Huron Signal, 1865-11-30, Page 3"'1
Exec Winn of Bunsse- --
{ ta r fled ► ati
Uu Sunday taunting the congreghation
of rllrce ret:u church were
d uuuswl aid receutric proceeding ofrone el
n- its letwtlr inenrbers, who, during the course
to et the lecture, tuddee'y started up, end
The last sentence of the law was eaecste
tiptoe oe
iuhthe pine a Bull' aI uI crowd amounon ting
some fifteen DLuusuud spectators. 1'b
to Dr. Cairns, but falling short, it alighted on
ed the precentor ; a the some time nunneries
ppriau.Nra wit. took her leave of hoe o
noonday bight, and tluugn it was endemic,
that she would wee hila again that minion'
.h did nut arrive. All this time he wax to
gaged in religion, exercise* in his cell, an
xtrrugers were excluded, no that big laid in,
mems might out bl distracted. At -teem
minutes to ten the Shueilf urrived, and oro
afterwards the prisoner wet brought du*
into the Piero, r to bas 1`auiatrdr This
r eery small rpurtintet, and low but. repro
aeetativee of the Press were inherited. lit
reau entered, following the •melauchnly teat
of pricut and nuns, and stood meekly at the
ing, slung with the others, to the litany fu1'I
the dying. The hangmne, who -though per.:
featly enveloped d in black, it could be era )
wired, was atonneshat air it attain -all Ibis
time was securing the pi ionitn's arms, and
dually optimum' the rope to In, meek. In til
e coaching held of a Bible, threw it at lbe Kee.
ko something. about 'blasphemy.' Dlatrug re•
1 routed the art with Co ruti.e result, 1hi
d Pounced out of the church. The Rev. IM. - - t._ - - -
e did not ammo in the slightest degree disturbed
i+ party 111 question hu been fur some time de
ranged in her ihlellect, and indeed there is no '
r-' accounting whet wire foe the perpetration of
n I the act.- Berwick Warder.
en of the table, pale but calm, rued nspund
A bouquet thrown to Lnurt Kerne nt the
I Louisville thest,u cuhtuined six targe dia•
monde pendant Gem s t -air of small gull
horse shoes, fashioned to lit a lolly.* ear.
glee Anther steamer has relived in Quebec
Gust Englred, laden rah winter, %tnee,-
6211 barrels of gunpowder, ten 100 pounder
Alm$rong:guile, are aluuig the principal
meantime the priuon,r erverul kite/14
devoutly the cons that oral presented beton. items. .
him by the Rev. Mr. Villeneuve, who asked
If be was trliehrd to die for hi. clime, when
be whispered in the .6lnhulive that he was.
After the rope Lod Ianol secured round rue
week, he again kissed tire chew, the colo
tame faintly to Lit cheek, the bl,-L rap wag
put on, and there iu the r'osr heft it in
wielanclrulJJ pruccas..n, I;ti rpotit tt1. ,.t girt
between Father 1',Ilenruvvt and the jailor
The death bell t.Led, toed the prayers gut
continued ar the aced Limn prot•c1ed acme.
the jell -yard, the onion., walkerg rich to:
eyes cast down, Int ri11, u firm, measured,
std m4litary like tread, es if a;nln on tLe
parade, where Ile mu.t, a.'u moldier, herr w'
often walked. He ascended with the name
unfaltering step, the double dight of stain
leading to the upper platform of the scaffold
. J took bit ;duce u
u p c u the trop door. Scarce
ly hal home: rho were permitted 10 follow
his, thus lar retched lt.t eleaatiun, than the
curd was pu!'ed, the trap tell, and tbd pl irate
with it, a t.i„Lt upward I••ik of one leg tatting
place insttnuna'oualy with the jerk caused by
theughteumg bf Ibe rope. Cutu.iousuer
seemed at 4wore to hare forsaken him, the
tongue, whllr and dry, protruding. and the
neck tearfully indented by the rope hearing
the weight of the motionless b(rdy. Not a
muarle of doe free twitched, nor was there
any apparent convulsive movement o(a limb,
but the cheek, from bring rale, slow)o grew
livid, and blood began slowly to trickle doves
the forehead, owing to the rebounding trap
hieing *truck it. In three minutes the pulse
had ceased, and it might be pronounced that
the murderer was no mune.-Mowtvea/ DI -t
Wood Wanted.
Parties w• bin to la the x
✓ tp R pay 1r uL alp.
Cone in dry wood will please bring it in
▪ '.1 ones.•
1 1(u PAth'rrttSrinrn15
11 ren
eardrum Tor , 1 1 Ir
t ,e ,mu eel r uJ ptenua• _-..
' faint reek.. fl 01 •'IiI from the .'.inn. „
7A. ('na, t '.,takea.
ru,w 1 arra
hum I hrwus,.n., I'Iruro.a..uJ Padua in the
Hark And Moloy. L1 1 f
r T1. C'n aidl.,w rarer. Ikrr•r rJ JP
ae'ieM Pala uili 4e ileal, end Sick He..lac►u.
re, (.'a...i.. Pala lin relays
li Care. BW'ue u':' rnd t.n4,n the SbAmaeb.
Tae ( ..n.arsan rd. n,NIOOP, LOO OUT la'UTt 131iR.0 <1 I `ti •
Ceres Cholera, r holera Modem, Dy.entery and `
I,tuwrl l'eniple.,u. '
Is Now
%1)e COIIINJ.wr. Petra Douro*,
Curer Stolde Cdos'snd bore 'l'uru.1,.
m. (kers. ,ran 1Msrs,vr
, Ceres Neuralim, arc lbllourorm,,a and Tooth
Tor ('nnndeom Pain D.tiroyr
1111111110 an eseelu•nl thing for ''u,J., Bruutea,
Sprains and NI•111 ; 11 Tale t 1
p {M y all rein IUs
'• muwrut n u eppbN.
I No Family .honed he without a G le of
The Canadian Pain Dea
t er1
T. (*woods n Poen bre,',moor ..
Cures Burn., 'collo, Fro•1 lid.. and Scalds.
woe. -
he:l: e 1 \
AN I *I lsol. Y. II I.K.--
Th 'h
s Tn anal of
Correctional Police. 1'. is, hr jot bind a
mw named Fakery, aged 27, canting himself
an architect, 00 numerous charges of nein.
dling, by obtaining money under ta'se preten
eel. It aplran from the evidenee 11x1 the
defendant wombed to ettabliah an alrerbeing
jnurtonl cum lel the ' Tambour,' and in order
to final sllhscrifere for it alopted the strange
expedrrnt of pub.inLil nn advert.nfueht is
the 8u•rle,ann urn a that n y ., •.g End beam
tifel lady nom
fortune o1 t nal ,itis f f u aln, wr,l.ed to
. enter the holy state of matriniory sith au
honorable man, and that the p.,w.••sl.,n of
fortune on hit tart arse to her a molnar .f
perfect indlff••r.- ee. The deferid:wt tut. enld
notelet than I.:.UU alai *cos 1n his of. erti•e•
=era Ir.,m pen' of .11 ranks, •1111,01, tt
whom were morqoc* Iod,counta, Jounlaests
and notaries, coupon, c.•oie, 1.11. e:a, Ar.,
most of them scrum 'nnln byphotograph
• sf
of the writer To all the &pplirds 11N Iio -
. feodant replied that he could not plieu them
on his list unlearn they snbacrifred 14 his jou-;
and the a greet . 1,umhrr of them d.4
without hesitation. The deteodaet himself
acknowledged that be !.ml receive., a* much
u 1,490f. As only ung number of the jouy
nal appeared, mud '..thing more ea! Leonl..1
. PRICE. -e0 rruh per Mottle. Alf onlerf.huuld
le tdJnwrd to
• Ncwelsee,(t. W.
' ry•'e'.1 in u.slerieh.l.y Niter Ar CmW nnd
F. Jordon. IianLher Ar 1', .. 14e,trel1, Julie
Remnant, Hyaena 11e. J. I',rlrnL E0„rr, I. 11
Condor, Cbn/on."E: Hlelrun, :caked.. and
• Medi. are Leone., p w3,••l0..
RrE a 'GL '
iSH•6ii:I1 'blir,
• Silo' JAMKS - ci.Ai1K}: S
Celebrated emale Pills. , -1
Prrynrrrd front is rrscriptirm if t'ir J.
Clerkt,.11.D.,f'hy irisin Extraordinary 1
I to tit. (,fuee*. -
I Tula Inuluable 111.101111. rr un(nlmg is the i
I weer lit Alf 'Mee penile. mrd dandenw. d,sr..n-.
ll --'r ..
1e *hod. the WOW, ev Ndttum w• slithers. It Y Lr r- " .,1/7,
1., f a I tsetse and N, n , ri( i
e . n res all ir1,.1 I O n.. '
■rJ'a •rare uta r •1,. ,
i c,
orell, }• to a d .n :rt 17' T1,7
a-• pe•-,h.rty • tad. 11 w."'..,^ "hod tars,.. (• .1.-ich, Dili Sept., 1-L;.
bono on the fl, ,iily en. wish riOulAnt). ' f ,
eromert clamp of (areal Bntu0 tat pretreat rune -
GODEItICU, Norcmber 27th, 1865. iw53
'1E„Rs. D. KI•;1111, Jit , a CO., (Glasgow House). beg leave turn 0..1r antero
thanks to their kind hien :a for many specie! &CIO ofkindnete, and to their numerous err•
tomer' and Ilei I
pub It generally for their Iaeur and patronage during the. late commercially
d••prinsed mason, acenmpanyiny lhelnte with the feccent with that each and all may alien
doontly participate in the blessing.' with or Weft a Iiuuuteuus Pruvilmhce bas c.unied the effort's
end labors of the heabaudmun.
Chancery Sale of Lands,
Town of Oodelrioh'
1. AND YEAR Taa „--.
In tho Matter or PartiUoa.
11E'I''WEI N
I and
end oiler.,
T I E Counties' Conseil Inc the United
• Count:ea of fluron oldruc
Be W.:41 rne^t
in the Court Knom, (l td.nic41, on 1ueelaft
till 5th December hest.
1'FJ t.R .1D1MSON,
el? C Clerk.
WILL be sold iu-sit lots by Public .ruction
TV by
A IAt:111. A)go:l:18t,,7 tit'
11 1 8.tueaon kinin.. in the ruwubl READY-MADEGooier.
.1r, us
I uclday ;the day of ;December
• '.exl,'11 1 of Ili.• dock in the-al'lenw,
pursuant loan eider made in tire matter
Ihit Partition by the Cowl of 'C'h mtl'ry 1
l'epe'r Calori, bean,,. dale the trruty ht: .
d..y of Sept. Inber, 1''65, with the app.
Troon of Rohe.' Cooper, Eaquire, til•
Ito I rem:
s lfr ntruire In n o o '
and Ler the United
Countic of lluruo sod Bruce, in sepal -eh
tweet*, IM following valuable Ronda ani
premises: (free from tlia ri;bl of Augusta
E tz.bettb Herrivt llynJmart to Dower there
1st. All that parcel or tract of land coni•
posing lot No. 4, Like Road }Rut iso
' the Tuw.bip of el ,burn, eumbiising
100 noes, bore or tcyy,
24. All that parcel et tract of land cone
posing lot Nu. 5, Lake 'Goal }:rest, ie
the sod 1'uwustip ul"Colhurne, cnmpna
• in* 100 scree, mine or less. No part
• of thesethat pas Ig ont acct 10 000 White Oak.
3rd All tLrtpatalo'rttuctuflaui;cumporint l
- lot No. Y in the Rin cum cr+imi 11'. ).
of 1 ,. fwd lu.,thfp of Colborne, coma
16 Tamarac.
I'+ ►1► *.11.I: C.I1 EAP
r• ou. oAszi.
IN GUE.T V.11;IETl'.
• .41 .4er . ar., GwlerseA.
Guleri-h`Ilh Noe., 1 `•OJ. .12
Railway Ties Wanted,
's'V. C. MOW AT.
UNDER .td li green. o(o power n Swl•
• eoMained in a Mortgage made by Odors...
TCKIDAY, the thirty Ent day of ;snored of the Ydlege of Dangnenon cranny
l. 1.) October, in the terety ninth year of of Hertel, shoemaker of the first art, Joie.
nee the reign of Her 01 jeay, Queen his wife (fur the ptrpuse of harlots ver
Victuris,, a,,d in the year of Out Lural 11160,” I poser) cf the second I art, acd Janis Stan ,•, t
B Fi 'r TV k: E N p of ebe tuwrulip it' Contort*, eosmy of R n
George Perkin' ad Stephen Ilewerd, I ron *forearm), farmer, of the third pert, ,!e.
6 p wail bating Irrfn uuld0 m Iha dos peToaert
1'Iaiutitb. thereof, -a111 IW ,...•! :.t 1he AYel,ue Mall nt
1IiEUI:Gi•: M. '1'Rl'LM, N, in the Tura ..t
C.,d'•r ich. nu
Defendant. I Tuehltay, the 71h day of Nov., A.D. 186 ,
f ' 1' Ihf rpphtr.iinY ask Lhr 1`'.uunJ.. i d st twel,. n( Lhr tlnek mtnn, the fulloair•g
l a Leanne NMI tlw i'i Irtn.,4 .Urian• properly, via : Lrrt Nu, Thirty wa on Thr }:wet
e r der Jrhn ranee.. 11, 11,4 las .up:arn ,fide Soslhomptnn street in the Ulnae of •
.(. tempt eimot. slid ghee abobee mere., rn;tnr.l DuuyYenoll acrunlixg to a mapo, l'Ms or,
las Y'ul 111,• Uw1rr 1.1 emcee I IwrIN.
.snip, 0Nerrd I oil sAvu•r ul n olive col,.r • 1)une ar'01, meati\Try iloleswo011h Rad Q'ee11a•
•- oe Ili* aearo.l d HAI oft lhla rau•0 unot. , errlal, Provincial L,td S.reeyure Yid filed in
the Ih•4•ttdaal M' i, I1I ,hoe m thane paler' the !legato. UlIice lir the County of Hunm,
Ia,1.In1.w1 he rhe Lows 01lio,lrnrh. 1,1 el UJ 1 aaill lot being pint ul' Ile Nora. half of 1«.
• Sprouse, wore Y weeL kw four Wt el sal h
4 y Thirteen in tbu ash routwxsiun of the Taste.
rr nv. r ul an .N4r« e•'hY ed 14w arrrl:d''1( 8,11 W
l'Pwpl.epl td Ilan rr.tsr ase the ram eikpit. W TIM 154,4[I 1♦ awan.d 11 in the ro1917 of nu"
Ia.J to ,.Nearsyt .1 44,.,e.
, 4 hu crew, d /ken a rureui.,, minimum; one gunner of warn
a.tupaet Ib,•no-ala• doomed road .metre and or ohm ewe. lk 4 under power of SOM,
tort In denten id the ltrlwhato.m'n en.wrflne the' TE11 RIS OF S,1 LE may be aacv,i.i.toJ ►y•
total "rnendd Ilii, lir demons thrn•te, 0,11.1141.; applying to 1Lr 1
a note .lulwuag llw i.uau1 cluenet, by the J011\ 111.1.(. (i
1'1110111 wt Len r,_41 reek. num the ell d•y'I 011DUN,
e1 sw•h puldn•an,w 11•r Parini Mrshall bee Wady f !4i, icUur fur Muetp: M,
las pore d to the seine manner i0 if the .cent'(. odetieh, Oct. 23,1n65 sr 16fd
*minded 11. had lever perwntl l y'mea d. sod ural 1
r•rvwr w i4e o i1 las ewatd Lr,aw
be '4"4....""41
• i•Tbl•ghnveSelo is j,palpoged mitt! Two.
1(u'd,.'JJ,3, (. 'J) A. (IHAN'r, Jsy the Seth Nur, flirt, et some limo aced
Stepan.. I p.eece,
Ju11N F.. SWAN tele notice Thu it you Ju rat VA sUA.8 L i v •
raeWr rr unn b. Thr an,rtlJrJ Hall a n
.r porn. .Io' A 11„11111S !
+ ' e 1 Ile .tiara• order br ULne Tor soarer or
h•uuun2or note J.o.nnihe Thr amount elainled
hY Ile PI..IImt• w tLs manor, n1 Thr Ha•, i•enr',
5 O
1 Rock- Elm• .
pi iii log 100 metre, inure lir Ii•Y, •beful 30
of • Melo me denied. There are a good
frame dwelling house and learn end shed
1th..111 that puree) lir tract of inlet cnntpoe'og
' lot No. 10. in the.!tlh tu0Cesuin' W. D..
of the gait' Towhei.ip of Colborne, cants 100 acres, mpre or less, remelt 23
acres of which are cleared.
5th. All then panel or'iract of land oumpo Bing
lot No. 11, in toe 8th nonceesion W. I).r
the mei Toe'.+hip of Coll c, coin.
prising 123 acme. more or le,sn. No
part of This lot a dented, •
The •Sore lett are eligibly si;noted on
'Cruel (toads, and di.tant only about
two mites antra hair from, the 'Town oI
Guderich, on the mush side of the mar
Maitland. '.which rcuders the timber
Ili Itou more m . than . rdm it
deli. AU that piece or parcel of land cum-
.pn*ing the easterly 'mica running Nu.
493, in the Town plot of GodendF cum
prising One eighth of an acro of land or
1865• 1'hr s, orthe Inst mentioned •dna
and .:1 lot+ Nu. 4 and:, Loke Road F:att,shldl
toot be c, titled to the prodoetion of the
couveyancee from the ('*nada (:ompany, they
hissing been ac':idetely d, *atoned by file.
e r .•bas
r a es except t of la
f p
Mx, will be required to pay one thud- part of
the purchase money at the time nt ante and
'the balvrce in two equal annual iustalluents
with mlerret at the rate,ol Rix per cert per
annum, to be secured by a aortgage or wort•
gages w the caw: may requi.e, from the
pur<hurr dr pur(has:ra of the tee;'eetiee 4,15
sul4, to the ltegihuer of the maid Court.
• 7 Ion perehaser of let six will be required
psy the p.nrch.;. money at the .time lit
. C'
sale. , / /` .\ ,.. n In all other rcspeclA the ennJiuuu* o!
r it /r .i :• ar r sale will he the *tending conditions of rbc•
.n a ,.(;j YN L..J ,T.r:! said Court of C'h.tner, r, g
D. SE. RP, J$., alt Co.
, ' Glasgow W House
lb* Imaginary lady of fortune. the candidata•*
fee her hued denounced the defendant to the
police, and ho •n, arre,l.d. Many of them
appsarwd as *moues before the tnbinal,
and, ., their .rid«tree Mas .enquirer, thee
*condemned the defendant to two months
WHITE Lta1a AT TDK So' in
Orleans flue Irene enya :-The
of waste labor un a g;o,.errl sod
is deatiied hr-reno;utioiEe the
uatue of this ruuutly. - Where
thins bore r b the ' t l
.-The New
liberal scale
entire wci.4
to. nrly wtl
rt. r.linrrh i
Rquit. nm rrposn r
r trolls, been the Poe- , _ ._
I'Ar,. IV,;,,..)J :r. H lame. r,J,r %weal,-. d. 'i.e.
u. FIR.
'1 l/[41;1; ,11(,1 2/4s i',neg.
rinser ..0 el.'a ,o• orae go Oren, ON Nucor.
mart, Int M woo p IMA., ram.. .A rya ,o. e
In all es,-. • .1 \revue and Spinel Admin. e,
1'al.r in the fiaek and lamb's, Fant* ...held
arnron, 1'uptwnnn el tne.l lean, flyer -we nap (
Whites. them Pd!. will .'Once ■ rare when ■0
biker meds h•tc 601..1; sal aldo,urh a p.m,.fell reelevly. do not ...ion. 'n'n. valorise -4 entre
AVM', or .nl Ihweg Lertl,,! 1.1 11,r1•..,Nlrtm,nn.
roll Ju, tiro.. to 'lie ImogdM myriad *Min
ps, who h .h.add to rnlully pre wired.
Ode •tent 1.r the tr .nml 1Imen•oles oloi,-
JIJI: 110,.ES, Jtor),i•.ter, N.Y.
al slavery,. there will nasi t buetis and N . Ii. -$160) end .,a po 1:.,-•r Ota i rnr6sd
r he I to any eulhur,tnl amens wilt ,Warn a 'Anile con•
enterprise and sleepless iuduotry : white an luring env Polio, by return made '
undivided tract of hundr. da if scree under I NO11I 1 11'1' & I YM:1N
cullinttnr, and of thousands still tiniherrd,,• .. N
used to be a netg!e horned«nal, se shad seen
find the land* di, deal 1.41 into ,hut ,nd.! :7'544,11 . (:ode
mn111Ven e fa(ms, Willi inleliiy,rnt white 11'.Jonl"n; in lin
labor, ri met their Murillo*, oho look not only„,,,t,u. 1' ,,' rd 'e • 1. w s, Seaford..
i,, Exctrr t J.H.
1'umte, term n ; E. N n•la'w, Reatnrtb ,and all
to the growth of greet m"pin, but also TO mem, me amenwT!!-I,
improvement, comfort and embellishment. l - - -'
• Nae cannot' may that we to pine at all this. I Re et In Ten Minutes:
have done our utmost, nt the Swath;
to arrest the destructive teacbingt of the
Ie It's A 2mi
so -celled negronphiliata arinng oar b:a•k pops. U L MO N I C WAFERS.
Talion -bol the wall of God be dune. 1
General lIowerd ieeguel to the exi.eencie .f 1'nr n.u•'r'r.,n "'d rn'r''r e, neAy ern dor ,
P Dnmtinn, if he ix too d' eery imbued illi L,r NI, d,.ees*.a rhe
t meso. Talcs of ha., undmrlin's, the greet, Chest and Longs, Coughs. Gelds,
Altman plena. potent. nth el • Mia , Asthma. Consumption.' Bros- ,
invented can still be used .to re : the black "Chiba. influenza, ” •
ewe. from the b nitre i „kid, ttsy *Iii "i, . l roofless, D.(/iru(l limn ing', Bore
have been plunged.
Ste MOOiToe Prru'i PAwxi.1. nlxssa.-
bre rel dinner „ivr by So. Morton 1'rto
in New Yoril the er day, was the mos
elaberste. banquet . r given net his countr
helmonieo's bill for the 0 affair" was 611
000 -about ' a head. At hut 24 ki
Bette, t:, W., genre.
e, it for Canada,
els ly Porker dc; riffle and
rr a c,r., \lekl ; 4510,'
7 -
tn the GodertchPostWee f
en the 20th Nuvemher info%
Aibrnr'Ch I!es
!horny Alen (2)
Adair David (3) Miser Arch B
\brad"John 11 MidJJnorr-Charte,
Minor.}'rel Capt
,• Ilam blare airs
Allen Win
Rr)ir .1nd,ew
diidJutph 1. Ccrp 1
Brown Jelin -
Knack John
Bate henry Mrs
ltlit "r Jews
. Streeter Ja•e),h
Moore It trio.
Mnntn,ne i, C
7.1Y , Mr
Murry 51:s Cathe: iaa
Martin 44 r
.linnet, Sam
Illyaut 31r atom• 11 m
iieaty A Sun Mrl.ean Ann Miss
liarrisdale Knbt • Wire.: Andrew
01crellom (' (2)
31•Kimono. CMin
)Icl:.nis Dunrid
7.1nL•-nr.n 1)
McNeil Ewen
Crnwfred Duncan McKey Frank
CoE Geo 7.1.111,41 G• trge
Cameros John McKen,ie Hugh
Cleaver John Otci)onald'Hugh
pm -rollers Joseph McDermott Jima Mien
t hurchtll John (2) Mcleed John
('arephe 1 drones McKay John (2)
CampLvll JamesA McArthur John,
Com dy A Morris: M'Intyre Joseph
C'mrdeining Mr* Me('appin John Ileo
eamplell:It F Mrs McIntyre Jo.eph
Cna,well 1-1 W Mrs (2)lleGinty,lnhn
toile Richard
Cowherd Themes (2)
Collins William
Carver No"
Brtihnm Robert
Black W I,
Brook Win
s Becker W C Capt
Thrown, ¢c.,
The.. 00.1•,. gore 1 k oar•. et .anwneoe.a,I /It o.
(. fie ler, wlen,wrwv., A *1 $ Mw
rrog to dires r•
never fart ,o elf si • rapid au le.mog runt. 1'ha„.ne.
have ire n moored 1n p, r1 hea.,h. who herr inert
ether mean* m anon. 'r.• iii,,,, and ell .,mars, niknw
'hey era • lfe•.mg a,
d rIr, ,r
awl., Is.aM,the or inlay Mire famed. ohow
p ureal Thr nrp0r ark sore n(tk•
of wine were , rank, and the (rice or sefine enol. ...rem i , , h.Yw.r.di4,11041..r,1. ):sexy one
of the hrn e. the imperial Tnk.y.inst ire, •Heard .14 , 1 t, I.'lwn,ll moi.
was e50, trottle. The flow.•rs whi re- TO VOCALISTS & PUBLIC SPEAKERS
cont the tables curt n3.000 and Were mr.e %Varr. er<p..,.airr.rrnnit,t,-: 10145' ,1ronr
ma ificent in the extreme. 4 h. bill of fare 'lay fr.... the me..t.rerr• .'r•.w.0.111 hwra.•.•r.• and
Men r alar a r,r a lee d1 • .dl. .' sol inn<r.
w printed on .leer white satin. Th letters emu.. i*e ploy' and nenrairdi, .1 the t.,,r gre.11)
,Ante In green and g dal. The bill wan bound fin. ei u* ie'. inner •. uN i nt,,,, n. rhe 81,.
in morocco, with hmoonm. clue/ and or, an 'Ih'1 .1. r'goat y Wien ny away 14Mrnwnw
each the name of the invited guest for whom Jon M't.M1;'. ode I'n'prntnr, K,rbe,aa 0.0.
it wee ie tended. Terse 941.00• per hit.
°..m..rrd 1'•hhf Npea ►rod
The Fenian Head Centre of Quebec-an Vocal n. and I'uhlw 0pr•erre
ex shoolmaster-Intl left for parts unknown, Voca!Nu sod I'uite 1pr•k'r,
carrying with him the money collected from R: efoo i'ltrr•n'" WWerra.rwfln'
lryxo M toed
the duper* in that Gill ; a earl appropriate wetM,,,AAMMrarMr Wined
and to the Fenian swindle there, h'eahabk to remove
In,ai,aM. In renal,
.•.m. . •- .----_ IueUraU4 In fenny.
A. TOLStrier•<nro and men. Throat
I,Ri o0. -Tole la 1n hlosn.'nr•.and .0,0, roost
Old and tori saying,and it is equally true that tlnlne,egwaid erre three.
the " Canadian twin lletre,yer' will make Aral elf eI,ern<w 10,h• Vohs,. 44.
all pains go fi om the hely, and sores Bowel '"Il •• rumour ore ,wee.""" ro< Y,aee,
complaint*, Toroth Ache, Head Ache,Spratesi .ae°ttv.. Tker rake. in re onion,
Bremen, Ar., sooner than any thing else die
covered. Price 25 cents a 11,ttle.
A Bin et -immure !-Theaesudden change
of weather are bad cmalomcrs for health. in
eases of colds, hoarsereae, sore throats find
dilRealty of breathing, use a few of Itryan's
1'ulmorie Wafers„,;. 25 certa a box, at—
Gon..tcn, Nm. 28, 18(15.
spring Wheat, .. . 1:03 (rig 1:0M
Fall do . .... $1:25 @ 1:24
Oate, 0:22 .® 0:25
Flour .... I ' 5:26 (A 6:50
Barley .. ...... i ... 0:10 (r) 0:52
Peas,0:40 !a4 0:45
Sheep ,.... ...3:00 d 4:00
iamb* 2.00 `rt 0.60
l'ork 7:00 (r4 8:00
Hides (green) 5:On 0:00
batter0:20 0:22
PM-•..•. atoes ...... 0:20 0.25
l ood......
1.75 2:00
Eyes 0:00 (.r4 0:124
Haji, new V ton 8:00 (''i) 9.00
Montreal, Nov. 27th. -Nn. 1 Caned* finer
80.03 to s6.60; Wheat $1.28 to 11 30: Oats,
per 32 Ibe, 32e a 33e; Barley 60e to 65e.
Toronto. 27th. - Littre doing. Spring
wheat 81.00: fall 81.20 a 81.45: Barley 56 a
Rie; Oati 32 a 33e• rob Butter 20 a 21e, rolls
do 22 • 23e; Pone 87.00 a 1.4.50; Potatoes
London, 27th. -Fall wheat $1.20 to 1.00;
RpringR $1.12 to 1.1A; Barley 55 a AOe; Perm
50 a 55e; Dat. 30r; Hotter, prim* den 23e.
heels do 22e; dressed Hogs $0.00 a 9.00 per
100; Hay 80,00 a 10.00; Straw per load
82,50. Potatoes 30 a 40e.
r'.mshs. r
They retiree Ili e -n nr. m lel. mommy
aid .11 Aar...-. -
('naenr, (-.,M., NMI all Aara.,*
Conical, Cokls,.nd all da•ama
. K the Chest and Ions.,
Or IM f Ara "nal Lung.,
Of ills Cheri and langs.
Nola by sIl immerser,
Dad 1n x11 Ihotsn•u.
114/1 I.) all Ihugio's.
At' 2A men'•. brio.
At'ii .mot* 0 Inv.
AI •15e.,,,• hen.
Northrup k Lyman, Newcastle, 0eneral
Agents for the Canada's.
1 is. 0x1.1 ,,, no i,tn h In Porker 1 Conte and 1' Jnr -
.Asn: nhM,nrr1 ('n„ Htekl lat. Ilrnlhn. R.eger-
r1U,: 1. pr►1.nnt. 1:vu.n'. 1,41. CnmM, mClimO,.; 1:
0,.01 ,..0,1 .II mrdieme d,dl•n. ).m.•m
Dissolution of Partnership.
fIF: Partnership heretofore Priming be-
t tw' en James Crawford and Peter Marry
ne Millen in Port Albert, was distnlved by
mutual consent nn the tweaty-second day of
November, 1063. drones Crawford will e, b-
lert the dents nod discharge the liabilities of
the Mid partnership.
Wane" JOHN
Port Albert, Nor, 22nd. 1865. w4113t
. 1
IM IiKRKHY GIVEN, that I the ander.
signed, Christopher Kerr, of the township
n1 Morris, will not be responsible fur any
debut eontracted by Sarah Kerr, my wife.
from then date, M Rho has left my bed and
board wit hoot jest cause of provocation,
Morris ^)rd Nor 1465 w44•)l
Douglass Miss A
i envy A
ikeney Elias
Davidson lru,;h (2)
Davangh Matthew
Eakin, Erten*
Edward George
Ferguam Peter
Fulton Oro
Fisher Joseph .1
Fowler James -
Viela John
Fox The
Fraser Wog
Mreeman W C
Graham Andrew
Gordon A W
Griffith Catherine
Garrett Hoth
flit J W M s
Gordon Bobist Mos
Gibson Wm (,4)
Gay David R
!fatherly E
Hattie* E
1fall (ieorge (2)
Unary J,,nes
Hosted 31r
IIammond Mrs
Higgs Mr
Iinrdon F' & Cit
Riggin* Tho*
Harrison W S
(looker Wne
Harwick Wm
Johnston Andrew
Jinn —EMT
Jones Herber
Jackson Miss DI
Joy ►In
Jresup liichard
Jewett Thomas
Kant A
Kirkpatrick Edward
Kerr J„ewph
Keaun Mnehael
Kilmer Mrs N A
Key Mies Mary
Kirkpatrick Itobert
',serum Deo H
Leonard ii I.
Laliberty rorty Charles
Lanham Wm
Levy Matthew
Lenard Mrs
Leith* W A
Mclean Mn
McKee COr.religi M's 1
M,E:ru, Peter
MelI:tray 1(161
McKenzie Rola
nrld Thomu Mc1W 1 mu
%Gregor Wm
aleGuinetigh Wm
McKenzie Wm
Nitche F
Nelegy Mr
),mall John
0 Grady John
•0'l)cw Nonh Miss
Oliphant Wm
Pintoes Hugh
runt- kin Jas
Pone JfRev
Pendilton Mr
Prie4ned trehard.___..... _a
Paint Nn
Patterson Walter 4l
Quick bane J
Aylett Charlet 3
Ito N Ju fi
'1'11E BAJ.ANCE,O}' ':'11
1 Lands unsold will he again
)1•'I• I:II I•:1 } 1•'0 1t 1. Imb
11-cdnesdav', the Sixth' day of Dccealbe
next, at the hour of ela•ven o'clock A.M.
R/,.ripe 11. 4•'11.
Sheaf's 016ee, Goderich,
13tbNov., I$i,i.
Further psrticu)ur4 ant/ information can be
had at the u1liee of Mr, 1!. V. F.I I.lot. in the
1-iliage of Exeter. 'at iL Law (fliers 01
ales icon 4:1.81., Kati 4 %Valia.. and of
Me..ours ('a0u1-, Knu+Nrt-I. & CATraxA 'J
Tomato, said lit the Auetiupeer, •
Moder in Get,eery end
I . 4:; -:tel 11.6) lleprtseetn'he,
• Dated this 17th day of November, Inc:,
,. 1
se 25
• 11. I.. I)oyl.+','
BARit15TER, ,k Goorn(i•u, C. IN
Urrici-Crabb'a New muck, .
.% Yol'NG .rnt!rman, a good writer. a
a.i,c ed ele ', to an att .rney.
SIXCi.1:11 A .1'ALKFII
Goletich, 9th Nov., I os. se21.J1 11
15,0 0 Hemlock.
To be deli•em. aIong the line of the
Buffalo and Lake Il,irun Railway. -
Ol(erewill be lett with the section mea
tilting the lute of Iwilwuv, Or Glreieled to
Clifton,' C. W. ,
Noe. 17th, 1,ei3. • w432,
i, ort gale. en re...noble term., IW. 10 Ned I1.
I' 0.. 1), 0. Township el l;eeen,a•k, Cuonty of
limn. 'fnr hitt contain 1•U acne. each.. 40
•.rand on 1!r Iwo 1..1. the lend 1. lrnl•r. k•,
well -wnlc.,'l and timbered. No lam Lllnxl
Al..' 1..1.17 end I0,wcon. 5, Inwn.bip ull).eknrh,
00 nares each, over )PKI sneered on the iwo.
Ea.•••!la•11 w. it -watered laird -under leardnw,.t;
about 5 nude. Irwin ':oder.. 4* Giesl'1 born
and ehcds nod comfort.• le toe house, and
on•banl. 11`ill be sold wphde lir togvterr to
soot purcha.en. Apple
on the pn•uuw+.
nr- ,'),JUIINST('\,Innkcel.r,
Sept. 23, 1665. w33nf
ON At'l'Ot'N1' OF -1
.It Lhr Sloe Ituutns of the undersigned in the
Friday, the 8th Dec.,
1544, nt„ ..u,
II\DEB 1' .1 Ie in a Mortgage made
10 the aneve Company by Richard Young
and•a1'sfe, lot seventeen, i,. the first Conce-
, r1 to r w
w R 1 el, MLi to((i Ii'
p uJe tb, c.N,luining
113 arri•,(mire or fiat+,
This m" e,,,,hle Gtrm,lwsutifully bloated
on the Buyh d Road, ab out three Milos front
Ibe teem of G} •tench, wish a froatnxe nn
Lake Iluron aid'r,,nm.hdmg a pine view of
he Lake mid harbor. .0),, the lot lie a log
House and Dare.; also a creek running
hrough the lot.
IINDER Power of Selo i•(n alurtga,e made
to eke abuve'T'ompiny by Andrew Dun.
,gb and wife
At the Court (louse in toed,+ ,
A pit., ,., of led Numi,er 1 thee iso
• 011 Wednesda , 6th D eemb r trim first eonrnasion of the township of
Y i Godeirel, ...Main/rig about thirty
,T(::1Y.ST1••ER.-Cane to the premises
01 the suh,enbrr, cit the Sew )1,11 ikraf,
in the To.nenip of ('olborne, ors or ale lit
the first of November, A Red Steer, rising(
three Tears old. The owner is requested 4,
prove property) pay charges nal take him
away. y
JAMES )1V ' )
E( Al'T .
Colborne, Nov Id, 1865. .1331
P1II Partnerolrrp heretofore rxiating be
toren John and ('ha,Irs Slake, Farmer',
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
GOdeeich, No,.,lat, 1x65, w13tf
1„r:,, el 2 o'clock p.m.,
Fur the %tar beginning dol January
►11 IIF. RENT to he p -id in 12 apml
payments ; 0110 pnym.•t/I nn the Iuxt•dm.)
of every month. Each bidder moist be pre
parcel with two solvent sureties for the due
payment of the rent.
rti• 1
cu sit w'
}• 111 be ••'r .
the day ofeale. W nI en on
County Surc.'yor.
G. a1. 'rRI;EMAN, .luctioneer.
• Grderich. Nov. 131h, 1865. [w12 -id
Wanted I
holding a First IVa.* Certificate, 1q
School Section No. 4, Turnherr) low ship
Ap sly by latter post paid, iueluding 'timer
ills, to Ire School Trustees df -e above
section ; illuerale P.O.
NoNmber I71h, 1966. v.4:t3t
t'l[F. IINDEIt1II; N F;Dwill receive
11 SEALED TENDERS op to 12 o'clock
noon, en the
QTRAY COW AND C F. -Came bitn
las the enclosure of the bscriber, Lot 23,
rd Con., township of ' Werth, about the
rst of July lest, a s • all red and white Cow
with a Calf, fnr or to .wean of age. The
weer is request to prove property, pay
harges and ink them awn,.
Onderieh, + et. 31, 1863. w4.31
TR Y STARK, -Came in -to Ibe
enc Inure of the subser her, lot 23, 9th
eon., ' oderich tows Itip, about the middle nl
Ora a'Ihree ear old steer, nearly red.
T owner wily please prove property, pay
pensee 14td take him uwa
' Nnvsmber, 1.4165. w42.3t•
POCKET ROU'tj 10ST.- lent !net night,
(201h), at nr neer tee Mes,n. Stewart*.
store, a pocket book containing a 50111 of
money In bill* and gold, one rec«)pt for *AO
end Knottier for $10. The finder by deliver
ing the same to the undersigned or leaning it
at this office will he soitnhly rewarded.
November 21• , IRKS. 1.43
STRAY HEIFER.'(,-Came into the premises
nl the subscriber, Lot 26. Con . 4, Gode-
rich tp., in October last, a red heifer, white
star in the forehead, coming 4 years old -
he owner ie retreated to prove property,
y expellees and remove her.
Gnderich, Noe. 24, 1965. w40' -3t•
TRAY HKIF'B 1. -Came into the premi.
*es of the anherrihir, pm 2, eon. 2, Ash,
aid, .brain the middle 01 Oetnber tut, a Lod
nal *hoe Helfer. ,icing those years nld.-
he owner 4e rwgneed /o prove property pay
barges and take her awe
Ashfield, Noe. :5th, 1065. w 11'.It
Rise George
Rnbarat Mc('aptain
Arial Sarah Ann
Roberti Thomas
Robinson Wm
Reid Wee.
Smith Annie Min
Shwnnon Edward
Stiddarl Geo
Stewart James G'.
Semen Jame.
Sharp Lorenzo (3)
Shannon Maria Miss
Stephens win alanA
Sturgeon Ralph
Splan Wm
Thayes Edward 3
Trranee Jan
Thompson Mrs 1V
grouse Luke
TaIsma S
Trebeleork Wm
Temente Wm
Videon Thu
Wilgon Ch*rinite ri
Wet herby ('aps2 e'
Wetheratd Fnmk 1'
Wit he J 5! P
Wright Hies Margaret
Wydo Emily Miss
Winter Elizabeth 41 *
Wilson Mary Ann (2)
Whitlock Mira K 6
W ara•r Simnel s
Whitey This T
Young Mrs
Arch. DICKSON r *,
186.5, for the eooatructinn el
rave l F oads !
Otaurktp of 13ruco.
r1.ASs ASU el'nellleAT,nxa-
can be even, end (,tine df tender procured,
at the ,.elle. of L.It. 11 :1NLIN, Faq., C.E.t
Kinca,d,ne, after the 22nd inst.
Pieties tendering to give the names of two
good and sufficient sureties.
The ['nuncil do not hind themselves to ae
cept of the lowest tenders.
Chairman 1lrnbe Onr.l now/
1..mmn,•f, Keranhw,
Walkerton, Nov. Rth, IN63, [r421t
Cheap Stationery.
acres of land Inure or Lail.
Ir. - Lot Number Fnrtv•one, west side of
1Vellingtonstreet in the tillage of 1'o.l
All alt, in.11r: township of A4LfielJ,
containing half an ac a of land more
or Imes.
C, The westcrty and a nal erly holt of Lot
N,nih'•r 1'wo, ,Innh of l.rghthouse
street in the Iran of liodt•rich, c.:n•
gaining gout twelve and a quarter
perches none nr 4,.r*,
The Farm, part nl le.t 3, 1 con. O,derieb,
ie • good lot of land. deur of humps and intik
high state of calhratio0, one utile from Gnd•
fnch on the Hayfield bray„I IGrad ; pond
Log Barn, Stied and 1,2 !lops.. 'Ill'. Porbt
Albert property is nn Wellington steel, in
about the eeutrr of the village.
The Ordench prop.'Ity 14 eligibly situated
on the Market S, ua a es i c towm
p r h ,. A fame
dwell,.. •hour rot n
g f s _ barn, Ae ,are erected
upon the premises•
U NDF:IL Powor of Sale inn Mortgage from
(Nn,r rt Ih;o.•le lisle, a Ile Citi of Tareel.,, ' F 0 R SALE
wall, L •I0 1
Within the l.oea n k•J ,s the L..r
c • u other Ibm
Piamnll. i ,Jit i, ON LI
, .,Isoin r BE
, d 1. take dm .. RA
i E
M .
1Y,ah•r•a,l axiom* \'nV, awl Ilia ,•norm Mill ,:rnl,l I ,
the l'Iu,ot,Aai,4•elief Avila: may L. rnlnled to,M 4
hraewn .imw;n&, :u;d )qu ail! 1,01 n•reiV• nil ; n.U(T of but 24. North of the Ewa..
fluffier no(,10. the rums• lr.ra•.-tsgi la 11, r '1.
r+u.r. And lair nal •e, I1, 1 lit• 1'loinid, wall Iluwl. in til• 1 o,' Stanley, eon.
m. yr on F01i. 1, the Iwelr11,' Jay of 4.11011•,' (ainmp 74 „rt.. non or Ism. 'Itis is w •
A. I),; 1 •tai, •t i', o'.la-L w 14 f,rreularn. Wlorr I r.luable properly, 0114 forme part of It • Vit
Ibe prrn.dwg 4'Jer'1*1-11,mtrnit U, u.Jc IL,i• , rage ul Ihnnoekburn. -
TUnrplw,h,n,nunlrrlhlttra• Illi w that crew• 'Ala,-IItA LEWIS' PImop1:ItTY,
Part of Not No. 1e, in the First concennen
PI t R Sul 7 'Of the Tow toddy '4 (l.derloll. 110 acre*, mere
or hoes, and whiyh part eminent of Peak
Lute Nes 1, 2 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, la and In.
W e snow'. in the auto diri,i,u of Lot No, to
U f„Iewid, ltesieteret, in the .slue• nl the
Register cf the C Py of Huron. - A very
valuable property, having a'hostage of &bout
bell' a mile on Lake Huron, with a view of
4 the harla,ur of liodlrieb, from which rianig
Town it is only dimwit stout two miler un
the Hayfield Guru Road. Can be sold its
T artor N
SEALED 1` a♦\I ERS lytotkt•CummiesiortereTrurtnndLome
Co. l Canada. ul peter Cls ala, Rinvnuu, or las
G. M-. 'I la'B)4hN, Auetion!!r,
and hand Agent, liadeneh,
Who will thew the land.,
Oetnber 16, 1465. w311 2m
may he walled as cmuetr.vl aima* yea, •
t'1U)0K i, KINOSMII.L+ 1:.i I'TAN ACH,
■,l. i • Minor, sena,
Voted Non. Ise, A. D., 1143. w11.4t
WiLL. be received by the undersigned up
ThJrsda' the lth da of Dec
y y 1
.tat, ren
li0 ('ort, of Good, Split Hardwood,
•e from kit d/and hoc lass ' t
n ni t l I be
F u. delivered . 1 1.R • Pow r h S
t d • f ole
nt the (i1:1 p 10.;,71:10 Ix'drr' wood sod Mnrtg 'A)o mad« bl Julia Millar ul Lhr
de•li.ereddultng the month of f,'cember, *Id township lit An! l e:d iq the clunll or Aaron,
net leas then 50 cords in each WC••edreg 4,J '1'49!1 h►.ing beta made ht. the dee patsnrM
month, until the .hale is delivered 4lbereof, nut notice et. fog gven to all ppea-lir.
Two udseat anemic* will be required (ur7inlersete,l, there will be tu!d on M0.417 flee
he s1, frltdmemt of the contract. 2Sth day of Se itember, A.D, 1105, ti
1 n .lack, noon, at the' .Auction Mart of Geo.
'. '1±:N -1-11..i.11,1 R M. Trueman, in the tows of G.alerich, the
F4!oaing property, namely, the south half
' ul the eo
til half of to
1 n, Die
r mete '
11 j11 be received
a In lbe
at thesame time Hm m n' 1h ,.e.rrw(nn. 'Kanter, Division, •f the
.Oil '1,? toe'uhip of Aahlinld, containing by sod•
}ladling the wood from `POrrreel`t Rhe acres of land more or Ices.
I c, )* cash ; Dere! ender Power of Sale.
To the • Como
House and piling it iu for Solicitors forMorteacee.
h err roil of four feel Gndereb, 6th Sep,t:, 1 N65. w:! 31
PETER ADAMS.)N, 1 The obnte sale 4. postponed until Mneday
Cwntisa' Ckrk. , the 10th October prox. w35
Goderieh, Now. 18th, 1063. w43 :N 4
T'he above sale ie further poatpneed anter
Mortgage ale of L ind Slnnda,, 1106 Noeember, 1865, at same time
' I and puce. w38 Y6 !
UNDEIR and by virtue of • Pewee of Sale T -he nbnve ante is further prstpnned en ''J
e+ co.iwined in r Mortgage made by Edward Friday, dal Ilet-ember next. at same boar Yrri
WeiWealey, , ('he i ,w'n.iiip of 'itanley,.ounty pt* ., w4Z ld
of 11 . Yeomen of the find part, and .- -
Slaq ilia wile (fur rho purpose nl harming bur r -
dower) of rho : ':L part -denied hating Mort a e Sale a
bren made in the due,Puyi rllt thereof ; Ale.. g g
under and by virtue 1.11, Power of Sale con Of a Valuable Farm
gained in a ceresin other Mortgage made by +
Donald slaw of the village of Bea field in the In the Tovaship Of ie>Iltiei'l.
county of Huron and Province of Camels,
IiLutivt ,h, of the lirxs part, and Edward
Wamealey of the township of Stanley in tea
county of Huron arld l'ruvilue1eforesaid,
Feltner, of the etrend part, default , having
been made in the dim payment thereof, will
be sold d the Auction Mart of GEORGE M.
TR('EMAN, n the town of 0 xlerieh,
Ou i''riday', the 81h of December
A,1). 1-i;t, et 12 •clock, noon, the fullnwieg At twelve to clnek, neon. the fn'lowim,
proleo tvis : 1'I,e S.iutb•weeterly half lie' valu-,).lo real eetale, in the Township of
Ion Nnmher Eigltcen in Ile eighth eunces. A,hted, iu „1thn ('panty of do n, • rA
sign of the tuwnsl, p of Stardry atorooid, I'rntioM of 1'nnadn ; Min±.corned of Hr«
curta. g by ndmeneurrmrnt. gist)• acre+ or wine part rd.lot nnml,00'1'wn, in Lhr Tenth
land, be ale aunty more 0r less, ee,neen,iml of Thr n raa•rn dirl-i..n, a f Thu a14
Deed under Power of Sale.
Perm, of ail• towahip of A.hl .tali coi (i1n10 b ad•
may be ucrrtaihed by a;,plying to the N01ici-1 meateurcment sixty eine acres of land, ymem
ior' lir Iran.
JOHN MELT, l.ORUUNr Furlhrr en.iculnrs .n4 corlditinns o(.s-1t
w43 3.1 Sol,eitor fur Mglt jagec. ,nay b. bad on erplicalion to SFv ;O2 'yr,.
illortAir.•11 a Sle'le of A. L. fH)1'Lk,-`
' 1''ond01& AarijrHnr,
0atfd l4d Nov., 196:.. _ ____ w471J
Mortgage ` Sale.
cellar Rise mac
Y Virtue of a Power of Sale entwined iso
El a tunrfgagdma.fe by PatrickFordto Hugh
Juhn,enn, Ea ;Mee, of the Ttrwn of lioderiere
I d,te.l the 2511, dry of February, in she
year of our Lon) 1462, aid he sold ny I'uhlie
Auction, at the Sole Rooms or 0. M. TRUK.
MAN, at the avid Two of liedcniet, on
Friday, the 13th day.ot Pecem't►er next,
Ilueh :'.MAtb slid 111f., to Tho abuse W
Compnn; .
Thr .null hal( of Int number thirteen in, d.
the fourth eon .sirs, of the township of We.
wonted, containing 100 noes more qr lees.
This is an ,' i-,'Ilent Perm, with good fume '
house and frame barn. A
TTNDER Power bl Sale in a MUtrt:a-a from A
1 hold ('lurk In the shove Com ant. 1 C.
Thn wr.t pert of 1.4 Number If rv` rr • in
the ninth rerneeilY(.m of the Wwnabip of'ICul•
liar,,., WeatO.•n )ivimon, com.uning •bnul
100 acre* mere. Of 'fan i ren exeel!Pt1t farm
with .boul45 acres cleared, the remaining
55 acres well Ifmhered sigh Beech, Maple I n.
and Hemlock. The farm is siluab d ahuut do
•l mill,fro'n Gnd«rifh and n half mile from
the North Grant 1 Tuinal. l:pito it i. erected of
a gad log house with frame kitchen and log L.
Terms' Liberal. '
contained in • Mortgage bearing date
Notice is Hereby Given,
James McLeod and :Mere Melend, or the halos saidla* aaa dimeletd be 1051011 tee*
ihe lth 'Inv ni .1Pril. A- D. 1S63, made 'o 1 hookas Cecile, Adam 31eDoneall, 5114
,woshp 01 MO; iihnity. in the Coif, 7 of reef 01 1 the thirteenth nay of November, ao
iddlusex, of ;the one imet. Roo William far as relates to the said James Laidlaw. All
.0,1, of the City of London, in the debts du.. to Ihe on.:11)piammiem.:,:ip)ta.:•;, Loth. ..;
action Mort ot the lerdereigeed, tn the
. lh lee.% tat 12 of tlemel.wk noon, tit the
id County, of the secoed pioot,-and ' reid tit COI ie & Mr thoegall, mod throe due
fault having been,Idtlnine. doe from the same dischniged at the stole of the
payment thereof, late film i. Senforth-whem the huen set
Blinn Buildingn, Richmond Street, London, (SoJned) T1D111 13 erititrE.
W., life following properly, tie , ww Witnees-Wn. /tinier,”
tete( (0 land an., rifellinlen situate lying mild . ...Olt
being in the towtoshipf4.1 McGillivray, in the
eourty or motte.e.. cooloinios Ay ark; ii- IN OLVFNT ACT 01' 186i1 .
tenement 100 wcies. he the *erne more or lent . •
mention of ileGillivray Aron raid fluom,...e..ithe Ordied C..nn. I ty C..0 st.
!livid Glom, Barrister, kc., Hondas street
, Ten per eer t.• of the perchave money lo be
pap! down ot the tine of mho, mod Mons for
the balance will then be mode knoern.
Deeds, Alabama of title mod Mortgagee
can be men at the 'office of the Solicitors or
•t Ow place of sale.
Further beforwerition ean be obtained on
application to the commimionent, Trost and
Loan Company of Upper Commie Kingston.;
mosmn. Macdonald, Patton, and 51acher, So.
Foolscap do. - 16ets
A liheral redaction from the above ptices
by the Ream.
Buff Envelop s per package Jr 25 - Bets
While ”
A liberal dieeonnt allowed to parties taking
a box of 500.
Every thong yoe ,t in School Rook@ and
Stationery at relines! rates at the
Nov. :1st 146c.
Kingsten, foh Nov., 1866. (w42 -td
••-•7 enclosure of Ile. suhrienber, lot no. 3,
elth eon.. W. D., Ashfield, alenet the middle
oriel, but, a Black and White Heifer, with
white star on nor forehead, coming two years
old. Any toformstion that will lead to her
asason, Not. 16, 1966. w43.3t.
rif--0—NEy svo 17,00 lend
. rmel rotate on reason
able terms.
On Monday the F., nth day of Jarmo. west
said coon kW a diet bitty@ nerfer the mod Art
Thirtieth day of %toter. A.1). 1541/1.
Dotal ill ()alarm h in ;he 11•11/Ifi. n1 Huron that
..tiot 5, (7th con.) gravel Road, E.D. I
Township of Colborne,
Auction Sale of Rea! hlate !
11141,1101.41 Iv‘ pr,prisior, Mr. John
Potereon oefl by Priblre Aorta* at Me
Am.twon Krems in lindor,eh,,,„
Saturday, 1,611t Deceinbrr, 1865,
010-0, Mei eery ',opera* Aeon, fro rft. lot
from the Town orateoeti, and raw mile from
Smith's /fill. 00 seem of Isarl more or loo, 1.1
1,6 are emelt mnoihrnesh the sent, of the Inf.
A !louse. Barn and Fran* Stable
he Soon in be spry eisted.
money in sorih, or within one fnneth dor of
mle A mortise lairs. Asr the Kilian, payable
ins vo•f• "Plitt infiefroll,
frnm perehasnig or negotiating three
nntes ol $100 00 each. with interest hum
dete, tht•ed April 21st, IA45. First 1001e due
71 santothe after date, rmitond nut* dee 31
months, end third nide du 4i rantithe alter
dare. Ilenwn ht favor of fleorge eherch, Of
hearer, and si;ned by John McLean ; as 1
hare • erived no raise for the IMMO.
Colleen, /ale 10th IOWA. eterl
Dissolution of Partnership.
aerostats am m he Wit.hen Th,