Huron Signal, 1865-8-31, Page 2Me
. _
. . . . . - mde
Itrott $Ignal, weakpese uf human nature in thi; respect ly Dickson would not outrege the feel. °rebore.
becu men keeu enough to dirmover the Surely there must be souls 'Mistake ! Sure. the chair and greeted with rowing rounds T ,e tem+ Orman rupgswags whom motto la " Cheap and hasty," little The @span a three quarter* of a indium of
• U4 J ""uu's" A v4A4 la+ tie" trouble and I prelim. Ity thews latter, 1 gold has given strength to the saario•t:
boldly souk there is mere 'biology sold than The Alm Californian, et Stau Francisco, of
.•- , sod unserupulous enough Prefit bY ii• ings of the people atlas' town by meuriog The chairman then said that u pro. Thecity of Washington arrived out 011 by ow hindiord wh, h„,,,„g 11 &it
GODEKICH, AUG i1, 1865. Bud yet Jae rematkable feet that not• i the appointment of jiis owu eel, when I posing the nest tout, The Cauadien that 38th. The 'cholera °moieties ita keep his house in a tit *tate for the coinlort•
t,n,.p._, ehe _rat able reception of the wayfaier and his team,
'`••-••••-•••-•-•-•••••••-•-••••••-•• witlistatiding repeeteil exposure of i it is so well 'mono that we have plenty , uutrCrs, would be aeking them to drink Mugu at Constan 1 fl
and silo, from • lively competitton, heavy
11VOIRK. buttitil go-Ie.:eons have taken gentlemen in our midst capable of veer.; their own hearths, lie would ou the pres. kaatigli affivt'd wall at Chat ow thr litres/ emir t •il t see for a
mous me to. a
• I the houls aeain on a slight change being ducting the Poet Office hooestly and_ cot occ:IsIOU 'Mutt it tO their Stretford net. It ie hoped that the cable hillhe a favorite stand, ia sellpresersation, hoces
It being taken for granted that Canada I tit igezz rieth•t u..ti re tit juif,
ntaile in the letit. Bow ure we to account ; efficiently ! We have nothing to say guests. Ile wag happy to say that uut of "tales' /el There is still further ad•
eullabillty su.11 a large portiere ; against Mr. Archibald thekson'e three in•itelies between the Iitrutford Aud vacce in BMWS:lad. Veer; rains have A
moor tioa be 'trey be able to siiiike both made
is on the eve of important cenetitutiotill GA. the
iuterfered With breveting at home.
chang, s, the whole matter i* treat,./:,1,3 I of our r „.,. 1. ir rot kr; to some wide- but we sli..uld be failing the perfornemee Goderieh Voluritmeni the lettee had crane
. sor, el tit • eopulor undelatand- ol a public d uty did We not sly eafidtilly• off victorious tw ice.. .1pplautie.)
and heuce we hat e sit newly theories due (.
. nee . r t. ;k tist oral love Oir treitig &posed , that if his amerintuient be perinthent it is . hap, 9n the next oneasitm further? W00,1 Remit, tif thie town, has pm Fewer! u erith
ley- Mr. William Cautobell, Nursery-
0 • I I • ,
„„e ue ii, en (V seine teiectele that, the reel depteet!ted by every Illin i•fevery party io furor theetiter side, (Beer, hour.)• Ile a Pluto of the Washineton, variety, whilst'
Oa there are parties,to the wordy Wsileto.=.
being waged. m-a.t. „f the.. thwtte. aye pres, et"t ions of the theatrical emir are i thie tuwn• We trust it will be fauna that bah much pleasure in now proposing ' Th6
,of the crudest. dercription, and many' of abIll104.•••.1 in vropatimi to the complete -1,1h. Meissen le only in charge uutil a, Stratford Veltitticers.• measuriel 7} inches in circumference. Itt
, 0
thou are as utterly deveil of p is truly lig iant of it., k hid.
AI i,,tiglik !. " ‘ ill' which he ilay'esle hillteell. a ith.e 1 Pertnallent appoilitment ie ni•ile, avel that The tout eves received with all the
as they ere 'if seem' sense. The Moil. obsrm,.,. 1" he ,atr., ,IloweveI that i 110 such stiecue may be al! JWiel to rest honors, inelteliaie '' Por Ata•sy are right fer;?' lo eormequence ef the' precis 'of
rate cd. re,„„ce 1 May le.,-atid the rye stiun tenet be left , ulkon our metuber, who has. hitherto de- good fellows."
treal 1V;teem is geverned by ..._el other mato: several urtielee have been
eall11 and serene spirits who thitil. teat•our .44 1111" careftil em-i.1.1"tion of a sdevt served the respect &lid esteem of his con- Capt: Service, in responses, said in thferred• _, _ _....
plan is to cultivate friendly Mottoes with I e"1"1"ittee e"m1""4 ''t. 113r"°m• T°111 etitut•nts ; and if- the first impreseion Parliementery Visage it Wai eustotuary fur Cate•exe.--On Prid.,:ey- I 351: Ili- -littteh Wel
the Statta, to go on euit•tly and be ettead-t-r14411)-e- 111,"141 1'1" Ada 1•144e'l 3Iea" received by.the public reveal", be erne the youugest metuber to.newe the address, played hettelatocen the (Idderiith and Clir•
. kiee-it 6 a notorious fact that teatime nelthe
boys and no brut wili ever befell tisel-. we shell rejoice to mend in realms . A te ,.....: : 1 „ ii
Attu to meeduonati Maiseril "le Youngest tet; Collis, the'latter wiiiiiiiie emaiv itt one
b • f • ••
tit true h !eked itiorld thee to
From what we can g itlier thia eerilefs Ing it. in the meantime we await further had generally to respond to eddresees ; so,
huthlittig the euhlic, none er suceessfuleiti develeieuents.
• I • oo the satee principle, it devetred upon
views, he seems to thine tit:it Cane lien or
rather British .ttuei ieen Netiena lit v will, sl a auPerlietal war all those Who. know boa
e„ weld the magettaa e•hand arleht. " " • -
be a complete feilure, and th as
him, the Meatiest shut oil grohnd that
inniqs. We hate nut ies.utivsd the score
TAU Aso 1 ...tkittss.--1 he ti attord
/ day, tQ return thanks on belielf of tho aruiner eaye :-Osi Saturday rectal m last, a
lure 'to drop int° the lap of the limit I it •as'es the intelligent reader;
seitsTroitu Stratford num. Clio. Roes, tter"a't at" a" 4'74 ''''''&121bled f" fr""t
• Republic at some -time, the a oak we do ;! - — a very " Propueel be. the meanest shot of Goder-
Met teen be the victim of humbug ?' , •
Oe•Thuris ,
day the 124111 hist
'so the better. A number 4 ta:•W,•p Tern' ire• rti'"'d, the PrukahilitY ili thit. you ' - ich:") Ile (Capt. S.1 eMnsidered blip -
Roo and Writ similar ideoe . with !etre Inturtimiged In mine Khios) or form interesting Rifle. Match betwien the Strait -
self captain of the creek cotopiny of
Ix yea are and Goderich Volunieer,ceire off on
mere or lees tiltinems and it ie only rea- • et•LI•v w`"Ph or your iit.e. Stratford, but' he felt that they ought to
healthy, and we truet you are, 'yen are tne splendiel range of the leiter on tle•
be asliained of their beating. Ili former
huushugeed into a ditu belief that your fiats near this trite*. Thit arrangement
I was that the firing party tr. matehee they had cotue out pretty el • ,
bottle of °hetet:segue Mena from Prance, te be mu. but they had now to knock under ‘Mtirely.
that yuur sherry 6 1131i luanufletured front Peed of ten men from eac of the Stmt-
. e Laughter.) After going through such
1 weiekey, that the bitternme ef your crack ford uototrauies and the pule number et
that every utast ehouid be. at perfect liner. a glorione campaign at e the front -• he
ty to•uttel• Ili* honest convictions, but it I ale jele'll dtw to h0P, thet what you eat le; our Goderich volUntee the range to be
hed thought his nem prepared for any -
pure, that the copier' article yi.,u read has at I a0, 200 and 30 yards, tire round.
• 1 is easy' io ece that. thie eentiirual ib.lihliog c 1 thing, but he had to. confese that they
in political .econotuy, in which such a ll'i h••'" 't"le" by i'''' alkge'l writer tr"."1 r Pee !um at each ila ge• Tile Ste•utt'" were most handsomely'. thrashed. be. ("ed-
ema,' more clever scribe. Your 'Acta. if men arrived by tru at noon and were
numbest of different plans ere adeueeted, . erich. Ile had takeu the trouble ta look
too.tight arc eure to etretcli, and if too °PI at the 4-31i""
mud exerciae a mitelievoue 4.etiiiincy:
Wc believe it 6 detired by most intelli- terge thq w0 'ht." to the r"°t• That entertained the
i. the principle eacted -upon by a laree l'arat°11,1•0 1.1
gent CanakIlans that it reueetal of the Ito
cipmeity 'Trutt should be secured, and n'uuther of those who supply pier daily ! o'clock the
t I the 0 te
. Ter the ermelari„,a rale ae a nueiber ey went,' (tee «heap, we are sorry to say, I -' .-1
able to suppose that they are eupvrrt-
ud in this course by A ptrtion of the poem -
baton. It it; right,..of course, dirt we
Sti0111d. lisVe perfeet freedom of sp -Leh-
Catutibell's o residence," iml a depu-
tati 1:1,•with their farms b:actieeed, rotated the
and carried th,. inmate up 'flume
et.. ,.t. steered hie atria 01 met eoIered
'th a cora of tar uni fo..thers. They then
mounted !mu on flail and carried- him,
and lit the applause 1,1 u disordeely crowd. to
the feint of tYlliegitie• otore. After leaving
their wretched hie then ou the dooretep. the
crowd amtured 'themtelves by sinashrog the
elteloe t and throwiril• Slone* and brick bats,
43010 of which f 11 in dsii;erous proximity tie
tenue little chi'dreo
utaet when the collector vir iinarter %lay curtles
indifferent to creating comforts, and ii odd
to be particularly fohd of 'a " pipit and a
glad* the soothing and fortifying iallamme
thir morality ot the ',id hal twort .re• I of which. help* him rielaio horrible week. All
maws by private hoe'. It cute:tie the iol• !mew: pieperatioue, WI repeal, were made for
hosier/important iuteiligence ; Crescent City, the execution ; aud Mr. Calcraft had ahr.
July 20, via thseheo,tii:e, 2,,d -The winner !tit:truly recovered, we understard, from hie
Brother JOnatium struek sunhen red. elf • indisposition, to be iu the Foy premolar,' su •
St. George'a Point, eight ur tau mike rest I readinese tor his duty of today. And wbat
from here, to 1:30 p. today All on boatel I, wits the state atonal of the culprit in view of
were lost except aetcuterti adults, iticluding the deo th oho ans toon iodic Why, that
three children. bard guile 10 the I of stath and stale! indifference. She had ate,
iescue, but there me no bores of severe , and dieek, arid alept wed, up to the ut
more. we heats aivaiiiped aleugside et the her overt,. : bud as tar as any impression
• I oleo, Mr. Editor, lied I hove already Alen, sod three heats were lett, uu board. nettle upon livr, d'ar may be said to
The following are the nartee O. those sut,d hate been nearty haid u the groat* walls
-J as. haters:" 3rd officer, Dav id Furred, , of the 'oaten in A hit 4 she ww, us, fined. --
steerage eitettlli, Hy. Miller. holm: Patiick Whrther tbis tomtit nom stupid ignotauce, Or
Line, Miami), Wirt. Loa ry, lire muit, W111. Et I f.t.tan a depraved and blued stele of rciud, we
Shield, ratter, NEC Nary Ault 141,1141:r, Mot. eanitra Saito it to ary that the mime.
N. I:et:at:at t wet ritthl, Mt 0. Mil the, Wial. itiAtim,, a.. and h;,,g hatinvit
tre, M.a. Nal tha 141,41 a1..1 iota colored Chaplain appear to bare had no visible effect
• upon th, burdened culptit. Sorrow tor her
tem to ill•prubutily or di•r the rea.e.i• of .11. X. , ; sin• bad none. ALd this vow the
1 ho Commerchtes ripe, ial the Preri. I erome ; pity tor Om innocent child she teeny
11. Stephens. Gen. Lee sail avail litut.elt .,,,,atot eh. aas to have Leen led uut un the
of the provisions of tl.e meet older to I, 3t1.. 111.11i1,!.! of tb:s day, and put to death •midst
atrut,,,,ts el the public:, who rightly
the country.
Edaard P. Ketchum was arrested peter • tiew r inie 'kith the utmost indiguatime
day p. in., at a houso ilt tall 20th overt. , honor. The respite 01 the culprit, we
Ile hes Itut'been out ut Ale city. 11e. lied all undie.tenit, litt not been determined upon
interview atilt tnal ot bis foetid, mei v ic- fem. aria c,,,,sideration of mercy, 1.4 from any
time aid with lather; and tedli mealtimes of palliatton in the shocking
t.1.0`110111111011 Mit sdrettel Ile stet ! ciouthitted ; but by Ce111011. it is ,•
visa, t.i, title et the etutioti Innate. Ile weal, ot a doubt, Vilna has -been rsised b '
'ivied by
tly 'important
point, boar
sed by
t • abort!, be
e d the Judges.-
eided in the culprit's
II probability, be sequin.
contian tain 11140 1111e4 111 the town• .
slop of Tilbury East -Mr McKetlar. v -upon society a 111U1111111'
den* of frinitv Church to dorm., of certain ItitcieriociT aala A areeXATIO.Niarrao
E.aui tat Wutrtuts.-The London Timot of a I alto liss fiat ,.0 tie, email has done. in
t.:::,1,:t.,the :newssheet; and church eats
rocorporate the Northumberland flank
geeted, by the Ibtroit 0 iriveuteire i•ridteivered eoeietr • ?met eutileotelete Witlicht dismay.
▪ the bleed ionocent childien is an •hich
latele--Mr. Waleli.
-L— ;en. Cockburn. • put _own WWI ully ri•eothising the suy necesaity
\;1'1•1:16K3.• 1:1,,T NtAi an ; iieirporati• the 11.;1-;11t1 Cub ofottewa o• earli'i'ul"teinf1 itikaseUri"e'il"I''neearvenre'll'a b°aPenotthelairi
ac y. 1.6.*
ea ly .houg Santhy inurikiug, a disgraceful -AltY.• M.c-1-1,1:el• the •Tit,,„,, iota opt., tuanty of further plying her sholical
. .
rio occured beteeen the New Ned, engine ‘1,1 :maltortze the inortgagine of certain nro the p,w,u, of the vin,cuvii50 ,h ram. thkinatigation of heartless mothers, or
staid enough to realm% your iourprolnee WI the
aide ot mul Justeo., roil feel contidelit
that if you will but ni your aid la wahnte
up the morel. out hui i tics Lona the drier
lethat,:y in which they aie rit invitee( curet.
oeeil. this crying evil will 164111 1:11! I•11i itl./11
to arid many familiee be beiielittal thereby.
1 reamer, Sir, Yoenr, lg.... Le.. •
A ItATEP.1Y1-11.
. Prougial Parliardrit,
Qt note, Aagreit
Mr. M. C. Cameron 'omitted a 'whom, of
501011 testified inhabitenta el the towhelrip 01
that that township le. sitars.
te,1 hole the euuuty of Peet and attached ti,
thet of terk.
I his afternoon the fullowieg tins were in.
troduciel. mid read a tint' time - •
1,110IM-rat tho adadasion Ifenry
Hart Cey re., ae silikitur du
rimer Cariude-11. Scateherd. '.•
10 Incorporate the Hank of Lower Cana-
da -Mr. Irmo*. •
has lava alamt the oily (toque:tiny eluting the
oust fottinada, hut' Las *guide.: his tortuer
friends.% Ile had about tiny thousand dollen'
• arrested. • As yet, no complaint has
lmott Ketcliwn• , The mediturs
41 tau,. Sou l'o., •ill meet here sett
aloieley, to ilea:* stweinect ut lb, Muncie!
affair* a that , The assets ars likely to
reach to witty etuto uu the dollar.
high kuthenty, so to 'he legahey
eiscliarging the jury ut the first trial w'
venliet. This puiut tras r
the prisoner's counsel, but wee o
, both the Jud,:eiton Circuit. '1'
ever, is uow cerairdered eutlie
to just rty at repoeve, suit
argued bele, the vilt
Shored thril it be
favour, she Will,
ed. To tem I
) tele ePliene 8' " o'ver the score &tithe lett • d I e h• I e,,at .nies. ri110,... kuive., air". bludr... lin rty ......!..,.n.:m...; Lt. CU.'S& ut.-te.i. the result arrived••at satnifata,try, it •nt. , at these:fp...hen of bare, cowardly and ick•
%.irr%,,a rir.tioii t ereei et a patsomi..7. I,,,use
day.. eieiehe.. At two hesitet . tt.itt ss)ing that it beatetnythingof pets, Meets, *tome awl miscellaneous tramilea 1•;., li,1,,,.„•,1.0., ceerwc ot the 1,,,i, ' 4. id paws tito a,,:rieuahrat productio of . the led father,. %Li plty rer tl.e hire ot .1kaa ja,
l flaw! Sq.a!oe mid Calieile aud mete. 1.* %ilk I Inhume shiteeNo entl.rid
i %with a wild lunch pies . i . . . `e• 4" 1 t• "" 1,11:iet, knacelee, spemiere. wornelies, num of their illegit
kilted reeetlee mac,,eed d„wr1-1 the kind lie had eeen published in Weeterti were f"LelY "ed.
• wounded. and (me killtel outridit. The • '•i '
,...csa oat a railway Gum l'all Erie it/
Ull , . U) • . h. itil• kni. seta.. iirsdurt•0t a. and suet lied • ith ; .
ry ru these uotile-: •• .tteemitry eo rich mammal iiffrprio; by murdering them in cold blood.
!lime men were fatally m,.,;„ . • ,,,, • ..; • 4. 1
. . nait ot t u . , t
. . , ; . ., rw r. h. i. w. i them again and beat them it' poesible. well 01 Nee York are iteetatiUlle r unite -Ir. • • ;'. • • • • • .. • • •
the ranges were laid ott ton! • , -F-• . - ..., 1013,. to meet police. easily dispersed the mob.. The fli. '
..m„.., , ....e. 1 .• ••• , I u .. ielile lien/ 10 transmit and take' real l'ngtai•J„is not
-"' Wir bar- r Walsh' . - cheaper tau America it supplied from New Tle•re is a proapect of • war in this emit
goods from Great Ibitein at • rate at: 111111'11 :
litelv to be atar:‘,1 into ';sahieli way ',nivel:00d and rot ted. TI:70
, 'Cenada tChee 4 t II • I 'el
iletitroy ell hopes of that 'tr.( mt beilee' ac• ceuut • yourself petit:Li:111y. furtunde if i love two -and the firing commenced in i .
ec • 'thin the 1,1d •iviht tla'' q /' fo St1 . • iii: ...tie or iNrcutsr,-....14. Intersect is it:ic,.:1•:•ktly,iida.thil Previnet le• desteto.,-Atty. 'ohm: sii.,n evsn ti'.1t, 4:d .‘ ine i 'ICA 4! you to'. Tycuon• has demanded/ tremP thenicp • ee '
our omfreres is just Pie very thing to " ' . i lie heartily thanked. them for the knell. ir, • ti r
excepting.your newspeper), awl you tuay ;
1 t 1'. ' &termitic.' te peke+ the bill Ite brought ft,. .e.„ ,,,,,,,ad"lid id Lty,,,, ,, renea the reci,.reed 0 treatt . Nakao the suw of -0,1100,000,- claimed by
v/ari.iest. The Stratferd Infantry ; 1.. '1 . Y • I, ;
. Ile refines to
complished. A good` many Americans the gormest traps wet fur your • goel
ward Ln.t sk-e,ion,limitini, the rate of leterest. the ethire, wur1:4 an eith regard to toot Li
The l'routler Volunteers. ' . t ,
0ir toe Csialim lii affair
the Eur,trean representattrell es ismismsky
seem to believe that the adoptiiin of ail 1"'"'".1. . . • • • ' • were. -opposed by the Griderich G. Anil. 1 eet"Pa"te,t• (.AITI"oeo.)
i , -Lieuellainee on behalf (XIII& 'stratStril 1 m ition he ,•• th ks . 1 • . . I ' de "
llities by the 1, y . • 1 1 i. ... .. • - .. • . ea') ti a me tame heist nem:steely toe.t ie. te of the .Prov ince- The fordo's. ste•erel teheeern frtion,Qiit pay. end hot marred lulu an alliance with
eaelusive pOlicy. will fee, ue to MAkr I lau!wouid think thee in- thie age erti lery . and.- the ettetford
thanking wee ree•eteil by a triej wily uf 52 altinst 21. '.I1,,l;', C.'Ir.` 1'..1'.IL!',`,1.",a,ld-:,. , , beg 144* -A, tirbau,' which ",A drrPlY te- I Pri.ieo StitzUrna •to retest the dement,. in
I steam, pope' tr obeition, weed eeienee, . Bunn Reles. The, Stratford m-ni went ' I" 'ut re' "I'°"• ° tkew"w' t io t' ie. ti met Atertain tit 0 ii• tere4 tlie vultint4 'ogee of the einiec y tool I the theraitime the Tycoon has *ant 100,000
•t ! their hosts for the handeome manner in ls.he bi.tolrthes gee -refer- aseecond reecho,: liy a '
4e olui.irity. And int 1,rovierunii,
'overtures tewards • au mitraree into tee
" glorious Uuirn." Such an unfeir toot and al, thet 'anent,' ti) litorAtarerscichee t,,tit their wlek carefully, but beftire long i
and the arts, peeOn would not be tro easilyi became app:arelit 't.o AN that they Were I which tilq It"' bee° Nee''''''..!• Allu'Ith4 eil7th we thiree exert:06141y reasenable. ani
.to press oir Contnderation-to open the impoe4 open, but we qqation eery intich'I going to be beeten. • Roth of our com- ; to a P"rtt•at "1. (2'14' Se".tee " FI•eech, he 1!;•lelf, le he adoetede -
her been .
in,r,.•,cs oit libel ll A110 it,0.1141:ybsilc ocelot] the
Several. remittent
singe/moue spirit ithould make us . rya
' .Nortle1Vetst-eto'huprove our own retake. if, et 'any other penal of tbe world's Id, , paliteri Mole splendid scores, that of tit, ' "Li "1111";1' hi0 ':""ti)"").
beatim by their Godenich ept".11.•nts thee • • - e . • s "mponeree • a stained ,fruni
.10 the 00,„,a0,-1,:, bijoir ii, , fiimaly -Way tory, humbug was more ettoocastul or ue.reilliflee betliA oite of the largest. we have , • . . • • • .- teer usuel sive- el inseveye Kea rre,eu•,......-
61.. the bill had greatly the admit-
. li Ad not been surpaseel hy the e entet; '.1. le• friend*
that hoivever Rauch we regret the dosing ;"'"e0411Y 4.""ttelels. •.1,. eke the departimiit , - . ' -
I . C..uiparty uf Stratford:. - Restriettne the rate of , ,,„c,
the remly edueetvd, in • intiny Ittat)ncer, ; a •-• NI .
. ... C1.311-ht.'4, .- t• -l° I'l tbo debate:
p.resem,, it g0:4 ilea tit bute,:ruptcy aim a .,. .. ..• , • ••
of emeetutore were on the gruend mei „ , :. , - . • • , ' • . me•erst within riMitemble loni4, will net •17 • „, e ,,, , ,.
irgainst us of . \curious porte, We are Or "Iciliej"e 'rho" , The .humbug iluacL
lie hope.' tee:t tiniethey WoUld Meet Ott •
the reeult. Vie alfect hea'thybuilurss triassctions at all; its st,;'?'''''...n." '"!.. I's:I.' '' lb" e•reeti''" "1' t
• determined to gird ourselemi fur the rece flourishes in eruierle writhe) Iiiien, wliile • much interest woe felt in
r neutral grou'il where" they tuight eitiimit• sittlide ehject b. to reettain extivileher's, t , i• '''''''• 4 "1 'I k"'="807 i''8. -"-;It'• J• 1
of Commerce and tuanufacture. Were *e . ' : ably expect better StICeeis th•t:k 0:1 ii ran...e . 0.-•1 k
. - I. 9 .,, rotate. tat. wok ittl: elk ti t!... tome la the Att epees teamed that he et I not eethir'' alit. ho ineete intia,obao!.. ibittelitritein wit'
utmost harneney preemie.' durioe tie( 1 ;teat of trawl.
have.tir . ntru,;.,41e. fur a mere subeietetite'
aeituaintel.with. Qn behalf of his coot- j"ENILI: 1)LMAV111.1*.-"Abut le" d'11":4. .. • i emu our Canadian we:wail:re,
I .. • tu (ilea.. the Wu either of int uatch or of
ett1.0 eiernected erth the tut utter. ot nea p'a0e in the Iteuve.
keel of paddle wItilvel,-.Mr. 1 ine. the. f ireesurnmeti
To Mcorporste st. r: 1,.. i;vi.r; .1 i/ii•
ti Moutieele-.1tty. Geo.
ieciirlierate the Xlontreal
lei,: .kt;.7
Tee fellowilig •Ilills were read a
,jhe msnecr• alOch 14 ottrupy the territory of Naptto.-
eer.ouier has' twee ; The 'Weed piinces are maw guns. making .
pea !mem rm./featly I isesinunitain, and copying the Eeglish Enfield
rhor. I romelolt..1 of, liy ruiente ei in- ' Two ottivi.4„ •h.• speuk Engines
vie net 0 ;11134 the vemitteer NL, Jelin fluently. 1%11i:cd frimi Shanghai lur }loupe On
'en. Car. A• Mee mil -TA ntte1to•1i, 1101,1,, lho.t tl.e 22.01 May last, with 1.114-14 to acquire all
too, .fizutfai should •how that 101) 000; it itS Cmuiect. d
condi prole:mat to the Met Ott hss u la, n pet The Tycoon will thus bud binrielf
t •Oile riii111.1.011,110,1 b../ • intk.1 against a powerful enemy, and nue.too,
s ni to fin 15 it .1;i II -U1,1.;; fui•y 1.,..parsJi...1 eager 1,, alai; blotted( tit
loth, 1..lokt.•••rs. emaillaknta VIII ckli•Utivit evett though
eeie ter. d, and te:eteee mar p'iweed ia h.bud te Liereleito amen ea for them. It
of the late linice il -Him. J. S. '51,tc I in; tiee to be doeir to such. a fine .hedy of , tuselved thiastruggie, and be influenced.
all satiated by melt a spirit of. noble,- in -
I• I le 1-o4dtriel • • et well
w t • men wer
A•111111 keeps u preen sateon .hcre;',\' not CCett a harelt word being eit-l• te
dependent self reliance, those of oar
ereei„ tuar the- spirit of good homer whieh
American friends who now endeavor to awl'e•••• t° St4",",
o cites List t.1,,lit tlirce boy., about .... Jii ,teint c ,rtain power* te. t'se Waterlou , rel.:, ; but at if a matter of saituda:ction that,
, pane, lie I'MUrned hit sinvere titan it to ta • 1 I r- • 1
, .t,.,...1 h ne .asaraece Coiniasky-Mr. Ilow.; A no... Sus t S. 'Alt .11 11114ir II.,0110Mv.-- ' in An I*111.31, Ad :la 116117 hilket she hes
superticiel, y for a few menthe, .ansiounees ineek,e1 the cotediee ta. each eutnpetiter. ,;.,I,:t,h V„luetirer* for their ha„Jse.he he. ya ars el ag•, peraitiloilab.d our street.' in met• Yrvit id./
work upon our mouey-utakiii.• I•ears miuld
lours& an La tull...rorn &vow ot twen v •ro i ie Weill. ta.)1%. it Wi Awl . I • • ' ...h ar el • 1 Auplattla! to.171,.. t.1.
priSbibly sec it to their advanuge to re- • a . f„, .. , ., - . ns. ,..1- ,....ilat rieuesem. . 1 3 etete of intexietteto. and uttering the e - • • ' . •• " ' a'
e,„ i,e,... h„b„ic can be 1.,,` that our Goderich Volunteers were vieto- : I
e tie v.v., cheieuree tle.n ',mono. tl - Ill,' s' 44'0 • . 3 .,1103,3 I.3 133t.t1,.. no N,dar ; I xle1.1.,:e,*er,
new the treaty after all- But wc will Yara ea!" Y • •;;" ' . %; ii , • . . I • i 1 ne et blaephenichis langur:veer
1005 by the law ember of Pee itits : rem, elec." ee. resmoree ca tteeey liy .1r , .
mvilkUiin a Mr Das El l'oWert, • I .34..! VI liVr ani 14 mid mist eat erieuced woo.
ai gente•rnao fiiiin tbe 1.,.. of ', lett:mitt tIe evuntrir. • .
Mantel at the City 111:1 180:ice .
Flow rubbed of ;211. in • • Frisian Stip' In Ireland.
'44 Market ste.4t,ti'ist their 1, ....... 1
ulet hie heed ea* 6,z . fr•eei the Load.* Pall Matt ttax.te.)
rid from his *eternised • •
1 teueet has ixcurted hetet-era the eon•
e,. c,,,,,;,.„,,,' 1,, ee,,, i .4.04;aq end tile l'eniltflii. 11 • 1.11.(• tailed
,,, r,,t t.:sou ,,,,,. Danger-, in AC rowdy of Cork. 1 he polite.
'efr ..d k. 1 i, ., ..-1, iti salmle•r, had amend • drunk and •
deo 1 cd dieirderte num during the rimming. It being
, kesiki 1.. • .• ...14,-.Mr..Iss..kpa 1 to foam.. . se,110,1 ,,j1,10.,1
lied upon to cere • certain beithsome dite 0 . --- -- • - ..... , -- , l'Ittt ; . t ttttti the time I Pr 110 clilli• ". 6,e1,..• i vluip 00'
,I CU% of the i,'Fignal. Mr. C. c...,...• ..t II • v t
take cue to ia them. bow- that we ere
1 , •'' beehtx thee.' To 11.111•1/.1. til--4Torry i• ; t . ...- le ev terith,erig Otmwo il,1;e•ittv ' f l' •
i7.. . . ll tyhoel,tette,,erry I i4iroy., bi.; ,,,..,1„,„..,,,,,i.,e7,:ct,,,,,.,:.,;.,,..:..,,,:i ht:: ,,,,,,,,,,,slui,e,,,,it,eo A‘twol,..1%ricuatetml,I,:nritdkin,.11,isv tia,riiii ": '11 ,,..•:..;.,:em,„.""'"d".! jaeri•il,"1,,,e11;17, ;18,,',..4ati,,c!":.',,,'4,11ie,,;"°•":"11.•:',,,:':111::„7,1, tia7e,.,.
eeces,ity et keeoiee up A tlit..1.J11.4li , 1`13,,rt lit
Total. ; wivs Iiitpilli thvt tli-y were atite to ••:o.t t ,.• : •,.. , ‘ tO ciuddreas t'ir litocjaittnty '1,,o1 1 tri imii.'1.„, h, al .3u3ii• vinil .• I.
; .,,h,;;.m:L, .r,..;„ add r,, a ..,:.„„.,r,„ rac e ' ri y itiver, on r roily. Sth S.•ete eii which det.os relative ti, the speech of :it.. l'At...-1\at , eat:, c. hiaiiie,„: the A. me
Its trOlt.
fearful of financial ruin' if they turn us
away from their deers. A number ef our
writers and speekers openly advkicate
•atinclation end thereby furnieh Atuericati
earice, aed thousands 111. simple fools crowd • num. Rifles. •
to his standard -and lit. fu cum's eieli in L. \
0 /err ytiirs ! Otbe after another, euerck:e, Rank and Neue. r-
from Bribe -1y Tutribleiy, puff thens- • e
Lieut. W.T. Heys\ t I 11
selees into notice throueh the. press, Eniiic Joh* !hit IA' 1.7
obatructi,mists with the best arguments
they mild wiAth ihae•e. shall n,,t be princely frirtunee, mid retire in favor of Sergi. el. J. Wright. '17 le
some new temilairt ; and atill the great;.(rretitant7;a*
at all surprisedif we are deprived of the
rertin gulleble Public runs after the newest W. Saamid.e. 14 17
commercial advantages 0 owing
Reciprocal trade in a few -short months. nostrutu as e3g1trly as ever. in polities Prtieetellt-L SI,rovr.
Nu doubt, in that event, our annexationiet the is,wer of humbug is everything.. 310- .. yT,„Tta,„11... :11\ y
ney min do a great deal-cen _Over medi- ° W. Pen:1414ton 13' 11 \
iitople will make a bue and cry fir such a
ocrity and pave the wits for succom, but,
constitutional change ea shall remove the
after all, humbee snap the sceptre. Give
,restrictions established for the nnivorthy
i..a man. plenty olimpudence, a glib toneue,
purpose °fiercer'!" us to give upon'. alletti-
crawling spirit, and what'
Inca to Britain, our institutions, our tradiA at"; a slielkile.t,
c in he nut tteeempiieh 1 Ile etrikes the
timer and we afrouh/ hold dear in a
natioual point ol view. Otte way in ItahliO het we'", who' anti wafe, with
which a wan can make himelf fa.noue [-Vine miserable cry, • he utters the
ase fatten upon !erne st;rtling or out -of mod- hollow. el tit trep pretensions, pro-
thoway idea:in politics or religion and 1 fe"ea wh"t h"°wa tr.; he the
mod hunibueeing oethions or principlea,
ride it se a hobby until people ,,eatit. help
tor' streightway he is hailed as A viclo-
policing sod talkine of him. 1Ve. fear
it is.too much the care Peat our annexe. riotta chlatielett, at the very eatue
tiouiet editors are more directly netnatcd time he laugla MS oleeve at his dupes.
Did people train themselves to a therous;li
by a MOrbill desire fur notorietY than by
high-minded moriotistni• The,/ indulge disgu•t with humbug in all its *harm's,
in their pueillatihnous anti(Britieli• talk dopeni upon it ...meth would more fie -
week after week until netieed bt; the Timely find it$ true level in the manag -
Glebe or some of the big thunderers.- mind of national adaire, and the impo,ters
New, ithen the lueuurations of a country would be driv..n forth frail eremite and
editor are seriously criticised editorielly synaterecue, feint municipale.boerds and
in the Globe, the lucky fellow considers
his fortune made. Ile copies the criti-
eiein and retorta at &ruble length -keeps
it up for a week, n month, nix niontlis.-.
\Vhen he ineeta eitli the literate denizens
of his IsiUle theliington he pushes the hair
from his manly brow and alludes to " thee
controversy bettreen too and the lihrhv,"
end mriously thinks of hdding to Iris own
advertieement, a.- au indueement to new
subecribers, .thet " journal haying
engaged in a nontroverey with the Glubc,
must be considered one of the most ably
whited sheets in the Pmvinee." We do
hot eovy berth people their noturiety, but
we think it a great pity they ehould
endure the thut interests of their coun-
try W abtain it. eurprised last (Monday) night when it
Theme who werk m eagerly at what we lecante noised abnetil that Mr. Watson
cell Coneteritional Pate11-1Vork Feign had bre•0 summarily ejected from his pee
forget that there is irnly rem Constitutien- siet* an Pristmaster, and (he office Oared
el matey really before th.1 oountry, which in charge of Mr. Archibald Dickson, son
ia empliatisally the policy of.Cnnada and ohs Monter. . It is due to Mr. 1Vat-
uf the British Goveratueut coneerning UP, mon to state that his dismixsal arose from
iminely, a Wedetal Union of BritistseNorth a systetu of' depositine moniea belonging
America. Why not dimeuss the. meriks of to the l'ost office 1)epartment contra!). to
such a Confederation, fur a.1 ityaimat,'in the epirit of a etanding order. We b.',
e manly spirit, insteid ender's-0ring te neve every dollar belonging to the depart-
nuade Americans that we are moat meat now lies in the Hank of Montreal,
arxioue fur immediate annexation ? nod, AA we understind• the matter there ie
_ _ _
no charge seeing him of ember:lenient or
anything of that kind. The irregularity
ronbuy (a low word) is doGned by of which he wax guilty, was not, we are
dictienary menufseturers as " an impoei- infermed, uneourmon with preitineeters
sham ' 11,,1 kurnli,igs iis n impeder's." It throuehout the Province; but it an
is not neemeary le• reminded SA we are irregulsrity, ermeldering the standing or.
that it is a low word, hot it is, neverthe- der, and therefore we ate not prepared to
Iola, on expressive, mei ham because an say that Mr. Griffin was vetting recom-
lisrailiir that it oemies to strike offensively mewling his disunrohl, althnugh many
one) ears polite. Impeeition, or hum- believed that a warning sheikh! have .
bag, is as aid as the Israelites!' Jamb.-- proeeiteil the netion.
Through all the varying phases rif hymen Much as our eitmens were murpired at
mature, as !sr back as we have hiriterimi the deviated, which came on us like e
mooed, we find that men have bees strict- thunder -clip, the feeling was intensified
ormeermative in their liability to be
humbugged. In our hixtorieal nimblest
through the fmminatiwg, wondrous put,
we stumble, at reliery atep, upon humbugs. young man, mid Mae young tivaa Mc WA
We find humbug king', priests, pmphets, of oor mesither,was taken from the taeaforth
warriors, authors and merchants. In office and plume' in pronoun' charge. tue
*eery age we discover that there have it is alleged': of the Goderich l'osteffice.
sioeeure offices, orrered with confusion
and die•rec.• The only r tmetly we knew
of for the" huinbag pest of' maiety is pear.
eeremen eerie.. Let every individual
endeavor to' sift it to the bottom, and the
practice, if it tads to miinful revelation',
will y;.• t id" immense "service. 1Ve are
truly a privileged peeple-elet therefore
see to it that we aro humbugged tia little
pi;ssible, fir humbugged we surely will
be if. we do not watelt with unceasing
— • 4111111.0
tiebttEN .r11.11?trie, 11( 1TP MAN:kilt:WENT.
The people of tide town were very mach
into unqualified indignetion when it be
came known that, without consulting our
wiehm, or even hinting et a shange, a
- - .-
147 143 le3
Struffurd Ryles. •
emit: Sers.O.e 7 10 0
Serzt. A. allcCultech12 11 ..41
•• I:. Leng.. 6
" J. Mepnersonle 9
Corp% W. Wiesen. 11 9
l'rivate A. Nieul 14 9 5
PatfillI I 15 51
e ileeburn 10 8 , • 7
" .1. 11 10 9
Bugler W.. 'Reach14 13 4
. 1 0,1; tr
Copt. e 5
Limit Kirk II 14 12
Setgereit: Walker 13 14 le
l'i3%ate fleinhion , VP
.. 4° , 001141,•110,,LI t ,i3liiil slid ttl.V. usui. •i0.0.they occasion he will t erform a number of 1 .. . • ,, deer, %tom a c1,air. Ihe
, ..i. ca.., a, 4 to11 day -rot the 6..:age, and tont. 1110 bus -
.47 , trre re.i...m.l. 00 the .... -sus. Gee. Career moved. lie rece: titer of' man named 110;11,-,1 ri Ivy, .iv
39 ; Iilik. Silfilh. in • very hum,:rnur is..eeeli, feat+, Emelt as carrving a efove
tine niers t uf the Com him.. o it 1`.e Whole em • ut.h,., 0,1;,_ 0,,,,,,d4d h,„, 1 ..,, ..,,,,,, ti,„ ,dred )....I.10 •Iti Iiii.0••1 t., effect has reflipn by
., ri)10, 00../Vill;.4 hi, ;limier, ke.. die. The 0,,, e,t ,e„retti.,g.tb„ teed. cede er 1, ,e,e,.. c , 4.4 1.14;...,., mot et 4.t. bat e. te et ei, liircei, rt... r...ii,,.. ho , wets eiweeesfal
:LI \ 70"P"'c'i (6'. bealt84 '11'' "t''''`h 1"'"" attractionec• orent and no doubt there Ciii,d.i;
15 • tiretti, 1,1 which tbe Strittfeel men -ci.verel .... . '
was ue a Li ge attendance. A le...g debate enseed. rart;n in the %Kielty eith the,r prisoner. A e '
„ 1 rec e ,LJ, r_ore ,,,,,,,,iez ie., ! 1,,, eh.... in riraistin4 this attach, so ti repaired to •
36 , ;raitily. • I t, pun g iitirtililinli 111141 then perlii •e and . ,
••••• - II II. ra:r1 this w one ot fo, it 1 ai.per-1, wax wpiither whieh d th•• °I°1-0 '"""'i 1' "8"' JumP'"/
45 ; i/3 ritiip3Iiiled en behalf ef 1.1;s corn
parapi lu atkulitat t.i a leMaric droptad
r Mr. Con. he odd he feared it woe tan
53 el the Goverument to Sae..7 awiry the
.-- Volunteer *yearn, awl mentioned several
95 cir•uotiaane... leadia4 to thatilc.lel.
1 Lieut. Ilaye reipotaded lethalf of the
litotes. He sail les men had every remelt to
I be eitified with the emelt of the iloy's pee
eeedingo, .arid that ehoulil be glad that
1 they had been luirinut ous. Ile n,1,. C1.1111-
3 ,i`plimile,1 of OM leek id po ramentei support
27 vebtelr ihe Vieuntette stein labereil,
2.; he feared, teudol to aureate dee
;au elem.
; L ler in the 0%1311311g cape Seeeree mole
31 I tiuned\the deferenees between stiiiii\iird rind
:oder tell. 11a -townsmen had • eetlei.etk-
they triaer,lit, a shglit. 03 the net*. •the
I km oistrela in atehi opeftin If the ft ltlty,
th1.1 to take ajar trut ot thcv tame
upot, one's 1,.911.1ractirte atterwarii,i4den
wit:: •hoolirts neoisenis, .te. He Lel to
eay that bo heartily ashamed of it..--
(1;aegfeer and u .
:trier guiii; te h a neither of volun
Ater tiststo, suck. e ladi •s," •• our host
and heitees," kc., the coineany breke 117
about toidnight. • ,
- ---
The 1:et ale,.
Pas -more de 14 II . • 42
Divieey 13 11 10 3i1
Melli•osua 13 13 11 10
Addison 17 14 DI , 41
11 15 15 13 ' 43
• Joidan 12 II it 32
2 oif ler errur targeeehen thec1:61 2
Total 361
Stratfurd Infaatry.
teem Jetnee 15 11 7
dErseaut :Minh 10 8 2 20
•• Stulthwick 11 8 0 26
Private Herren 16 Id 43
Hie; 13 14 10 •3:4
I: era ti I 17
Ramsey 12 6 ' 23
10 si '26
Ilectur , 13 11 11 38
13 7 41 23.
Tirtal, ems
Ocit14-ich A rtil tory 361
dr> Hitler., 395 762
Stratton, Infantry, 2tte
do lt, 276 564
Majority of points in fay. of Goderkb, led
. InSetta
At o'clock p.m. the Stratfwd volun-
teeth were entertained by their bets and
victors, together with a few invited gums,
at • Dinner in Derk•s Hotel. Of the
repast we need only say that it Walt ift
every respect worthy of one of the best
caterers in CsnAds.-The table, which
Woo handsomely lai•1 and ornament4 with
flowers, Wan covered with all that a hungry
rifleman °mild crave,' the bill of fire, in-
deed, embracine every solid and luxury
of the searion. The table wes waited upno
cipitelly by 6 large force of polite assist -
ante -by no means unnecessary, when we
remember the ticenea of confusion often
witnessed at publie dinners.
Capt. Rose occupied the chair and Lt.
Days the vice -chair. On the ehairman'e
rieht rat Capt. Soretee, of the Stratkird
Rifles, and on the left Lieut. James, of
th•r Stratford Infantry. The • vice chair
erns supported by American guests and
Stratford Volunteer,. About fifty geoids
in all sat down to dinner, which we need
hardly mention was heartily enjoyed. -
The blending of the unifrain of Artillery-
men, Raw and infantry made op a very
liveiy seen., whieh wu as purely military
.1111 poesible.
IM the removal of the cloth the nettal
loyal and patriotic mute were glom from
To fly ;;; inn Ilt-vo•Nin, iv ; ;
14.11t,II.13.-111 your is.ue• of . the 17th
init.. there i4 a ptvagraph fri,m Wawanesk
Ostia; an ace ot the burnin • tit Mt.
ft onms Apisre4 on nr417,1
Inth o•to thee gentleman
neiggfees hao the great hnnor of owning
nuiehine for a nuratoo• of yeah
berme lari. mot therefire hez leave yoar
vi.r0 nv nti•r•tny.proteot agaiii,tthat t art
of sa 1-paratereph thet 'medicates the
othore ache sante, craft in the heig,iberhi; ,1,
fm• eettine tire to hit- barns. I- root CC, t • .
• 311.14cil At tb.0 r., if ri.;,
eirereato'in u1,111. cri dited, the •
tho fire should he traced 0• erfirei, 111; •
ent dip 01; ri trom that inditete if y
Ity tees-. tee
insertion in your pal r(, ,you •..I coal.: a
great favor oii aniutricent
• 11111EllE11.
To the Lila, ot
st ae-Tlirough t%e co:umtis f pier
metut Jambe! le-rotit ine draw the ettene
fion 14 the er\ .\•errators or the trioraiire o
tire town and th ‘telitirrii.ters puteieju,cee
to we eiri which topic aseum.n. trigarinc
ti the. atmene; ere
dee', oy lee am!
peieertieral OUr
0124,11 to-VCI•ital
• We have cce4ived the *shuttle, for the P .
Adinittine thnt tteerne, pre tan evil in ft
current yeor from the offic of the I iov. place nitwit, .1 eel:wittier) i; It Vote where
the whole of the lege! end moot of the ideni-
eminent Printer. The f owing IA a meal 'Arsine*, tor th lie• two large r-,antMs
mummery . ' thee'rrebriteitita,11061, it must at least ha said
ToLi1,81:6101,11011: Siient out
eredit, ; Civil I l'krartime
m,0 ej70,. rerrommity-temperanee mer. ru, well 'at
000 ; We,i, fT1,000':', (belie • arm others-te knnt lieu in the opirtioii of 1111141.
82-2,0110 ; tiary aml .gers wito vi,it the 1,11tee either for' pleagure
formatorier, iortolinz $2,19,:r
hison Inspection, 1'111,000 ;. t
Seolinra, 1,1,
Mei ; Printing, deride/ and Distributing
ente of that they are e re oeorary evil. It is alio
matter ef ermeretulation to a.1 claveet of the
:4or.pruht, tho aropsnuid glum um! nianitze•
molt of our hoUir, whet) compired eith
ether towne of th• sane size, ennk a. • NO. I.
In order to keep things in thin state, Parfet.
LIMA. eximIto Prit,tio; Cede; 016,- rot and Mitrucmal 11••uneiht hare form.titne
Oen ; lehrery,. 010,1100 E lueotion,_r,,„,. to time eneeted inee for the gilidivice of
• Seh1P,ki 91140,000 ; Superior, $511,0110, pro therm! ot hutiee of public entertainment,
Or 10.•tetoria and Qaece's College bare •Inieitieil certain cinalitionn and
gets :45,tifte each, Regiapolie el,tern, St. elorsi re3alramentt which mu." l'e emoldied
92,000, Trinity, flt,000, Ilktown, with, • hate determined that Me licei..0
81,too.l.'Aseomption arid Sendeichael0,000, keep a h. t.e of this kind ems only be granted
Grammer School Fetid' 036,0ne ; gdditi.nal On all co eons being complied with end on
grant $32,0e0 wham,: tu Superior Educe. tbe eertlfi of :10 ratel41fera th It fuel' 11
kn Fund, Lovier Canada, to replace deem, nweemate arid a sort Of goorrinteio that the
; salary', and enntinfehcies of Do. &renew,' is in• idue,111,y, c.r.;,,entlie..•.11entht it,,,li,k7.10ei
&frets:re ei n
granted; one inseector
is appeeited whose ty itis to Min that the
Mien Ittid down are $ ietly adhered 10; and
still more, eseit recipe t of ouch hermit is
called on to contribute t the mvenue of, the
County by the payment ot won varying ac
cordine to loratienr hut at II times a eon.
11111..001 Ocean and Meer Steam Service, , sideralee item in the cost of eeping inch a
072.401 1.1411thouse and const *roes, home of entertainment. Ile 'rig thus mar.
0412.090 • Culling Timber, 02,000 , Over., chided a right, the pewee% wen rant it have
8.12,5itt ; 111:,C;,1131101iong. $..41100i.• oth17:114.171.1,. 0,1c1.06,11dt tit,itrliethpnrit,itichge. ,treant,:sisondedthrsis
000 tor renteral to Ottawa,
iletsictlewrady R'l'im7eteall'e.. ere:. iiel'e"(.;';°(1'117,.:1100:11::;IL:1541"9"0e0h91 i I ere"nidnbelien(wl:elehfrenry'rerne'lltrie. ':,'n11',4"4entirachnegitedt eb61eIri'ree°1etn4"1.iti Id be
Excise, 010,090 ;
Works maintenan and repair•e, $24,000 ;
rellectione, te., 610.000 ; Surveys 050.000 t
Other Crown heed Deportment, $110,000.
Iii.aort, merit. Leit, 519;500 ; West;• 013,5011.
loryatory, Sr,.21.10 ;
tone lt 1 i'01:1-rtiatil varil SCear0;.
ties, 6211 .000 ; A ericultural Hoards, 81,000;
li;emnifjoes,,t.tani,3yoricolou(d) r.rigrent:roor lete,ilt9,090 ;
era,. Rideau'
till1 AT LA et, Set.c.-Ily advertisements in tn.
to day'a Signal it will be seen that Mayor
Olaei, of London will offer for sale by section
on the 9th 01 Sept., 240 rideable lots in the
nourishing town of St. Mary'n. The town
pm:lessee eveellent wrilnr prier:e.g.-0, if been.
tifiely situated. ".1 from the healthy programa
made, ,iffer4 inducements to per...kile seeking
a permanent home. We hope the sale will
poor an claim success.
STRALJNO MotitT.-On Mende', •
lad wets tried before the Mayor, under
the Juvenile Offenders Act, on a charge
of stealing $4.30 frnm fithernem. The
boy, whore nome Donald Matheenn,had
of preventin; grocers, who only pay a m
nominal tem for the right to sell in ler
miantitiee..ahd illicit retailers, who pity no-
thing and are no aceommodation to the tray.
elfing community, from absorbine the busi•
twain( renpectable hotel .keepers ; and fine*
beep Vier, impoeed to follow in cases where
the 61..4.46,4e two latter chimes are con.
•reterl ot allowing liquor to be r111C1111111.4 in
retail quesitilies and &rink on the prerames ;
and with repeal to the latter, where it is sold
under riny cireunistance or in any ;11141113y,
Were it neeruwary to add any argument to
show the •.•,1 ot' the breach of these protec
tree repentions. an evii, which from either
being winked at by the enardians of the
morality of the town, is largely on the in.
014141110, It needs but to say, for everybody's
experienee luxe to prove it, everyone
not pecuniarily interested in the trefec will
admit thet et the tmeery end enme erioviag
oat nf the inumelerete WIC of intoxreeting
,,,, liquor. threoferirtha of it it traceithle to the
'pent a portion of tl.e cash. 117
aftle ot the wattle in ptnte end quart*, yea,
of prolocutor the primmer Was fined 20 cte. imd 0,0
glasves: hy licensed groeers and by
sad owtS, and *01.4:break(' ao mac good those Om are neither parer, or !teenier', gel.
the money stolen, Ice who have no reeltatiou to maintain, had
the 1.1 vt nape, at,' wive ret It
beieght berme Pae-waheet sMce trot triein.
The !let that the preparation: of the Cod.
Henke:coifed ASA OW it W34 tifit.
ynt es. ;is impel:Woe, ahd t.3.•13
.3 3'0 1,1 .401133,1 3311'3.i., hurry with wilineir it
hat colorlitttee. •The
comitiot, h had rot even real the C.40, al.
'eel mei eeteetenst
tu• 11 t • ft,. •
effeeni, telietir re Ler matey. T1 • ran .Tt 11.e ditch rear, sehlreased ea-
! three eelitteihnsen who wee* the sho at crowd, ettli.,g. on them ies •••true Feniens"
twac,,,iewecd d, see te be 'timid eta •• harelful police, but
Thine Elearde a, .1' ILehard ;"; • gin • tOSIlliW that the: erre abia to light for the
i.t'8.$48;e•Ule fuler44,071)",''10!'"1'517.:a1;:10 'hot th° •••41•44.
11,e; creed then at.
had fettered, Imatine the door* and
No money, however, wax rowel on thew "pen.
itor• edit 11‘111111, 11114 tht61111thit14 to oet
at'ilelb"riten'teeitlir-.'uLlh;itr.P.4441.°T, '
• •
I .
coos' :T....kJ Wu uf the ! TIMC Clotilcemeests West. I, tt: es ow tett hritta The result
, , Ward we. 11. it tiara' terservi etqc seriously trd ono
.1 . r . enV11 ,
- nmitsi v uoislid. There ate a g.est many
II mt, rPn:.•••1 at •-• at, .•*,..alt 1 Wr••here dates fens Garters:tar to the fah • sewn .1..euistr.a re tile ceurity id Cork, bus
133.CUri• 1 Ina tii:h• 1•11. des if the f etimaiiin ert • loch they have
rt t, II y was mid eited. 'flie tg,rj! Cleorr,t nii,ears •Pcpinjf Winit• 4 OOt than dr.,1 ai..I tultri I) I/ tabus.
, ...I ir Th irwiar reot. ward. • 111C 1.s1rn. o; I Ilon Cliff I .1,t t 4;r1
Uniteri States.
t \
Pule!, 1,; 1114 iic•ffr-1.1 remarked
ruce:•: i..t evideme• 1..1 boot
tbe :we conapiyery trial •iiii
three ter eunsiet JotT. Davis of. oto:ojelly 1..
the atrosarillatios Lincoln. nod
that the taut et the earisoireters ea tiled that
of :PIT. •
Waseineton metes
that' the Emperor aleximilian theehtly sent
• ' • • 11 ;
1;:ncoln to Prey:dent .Tolnistau. bot the
reel refuted reviler, iie, on the ge.turd that
et, such totem. aa the Fauperea vf Memo.,
oat Imnan or recognized. •
,Pranaina date. et the 111111 states,thet place
i1 g;13;,itly exerted hy an expeeted if.vmj,on
trent earioc, Vesiness eta parii.yzed, mil: -
fury impressment* were genie i•a,itiel a for,ed
1,,rin .14 bein; efIlICCIl31 nsil
Th, rebellion et Peru still mairiteiled strong
l'he Iketene;t1le TeXal sco•rt.pondent
tie !tenth' datedeth states thee (inn.
tederftte either beatted trait Sterline Price
had lieen made a Major.Geneml• Maxim,
110 I Witil erupeweresi a
force 3,1 000 rnen 11.0ta the debamled Con.
federate ermiee, &lei that several other Con-
fedeeate lienuraj. had been einernissioneeheby
5faximiliare mill It eras intended to hare 100,.
Contederutee in Slaxint,',in's service
within a year to keep watch ,.f• shoriden on
the He, Grende. EVInyming a quite the
Amereen s de ef the riser.
our 01E01314 at Itrrownsikile rrtently pore
banquet to the Emperor's "nicer.. together
.stith tienerni Slitualster, and 'leveret other
helle almest the atiiversal belief among
American officers thatthey will be immediately
°Merril to march into Mexico.
It it reported that about 11 ilntien of desert-
ers fn•in the Anwrizan army awl n • have,
been engaged in practical operatione on the ;
coast of Honduras ; having murdered the I
clew of a Foul) echooner, and subsequently
capturing other reason with it. They were 1
hun Men near e•ertra with an ',menet vessel in
pursuit. I
The steamer 'rriAy C. Louder, from l'allso '
via St. Thema:, ith loos of prepettor, erne.'
ed to day. I
The Militate N S.. papers of thef2Tst are
eived. Some the secenei on organn there '
ucti exere and express great disgu.t
fact of Mr. I tchie, Me only 17nionist
f that thy, heving been invited to i
0 thenks o the. loyal merchants of .
lis in trOme substantial manner
es upholing of the United Stateiti
nag the past foar emirs. -I he !
'rder de offal this movement, '
Jin.tii the liar, au, tioti 1.1* the ; rile 1,,hiquardoni.
dee re,are lame Pin,: VW:v.110P 0.1 h T.- •
tto•ussio4 are ratter:I truer. letters, 1] • . slemaride th ired destroyrd the
ie, Jely 27 : • . ;AliViii1 hear 11,e Gull of.Aise-
'• Dar lee dm I holaria nittoy people .4,,e•t ilalr. After 1!,, nal it the Mime oral to •
1 14.4 wif•li, 15 le ;rig sou Mail air\ Art tic Ocean.
\ the Beal -bond have het, der led. V 'At "it Littera, ce l•rod 1, bet ed h
gecl. tett-Lime.. (Coned:de Klute) is open for , Gen. Wiliam', .Neir Lontle and nest
14, -tit two heti." and a half daily. I.; ilooluitlit *word fiv$ Ewer. ormele• The betk
de,"t1Intitriber fir/. surh a glteen and 4len. Pike tad arrited at SIM Frentilico with. .
• air !I may ;ample her, after. the maniple it , oven rif the oeten vensels... Tee General
' riira xawlen. t!:e tleadi.a't Piae 'was bohdit! hy the rims. Mr 943,000,
1 1 mart we have ewe provioeinal hospiteis. Mel 271 (Ahern, and se n. of the dentroyed.
the piesent, 1 heir. ve, WO, ant on the 'slopeanit on board for Sae Francine.. Among
increase...and elthreigh the tounieer of attack.; !dear mined bsch hy the General Pik* wets
,•bas o•oy leen fire farnit.l1 o hip r ilaV,1t Int+ !Me Atherton theme and Casten both
%rib a population of mqte then rum X.1•11 Piedford. • 11 behaved the sedle
I 11 out • vry greet number, yet an no on* 04,, 411 certainly destri.0 hey more teat at
whet.. wh• re it will is 1,11tilral tlicy were All to the northward. 1111 COO.
Mot the /dents eleeed erred- the greattia wermiUen etith Cul teen Smith, of the abip
member of deaths lies been lett per bet Wan. Theintoon, the rotate mated tbe news.
114 c .iirsi. a:. rimy lie desibltd in the course tain Smith leplied that President Lincoln
I of a few hems. or a mil be RI:lured Ittof. had been asoas•ineted. i• tras pr,epared VO
'Ore eeemerity is thut tip to the present , kat that," mid the pirate, extotingiy. fie
momerit hay, with one 6r • tao pliout,*Woald 11.1 helletr that Lee' Intl dared.
;.been rsculsively conlinel to the poorer end Attiring the people on the Shenandoah woe
, rrelieese 1313,33.e., It mem Hemeue 4, I an Englishman, who weaned to br• prospect-
, insure la this Ooverunleot it has seered eo ' leg lor five temple, to rut on a line between
. memsee ',me or the 11.41.111Witie Of the pubhe, ; Australia and New Zeslitiel, end probably
; Mithey.'provinier11, sh•Iti eed other iequireel, would purchase 110,114. of the rapt Urea made bp
finCIA4ary I,0vn be• ri famished eith a the pirate. An Euglish laden with
Itherieiry,whi,11 must eat; forth thr toe!, was seen by the !hip A. M. Gifford,
. every lyucet person. Many, very luny beund for the Sitemeadoat.
the inhaliitsnia are ileperting the place alto. -
troth., ; ,,ary Too Wen MOTIllta -Artemus Ward gets
, numbers of the Constantinople -reeidenee, elf the knowing, paragraph : (tor halls&
: The French atearner which left yesterday wa..1wellere,P°1 tc.° 'el" mother ol their me1°•
so crowded that the ie-,•erite were obliged te
refuse tickets, a:though a very large boat. I came home to die,' '.. MAIN_ ,f 111 the battle
Awe. Thus we have "Dear Mother, I've
" Mother dear. 4) Pm, foe me,"
I am afraid that during the last two or three °the' night we belted an Ithlelio Etili°Pian
my. lja:Itith3eLe-hoilernam li'U'rrgireat'l'Iririeriehaasiteli.annerin / ''''''Weri?l'at' a letter to my Nether," he. The
1,r on edit deily, although. fur fume region dreamt'," lest es thnuen idle would do it
days the caies must I•sive 'attained the number • min"' b,leat. "Molher, hi'. ine m m7
ot Other. the lomil papers do out give the ;
number rif attacka. The mortality hi kbeet 1 mot her IR a good thing. Without motbena in
until he swathed the cork from his hut. A
a:11,t1h,0„u3;s,pet.rmeeedna,,y4„i,,t rearma,.h.7501..0„, kere, - tact, life would be ariplessant. Ilto why sing
that maternal parent's merits so persistentl e
me in one s elry verse 14 hy not vary
Respite of _the Murderer
WIneor. I thing, anti oreasinnally produce a fattier or
I two ? It wn meet continually lung about est
17001.1os, let no by all 'means give tbe " elt1
From the London Star.
tuan A chance.
TF.rine good people who have been looking I
1 It wits ft curious freak of the late tornado
forward for nome time,vrith grim satiametion
te the enyoyment of a eeneation today, will
P uffer a great dieappeintment. Charlotte
Winsor, the proteseienal murdem of innocent
infanta, har heen•retirieved almost at the lent
moment. Everything hed been prepared for
the raticution, which was fixed fte the early
hour of emit' o clook this morning. The
,„,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,i .„,,,,,,,, bee Nen preached i the erime, and in that condition stretch.
eeeffied Led been conetructerf; the bolts Anil ed by the nheer toree of wind.
been adjunted ; and the " drop," 0 is ..i,t, It l4 l'wid that 0 il'iter hu been ''''11e° b7
,tensite.ds,...d ;th•isuil,e0ratft,n, tthheetkihrgorrisampliahrdadahue.enn A member el' the tenglieh paella Tient, and /A-
AA 5 plblie executioner ie not proof againot drnilliftil to Oeneral R. E. Lee, nffering him a
report's eays that Mr. Calcraft fell ill. It was oplendid reeidenee m an exceedingly eligible
I e I A I At It 18 proverlindly heir to, and so
indeed very doithehl whether or not he would portion 01 London, and a ram of money, the
be able to element all to '' perform hitt Mee. interest of which would support him and all
lions." tireat. in consequence, waa the eon, would leave the relied Modes and take up,
his family handsnmely for life, in cam he
vientstents, upon ono of whcm the terrible task
sternation of the Acting Under Sheriff end his hile;i4;17;eNienwEl7lorriabvil:rat and some other
if the " espertenerd bend" they hod emelnr• which are now beeireing an common there
American papers trace the gigantic swindles
elf hurts the enlprit would .have devolved,
to paper Mnney. NO doubt the effeets of the
ed hod failed them. Arrangements for the oter-isime have been very (limit...Ina, and wie
due reception nf the execiitioner had been have only eommenced to see there.
mede within the preciecte of the gaol. Ili*
had.beea provided -for Mr. Calcraft ,is; ao peeillf-ata OIT11:aN, rellroirita7e:wiek "'Pe"' *Idle"
bed had been nottle,and the :lent and tobacco •seept ion, report favorably on the crop prom
that met
for hie fear
garret nwnt
bed extemporix a preeentation oapper
nee Dr. Almon, who has been a leader of the
Confederattio in Halals*, and who made him-
self' notorionsty conspicuous in the steamier;
Cleempeek affair, and Who also sieed the ea-
eape of the pinto.. after they had thorn arrest.
H. it will he remembered that the captain
rif the pirate Tallahassee nubliely thanked
Dr. Almon for &eminence rendered that craft
while there, after being ignored ny the British
At two o'clock, p. m., cold wee Armee
There is searerty ef rub gold te, slight
opecalation in hamlet higher quotations
in Minneaota, that it stretched the telegraph.
wires sixty feet. - When found by the repnin
er, the wire, though disconnected front any
mem battery, was en charged with eleotricity
thet it communicated a severe 'Moak nineteen
hour! after the storm had passed. is sup.
oiled that the wire wu so overcharged as to