Tana bat mlyntlery as, howoror, taken the etre described. The wild tunfuaion and dwm&y
I ' P J that IieT. Rohl Shsw, son of Jobn Shtw, rhe Cou.cil led es themrlrrs to rex 1, p stir made their pretty ittle now R
fol nervines worth, b:oaase Dome pew JI r. Ila s announccl his intention of un- F g p I as redas radislai These was we saw
SS R Clerk of Goedrich Wwnship died ort the thmrter in eon m out Their twenty four thou Loon of the ex r•4 on "f mal of like? vain ,magitatioas. of the p"te„g,.rs, started from stet b
comer comer could be gat cheaper?- watiog Mr. [Iurton, ost the ground of his 'qtp 1 P P' y d _- _- ._ with her tong hair dowiaiy about b rreck P I tib s
not L lying been nominated within the unexpectedly a day or two ago. Ne war Instructions. The Clerk was ordered the allotted time : our intelligence pm the irroRrAxr ro Tasaeco Cseweas.-Svo and s4oel lett, tee wove eMagis Nit std, ,errific /tuck, the innned position of tike
W noGf 1\'illirm limih Io remove • ?tion otnerside comes d.,wn to Friday, tib 28:6 rJ' 1 three care; added aro the fri ht of the seem•
Dors jibe honorable ehi[►owpet seek to hour, hl r. Ihtbr made a few remarks 'young man of ?great promise, sod his y F^ of December; and iratead of the smcc�i sful body who it in the street et a let•, beer of is its apouar white, not whin? nor p r errs cab°, anaL(e t° we {!o con frons
of hie 4ib c off rhe rood he t;o a Lot Nu. 8, thamlhe bosom which heaved beneath. P" r pa'
grind down the skilful captain who Lai so (6apkin hu friends for the eoble sa lee• will bs dceply deyloted. insurrection which James Sto hens elm the night or @ar.y in Ibe mo:nieg, any so thv dRrhncr, fancxd the can world ►c le
C j' _ _ _ _ n the /1h enncarion. TM Carnal .Ppoinl- p p lice individual• •bout the (runic of the i"- "nshins, soft and unclothed, of ?boat nlz- PP
lufica oro. ht Lie valuable ca into rl the had iven Lim, romisin W o ed Daniel 7.ellar to ex pend & balance of nod wod" to those f,om whom he drew � the h■ ver every mmat+ dorn some awful steep,
g ?goes po y g P g $ID' The cue of Win. Elliott, was 1 auranu hotels and bar -roomy ather' teen sum nen oho t* in her f.ce, and abs wou
ort eafel ? Does the shrewd manufacturer all in hu power to advance the interests money un the Long Mar■h, by haw -g gravel earnings of their toil, we know that all ho i g as , ous u • bird ; and she had that is h?r
• than, wits the fear of fire, eanaed tbem
P I of the town neral) and declarin i- sent to the next Aasixcs, bail being takep drawn onto it thio winter. Account of of .vee a respectable rising is worse them from the ,(recto and gutters the atu:np@ of J' J W ice the most frantic efforts W W,
diamin Lisaldeet and mwt tried servants +!e i' g P°• vain • that the F:n lick ole are Rain cam art that have txen swept out or emptied rye wiith •sway Ahomte & lellew 69" in lbs p••
lively that he would at the close of bis (or the prisoner'@ appearance. Henry Gnw for •watering pot fur the Tow^ used with unresistiX J (r s n.nnA. Thtre •re • mtmher of estxb- hevrt. We would'I cert how often it sent. Tice ployen behaved with prooptiteds
that wcment some innorttor conimences to Hall, &meant seventy -rive cent, rdeed to i vlcnms ; and the men F ed, it we coil l mel see ■oce a mrtstro and one y, and io •few minufeA tike fir
be rid, TIB followin aafmri" era order• y rutionant in to s cit to which this refuse is
reach about t radical chap ri ht Or ban of oBce retire W prints life. BOB RIb. p +lin +mold f wi hero died for Ireland arc liken red /old, am7+here it cis throe h romping in it. We even wished w• had been wrro extit uisMd, nod the affrighted P"Wfs-
• I' Rc g IIe wAs followed Ly Mrern. Crabb, __ ed ro be •id to the Uwnship ofScers:- flying, punc•lreken and despairing from the F R erne of Ihrane ■now flakes clip in ret liar gers taken mike Can when pt war found
county !That mutt thoseunh• fu itir the fol winginocear:-it t washed, d,itd g i
wrong? No. Through all the ramifiea-I lltys to I l.oroaard, but the lttigssgr It is now twelve months that I plllis t`fl•nn, Clerk, $110 ; Ifujh Lmre, y- PF7 6 °o im these ase ever a 6te, bred in a mill heir. flay sbo In* to enjnr another s°nw Illet in the tib can behind the emi,(mufs
ml I �° think when the reach the" shores,- runt a P Car not a sin fo room was seriousl join
of prirafe busiste", it Is as aziom that to seed towards the clow tea. eon sot y t"wor, E•ws; Winiam Grandy, Collector, 1 frolic.
wrote ou about our loin in Dtorris;'' . mon be the reflections of their more um and group end then nosily put up in small $ 1 ired_
have and retain good honest cmplcytr, I poison+I that we refrain from ipgictisg n I g• j5il Lams e, R turn Treason., $SO _ __
M..ny had ■hgst ruches and eost+siorr
Ihrunale brethren in the so'i,ud* of their D•ekA:es, sold ou a ssperi"r ga•liry of but no,hin of an e�rtse ounce.
u tib• ublio. since that lime our Connery has been W:Ili.m l..mmie, Eiemnts U9 Wi for ward fine cut chew and smokier tobacco of The Oce o Yaeha Bace. i y q
e lair rluy'a srk ! mast bs pmid jar a r No. 1, $4 • William 11'ilsun le, li o ong prison aIle, when they fearer i' at the i g �• I As the °roved of nen raachd the
lhresteped, and eyes innded by t6o blood- 0 1 mar tie" when Jam" Jit bens ' romlccd• vafiow f%Wry rands. Thr qu%ntrry than h T
fish dry'? aprlr ! And why the ■ame leer No. $1 ; W alter Fes, Returning 1 P P ground Ri safe q, one . or other throaiV
$I� Rime oioservc thst Dir. Gibbons 6mpnd Ftpians. Bat we have plenty Of O�cer, ward No. 3, lar • Jobo B. Geyher, to be w tib them in Irel&nA, to begin the gmhered, remndel(ed and sold every day LRto F:n tluh advices cootam the dtuib b�
principle should not apply to the payment l nod, to al and trap men, who will ?all Reisrmng mbar, ward 40. /, $4 ; henry fight, he vers still in America ; that ere stover •'n^»t incre•f:ble. I he quantity of the to- the waste of IM ifenrietta. The lout day +'^doves or doom, the • ?Ding ohj•el n(
Mmes in for another dose of foal abuse, g y y Isft Ihese shorn &1 all ; ilia now his r nicee which stn I�rou t Ibis rseess w ofthe sea" erelumeal nn high. F.ver cad Atte^tion war the wreck of the emigrant cap
of tib nae who serge a publicly as clergy Dot if it hurts him as little as the scum- Rce 'g. Green, Vanlost, UBttr, ward No. it $1 ; used lime is u '• he i■ ati.l here i" slid that a i' .?press, reined A FI"twinj, •rid every sur the i which cerin i M ld belly seen from the
?meed the d old d that "timed the rid or M excgoes ib oar Y is
leen, teachers, municipal officers, ka., „ Audit Wanless, Auditor, fjd ; venues Inrown, A 1 _ __ _ -„ - Vestal tt rilrnal Ii,(ht. At 8 m. the wars darkner in tib" Raid Mlnw, and hom wkicb
Ices Attacks he has bees exposed to fur the battle cud that beet. 11'Ixn danger Aadiaor $6 . W.Iter Fee, Repnw UetxeY Be tonus? beck (hen NonA•y w"k, " M ver l y u"a tba orcin tai" of men women, dd
ossa our undervtandin of such thin seemed near we raised three Volunteer or, $8 ; William Iwhm•w, Tavern 1 etoa seen and eonvereed with" by two persons, The Creat 1Yre a o. YOhOhalwwr nn r, nln!s ; o 12, qi. 24, f off them P ►'
P g put six mean Lis dieestion ie set likely . at lent, t° whom be is well known, its the Jap,aa. Uttar, an7 near morniny,Uto. 21, fund teem children, by lied s, err dor t heav,
R'* do not desire to •?gee for anything to Ccm ni" to and oa the borders of Mor- i Hrry Gr•ler, h.11 k"per, $8 ; oMrt teamwh l I lisle
cam tour lod in in this cit which he hu in rhe chopv n: Ihaner at , mes. b, pt 1 f n. err under the beats
e aha of extra♦ ante, bat we do to be mach injured.' a i* something new W Bro.o, ri"tor of jurors, $/ ; Wd qwm al s ;• yo Face I'ranC, ten, .inn. 2. ,heir l hnstmal dinner wt Cowes. Neorin 'eon wheels oar two a sev Tics l* we ver
P" 'g tin, and jibed wen drilled for sevml Wilson, selector of �uro ilex h L. himf out err the funM wnng by fmsd Immo g Dnterlt told, Ant the feverit of lbs westher
wash to im ret u n the blit mind tO hear Lim termed the lata R'srdesa for J rs u' t r' the oor Irisbm*n and women who trusted in Additional rticulars of the r Ri file at iib" fonJ of Christmas carols and Dickens alt. 1
P P° all know that he is still Warden, and,bat weeks, but the government did not •wept malento? of jmro.e $4 ; tVilliam WIi"n. bar Pm omires." Wo have Mfo,. a+ Yukohrm Jai ,, Lap been ngc,wd. The ^n Christmas ere, it wRR impn"Ibls to m In was overlooked its tM geeenl sonny to
robe fooi;shnesa of the dogmas enunciated one service eel therefore drill ver diso°o- Township Li nrirn, $10 ; an ?mount of I i ' Pr M' F
at this m. m n the oficial report ■f the fire commenced u, a cook shop in the •t-ott rest. After a very late dmeer, tiey bad reseae tae uceaselessl wkrw implrwin$ ori?
ly tLoee who by hoodwinking • fe v seek if he is not re-elected ■t the peat serion our �ar We have hail � tcttip titsew p rtege rad @tetsonery for Towsalsip C•erk'1 e 4 CLrislma @on and atones ; •mon rite were lswrd cea"kwly. _ -
g oAie., $S IS orrlered to M d. Kobelt meeting held AV at Gtrmnia Assembly lading from Ikutrhdorito Yuahiwarrs, The r i' g _-_�-
of the Council ha will nein L000nbl ' M Rooms, after 11 James 9a )heda" 'last" F a ain orm*r wsa a dirty sed iib honor of tib*
to c:ovate themselves. y cher Inst few works, on aoocmnt of the biter Ian is nn tee pp1•uin"I ■oA cur.
Brawn, R!*p, Conseil Feta, $12 l Ming f ed a ear numher o! haMutiom tsf Ja mise Henrietta, •till along to this f&mili., air of W rartw is 9tttastn. -'ro pnwrl er •or
-.. __-_ �_- _.___. end bearing with Lim tee good will of his changg"ee ie the Msnieipal Atri, nl@lingg W sad io,peetng road npaint$f, ordered te 'PP"r&wce of Jonas' 11'oed. Thw report i' M quer dire w one of the grandest attainment,
AwNher Ball Well tR r rens, dd Dolle ornf All ?lies. Mr Gibbon* the elalso owR John t\1eRCa sed Alfrd be d Jsm" lrmillan, Ile t ileo,,, was prepared at hw•own "becdgwrters," women. The fire spread rapidly, and, (hers `Moises, F:v06A" While thew fnpvitwo
Pc I ever aimed at by man ; and Hrysn's Pat.
K 'R M Pc ' ander hw own o rvwen, and was rinted %yang onl one Arid a lu.din W it, $I rent �•re in progro,sR the Redl bland li hu wen
Brown was nomissted for Rarve. F. (;pencil F'elte, $12, letting end Inspening ' FA P j sal i g y i mune Wabn will "ame can enm M, eel
hr faults, mrwlt of its have, bat tho in Cir hilar form, for those Carole+ throe destruction of life rook p1•v, "all but lies) Irasaed it a ,juarter pout a"Tem p. m. The I i d'e
Ns rjosegetd t►at •small comlany Kelly tstd Thce Y•rxms war scminAtad rod repun, $7 50, same d.lipnnew as rhoet tieklmg in the temst and prlmoee Celt
innnuatilri that he has aced kis asci•! &Nib, vl'tlli.m Cents, uouneiliar, Council Qm �ountry that still cling to him and gave ioo'aled brildinj• were destroyed. torrent drifung to pts•ivard,they @crud Rooth j plamls, as War &red pfwtilenc. will destro
of itl,ssrs. Ven Ever Fav e, for lleprty Reay. C PicMof, W Ilings- him their mo* In fact it was Ili* last The Japanese report flailin thin fire f^utheut for an offl and psnsed the is-' J'
y' tioe te saware whatever wealth he ma o Fats, $12, letting and irrpeet"N turd re- h' i y lands handsomel colds it not rftadsd to sooner M
Pa" y ton, U Melseen, W m Wilson, I al Kelly, effort sea uevtat the last dollar out n( the bodie but a further examination of the 1• n•tin made no task '
R. L. Doyle, R. Laremtion, W. a J. pain• $4, 0 " deliverulla as above ; ev* M harm diunr, Rddw1 lar el io tib number, since U,sy bA N.. YurR, Rod havie I later lead to incurable consumprionk sd the
Key, and • Mr. Welsh, (a gentleiman of posaer, is as her u tib• mind from which sad J A McEwen ilio Coureilmea.- 'ism T,, -WI, COeneillor, Council Fen eredel w1 people who had been so long eon g y
it proeeds is soured against all that is 7 hinge went went on pretty smooth os- tort with " prom'"" without rinrmance. 1'hs n,'", ,unrea on ,*piled ,loner Ihe only varied eleven miles f:um this strai ht line urcngt% of are strnnj"t Boon le,1r "glee►
$12, Intl"j and iuepecting r"oA npun $f, p" i I' / g ed. The n•dp*at and best mea" knows for
rtpwiesm to boring for salt and dl) an We ort the inoendo that that til the day of election, when ell rhe excite• arae dehvonrle. " shown• Michael 7wllar And sash " promisee," too I I be doesmeet fin, storekeepers in Rome Instances literally b"Iwren rho tw" Points. Ro admir•%I• •
' lud(aI,1 refle(`W r@Al credit a rhe run n! thea• epmpl•int is "llryaa'a
tj eat lir timber for a derrick to be mora d awe with • Is" seise.- C°•,cillor, Caveeeil Fees• $12, letting anA •arts .nA she Je4lanti°n that ^ J%m" fo•rricrdinj IMsrrwa in from pf their perm. g pore Ca fain
p�ee� ►e Ili AT three o'clock a. m., the P f nim°mor d to th wok haat been lib".
eves/ed adjoining the mill& owned by the W &?den hu cventeppd Iha ltoande of Alfred Brows ver el*eted Kesvo bt a iaspeeting toed opsin $1, same delnprust. R,apMsa w aced foe tib. werlA, to run ion Wish goals tMfwby Puninc • nop tm sd tib. LisarA li y eagAly tried far ,N tut rwgT &red
hu del W favor the " with the turn to Inland the eo,11 and this u im. travel, said causing many Maths from erm+A ,the, going thiruon knots •n
two gest named. The int etios is t° y � mejewity of N] Thar Kelly wr'tilsesad aa'ee•'• msdavl follaw�D rhe s ,ear., ,hat still amore the crowd. to era home waddy. Henning eL,w ima 1►e bore heal Were? Assn known to ai , gMgon
aosl•m L it deserves. eye have sever WiLLIAlI W11 SOY, 1 7 M g j i'" and Alio ■ koro all wsa dtsrive
posh the works with • red semseme. P b a mAjowily ld A3. 1Vm Hiugatoe, C. Townshi Clerk. " hi• advent in Ire -and mut be the siXnst from the fin, T%s wied hleW very wrong. earl, tib*� Aighllwl tM Eddl:t�erne, Rtert wen i'�
tgov ,l P Pars eed I'ortlam) Hill, sand sl 11.40 m. Mn*flV from Ili* as* of l►ewt. field ►y a•dt•
fs two M three weeks 8tysr either asked ce reoajvad from him a retotor, rod Pat Felly wen deetd New Conreft..--Rwht Arow", /torics ; J tdY eSWr ;" in vier rel .btrh sty IseAy I ly, and the firs swept npldl through iso p
��K favor whieh it wwsld be wsa for a le Cowardliness. Ther* was & t Film k should vent him from •tin lbre w do eetme sesTled rtion of 1Ja o%&m and wen ChriR'mu ihty, rook nn sosrd •Coale cin* dash?, at 2Atle. per hoe.
will M rased Ca Dori bat the r °sR fir•+ llsrillis, 1)ep'y Rranwe (nel.Cted by sett& /ve i at P^ •,
wg. pw plan twelve the HeoNS ted Irish, the nwlt tem w. da of s"tin I-)- C,oineielom 'Oewmd r as enymy to Inland, and all t%enr eommun,atd Id Ihs f°nign qnu. iIIM. A M•rtkr srvet not the air fa Nsw (yrlear eR 1/edeaedn� nig►l 1•et,
eolia{t Se eio te greet 1'b. •mime ref •e't
ef lt►1M awe& by walsr-poww. The hale wsa • ansa for the Irish.- to lsted, Michael Tailor, W Tunh•ll ; W i^pd Irukmon an ►Pp"104 sea for w may a I fen tans ilio whir% gn*rod the pilot's annecaeo. " foll tm the depN of torr n@•hes•-ere
Lhasa who asap awA sent'{ ee errerm tly et Pie v.wm I 6m • and in o or,. sa, wde ell doubts I Eve *ffeart wsa mad? Is arvat fibs orot Chet n° either Amtsvirmn $rel •late 1062.
is y he gve imeb" is diarNty, which r e Nrsies•Nty is ,?owmsbip oleetkra it ball, Caetiek, vets. Co•wtil o. --- _ P r7 part- m wI wed Oe obristm•s w
_(Iii beyeed jibs limised rsssRs of Nt w►we ono sal essrrir it test, the hs aprerRol Ila 24th Svpr*mMr u girw green of tike flaunt•, by Ile w of water acid petted rep the C►nnn►1. The raee eSesaad k l /knees ptwcaas tseem
thmss tis ptlemwt wall. von Pa 7 yI 1. repay that Koreth %, a rerosaded at the foot At 'he so," ar, to show that M l by III ing ep buldings, bet is vain, tela! won, and a "lldsin Ma" of Ruretee lit •p the Pond by eeling whei is known r tt 04b
warlhase lief here or �i plait Ie •es4o the atb►r party W • good right to show ,ho louBma utlec itis not t• d anise the meant fight, sed nothing ere, Is that he I iibarly ewe tkerd of the seer" and dwellings Chalk eh0k of Old Rnglaed In silvery glory I ashe- Fork lately, ueso have diu� tes�R
As otrerisRM+ artoatiose of Mre•e "fart to 1e imfs elod. their ombsrs. f1s■i•ewe diet. say@. of the bwiaer grow artery deal eyed. TN it 0•" like an illatDinatiat sof weleoee.� went are not desprrsrly ill.
e1,'r ,
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