The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-09-15, Page 2THE. TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER,
FTEMBER 15,, ice.
This Journal shall always • fight
for !progrelss,reform and public
welfare, never be afraid
tack. wrong, never belong to
any PRIitiS ai part}, never be
satisfied with, meraely printing
Next Thursday
See ALL Attractiofls
At Exeter F.. ir
Two closely:connected town organ-
1xations -the Exeter Recreational Council
and the Community Centres Board --have
,experienced considerable difficulty in the
last two years because of infrequent meet-
ings and bookkeeping problems.
Neither of the boards has regular
monthly or bi-monthly meetings to look
after their important town business. Be-
tween the two or them, they handle
around; $25,000 public funds a year. They
spend approximately $7,000 in wages each.
year for the recreational director and his
assistant, who operate the arena in ad-
dition to organizing sports and other 'ac-
Both boards have had trouble secur-
ing a secretary -treasurer -who is willing to
.handle the complicated finances of each
organization. Those who have -volunteered
have found the work involves more of
their time than they wish to contribute.
One secretary -treasurer requested to be
replaced two years ago but is still in of-
These difficulties result in some un-
fortunate mistakes, One chairman said re-
cently one of the employees received va-
cation pay twice in one year. There seems
to be frequent misunderstandingsbetween
the boards .over financial matters. The
boards seldom review, question or super-
vise the activities of their employees be-
cause they rarely meet.
'We realize neither hoard has an easy,
pleasant or rewarding task and we• know
it is hard to get members to fill the posts
but their jobs are important to the com-
munity. They might solve their bookkeep-
ing problem by combining the positions
and offering someone a worthwhile sti-
pend to keep their accountsistraight. This,
with the stablishment of regular meetings,
could repair an unfortunate situation.
The Times -Advocate extends con-
gratulations to a neighboring friend, The
Clinton News -Record, which won signifi-
cant honors in the Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association Better Newspapers
Competition at Vancouver this month.
The Clinton paper was tied for see,
and best ail -round, third for best editorial
page and third for best front page in its
.class of over 2,000 circulation.
Well done !
Forms Of Gov't
(This treatise on political science
was kindly contributed. by Rev. C. Mills
of Woodham who discovered it on a match
cover in Montreal.)
You have two cows, you give one to
your neighbour.
You have two cows, you .give both to
the government which gives you part of
the milk,
You have two cows, you keep both
cows,and give the milk to the govern-
ment which lets you buy part of it back.
American New Deal;
You have two cows, the government
shoats one, buys the milk from the other
and pours, it down the sewer.
You have two cow• s, the government
shoots .you and takes both cows and sells
the milk.
You have two'cows, you sell one and
buy a bull.
social Credit:
You shoot the bull.
Bow much do you miss .of Exeter
Fair when it comes to town?
A lot of people never do get to see
all the things on display at the local fair
--there's too much. going on to take it all
Many ,nen fail to see the tempting
pies and cakes displayed by the women
and a lot of the women never see the live-
stock exhibited by the men,
The •prize list of the loyal fair in-
dicates there are more than 30 pages of
different competitions, ranging from pro-
jects of grade one children to' four -horse
hitches. All of them are worthwhile see-
Too many people miss too much of
the fair. This year make it a point to
tour the arena, from front to . back, side
to side; to see the commercial displays;
look at the farm machinery; tour the mid-
way; visit the new livestock building;
watch the horse show and the perform-
ance by the all -girl band—in short awake
sure you see all the attractions of the fair.
We'll see you there.
Back To school
The children are back to school—
please drive carefully.
This is the time of year when every
motorist 'lust redouble his efforts to make
the streets safe for school children --and
children must be careful of their move-
ments where there is danger from traffic.
Both motoristsand students could
avoid accidents by observing the following
1. Adhere to all speed restrictions in
school zones.
2. Watch and obey the school safety
3. Be sure you caii stop quickly in wet
and slippery weather.
4. Never pass a school bus unloading
5. Watch for children darting out into
the street.
6. Be extra careful at all times, you
would not want to be responsible for
injuring or taking the life of a child.
7. • Check your car. Don't let bad brakes,
faulty steering or lazy windshield
wipers undo your careful driving.
1. Always -walk on sidewalks, or -well
away from the path of cars.
2. Cross streets carefully, stopping at the
Curb and looking both ways.
8: Never step into the street from behind
parked cars.
4. Be especially alert for traffic when
streets are wet or when carrying um-
5. Walk on the left side of the highway,
facing traffic, when there are no side-
6, Obey police and school safety patrol-
men and respect traffic signals.
7. Always play on playgrounds and never
in the streets..
There are some who think '• it's dis-
graceful'that those touring Russians were
greeted with derision during their tour of
Canada. It was bad taste, they say, and
• spoiled Canada's reputation for inter-
national cordiality.
It would have been two-faced indeed
if this country had wined and dined the
Russians like visiting Royalty, as some
would have had it, without letting them
know we don't appreciate the campaign
their country has waged to gain control
over the world or the suffering they have
Perhaps those who demonstrated
against the Itussians would not be our best
diplomats, but they had courage enough
to say what they thought,
Otte (,eget trinte0abbotte
AdvocateEstablished 11!!11 Ainaig*msted Mint 'Times Established I31711
Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario
An 'Independent !t'ewlrpi►rer Dievo ed to the Interests of the Town of Exeter r Markt
Authorized e1 Second Chun Mlle Post Office Departnient, Ottawa
Member of the Canadians Weekly NeW.paeper Association
Member of the Ontario Division of the CWNA
Member of the Ahdlt filstielit of CLFtniatios r
MUM ,Ai C1*ad,r Inlurawlnce Federation National` Saafety Award
1053 Ontario Safety Lesion: Award
11054 Winner of tare Et.F Stephetwoa Memorial Trophy for
lien Front Page Among Ontario 'Weedy Ne rapapers
laid -in -Advance; 'Circulation as of April 1, 1555 2,725
danaibt Oa 4dyMcd) *too per year •-- i $.A, tiir' a VARCO) $444 NW leaf'
Published by flte Exeter Times -Advocate Limited
Jett legs. By I .S,
itt .i n�
The 'other deY 14ld'*what I
thoue4iit I ,would eye do. 1 sat
for a portrait, It •waa not my do,.
logs, 1 was sisupiy told •that an
Appointment had been made for
me to be at the local photograph-
ers at ten o'clock Monday morn-
ing and 1 was to be •there.
All my life 1 have ;beenn used.
to giving .orders or perhaps bet-
ter, malting requests, but now
having Just completed .54 years
in the one office I am learning
to take orders.
My active participation in the
running of a newspaper and print,
ing plant is growing less and less
but I still manage to putter.
around and. soanetiineg manage to
lend a helping band hut more of-
ten than not J find myself throw..
ing a monkey -wrench into the'
smooth operation of things,.
New lliethods
Present day methods ;by a
younger generation are certainly
a .big improvement on the old
days and •I ani Happy to think
that important strides have been
made 'both in the newspaper and
the the printing plant since. I
turned over most ,of the respens-
ibility to my two sons Robert,
who is in charge of the printing
• end and Donald who looks atter
the newspaper.
But just why, they want my
picture I am at a loss to knew.
I am wondering if they think the
time is fast approaching when
they will want something for the
archives or the morgue as it is
known in newspaper offices. 'Row -
ever, no matter what use -they
wish to snake of It I am flattered
to think they want a picture of
Names Make NewS
]One thing 1 learned early in
the newspaper business was that
a person's name or his picture is
mighty important to most individ-
uals and that names and pictures
make news. And 1 am no excep-
tion.I have bad my picture in
the papers on various occasions.
For A Portrait
and whips 1 have not atwaya beea
satisfied with. •the way my hair
was brushed or the way any nose
was turned up, :there has always
been asource of certain •satis-
faction, Whether you do Or you
don't see the result of Monday'a
sitting, it is 'carrying out what I
have maintained for 'years 'that
everyone should have his port
Mit, taken. And naw lust s little
plug for our local photographer
Jack Doerr. Re is one of 'the best
in the business and Exeter aiaould
e prigs •to• have such a. person.
'This is opinion: not lust our opsio . :hitt
is confirmed by a leading 'nth
ority •in the photographic field
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13y 111. E. KARNESS„ President
'There Is an invitation to 12
Pipers and 12 drummers, or per-
sons wishing to learn to play
same, to join the .Exeter Legion
Pipe Band, Those wishing to learn
to play the drums Should eel). -
tact William Chambers. sergeant
of the drum section, and. those
• wishing to learn to play .pipes
should contact Cpl. (Jake) Lloyd
I.indenfield, '
This is a ,great organization.
and is .steadily golug ahead, and
anyone who is interested, should
not delay in contacting either of
these men, so he twill be 'sure to
get in on this winter's classes.
* * * *
As you know, this fishing trip
that Comrades Reg Taylor, Harry
Holtzman, Les Mitchell, Bob. Sand-
ers and Bob 'Cutting went an, was
quite successful. They even have
.pictures to provethat they caught
fish. But what a 1Qt oP people
don't know, is that they had a
casualty on the trip, and that the
first-aid man, Bob 'Cutting, .had
to administer treatment.
The story: 'Comrade 1Boib 'Sand-
ers caught a 13 -pounder, and after
he had landed • it into the boat.
it started threshing around and
hit mid of the tackle boxes in the
bottom of the boat, and it hit
Les Mitchell on the toe and ..Gut
a big gash in it. Being experienc-
ed +wild life men, they had a first -
O copyright 19
Wok Disney Productions
World Rights Reserved
By Watt Disney •
9.15 n;..,:,.,.. , • . c•-"”"
6,2414. ioldsV
"I'm in training for a flight to lilacs with my master!"
As the
Go By
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The Quaker ;Remedy 'Company
have gone to Clinton after two
weeks in town. They cleaned the
town 'of five or six hundred dol-
lars and left 'medicine and soap
galore: We do not know anything
about the valve of the medicine
or the soap, but judge there is
plenty here to k e e .p the town
"well” and "clean” tor,,many a
long day.
;Miss iS•tella iSpeekman left for
Toronto to .continue her studies
at &.. Margaret's College.
Some of •those attending Lon-
don 'Model School from this dis-
trict are AlvItta'Wilson, Centralia,
Olivia Baugh, 'Hensall and Lina
Abbott, Luau.
Miss Elsie McCa1ii1m an hon-
or ,graduate 'of London Normal
School has been engaged to teach
in Exeter T'uiblie School.
Messrs. Coughlin. and Lawson
shipped four earlaads of export
cattle from here ('Centralia) on
At the Athletic Ite1d Day held
at .Cplrourg on iLabor Day Mr.
Everett Quinn wait successful in
winning first place in •the five
Mile running race.
Mr. sanies Francis of Bright
has taken a ,position with Mr. D.
'Hopper where be will learn
the undertaking IbuSiness.
Mr.. Herman Dayfna.n has par-
chased from Mr: T. ie. Joynt, Hen-
eiall the grocery store ,getting
possession October 15, '
it'atr Day in Exeter Is the big
gest day et (the year. Wednesday
of neitt -week ;being Fair Day the
rimes -•Advocate *Ili not be grin-
ted until Thursday.''
Earn upgvards of $25 Weekly
all winter, growing mushrooms
deer us ,in cellars. ---+C a. tr e d
Mushroofn Co. Toronto,
aid man and kit, and first-aid
was qulokly administered by Bot!
Cutting. "
* `* * *
The bantam ball 'team is go-
fog great guns, They have won ,t1111t11N _.
the W;