Huron Signal, 1866-3-8, Page 2ts Oiguat. ooDzittaa, NOME 8. len. _ . Ve:11111:13411 RAMP ANT• t 1ST IHRIA L D1111111E2 AT tutors commercial polls:. of Caudle arisiug COMMW•LL• out of tbe faders of *limitations. We must cultivate commercial re odious aith the lower Pru.lueive and endrevor to give effect to Oo Thureday last, the members of the whatever reco iiiii ...datums the !tattle commis 'Moe,* now abroad might make, and open utll further the markets of Europe &lid Swill. America 10 sour module. (Clue a )- We mum legroilate to sweet briber lar,ely capital met icumgrau iiiii •nd deirelope the oncrurnes of ell the British North American Colunieo. Callyslian Millie/try were eotertaieed et • pu c dueler ilk Cornwall. Maids* many pr went po 'clans, there were about Theist tie by the Jude of tbe susperetion iv aztidred eats peesent, and an equal of the 1101..-01 Curyel its inland mod the numbetuf la es occupied the galleries. 'turret iA large LAI uf omapiretOre, bas k „ ,L e should lime to pratinnie for nie memo( tut/awed the Ecuiaue uf Aulerica with 1,! the colaronto our coriais byt ...old have 10 Our OW attention to opening up the Norltswesit i rage. Maw waling* are called several Gutsts-lier )1tojeste'e Cauaolian jr:11 1.1sli„1,tet"ig x 'won't; Stmts.% aud a deto.rwitiation viewer:41 to ten," lion. J. ,,44;Lhoueld resporithed Moir reciptucathio, and wit they rid de es "'snits While Um iron ha bet," as Mr. a tame but 401,0001 speech, after abteb :Nu 1.40111111,11. ischoeit.Zitil for Edlititt &apt iu hi* Privat7rs mr. uaft retu_t, „ , , nom eormai tonne" ier tree emeaLua:2-14seirrerlaanoteor. tte t of Caltir am to Le eaut,out, artily wit over tin raaaptiaa litho the abiai.tere. ,rbere bad ed... „eel budieeiel thui ut them litLusil, mud Euglaud'e 'Euipire &strayed th.co countries, sr. oue (-Bow countrY ; 6.110.4643.. kw, 6400t. suwe two Men uo mewl* ott which they bad met .„7 utunuer two, imulito 1,64 a laaaa umaii with welt a hearty velment: as thioa from seal Or Woe. (1...ned chys.c) Madcap last week over a jug of whiskto4y, -ntwalwr ww`l Thera' -Nert'vm 'member* ef the 11.e.se re There were so place where tbis spoke. .1 he Hon. Mr. *lowland said that sod a involothia pupated Lo charter a few VI , , tout MAIM hare beeu Worn ilpprepriitely ;imputed. In referring to the miselou to ,Watilainet:n he said it IN AS Well Hitt when of the terrido uf these province*. lie wooed ere were threateued with interruptive of haveofehiled. in les dety it I,e hed pertained our trade, we had received from a bore- ate.- cer.:` ""..'...1":.11‘71s;o7 •1'ar' sehootaus, laird the ereem 11.g aud sir Uri" Pottowne &Oat .11.4kt:s. An while all this laisaief ie Litchi og the 'AtuerIcan Gorcrunead says DOA A WO:ti ! tuition( mitered 1 tie gove rii meld tor the poi. Pose of •hlaIrorira memo,. which le cooed mod trocatotty tot the welfare and proeperity , .....----....--- Goeui l'rurideuce such a beautiful ber,vest 11" h6'.1T1'''''''''"1""thi"e 111 1he reerve Portant 100410111;010 A'r WArill1NCIVON. by the got vrioneou trum-whicl Le ciiultl bare . --... . . as the last. Judging trout itafuruartioe at ,J,,,,,,,„,,d, ,,,,,i h. 11.11. il„..1!„.. h., etunr Hisao the delivery of the Presideuee extriegthuary arpoLch, 1Varabingtoo, es miplot Well Le imagival, leis been La a fort of political exeiteureue It is 111 very well for toot occupying subordinate positivists io der State ..to otter eiettuneie. tory epeerhes, Lit When the ehisb magi, - WW1 ut 601111.1 'limy millions L o f people Aimed auy apathy itgardieg the efforts wInch,,ii* (Me' Me6"er'n1 b"4 P"°"•*"I 10 Makes au open auti public attark %quo fur a renew' of the Heciproory Treaty. ;:aRaTe'e,'"1,1140enhe"...,.hiaehairl."Jor,eolou,t*Idiiiii,g, itt.0117,. leadiug politicises, we way aoticipate it.- 1 he government believertfint it was their regretted Mr. it-own's retri"riernent from the tare feeline if uut a liege:Qua outbreak duty to do what ivas fait, but uothing Zr.harY hihi "id' " lar " h" Vaa a*.re, ur pluesein. The republicans who vented mere. In July; Mr. 'Howland and. Mr. and thasaat, 0ututsnruytfin,cwiet.ii itct,i0use...11ortit,ihrisforstheit.., 1.41.. bleodeard-tliunder dogmas during? Oalt went to IV uhingtuti, but fouod no to have M;ted os he bad done without having the civil tier, theugbt, no doubt, that they 1 uegotiatimm could by tauten:al upon at iikistwelousulted hitlreincel trends who heel mold tweet upuu the coneurrmee of the thee time. The erirliaii irovertimaitt had pre ce!ner au(itekegg unit:hile(mIe.n. IreZ'::`,.'h",,., i'''"'"'"" 444uPtikt a the r'ideutial Chdir 'i'Alsil ii.tmesertirusili:ittr0sull 2%t.ti:eshine,inisi.e:rrn: enwiri:11.1.;.1:11aohl:Inaeudinwtiaitlia°rPorlih'it"ii.ndtmilt r". Itrioienrvo: wall regard tu ouch measures as die' l'ne"gireull'IMWth: laii-gest powers l: FiLeolteau's Bureau Bill, and hence their we eere informed et lt *Meet'," thee IlW , ed. getenstril e‘Ttifeurssie;" "at illititthvenrved UTZ:,..- .........t. The stoat rol that now divides' tee. ea., the towee tke edvereree,,e der.r. It olonando.11 itidignatiou at tho prawn', tolerIceet i'Oolit.titict orneeral In the mar.t.ose I ugwonti,erloolinhetesiiii,;.,ate 4.07.,:,,teetinugf, ttuvy iericeigporotiottie.lotn;01.,o y iieg.Viatiun, tont/ toy legmattian. me I tile: l'reaideut aud a tuajority of his COW- wised to perste' wee Whet Owl benewsl to i NI duty if it keer setlectlw:iliteditsv•e;fain.d tact bt. been breatug tur euwe time timi It:.e,renli.koefeettretetoue:tittii". iillittltiw:, dtt,tiOtte, .71$1., ia eying tailed /a thL net onetion it was c.:: . Into& but 1-e atti ibuttal to any sodden it witted be inc-ogioent Sink tlio'‘A'io:riw. i d.u.tyelitanctritItetutthefoorAotimelvea., trilling at eloullitioni of tewpir. .Mr. Johnston, who fiscaleysteut mid uitcenstitetimnil to nfake tshicimdin a"priireieci.etine•itillie. gill lial can pe.iii.e wOuld LikielieS1 with a Mir share of conouitni.:,2,0.:41::-;7,6".1„teber re lb wbr. neitki'atat6 •10 adventisees •hich they hed Leo, thmset igi*!e, ace& *tie South kuteking for cd- I rather thee nut et all. We thou'r 1. i*fliii 404fr: Ault Mewed with the "MtiYmeirt ,,, I could he olit.g.ired ou fair •nd equit nritterratat the dour uf Cungrese, aud, 0 Pm' *bat be rePosed couhdencelo the govorionetit • pleiu inatu;thinking in a plaiu straieht-ii fibPekveteittc.",,:ut"ree" t:114teel.d.as,„1:4Zi ee crimps ob ed by au itureme aisjority ot let couatitueuts .......4e te and believed that its droommo he mu support. ferns:II ersaurerr,he non Itoe no treason why,' %snide:: ever) there aud yieldin • othineto Da, pinicipation us ',4 be said the purriothi:al gitund me a hit h *hay ' blot eligult1 Iso refused • Oa OILS late, I MECIP80161'11( .4!tilt MR. the legislation which is to inflict burden- I farat:7n1,7hey totisingau"nr::1;1 l r Jet ' DE R 3 If tet ILL tete it 'I'. tog Liat .`at...... moue taxes upoirthe ileums other people. products should cuter .t liloo there 'awn. ' It ' NO -2. . . Steles without be Nut ro, herveyer. the ulnae, Isel by Thad. 1011 leeed 12 e"me we I me never Inteitided or asked by them that \In our last' we thiuk ' We succeeded In dews 2.nerttus ut Penutrylvania and Charles; thay should impute duties ou t'imadian pro- FUltilicr uf NitestiLLtibett:;. They know 1 duet.' whirl, oe_ oe um te have tbe tiele . shinT that ' the present peoperity of . . heirs. The Canadian gov Lana was not due entirt ly to the Ile - bis cosimiand he was able 10 say tli t C*-; atrungly telt it to be Lit doll, to' oltdIrere to the bonil. The mixt ry, Mr. steta.reen, nadir one uever in euch a prosperous ton- " IL P. for leiteolie eke et. 0 h+s ht,rotetet , ? . . . , sr" support to the comer pnraited by the govern i": thr 10'1 'rat'!" n'OnlitS, $107000,000 emit ne the Iteciproeity euestiuu. lie smote worth mere of Our prethiete thee we had ai Irirri l's7id 'he looked upo' n Mr. llovtlend as bought, %Lich never was the ease before. bis political chief, because ke was the leader Ile denied that the governmeet ever of tbe Reform weather* es the government Pe,":" *ell that 11o; oilVagth of thc:r :turriozImielaw"iine::76rNd.rentred in concede soy rettatT capronly Treaty , and in 'haunting eueli pert) lire ni the eyntinued prostration of 4, A11:07101:eat.tiri....?...wnettud notth,earsbar to be dm feet, Mr. Perby went beyond sieve slo Itf be d ga. the recent. new propose to bring un- der your notice one or tett puints we are the South. They have no -dellitate phut ut mown, except that, iu their epistlers joint oonenittee of fifteen could bring in a juret naulutiou as n basis of recoustiw- tam, bud l'reeitleitt Jul/beton dd P2Ii1V euough to pet aside all mu+ shams as on- cournitunemal and ill-considered, it. a Lie juilgtueut he *ill undoubtedly be su ed by the intelligence of the naafi flew then *ill the spirt reco Tile Republican majority has good ground ler cotuplaint Executive has, an evil guilty of a Beecher -Brow Fur, but ou the other h is uudlealeteelly tight of immediate rem &halite." '1 he si solve itself into terty hostile to the l'r ranged by Le the ehenge ine tee laud navigation. move/eel the other reloli • between the muntriel eoni'nued required to concede, in order that we any isfae ry. No elte:ation was proposed re* pe ine the fisheries. Nemeie chareed with elatein for one year, thc extem.ion of the olt colour wae bjeuffering enlerge- Treaty, As ofiroet importance, we shall nt dour canals. Them hail been A twee first proceed to consider these demands for years respectieg thie project. Which . !wee recomineuded in motives, mei the which are calculated to effect our indepen- speee tf his ELe4 Dewy the Goverour Gen. shoe° as a people; we allude to those in- .._ on one crosiers slid las? Augest be [Mr. terfeting with our excise sod custom laws, , ' Galt] derolan.d Mat Government •unki re. .co.- cotton...1.d elIi.rgrelo°14 tolthe canals on and the demands made for the suppres- certainly receaanag asitiesuccs that Anierivau cont. al!in Of OUT free porta. merce be guarenteei fur them. .Thai n that the It has always been held and silutitt4td was all we mooted Wriabiugton. and we omeut, boon did* hufaa.4 ether way cosh' the ee. Loth by politicians and historians, that w -Train faux meet eeletefed. 13:0 !ere, charged •Ilb when a ration assumed the right to inter- , t eke d the l'resident • towthat of Cloned Stance, but fere in tbe interne! regulations t f a neieb- the tioe he takes the Americana were sit g to make their boring elate, that the une so iaterfered ruction, " pure and ko:11,0-10", ourt P"" eel with if it submitted to such interforetsce, sewn will probably re- (tt,,,:,"huir:",,,17,Z,,, Lire ,"„re,,sti held towards the oiSer the jouaition of' a bus left it seuti-conquered peeple, and that its free air • actlion, ma long am it admitted of suer in - 'ea teitlrence traS gone to prOYe that atleh to that of the Ammicalm. elbeers.J I lio Qs erdrawn stateepeut. We shall refit- to wueuultild shit,i,lratunrepolyisem,Ittfh mlsonzyieitr.,swthhe the meet celebrated cases to be foetid. agr mom sot such asportunt im,rotiations. In the hong war between Eliglind and The fecund whit oir *ha charge ilmt wag hprOug tie was leapecting the exeme Frittre during the reign of the first Na - &tee u tee; „emcee... Lee, Au4., we pokorbe--that Emperor with a slew to dttlared lb. government were prepared cripple I:441nd, issued ,what were called t° egtma*r th• 1°'"Taw"" the Milan tied Berlin decrees. The (Set such an errangenotit ilw inciter ma e fornuttion of two b:t- not wet by that day. limy tuel rties, one strongly oppeeed fs Canada to legislate or cut rest cht.il policy aud the Otter 'auuZruslrieusttriotte witarftte‘vie'rq3"" 1'4 '.6 of our govern ois aide. W'het the end will scrutable alone ean tell. • F. 13 LC ALAN D! 'LE VISIT. e wut.lil again remind oar farming den in this vicinity, end all who are /interested ia the subject of Agriculture, that Profaner Bud:land of Torontn tit to deliver a Lecture in Guderili at '2 u'eloek, ea Friday next, the Otis inst., on the sub- ject of " Suils-tkeir (1rigin anti .1tra• uslenscosf." Agriculture being of the greineast possible importance to the oeue muddy in this section, and the time hav- ieg arrivul %then our ferthers can best pro& by the teachings of science, it is to would tend to p rem 'smuggling mid that or thee° meloorce wog to confiscate all was in effoceour modem al 11 uslinigton. English ploperty held in any state over Tne iiiterriu_st was e devising °CI' ip'46 i -which Napoleon wee able by MS military whereto a lie' largest am et ..f revenue could be secured to ea at1 wel to them. Wr snectestw to exercise an influence d ta,•ted in espnit ol amity 'towards them to tints to render tra le with England' stinna- prevent the deinsucling of the \revenue, and I i„,„„im, The enforcement of these de-, the deinoralsrattiurs id our peopl the free. re --- toe?. (All:latlaat I:14W 10? at hiegtoo erces 1,robably infiieted a greater amount twIS:ir 7trailrleyte, tiortastiantrb" nacittva:il " i:: of misery in Eerope than any other of1 gioc them et Os•e. Our penmen was lout' the numerous harsh measures of that ' the evils that would reeult to us in parti- cular should we suffer it, let us glue* at what Mr. Derby thiuks might he early added to the Free list u between dm Fulled States and Canada " It woold," isio, r. Derby, " he deniable also to M- aude iu the Free list, our ineoufsotares of leather, tin, copper -castings, ides, but - tow, type, invade, carriages, furniture, aud oilier articles. I would also aueeteet that %Idle it is desirable Mr both partial to exco•pt from the aeliedule the art iclut of o pirits, tobacco, augur, niolasees and costly fairies ot the and wisil, as impor- tant *maces tri* revenue, and while it is deeireble eithaliew coal, lumber and barley and the products of the fisheries from the l'ree lite it wily be politic to pre- side thet these last products of each mein try, and all others stot epeeislly excerpted, ▪ be eubject tu duties uot exceeding fifteen per tient, or to duties as low as thou of (1.0 sla before the lteciprocity Treaty." ll,tw very mildly Mr. Derby plate it. " it would be deeirable," 110 doubt very desirable that we should free all th manufectured goods of the Coiled States Dow duty divinable for tilt In; but whence is our revenue to etatete.ye counts plosibly free Mir umnefecteres from duty, but those of Great Britain must fullew as a matter of tight, sod we supped.* those of Frenee of a like nature from r. sense of justife; and policy. Again, it the trade to be retiprucal, are we to have the right to send otr gouda In tree ; this is not a poiut which Mr. Derby La favored se with information. 1Ve imagine we alien have cleinis to the effect that the goods must be holly the nianufecture of Cana da, and when we bloat' come to mni 1 our niaaufactures tor the S tatcs,pay steno for itistauce, we shall probebly be met first of all with couselar fiettitetee% thinee trot cootemplated or thouf:it or at the makieg of the old ceremony Treaty, but dishonuuraLly impend thereon by the Uuited States; and sa rtheway cwha,.%llearebierotliste the amount of tbe for such certificates they might Le reudered onerous as to amount to a duty -this difficulty user another would be inainediately tuoieed, tied we emir be Liformai that Canada did not urine her .ovm iron aud that the pig iron from whisk the castintm were made was orcinally imported from Ibitsin and therefore Canada stores aud other *uoh manufact ta ries 'mull not be admitted un- der the Treaty as they were out wholly t14.e product aud nomufacture of Carted& Silks, , as important sourcea of revenue O re nut to Le free, we are gracimusiy permit- ted to tax them no matter how isigk,;ter higher the bettor, they are peer:tummies et Great nnd Itauce aud thbeefore tit Mojects for taxation. W• aro infotmed " that while it is heirs able to withdraw coal, lumber and barley. and the pruduett of the tieheries, 'term %hi tree het, it !nay be politic that these lost ore. duets ot each count., shall be subject:4u du. ties ten exeradiug 15 per geol." now aery modest is Alrelterhe, ell tbe manufactte es, fit the United states Au enter the l'suriumni eine free, but the ceal Nova Scotia, the lumber - of Crude lied New Brunswick,' the Parley • Canoda, and the &brine of all, it is dr. siratile ha withdraw limn the free let atal al- low week sosety ta• thient lo *be sue ot 15 per eent. Yr. Useby hiediy Wenn us where the foreign coal and bah sre to be found that Neva Scotia is likely te tart 15 per ccut either ea s means of revestue or pro tectiou- ter where is the lumber to be found that eaa eomeete with that of Cenada and !.;emeThenewiek; *het it would bedesirabte or politie impcee • duet of 15 per cent either for tle. purpose ot revirene or protection. tor trimly not to the Utiited States we are far more likely to impose an expett dies se im- port duty -Where was the barley own in the Settee that would render 15 per eeitt dutv • desirable proteetioe 10 our farlItert--lt 1 be very retitle for the Slates ei impel* eta l• duty so es te Alford some proteetioo to their own taxed agrieulterus and endeevor , by this means to etestallse thir relative poahim of the two, the aerieultarists a thinada.da sire no such protection. We have read ot Gent:Innen who were lower' lo the public by i the sobriquet of modest -a -Ill after this Report they may hide their dcomished heads mid whet, .moolesty is ot let it be tp- mouldered its higlieto exatnellfseatiou Derby.. Flease.-Ou Sunday night laat about 8 ieeleck. the dwelliog bowie uf Mr. Ww. Ilistop, Hunat Hued, Goderich tp, was binned tu the groorid. We have uu formation u to bow the fire origivated.- The building was insured the Liver- pool and Lund* tor 'WU aod in the Commercial Mr $400. Om Nudity tuorsiitee the large unten• anted ft Mutt building on Weat St., belong - lug to Mr. Jenne Ofiti'klaboe, was eel irely destroyed by lire. 'The LOUSO wax old and the material dry as tinder, so th it net elm -tient of the firemen, who were prompt. ly 01 I hood, could 0.! it. 'file tire was evidently the work of an incendiary. We Kan beCil fold that the premises were ie. suied for $600, but cen uut affirm that * eh is really the ease. two men were burlog for Gll war Toronto ea 'lltursday but, en explo- nom el gas took pletwand they weree in- stantly Lined. Some little excttement 41.415 Cant- el a day or two ego by the announeetnent that " Ile hail been etrnek in the Mait- land sell, at a depth or 630 feet. On carefel examiliatiou an oily saute was dis- covered on the euifece of water token from the bottom by the eIntlinali,p, but some t se esrpo.rs w 9 are to ouo • rin the outaltirts of every erowd insist the' the grease smelt very like thefts's oil wed on the machinery. 11 owner that may be, we shall ro joie° if tbe 'tribe is • uoi tut lids one, for a goxi flow of even fish oil ir not to be grinned at. Mr. Platt is pushing on the work very energetically. Le Level that them will Le a erst-rate inie a f dependent:iv on the States hal fearful etrug.gle. By treaty (we wonder turu mit to hear the proftwor. Thou of a:a. I iiiliv.wmd,h11: l'r.df4":1 Ce,h7:0 jil te,L7.1.1r Tit was a reciprocity one 1) with Alex - use agrieuiturists 'who are intelligent avid vrr psi md with metes! respe"et. We WI tk . the First, Napoleon succeeded ill i and enterprising enough to seize upon dens nor duty eo oto peore in this rempeet. posing on Russia the acceptances of these every hint that teal enable them to tl:ft•ir.;',:ingeteor.,.1*. ei.hitt,r;f1e. itolietth..11; prormsetin1(1 illeil or decrees, the losses and d ist reel • edieume in their noteo ealling,will be glad +meld give advantage to the A merticatos, Mr, 1 their workitig produced to the Russians. a tu have the opportunity I.f gaining infer. Galt said the (0.0p011,41 ••• mad« became our I people who had !wen nothing and felt motion &sow • toast who luta devoted years ter,D;;;;Lenetedhea(lee,,:'„,thecl::,:::, 'I V:: :::7r. ta:_d 1 notbing of the war, brought much a pres- ur study and eturful observation to the rramulacturing ! mai otherwise. Wheels.) I sure ors the Court that Alexander was *object upon whid" he trests, and thore Ife repoolliated ondignantie i he .alleged inters- I ohligel to yield to it, and permit the ini- are teeny °there who sfioutd cotne out and 111.',1,1:1,1,0dt '.4,:v,„..te's'e r';'-'1::::::71.";,,,,1".,17,:reaof I:4'a 1 portation of British manufactures and the get a thorough waking up whether they were mepereel 1.. allow, the States were wee 1 export of such merehandize as hie sub - du or nut. In View of the ereat benefiu Or"Fare1! tur-"RI 1,..anadl'.*"0 and nthaaa. I jeCte had to *II. This yielding on the to be derived, and to show their interne (i,',57,1,.''i,:`,1`,'„ert,'.',.%),,,,,.„ tric,`,1.",izet,:,,.1,1.7.81;r:`,:t ii pen of Alexander gave greet offenoe to in the matter, we really hope that the commiwormers for Washington, Mr. Omit 1 Napideon, nnd led to the celebrated lime Court Ileum will lo crowded on the oo. "I'L,eceedl°:17;17,f°17:71€110,:it.plre.; 1.11::e.dem::::11.ian campaign, the end of which was the camioh. The l'rofeesor Las kindly con penems, sod that kr. Urown Wail quite , overthrow of Napoleon. Pouted to deliver a lecture on horticulture oreapahlot of giving any it:limitation le the 1 Ire May take it as an 0110m ths/ if we ia the enwaing of the same day, uud we tiriteireir !if anthrelabions as I 0 hog colleagees. !0„,,, have no doubt that he will hare a large 1 .:ti,,' idxj...' r.: sit:.;,.., .:7,71114°.1,1":,;"P:7; permit the interference end dictation of are induced by our neeensithe to SOU highly appreciative audience. While al. air. However. ilf it is to be .a taet that i the United States in our affairs, we shall me this subject we should urge the claim. interest enid,otiliortori:erdtd ishitenfiweed8hy the ; 1: mobjected to ell the evile that would reault of the Comity Agricultural Society. 'In le'r""eentle einait! iillell'arlisyme"nt 7,;(retiorrd mbevfonr.'.II to us from hokling the position towards promoting horticulture, fruit growing, the interning the country "0 m.lie" with,l, them of a conquered nation. The present Introdnotiott of irelprOvrod stock, machine- ;wit'. ,,,,,,,' b.",',', ii0.:,gil,„g'e lin IriZ",„in„"4,t0a0 rea:ruLT,, ' attempt by the United States lased upon try, iire., end the advancement of Agricul. ro„„(j.,, (ciwere) The 'tone he would ! the belief that Itempmeity was to um a . Sere generally, it hu done a most excel- 1 I h ti It evp.y at diti,,t.,. to -C., ..rown wee *ken l'er. 1 ha statement ti.nt ., , neceniery without whieh we wield tort • lent work in tbe pea, sod tht. addition of ',77,:ent...:7,5 "P'"'• n irg great advantages to the State. aithelet, wvii an :Set to exercise an •u- .1 th• namm' and tnflue"" of "ill wh" **a ur • """". 1° e'e".,1 I feehrof in ling. thorny that ()rest Britain has long since I Dow hang beoe, would be the moans of land. As 10 confederation being . , ' 1 not, 1.111 Iotid, Premier inihr" h) 'abandoned, and would if it hnd nuceeeded, Smite or New Itruntwick, an anti confabs, brought US mere directly under tbe au- f 16006% mad Attorney iletieral Henry, ol thority of tie; Government at Washing,- I No,. Scotia, enorfederate, fully concurred with us throughout. It cool* not he but ton than we are under that of London, ! that the Inca of • mark..1 for half Our produce and would have destroyed our indepere ! "Id he "tend."' with """hbm'Ille d'151,,°1' dente in the management of our own ! on this ground that we urge the claims of ties and diourheirce. bet he hoped the lenited ewe.ra. States would seen restore the tee& to a Met. •"'" the Society. natatory footing. Mr. Galt defended the Would any Canadian -any matt of pro - The wimerations fur the reception of COvernemeia in opening and carrying on per self reepeet, have consented for the Ifeciprocity mean of Pottage, to abendon all the rights anol privileges we have wrung from tlie ( Menial l'oltey of Oreat ,ly approve, He will be entertained at terms bad connected potion/ motiment to a lanai 10 the Iluron Hotel at half -put a ga,:aring 00 a ,,,,,,,,,ai .1. ,h,, 'may. yre Britain, and entail upon nurse!, a and tn he I oar children • wore* servitude than that Saralee or one, by se many se may wieb to cos% • mon in ran.la 0.0 nPr'.4.4 Morally depending oti the State", gam , exacted by old Spain Dom the tedonies ke sevoemed not eolaseee. (Cheeie.> Their , es from the manner lift which the Eastern' *fora bad not Wee altogethar soneeeclestril. I !wee gnegt the Western, we me, rens -They, the A inericaog, would lief, Il• 4.166.• Tne LAST. -Mr. George Bobbie, a 'respectable farmer of Goderich lownehip, hes suffend as few are celled to do. - About six year's ago he bad a fine nioily or six children -brave, etalwart noble lookiog sons, who to all •ppearances bade bad for a long and happy life. and daugh- ters bright, blooming and tieppy. No- where multi there be found beneath one family roof troc a more delightful concen- tration of brotherly love and filiel affee- lion, end as the aged couple gaud upon the reene they fondly hoped to meet life's serene sunset re eyeing in the strength and i love of the children their youth. But what a terrible experience has been' theirs. 'Just as the glorioua group had attained manhood and womanhood, Death enter - 1 cd. One by one the arose. man asd the gentle maiden slokened and died, and to- t'day (Mareh 1st) thr Gist has been tom - misted to the grave. The luit ray of earthly Idles 1,1111 faded, and the last tear has fallen, for the poor obi eyes have wept themeelves dry. Is it wrong to aek every good tnan arid woman to pray t the , bereaved may receive the strengte taat j will enable them to live in the hope of meeting in a better werle ? giving it a fetch impetus' and inereseed power for good. The pmgress of ins • irreepective of the prises he may or may not Pike, should be the object and aim of every intelligent farmer, and it ie Prot'. Ilitekland bare been made ln a lb. 1.*g°1""1". tor • re"awmi ' reel. pow, 40.7 tonne clatintee they had been paszlt gammon menu of which we high- on h *tee,. banstimas that our liberal to mom buo, end then, at 2 o'clock, Indere epart from the '' hip -hip burrs "-mg awe- eildierts of demeanors sod dorkeerewa. We hip O. visit will be pkaasot ta the lee- 11411M1,41u1 profitable 0., his bearer& one idea taow they would treat tia. thought, that the cutting off • portion of Having Paid ao niueh on the impale, their trade would entail heavier ',orlon* on noing, inorfere Tub leave ty ',milder hoe to deal with ow the levee and etostems of another, sod of , the people than would he necessary, and l'aINTill. Amine:XT.-On Monday, 5th, as the dame son of Mr. W. T. (70x wart going to th; back -yard of hie f abet's residence he fell in sonic way over a stick of wood and broke his right leg above the knee. Or MeLeati was called in immede Moly and the poor little sufferer attended to as is usual to such cows. sir A young man earned Wiliam mos e„arroted in Toronto on Saturday night lase by three ruffians and mbbed of a heavy gold wateh, aad a considerable sum in money. _ leder alleged te have( been tient by Mr. T. 1/. McGee to Killian, has been proved to be a groat forgery of ti• Hernfrr, , , AI* IgIBTOPII.-.V teiyipleasapt tea - meeting use given in the M. E. Church of this town on W Weak's, evening the eSth iust. The 'Heir was git up ber benefit of the Rev. Mr. Rogers, who, during Ins reddeucie iti Goderich has merited the warm rig uds and respect of all who have formed hie acquaintauce The church was well filled and the cit. ables very geed,. George Acheson, EN., ounspied ihe ehair, hi the ab.ctice cif tbe incitod clenquicii short spcielles Sao deliTejd by several layumo, brioging up the rear with ac appropriale addrer. fhe choir did first rate ratted tau theueoorien. Seeixo.-March wow ia eminently lamb -dike. The *ow is rapidly disap. er the influeuee of a genial he robins are singing, and are none of those bluster- peariog un temperature, in sho:t, 'her jive indicatious " the lion" do mush ed. oared 01 this sea n hy auld-warld prop nosticatont. tummy ii received, Muerte having received so leech it cruout wall look any wore, so that it well enough lor Mr. Whitehead to talk ot retrenchtuarit, los pigmy may he ecousnuical but 1 cannot see Mat is past. But aunt y - tore the County Council waii the proper piece for Mr. oppose the atheist* and it he Mel eiumoyed the trimmers., le tenattel lin alter chimer speech. upon the hour oil iba lootow, the 'result of tho vote ulnas idols& might have teem different, hut I uni informed (and have e.ery mason to Mlle.« iu or - in .tion correct>, that he inatead of e etching bv;:scraldelit.ue:Insil wo.‘04w1bit".h:ili there ire opportune!), or( reply to any thoot he •miry say, froM1140e Supporter* of the scheme, be pour* upon it the vial* of hie wrath. Ile alm speak. °limy ing sold Nu• I shad' just instaiiee a case a hich if it did nut 11a4littu Irtve COnie the sweets of the Breve of the Tow uship. Mr. Beagle WU ilfttlIk.1 a compeller fur Slorria this jeer, *A it was the first time I believe lie ever sal in • Municipal Commie and at tbe Can Council meietiostemine ignorant probably tlior howdaariare Ina 'Yard, he waa he duped to My Out the Township money belong - rig to his Want, upon brlit4e that was egt• itv rod *Melt therefore MAI too right to tt ; In short to ass • cornrows...mom atom '' Mr. diiiigaloti wa4 *old ' red it hit reasonable inferno:1/.11ml they who eell other* would oot lieritate Lei.: bought h.instilvee; 110 'het I eau wortely we how our liters it he eaa eogniseut of the above Can Set hilnlielf Qreett Dodoes. The Ualt robbery Case has elicited the Whig feet that Prominest memben of e Toronto polies Cave have, fur mine ti bowl bar - bonne, aiding and 'kink notorieue bor. glars amongst them " 11 tol Serge m jot. MeBoweli, as sow 1St his rascality wee exeoemi, and w f in the doniiiiiens or Uuele Sam, but Sed dame turd Meek, charged with city its dm coospirocy tonal) the Crone alr at (Lilt have been 'fluted, ekawined and committed fur triel. A pretty of , truly, when the guardian of t re and security of the cagital of 11: Canada are proves to he renegades of ost dangerous character! GO ERIC li %V Nantr• The e011 cil met at Tlelinemille Cebrusry 20.12 LS66, tooling to appereuneut. Pres. est the &es" d all the councieors. The *notes of haat g mlis read Otrer mid approved of. Moved by Yr. Pa os, seep:eked Li Mr. Weston, That Charles mine be appuinted rethemeter fer the 33nd til Road lit plsee or John Armatroa hie :eft lie Moved by fiattoreessonded r. Weston, 1 Tbat John Metotosifi James Jub.and we Labor l..Willissa.MeLaire perform their S on the Ceutre llomd.-Carned. Mooed by Mr:Patton, eee. hy eft. That the Reeve and deputy Breve Eza the Bill cm the saw twill Road (nr men on, oppente Lot 13 t» eseermin it tt i 0 Gram. 1141, also 1., see it it woold be advantazeom to purchase a new way of Itiwid to avoid paid Hill, and report ou the same at next meeting or Council. Moved by Mr. Piper, see. by Mr. Sheppard, That thp,,,Klerlf,.....epply. te Mr. Cameron to, maks .out deeds for Wee.- Wit* and Bebe Fes for the purchase of the o,' Ill !trod allow Hayfield Coneesonol as th tflillria refereoce 41 itrae running between le, 41 ' etol 42 in Mar to the seine was Confirmed by eh, Couottee Council at lent eeision. Moved by Mr. Patton, see. by Mr. Werton, Thirth4 cierk be instrueted tn get onit Min. Ltd eopies of We Conele Thistle Ael orinted, and that each Potbraateer he funnehed with a Copy of the rime. 1 „2-,.,,,,,i, 11 Mr. Sheppard, see. by Me. Piper, 1; Thet the abeiract it-il &tarred statemeat or 1 the Eapeeditute 01 this Townrhip (for .1845) i be printed in hand bill form end that one hawked. mike of the -emu be I rioted fo Dirtribution.-earried. • prayine for alum of money tie open op of* , The P.tition of J4hn Flaatioga and trees toile ot Road on the 3rd and 4th Von. a join. intik. Hayfield Couresition.. , Moved by Mr. Prier, see. by Mr. !ream, ; flint the Petit:inn ot J•dor Muting( and lockers be complied wi0e and that ar. w.... ton hare the control or superiatendanco ut theMic7remed'Ity Mr. Sheppard,sen tor Nr.,,stt on _Thici,larvontde ja.w Whitely, anol the 'rine OPIUM be exempt from paying sch tel 1.101 for le6S. Moved hy Mr. Slepporhsec. by Mr. Piper, Teat the Auditors he paid the aim of flee dollars vice fur auditing the amounts of 1965. 1 -Ctrried. I Mover' by My. Sheppard, life. by Mr. Pot- tery That %Out Duggan * paid tee del Ian lor tIni use of bra oid frame house whi:e holding E'ection.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Shinnied. see. by Mr. Pat- ton, That this Coounerl do now adjourn to mist agora at Ilomasville on *be last monday is Ajwil next i JQMOI MANI , , to*Mitilp Chi k. Turtil oat Mates betweew I:tilted elates stud Wrangle A auft_rtest. The Weehingtou eurrespoudent tif the New York Timm, under date Feb. 27th, girlie the following taritts. recourneuded t Coirgrogr, to take Mfeettinumdsmoly upon tie ex oiratiou of the Man iprocity 'frealy, on the 16th vi this month. 11 healer .Cuirgrom will adopt the loll in Oa ploaent abater, ur amend it, remains • The loll reported today from the Com 1.11=1:'1 i‘.%•;%1*,.:7"1 mi7"." H","17""tv.r. ...; L..d. .0, , 1. Nor th A mei, co o prov metro pi or ides that liiiiii sott atter U.LIA 11 li, lattri, them shall bu loy,ed, cujet ted and paid upon the virtielce Oniiiii,rated III OW h..' 4001 1014 Ikei941 ilw ifroatli, poniircupy or smortilactule of the Boitiali isersentione in li.irth Auterice, imp. 'portal fa 0.11 he r ht Manic Majeall'a pow:mimic tewouly, boas Canada, New Ilrstere irk. New Secti...New fuouilletel. p. inc. E,14.,,,,1.14.4. aed the *everal Wendt tberwto adjacent, 1Iud son Bay Territory. thittei eviuleine bed Vritetraser'e 'eland, the lulfittstai %lutist and lutes ot dune,' .- 1 On Fish, sonioJn, 42 . shed, 111.!..0 ; mule 1St ; herkiiipl, pickled and gaited, 50 tante ; MI ether pickled fens 41 pee bared t all- Oak I mot whitens.* Previibal Mr, fi0 tenni per 'MM. 'dred pounds,pruvide4 that aUY lish to paCeitete !, other than bariel. shall pry ilk !impulsion to I rola. On bitumitiona oo•I, 50 velli* Im't lun : the rates charged open ump,,Nuti• fie,4 iu bit"' up Mr the Simon Pure lie would have se au oi 2S bushels, 80 lamed* to a 'umbel ; tru all heiis ye be is, and I committer oleo a Was-, other coat, 4., cent* lar to.t ut 2e4 bushels, SO comes teems the pubric, he, and what be 1 puutids te • buthel. On puke aud cola, or 111114 ill I ... • certain extent public property. I real, tee per Mut ad valorem. OA timber, Mr. Whitehead ha& cuine brio..., the public iii !heuiloa acd sprite*, rounded or waled, 01.e. the. character ot a partm. and! think it only 'Iltioillt,,,,CokUtuper:rettilb1,,iume fr,,04*, is iri.vepenr he170000.1,144.tutret i lair t . :et the puboc ere soother view of the , lg. per coat foot ; whim steed and valued at l.biestiou. AN FI.Iti' TOR Or M0111119. l' tep..utirrLint,usuoat:airer..d.,ito.t.du.Lvii:ririe:„..67,b:pokurrr,,p,..i.1.0...11.1):0.7lre,t,Ittudh.423, We hare ie.:, i:y4i...111-41120:115:6;vioi. Chefrett A je. per cubic foot ; sawed and veted al 47 „,. . • 1 Sillily le. per 'Nitric foot ,• *bee hew* egehee, fba., TOr01110, the cuirent Nue, ent_LINSSIDIS lees per 1400 feet, Ill per 1,000 het ; w hen $eCkfy sod the Viturritouta's W&• afar, lyalusidcpter ri mad out over 413 per 1,00 _both ,emerkitzbutyran:ttei.r.4..untig, •itti regatallTeet, it per 1,1)00 Mei ; whet. user el 2 per to ilholeation Nei MUNI "weer. May be • 1.000 feet, &I , provided. that when iumtler orliertd at the SIZS41._......1 officil rr,00k Stalli• 'of any sort m ',holed or tioillotit, a additioi;* 1 _..................weet....-- ‘ lir 1110 rates herein pragled, them ohall his "Illtelialle id A Wealfehriluallobos Mee pied t'or cash •ide ea plaired ur linislird, 20e.; . ' grooved, 22 per 1,000 tem. Gii toutemblack end if planed or. one vide and tong. d and The therm ttris acenuess for the fact ! waluut, cherly, chestnut. oal., not estslA and thet Strattool is nu losi4er the busy greia ; lesa advises:ad num hoards sod plank and Out 0111lift it would be' i ether. ere provided for, 10 per mut. ad ta- W• are told by some -fbr the subject 6 it'l lumm; wheu mmerd, di per 1.000 teet. . d be.-- . . On shiptinibeit SO mats ; raibeed Crat the Groot Trunk rims ut freight, crow- I Willy on 'be Butts's. slid Litt iluron retitle 11". "'Lib 6.", or ol", celaa"lot.beio•shea;,. rough.bewa or eared, roily ten per melee. hobs tor eihrels, wic-twa.d, discriminate against Stratford. t obioele • 1 0414 611.1 lumber tul tuber% provided for, easy be time -that tlin toad to Omar ut P rooter., userketa flour Mitchell auti other noie..14.itri.:=111;iatt.teiliesegreaistevrarilillots.c...e,.1ad20 Pe; lunLita But • how Miro we to thank for that f I e•d"ebi°41:4, c7•!'" P;er..ilt°0•0"d !awed aut lye roominess, tlsot very Men wiLLi acs P".e owl e•40r annslies. 40 e00.06 Per thous - urging the complaint. lt la the Klemm of alLr-u°1_,101"111". 4") ; " ei•P anialganniti.in, which it' their btool zeal they 11"ar`ie'e•• au° $1"U" el‘Pb‘.6141 42-&0 , per thousand. 'au atieustoutly oupoorted. whicls WY dune ail the rniachicf. Before ateallamation Strut. I the. 2.-I'rovides that iia lieu of the dative , ford waa is the favoied position of haring ; beretoture imposed by law on brittle. here. the two Weill Misikets of Basle eel Mee ! 'natter mentioued. and on oath 44 leer be now .111141 oleo without teauilipment.'-e I eatempt fere duty, imperial neap *mete Het lin.40.40. all thy juliCtitfli ut ilie tire rut. eountroei, the eu•::s paid .tion h, as fu.iusis ; gave iter ant rest admirals, mitr knits:era hem:, id ad rots, 1:0 per century' ad any other town in thr section ut country.'a- valorem; applee. garden fruit and vegetatilra, •r?.:, ram of freight to Montrual, se compared 10 per cent ad valorein ; henry, 10 teem a with the neighbooing mess* wf lindbell fur brighel ; beans except Vouilleyord castor illetalice,. was tto time tw, cents per I'mati 123e. • ; beet, le. • pound • hews' 01 in our favour. Ot,it asnalgruntion col the I core., 1; per centime ad valorem ; 1:eck west railway*, fee obis; so many uf iftlf abo.t.110c. a bethrit ; Imre, Lilian maw 10e. a sottned people were scomming themselves bust • , Auer and Meal. Ilaidltirlif and mill us-oe leat erill144 Vadat* al tu level with !fort Omit, coroi,rje and oats, 20 pet cesium statical', sea Mmes., all the surroandiug ail 'volume ; lianot, 3 reefs per posed; has .* the self -man priyiligeg of, which,- 41 ver ton ; ludu, le per cent ad valoiern ; w the two railway* term esti. vlerate ; tai 4 twins per pound ; malt, 21./ per cent ad Ulai einent,* we hal the nonorpo I hero; viduama ; OM, 10 per tent ad •Moi eat pfal• is a ard hut; Item for istmegamatiosiats to ; cents per bushel ; pink, 1 «mot per pound ; crack. Mitehell awl Sealant, ate placed t'petatoes, 10 cents per bushel ; 15 rents ▪ a j tins with Strutted it II tliroazb the +, per bused seed-bmethy anti clover, 20 per operatio of their um. achouto. , I caul ad vs rem • trees--plemis arid shrubs, TOLL tiATES• To Me et the roe,. Otos I.: Sta.-As Eileen ere supposed to know everything, will yose *lighter WI with regard to toll •gates, the law allows a gate for every miles spart, or above Ca Directors pluses. Ily giving ag 'none informatron on the matter you will much oblige. Yount truly, PAO BONO PUBLIC°. lamgennon, 2nd Man+, 1066. MORRO'. Te t ler Miter et. the frivol. \ FIR, -I wag *mutably amused by reading your rerort of • speech made by Mr. Charlcs Whitehead al a public dinner in tho •illage 0 t 1, ontlesboro tog h and beim so Fil•ctor of Morrie. I went ihntugh the mettles ot your paper in make some remarks, that Islay (nod to maned ilia impression that areeue was calculauwl to make on the path* In general. And in the first place I *meld ray in rierrd to the (dram' goad scheme, which seems to be Mi. Wtoichcouni capital at present, thei Motrie Mein, • (travel lined on twe air aides, hes neer red its share of Graw vel Moeda money for the time loping at Nest, it having received nearly one tenth of tbe ono huodrod Hemmen' posed", and it only pays at pension On41 balf 01 'Ls pot proportion for ‘hir -.- --- without tieing restricted he any dititaiN• form the shore, permiesieu lied es the coasts and shires nifty cu awes sec tee ittands thereof. sod alai upos the Magriam Weeds, for the purpose ot dryiag their awe mid curies their ; provided to Oa doing 'hey shell uut intoefore with the rights of piirate property id Waugh tiabarusea in the ouscreblo use ol the said comt, in their oc- cupoirey for Me sum porta**, eta with the salmon lad shad fitherwa ku Chrere ur Matithis oi rivers. ruit,-The rialits (-ilia/lois iiihalrhaela id the Crowd Stalin to brim eirt flee of duty goods, wares and molt hairdwg, Ur other, •rtic:o., hoin role mitt ur plate in the Uulted &alai tu auetlier pert ur piece thee vie, tree the tertitory of the Matta North America* rolumm, aubjer tro iso or roam tliargoa ur teflu• than ale otos or •ktalf herealter exacted ot loor e potty 'it isithjeets. The t'attle Teeple. The Aro ordain/ism the imeed111141111; tattle being uicdtted by f,oneress. Wesideetou tenon of 1,6e:we NW, says : "Tie Ace to emend the Act for tbe pro venttou of disease by prolithitiog Me impose. tattoo of meat cattle, which wog puma' room node, its Me Senate, permits lhe aiispeuriiu• Of the prolmitieu aa tti airy fore4ra coeuttiorel may be effielalty declared by the Seeretrry the Tremury mieuipt from Mamma. 'The Piesiileirt, whomever in ha judgmeut it cen be merely dous, may &clue the elude Act inoperative withiu thirty days after, his proclamation. This Act had proviogaly beeo rowed hy the Hoene, mg guts to the Preituinut Mr 1•1' 'totters." A curreapoodeut asked %tether it la tree that, alter tho expiratiort rot tha Iteciprosity Treaty, animals will be admitted rum the United Stales bee ut duty. .1a the Uuited State* law uner *man* live aniourila may Ove imported free of duty under the tart.. It not unlikely, how ever, I hat Cootgreas Mile** July befuri, the treaty expires. Mr. Morrili1e 1431 propeare a duly of twenty par tout, us all i've - .• • : uragestatal *ad iruit, 13 per centred rialto enit CO114 • LIVIres 1.0 Pectinated and tat ow, 2 ceuts per pound ; Wheat, 20 cede . Canada. !per Immilmel. ' '-...-. 1 See. 3-- Admits *law fol.owThe named aril 1. flare e Pori 01 ,,.-e 1...r.",. else free ef dot/. Burs miasmic* trewroninti 4 1"0.4?1!. II" lewl'alf ar'''' 1 eueton and limo ra,:a, firewood, gradate... etethingin Seetteee, Ly • 11,,,,,,,,o.eg iitnAujiLvd,i 47141.1 .4,1 plod., on. that country *nolo the I iround. , \ „ . 1 Sec. 4-1tepeels all laws or porta of 1•11, weekihoele\ine our owl, 'a:W*1mq ESIsmg bounties, providing trestles MOW:life. Auld to our 1 leeseed to engage in dee limbered@ may .1100 wed pruve .conenativraly Mat CMOs ie b1 go bawd itoport,da.lt in bowl. ee he sled .6 far the cheapest comae: to 'lye in. '', curio: fith, wider such regbLitionis la the ctXsos. ecuYi.slle. !Stereta.y of toe TreftelitV may Incectibei &eon, per lb., 7ie Ifse 1 and oui pio,f that mid esti bee beers used ftr Reef .• 11,1c .124 1.0 20e caner bob, the dureit SO Ur ISM aid be re.. Muiten, " 71, AT* • fowled. ' itutter, 11 170 .....24e ..r. 5 -. Provides that goods. turiv,ing at . 14,pi, per dezenelee lee to 20c, and -40c in New 1.0.4, Boston; Port:and. or ...y. other orunuper. . eialar. ;ion of the Uoitod States which may be wl, 121e each 441c operialty designed by dee Streeeler7 *4 the G . 30: " al 'I mercury, ant destined for places te %gime% 'NM .11. ;:se t., 51 mai., 41.b. ile 42 Itp.tiilt Vrovinces, may b.• eotere.1 at 15 Ctia C.)611, dim Lotse and vim", ed ei irti,..pt th ough the Potatue :tad thial WI prom. territory of the l'aled Lemke eerier wee Apples r lb , I le, ....:Pla rah u the Secretary. of Ad Teruel may Bread. atm ;04 for curreihry mites. presorilas foe the mowed°. API tat remain. l !made tee Mk 4/1:1211 Sec. 6- Piovides that ;:,iode, wares runt . !toots sod all . • greet deal cheaper. mercheadisat •here Ow dot, nee been paid on Tim and cuff. • • out the same. . the produris or monofactutes of the United Sugar dearer in 4. nada. States mei, •Yn the comma' or the proper The apples here re alto4ether sunerior authorities of Ilse Provineet, 'Ire transpertd as wed as tem thee ifilt the value io from one,part or place in the United Steak Scoilend. Caesar t le, . we reusarked, tie Neither part or plant theryla, ewer die are coating all the re; io Great lititate. aallrorinees by such route,. settee sods me an tinkle mach more roliteiale to wear reguletions ea tbe &rental), oil the Treasury thaa British ensda at net eit money. gegy pewesiee, provided ;peels so transpoited, dine, oa their tamest in the Cnited States from the Provinces, be treated in regard 10 liability o% esemproo from duty or tax, as if' the timusoortation liad taken Ales entirely within the limits of the United Soon. See, 7-eProvides that British We are fat with the gine eke of feud an gentleman *he I LIS Masa. A comparison. market prices 011_11e Ilia ans. The New English Rcfu Bill. . TUE K., or .11PCM'S N -s• elmil here tbe tight freely 10 *irrigate he Nsw TOIL Feb. 27.-Tbe stereash\ip •Mniddtdogairen wtibtehtilrtylletaa. leerari!* Hermann from firemen ou the 131h anoiN,of orinalit/ with the inhabitant* of the (1.reited Steles. c. A- Prot ides *bat British "objects she haw, is commie. with tbe centime - If Tbe Awe mod tem arrived oat on the 10th the I:nited Starea, liberty in totter Selo ef TIM ftmimAip Cogrolfne, from New °aeons, , sear, keel, except shell fish, to the eestern arrived * Queceston en the lOtli• rh4 4•.4‘.4.44 od shores of the United States, mirth oat 3lith parallel of toroth ',mode, aad ou. the *Oft* . tho wore nil islands t be se to adjacent. and to the bays. harbor" and ereeks Ot the Sea coasts on the shores of the la the Senate, 01111 obe".47nittediredrth8"petireirtesloodolann47,ioiodr.e\wha.o,dre:fissrondamimg .telilumweitallti:ourott. turn of the Fronch tromps from Mexico eno'd the United !Suites lied the itlatwit for the use not take place so rat.idy as was desired roi ef dryiug their nets and curing their risk France, and he even demirvd that Fietich provided in Su diem; thy do 1.01 interfere mitiforeementa be moot out. M. Itmeher with the tights ofrivite primer'', with the in .6 0 t gooernment that thesis fialrermon uf the Inked Suttee, the peace• opiaridie were thor Marihal's °prober only. able use of any part of the emit in their rho Mews ef the ebeeretnent were embmiled cupancy for tire name purpoes. in thn speech from the throne and the ad. !sec. 9 -Provides that the President of dreleire. Ai United Stades wry tensawom coe awed Southampton on the Lkh, arrived here this -morning, briuging three days 'later nese. esorovaesert Lircarofft.. 1141111110f ,Q6L1111, 1,016 New York, pawed !forbear! on flie 12. The Mont Inane from Sormorah. arrived at leverpool 00 the 11 h. The Edit, tr.* Mena e, arrived at Liverpool on the Ilto. sernaur altn fliOATTA. ' thip provision. et this mt, or any section, at The Croatia lbet bee agreed to the pro- to the 61010 or in part ol the Itrotish North posed anion with Hungary. Araonme cookouts,. by gime,. nubile notme SPAIN. et 'web termination or 'extension, wheneeer 'flie Pinney* Miiiieter declared the inane,* in Inia opinion, it nosy eppear just and prom- o( the country were more favorable than et, or wheeterer the following pretties Or supposed. itoy of them, shall not he acceded and se. lite addrees replying to the speech was aired LI Cii.1101 111 or inbeleteeta of the United adopted. titanic 711 ICV.W afronts The Lontin Times says the new reform hill will cougiar 'imply of glowering of the fmnehine in boroughs in Zn, end in eruntiore to LIS oceupation. It mew Lori Rummel sent on Mr. Briehes elvice. resolving to stake the existence of th4 administration on tie esearas tif the bill. W• rine.' suppose government heltevei suet. a bill will be se_ cepted as Nettling the question of reform. Unealencial. 117111.1011,01. LiTeittoot.. Feb. 14.-11,61'4m of wallow is two days were 14,000 bales. Marlon easier and rinotationo Imrely roaintained. Of th• aloo•e aales, speenlat re and repnrtere took 30,000 miles, The Manchester market waa osarer and active. Bremletufft -Floor broiler. Wheal firm at 10a to Ilk $d for meter rod and Idnethern. Co•n advanevd • and tewline npwardi Staff at 2,11 fid for mixed. Proviaiona--Bmf active and firm Pork- stook mare. and priem tending up weeds, !folders deaotr.d an advance. flaeon ateady. i',neeret firm. Predue*-Aaliea quiet at 32e to 34e. Sugar doll. Coffee Ria" doll. Linseed nil firmer ,• islet at 40s. Rom very dull. apirria or turps/one- 8s ill Milet. retrolittun &Obi, 11, 2s 4d. First -The rig,ht to navigate the river St. Lawrence and the came* in Canada, and all the means of eamonsaication between the greet lake. and the Atlantic I keno mth their yowls, boala and ail folly sod freely as subjects of Her Ilritanine Majney, subject only to the MOM tolls and other assessments as ar• 1106 or mei be hereafter exacted frovn Her Majesty's Subjects. &coed- The right tit cat lumher or tinsb or of any kind cos Latta portion of the Ameri. can Territory in Mame. watered hy the rieer At. John and itaanhotories, and who, Mulled down that river to the afa to ship the same to the United States Irma the Pre/V.110f nt New Itrenserek, withont any export or Other fry. Third-Preeman from torment. to MUM trade ane ameg4lIng which the eatehl ish 4" 1 Of miontenanee of any free port or Imrtil .n the British North America Colonies sear our boundorioso may induce. Fourth -The right ond liberty of the tussah itanta of the :mei States, in totem* with the etilifeees !ler *view" to lake eferery except shell -Aah 'Mem corer sod shoran, sed in the Sys. harberre sed creeks dike British Ameriew colonies _ United States. 'Owe 31111.11dse Of 1ROdfdde.' k r. Y oak. March 3. -Tho Express mot it is animal:4 at the tauten boad qtrsteri today, that overly one million of lite Min arc ready to kuute for dm liberrt ion of I relaed upon coders to march. Several thoomaud are mid to hate jutiarl Noce l'huraday. '1 Int saute paper bes repult, good authority, that liegutiatiuts maw in pm. grew au Witalingtou oliteim huge the relied Stator Gores nine:it the recoguitom iro•nd •• • belligerent purer. Sir Freder- ick Lb me has it is aleo stated, protested, ma behalf of the Sritiah Goiernment, mafiosi any such application being received. The Heed Centre wet leuvial Council have nosed coders to the Ifroteeibead tot int swim aces:educe with. tte Centel States nerralitrieeitiogi4awst juries, Wood. tomorrow, la expeeted to be very Large. Etzlit steeds for ripeakers are te easeatid on the ground& •-etiptaiss Jobe MeCeihriy, late Star prima- Jscatoultre ISIIIIMitipbets."bas clahLosorqcoite'ir• 08"c0o0m7tri0o! sestme the Fenian' ;0 Wallb,1,11•1011. lle spoke last. siAlet at meeting call. tre in that toy, 'to mtprees inoigaittiou ai the aoppreoirou ot the Corps& Act is beamed Other gentlemen seed fklitlifed. 14.0•44.11, etronzly denunciatory of the Brit- tosh Goverrimeut. Fifiocu Lundrod embus wortb of the bombs of the Irish repub,ic were sold at the meetrog. Cheers for dame* Stephera MA President Johnson were give", rim, Captain *ICI be Lod imparted isformstion to a secret sleeting of tio. lestiam, which. Le hoped trout,' not be cominueicated in d he Captiin bad a long and tater- !sting interviel !With the Preatdent of the United States, arid will call upon him •,:rdit *au tefif day. The Ilicroafitats 11 iiiii . Herod lbe Great may cot hays cbed from partakiog too f.sitly uf tricAloo wah. Ins tonal 1.1,4 blit the preteumpbon that Me • •oetmito by the lust...tie adierrUvn that Le sirs c4lea belure the breath a as talr 0 VIA 101/ t1004. It ie ap• panes Hurt 1. shed of uo °odic/soy disease. tither wad grower .6.!11 C1164 'be lone Herod. red the halogniyheut 601* •1. au pains to n emstion particeier doemse that kiek theta. ..oe of the lurid. h wee ruereed for an age of microscopes to damovir lltat the 1 le r. 41 sae horror was mily an aggravate1 roe of trti h lea in the aitmach aud meter I. We ere indebted I. t be I ierinan ohysiertna for this tesportant addition to the ilea CVI la 14%101 Sniffs beir to -swine firth tri particular; It le not a plasma reflecuon that a single cleave of lid ritee easy emote. a hundred tboureind_ animalculw ; sad Oat Whila they vl, .r the Sallie preterence for seise tb it the ocril d.d, tier ri • lily rot a. in 11 • human stotusch, awl 10Jefaliglible. path - boilers thmagh the hamar 0,11lftil. Mier°. scuptcois they IOC. 1.ty andine estromes of temperature with • timaciry of Ide that is wonderfal. 1 hey boil, fry, and stew tool" composure. leered, any degree of heat en- der 212 n lbw quicken• than retard& their vitality. They !sectime lihe frogs sod 'Mode in winter, but et the Grit vecsation of heat, awakeo aa •lanniag actIvitye tiond people, who dearly lore • roast of pork. • Mow oti, ham. or savory sensa4e, hese dettered t etroirlvis that tricAnto were tudieeeous to Oromany and wouNi coufine time labeurs to the Miniesticated and detwor- s:isen utilopring of the ',lid hoar of the Thor iti„,ian retest.. Nut • bit uf it. Since the German phyticiann made tech valuable me of the nio.roseopie, OthOra tau beim es - gazed in 110.1k9911/06 01 pork, and the resell le the asinciumeniant that traellialt. bass_ de- theinse!ves in the swine of America. The Almelo porn inform us that • load of pork pet on sale et Prorisi. Wino*, le* week, was examined mierneenpiCelly, mad two of the alive with trichina. Dressed examiheil at Disen,were liscovered to he inhabited by Mess infinvinemel mu - miss. '1' Itis St. Louie papera ot Saturday a* nouncv the poisoning of two fitnitlies • io tliat city Iroin (ratios 1. dimmed pork," though ISO attempilippem• to haws balsa mole to dis cover tbe character of Ilse dream. Doubly less it was the Herixlian burror. There are,two ways of keeping triehlme net of OM tinges etoorirbd ley le Word. *cope, or leave ref emeirig pork. If you am an Mee ot nit* pie da (Alerted kw% his and will here is; keepa eniorossope ie your birth P.I. It frit! have to play an important pan 34 demesne econemy. Ik0 COOk WhO oot hinulner with die microscope ,S4 fOth waffle dot. Illvoldonsiages-Gefonia (Imported itt telislit$P4Mtg &add mot tiatit temptatiod at tiologna, 1111Cfle• Weal. phalli' hum. Yotaparingly pooh, thregit yee know, oho reared it, and are positive. that it writ earn fed. A microscope would eel he 9,hioctionowe hy the aide of jeer plate. Jo 'effect the !unreal that tantalizes yo• 011 fila feek's end. Lt mil be a sloer prisms, dim insiervoti imosoblet. but it will be sate. Tbe triehiron theefivitien by Pro i lessor Ogretroot London in • portrait of bitaalt muscle, represent the 'larval condition of the adult nematode ahove described, the 'modes. - brood of a mote highly organic neaniatede. Prtfestor 1,eakert thglarval trhtillmet I 0 111016•Ur• 011 teentrfifth of an inch 14 length, with • tretevense 40ertittfor of about one sox hundred -and thirtieth of itrt inch. The same gentlemen Mon averts that Ow must», ot larval theism" in on* bearer, Ilielseselly tie bearer to be a min twoialtiag nee besared and forty pounds, may at one time Lawrie' to twenty millions. -4. S. Nickion, of Maryland, is now anymorting eight mos of children -am lel by his pritiont *nit, thew *Si telemetric in to roomer worse, • 1St holnngini te fie to the husband of one of his former wives hy revtoutt Aral sialeterea children ahrigethm, (Ow A woman test* erer preserves iniese. 'temente** she keeps Ilse whole ferhilly then. ItIvr There are a peat many langlishla things upon the old earth, bet she sheer% keeps her gravity.