The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-09-29, Page 4'Page .4
MIB Donations
Pass $200 Mark
Totalof donations to the Cana-
, diem National znlxtitute for the
Wind campaign passed the $200
Mark dais week, Chairman S. B
Taylor reported.
Obtective of the campaign in
this: area is $700.
The breakdown of donations by
Centres is; Dashwood $5.00, RCAF
Centralia .$2.00, Woodham $1,00,
Crediton $18,00, Exeter $17540.
Mart learned flow to make paper
rom, wood by watching the wasp.
Narsih.. alt HoIstein
Win eighth Victory
ROSS Marshall of Kirkton won.
both ,the Premier Breeder and
Premier Exhibitors honours .at
the Huron 'County Black and
White Bey held September Zi
in 5onnection with Blyth. Fair.
Therunner-ups for Premier Breed-
er was Thomas Hayden & San,.
'Gerrie, and for Premier Exlithit-
Or Glen Walden, 1',ilcknow.
This is the eighth consecutive
year the Kirkton.:breeder has cap-
tured the 'preuiier honors. '
a"1".''µn1",,1,""Nutti,WWln14A W1'''',SIMtsk111q,Inssmiss uses W1'''nniul,luttsuutlitln/let
Insure Your Future In The Fur Business
Invest in "Silver Jewels"
Luxurious, High Quality, Registered Chinchillas
Buy from us with confidence. We have been successfully
breeding Chinchilla for several years.
Silver Jewel
Chinchilla Ranch
1. Box 85 HENSALL Highway 84
For Appointment Phone 682..r.3
Special Values And Reminders For This Week
atinimf Ii111011giu1flltutulli11f iittltlnl lltt111111111Hli4iillutg 144111114
Shop at your Drug Store, the safe, logical and dependable
place to buy drugs, medicines and other products for health
and beauty care.
NoWI Your Choice Of
3 Gillette Super -Speed
One bas exactly the right edge angle, edge exposure and
weight to give you. superb shaves. Clean! Fast! Refreshing:
With Blue Blade Dispenser ${ 29
and Travel Case
Featured en Gillette's World Series TV and Radio Broadcasts
Siaccharrin Tablets
A Grain I Grain
100's 23¢
500's . 65¢
5500s ,`5S¢
For Hay Fever
i.D.A. Idaphedrin Nasal Spray
20 cc Squeeze Bottle , 950
Lantigen .E $6.00 a Bottle
Bengedrex Inhaler 750
Tempieton's Raz-Mah Capsules
790, $1.50, 35.00 '
Absorbent Cotton
1 Lb. Gross Weight
Roll 690
Combs (Pocket or Bobby)
Reg. 10e — 74, 2 for 130.•
I.D.A. Brand Halibut
Liver 011 Capsules
50's •100's L50'a 5004'
690 $1,15 $2.29 $4.29
Geritoi Tablets, 40's 33:29
80's $5.49
Scott's Emulsion .:. $1.00, $2.00
Scott's. Emu,. Caps ,. $1.65, $3.00
Squibb 10.6
Cod Liver Dir .... $1.00, $2.25
Waterbury's Compound ... $1.50
Allenbury's Haflberange
Vitamins A & D 4 Sizes
$1.00, $1,7'5, 33,25, 311.50
Vita Diet, 7 Essential
Minerals end Vitamins
100 capsules -,.,,.4,,+ $4.50
Richard Iiudi❑ut Speciall
FREE 4 Oz. Egg creme 'ShamPco
Reg. 75e, with Pin -Quick Pin Curl
• Both $1.7.5
Lady Esther 4 -Purpose Face
Cream, Reg. Size 984 , 830
Woodbury'S Bath•Size Soap
Bars 3 for 314
Veto Deodorant
Reg. 330 ..................
Thomas Hayden & Son, showed
bath the Grand iChalnpions 'win-
ning the male (Championship •on
the first 'prize Junior bull calf
Banelia Starfire who 'wenton to
take the Grand Champion award
after being uained Jr. Champion.
In making I,ritarfire Junior Chain --
pion J:lldge D. W. aShive'ly, Spring-
field, commented en his exception-
ally strong top and -depth at the
heart. iStarfire was it 'winner in
the •Junior buil calf class alt the
Western Ontario "Chamiltonship
show held recently An ,connection
with 'Western Fair, 'London.
Wins Reserve Champ
,Another first prize winner At.
London, (Shore Recount headed
the 'Senior bull calf 'class and
went through to' the Reserve Jun-
ior 'Championship. Ji0 was shown
by Tom 'Brock and is .owned joint-
ly by Wellington. Brock & (Son,
Granton and Hardy .Shore .$ Son,
Ecom Brock was ahoy/lag for
the first time and won four ;first
prizes, these in addition to • his
Reserve Junior 'Champion 'bull in-
cluding the first ,prize milking
three-year-old, first prize .dry
three-year-old, and first prize
Junior Yearling heifer,
The Aged iCow in milk class
provided both the 'Grand and Re-
serve'Grend Champions, the Grand
Champion ,being Banelia E, Loch-
invar Madge shown by Thomas
Hayden & Son, and the fReserve
Grand 'Champion Merl !Acres Sov-
ereign Noelle, exhibited 'by Boss
Marshall. The Grand 'Champion'
cow was also the dam of the
Grand 'Champion bull and of the
first .prize "Sealer Yearling Hanel -
la Perfection (Belie wile went on
to take the Reserve junior Cham-
pionship for Hayden. This 'Pair
combined to 'w'in the Progeny of
Dam class, The 'spry typey Junior
Helfer 'Calf shown by Betty Stor—
ey for her father Win. J. Storey,
orth was made Junior Cham-
pion Sem
ale. This class was also
first in the iSpecial 4-11 class,
Full Brother To Famous Buil
The 'Senior and Reserve Grand
Champion was the winning Aged
Bull Rockwood 'Prince Rocket,
shown by Ross Marshal). He is
a full brother to the famous four
times AR -Canadian show 'bull
Roekwoed Rocket Tone.
Altogether Ross 'Marshall had
eight firsts, Thomas Hayden 4
Son, s5 even firsts, Wellington
Brock & iSon, tour ,firstaand Glen
Walden, Lueknow and Wm. J.
Storey, one first each. Hayden
took the Senior Get -of -Sire on a
group by Banelia Perfection Hope
while the winning Junior !Get -of
Sire -was shown •by Ross Marshall
and sired by the. Reserve (Grand
Champion ,bull Rockwood Prince
Rocket. Ross Marshall 'showed
the first prize Senior Herd and
first prize Junior Herd. a.
Altogether 86 head were .shown
by 21exhibitors. ,
Hooper And -Son
Grain Champions
M. E. Hooper, and eon, 'Glad-
wyn, of 11.1. 6 St. Marys, re-
main the grain and seed eham-
pions of Exeter Fair.
Veteran ,CNE and Western (Fair
exhibitors, the Hoopers captured
nine firsts and tour ,seconds in
the local •competitions last week
to .place -far ahead of any other
entrants in the class.
Donald E. Buddo, of '1..11..4,
Denfield, and Hugh Filson, also
of R.R. 4 Denfield, won two firsts
and two Sedonds each,
Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1. Hen-
sall, won first prize for the best
sample of igrain corn •among those
In this year's field crop competi-
tion. Harry Hyde placed second
and John Pym third. •
Winners of 't h e commercial
features included Reynolds, 'Bert
Thomson of 'K ippen, Tom Bern
of Weodha3n, Harry 'Hyde of Hen-
sall and Hooper. There 'were heavy
entries in •most of these classes.
wheat sheaf, Gordon Strang, Ii'en-
sall; oat sheaf, M. B. Hooper and
Son, St. Marys;' Norman Hyde, H.R.
1 Hensall: barley sheaf, 3d.• E. Hooper
and Son; fall wheat, white,. Harry
Strang; ugh Filson, R.R. 1 Centralia;
red, Donald 'a )3uddo, Bonfield. M.
10. Blooper and: Son; barley, Hugh
Filson, .M. E. Hooper, Donald Fl. Bud -
do; malting barley, 9L E. Hooper,
Donald E. Buddo; oats, Suckle. Hoo-
per, Filson; corn Tom Hern, Wood-
ham, Arthur Rundle, Exeter. Loyd
Reynolds, Hensall. Bob Jeffrey', Hen.,
sail; milling wheat, Hooper, Mrs. W.
Haugh, Brumfield:. alfalfa, Hooper,
Hugh Love Exeter,
Red clover, Hooper. Filson, Buddo;
sweet clover, Filson, Buddo; timothy,
Hooper, ILA. .Fuss. Zurich, Buddo;
white beans,' Don Hendrick, Credi-
ton,, Hooper..
Grain Corn (field crop competition},
f.,loyd Reynolds, Harry Hyde, John
Pym, . Arthur Bundie, Hugh LoVe,
hoes Keys, Clarence Down, Bab Jef-
frey. ,
Commercial F e a Car e s; sheaf of
rain coth, LloydRoynolde, Tom
Elleringten. Mrs. W. Haugh Tom
Herii, Archie hltheringten, Bon Gal-
loway, Mrs. Bert Thomson, Arthur
nilridle Exeter High School; +sheaf
of ensilage corn, Bert Thomson, Ar-
chie ]Ptherington, Torn Hern Mrs.
W. Haugh, 3'red McCiymont; hay
leringtton; half bushel. of eats, Tem
.Hern, Tom Ellerington, Lloyd Rey'w.
nolda, M. El. Hooper, Hugh Love,
Harry Hyde,Johr4 Pyrn, Gary Rote-.eliffe, Rose Keye, Hob Galloway.
Milted grain, M. E. Hooper, Mrs.
W. 'Harry'
Fred MdOlyYmoat; hay
bale, Harry B ds, Archie Etherlilg-
ton, 'Wm. S. D. Storey, Mr's. Xiert.
Thomson, Lloyd Reynolds; bush el
hay, M. l'r', . Htloper, Arehlo EtherIng-
ton, Hugh Love, Mrs, W. Baugh.
Dashwooc Man
Whitney1. Coates'.Herd
Poultry Champ
wasithe chaztlppion ,suit y exhibit- TopsBeef 'Ccmpetition
or ayt E.xetel Fatr on Thursday.
He copped 50 firsts, 18 seconds
and 10 thirds and tied; for the
best utllity pen of ehieltens.
South Huron District high
Sebobl was the other exhibitor
Who tied for the best pen. The
school also won three other Pirate.
H. :k1'. Pickell, Of St, Marys,
won 24 firsts, 11 seconds and
five thirds; Eldon Laird, R.R. 1
Thedford, seared 23, firsts, 25
seconds and 11 thir,dsi James
hteDonald, 'Courtright, received
17 firsts, 30 seconds and 10
thirds. Don Dearing and Harry
Hyde also won prises.
Data On,
Erin ►vi'e
Mr. and Mrs. William Johns,
attended the fiftieth wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
4cGugen, of Alvinston, Tuesday
Mr. and MrS. Gilbert Johns
and family Visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Mrs.
William Veal, of Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Newman, Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Martene, of Sebe,-
waing, •Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Murch visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Howard .Pym,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Parsons,
of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs, Bruce -
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs- Alvin
Cooper and Floyd were Sunday
evening guests with Mr, end Mrs,
John Mlliers.
.A. number of ladies attended
the annual meeting of the south
sedtion of Huron Presbyterial at
the 'Grand Bend 'United Church
on Tuesday. .
iMrs. Edith Baker, of Grand,
Bend, is visiting a few days s
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper, .
Mr. Harry Murch, Sr., has re-
turned home after being a patient
in Victoria Hospital for several
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Skinner
returned home' Wednesday from
their honeymoon and are.• spend-
ig a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Skinner 'before moving
into their new apartment in Ex
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster, of
St. Marys, Mr. Wellington Skin-,
The Hereford herd ,of Whitney
Coates and eon, 'RA. 1 Centralia,
was awarded the ribbon for best
beet herd at Exeter Pair on
The local exhibitors edged_the'
Shorthorn herditlianer, Sack Peek
of Kippen, and the Polled Angus
champion, Riehard Doan and •Son,
of Thorndale, for the boner. meek
won best get'" of sire prize for
beef 'breeds.
Runner-u,P In the liereferd sec-
tion was Robert Bern, young jun-
ior farmer from R.R. 1 Hensall.
who captured the section last
year. Other winners included Jinn
Coultes and 'Glen Jeffrey.
The two Penner herds -from
Seaforth ran close competition to
Peck for 'Shorthorn honors, In-
cluded in •the winners of the O'p1-
led Angus plass were Garfield.
Cornish, Donald Ruilen and Oer-
eld Wallis.
Ross Marshall, 'of R.R. i.'Kirk
ton, Huron's premier exhibitor,
captured t h e Holstein section
without diffieulty although he
lost several first prizes to Wel-
lington 'Brock, of Branton.
!Gerald Wallis, Don Bacton and
Keith Coates shared the grade
class prizes. Bill P!n'eona'be, of
R.R. 3 Exeter won the T, Baton
Trophy for the best .dairy Calf
exhibited 'by a boy or girl under
18 years of •ego.
Shorthorns "
f rth eWilliam R Pep
per, R.R. 3 Seaforth; bull one year
and under two, McKinley Farms,
Zurich; W. R. Pepper; bull under one
year. W. R. Pepper first and second,
R, F. Pepper, Peck; aged cow, Peck,
R. F. Pepper, W. R. Pepper; heifer
two years, Peek, W. R, Pepper, R.
F, Pepper; heifer one year and under
two, Peck, W. R. Pepper, R. F Pep-
ner„ Peck; senior Metter calf, W. R.
Pepper, Peck second and third R. F.
Pepper; Junior heifer calf, 'W. R.
Pepper, IL P. Pepper, Peck third
and fourth; herd, Peek, W. R. PeD-
Per, R. F. Pepper; get of sire, 'Peck;
W. R. Pepper, R, F. Pepper.
Potted Angus
Aged bulliRichard Doan
R.R. 1
Thorndale• bull one yearandunder
two, Doan; bull undernYear. Ga -
Cornish, Woodham, Don Pullen,
Granton, Doan; aged cow, Pullen,
Doan; heifer two years, Allan Rundle,.
R.R. 3 Exeter. Doan; heifer one year
and under two, Doan, Garfield Wal-
lis, R.R. 1 Granton; senior heifer
calf, Doan; Junior heifer calf, Cor-
nish, Pullen, Doan; herd, Doan; get
of sire, Doan.
Aged bull, Keith Coates; bull one
year ,and under 'two, Jim Coultes,
ner, of Centralia, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. James Hey-
Delgrave, Coates, Robert Bern, 11,13.
1 zlensall; buil under pne year.
Coates; .ailed cars, Coates 3irst and
third, Bern; heifer two years, Bern.
Coultes, •Coates• heifer one•year and
under two, Bern, Coates; senior
heifer calf, Glenn Jeffery. R.R. 3
herd, Ceatesc,r Bern; get heifer calf, :pt Coates; Coates.
Steer one rear, Gerald Wallis, R.R.
1 Granton, Keith Coates, R.R.1 Oen.
trails, Allan Rundle, R.R. a Exeter;
three butcher steers, Coates; steer
calf, Pon 'Easton, R.R. 3 Exeter,
Coates; steer wider 1,200. Wallis,
Cgates,: Rundle.
'Best beef herd. Coates; ,best get 03
sire, beef breeds, .Peek; 'tisborne
Township baby beef, Coates, Rundle,
Bern third and fourth, Easton• open
baby beef Wallis, Cpates Rundle,
Hern; exhibitors udder 16, Coates,
Rundle, Norman Hyde, R.R. 1. Ilea -
sell; best dairy calf exhibited by boy
or girl under 18. T, Eaton trophy,
Bili Pincombe, R.R. 3 Exeter.
Bull over one year, Ross Marshall,
R.R. 1 Written; bull under one year,
Wellington Brock, 13.R, 1 Granton,
Marshall; aged cow milking, Marshall
first and second, 'Brook third and
fourth; aged cow dry Eirock first and
third Marshall; heifer two years,
Marshall first and second; heifer one
and •tinder two years, Marshall first
and third, Brock senior heifer .calf.
Marshall, Lorne Hern, Bit. 1 Wood-
ham, Ronald Hern, R.R. 1 Woodham;
Junior heifer calf, Lorne Herp, Mar-
shall, Ronald Hern, Bill Pincombe;
best exhibitor under 18, Lorne Hern,
Patsy Marshall, Marilyn Marshall.
Huron County
Crop Report .
The general rain on September
23, the first in weeks, will be Of
great,, benefit•, to fall wheat, .and
Fourteen 4-11 Clubs held their
Achievement Day Programa at
four Fall Fairs during the week.
Numbers and quality of cattle
shown at Breed Shows were .exee-
lent; 114 head at the "County
Bla k and White Show 101
f and
at the punt Hereford Show h County
e 9
130 head at the Perth -Huron Regi-
onal Shorthorn Show.
Forty-one dairy calves were
Shown in the County 4-11- Dairy
Show, beef calves in the County
4-g Beef Show and 24 gilts in the
County . 4-H Championship Swine
"Why did "you get drunk?"
asked the judge.
"Bad company. I had a fifth Of
whiskey and nay three buddies
don't drink." .
Help The Blind To Help Themselves
Make Your Donations: too S. B. . Taylor, Exeter
', PA►RTO .
Power means the difference
between good or -not quite
good enough TV reception,
The complete new line of
Spartan sets, now on dill•
pray at our store, has 20%
more power than ever -be.
You need this big
reserve of power for clear,
sharp pictures, without in.
Spa rton
The "Murray"
Model 21E1
d t
21" Table Model in hand rubbed wet.
nut or limed oak, targe -size Alumi.
nixed Tube. Teleplas Filter. Cestode:
Tuner. 19 tubes (28 tube perform..
ante). Distance Booster Switch. Lighted
. Dial., Built-in Antenna, Matching legs
Beavers Hardware
Phone 86 Exeter
So far to got. , .
so much to return to !
1i�* co•.tarring
Produced by SAMUEL 1. BRISKIN • Directed by ANTHONY MANN • Screenplay by VALENTINE DAVIES snd•
BEIRNE LAY, Jr. • Story by Beirne Lay, Ir.. A jaralnount Picture
e e . living the drama of combat readiness e . e -
knowing that every mission may be the real one.
waiting and wondering . e . and sometimes weeping!
a I
Idon Theatre•
Wed. -, Thurs. - Fri. w Sat.
September. 28, 29 30, October 1
Admission: '7'5¢ and 25¢
Two 'Showa 7:50 and 9:50
r e -1(130.A BRANDS
Cascara Tablets 5 GRog. 39000 33c
ldasal Tablets • R:a'$g¢ 59c
FOr Headaches, Pain in General
Stomach Powder 59c $1.49
4 Oz, Reg, 750 16 Oz. Reg. 890
Extract of Malt and
Cod Liver 011
1 -Lb. 2 Lbs. 4 Lbs.
Regr 750 Reg.'$1,29 Reg. $2,29
59¢ 980 $1.69
Milk of Magnesia
loo's Sop's
Reg 390 Reg. 890
29¢ 59¢
I.D.A. Brand Halibut
Liver 011 Capsules
50's •100's L50'a 5004'
690 $1,15 $2.29 $4.29
Geritoi Tablets, 40's 33:29
80's $5.49
Scott's Emulsion .:. $1.00, $2.00
Scott's. Emu,. Caps ,. $1.65, $3.00
Squibb 10.6
Cod Liver Dir .... $1.00, $2.25
Waterbury's Compound ... $1.50
Allenbury's Haflberange
Vitamins A & D 4 Sizes
$1.00, $1,7'5, 33,25, 311.50
Vita Diet, 7 Essential
Minerals end Vitamins
100 capsules -,.,,.4,,+ $4.50
Richard Iiudi❑ut Speciall
FREE 4 Oz. Egg creme 'ShamPco
Reg. 75e, with Pin -Quick Pin Curl
• Both $1.7.5
Lady Esther 4 -Purpose Face
Cream, Reg. Size 984 , 830
Woodbury'S Bath•Size Soap
Bars 3 for 314
Veto Deodorant
Reg. 330 ..................
Thomas Hayden & Son, showed
bath the Grand iChalnpions 'win-
ning the male (Championship •on
the first 'prize Junior bull calf
Banelia Starfire who 'wenton to
take the Grand Champion award
after being uained Jr. Champion.
In making I,ritarfire Junior Chain --
pion J:lldge D. W. aShive'ly, Spring-
field, commented en his exception-
ally strong top and -depth at the
heart. iStarfire was it 'winner in
the •Junior buil calf class alt the
Western Ontario "Chamiltonship
show held recently An ,connection
with 'Western Fair, 'London.
Wins Reserve Champ
,Another first prize winner At.
London, (Shore Recount headed
the 'Senior bull calf 'class and
went through to' the Reserve Jun-
ior 'Championship. Ji0 was shown
by Tom 'Brock and is .owned joint-
ly by Wellington. Brock & (Son,
Granton and Hardy .Shore .$ Son,
Ecom Brock was ahoy/lag for
the first time and won four ;first
prizes, these in addition to • his
Reserve Junior 'Champion 'bull in-
cluding the first ,prize milking
three-year-old, first prize .dry
three-year-old, and first prize
Junior Yearling heifer,
The Aged iCow in milk class
provided both the 'Grand and Re-
serve'Grend Champions, the Grand
Champion ,being Banelia E, Loch-
invar Madge shown by Thomas
Hayden & Son, and the fReserve
Grand 'Champion Merl !Acres Sov-
ereign Noelle, exhibited 'by Boss
Marshall. The Grand 'Champion'
cow was also the dam of the
Grand 'Champion bull and of the
first .prize "Sealer Yearling Hanel -
la Perfection (Belie wile went on
to take the Reserve junior Cham-
pionship for Hayden. This 'Pair
combined to 'w'in the Progeny of
Dam class, The 'spry typey Junior
Helfer 'Calf shown by Betty Stor—
ey for her father Win. J. Storey,
orth was made Junior Cham-
pion Sem
ale. This class was also
first in the iSpecial 4-11 class,
Full Brother To Famous Buil
The 'Senior and Reserve Grand
Champion was the winning Aged
Bull Rockwood 'Prince Rocket,
shown by Ross Marshal). He is
a full brother to the famous four
times AR -Canadian show 'bull
Roekwoed Rocket Tone.
Altogether Ross 'Marshall had
eight firsts, Thomas Hayden 4
Son, s5 even firsts, Wellington
Brock & iSon, tour ,firstaand Glen
Walden, Lueknow and Wm. J.
Storey, one first each. Hayden
took the Senior Get -of -Sire on a
group by Banelia Perfection Hope
while the winning Junior !Get -of
Sire -was shown •by Ross Marshall
and sired by the. Reserve (Grand
Champion ,bull Rockwood Prince
Rocket. Ross Marshall 'showed
the first prize Senior Herd and
first prize Junior Herd. a.
Altogether 86 head were .shown
by 21exhibitors. ,
Hooper And -Son
Grain Champions
M. E. Hooper, and eon, 'Glad-
wyn, of 11.1. 6 St. Marys, re-
main the grain and seed eham-
pions of Exeter Fair.
Veteran ,CNE and Western (Fair
exhibitors, the Hoopers captured
nine firsts and tour ,seconds in
the local •competitions last week
to .place -far ahead of any other
entrants in the class.
Donald E. Buddo, of '1..11..4,
Denfield, and Hugh Filson, also
of R.R. 4 Denfield, won two firsts
and two Sedonds each,
Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1. Hen-
sall, won first prize for the best
sample of igrain corn •among those
In this year's field crop competi-
tion. Harry Hyde placed second
and John Pym third. •
Winners of 't h e commercial
features included Reynolds, 'Bert
Thomson of 'K ippen, Tom Bern
of Weodha3n, Harry 'Hyde of Hen-
sall and Hooper. There 'were heavy
entries in •most of these classes.
wheat sheaf, Gordon Strang, Ii'en-
sall; oat sheaf, M. B. Hooper and
Son, St. Marys;' Norman Hyde, H.R.
1 Hensall: barley sheaf, 3d.• E. Hooper
and Son; fall wheat, white,. Harry
Strang; ugh Filson, R.R. 1 Centralia;
red, Donald 'a )3uddo, Bonfield. M.
10. Blooper and: Son; barley, Hugh
Filson, .M. E. Hooper, Donald Fl. Bud -
do; malting barley, 9L E. Hooper,
Donald E. Buddo; oats, Suckle. Hoo-
per, Filson; corn Tom Hern, Wood-
ham, Arthur Rundle, Exeter. Loyd
Reynolds, Hensall. Bob Jeffrey', Hen.,
sail; milling wheat, Hooper, Mrs. W.
Haugh, Brumfield:. alfalfa, Hooper,
Hugh Love Exeter,
Red clover, Hooper. Filson, Buddo;
sweet clover, Filson, Buddo; timothy,
Hooper, ILA. .Fuss. Zurich, Buddo;
white beans,' Don Hendrick, Credi-
ton,, Hooper..
Grain Corn (field crop competition},
f.,loyd Reynolds, Harry Hyde, John
Pym, . Arthur Bundie, Hugh LoVe,
hoes Keys, Clarence Down, Bab Jef-
frey. ,
Commercial F e a Car e s; sheaf of
rain coth, LloydRoynolde, Tom
Elleringten. Mrs. W. Haugh Tom
Herii, Archie hltheringten, Bon Gal-
loway, Mrs. Bert Thomson, Arthur
nilridle Exeter High School; +sheaf
of ensilage corn, Bert Thomson, Ar-
chie ]Ptherington, Torn Hern Mrs.
W. Haugh, 3'red McCiymont; hay
leringtton; half bushel. of eats, Tem
.Hern, Tom Ellerington, Lloyd Rey'w.
nolda, M. El. Hooper, Hugh Love,
Harry Hyde,Johr4 Pyrn, Gary Rote-.eliffe, Rose Keye, Hob Galloway.
Milted grain, M. E. Hooper, Mrs.
W. 'Harry'
Fred MdOlyYmoat; hay
bale, Harry B ds, Archie Etherlilg-
ton, 'Wm. S. D. Storey, Mr's. Xiert.
Thomson, Lloyd Reynolds; bush el
hay, M. l'r', . Htloper, Arehlo EtherIng-
ton, Hugh Love, Mrs, W. Baugh.
Dashwooc Man
Whitney1. Coates'.Herd
Poultry Champ
wasithe chaztlppion ,suit y exhibit- TopsBeef 'Ccmpetition
or ayt E.xetel Fatr on Thursday.
He copped 50 firsts, 18 seconds
and 10 thirds and tied; for the
best utllity pen of ehieltens.
South Huron District high
Sebobl was the other exhibitor
Who tied for the best pen. The
school also won three other Pirate.
H. :k1'. Pickell, Of St, Marys,
won 24 firsts, 11 seconds and
five thirds; Eldon Laird, R.R. 1
Thedford, seared 23, firsts, 25
seconds and 11 thir,dsi James
hteDonald, 'Courtright, received
17 firsts, 30 seconds and 10
thirds. Don Dearing and Harry
Hyde also won prises.
Data On,
Erin ►vi'e
Mr. and Mrs. William Johns,
attended the fiftieth wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
4cGugen, of Alvinston, Tuesday
Mr. and MrS. Gilbert Johns
and family Visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym, Mrs.
William Veal, of Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Newman, Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Martene, of Sebe,-
waing, •Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Murch visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Howard .Pym,
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Parsons,
of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs, Bruce -
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs- Alvin
Cooper and Floyd were Sunday
evening guests with Mr, end Mrs,
John Mlliers.
.A. number of ladies attended
the annual meeting of the south
sedtion of Huron Presbyterial at
the 'Grand Bend 'United Church
on Tuesday. .
iMrs. Edith Baker, of Grand,
Bend, is visiting a few days s
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper, .
Mr. Harry Murch, Sr., has re-
turned home after being a patient
in Victoria Hospital for several
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Skinner
returned home' Wednesday from
their honeymoon and are.• spend-
ig a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Skinner 'before moving
into their new apartment in Ex
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster, of
St. Marys, Mr. Wellington Skin-,
The Hereford herd ,of Whitney
Coates and eon, 'RA. 1 Centralia,
was awarded the ribbon for best
beet herd at Exeter Pair on
The local exhibitors edged_the'
Shorthorn herditlianer, Sack Peek
of Kippen, and the Polled Angus
champion, Riehard Doan and •Son,
of Thorndale, for the boner. meek
won best get'" of sire prize for
beef 'breeds.
Runner-u,P In the liereferd sec-
tion was Robert Bern, young jun-
ior farmer from R.R. 1 Hensall.
who captured the section last
year. Other winners included Jinn
Coultes and 'Glen Jeffrey.
The two Penner herds -from
Seaforth ran close competition to
Peck for 'Shorthorn honors, In-
cluded in •the winners of the O'p1-
led Angus plass were Garfield.
Cornish, Donald Ruilen and Oer-
eld Wallis.
Ross Marshall, 'of R.R. i.'Kirk
ton, Huron's premier exhibitor,
captured t h e Holstein section
without diffieulty although he
lost several first prizes to Wel-
lington 'Brock, of Branton.
!Gerald Wallis, Don Bacton and
Keith Coates shared the grade
class prizes. Bill P!n'eona'be, of
R.R. 3 Exeter won the T, Baton
Trophy for the best .dairy Calf
exhibited 'by a boy or girl under
18 years of •ego.
Shorthorns "
f rth eWilliam R Pep
per, R.R. 3 Seaforth; bull one year
and under two, McKinley Farms,
Zurich; W. R. Pepper; bull under one
year. W. R. Pepper first and second,
R, F. Pepper, Peck; aged cow, Peck,
R. F. Pepper, W. R. Pepper; heifer
two years, Peek, W. R, Pepper, R.
F, Pepper; heifer one year and under
two, Peck, W. R. Pepper, R. F Pep-
ner„ Peck; senior Metter calf, W. R.
Pepper, Peck second and third R. F.
Pepper; Junior heifer calf, 'W. R.
Pepper, IL P. Pepper, Peck third
and fourth; herd, Peek, W. R. PeD-
Per, R. F. Pepper; get of sire, 'Peck;
W. R. Pepper, R, F. Pepper.
Potted Angus
Aged bulliRichard Doan
R.R. 1
Thorndale• bull one yearandunder
two, Doan; bull undernYear. Ga -
Cornish, Woodham, Don Pullen,
Granton, Doan; aged cow, Pullen,
Doan; heifer two years, Allan Rundle,.
R.R. 3 Exeter. Doan; heifer one year
and under two, Doan, Garfield Wal-
lis, R.R. 1 Granton; senior heifer
calf, Doan; Junior heifer calf, Cor-
nish, Pullen, Doan; herd, Doan; get
of sire, Doan.
Aged bull, Keith Coates; bull one
year ,and under 'two, Jim Coultes,
ner, of Centralia, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. James Hey-
Delgrave, Coates, Robert Bern, 11,13.
1 zlensall; buil under pne year.
Coates; .ailed cars, Coates 3irst and
third, Bern; heifer two years, Bern.
Coultes, •Coates• heifer one•year and
under two, Bern, Coates; senior
heifer calf, Glenn Jeffery. R.R. 3
herd, Ceatesc,r Bern; get heifer calf, :pt Coates; Coates.
Steer one rear, Gerald Wallis, R.R.
1 Granton, Keith Coates, R.R.1 Oen.
trails, Allan Rundle, R.R. a Exeter;
three butcher steers, Coates; steer
calf, Pon 'Easton, R.R. 3 Exeter,
Coates; steer wider 1,200. Wallis,
Cgates,: Rundle.
'Best beef herd. Coates; ,best get 03
sire, beef breeds, .Peek; 'tisborne
Township baby beef, Coates, Rundle,
Bern third and fourth, Easton• open
baby beef Wallis, Cpates Rundle,
Hern; exhibitors udder 16, Coates,
Rundle, Norman Hyde, R.R. 1. Ilea -
sell; best dairy calf exhibited by boy
or girl under 18. T, Eaton trophy,
Bili Pincombe, R.R. 3 Exeter.
Bull over one year, Ross Marshall,
R.R. 1 Written; bull under one year,
Wellington Brock, 13.R, 1 Granton,
Marshall; aged cow milking, Marshall
first and second, 'Brook third and
fourth; aged cow dry Eirock first and
third Marshall; heifer two years,
Marshall first and second; heifer one
and •tinder two years, Marshall first
and third, Brock senior heifer .calf.
Marshall, Lorne Hern, Bit. 1 Wood-
ham, Ronald Hern, R.R. 1 Woodham;
Junior heifer calf, Lorne Herp, Mar-
shall, Ronald Hern, Bill Pincombe;
best exhibitor under 18, Lorne Hern,
Patsy Marshall, Marilyn Marshall.
Huron County
Crop Report .
The general rain on September
23, the first in weeks, will be Of
great,, benefit•, to fall wheat, .and
Fourteen 4-11 Clubs held their
Achievement Day Programa at
four Fall Fairs during the week.
Numbers and quality of cattle
shown at Breed Shows were .exee-
lent; 114 head at the "County
Bla k and White Show 101
f and
at the punt Hereford Show h County
e 9
130 head at the Perth -Huron Regi-
onal Shorthorn Show.
Forty-one dairy calves were
Shown in the County 4-11- Dairy
Show, beef calves in the County
4-g Beef Show and 24 gilts in the
County . 4-H Championship Swine
"Why did "you get drunk?"
asked the judge.
"Bad company. I had a fifth Of
whiskey and nay three buddies
don't drink." .
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So far to got. , .
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Produced by SAMUEL 1. BRISKIN • Directed by ANTHONY MANN • Screenplay by VALENTINE DAVIES snd•
BEIRNE LAY, Jr. • Story by Beirne Lay, Ir.. A jaralnount Picture
e e . living the drama of combat readiness e . e -
knowing that every mission may be the real one.
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a I
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Wed. -, Thurs. - Fri. w Sat.
September. 28, 29 30, October 1
Admission: '7'5¢ and 25¢
Two 'Showa 7:50 and 9:50