Huron Signal, 1865-8-17, Page 2>t,
1 't
ii nil. decision rme'aot rrrirse N Wilk ..gad to
utou some 'mc rliat At unanimity i° of the Ont
ise ortence m timer, art this load, 11 i. to be
R Ila If
e cul■ A
I ll
O ar! t
O ERIOHI AUA 17, 1865• made to here an excursnw ben Brautfurd that
_-__ -__,. there wilt bis• large turn out.
The new Ministry is composed as tonnes
Receiver Geuerat aid 1'retgier-fir N. 1''.
AtomPy General 11 'est and *teeter el
MGtnie-Ii.,n. J..1. Macdonald.
Atluroey General Ent -Lon. Georje F.
M ranter of Fluance-Bon. A. T. Galt.
ComRwemer of Crown Imu.tls-llou..t.
Minister of:lgrlcuiture-Ilea. T, 11, ale.
(1'mmirssloner of 1'ublw Works-Ilun. J.
C. Chnem a.
Prebiditor of the Council -lion. Gette r
Taking into eonxiJeratiuu the outober
of mpchints on the ground, the number
of intelligent firwcn intereatel in the
, trial, and the kecnoew -aif the contest
between rieul manufacturer., the Reaping
Mnlrh at Kippeu, un Friday °est, nue
I decidedly the'reatest efleir of the kind
j ever h. bl iu thio County of [liven. The
Geld selected a'ai on the tarn' of D, L.
Sits, Eel., in a neighborbuod known ee
Kippen, ou the I.xdon Road, about three
stilus below Bruce&Id. Tin+ grain war
Drown. light and the bottom just ro t„h tno ut,h to
I'ostmas\General-1luu. W. P. Blew• mow bow the, machine. would work where.
las is •so of ten the eve., hummocks and
ry and Minister of Edu- ; stones are rather the rule than tide -seep-
w j tion. Ou arriving at th scene of ,action we
sit -Hon: J. Coek-
Provincial See
cation -I! -n. 1V,
8eliuiwr Gcasnd
bun. "
Safiatev General E.tit- tion, iI. L. Ian.
Asiatic t'Yricra.\
Thee Trielill'a' epidetuic, the .Asiatic
Unginating emotive the teeming popufatieea
of the Ter Fa.+t, rt has t.ave!ed gradeallr nn0 {,notbin_ in the !haps of preparation !Iambi
ward, creating ;;,eat Jvatructiun of life in ; be left undone, +one were cutting their
Lg7Pt Aud thence, nxwithaeu,Jhi,; every bands in bytrlaal,ing doett the groin in 0
precaution, CroS* u_ into Europe. t a -el are I distant part of the fieid:. Mr. Sills tray
reported is Italy, England, ac.. and wr ami bustlinlzahont, as usual on su^h eccaeleres,
now startled h7 the I * ItIgetetr tb•t N bas , fbtcy.
and altogether, •one cou,d'alu.•s
appaeared in our own Country, tiro calms hem,; '
reiwned in Muntve I. 1101..cuurge w mnrp i that a deeeneeiscd tinny -w'ax briny gut
to ea Jrp•dej in the !.owes( quarters of *bis ready fir acttnn, erpsriilly when'an oceo.
large cities and t,.:ns, a•ol the reateet care • bi.nal skjrmi.lulo sidle) was learn fr':m
ehou1J be akeu bi the authorities In torcin I the stand sacred to'' .l'oll's 1', i. 1
. al
sa+nary measure* upon the pworlu, ahelr I R'rnderiug down to. rile bcadgnartcrtr,
they cann t le reached by t•iu sense I we drew up a list of the meet ines catered
reasoning. Quderch l.ei'•g orle Of the heal i and picked up S'littleinf.rmati,n reepe-
tuiest towns is Cagada, may hofs• to escape r I
is a great museune should the epidemic IV• tiny then,, xLieh may pracc uie.u, to our
come ;ger I, but nuiecniea wi:bio the eor' frrwing friends
found gartered rrouul a tlag-et,ff bearieg
the proud 11tg et' Eta:lead a large nurober
of farmer., comprisin the iuoet intelligent
and suecee fol neo of the surrounding
tonnshipe, to the number of et least four
hundred. l.rer)•thiug ase in a state of
bustle. The agent+ of " Reapers" were
running hither and thither, anxious that
however, aix itl number, were cheered oh
by their respective admirers. The cutri a
were James Patterson, Thos. Gilmour,
David Patton, Thos. Biggart, wm.• Mc-
rorauou quire looking atter. i T11C M.WitteLi.
Attempt to Kidnap George N. ;
The correspondent of the °lender states
that a second att•mrt has been trade to 1
abduct George N. Selden, and carry him o$1
into the States, (bis. securing tine large re
ward ol/vreJ br ll+e l:•itrd titatei liuvern 1
meat. 'flu is the account of the dear : tin
Sunday eTeuing an I tempt was made to carry George N. . r, len. On Thursday
the eonspiraorc offered O'Leary 510,000 le
asset them. IIe arluir*ceJ and informed
the Chief of toe Police of their proceedin«rs.
On Monday erening O'Leary called r1 Sat,.
derti hour, with •carriage driven by Megan.
nue of the coaapirat•an. 1TLciry told San
den the Recorder wanted him at hu hose
Cote Saint Antoine. Ou the road opposite
Priests Farm three mens rulgg into the car
riage, knocked O'Leary down, and handcuff •d
Sanders. The carnage wpt brought to at the
tell -gee, aid n little further en screral theta
wan fired. Twenty policemen, with Chief
Fenlon, gave chase, and succeeded In captur- -
iug two ut the men, Carlos F lloeen, driver.
and W. A. Barna. Thr police are in pureun
oft the others. lite plan was to have a bort
at Ltctone to erose w Caughnuwaga-a car-
riage io waiting there to drice to lfemming-
feed, and ao into the States.
sin ire procured, of course, at the Manu•
ar t•eaoaaIOra rlavtsu ha Tilt Tows HILL. G. The Kirby Olaegow, McPherson
Co., Fingal.
7. Combined Macuinc. Al x. Me.
.lrthur, maker, 1'luttetille. This ma-
chine bas been favorably noticed before,
and it will be seen below thaY3itr estimate
of it is borne out by the judges. 11 •e
generally oink no ir:teresst in the matter. understand that the a, eot, Mr. Ilugh
Mr. W. G. Smith, (in the absence of Love, Hight Osten, has two or three of
Mayor Iktlor through illneee) war callers to them to dispose of.
the chair, sad Mr. W. T. Cot aprpointed
I. "he EL'rreLiur, Duudan, erw':ioed,
Tho*. Wi'oce, Dundae, a nt- eprice, 814t)
on time. nnd 5130 caeh.
2. 1Yatsou s ..y.r cowbmcd Mrtehine
bas been greatly improved during the
present seaxoo, eo that it can be use -1 u a
self-dmppinr or platform discher.iogg
reaper at will. It is ce:nssiJcre 1 a first-
elutes machine. Agent, T. el ilnstone,
9eafurth. Price 5l:tel cash, and 5140 oo
time. i •
3. The St. (7eore,o Raper and Mower,
Benj. Bell, maker, is a ;awed • machete,
warranted to cut one acre of either gram
tet grit per- hour, sod the. maker claiws
for it several iwp rrtaut imprevern •new. ft
openers to be both simple and durable.
Agent, .lex. l ouptop, Tuekersmith.
Pnee same am Leet.
4 and 5. Two of the Combined Ma•
chines, munnfuetured by Glasgow, Mc-
Phenoon.,lc Co.,Clinton. These machine's,
which seem to be well adapted fi'r the
work required of them in a new country,
The imp.,rtaut business of the qday was
concluded about ti p. m., when, the ueocrs
and speekere harinlg moyuted a tempting
rostrum, tern list of prises awarded way
read as follows :--
aluw'twi AND RE,tptsn.-Bat Mo -
Arthur, tad hest St. George, eted do Kirby.
ltaar'1xu •lust', -tat St. George, 2u1,
herewith, :ted tt aeon.
1h'.Otso.-1.t h. Triton. 2nd 'fko■, (id-
mour, Jrd Wm. McD'ugall.
Tar rer1CMas.
After Wove anouncen,rms had been made,
addresses were du!iveted by Mears. 1).,l..
Sills and I'eter Mcltuoald teacher. Mr.
Sil!,' address euntatned many puime which
*o ez telly coincide with our own vews that
we give it bcluw verbatim. Ile said,
Uu Wedncedsv evening, rob inst., on calf
of the Mayor. a publie westing was held in
the tatm hall to couwider whether we should
go anon an excursion, and when. We are
sorry to say that oney about sixty premie
attended the meeting, and that the ratepayers
After a statement from the choir u to the
objects od the meeting.
Mr. Wright, being called upon, Mated that
Ire hrd applied to tee Railway authorities to
nee at what rate a train could he rrocure•l fur
I turlph, to which it wt., answered that such a
(rain would be granted for cne dollar 0,0_14
excursinai-t f'ur the round trip. it wits
desirnhle be tbonght that the maa,as ot'the
town should have a day of recrealin,, nnd he
woold therefore suggest that the excursion be
to Guelph. oa Thursday, the 17th jtut.
Mr. (lays asked *hat the lfailway Co.
wou.d do were soy outer place pitched
u ••nn.
Mr. Yeoman'said Ise understood flat the
fare would bet the. same to either London
Guelph or Brantford.
Mr. Hays thought tie a it wnu;d be letter
nn the whole :o go to Brantford. Many
Goderich people had friends and acgnnin-
tencee then with whom, no doubt, the day
would be very pleasantly 'pent.
Mr o r
. Yeomans Bei t h. wrwld mupp"rt )Tr.
Hays' idea, II. lichee.' the Snrnia people
were deser enn of having their excursitn to
the same• pdace as ourselves, and lkantf:.rd
would be jam the place fur such a meeting
of roster town".
Mr. Wright said he. still rel! •rcd to sea Ipb,
It was entirely unneetNary to meek the a,•l of
n town like Sn'ni0 nr any other town, We
could turn out a crowd which would prove
tient fioderich war ma good es her nctghloon.
Guelph wee in the bean of one of the f
retinene of the country, and w
floarv°tng town. Ill gom•'
we ehcald make a
and no deub
re in a holy
of dew friends,
would return the visit ere
s position ns a member of the•
- ' r he had ample menus of *Patine public
feeling as to where we •houbl c•a. and he war
metiafkd that a Isrgr, majority erre in favor
of Guelph.
It woe then mored by Mr. Wright, second
ewe by Mr, Hays, That we hare a Public
Holiday. Carried nnani,nnuw'v.
Mr. Toms moved, .eeonded by Mr. Hays,
Tho the eaearsinn be to Brantford.
' Ynval i• umeadmerat he Mr Wright,
seen°6d by Mr. McKenzie, That Guelph be
the plu.e decided upon.
Afer an immense amount of discussion,
Aurin; wtsieh the procv.dines beats. grade,
ally more sed moan eenfdts.d, • rote a,u
balled for, dad the zkow rat hands being eon•
ahlered ansmaraetory, Ilse• hare was divided, •
suselnt asythine but dneorws veil:. cheer.
1 otts: and milling. !teen then the mint• 1
teemed dr.athl, bet atter teeth aidres sad !
•listen ene.Yaf ere MI' Ne5Yll, else eheirman
deceied that Westford hal it by • majority
•K Mme. I
( esmmitw envenomed net Memme Rasa, 1
MUM, Toms, Clifford and Yeomans• wee 1111
appaAMI4 in make .etesseere
with the Railway ,Rieuslt, after wench the
say will be smw,emeed.
N'e are cont that the abnv0 meeting wall
sot better .r •,n1 1, a•' 1 hal s mere Mark. d t
e. TL. reweaotle 7faehLfe, eelfraker,
manufactured by Mr. Massey. Thus.
Allen, agent, Exctnr. Caah price, $I40.
d. St. George Muchiue.
Nos. 1, 3, 4. 3, ti, 7, ofthe above list
being those which competed at the
Mowing Match entered first, aud com-
mencd work about two o'clock, each
hating about thre.fturthi f an ncrc b.
cut. ''he Work was sharpiy criticised -by
the fanners peal0Mt, who crowded around
and followed the reap'rrs up and down the
field. The woork done was so excellent
that (t was no easy matter, to derride on
which aide the victory lay, but ulth ought
the Kirby and fat, George d d excellent
work, McArthur's seemed bound to win.
everything connected with it working ,er-
feetls. llowever, leavin that point to
the decision of the jud.e*, we neat a little
further over in the field where the remain-
ing three were to, try their strength. In
s r
e o \ewes tl. iron nares
Dolt t th t
t''im c ad-
mirerson account of a novel contrivance
attached Vo it. •ha(e.J Itkc a frills leg and
foot, by weans of which thegrai is veery
neatly pueltcd off in bundles out of excel
of the ho *01 fret in coming roup 1
P,cond true. Many of the a tors
presoed their npioio. it this machin
shout) prey able it world bo our. to
take cad of most of thin, on the field,
nut all. It ii certainly ingemou!ly got
up and did 111 sock well. The St. George
Machine in this class acquitted . itself
most admirably, as 111 also 31r. N-etsen'e,
although a little out of gear by aome un-
toward aecidcnt.
The Reaping being done, it was decided
to temt the cutting draft of each machine,
by drivirg once round a portion of the
field with thee same span of hence, .1
dynanmotnrl' o was Recrordingly attached
to the whan treat of a fere t team nnd
the'sr.-raze draft sof 000h competing ton•
chine taken down. The result w,i 0s
follows :--
1 eeeliirrr, draft 230, 5 feet, I O•l in.
Victoria, Clinton, 293, cot 5 feet, 114 in.
do do 267, cut Pante. *4*, fienrgc'o 190,
eat 6 feet, 71 in. Kirby '12 1, 3 feet 74
an,' McArthur, 210, 6 fat, .1 jar. 1Catson
I1i5 without dropper, 205 with dmpper,
eat f, feet, ei in, \eweeetle, 3(Ir1, eat
5 fest, I t. St. (h'ocge, (entry for tingle
mets+) 214, set 1'l feet, 7 in.
White thls teat wa being ma.(r,_ned
it wee a tediowte operation, ---the hitel:ng
matoln wee gone iotas. Tn thio enn ui'', ane
we 'indentood it, spied war reckoned
s eendery to exp.11,nce of workmen.hjp ;
petrel there wns ao greet excitement ht
lel pert et' th•e li'.•Id. The eomp therm,
•e 1
many instance. rhe machines with which they Death Of i Woman Under' P(!^
are th,r*hed--the forks with whiult our mate
urns are turned over and spied -the pail in OYllu' CI►Oumstaneea.
which our d•or,orid cutleets her milk -and '
lastly. the berry bags iu which our wheat is SUSPICIONS OF FOUL PI•AY !
carried to mill or market. 'They turui.h the _
pietaa id dwvels with which our canals are Ilex 11meNn-' Ilursw'n to Auto
mole -our rriln,rd* are formed-eurgarden*
dug-nnd the hews with abieh the w,•elu tire _
home on Tumid •y. My father came home
\ ben rt hum
about 6 o'i•luck. .ly weber r
*he bent tee Twice that day ler liquor, end 1
cot 5 cts, wuttb. My tether had ,orae words
and I went nut as 1 always do when bb is
emu. A little after scree she went user tet
Mrs, (trays and sod bike thought her Mellor
beaten her ban' p was dying• Iler !alter and her hrd Leen
quarreling. he struck her a'd she Il•11.
.kept down, and uflnn the scads with wLieh Catherine Munn, sworn, Staid she saw
!!E' IIMS.IPP6:1116 SUDDG,TI. } • I;
they are sown, To them also, we are most- a1r+. Jubuaton iu eke atlrneam ul '1'aeb sy In
Iv indebted fur our books and for u Imre* pur. her father's Louse. She nnd he bad teen
tion of the coarse cottons now in we'. not Croroner s inquest on the
abusing her ; ber eyes were black, Johnclu:.
then eoour ut and struck her terr;hly about
the heed. 1 saw nu more of i1. She crone
to mruli.+u other ruatufretured articles which body.
are largely poured in upuu me. (A plane.
lint sir. time deinwel. that 1 "Mold chan,j. - On Thureda morning l net itith) 31 n. t" our boost nppareutiy to gr: awry hues
the suLjrct. 'f h•• suljwt of agnculture is •n y hint.
! unlwurdod field for the euqu,nng mud, to Charlotte Johnston, wile ot• William Johnston 1t,•bheere }kgg. Sue \In. Johnst n Isnl
exrlore which thoxughlyalit-elnw rouuldj., ,t`n, a toameter of thin town, died under about 4 o'clock on'fues:lay aftertnoott ii her
,-•'- etrcunts need Bic t 1 v ber rill. was •ul❑••
tune a• rm; et iia law principles of lavar yb`fI said air did not feel e , l i.
taro are Lel little known. Nancen hared, her. l,usb.,nd. 'The cireuwotsnecr art encs awry •Len xhe asked we to buy her nose
shake!, but I refused.
T14. Inquest was adjourned until 8 &deck,
p. m., In ru esli, the Freers 10 report the
result of their pout mootr'n exnmivatiou.
,1uka. i'olmns itad (ientle'aea of 14e Kip•
pea. keeping Mac) ; friends used
Greener b'unnen,
It aurlhm; could inspire me Stith oratonal
powers, it would Ine the st .nu this d..y b:.y
presented to my view., 1 must inneerely
regret that i.0 place i+ nut ams uceu;,iell by
sumo nee better qualified to de justice to the ;
•ubjrce upon which 1 u° About w address 1
this large aid btghly reepeetuble wgrmbluge,
Llut sir, inadeeguate as my powers are. 1 will
iiul yield to any one in a alee••re dr•1ire 10
promote the iipre-teut subject tar which this
association Lias been Binned, urwely, the
denelnl.meut rat lbw rssuanea it ••ur county.
Tee Krppen Iteapine Match wee formed some
three Fern $fo, by r few gentlemen sincere
Iyik.ln'a ofprurnuling the beet uterest of
the C,uuty of Ito,u'i. sed !tie lint re hibnion
was got un iii a tasty meaner in the saute
rear, a1 t11:s place. 1n all your proceedings
you have tal.en ne your model those nhsrle!
rrueeedibe, c■tulusbed in our County of
which we ire proud to he residents, and
wb:ie Toa have avoided everything like pant
tuljties, the object of your association It to
eoticrnrrate the power. said briug lbw inane•
ence rat lee aernculturel community to leer
upon those matters that aro connected with
the pmeperity of the county, By aria Item a
few public -s-' r.ted wen, and the iu•lefutieable
exertiur,b e1 the 11oan! of 11ir*ctors: yuu have
treen enabled M gel up the creditebie rxhibl-
tin, rye bore this day wilnese,. and which 1
think warrants. toe hope that if your efforts
are judiciously presevered tri they wet be
cmw,edwith evvery dr;rre of ruc•eess; and
it w undeoebe'iufluence uF ILu, teeli•.g unat 1
now attempl-to ajedcate4 the cane of Agri
culture, which of a:l employments is the
moat imersetant to this country, add that from
wwhteh the greatest amount of nulrptmdea
comfort and happiness can be derived. The
agricultural pursuits are meet conducive w
heeltb, without which biessing a!t earthly
enjoyment* are ctinllieraively vsiuele*a, are
ehuudaiel rua.ufe•t 1pe the b,uointn•( ot. eke,
sparktieg ecru and athletic locme by which
tee Are tow carr nand '1. Dat sir, ai I Lays
very litt:eexpene„cC or ,u.truvla -u art agri
callunl pursuit. it cannot b• .expected that
ehuuld - venture w d,+cuss g , tmpn•rtu,t
subject, eepecielly in tau presence ul the
who,• superior azul uud science lit the
.more to impart stirs to receive kn4wle..LLre i,
regard t . t:te mu,t easeatial breech of he
i man industry. I wu,t. therefore, content
my,eit' with directi•u your attention w we
ar.,iler* as hate an obvious bearing_ 00 t'.
future proerese of the cou,uy, and are oat
. m..tely eunuected wits the we,frre and pros
pe ity of theag'eulturs chasers. We
1 many baesiiuge for which to be thankful t
! the gracious Craver of all goal. Uur lot n
been east in'a land iuferiur tien•,ns to all uu
required. T:.e earth has been tilled tin a own house. She etas I vin, urtoas the led,;
to wl ' h t •r dal to oriwinste
eieniiuu to wythine ucw-to innure•. on1 of case may be oumwarised as follows. Mr.
w ry kind. Sone think then any departure and J1 n. Johnatom have belts hvllllt 10
from the old esubliehed rules is emus, and
they hold book fanning as they call rat, in goiter unhappily for sante time past in
supreme contempt lie' sir uv the present eootequenee of drink. The husband
isle you should dismiss etch Wear Duct the
mind. Th. discorerirs thel bare bre,, made oCeasiunally drank to eloesi, ut hie un -
within the gest 400 yeata ou;bt to convince fortunate wife morn frequently, a
every one that the human ,eine is ,only feared. This prepeneily in hie eomj
on the'titreshmd of kuoelelge. Colsmtus
was rrg:,rded as a visionary bet the eroaued seems to have exasperated Johnston se
8 rlel.uea,, r. u. --liege Mclintran. i
have known deceased 4 yearn. f+aw her on
Tuesday last at about a quarter lw 1 o'0inrk.
ja to be She war with her husband passne Mr, (i;h-
ion bone gate ; she was Ybont a rod be fore: him
all the way home, ; when he {got i° lmnt if
ha own stable, he rtwh l forward and kick.el
heads art. Europe, Cap.•ruicouw was ohliged much, and he is known bet have beat.:n : ; i i e left bile ; she fell down. Rhe
01 do pc latices fir stating that the earth re• hervepeatedly. On 'fucrdry ■ftr moon, 'ieu °ab'°d ip Ef the• uJe of the hoose, and be
volved uu iu etja once in 21 hours, (herr, kick Lcr mgun rgriuet the window. She
hew.) 7 be save tering Napa tensa dismtsrd the 8th, he kicked her heave from a tbei tet to get up into the door by bolding
Faltrnt nith his steaatloat model as au en• ueighbor'a•after staking her with his tilt, I,y each • pt the docr, wmeu he ran it her
thusi.ut And bow natty of w are there who and from evidence,; iron scetnx to hate end cave he kick that rut her headlong
can say that they did nut 20 years nett regard Intl the house ; Ie seemed to leap iu At If he
the inegnetic'attempts as a wild dream, but continued the maltreatment afterwards,
which we must now acknowledge is ar, rstab for next day nei)<hbors found her on the
tithed tart s Farmers shoe d study and uu
i ste"'rand in whica way nature hest performs with her rltt;hes on, nisei+iWe, and
' her work: They should be able to deter- bearing numerous bruitew about the head
, mine what elements their soil contains, aid atd'body. In that elate nhc continued
' what couatitne ey enter into the eomp mise until death terminated her earthly career.
of plana, They should olio undentaud the
I composition and eIticacy u tdiferent aounures. On 1Yeduesdny night, Boeing the low c'on-
1 Wnk this knowIedifr tt molt be plate to dition o1' his wife, and no doubt fearing 11
1 evert one shit the farmer could nose Crips -
to the bent ie: anlage, red prevent his farm arrest, Johnston fled. ( t
from Lecominj exh•wted, Tttese experj• 1Vhen the above circumstances became
stents -the ma,o, owent of their tarts- the
duvet of .fajl ire ul their crops, ace the causes noised abroad on Thursday morning, Dr.
that produce targe crops. should h. cr'elully ,,U''Dougall. in his capacity as cnroner, i
\written down for future study auJ guidance : took iwwediatu steps towards holding an
Rte as truly as niybt follows the seting of the I -
suh„ likeeausee ender similar cieeumste.'en inquest on the body, of wlhieh the follow -
ail! prod dee t11e erne effects. f deny, .hear. ing is a full report :---
,.rd applause.) 'Thai country can boat of
having •department of government devoted CARO\r,R S ISQULST. ,
exc!uarvety to al,,eulture : aud nn agricultu- A jury'was emponelld by Dr, McI)ou. ;
were un • r. and I saw i0 moil
Rhe a pea ober i. had a bandk
tied neer Oa. she : 1wt
NM titer'e,e sight -lo
were in his oe.u. anal found
and lying on the flour. hat
that the o-ange deleorna eery in
Johnston di inking on'1'uesday eve
00 , ilie badge,
Dr. Shannon sworn. i 1 .e tnnwn
later Mrs. Johnston for three years: attend.
he fatuity r l'repuentls. Un enterica the .
b'ouse hest oftea leen& err %iable, from the gat L
effects of liver, to answer questions relative
w her tick eI,iWrcn. Last auw her in that ; 11 a h
state virtu, sevra mcntlus ago. 1n riesing on feceivi
Ibe bt'dy today Dr. McLean, and 1 found n his bat,
.Glht contusion on the lard. with slight
abrasions of the .keit over the -right temporal liquor being long in coating, walkel q
bone t easwug dowl,werd luund en eo a u,sive ly mCtuss the room, reached the frout1
rontusi,tu under the left eye; alio a h.•avy cowered b.a 1tead, ga000ll around wit
contusion on 'the lower pan of the back,
which rni:ht have breis eau v • kick or "a egil i..' and skedaddled down. th
I'aii; fund h, ens the •f.ft t(+igh. Thr eidewulk at the rate of twenty tittles an la
oily places were the akin was broken 1r••r.•
ata the bead aid ems shin, We removed tine (lour. Ile was pursued, but in vain, and
scalp integument nnd found only one penal( the somewhat ercatfullen thirsty souls 'tom
cotn,t.on rea:hing the bone, which nen• steps o•it u quietly u peeibk, enjoying
pettedly sound, tin removing the bone ws The eo
ti•ii J the atembrane! of the bruin sound, Ile joke, ufe a,unr.
gi. t ahs i
exC,'rt,li_ n gyral U,1 •binnl Uf shy blto'd- - - - * Ih' fUf
testis. Below the me,nbrane we Iouud a Fti*.-On Monday at noon the res:denee 1.i„ aerlowat
greet deal el extrasacated blou,d on the of Mr. Wm. Hyslop• Anglesey st had a ear for she recess,
. ofaee of lh" brio . hound :14e suhuauee of row estate frons lire. .A spark seems to bare rattle : The ,it
tL• hrejn harden than is found'w the stoners hsmen as like A
e' the Cheek° Irl intern •Inner.. Am antinfird Angle in the toof'uf the hack kitchen, reels.
it is :quieted on Te ns,
yes we
}' .rasa tali Titoa. Megesse...-
with • o
*r. Mewrhnu.. percents w e P7
late Thomas McQueen, which le advertised
for sale to dry. It it indeed • " sneaking
likelness," faithfully represeeting the features
do w. "'e.F* the fact :lett Mr, Th„s. Wood -
le u 1 ana'rr e* :, •n
be ts IYra
w ,tee of ii
t e e1L-
chewy, iuteglily, I,Lr,ality and aheceas.---
(Leader. -
C ' A negro baby was born in Petersburg;,
of este who will long live 1r the memnrws of 1'e., the utter day, aitb the eaatl impreasiud
7 ,f n two cent United States revenue stamp
e oat his- forehead.
Barnum will secure such a genu. as this
little stamped darkey ie without a moment's
hundreds of the earl settlers of Huron.
The ori t is low aid we feel satisfied Ibat
the picture w111 have a rapid rale. Each of
the trlentant deceased's friends should ..cure
r copy at once.
Peawuta Scsecp. - Chicago ',peculators
are holding grain up in anlicipuuon of a rice
caustal by the l.artial (silute ul the Wenern
!rain crop, and severe: of our Gosknrh
weasels hove been laid up temporarily for
smut of Griet(a. It us to I,e holed that lie
fa11 trade will he brwkcr, arae olen souu.
Midge Proof Wheat.
It now seems to be se sled deyoud doubt
that a wheat ha been discovered, the husk of
Negro !Suffrage.
The Chase, Wilson and Company school'
of pnl,tiei. cs 1,nv« •-II at once suddenly dna.
covered diel it is necessary, in order to have
•• A uepuhliran fu'm of govrrnmeit " in the
Knulhenr St+tee, that the freed negrgesshould
1 hake A right to vote.
!ty their new detni lion of A republican,
Oho, hlaseechubetts, end many other of the
Northern Staien, cannot be called of republi
can fornn.
In ainesaehueetts, R!,nde fsTAnd, 0:emelt,
which is so thick ns to dety the efforts of the r. t Perm:ylvautn. North Cerolwa and
destroyer the midge. in the o:d tuwnsLips lieorgis. all voter,' must have a preperty
of New York State it is said that no other :ben ;'lurliheannn. mud in Maine and Nee !lamp.
be succrsefully grown. ,At th. ravages cl the I ah 1!. ue4ru Ia yea alloyytrehd *u vole under ant
midge are yearly becoming mon, venous I nrcumuwtcrs h1 any of the Rute* which eos-
in this eenton, yeti favten are beginning posed the L,,iun in 1860, exeeptiog five, and
anxiousftot ire whether it wen nut bet- iu oil) fro Stalee(Yamont mud New 1irm11
ter to try taw'voider proof teed at one.. A° sl' n) to • eulyred peram shored to •oat
witheat a properly quantitation. !n New
opporta ' y now etre"' itself. Mr. !]arid Ik11, Hampshire these were, u, 1860• an* hondred
►r ads arrau;to+ment' to drlive' the aied ninety culteed venom, and in Vermont
ed ie time ,•r fall soviet at•mg .1tat1.Mt only eir .e.a
ong the It. k . H. Ifs. Prnutu wishing lis M.soacbusette •volt voter 0.14°1, w;1Mn
tet, :rats, hone grid a :jute . r County tea,
ciret (tom taxetiok,
is and r outer must ow•n real ea
tidied sed that, lour dollars
value, or u( the .ar yearly value of seven.
bullets o•ee rug gra d rent.
A reliant Iwrwa is allowed to ro(. ia'
\ber York uolese he bra, .'ted is the St we
three years, and is a freebul e e valise .f
, al
ier'0 communicate with hum era sdareas, D• wllaae
1. 1 t Dell, Bright P. O. In Itp
the rowe I - - - lane of ude
both • tight' A Goon Jett.
ss rlr dry - meeting on Wednes
n. Ser e
last : bee of young men capt
she clone of the
y night last a Duni•
the chairman
and br ught hies to the vorn opprtite to
e 'treat all hands. .1I1 ha• de comprised `rb,,l Ill dneJ and tiny dollen, an
nut 50 individuals, eod w • n they were Eren iii the State of (thio; which
ed, into a large room, Dir. Q. thought hr lured Mr. t'ha.. 447 making him bee Goy. '
tt*,IoO much of a Cued th nC. , soave, a negro w not bele of l lbs right of -
eulfnge. 1,•d iu th. Iwtar of Prof, Canons
n a '• nudge," hei pi el up, sed n eridrtl 1'hilliu■, whe"' untory, states
tern t •Iii n rt e i
, aA .s nun anJ nbr z ca
' , a t tLe
s' c 1t bet.
1 itcrcJ w th L. 7. I'tr 7
t to g f •'°W
ids-. m parltctuu, iso uoe.cau cute uules. he pay.
r State or t'uuuty 1ax. til u nut sero pro
posed by the rWicola to require the freed,
aejroa•s to be citizens of the Fniteu ILtee
for Ove yeas belore they can be deemed
.stop ul exereuinj the piivilrge of tusking
fur us to lire under. -I V. York World.
lean Te•rtultnus of the At•
laude• t'uble,
pon'lent'd tl.c \, Yorl Ifenld
Lusting deu ryou. of the place
ndiog of Iht• new .1t!sotic cable
d, uud ;Le preikercd;moa made
u a.n) the• . ek;rg art the
1.. vihage winch has been
'esti tensions of the line,
Cr.1 death yeas caused• bet rttrryasatiee art owing to tee dfyness ❑( the matenal esu Itay, stone thirty trite.
fru• tl.e liber ul Bu.l Ara, whirr the crbh.
bbn.d, sensed by ti,1, l XCes.irC uie of su,nu• 1 jekly in Oaaoes, A humler ul nri;,hhnn, sea. 1,11 Iwil.d on sb re, aft,', Larn,g beau
lent•. I gathered, however, and exiineuish.•d the fee rw•ceNIYlly carr sed -act. the o cern. end de -
Dr. McLean. sworn. !:.end from hii nous befuR •hy serious d►mage had been dune W need in Ila la nem art t 1.rn"m tele t ra'h ,
a .t .t. „ ,t of thr reruns ..f thm paver user- submarine p'rteau of Lieu Muurv. It re-
tra rxit.onuinn aunt the Inferences he had heyot:d the bast; remove! of the' furniture. in tw ly'rJ.auurl «I Ilrert.
d awn Brom them. •T!. eztrarreaton of;The bre engine was cu the spot pr mptly but l'ustent • ores wggestive t evrnthin(
ings of homruiry;.,bate like many Ther things
a large gnarl;ty of extrrr1C*•.ed brood. " iu %hetodd,of ts.Iwatr',n me titan
1 sect it art the 1•rntn rove l.:l large jou ul' T° tee EJn- - a uta float's !rutvas.:
r P" •in realny. Ilea. t'rlunlenl aws.e village
bl pd ; stere nevi ell.. 1 s• um : rhe textn.tb. Silt, -itis nut unusual in likens tinier • iw of acne nen bemdred uthahta.t•,, eel heated
ol'tke al: , r Lain aver liemer thin ,a 100 ,1 f x- plrtre. nnt cdmcil rat wits the erie•ws of the -r f„r harm1 uu but •Is and plenty uMrlui -
rent ,n lis lntual drunkards. '1 he ben a -tier 1 0 ;i„i,eo s to he ridiculed: I hive miti.ed The menu, sato+, tea meld, have • greet
drew o. la, *hat d. nth 1--w•e4 hr a, o: '-17 pie ti. et fer huaas. dz,.b, sail bite like tuna
deeed b note n ra:•-Ce net .t rosuuate cones, leu mile of pc,rePJi „ to Ir mint rcrritnl, i 7_
al:h•:withehr'enolin;.ewes'.1.1 probtWythe but hate one cons•lat:on that where the _Thep TA•v is;sou1a141* of atncnlleetion
r •'• a •- w ret
1 . be n li- be i P t ted 1. 111 C t 1'
,h.w u m tfar brad• ecwf r w a •mrd truth i t u . r h • whi of •eta nor ,
P 4 F I 7 7 of ter • oPrt te C tug inn pry tri 1
pus.tun to an ap"plet-tic attat,k,- - ,p 1' I I pd h b b d k ed My
rat vin c;rtiu a thn,u g6uut every cuwfty ur Ike ,all, Coroner, at noon, on Thursday 9th 1
Province. (50,000 ere annually expeeuied t, y ( ,
by the gwerum<ut in aid of three societies. which, after' viewing the body Of deceased,
.dud in our L'novittce we hug a. l'oieersiy adjourned to the Huron Hotel for the
endowed on a more pprincely scale than ut7 j
other in America, 1h4,Iiberality of our ger 1 purpose of examining the wit seen. The,
t rnment has placed a ghrir that riots tbe: Coroner informed the jury that if after
viewiue tat' is Jr, they conetdered , it ne-
t tiding of the v'i: with *heleareed pruf•ati:>nr.' -
A foundation ie hen laid for the rxe(cise of ,
.kuorlal;r. a.d the'conv stent increaeete, ceseery to have .• , •-s( eon;r•rt • xtwitiu•
peasant" of the farmer of Creeds. Bu, : tied' (tc woul,l u_tu tuna n medical 1: 10
air, ( wood herr rem" uud t. cent ape" for that ur , The 'ur deeidiel that'
•wee eau glee wia be euwprrhi.t:o u.e., ,t, it was niceeesar7 to the iutereste of jut
1 u, leu tl., agucultu,iets tbeius• lice etch mice, and Drs. Shannon nnd M'Lean were j
1 their energies iu the seems d,recti)q.-
• f been. L r n called upon to make the examination and '
(. ) t k, sir, at the eforts that bare -
i`' been m=ute by m.ul.uod iu the ruta'•bshogeut report to the jury. 1
m I
e ,' P.i d one is bet smieus - I
of th e n at.1 oet s t ► N, I' l.►:TlR,tawnrn.-hncw_?irsei
' brsacl'e,' of ,cierirt. .lstnmemen bare die
euvrrrd and p,•rfnetwd rues by abieh the, - Jubnston, the dtceaw•d, "aw her lvt aljve 1
cwt weo,b as in a balance Bbe far utr p14 -41... yesterday ; bear 1 her husband, 1 'illiom 1
' sou* Id, .1 the yiost liberty• a et u
h o o'er solar system. They van celculet0 the
e return of r co net with the scat Alton.ihln: Johnston, amdaint her Jay before yeeter•'.
precision. Behold the wouders of macbao."m : day ; about 3 ti clock p.tu. heard her ^aye
the elements are trained to do the work tog murder ; heart Lis coffee rsi*ed fn
e manknio. it the muscles of every sawn. -
auruin and clnld m the u.ircraer were strain- Molding, Can't .ay I bard •eny bin•re,
a 1 ed to their ut,ntit tension. they could n n althnu?h 1 was only a few yard+ ott -
natural uh•anta, s, us snip ;t te.ule, it
wears ate abu"da..l, sed pure 1 . ciimnte, i
favorable to the healtn of man, to th
sustenance o:f all the lesser animas, sed t
the growth and raising of ail the various
vegetable m.tlers wbren the aecesoitie+ u
pa, form the work that the steam weenie n•.w i Whcm i saw ht+'yesterday +itc sea. in
O p, rform.. (flee, herr.) 'The wanton' a; bed and Laked ccs Lad. I know that
• mot can d"act i4 guilt efforts to the most I y
e 'Minute opprration w we:1 as to rite must e•a- I he has abuie.dl her before. Ileerd him
• tredve, it will serve labra an In. ai rlm•sl striking or kicking her day before ye,tcr-
• t . float net the sir, nr forge tbe-a•ncl o: of the'
man add beast demand. and it rest* cbied
loth wisely* by • unity of putivese a
action• by weli•timey efforts and poops
exertion rightly directel to ;!ace it in a situ
tion to rank as one of the $rot sericulture
pinions of the world. The land -in which i
1 mighty ship that bea almost unheeded the tin)'. shortly before the row belt.w. she.
7 ut0Jtt terror of th.• deep• 1t ,te much w le lying near the stable door, and I
id tbua ht•od obsemiliull h+d been bestowel
hard sounds as if he was drahxing der •
✓ upon egrieulture asehie born oestnwed upon `•
ae mathematical rience,' what wundcrlul im• into the house. T be deceased was iq the 1
provemet•ts would hare heel mule. Cram• habit of drinking heavily. 1
1 pare for ono- moment the Aieh1. volume, ;
is our good torture to lire abualsds in to
richest mines of iron, copper ad j lead, au
sire although we h.nve nut to an extent me
yet discu.•rrd the gated of California au
Australiy or the serer of Maxieu or I'e:
deeply imbedded in the bowels of the earth
it oug1t to be a Source of the hiene.t cans
tulat,un that many ut our i,elestrious larmc,
carr fuunJ nkundr lee of these rrecieur m -tel
iu the laol.h!. and probttble twrsult u
stirring the fruitful soil of their own term
We hare, air, rumm g alone the frontier u
our country •he waters of Lske* ffuron, Erie
Ontario. and the River St. l.,wrence, whin
tunniehesus a highway to the Verso; w
ern burin of • chain ole wirer commmnicutiu
through the above the like of which u n
where to be seen. Macadamized, gravelled
and plank mads are being ravidly mad,• a
all the older pane of the tountrer nay, ere
in some but recently settle'1, the cuuotee o
Brace nnd Grey for example. i'nprevemen
are to be arm, un ell s;'lcs: The 1,eop!•, an
industrious, prudent and moral. and are dail
Icecon;lq more intelligdut urd enterpri+inl
.1e iculteral societal; have intralucen a.
encouraged the best breeds art horse*. cattle
sheep uu.! l out', the test kind* of wheat an
other grains, as well ae improve.! sericulture
implements of vurioue tonna and descriptions
fhrot;b their exertions and the intreducuu
of plus;l.ingumet:hes and other awful i.
' centives to Aeelry a velaah'e change h
been etf• ted in the art of huslemlry. The
rmnroremeas aided by a praiseworthy rum
petition among , one farmers here• her
secured such returns for then labor• togethe
e thee leve been write upon the learned pro Mrs, HeDger, sworn -said she was
1 teitio s -on the ..bstraet p unciples of theulo•' sent for yesterday morning by Mr. John•
y -on the thcurtrs oflmr,hcins, and the ; etoo aot was with deecored most of the
° tedious rod prolix terms of law -end the
u meagre and scanty volumes o0 agriculture tiuie until eh( died. She woe apparently .
• and jts cuneteral branches. 1 do nut preteirtl uncomciuus until shortly before death -1
a to 6td fw:t .with the Teamed luof•ssjuns for''
o odeUI TIo; their p sitio's In lncietr, and 1' 11 hen 1 last s w her come time before
s sou J be the list w unden.te their ei•,ru.-- ! that she was quite well. I do rot know
f Biit, air, i would use these tact" to iadut . the 1 what caused the black marks on the de - 1
i• fennel' to ata )7 their own prof a,on. and to
f stimulate them w greater exec tions - iu per Matted, and (sever maw her husband abut- ,
h euunable blindness teat sadness. the (4"u s t worse of liquor' several timer*, There
t,r sell their best stock to the *peculators. i
forting it. (Hear, hear.) 'L'he Burne uuac .1 ing Lica 1 ive known her to bet the
iidwcs him w educate his Brightest ons t(n was, besiden the other braises on the (;rote, on W.4,, .1.,, bth it where they
'some prounion, and keep ila*e of sadder body, a email week behind Let car. $spent 1Mt aft.rntun in the uua ,manner on
thelrect at ho•ie aupput education a tis l such occasion, but en in themetlyes to an
the earth, whica js euppooetl w I.e more cern n l u aliv sworn. -nines Mrs. John- j''f S
genial to them, The tendency of such a nate eon last ■lire this morning, Saw her extent surpassing the usual amount pies•
of things is that agriculture is eons,d••rid r yesterday. 31r. Johnston cite to me Isure derived Ir -pan soch nmusem,•nts. The
debating employment, and tanners' suns are lilies, who had charge of the refreehar a,
th'on:nt • the IeutieJ rofe.•,ms t, the m:.n-: and 1 went over und-found her in bed. -
p being c•onlident there was nn lack rat pies an
ifret di•advnnugr of their own. Agriesimrwl 1 Rho ,lid not sptuk. I haJ not sero ser cakes, the children were permitted M romp
n nnt l to rouse the minds of the ui wme aye •ore. n scree m r s and play until fully prepared to take their
bleed ere pretty geninJ, but ser° MON its benicel erre opt to luind, beautiful in mount an 4 ueligbt to glue feel
_ . u..rtd. r„er the parwtal region. There was
ae, .eal'e•ting t e artic a i•su in your y " rmen aur peop engag in of r
know r hap'tmh uhcst It. .._-._.... _._ -..- .---, -- -_- --., _
• The Croner brim( ,worn Ire the tbreman 011jht nT r • few remsfk0. In the first p!nce southeast ads rat Trinity Bins shunt thirty
r rmles Imm,u rntruser, •rid s helievtd to Ire
Hwn.d the. deceased had litem,ly petioned he meetiune ter name'as beim; the person truer adapted -for receiving the cable tkan
hnnelf with liquor. Notwithstanding a!1 the' won crested no ental) *sir at the meeting held isle ldaty which wee bermrdy selected. It
evidence he hit heArd ise eor euuvinco•A the •iu Franceuown 5th inmand in order thatthere a b•rau'ul h Irtror surrounded sy •
immense nmuunt she drauk was the celiac of "' , ' 1• '• • . - - '
1. ath.
After 4elilwratin; for at nee time. the jury
brought in a ve:diet, the suhetaeee of which
wee that drreaeed came to her death through
lnu•ml'eranee A'ulened by the abuse inflicted
by her bolosal.
1 , c4'nc:usi•,n, we mar sent., that ,l r' ie.,d
abut 2.: years W s, . and left tee,
-. . -
'ons Dat
Ptc-Nte.- children, teachers and
friends of the lie odis* Epie.iop el S. S. i■
this town. believiif,` Pic•hics to le both
pro6tahfe and pleasugble, determined to
enjoy nnr, :eccordln IIF • reepeetnble
number -of them Asseenhfe4 in Mr. l'ark's
Sucieues have been lormed and agricultarol 't 1 bf I b d k
termer', mud stimulate w renewed and coin- on her face yesterday. She was lying
oioe l exertion. Very many of our farmers bed with her clothes on, and appeared as
take a p,`iticol ieewnpd per and read n, and if she had been in Meet oo•ditaoo all night. f
t is isjw as it a '•u _ u An uncia •en' Terre esu DO blood about her. i have
take at agricultural journal, which treats,
uud vary aMy ten, upon the very subjects to seen Johnston strike ber, but not lately.
which they should devote their unrelaaea a:• I saw nothing to lead toe to diacov
tension. 1 would say to the fanners, edu-
case y our sons, not to A learneul profession cense of death. Thin *as in the
" , as the profession of law nnd Med'
ul to your own, (neve theist • sound
,core are
w,th the fair prices for horned' came, sheep
Le. that is stow prey inj, which I hope ma
still continue, 1 ter venture to say that th
eyncultureas are, i e elwti,'i° a prwper1'
condition, (Ile$, heir.) fn our ening•it
tOwnt, and rat' the same p•ogres$ is nettle
The wdde. es hes Bosom. the thrirla _x
P called, tet
habit of dr'
eweticul education, ret them imtructey' Mrs Prudence Shanklin-Saw Mrs.
the principles of agricultural cb , 3e. Johnston on Tuesday last about one
iAwoken a spirtt of enpuiiI .tftpeneverance. o'clock un the street. She walked quite
• what thxoesiti u)d ebeer by your cuntrihelinus straight, sots sent into Mr. Murray's,-
' ,.ad'eAerts, allow no lingo *ectioual dtlfer•nee Mr. Johnston followed her in and kicked I
N' w•+turd between lou and improvements;- her all the way home. She said nothing
y atta.Jinj But hr do:brering lecture. your that I heard. I never saw lino strike
o belrep. E.WLIIIh freshers' CIuM or ('anter
et satiunal meetings, se that the 1.00wledse eh- u ser rsen. IIe kicked her in the
k tanned by one on anyJ particular subject cosy pen pe
be conimunicated ,b others, and in a few back and also struck ber with his fist. Inc
• yawn des ferment of this enmity will steed I the house, afterwards, I heard hint noy he
s I ocuumge agri bel eocietirs; make tM,m
lave ; the mefy mseithcant vulegu such :
Clutw'a nd Seafortfl, hevubefno the bus
mud populnus town thestuwns of • fe
Fele .:stone"are grown into ranee. li
widylli.1l!let with thmngs of buoy peopl
lined with shops, which, when we los,
at their ne.guiliee°t plate gluts windows
massive door+. or well filled shelve., wo.0 d
nut disgrace lte,(enl ur Oaf mrd Street* jn old
\iondon. On our lake,, rivers, and canal.
,ko tunsi•olted every Feer at increased
rat ,ant o1 the rurptus productions of our
far to ntber markets, and m'•nufsetnreel
goat are hrou:hl buck ire their steed. Thee°
*+tom• r. ere anti lakes are now nnsigaled by
fleets art noble steamers which for safety,
are 1, con eutetice, and elegance tan scarce-
ly be eq•:a!I , and our nailing crd'u reCasiva
ally take in eir loads on the sll,rem of
Ilar:m and Eli an unship in the xpmMutt
harie•r , f l.i -erg I. tut, air. while I am
bone) to acknowl edge Thee rapid pr,tre% that
lan IN".HI mad^ within the lent twenty yearn
tet ail *regio 0 of ow country, 1 should Trove
1 •Ise to our hest I.terert•, noel grcnt:v hetre7
Int^, frust you have re1n,ulxl in one. dal I nm
at the same lime declare• that 1 think there ja
still mirb root for improvement. Indeed! air,
1 .on iuelined to believe nn 1mm-rat,* P
necessity exists f w oat fanners to torn thei
atentiun to new strerees, '1 foe demand fur
horse*, eottle, Le., is very great, and will,
d'ubtl i*. ter somte time continue, a large
nemhels hare'been lately exported o the
neirhleorin; Suttee, where they are rapidly
Auld at high prtree, And mein,, tudoeernenis
teem. to.olfer why we .boxed persevere in
saint! tfnee. I am stro„ity of opinion that
we import too mach °rad mannteeture oo
little. bet as our proluce has brought fair
penes end • reedy rale we coati, perhaps,
stroll t'. import largely, h,t now that the
prices ac lower nnr attention ought to be
turned ,n earnest to the supply rat nor own
week. as Teras p»rhle. it is a.tmti.hmQ eir,
to 1',,k at elm member of ki tides for which we
an• ouleht d to our anghbore w, roes the linea,
all d' which .w ought to manufaetate.
They, mita recently furnished o. with the
greal.r part of the ,n.', as ,.wed, many of nue
earpnwter Arid enppen• tools. Meal of the
bran.* tattb Whrh our hnwrs are swept-
tN •eyrheel with w'.'eh tsar hay and gain are
est -•rain• kith wne.h th.y ere gathered -in
enenmre je agricultural lectures not only by