The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-09-22, Page 9.44 4 4. a 4. 4 4. 1r a A t 4. ,‘ 4# 4 • 4 44 a Saturday Bride Receives Gifts Miss Barbara IVIcNaughtou, bride-glect .of 'Saturday, has. been honored by her friends neighborg. On IVIondaY evening, 70 from Chiselhurst :gathered at the lime .of her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Lerne lVIONaughten, and after a abert rograte in which Mrs, Harry -Caldwell and Mrs, Wilmer Atkins gave readings. Ivire. Jack Brintnell read the ad* dress and Mrs. Brintnell and Nfre. Atitille 'presented Barbara with many miscellaneous gifts. 'The bride's trousseau was displayed by Misses Mary Lonlidebellali and, Male Reolool, The liter of C.I.L. Paint and. Varnish office, TOronto, where Barbara is employed as .ateno- graplier,, presented her. with a rose satin bed spread and two chenille meta, 1VIrs. Jack Lintacan, of Toronto, aantertained. et her home friends of Miss laraellaughton, who pre- sented her with miscellaneous gifts. Mrs. Gilbert Johns,. of Min:will% cousin. of the bride -elect, enter, trained relatives at her home • when Barbara was the recipient of many lovely "gifts. Mies Grace " 1st 4 New& Budget From Illanshard 14111S. GioADwaar goarra Xr. and Kra. Leonard Thacher and family apent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs, Percy Hodgins Qi Origami, • Mr. and Mrs, jack Thompson andfamily event Sunday at Turn - bull's Grove. spent -Blinday •with IVIr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey. Mrs, Jas. Mossey and Kathleen, Mrs. Wes. lVfotasey, Janmy were SlinclaY Vests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kintner Of Lakeside. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and family were Sunday guests, of Mr. and Mrs. roon King of Lakeside. Mrs. George Hopkins returned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomson Orrie Thacker and John Lang- ford spent Saturday' with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patteson. Johns read the • address and the bride -elect was instructed to. break .balloons ,to find the lout,. tion of the efts, Bingo was en.- 10Yed during the evening. s llll ll l uss l sss llllll msg. l sss l smpsisfssak: FARMERS BOOK YOUR FREE STORAGE FOR TURNIPS NOW Exeter Produce & Storage Phone 580 Exeter, PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. K. R. Norcross — Minister Harvest Home Services 9:45 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.—MORNING WORSHIP 7:80 P.M.—EVANGELISTIC 'SERVICE°' All Services Special Music and Singing A 'Hearty Welcome Awaits You Highest Prices Paid For Beans. ATTRACTIVE STORAGE ARRANGEMENTS - Contact Geo. T. Mickle & SONS LTD Phone 103 Hensall Weekend Specials Meat -Specials. • Liver 250 Per Lb. Round Steak or Roasts 590 Per Lb. Hamburg 290 Per Lb. Mararoni and Cheese Loaf 44 Per Lb. Chicken Roll 450 Per Lb. Smoked Picnics (Whole) 390 Per Lb. Swift's Premium Side Bacon, 1/2 -Lb. Pkgs. 330 Grocery Specials 1VIcCorrnick's Sodas, 1 Lb. Pkgs. llll s 27.0 Libby Catsup . lll ll ............... l . 190 Five Roses Cake Mixes (Assorted) 170, Ea. Clark's Pork &leans, 15 Oz. Tins l ... . 7 for $1,00 Delmar "Margarine ...... . ... ....„ . ... 4 Lbs. $1.00 Vel, Regular Size Pkg. ...... . ...... .. . .. 330 Al s Groceferria "f. And Meat Market ; = HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 17 ... . . .. .. is ........................... ............................................. ... THE TIMESADVOCATE, EXETER,. 'ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY MORNING* :SEPTEMBER 22, 1955 Now% of Clandeboye BY MRS. 0. PATON Olandeboye The Garden Club girls enter- tained at the September meeting Of the Clandeboye W.I. held at the home of Mrs. Ru4bert lianas. "A change would make around my home, if I had the time and means," glit a va- riety of resPonaea in the roll call. The Angnst trip was recorded, when twenty-two attended the Grand Theatre te gee the play, "'Lo and Behold!" An interesting paper on Meats, given by Mrs, Itubert convener for Home Economics and Health, wasinteresting and instruetive, pointing out that all cuts of meat are equally nutri- titans and Palatable if properly prepared. A Skit, spelling out the word "Vegetable", was :presented by the Garden Club Girle, .followed by recitations, a piano selection, and a vegetable contest. At the close of their program, the Club Girls, numbering ten, were each presented with a silver teaspoon. The hostess' prize was won by Miss M. Thompson, and a social time followed. 'It was -decided to hold a "Home Baking Sale" on Satur- day, September, 24, at the "How- ard Black Show Room" Lucan, Rally Day Rally Day service, was held on Sunday at the United Ohurch, with a Junior Choir. The Super- intendent Mr. Charles Francis as- sisted in the .service. The scrip- ture was read by 'June Lynn, Nancy 'Olson and Sharon KeStle. Mrs Arthur Black, now of Lu - eau' _read the story. "The Boy andHis Alley." The Rev. E. M. Cook, stressed the need for more workers in the Sunday: Sdhool and other Church offices and also the need of wor- kers in the Mission Fields. Barn lost by 'Fire sire of unknown origin de- stroyed the barn of William At- kins on Tuesday afternoon. This is the third barn lost by fire, this summer in this district. .Rupert William's barn 1Vlay 19 origin un- known and Maurice Spruytte by 'leaning July 31, Mr. Williams is finishing the foundation to put up -another. Mr, Spruytte has foundation o finished and started to put up rafters. The •annual Harvest Thanks- giving serviees of St. James Church will be held on Sunday., The Rev. W. F. Smith of Iron Bridge 'United iChurch, Algoma, who spent same time here in August with his daughter,Mrs. Roy. Cunninghatia, while on las journey home purchased a ticket on the Labor Day car in London. Atter being notified he was the winner, he returned to elfaim it. He spent some time with his daughter, Mrs. Cunningham, then left to visit his son, Mr, Austin Smith in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder accompanied by Mr. George Law- son, .visited Algonquin Park Midland and Ottawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Noyes of Delaware spent the • weekend with the,latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R'oy' MoRann, 1Mrs. Omar Cunningham retur- ned home last week from spend- ing some time with her daughter in.4aw, -Mrs. Elmer Cunningham in London Mrs. Cunningham who' has been ill is now a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. O'Neil of Aylmer, visited many friends last -week. Mr. and Mrs. Karl O'Neil, M. and Mrs. Cecil Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McR'ann, M. and M'rs. L. A. Kilmer, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton, Mr. and Mrs. Almer Hendrie, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cunnintham and Mr, and Mrs. Mac, Mdklaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor (nee Dorothy Anna Mae Lewis) returned from their wedding trip and have taken up residence on Sanders St. In London. • Mr. John Hewitt lay delegate to the Synod from St. James Church,. attended the service on Monday at St. Paul's Cathedral, and meeting When first suffragan bishop of the expanding Diocese of Huron was elected. Theater. A. A. Townshend archdeacon of Huron, secretary -treasurer of the Diocese, was elected. Jeanette Bezzo, daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. F. Bezgo, spent a few days last week in Victoria Hospital; • Mr. Douglas and Mr. Carlyle Carter have gone to Saraila to work with the Millar Construc- tion Co. of London. Misses Mary Crter and Isa- belle LatanchbUry of LO n n spent Tuesday evening with Akr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter. Workers Remove Old Landmark Another of Lucan's oldest land- marks is new natight but a mem- ory. teat week contractor Les Woodward finished removing the gutted walls of Mrs. Mama, bowil- inert store and dwelling and levelling the grounds. Oldest residents in the village think the building was Walt by William Armitage between 90 and 100 years ago. After his death, Mr. Leonard IPox, ran a general stem there for 65 years, After his death in 1995, his two daughters, Mrs, Downing and Miss Kathleen Fox, carried on for seine time. iMisa or died: in 1043 but Mra. Dawning continued living in the dwelling at the rear and above the store. The stere itself has been idle for a number of years. Mr. Ches Patrick was a. Week- end guest with his sister, Mrs. Mel Culbert and family. .L.u.can. And Distrkr News Mrs... Ann ,Seale Dies In Sarnia Mrs; Aton Altreta Seale passed away In Sarnia General' Hese#03, lgeedaY, 'aenteMber 12. 'She lay rest at her family residetkee, I44" 6414 -Ulan Thursday morning when she was takenn to the J. MurdyFuneral Honig. Rev. Wagland of Trinity Church conducted funeral services, Interment was in St. Ja 'm es Cernetery,*Clandeboye. Pall bearers were john Casey, Fred. Revington, Arciale. Bps - worthy, Harold Cohleigli, .Louie Kilmer and Moore LCunningham, She Is survived by two daugh- Ors, (Helen) Mrs, C I hronce Chown and (Nyle) Mrs. Earl...(lap- ling, both of Sarnia, 'Another daughter (Alfretta), Mrs, Ken Brown, died in January 1954. afro. Seale 'was born at Clancle•• boye, While an infant hey mother died so she was raised by her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs,. John liodgias,. also of .Clandeboye. • After her marriage td John seaie 58 years' ago she lived on a farm at Lucan Crossing, Her husband predeceased her in 1917. She moved to Laken 34 years ago. She was a :member of Holy Trin- ity Church.. Mrs, Seale had been - in poor health for some years-, and ha4. been with her daughter, Mrs. Chown,. since Christmas: For the last eight weeks she had been in 'Sarnia General Hospital „where' she underwent an operation a week ago. Display Trousseau Of Saturday Bride 'Mrs. Sheridan Revington enter- tained /Wednesday 'afternoon •and evening at a trousseau tea In honor of her daughter, Miss Elaine, whose wedding to John D. Campbell,. of Windsor, took place in the United Church Saturday. The •bride -elect and her mother, assisted by the groom -elect's mother, Mrs. John D. Campbell, received the guests. Miss Marline Revington dis- played the wedding gifts, Mrs. Lyle Revington and Miss Kathe- rine Campbell, the linens; Micas Helen McFalls and Miss Ann Campbell, the shower gifts, and Mre.' John Martin, the trousseau. 1VIrs.,john Park and Mrs. Harry' Lankin were tea-room hostesses. Pouring tea, at a candle -lit tea table, were Miss Winnie bell, Mrs. A. T. McCallum, Mrs. John Park and Mrs. Harry Wel- bourne. Mrs. Don Hodgine, Mrs. Marry MeNaughton, Mrs. Allan Scott; Miss Ruth McCutcheon, Miss Pat Watson; Miss Helen Mc - Falls and Mrs. Lyle Revington assisted in the tea-room. Rally Sunday • Last Sunday was Rally Sunday in Lucan United Church. The, junior choir, led by Mrs. Don' Revington, had charge of the inusic. Solo parts were taken by Bonnie Drennan and Gary Rev- ington. During the "Opening of the Gatea", Misses Marlene Rev- ingto and Ann Roberts sang a duet. Cub And Scout Nears 4. The opening Cali: 'and Scout meeting was held in the Club Hall last Thursday with a num- ber of new members enrolled. Plans were made for an Apple Day in Oetober and for a paper drive in the near future. The three boys who attended the Niagara Jamboree were in- vited to give a report at the Lions Club dinner. Scoutmaster Harold Whyte extended an invita- tion to the boys to spend Thanks- giving weekend 'at his cottage in Bruce Peninsula. sa, Complete Wood -Working Shop Les Woodward's new wood- working shop on George Street is. completed at last. It is now ready for all kinds of sash, door and custom • work. Mr. Wood- ward has just received the con- tract for the woodwork on the new Hydro Electric Area Centre, sotah-east of the village. At pre- sent he and his men have re- moved the plaster from the walls and ceiling of the C. Haskett and Son Furniture Store which was damaged by the recent fire. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McIntyre and Gary, of Glencoe, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott. Mrs, Fred MCLean, of London, was a weekend guest with Mrs. C. Murdy. Messrs. Howard Kew, Benny Saulnier and L. Vincent, of the Kektes Organ Co., Lucan, in- stalled e. new 6han in the Pearen United Chureh, Mt. Dennis. Last 'SUnday, Mt. Kew attended the opening of the church and gave an organ recital. Mr. Bruce Abbott was'a Satur- day guest with Mr. and Mrs. Oliff Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Lillie, of Iiirminghatn, spent last weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett. ReV. j. F, Wagliand, Messrs. D. A. Ashworth and Don Banting at- tended a special synod in London on Monday to choese a suffragan blab op, Mre. Harry Atkinson, Louden, Walt a Weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. Sunday guests With Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee included Mr. David Wise, of Dosfon, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lae and daughter, Karen, of London. Don Hodgins, son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Wes I -lodging, celebrated his birthday last Sundays Guests Ina eluded Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earle and family, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson and Miele Fortey, Of London. Callers during the evening were Mr. and. Mrs. Czar Harness and Judith, of London. Three Boys In Accidents Three Lucan boys :narrowly escaped death lest week. On Mon- day, Bob Toun.g, son of Mr. :and Mrs. F. W. Young, Was Itnecked from his bicycle by a hit-and-run driver on Wellington Street sub- way, London, and was rushed taw-, Oolascloa8 to Victoria Hospital where he remained till Thursday. Vortu n ately no bones were brratuenr.day morningt Ernie Bond, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. sustained head and arm injuries when his car turned over near Elgineield after blowing a tire. On Sunday, Harold Frost, son .of Mr. and Mrs. William Froat,. was taken to St, Joseph's Hos-, pita', London, with hip injuries: and a broken left arm after fali.,, ing 40 feet from the roof of A i:am while hunting pigeons. .at the "farm home of Mr. Harold. Hodgins, Lucan Minister Wed In Forest A t the Fo'rest Pentecostal Church on Saturday, September 10, Dr. C, A. Ratz, principal of the Eastern Pentecostal Bible Collage at Peterboro, united in marriage Rev. George Eizenga, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meine Eizen- ga, of Lucan, and Miss Lois Wien Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner, of Forest. The bridesmaids were Misses Margaret and Tina Eizenga, of Lucan, and maid of honor was Miss Barbara Courtney, Louis Eizenga assisted his brother as best man. Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Jack Eizenga (nee Paul- ine Graham), of Lucan. The soloist was Mrs. Jack Counsell, of Petrolia, After a reception held in the Forest Baptist Church the young couple left for a honeymoon at Niagara and points east. On their return they will re- side in Forest where the groom is in charge of the Pentecostal Church. • Personal Items , Mr. Billy Abbott, of Niagara Falls, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mut- ray Abbott. The opening meeting of the Lucan Home and School Associa- tion will be held at the school on 'Tuesday evening, September 27. Miss Margaret Baigent spent hist weekend with her family at Thamesford. Folar new members were, added to Holy Trinity choirs last Sun- day, Mrs. Steve Storey and Mrs. Cecil Lewis to the senior choir and Edna Ryan and Helen Hod- gins to the junior choir. ' Mr. Joe Hodgins and Joey spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins and called on Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mrs, Herman Young has re- turned from Chauvin, Alberta., where she was visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. Bill Miller. Last week she spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Harold Aikens and Mr. Aikens, Moores - Steve Storey, as Recreational Director, began his 'duties Mon- day. The W.A. of the United Church catered for the Campbell-Reving- ton wedding last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westman and Mrs. Warner McRoberts were Sunday guests of Miss Mabel Mc- Reberts, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ander- son, of California, were Thursday guests with Mrs. Helen Watson. Mr. Clifford McLean has rent- ed the Eiginfield Reliance Service Sfation. It was previously operat- ed by Mr. Harold Morgan. Mr. Hilton*Banting, of Sarnia, Spent the past 10 days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Paton, of Kirkton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wasnidge. Mr .and Mrs. Clifford J. Irwin (nee Elizabeth Mathers; Lucan), of R.R. 6 Woodstock, announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Marlene, at 'Stratford General Hospital, Tuesday, September 13. Mrs, 'H. Stewart, .of Syracuse, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Her another, Mrs. Sara McMinn, who has been visiting Lucan rela- tives, returned with her. Mrs, Joseph Griggs, of London, is spending a week with her sis- ter, Mrs, Thomas Lee and Mr. Lee. After a month in St. Joseph's Hospital, Miss Hattie Hodgins was brought to the home of her sister, Mrs. A. McLean, Elgin - field, for a few clays. At present she is with another sister, Mrs. H. S. Charlton, of Ilderton. vale. Mt .and Mrs. Charles Corbett spent last weekend at Ipperwash, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Stoner. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett calli3d on Mrs. J. Preece at her nursing home in London last Sunday and found her feeling riineh better. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFaIls and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Centralia, were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mugford, of Toronto, are sending a WO , - week vacation. with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and other rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ed- wards, Who attended the Anglican Confetence at Edmonton stopped over a few days with Mrs. Irene Coursey before returning to their home in Fredericton, 1I.11. Miss jean McLean left Sunday for Kingston where she will con- tinue her. studios at Queen's University, Lucan Institute Plans 'Lectures • • Twenty-twa members of Lucani W.I. Met in the Anglican ,parish, ball for their Septebuber meeting. last Thursday. The president, Mra. Frank Hardy, Presided, The: ;roll call, which. was ,answerell by: xA kind deed I have saPPreelat-' ed." evoked much comisemont. A committee ceatoosed of Mrs.. 1Viurray Hoolgins, Mrs, Arthur Black and Mrs, William Brown- lee was named to asset Mrs. George Paul, officer for "Horne Economics and Health", to ar- range for three Dr. bvan Shute lectures .to be held in the Com- munity Centro. Mra, Warner 1,iferteberts and Mrs. Philpot were named as delegates to the area convention to he held in Hotel London, October 19. • Five .dollars was voted for the Institute for the Blind. The president announced. that Miss Isobel Leslie will be in charge of the workshop course of the Extension Service sponsor-' ed by the Provincial. Govern- raent, February 26 and March. 10. Mrs. Murray .Hodgins read an interesting write-up on the Shute Institute. The Acme Rug and Mat repre- sentative who was to have given a demonstration failed to arrive, so the meeting closed with re- freshments convened by Mrs. H. B. Laugford, assisted by Mrs, Jbhn Park, Mrs, Jack Lankin, Mrs. Harold Hodgins. and Mrs. Gordon Banting. Honored By Friends 'Last Monday evening, Mrs prie Young was hostess for a shower for Miss Elaine Reving- ton. The 27 guests claibbed to- gether and presented Miss Rev- ington with a Sunbeam electric, frying pan and a ,cup and saucer. CONGRATULATIONS to Tommy and Ieorne Hern, sons of Thos. Hern, Woodham, on their suc- cess with the heifers we sold them last spring for their 4-H Dairy Calf club work. Tommy was in the top group of senior 4-11 Hol- stein heifers with Sandell Pietje Milestone. Lorne wds in the top group of Junior 4-H Holstein heif- ers with Sandell Susie Trademark., She was also judged' the best 4-11 Hol- stein heifer in Huron County. The Hern laoys chose good . calves, gave them good care and. proved themselves good show- men. Congratulations. Sandy Elliot Home Of Sandell Holsteins Raise Hay Taxes —Continued trout. Page 1 roads 7, general toweabip 1, Zurich Police 'Value rate 16, Dashwood lire. protection 5., Hay Township School Area .8, Mo. 9 Stanley 9, :Stephen TOWn- ahiP ,School Area. 7, Sep. SS No, 1 Hay 8. S.S, No. 1 $tagley 19, federation Iwo-fifths:lire protec- tion two-fifths. Donate To 0411 .03010 Council :authorised a atraut of each to the exhibitors of the Hay •To,ainsiole.041f Cluli Who) .tihow. at Zurich Fall Falr. Miss . 'SS . SOSSMAIOSIMISSOSAWSIOSS00040141 FOR RENT Service Station IN EXETER Excellent Opportunity APPLY H, Or FREE Phone 366, Senior* Safe Buys MAIWInul.4414asnannallielenerMAI ., 1 Smart '55 Meteor Sedan Blue, Whitewalls, Signal Light' '54 Meteor TwoTone '52 Chev Sedan '47 Plymouth Sedan '49 Chev. Pickup, . South End Service Phone 328 Exeter Run & Muck Snell 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 r WMSPECIAI—Allrm GOODWIN'S HENSALL NOW...TIP TOP TAILORS INTRODUCES 1 1 sem 1 1 1 A COMPLETE NEW RANGE OF UNUSUAL COLOURS AND PATTERNS IN THE MOST - • EXTENSIVE DISPLAY OF IMPORTED FABRICS 1 1 EVER OFFERED IN CANADA AT 1 1 • 950 2 pc. 1 1 1 1 1 "CLUB CLOTHES" 1 tallered-to•monasure 1 NB NI to -, MI MN OR and Tip Top is.sweeping the country with the new slimmer more'naturalstyles we guarantee Canada's greatest clothing value in each of these three famous brands ... CLUB CLOTHES TIP TOP CLOTHES .49.0 0590 FLEET 'STREET CLOTHES .61r° W. O. Goodwin Phone 16 HENSALL 1341 Tip Top tailors F?ODSUPIO STORE ... .ERR Serving You Better — Saving You More Prices Effective September 22, 23 'and 24 EDDNE11). Pkgs. WHEAT TadlRe by.b 2 31c PARD DOG FOOD2 21c Assorted Flavors, 15 Oz Tins .... for FLUFF° SHORTENING Ole, 1 Lb. Pkgs., Each •lim 1 10 HEREFORD CORNED BEEF 41c 12 Oz. Tins, Each DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL 35,, Fancy Quality, 20 Oz. Tins, Each ‘ir OLD DUTCH CLEANSER2 270 Tins * for HONEY POD PEAS HONEY Stokely's, Fent); Quality, 15 Oz. for 33c mccoRmicics SODAS 290 Salted or Plain, 1 Lb. Pkgs. TOILET TISSUE 9 Interlake "White gross im Roils 25c OLDE TOWNE PICKLES C5c Sweet Mixed, Lg. 48 Oz, Jars .,. %. n . TOMATO JUICE Stokely's, Panay Quality, 20 Oz. C for 270' GOLD SEAL TUNA 37 Fancy White Meat, 7 Oz. Tins * ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES (50 Off Deals) •nt MIX .2 OoldiCake 4C Par Pkg, Healey spice Cake Mix ego' Per Pkg. ....,.r MIAOW co ' TIDE (151 Off Package) ' Giant ,Pag. C 'KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES Fres Masks That 1•Glow•Y IA di, 'Pkg. .......... gee The Best Place To -Shop After All • . , J. H. Jones Gro ceries Phones.; 32 and 752 Free Delivery'