Huron Signal, 1865-8-17, Page 3')(4• AllaaaUc Callao
The Orcat Eastern Wrn seas last beard h'o.
un'tbe 2nd inst., at noon. :She had the '
paid out 1200 miles of tltu cable, When
insulation o axed entirely. She Wait in
ate deepest water at the time. Grave
I; are were entertained that the enterprise,
had f'uiled. We cannot be kept long in
Lake Superior 9oatSunk Arrival of Ike Cuba. THE MARKETS.
Detroit, Au,;uet 11, 10:30.a.m.
Propellors Pee/able, hound down, slid
Meteor. bound op, collided on Wrdeeedey
e rening, uu TLunder Bay Lake Huron. -
The Pew:rbic sunk io three minutes to deep
kteporta as to In of life vary ; probably
n ot less then 75 lust. The Meteor is auto•
leve 1{111sais cr.-Wm Jehn.ton, whore•;jurcd. Both bouts belong to Whiting l
1..14 died recently under such pecular circuul- i Co.'s Lake *wetter Line.
sluw.g, bas volut taaly given Limarlf up to , Th" alwve are duo mrrnifiee it steamer.,
and have oeen making regular excursion trips
• th • autherllies,aud nil: be committed fur trial,
- m.0 Jouba. to Ir'ie Suterinr, one leevo,g IMired Peery'
• --. _-_ (Tuesday. They are Owned by J. T. WLitieg
WAWA NOSIII. I L Co., Dutreit, and the Pewabie was meld
1 charge of Cu;14, Ileoree M.Kay. Mort of the
Barts Bcassn.-On the night of the 10th' pawingeia were...1 Detroit.
:ort.. two Oar.. and a firm conn.eting frame I IlaCoNl UIrr4Ta•L.
at, the property of Thos. A{new of j I)etrui 4 An g
usl 11.
Waaano.h, were completely destroyed by - The eolleion hctween the pmeellon Pewit:
•I re. Oa the dry previouo to the fire Mr. A!n.w 1 Iic and Meteor r rvu• half Meet d o'chock
had jute finished putt in; into min of the bents • "u 11 I ..duv evening, aix mate from the
iIl. crit of lilteen Beret of fall whey which' ahure. 1 hr 1't•e':ihie wrI r(rucffori ler puri
r ti 1 bow, just Idler the pilot Lnuee; and sunk in
.feeurse we deetrt.yed with the barna. A three or four urinate.. The boar were run
new threshing machine in one of the berm 1 fling at fuel se, ed and struck with .urn leree
we. alt Mime!. The fire is said to here Ieene es to crush o0 the entirebow lit tee 1..v&Oc.
Ae the 1, to tri tl.• uvci,lrur it .vas ecartrly
causal by at i sceu,)iary on eccnua .f time dark a'd the bort+ sew t•neh other sit minas
rivalry ltbeut thrashhu. mscbine,. Itappears eipail: ah.•n are,eelling '.lav eerllanie.l
\tr..ltnew ha 1 e thresh.; mn,haue end it aftnift, nntl the Pi..., • a• hue off In pair, hut
i1 aa'd that a,nne "I' Ills ,ielthhun, who I the Mete.t-, Iona some career a, yet urtrx;lain
n! , had m 17h1ne1 boG'•e he int his, ed, turned in the saute directi•.n tifi struck
w incense.' et him for goatee one, the l'ewxhic. ' A numl.erwere killed M the
t Corm
n i nr that ae
I , ,,, r of t h,y,•r cat 1
and t i a i erg he• :few a rr 't.m••e•l
• I11'1 Ilm nd 0 f Nee l
L'rU/ 1
1 7
I •. "f
rc+r ._ J
threatened to he q
at nuc time•, lh .m hoard the Meteor lefun• the Prwnhicseek.
h im. I cannot sly bo* much truth there The Isle boats were at wire lowered from the
may he in thea1lry; but such is the way that Meteor n.:d picked up those who were not
the ori''ele er the Kee is nccu'ae 1 1''r Mr• carried down with the wr.:0. There w^rc
.1'•nnw ie one of the oldest settlers to Fast 173 •o 200 p wen^era on the Yea'abir. Ilse
Wiwaosh, and wit hithorto supposed to ,mates of 75 p.vseueer/ end 2:3 if Ihe clew
hove no enemy capa'.:e of amine hits web' saved, are known. The lo., of He refuel
grevinus harm. 1{w u cunei ferry( • very rnr currently 'Iwc,•rtainee yet hat wet lo, near
ren,ertabieun. Thn buil•hn.n d.tetroyel ' 1011. The >L jeer rentainvd Lear tie seero.
were df A saperinr claws They were ,'genrtj of tyle digester till usury, 111 ihe. hope ,J
In the •' 'Jeerer " or r000l . for 11.1,0, I'f ticking up any pets... that merle be 'till
which it it loped will cover It s hose. eeating on feeder of the'wreek,but none were
Township Council of Wawanonh are shoe f send. A. the prolrr•Ito- Mohawk was pnasln:
offering a reward for the diocovory of the l• n, ih • t sfr d I h•
ow esu.vtvun Were rw•e •• ro u r
r.,cen•liary.•I f the Meteor end hreeeht to this rite. ; ulttii he anivea in We
1 J
Icomae. I her trip i iake sit.,' . , , The growth ..fthe \opulation of the British
arid wit made nn it mual M 1
'hild,en a l.dn,ird 1.ev,. ,. 1 move) C et : • J tin• great Inn)or.J \ t til • Tom i:wenn of
• •our clawing of .1.m,matter, but I Louis Streams Quehec t Mee 1.. Nanwal.n, • •r lith .lmencn, -Alis . •i., and the United
1.C', W. ;John ken, remade; J. M.' Itur)rse. 'sotto. lima Itriti ,n ...Id leeltr,1 have
' u of spirit over mol• I an. Hemiltun ;- he Barter, CenrJ:it ('her. et. et .shed upend, of :or 006,00 lit' people
The flowing are the name, of p.seent•.•t''elalds during the Iwo a Hundred and fifty
Irom Cee In known to M. Int : 11',1.• and leer
T5I at LaiTie CA al.t..-14.111aytul LOaf -
carat 1.tyww Y.
Sandi ((Dolt Aug. 9 -The Rotel Mail
M'•anaship Cuba arrived of here at d.30 this
manure, bringing Jae, of the 2916 and 30th.
Lirernool, July 30. -Cir Queenstown.-
Seveu buudred tutlex of the Atlantic cable
peed nut. One hunted' end fifty yesterday,
when Moulmein au lost; Cana/ unknown.--
I'urtber purtice:we had .,u1 transpired.
(tee. Breckenridge. rx•rebel Secretary of
IVnr, arrived et Southampton !lana the West •
The Great Eastern lysed paid out 3,0 nau.
lard radio .f ruble 011 Ile al'teruuuu of the
2v1!. ; etg.els cowl.
The American Government having plated
an emlake w a eargo of cotton shiepeJ from i
Navane, to Mr. Boileau, Confederate agree i
i.t leaver ol, the case wax carried Into the
Court of CIa.eeT). Vice-Chaneillur Wool
'ran. his decision, reeo;nia'n,t the claim of 1
the U. S. (•oreniment to He cotton, but cowl
r 1•,.
• tee ;. r ;stormof • a•• r 111 Y ePln l
.de tee a lis
1•. Government r•e w et Ihi 1wt.r•e (i or rem nt mrd
t e 1 u
Ihr,n renL w6itb might be Lidding uynn the
t'.S. as streetee1 to ILP Confederate Ger
erten+M.11e mdurrd that l:nllreu be remitted
1" be receiver to 1Lecitoewhich would enable!
liim(tn dispose .fele• eolt.. and pwy all pr,•,
leo charges, he girt: serarity Inc 120.000
leg.,. the a•nount whielt wuud probably Ile
found abs"Irately the property 'of the United
States. The quitted! of IM entten was 1
abe.ut Lem' hales. The Army awl Navy
I}asette eyelike upon the possibility of En_
:and heing iarulred in rhe regeaHng war in
the Platte. Or, Pritchard, the poisoner, was
nal melte termer* of im.
Guo Cameos, rntt err ee a
d V
1. e
re . n n of th r, ter near. The u lam t e
elrJere at .etc end,ia. is cul.Ermed. Melee
stuffs quiet but .inn ly. 1'ro..uua steady.
feud holders dengue! an ,.Jrunee.
The choler. hos 1., lei i, out in Birminitham I
Irr_e numLers lit pauper* are ,laid to have 1
been rtCtc;ed.
Mr. 17. Suonu, Stern, employed by the',
fti.v.1. of •lett: Davis to obtain a s eel tris!
Gtr the prl,ouer, has been informed' the
' Government, in reply to An app.:r'Ylwa he
I not t ,to be )ermined to see Davis. that no
11001,1/ 0111 he aliment to him- by camel
6m •tun•
-- 171 Iete'r, was but a irony injured, an
Interestin° Items.
res' ,1e th?
'sal to •d• •n pt by
but by _tithe Calm dorm
4•r., l Iwr C
•i oil will nut yield its biJtkn hi,
heart it• pr« 1 •'siraw hna famish
Loa We shad I, Mammy,{, fere,
h4"etrtnt, rrarlle, wear and .4:16 ass. bat 11'. McClure, ('anwtc
n•. vinery. .t Ie the /trite of else wit • la. Nu more l rnw1M
: 11: ,1. Itrr.J, C. 11'. ; t tlmr,e et.eoutatites, and ret •b. 'forme eopmla
John Jwutie•son CameCametion, elects vuA tet doe yr T f700sete1s vo-o
metro kuuwu to 000 aid et I-110. t„ y 1 f.1N1,EOtt- 1, now
1 r,wa,rdtof .DL0011.I000. 'E'.hw ibe it,ieise
Levee. i 1. hate'Iouht.d their preen cion twice in
tine hundred and sixes Ogee ar,. "entree. in
' '-tise.ter 1700, r"nteieel 11,efee,(Nt"
Lc toil.
t)' . Portueueee sheem•ker used to gtve
hu wife a....'re-febreine every month, owe , sat tier r11t•ame
before be went to coniesamn. On laws uk-
rJ the recon of thl. proceeding. 1 replied, Detttoile
that erring s lever meroyry; he tu.,k this
I u rwfresbin it se h..r•if.. aLdc an.
m t owl ( •)(
de•tomt the d stigatimi wit sure to routed
hen of ell his sins.
ter There are three pants in the ea ,may
it pie.a your honor," amid the eounwl, tin
the fite piece, we contend that the kettle in
das,wte wag croaked whin we htrrewed it;
.erond'y, 'het it wee wh„ le when we returned
it; and thirdly that we neverbid it."
no 'I wy. Pat," na •I s Y.tekee. " Witt
.1 n,'t you sac tit.% R ti;.',.l c,,rpt-alien f ,c
eemeeee you here teetcr•lee Bo;h of y •ur t l It Pre.uknt
oC It •tt ,it
ug le , Initial. in Lek). 27.:titreete. and in 1401,.
The strainer Meek, of the lute
Line,the stone 1Lxf , Ide•J l 1 lei
h}efoa W'eduesdee Mete, ceeei..; a free
bee* of Fife. het 11,.071 to:,'twrd the fee- of t
rneott..nete .te enter. On Feidsr commie
sheIOth iota., wi l.e ill St. el.try..cane'
heorleeh•o Ue.k fire ane as scuffles! i:'
Ives ,tees .a,t 1 all I bat.
o No l I /
seek. d lym
tat. of the puseneers wee The wreck A
les In about 12 feet of water. Fite fortieu• tie' N
laetl urt,:i
'yet re,red. [loth the Meteor awl: t' Put
101)'ewnbia be:oaged to the L Superior 1 trial
me. awl were owned by J. T. %ra iting lmiliary
_ ee n line lint
IOIiU o i t.
a eri I I
. n hundred
I ten+' tee row owe u d
uu nal. nnN 14I
Ia; NtldM1 elf T.a.n nl(b n t i hen t ne bit!
tittle in the way of eel. ..s-eUuo. lee weer
• E:erute:rn Seers shoe a eery spow Mile r1
iiWeeee' in.feet we M Mere that one or tee
Gentiles'. August lady 1865,
Our market continues eourperatie• ly dell,
owing no doubt in part tn the farmers being
too busy to attend, totetbnr with the lowness
of the prices offered. The (011uw}ng. We the
corrent price:
Spring it heel,......,., .$0 00 (oi 0:85
1.11 Ju ..0:90 lir 0:95
(rats 0:00 tip 0:37.
Flour , , .. 5:110 (n, 5:50
Barley 0:43 (.4 0:50
Etas 0:00 (u, 0:50
,Poul 015 Gr 0:10
.Sheep ... ..... .iUll 4:UU
Impels ... ...2.00 eye 0.00
11 dee (green) 2:73 L' 0:00
hi tier 8:00 (n. 0:11
PctotDes , •.et..J •. 0,:40 (i!) 0.54)
11u.a1 175 Ie 0:00
1: ere . 0:00 (s) 0:121
(airy, new 'el teen 0:00 Be 7:00
On the I lth Met , Corabtlla (}rare, yeller 1
eat daughter of Thema.. and Martha Andrews, I
s;.d 4 years and ll wootlii.•
f; Alll" w..l I.. nal ., .ii fe I nolo.;p_.,1le
l' the C,untt •'1 Huron 1,4-11.e purpose tri tenths
Vit., At the village of Clinton on 'be e
third 1Vedneeday in the .,.tribe of Februsry, ' SliOES
May, September. sl,d Nvoembsr.•
Al Ilowiel Village on the meow' Tureeleyn
of the months or February. October, and
At'ft.lgtnre ml the second11'ed. eudnrs of
the same monde.
At Wroxeter on the second Thursday.+ of
the Moue months.
At Alnkyrille on the second Fridays of
the same worths.
In the 1'ill.geeef Dungannon on the third
Wednesdays in the Mouths of Maude June,
Oetoner and December.
1 o e, rya 1
the tint .1 1 I o
n h
nal E'rsn sen n
1 tlwto
March. June, October an 1 Decemhcr.
ire the vilts!e of Varna on IIA first Tuor
days of March, June. Ortolrer end December,
In the .'ills:. of Blythe on the last Tues-
day. of Jamar?. Mach nil Orteher.
. PElElt ADAelSON,
Cuur.tiea' Clerk,
r Zvi 3m Huron' l Bruce.
REPEATED inquiries having been merle
fur a gned and rellehle photoxraph like• i
nen of the late sifted Editor of the " Huron
.0 tee
. r bee begs m t •C4
. nal ' the su!we t
M fr
t Ldm,
t :. 1 the numerous run, rota
toll t tri routcn t
of I e'ute
Thomas McQueen
Securities Com
Successors to the Canada Agency As-
sociation of London. England.
LTA1.IN‘, woe,.d • In. 21. <npple orhma.. aro
now prepared to Inure mutt,; d1 1111pn000
tarot land,,
Teat he can (urn:+h an excellent trate era F'or 8 Coy 8 poll a2•as.
tier" ,r♦ the aeon.. at the low rate of , .: n nxs a.J other wnnrn: l i . apply 111
20cta Der copy, or 6 copies for $1, 1.
Sent to ray 'Muer-postage tree -on receipt I't rr'•rl -
uf price. Address !'Ji '.•. 11.ra1 to ranee Nn':anrr• Vouge and
T. J. MOORi1OUSF W's'llinee tree, Terme.
Or tut' !ME:4 W 1l)D1:11, E:wp.,
e C Later ser la, Cern!^ny,
Totomus 114 :7. INV,. 'w 9dawaus
l}odurich p. u.
(Federici), August 10, leeee. sw119
ALL peraoneeee teemed.' ,.
against purcitee
Int three proatinury mem, dated niteut
' the 23rd 1,1carr June, sed made by 1Vil'in
Marne and William l':ortor, itt favor
MAI .1
r n
t l n t (,.le aY'
Ihoru .l m a, C t.
Yates,55we ',are nut eccr•ised value
W'x. l'1tO1' fU
Manana;*, .111:u -t I lt:t, leer,.
'sated Counties of I p 1' Virtue of the
Laron and Bruce, - a) 1'"ar'r vested in me
1.r, nit:
b'j'°tbe credents of
Ju..nh ConelanJ, nn Insolvent, under QM
r will
,1 - . n a assignee, 1
Insolvent Art for ober c
offer for sale farm lot eleven. in tie
tit th ebitees,i,u of the lt.wnship of How irk.
in the Gmntrol Huron. which land 1 shall
offer for rale at )L \1 -..edam, Hotel..Ilowiek
Vi!lacr, nn Meoday, the twenty third day of
October next, atthe 'l.pur ref lwel.e o'clock,
w:-bl As.ign..e.
w2:1 :w
I TIIE cr„Stww..01 ,
I 1i. me.t at K. W A
inn M..ulat tltr
res, are 1.1 ed
tr H t l: It.w •L
•In .15.' t Archon. at
1(. pour •.f Dae u' r k p.., . 4.n qtr pirr3. w
let co,: nc eteteeee H Joe• atAm. .nJ ,.a Lt. .
an nwt.r tee It, wt., lee eiay make .,o naw 1a
w rt,IIWS re in straw gime.; , wrut meter al 1e AA.
- - , PE:tFl: COOKE.
tial. dee; strh (roar Washington to IL•wm k 111 ' ha 14,5.
Y'lrk New.,t :-1 '1111 p,rrpnrel _
v a.... t'wn•,1
'E: travel lout.the T
est all tpecrdra-•n conc.•n,int the . `TN tl Th R
gra .n' (Arcot,. r. tar 111 it n•littn. to _ ('edrrt•h rt'nil'lw'• week, nae.. t•"l •'t
none, 11.11. 1 p.',sitiv.•;y ay.•,•i it r *U....,gran .ail; :row .11 gra) wait
1,•,•.,•, t .otter, a Imre. we, a ;ate w'btetwait lono
'trn.n her
der; 1••d tont lir.
Leg's broken all 10 vn rah: sue them ter Memo
1LhvisMuth on,
•es," "Sue item f.r .ioni rte., eh boy ' 1 e' -- -""fie' 1. nt-t=l.m, n 1 .the
Love d emate vnot.;.h all ratty : CIi see them E •''• Vat I t 0104) ,1t 1st. -7 h lint and ie,nly erg 5,. that
. tar repeirs." (1 i. ) Herald 1 Aa;. 5 hat the t dlowia$• i who tore for mitre 1.1,
1lachael ;1.:71ti John Cranky, E'ramtii Mc j l reri reedtee',ted.l
A horrible statement has horn nand' Cu,mick cul John O'Hara,, emrdoyed in l
{ trie.l, lit errutltAatt w J.
rev the cutietry.
' IWrnet ,n 1: r r r d, were !twirl alive yea..., i
whichso many ttg o .fiat,. wap he um'••a-
anle foPtbe livin w Miry tee Icn,I, and the day wlrerne,. 1 y the rarm,t m •nal t , gr.,u,k i
'f about a.mi:r r.'pmV1 of Pittstinl. I Le, . ,.\ vt:at mme•...•..w end" ..f sen s. Mei
tram had been partly Laxed, when tt bream `
teeeenery t, mote it a little. White this w'
Nat d n., e,; ht lir len of the own *00.
her enl.ged In Ioabm1 the cars-.At•.i ,
A TEACHER for School Section, No. 2.
Township of Hay, holding o first or
...teed clues certificate from the
ee•hoo1, or felt tease Coulee Board. .1
li<.a•rnl .nLtrr wi 1 bit given. to commence
tht, first der of Januar. 1.G'7, Tcatimonintt
• t n character wiil bent required. (.
a t
antInns receriut•d ne to the ath of October,
, .5.1! letters prepaid.
fun e. rusml w,r•tt• bwtie. •Auv pr
rawu styug,..
moo' tint ' q, ,rwRn their-rm....tory well .
dint be has twee ()«e,. . r.• oa,.y re'warded., met., lett lett at tele el- - - iL•Iterv1111• 0.0., l umn 1 "'way
'mow t, the Itwucas, t'' 11';: lief, .te'uat 7th, 1d6.i. w2"1 -3t"
And murn,ver I 'SCA.)t• klt..
8VI1.1.I:1M C,1S},
Owl by • m: ,tilt' con• mf;w r , t ;.. :tr y and i re:verve.
•I1/ riokr.:... Ang. ti. leo: ' . •-'-31•
'nal ha w:lt never loo
- - _
be permitted ✓ PEACHES, MSLONS
brit tuadreal protea+ w , r rt4n l to ar p .0 d,.
wh. 1. agars will v get the elwnlri from n r ,---- e•na _on II a 1 'and pe
people 5141 N.eosae w owl to the stench of
'the dead bodies that they will not notice It.
(•...1 qunk•r amid tr. s gunner. " Frieed.
evened no hloel....1 but if it he thy the
ere oceur•el u, leen, last ee,eL. A )L-,.
Bret re,i Jas nut her Irr.der. 11, . nili.t I
)' n t week t r were ' n P in tee 'ewe '
,,, r ,tilt to different pule .f it. !Wtine le m..
een fn hit the little man to the blue lecke, a ebnrt tisanes Iron wee., had en at i ....1.. the gal heard A bit liar crretnl nap l
prim thine engine three inches lower." work, an'I••r a high l enk which p tiecheI ; midi,. ant wen neatter saw hem standing in the d t
p • Thos, Morison, dram mein, ot. the t!iem from the hot run.. Th) me. n; ears. doorway
wa•of low e was a tomo tTrie girl b• lettere') Aarandi
`'6th liege.. bra been rorg.,,, Jnr...d rad l,, the hank, s .0. earth `` i
i• like sveelmch. 4Nk«•1 him t t set her n J,ink of water. hal •.
1 tete air a cam i in n heron • the t lir urn 'wont"' to drptt" 1:0 •
1 'upon 1 I}neer 'n'" anu:'I to anal tet it henlll. I
h trial f1 a u t rape ' n "ern" '1•01e up n them I .
fret .tun Kia y A.,:natt'girl in the family
- The robber 1 ontelie,ely swelled hack int.) f J. D. McKAr, E, ,• es wenn Ii,.'t. iecei others very m 1,0 ,siP o- nal I
1 o(: tt. tett. Tee ie..' rt abuul ': I0'. ant -r, :end •le psns.J ,•l..e to him, but
,i eb di a m root the boil were n,t•nll reco. ( did net jet h •n know 50..2.1..' had peen him,
-" Td whin Goo Chatree, a f.0 C.
stn Tn future rvcry ¢Doug, old an `tea lint.. n .'.lock. ow' :: to the rand eon. She teem t to ler bmtJ.r s moor, woke hjm
he u , ICritt 1nW hila alit there was a atrsnge
elm., •M fop it could P
hn in+to ,un in m r t
pr t' Roe ( u
+t The slice ser r brought to P
m tit.• me
reveres, L
currency, a
all the n••rry
The .ply
or tote. cur
has rewind h
rt LRens tomo way ,t( retie .man in the hoot, Tor erether atter« red
h. Brea antenna. t. Here Ftp ser shoveled ' on . 0010 t
t of an eufanripelyd population of this v,H.s,re 2102 ere tn; mod Je,i'•ie,nd to tar to. captore tar hgrtlnr✓i;n' (riled. 11., how
int un '1 I h beetle .( the dee nerd, Fra'm'e, M 1 wick ere?. 1 lit Ir , .hots In him and the fellow was
der military lee.
sea lye driven o4 wit henry A..f lender.
u recr•Jcnled' *•wrt:,t o"f {sages T were w IL',•e rhe dun; J hri 1 wne.r H
en pr r
ie•a, -,,.,I I. .ny r-tmF.rta, of /1 ' I h b' eve, *ere
urrencr now le • weeplmtls
n• r, and but little or ihnt
eren free. put in devolution."
TIll:' 1..11: E Yl1O1t'1.'
'1v IIF. ,n' -Coban Lra t„ return the r wamerM
E tir•nl.,othelad'r+otli,.h•rirh mod e,c'n•j
their M•. ',horrid .•:np.n in emelr',n1
ii.., w,th areas. and A•'..'.. Thee wilt sn
t: a•P•thn n the h,10r51 p c . es offered 1,1
Received this day
Re•ainiog itt the
"rd *ague, I.dJ,
A tabor,• tLolks
Aam John u
Alexander Juh!
Roy,l John
R.'urrr 101111
Delete J0bn Ann
Brody lubuuh
W Leb Main
Rehm,. rater (t)
)ar.wn 11'11.
heard Keene
llruwu MU..
Campbell 51.1.5der
'ampere Dowel
Curry Ua.' al
t'tena,lry 1L A.
Catalina Ururos
Collin* Hannah
Chapman IMatt
Collie James (2)
t.n.'llry J.
11.1. N.
1'dc ret...-
Comae, W M, W.
tenser Ilrxhra't
Ihc•kenn,n lieu.
Bs't.0 1 W.
Derneey Margaret
Mott Arch'l
E:nah.k 51,.. W.
Earn W dna ,
Eldon Won 1.4
pre Hannah
Penn Mary
FnxyerdJ Rob„
amen Mn,
tx(eine sem.
...damn W':n. (2)
I nada n. Elle.
Witt M
rk' E.
Hwlbe v
Bong• Wehum
Ilauth ry Arthur
1 -- r r -•r '
Oth.{ur., 18•.,., ser 1
• s t a st "1 7•
• . 1 Ap
u i 14.1i lit L
Tomatoes, : pales, Pears, Plums,
dtc. • c. &c. at
t t 1
)Fest side .f . ,n$vt Philtre,
r:,e11.F 1.-11.
tie.!, r.. i, Au, 11:,1141 .1.00
N.., n w.,. r! miter two, et: be y er .e.
wnuarried. 'flee Idler.
Tete To Eases PAVING TAIrs.-Tt i.
.. _...-_ wood.• al Low law'b ingenuity is ecpend(J
• [n' A riot mein*:
on l'ueel,y between IL
hthorers employed there.
called out ,aid geed' wane
n 10 1,'nred rata wound
. Fd'teen of the regrow wee
lime Creek, V...
white - ane black
The military were 1
the rioters, killmR
ing many other
to ell to 10,
p The Marquis and
Drogheda. lately armed from
pleamire tour through Cane
Kingston by train
neon, and took postage on th-
port nn !blard:.1 morns ,
the Thuu.and islands and
Si. Inwrnce.
nese f
m F nc
ds the S • tea,
on 'relay a P -
f• A trip through
re Rapids of the
And . ort made to evade rhe. [lym, nl of gree.
er, .1.1.t taxes and internal revenue. Tier
rmesiuner of Internal Revenue of t e.1'nited
tame ,ren iveededy m irrge number of epee.
m-ns.f the devkr,,mect.auva ar'd othersiw
gathered sell. the review. eullectnre and ns-
Iessore throughout tint tounir'. J. the ■rbc!•
of notches .lune there are J'n+•us .f
.p-Cimens presented. the. eec. teed l6. other
Joy is a ,Ioubl...rldt, match. nearly twice us
lung en the ordinary match. with ...kelt end
dipped in the ph.nphnre remove, 'fee cote
smearbreak each of thu,e double melees in
the middle• and he has two matches fur nne,
be tax n1 Due cent for all ptckages cf not
re that. n htniteJ. By the double -ruder
. s -m the dealer pays xbnut half the. Quern•
ecu tax intended by the law. Another
lohne'e Tomei,
lewd. William
KI n Dunshi
Ken teeter (1)
h err I arc
Keir S. , Vee.
Kere.•::e. ,.
Latour Ener
i t,..' John
Lovett Jahn
l.e,ge Jo.epl, .
Morn., Ifni rel Myra.
Mu..tiell Henry
Mdrnnis„n este Jay.
M War Janne.
MLa1rr Jxma•,
(i. de: it h Y nit 4 titer
tl al*ler.1 a e r.•,
Moult..,. Mr.
tlseornpon n.
Muller :i.
Mrlune. 1).
rrpos.W D,
74,C.(. enure
McNabb Ja..
Mtltonstd Jame•
M,dMndd tun. (2)'
MrMolrt Reber,
M. Donald Iteusid
Mete')re S.11.
Steller Rube K.
1d., Joh■ (2)
e'W,ta Jubnt
Pb.hl.• A. i.•
1'..., Hndmet
1's, s. J, I.n
fere Nal hoed
J L.
Pr.. Lena, ft)
I'rn.tlrmn Mr,
Yarwe M
l'.nw Wuhan
tl..1dv A.
):.rolls Antoine
ItmcMnund N.
R.•w• tel ThOn,ns
Il teethe Wrlltaar
froth Ann..
ru,lerla,.d Angulo
Moen level
t4•hwars 'entry H.
Fir wart Mn. Juba
Shea frena
fb a
Ntew*r1 0,
e•at Jel,,r.
rwakty' Jane.
•e pub l rwnn
li.t. t Mer,
ort, :'Lott.
Teomesun A. A.
etevru. t;.rt.t:ubrat
Thuu.,un Jo,
hum p,.nt Mn. Sarah 111
Timm. !horn
'!tett Wot.
1'a,trd Plate, Consul
W tl. to Alu'r
Wee.. D. (t!
1t II,U„ Jut.,. [21
W.,rtout aih.r
111,uu Jurah
to N.
(31Ya1's W.
TILE: Subscriber Iles received n few bundree
dollars in loan on impr iced farm,.
Interim ite•derate, and chareea reasonable,
Oil r,l,•r. A r I,,.t•'nri,. C.01"
t'' •. (Ilii, oyer the Post l)fiice.
N. Il.- lea timehaving money to invest
. lie
few good applies. -
and a-
C. 1 I.e'Cwna
ated with a f
'1160 l V•,• II I P
10 (.4, or g.wl 'su,o . d* Soap. `,It Soap i
Meow. on han<$2 perbarr,
t 1 raga•). toad I Conitewtd.
ft1G1!Tlr1ARNI' .
..tenth, Jul)' 1025.1eveas
Nolico is Horeb Given
Td1A7' appliellinn wiil he ma to both
branch,. of thy I•ga,lature oe }e Pro
rine of their t1 tt sitting w bars the ewe,
Wawa r Or w0
11 w divided 4• f m
. ' . • t,A,sn d
h1 u
'seperatr )Inmctpalitics. to M called "E.
Waw synth tend West Wawaanrh," re
! .....
- - - .pert vele, 0.e dro:rimg lion t. be M twten
! ! ' ' s"" . ( ltiU nurnlr ed twenty erten ,ed twenty eegltl.
1 Luning weir le more don Cerops t ` w , , _ . .r' . e, The epphcatien eel • he mode by 1e•ot1 n, nt i
a 11•,ek of s ee. ase a or. te it m.or•. II, the )luwcipal 1'un:mait, and neer them ban
dred and ninety of the electors of the seid
1' pleasant story a nett of • fellow •.
.n id e mea is to the
indud'y of 1 ndgW"" 150 LABOURERS
web: inln n,,.rn merle t, and placing him., 'W L.1 ..i.`0.1 i .1
1 . the Benet tb-wet thei he might be seen
by hutch. re. 1.'Po. to gig"' wide his jaws and ' rls0 work en the 1411,., T, n•nr anti other work.
teen in a format atoms-; ; when (so greet u 1 1 of the Er'. end Ntegaa'leeway, Higher 1
the power of .ympathe) the whole bf the I wages tt.'a. Aptly a the Meow ,•f
hutehere ns levy stnoJ to their shambles,begat ISLA. (f E..L at ELLIS,
A list R 18&i aw!17 i1 hll
to gars• nod yawn lit Cul/Cert. . ( s - ' -- - _ - _,..._.
That tele, whether true lir false, M etpis. • yy
eatery of th wllueuce of an idler -rn those LAND tw r a e
within his /.Fern. The. indnnirinue .itis.• 1
who •teens hie neighbour lolling induleat-y in
hos porch,beg0u unme•liatiy to draw envious
compere... •' Behold," tenth he ; "mine is
a life of When I toil, and I sweat; but yonder
mon, who is sot richer thorn 1 am, ptenaintly
l_ at itf a ek el' t e latehe .,' .' i ;7e b6$i' evader gets p lase [meagre et tom. I'a".eth awry, his,limcr ',tiding the cures and
htucka n`h..ut thyro niches long bort of lh. ,q.wtitdrn ul tLe wield from him, with
I. Ih die found by the sn oke (ram a cigar. for in old tobacco pipe
Mrough disconnected from ibeeolith of etches, one edge leen;( dipped 10 (will nand dot likewise."
Ibultsh .man : bovine ?wen mode ill the due payment (here
7, sees chnr,(ed with else the phosplt is mixture. Three l rcka L,• tlnu 0.4,, Io tier nut. of), will be anld nn 1Vedne,dav, the 2Gth .lay
that 1 .!"r Ib' ted a severe *heck penemiestee 'ndling "rood, nod interne' the in the midst of summer when the meri.linn o1 Jnly, .5.• I)., i126.1, rt lwehe o',nnnn,
h• re doer lbs ,Dorm had passed.- Purchaser that 1 he desires ' them mil loffon- nye orate sax upp,nt, by ns intense hent the a' the Auction Mart of George M. 'freeman,
p hlhat the wire wane, O•ercMrg' whole a• keel er.wtao., a ho is there tent dm in the town of Goderrch, the follnwin'
ro pert . that 'i. 10.x1 : 'Lot footle,., in
not exo.erirncel ILC act• mot 4:1 .1nn idler u D 1 r y
h I sl .1. " 1.'." cti.d rmicrs Don I;, in the wwnehip of (}t,deriehl
cj- ft wee a cute
nd. m Minneeeyse
graph win. sixty
repairer. the sea
Any men hat
Ti ie s11
ed as
BY virtue A Power of Solo contained in
• ,M9rtea a ,rale be Meelahon of
the town,b.p .f Goderich, 111 the County of
townehijt of 11' ewarmsli.
fly order of the Cnnnetl.
1.1S. SCUT'f, Tp Clerk.
June 13th. IOC'. w22t1
i BB nlssnhip brretuter, reveler in the
Tow M l('sh•nF►. urdrr the itis 01
SAX/RV a V19, has been ,bsul.rd hr umuma
oaler,ch,27th Ju , 165. 27 .'.w9a
All Prntms.a re Notre nd .A,rl•,Inte bolo _on,
10 Ole Isle lirin pure hen • IJ•'eml o, the $,tire'r,-
ber'. hont fur euON•tIwI lit+mars payuleat
Mutt Lou muck..
J. 0, 0. 1)410.
Huron and Province of Canada, (delnolt triune ace
6dlench, 27th Jnit', 1oG3, yew even
come red hoe ender that condition
naso he eno do sn any netmeet by whntianl
them off the kindling wood. 1t s nr•Ateo,
necessary to say that' y the terms of the 1e
ciaiou of the Cum,nt 'Goer of of Internal
Revenue, them evaders rnmnellyd to a
the honest tax nay fled y lase.-(11u0a1•
Ie loiter. In the a.. . . .
one " there is Lnwrcnef ,erred under the in the Comity of Huron, containing by ad.
Faarlly Murdered by Moro 1 y ehslow of y.nder bugthng ; dmoalem it oa a tneurtieement ten nine•. of land, more or less.
1111411lee•enrol and n•Irra6mg plata ; cline let w go
Terms Leib. Deed under Power of Sale.
- and sit wash lawtcuer." I'neudd thou cal M. C. CAMERON.
A private feller pet. nater .vert he s gentle w2ltd Soiieitcrfor eL itga e
, mea life Iholl hada litter minA thy beehive.
man of our acquainlaice,fmm a reliable parts
in Utah gives de details of the whole•Je
murder of a family of etc peter,, by a gene
of Rrieham Ymin es '• Deletes.' or '• drnlmy
ing streets." Our inform out watt inuntately
acgeaintcd with the mdortuuate victim., and
,syn that they had been the dejert of relent -
few eer,ecutenn by the hnrthren for
time pea. They hal WI been memeem of
the ei,nrl:h :n 4 ,011 atnnlin:,nnd familiar with-
al. onside working, of leithmaim. Imtter,y,
they had been nerioady tine; artom'd of dii. y
alty to the church, end went s rep'sed to be
making preparatiwlw to get out of the
territory, on event which the'' Aneels' wore
irwtrumed In prevent. es the people knew,aoa
would prubohly ay, eller leaving /,,on, man))
thiols which the good name of the church
would not prevent to he mod, public. The e
potties knew they were watched, and took
.tory precaution to elude the ragtlance of the
"Donee." They started oaten.. •ly Inr the
pnrpnse of eO*ngete thee reedenee 1.. the
eastern gide of the territory, but ,tally intend
gni to come 4011,. SIso', ad were Amon•
rimed by two youcg men who were not
members of the churl 11. When they hod
been out several days and were eneemle't in
a ninon fifty more from Silt Like, one nt
nnng's huhnp. coma 12 the camp. and told
them they nanny o,oro ,oma.+li,r•le naw they
wood ell he murdered M the Ind.,ns 1 they
were loth to start nt first, Mut the bishop in
sated, awl, they finally consented to toile.
him, He led them to a secure comping
glen," *eters] mi'ei distant frees the Moble
rand, tool tier. left them. The bd'uwing
night a comna,y of men, disguised es Indiana
rime 'Ir"n Me earn() and at dared every j
member of the party eteepl the ten Young
two who rrterned to the *elements and in-
formed the friends et 1hn family what had'
happened. Throe ttovrmenta may be relied
Spon r tree. We are in pwrenion of the
name* of all par'iee, but not at liberty to
wake the same politic. an the infnrm•n• if
:o'.wn 10 the "(kyitaa." would /hare the
tame (glee.-(d'i`ne, it Rtocts Vn.perve.
NARROW 7:aCAra Or Lame, THE Hoek -
d pursue an object intro estimable then
seat ELL- The *pretatms °rib. pea. emitter.. Jena,rc tad ease : that will be profitable to
rives by Ilene Ir.Lr, no his r•.pe nems, thyself, to thy fam I7. or 1, Ihe public.
N10,/1111,1 river, rester4ev, seer, tre.trd to is - --- -
u111,' epivale out of the usual routine, and F).neat. Cent re- 1'lowee to114 be used
.1, 1 timed iuteuecty t i the intetevt of the to mark the time of dry end night -nearly se
eahihnlon. A. the feinote rep...walker was failhtuily es the hands of a clock, thus :-
proneedm4 srrno, from the .1,nrrican adv, lettuce 60.'ete ern bit mix in the morning.
wnh a )'rid of eater in each hend,and another Shona of the water lilt at *even, of the pine
upon his head. Ms foot sapped, and it wee gruel at richt, At the marigold at nine, M
.ply by great dexterity that he woe enabled the Nrneolitsn m.uieold at len, of the star
to seise the rope and nate himse•IL lie of liethelehem at eleven. of the ice plant
de'opped the buckets of water in-th0 -wee* fleeter at croon, of the red tj.oge tree at four.
mens. and ewe content to pursue the remain- of the mtrrel id Pero at iia, of the black
der of hisjnurner nni.r•mN,ed. Leslie was and blue geranium at ser. of the yellow day
not rotten:arty ruffled by hie narrow rseapr, lilt et men, ,tfthe noeturn merignldeteight.
and allerweel re ermined Ihr ricer with peach nobs Meeienn perreehe at nine. The rainy
eaakr's anon hie fent. The wind AM leonine nnrigold can be used for a hammefer if it to
very nhnn t during the afternnon,.nd rendered going to be fine weather. its flowers open nt
his performance extremely htsarbuus.- about seven ie the mer'pin; ,end elite. between
(ITnmiltun Tums I lth, . three tied fon. in the afternoon:et it will rain
..--.......-ealwar during the day, they deet men at ell.
tee Hr. Kncelnnd waste. from Snnth
Re nne rein. thef011owin;,rake,tm), A Tem..t Ihst'e.vnn, Ar 1 owrrtr.-Let.
ire says th,t one day Met week, while las from Naples doner,le a temple or Ju to,
cutti•1 hs]) on my bac, Ian., 1 ,,limned a jest d.<eovered smnny the recent •vcaratInnw
Ierge hake gel it ander it hollow sumo. at Porn eeii. Three 'rewired skeletnna were
Conn further in•estitai.n, 1 (Dune nu dem found crowded *We,. the e.nri,a,, a pro
pitiatnry service h„ -in. evelently 1..n held
to the hour they were neerwhelmeel. 1'hr
statue of the go .dear with ata edtendant yN'a
cock, the lrprd in Iron, of the altar, the gel
then I32 snakes in the nelfmme stamp, of the
nkelet.n kind, (striped boned ways), 129
young ones, and three enormous old ones.
- - den censer. the jewels nn the person of the
How To TRAM I'ONAToti .-To Ir+tin the priestess, the rich tremolo holding t/ae deposit
tomatoes, knock • finer betted to ptmes, take of animal blend mer the mein nertirnl:cm
one nt the hoops nod two of the at •••*, short, dwelt nn. The erg of .Imm were of the
en rine end "(them, and nail the other mete moat ,1•id .names, Mr gnaw. IUM her wh•,le
Io the npp/aite side of the hoop, al in over person rtehly derrentrd with rad trinkets.
iia plants, dere in into the groend. The her giwdr had minlm4rnt with a eluaer of
glitte,ing gems, ArrmMtie tornadtrnu lay
ealci'.nd wnhan the remote, while gnreene.
lamp. and Anima, ornwmenta strewed the ter
*levee pavement.
el. The holy erre Philadelphia merchant
wee parked ita barrel of nip and vent to e
Richmond drnggiet. HA discovered it M the
Retell, *1, rrIbit tr‘ln,. sermun'ts the Rtes
'vines we, ha ,g neer the alga of the hoop,
tray from the ,round. Set the stares ire :he
nett loll et tight angle. with atom. In the Bret,
and let the hte,pc fort core mge,h.r, ..d tie
.nem with a string to ouch a wayei to support'
other. Thee, at a triting expense of
tome and 'storey, yen may 'factually train all
)}oar tomatoes. florae ort• be little mattcrtle
1 Mt1 O.? %,11 mare greet erre..
The above sate in postponed until 2Gth day
of .lagust. 19G.'i; at aim, hour and place.
Valuable Property.
/UNoEIO xn.! by tn.• of a Plower of Slue
e,ntnined in a Mortgage -mode by U10?h
.Awdn'ts8a, of the 'I'renshlp'of Kinlre*, in
tbe,Cnunty of Bruce, Yeoman, tabun having
peen made in the due paraent thereof, will
he sold on Wednesday, the second (2nd) day
of August, A. D, le63, at twelve o'clock,
n.on, at the Aertion Mart of GenTge M.
Trwemon. Martel Stirlen', Ooderich, th'
following property. his. : felts number*
twenty•mt. and twenti ewo, in the third
renge a,•ath of the Durham Rood, In the
aforesaid township of leMiosa, Deed under
Power of Sale.
\i 1'. C.1)1EROS,
w23td Solicitor for 3forteagwe.
The alt.,,.'n'r is postponed until 4,r,rds?
the 21d day of Septemher, 1+65, at the {name
ho'.:r and place. ,a9,td
1a rcferenrr 'u the above a may he
Ig stip .n the 'rack, And wl'I re'nnm en the hue
tog .l mrse.a ,.,•up.eI,Into h,s nes shop
eornpleted 11. h rent return, 1. emcrn• thunk.
to the friend. wail violet/wog who baro fur 24
ewers extended the,' rnatuul n, 1,,s .hop, and
hopes still tower.' uu eoanuu. net.
11 'M. STORY.
Coder..h. Auer's' t. 1e3.e wee,
nal lea
S k
A 800 & Shoe
Kingston street, nett the 'triegra.
• Office. Tee Proprietor solid*, • share
nt the public patronage, and lie will nee hie
1 be_.( endeavors to alined satisfaction.
N. B: -Orders promptly executed in both
maling'and repairing.
'Jrly 1r(tb, 186-t. w2.", lin
CHEA„P ! ! Clinton Book Store.
School Books and School Stationer,
IfG nndrrs,,,nerd be -',1 to nnnfy his friends
I and the public generally that he he, re-
moved hie hook ,Store to the well known
mind on Albert Stseet, Ciintou, formerly
,.crupied by J. S. Forrest 1 Co., where h.,
' o ,Tait upon all who may
,nal he happy t 1
• with a roll.
favor him
(iODEP1CH, May let, 1613.
w 1'2
Country Storekeepers,
.\re p'ertirularly instal to mgpret kis loge
clock of
e 1Vhich wdl he rowel ,n be as 1.1w is pre
,e those of the Toronto Wholesale Mer
Fancy Goods. Offer Stationery. Mug,cal
inetrunents, Toy,, Wall Niers, Wrapping
Papers, le., eke., u asnal wart low.
Clinton. 20th Jena, 1865. fele
1'ONT1tACT of choppier and clearing;
A Ten acorn, on the Itnytield !load, fire
miles from liuderich. App(y In-
C(11e1N CLARK.
Haran Road,
June• :Gth. i,t5, wilt(
tt of Her Ha rati.
mere. en,' to me tweeted •6111.1.110, lend. 81A (:0011.,1in..1'one.1roddlids of Heron mod •net 10 me elloweinl•ini00i I he !Nfld., mid erne •
h'wme'w. l'w"""'"" nel eredeeeled +mune the tondo etel to•ne. meets of Soon Metmy, et the mots ,4
Imo% !Mom 0. Smith, and noes:m.1er neent• lame. Slewsrl, nt the .net ot Jen', V M. Sere,/ attd Jame. Mettein, I have edited
:loom ; I hsvr. wilted awl teeter In exegete., all Deem and S 11. Dellor.1 here sexed end end Ihlt^n t ",T,411,01, 6" 114' nahl• "10' "".11
nghl• '"fier."4 u1 .""1 tit te"de"I• taken in filetootion all the ildht tole. tied wierew inleoton 1he widlritgedslant in end* 44 worth,
fifteen in Wm 4.41.1 01/00,01011 01 11te towtoolote of
ei pe otlatioleyville, on air county 01 II• the eleven; h eont-edelifle 01 the '1"toti 0 ...hip of Col.
with he 1,1111,1/11gs 'hereon ertraleal. 144 Soo• Norm!, (1 0 , 4. ii,d, /um'', of Iloilo,. w .c rievelted arm.. 1.10Ir et low.; ethovh Intel. mn.1
nil iloo nok ;Oregon the valves ft( &anion.. une 1..14. 5 ,1,,,ii mu, f,,,,. deli of onr offfeo ,o the teuement• 1 ehrilt eller frq sale ei wy etCor on
••11 ner ol Irina with the biatdons thereon' cote 11,,,,, in ii,..e„., „(004.,„.h... T,,,.„, the Cooirt Mouse in the toown of Costeroeh. ...,
l'nerns,i,p . I filmed, in the 'vont* ol Ilrnee,A goer ,,,- tercl,,,,,, th,.,.i,„,k .0„*. . tie bout et twatte tafthe clock. noon.
the said tuvriotho of t tilrowa; whoeh lene. end Sterne St it. , 0. lc 11,
errood 0,1 Lemps. Ste .1Ve. 1,1,1 hen. Pee-
rage Dram. Kees Waal i'we mg. and No...pubes
akin in ea•thenei. 2.11
1611Y irtit of Power of Sale rontained in a
l/ rtgatre mode by Archibald McMillan,
of the township Wawonosh. in the county
of lIu on, _Yeomen, of the first pert, red
Jaeet McMillan, his wife, (for the purpom of
barring her dower) of the germiel pert, de•
fault Moine been made in the dee pm meet
thereof, will be teed Thundity, the tenth
Tuesday, the Irnt:i .1 ei October nest. et 1144 ,
JOHN ACaVonNIA111,T4), n.
' L.11 from purchasing or negolinfir.g 'lir"! rotted enfooted of) U V vire* er II wet et
wet . notes ot 8100.00 each. with interred tkom 1 finn,h owl Itrte v. ,,J,.1 Vendome, Ktpronas end
'dine. D-ewnIn favor of George Church, tw ; ,,,,,, ,,,. 1),, gee„reet, neve, en! _IAA y.
III hearer, end signed by John Meloma i as 1 i hie.. re Diet lee ; 1 hoe mad otter le
' '' I the *entree to' tieutnempren, re tan Covier .1
lent? oi TWaitta oil ihe dwelt. none.
-stuatiivs SALE OF LANDS.
mm Ike Moeller of Jtstili D0110
an lootioivroso.
10. hos reel. en swignonent of host -dale 0nd
ogane• ol ...wove, and !buy Are regimen lo formai,
rim. Within Iwo onwelha loon late date, woth
thew ism.. 1111,1•016111/ the wieurny they hold. a
; any, natal., valor 01 ol i enol tt n•tee MOOR( qv^ IN
I (not ; 1110 gehtole nUlaged limier oalh. Wile the
' vow re 10 ,01tor 01 of P10.11 01111111•.
W e . E. 0 RA CF:. I, riit: undermined alien far sale the tolleennef le,,,,,e, (Kee, is,,,le,„ 1. ,
ST IN A l' ft ID from the premise. of the elm. Within 11 Kilns or o e
clock, none, at tbe Auction Mart of 011/0tgla,
M. Id-liorall1, in thu toWn of (Lode.
coherent.; eroperty, teat is to say : he
',Ater y leaf of lot number fourteen, in t el
Insolvent Act of 1884. fonneetith ennieseion of the ertie township of
eVewartneh, eontaining one hen/red servo of
land, mom nr less, satin.; And escentine that
part of rutid lot containing 27 eglmesimm.
ownt leo roods and oight perches of land
conveyed hi said petty of tlw: Rest pert. to
fa Mc "offer If II ILLIAM EDEN', eel
THE ere.b.. Coo In..itreet are nobtied that
1 he hat mode en met. amen, of kg Eatair
Irirmali rote within two month. feint 'bidet., wee
their the Miry hole. if
Rom. •nol veloO i.1 la I and 11 Roo" tasting the
oraer; the whole attested tinder neat, wee the
Tow her* in reptant 04 ...doh Malin'
Deka et tioderieb Omelet day of Aegis* A. D.
tome At Noose.
model, sit Ewe. end 1011f Lamle. ihr ion
n evem eaten tee sect .lwer oan 10^."1 will hearing. A 4...1 creek tattoo. Corinna" awl 80 Rose, Ha. .
Ind .3, Akron. FIRST - RATE LAND t
..litnalf“ el ruin, latelerteh.
PON Mortgages. Apply se 1t. shad. FARM tor SALE.' nn tt". "'via"' or
day of Jenneiry, A. D.. led). Tenni 'ea.. le„ee,e.e. 1110 May, 11555 swT4tf
Deed ender Power of Sale.
awl8trl NII. C. CAMERON.
enema)? fur Mortis:re
TM. -there **in Is rratroned lIntil Nfewhiy. /A steeds twir beetnees7 Apr!? intsweinstom at
M. C. CAMElltn„.(11Niorks.
Ashes and Gress*.
ore efearenee. Terme Irbeeel. nettle le the 1"4 1'4%4' 6,•••• tt"" "17
geateetors only, Caere ernes tete Wm. Fferno,' hilt in rifei•- sad aeie2to,Ilm411.
Otournono r,
Ord161111,d, Dee.