Huron Signal, 1865-4-13, Page 4e
Xinon Signal
ora to ]rut a greeter breadth than usual TERRIBLE NEWS !
s under crop. Under fair average circum
stances we may oonfidently Jrpend on a
batter yield in all breeches of Agriculture attend+nee upon Mr. Seward, w dead. Sec the followers mg, the 24th t P
than fur years back, and certain inti“- nerriuna condi ('n rte[ I'curu or rnr l xlTco ST1r[s : rine!! tuts ce p Y g
ilE IS BHUT IN THEATRE IN wusnington. April 15, 6 o'clock a. m.- star Seward u io •• very p Picket[ >{I.UU. It is hgpad theta will be the society's s;hibitina. 'The price eked
tions point w an auvnoe in the prices of WASHINGTON Abraham Lincoln died this mowing al Y'! tion y Thu uudrni reed s directed to announce
_ mrnut •s after moven i clock. to that the (uuerel ceremumrre of the lamented • full attendance of wbtulwn and the (tar the lard u only j500 Pus Eve mimeo that
breadstuff+ If the year's labors arc •hue -- Mr, t t, 1 s after 1 April e5, 9 a.m.-The a sa. The Yea[ also publishes • oigepatab
j' Chief5/•Kwtnta will tab Place a\ the Es+ public generally. members of the Joint Stuck Compnuy cannot
of six hopeful boys were brought before emounl, tLe price being fury I, Parti“
GODERICH. C. W., APRIL 18,19 .
THE AtaI'. sseNaTi0ltf OF
The telegraphic announcement of the
cold-blooded murder of the Preeideut of
United in Ford's h
the States,
on the evening of Good
day, sent a thrill uf horror throughout the
American oontinent, and will startle the
civilized world. Asassiaation, under any
, is a brutal crime, but when
it strikes down the Chief Mari;trate of a
great natio), in the prime of life, and at
au important orieia of his country's fate,
it may well fill men's minds with feelings
of gloom and apprehension. How awful
aro the antitheses of Life! The Ameri-
eaa people one week ago gave themselves
up to tbe most extravagant joy at What
they firmly believed to be the cloeiog tri-
umphs of the civil war ; but, ere the illu-
minating fires had paled -ere the boom -
ling roar of eannoa had ceased to reverh.•r-
ate through the hills -suddenly, like a
Tragieal death of President
Lincoln !
seeking their chance, but for IgM unknown t
mown it was out carried iuto 'abet unlll last i
u.gbt, line u[ them has evidently made his
way to lialtimure i the other has not been
traced. (Sd) E. M. STANTON.
-- - - w WOWS It,and to tM aweeswy huddle.
it depose hie summer nuunlr] residence as the Soldiers' ST. GLl1tU1L'tl Stx!ILTr Dtawia.^The m rovrwe
hat wdl be tam ras
his maim W 1 Pus
u u n it 1u u to make It
sal P°
0 qtr Coagnasioaal cemetery. Boum without the mute cavalry escort, which kunireraary Dinner el the Guderteh St iuttabla for the ScCiet)'$ and other papaws
liar Time, April 15. -The Pose's Wash viten Soarers nod overtook Liu. beton M had George's Benevolent Society will be held -the Company to be :mei: rated. fur tM4
ngtou special says :-Mr. Hansel!, the MINI Lr.
\laitland Hotel on Monday even- wed w ctar s vuilon a
rel adders : 'r 'oat. at 8 o'clock m.- n tee for lbu virile a of rigwiu
wager of the State Department, who was in r The acting Secretary of State has issue at the . r outlay by being alto g
.tttempt nn into ll,. ell t. err - -
crowned, , it may not lead to *udders prow, tt d sin ul Presider! The ha loll behind him h 1 Clarence A. Seward which says Mr. Sewn • ire Mansion, in this coy, at 12 u'c'ocklore anything by the speculrli rem any sweet,
butwill inevitably bring about P lw tel 6wl by J li bas Is1s much blood bRe ut 0u tuba uuu ,
r healthier tat of trade and a greater pareira to whom n hes n 'been as r rear are c
abundance of motley, and It is to be hope& The assassin Of Mr, Lincoln ores belonging w tbo suauected emu, and re badly in leo plates tabors the temple, old he the cougar, are invited w moat In their re-
t tar the
t that Sou f
o wunbi • 1
places f
P+ P
feu will die brother's
m t is insertable olid 1 tl
.war m' Cu 1
hat and • spur. The het was picked eri up in w toed. n had bol ow mortal. tat is eta u Oh Nducwdr the 19th ince. The POLIoi COULT.-Ota Moodily a bevy a the land can be mold rl any time fur Rat
panty, a wI melts y ring -_ r
t!f' re -
14; STAGGED 1N BBD. the emirs.,
to who box and has rte ea yore • k' skull fractured various religious denomm•tiwu throughout
h bre ih 0t Fhulnnc s r u a
the Mayor and 11. Horton, Est[., on • Steels GIinz to heeeme can do w byraa the a lytng to list
• that crc the return of • New Year, many I rowel), JrsenlwJ as the 000 Y K tel wlrmmamg the occultist cult ap charge of stealing from the stale Secretary uC the Society, Mr. surge Ly.
arrested. the suspected men by other pwrt*e nut allow .nasals are vary dight. 1 be Governor's emporia
• moa will be etlubl d to breathe easy who
i et to sen n hal re, scribing it. '1'be spur thnprl would have been cut a he had riot yruPnate commotion.
Daae was not fully proven and his R'unhaP Duck, •t the Cliutum corner Book -store.
(Sdj W. liL'NTEsp Acting Sae S.
is now tormented in the devising of way 1 Andy Johnson Presidents w:I0 drop iced is o n the stage, and diet oleo rolled out of bed. dismissed the juveniles with a suitable
has nceu 'Acetified u the ons precured at o N'ssuncrux, A ail IS. --Ther+ is no tun• l'hieago, April 16.-A r Bial d“patcli The Spring wr►tL1r has dune mon to cheer
and means. Let us not despair -after a I t t r *settle supero tltn wine man piled • 6c tae io p Iru^i C.i ro errs that our forces ,accope e warenonung. Sure of them were tut!)' big sur the spirits of the cmnwumy hereabout*
season of suffering we have frequently, i) l; LI. feltf1000h [)or THF! 1:.. OD1' firmw0n of the report that the mud., rcr of Mobile tau tLa 9th lust. enough to real !heir chill on the table.
the rrauohl• tin 1'rerielnat has Lain arrested Among the bthan anything that has 1141,1x. ee fur a lung
Iliacorderf h events,turd of Two gentlemen who weal to the Secretary circumstances e g p Pa (pal 011 Is Brace.
t u human
a re y tending to fix a participotion VERY LATESTtime. The bad harvests uf the put three
•nines had very much discouraged ibe farm-
ploalr rily, \\'hen things are at their - Wssslr)rus, April l{,- p
b 1 r notwuh*taoding mg puruuu of the puputativa, old, of count,
worst, a change fur the better is to be ex-
pected, Let every luau in bis peculiar
sphere erdeavor to labor for the general
good, as well as for his individual ad-
vancement, -remembering that the inter-
ests uf society, although diversified, are
yet su thoroughly interwoven that beuefits
to be really such must be reciprocal -and
let us study to improve upon the experi-
ences which now cause so much anxiety
and suffering. Good will grow out of
lightning -flash, the bullet of the merciless these Lard times. Men will discover that
ltlarylaud desperado crashed through the Ia cask basis is the only healthy one fur all
President's brain, attd the cup of joy is business transactions, and they will eager -
sly replaced by a chalioe of ly strive to introduce and adhere to a
bitterest sorrow. The death of Mr Liu- system which would prove of incalculable
nolo is a calamity to his ople which no adcautage w all parties. And then, too,
we should all be taught a lemon to econo-
my. We have, as a people, spccutited
moo rashly, lived taw fast, censuming more
than we have produce!, and in " the better
limes coming," we will surely try w turn ;
over s new leaf', and profit by that expe-
rience which is said to teach the over- I
confident. In the meantime the watch-
word of the next few months should be,
aliened, efillness and !ogre: !
Det► o, tar. Cobden.
By he arrival the Germt0ie we learn
'o an the eml
tent reform
that . . R. v b ,
Member sf Perlia .ret died on the 2nd
Inst. much lamented y the netioq.
words can express, and
alone knows what the far re
cal results may be. "Andy
who suoceeIs the late President
of his office as Vico-President, p
we fear, but few of the qualities of a
or successful statesmen. His inau.;
speech, while in a state ofiutoxicatioo,
not a very hopeful . . .. . t, but it
is to be hoped that u President, he will
act with a degree of dignity and wisdom
that will happily disappoint those who fear
an exhibitioo of executive Parson -Brown-
low ism.
When the almost incredible news from
Washington reached Goderich, (by way of
Seofor€h, for it stems that the Mon treat VER
telegraph could not or would not give us
e Inscrutable
hing politi-
and wife, welt other (riga
n,.ite4 lode Theatre fur t when ri i our un rr r all other portions tau ; but the remarkable
wees CCI, ." performance telt Auerr III 1 hr 51 ht t , r h rtcuuun to bare k h ' uy the Q} The Hamdwn T\mn regrets to +tate mildness of the `Spring after ouch a severer
. err Cowin." tt was tuulouuc Is des d l.h roan t.. the theatre end t l be eady to be syruag that lot F 11 Holt, formerly Dookstller sired
popes !2441 ben. Grant would also be Inhere occupd the cone Dox, but winter u we ham had, has liudle such
p atautroer Or that coy: l Iled d n g the glowing Sup“ of • favorable ed abundant
hal that ge Jersey.
lark the latetwas
u ern: p h reverses) 11,3 dour{ +•e t then h d last gree! rtrogale hefune ret mo aid c)berprtx w sate Pr
for New Jrncy. The theatre rue sten ha hot it u the theme in every one's
with• ted, and everybody reined delight h t ce sink lLa mm wbu stubbed Mr. SeradrbJ his ria r 7 a clout Ant n mouth. The "oldest inhabitant" baa never
with the acne. Marine the thin! act, end z du+•u the head, tLa 1111 fl91 t LV i(J l ntt }
while there esu • temporery pause (0r nue of I d The h he tad b 'd 7iVtV W 4 W v r sign such a (Me spring. The a°ow eagles!
away prow) rapidly sod did 40021 damage to
the actors to enter, ash rep report of a pistol d the atrceta )upenutendent -
rat serge, which merely attracted atmaiun• Ib 1 d Ira asalat•u•1 were at work w Y 4 d rd 1 mills tad prawns on river Erle, but nut nisch
but stag t etre nothing theeerP, uu111 a man p f u the father a land '(u have been postmut r tel a resters wtll End \lr Juhn in this immediate nrighburta•d. The dam
rushed to the front tel the President's Dux, I 1 f Pnuce Geur•e cuuulrq h IW ) at Cooke's Mdl on the Bayfield, near Cloture,
waving a :ong dater in his right brad, and has been carried awn but this cannot be
ttclrnain, : ape unease fyluawes," and attributed to the freshet, u the ewers had
immediately leaped from the bus which was w11i1ed long before n west. 12 ware as
doubt, some fealty construction of the duo
that caused the calamity, though probably It
hub Fastened by the large body of water
of War to apprise him of the attack upon r.
resider 1 Lancu'n t I res 1 ___ of the
in ibe crime iso Booth, were lettere found in •1•ba Waeaias have nut yet been captured,
Lis trunk. ons of which is, apparently, from a
' Lincoln were mei • tee
t1u reeuwg former by a 10111 muffled 11 • clunk, wbu, Ind], tupplrcauug hirer to desert from the yera ruwonto t e cue n y
• ferprw tai h, accosted b them b'stend away. It •
p d 1 lime iu which be was about to
• ire been r. rte on' em r w t e Bute was .inaayiciu
ocean uie Mr. •vole ori ye ing r
e fess i, rat i is o
We are informed that a oomptny had
been funned for the purppse of boring for
Petroleum at Kincardine with a fair pros-
pect of succus• is there so little energy
U Uau,fY t• 1 - 1 he Iwtetd grwcrr says from 1 e en erre Richmond.
red Gni h that the o
I) t furs seems evident that the aim of tie plotters obtained it is rendered highle probable that 'd is w be sought fur all around
sura lis turulyse the country by ° ori '
heart and the arm of is John Soman, of Yemen George coon v, r tea without an effort being made here to
th country. As soon as the dreadful events Nr'1 au a ogle r e mors ir- sink •well, when there is each •Guo pros -
we smwuoce iu Vey Dr's 1taLle ori 14th etreet. ootee,t is
'c ria au •0un man with 1i..•ht nate and goatee, His t of an abuo ant rows
Jrocurrr he nr cin. n a esu momen Count.,LtlLrtl'1LLE
tele{raph J aroweof the w n, a poise nest E n's lusurence card in another eotumn.
1 1 AD t t'L •' luck I t night Lumen coos:el-
Ibe spry. 'j lVnhac arse •ever• mel°- 0a u c as -
bert of the city )remittent were won on the the Annco,o bridge, one
tel whom gree hes - _ Miss Skimmings gives notice of During tho heavy gale of Wednesday,
stmt and ever! p- au Pofher admirable enu
in the second tier to the stage beneath, and *erre older esu qu
ran acres. to the opposite side, =akin{ his in \Vulaegtuo esu
rape amid tbe ri rtaen of t sue penes I
lir. Itirharda. Gen
mount the polies. Ere
of Washington was siren
possible avenue of .sea
ly matted.Steamboats •
bw ldt •he I
from the rear of the theatre, and mounting •
hone fled. Tee•"creame uf Mrs. Linnet, flat
disclosed the fact to the audience that the
!'resp lent hod b.en "hot, when all ewe w
their feet, rushing towards the euro, many
°eclat:Woo, "Haug him, ba,, him." '1'110
excitement was of the wildest possible
d• scription; and of course there was an ahrupl
termiitati.m of the theatrical pesformanae.
There was • rush towards the President's box,
when cries were heard of •' Stand bock and
give him sir,'• " fess ail one etimulanu'l"
land ire • busty examination it was (13.04 that
the Preview had been shot thruu,b the heal,
above and back of the temporal bone, and
that some of the brains was ouzing out. lie
esu removed to a private house opposite Ibe
theatre, and the SurgewrGeneral of the Army
and other surgeons sent for to attend to his.
cundaiun. On an examivatod of the private
• on the back ufth21
b uuJ was discovered box, +o
cushioned rucking chair an which the I'resi
dent bad been amino ; also on the partition
aro( en the fluor. A common single barrel-
led pocket pistol was footed on the carpet.
A tuition guard was placed in front of tbe
printeeresi •rice to which the President had
been conveyed. An immense crowd was in
tion was taken to re nave as Boren and the other as Smith. The the 12th inst., the roof was blown off the
iu the city. Every street letter s belie.ed tt. be Juba Surratt. the re -opening p
ruliedat the reyuestuf Lust oi{bt a riderless horse was Lewd, school fur children.
ver 1111 horses to which bis born identified by the proprietor -
e road Ieadlog out of one of the ambles previously mentioned u Faos-r.-llunng the pant few days we
picketed, and hewn{ been hired from his establishment.R'AAV.\YOSII.
every was thorough- d as to whether have had a wccesaisw of cold winds ac -_
i ( fes to depart Booth crossed the bridre en horseback or companied by pretty severe frosts at night. The kss sa lr for this township hes been
he conspiracy ori•mwed in Ma
1 that t , y
the telegraph flashed the mournful true
' Itdtintore, and all the eavahy was ins
¢lately put upon attire duty. Every ruses
was picketed, and every precaution taken to
prevent the escape of the assassins. A pre -
luminary cxamiuruon was made by Merin. mem
Richer&and hie aasuwnta. Several per Wu" lady i
uew brink Episcopal Church in this place.
[t will cost considerable to replace it.
the refusal of this wrest important news,) Barth, the su
the excitement was intense, and the feel- `Lincoln, end Sun-
ing of regret and horror universal. No ata who made such
former manifestation of sympathy for the Mr. Seward's residen
r- expressions of
It is
Clt c: es
bear e
South restrained
sorrow at the shacking occurrence, and have got off to Moaebj s
ager -their a
of men afor
amongst the excited groups a 0'JO are offeredp
ly canna/ming the news, reprobation was Gen. Johnson has surrende
the one sentiment uttered. \1'e are glad
man, Davis is at Moon, Ga., M
to ohms that the forting throughout Ca-
nada was the same The beats must be been captured and the war u to - idcred
Lard indeed that could rejoice over such a ' over.
terrible Elsewhere we Secretary Seward •paean like!
give foil particulars of the bloody occur- 1 reoove:.
The Portuguese Government has an
to the demand of the
Accounts are con tctIIg
sun the Potomac were stopped.
on tout. but °s it is believed that be role I authorised by the Council to take a Tote
The dally C5,oairle says, w it is st apecttd he he 11 is presumed that he had exchanged g \\ c would direct the attention of I s
rust, he Som. of the ratepayers ori a division of the
to priirm information in the poesesron of the all persons interested to the educational' township iota two municipalities -North
K ; authorities itis strident that the scope of the advertiemtrot of Mr. John Nairn, whose I 1°1 South. It is believed that there will
,rot was attsuded to be touch mune cumpre long exporienoe will be of great service w
uri)s. those trouisioes him, bs a majority for division of at (cast 200.
n Vice -President and other prominent W e _ In the event of the scheme being carried
n of the edmiuisuspect were Portico
ired for .. suspected o rtles arrd The resident of Mrs. Brown, Huron out the division line will become a county
Murderer of MI r, front of it, all deeply anxious to learn the
lt, the .0 p,aed mums condition of the President. It had been
wNge Or1 13nght in preVluualy annnuneed lire the wound was
lis rata!, but ail hoped utherwue. 1'hr shark hat tune old maty navy remover. Thr cream •1'he mo81 ngilant scoutin; oo your krt and
•-, have not been to the community was terrible. At midni;ht 1 Lars were Lr„ken total from the beers!, ea d
r the Pieces at your dupwsal is demanded. A
lievcd at they I aha Cabinet, rub ) s. Sumner, Ik'(ry ,lone hey
atrilung. The loads weredrawn desceipiao,1 of the parties sapp reed to to im-
•r vernor
wry t d Cunii Vo
Farris r h Ju
Alla. 0 -
asst o
c >dJ
'Uglrahy, Geo !!alga, Cul. ala], sand a few
amnion. personal fiends, with Surgeon - tienerol
d to Sher- Barnes and his immediate easlstants were
ata of
President was in • state Isroned
. -Tire Pres t
)bile Lie syncope, totally iuoewible and breathing
Th t
were celled to testify. and the evidence their prec
as .elicited before 111 iuforutal tnbuual and but provid
localitlp accurately obtained, (toad, at preset occupied by Mr. William
sty in their cases the scheme Stewart, was entered by thieves last mght,ai'd
out under Lath, was conclwire to this palm- , miscarried. boat ems at unce acnt down •conn arable quantity of clothing swleo.-
that the murderer of President Lincoln was the Potomac to . utify the gunboats on the Vu clue to the guilty party Dar yet been ob-
Jubu Willes Booth. Ilis has was found in river of the awful toe in order met all pus
ahs private hose rutin
d .11 l.hed L7 stent • ans should • . taken fur the arrest of tailed. - Lacuan.s Lta[R1LITf.-The Municipality ho hod see° Lim within the haat 1 the perpetrator+ 11 moat ample precatis d li the dry the nuhen bore (.West bens., by '
road, with a bridge for the Louts y oua-
ail to build over the Maitland.
TI'CKElia 11IT11.
esu .
during the 'restart. Mr. 7 pumas Seeps** le
now the proprwtur a tbe'esilla, and u • great
Loiterer 1.7 the deseructi00 of bre dam. ladled
be boo been unfortunate ever since be bought
the property, being unable w run the molls
dune; all Mu last summer on account of the
se1reil7 of water cussed by the great droatb.
ME .t 1•'ORT 11.
norms STaruxu.-1X{1.Wednesday night
at bait -pal nine Mr. Ryan, Grocer, inured
his horse Irons the stable under suspicious
erreumsta°ces. 'I' be day previous a Tooke*
burse -dealer passed dateug21 tbe tillage welt
a drove of bones adl endeavored to buy tbo
one 11N1. Suspiciuu fell on him. Next mora- '
i Ig constables were sent In pursuit. Tbroagh
• to
eve r.
u res)
this township b I halter
two d year and eke aur which be- dropped tines have been liken an it is not beiinveJ F.xLtsrin,-The armies of the Gaited of 1 n ro g nines❑r; w b:a •table. Ti.The
by accident utter he jumped to the stale was
the culprits will tun: w. - in eroding the States received an important aceesaien last Fitzs,mmous L 7 for his valuable services bridle were farad o° Mrs. l.apd7'a farm. I4
d •nufice tae nue u(tLos which he bad ubuP I otertakmg um of justice. ' h voluntary enlistment of some Suring the prevalence of the anal! pus last
such a Dratlice i. E noise .0, wmebvdy a II
d (rum the at8ble when be Dirrd hia borer. • Washin •sun 9^f0 w. m Ap '1 I5. h sweek wormer among the Iin_b a Y dear for thou rade
_ • to the m un my I ,td em; renis.
Booth, has I..ved ,core than ogee 0 1 b
President half half-dozen Galeric6 boys who went to f h per
nue, Bu p bene h he
r roof 1 a d to of course acquainted Se Seward t1e t° to es -B ff l f b t Thep reatvcd
with which he escaped behind the scenes 1' and thorough cxammrtion of all per"sw, et 5100 each , -- bounty.
t young 1 ease, that of •young sacra•• of fifteen years,
understood. tin tin,; m cror* from the United States
Secret u7 Seward left behind the slouched 1 1 e
wed t at t ar431115 u t Sroir[u Pars•. -This strange ever s
t tar s t centre, n
arid sectary war are, • gi u r o
that purpose. Hese Tires -Threes must be ►tad rhes
b Ill Ca it and entrances, turd the facility ca to Conuds. You will make • reful !appeared in the EngPsh settlement -one
w11 Pe h be t Th nun heroes
easily d toad The person who attacked
t'auar end will arrest all -auspicious persuus.
A terse press man once said that one I Metiers. Cartier and Balt as
of the • sties of an editor is to write upon , Ilalitai.
any subj
the geotlema
impossible for
fulfil its mission
without re5ectiog
material interests of
is pleasant or painful
did editor, just as the
upon his attention may be
lively or severe." Io all
hard tines topic affords but 1i
for liveliness or gayety. A ma
teary notes to meet is deaf to the
of sweetest music ; regardless, often, o
little delicacies of eociil life, and cnnoeto
only of a terrible struggle against th
current which presses Lim downwards h
with vehement force ; and as many of our
readers are in this position, we feel that oat,
t c
. Q
• it will be dmost impossible for us w wrote for Mr. .
them into confident j onaneas. The The A
times are most awfully hard in these
counties, as they are throui hout t'I0 Prov- Arr1va
inoo generally. Many of ourinost enter -
lensing merchants and traders have gone The steamship
under already, and numbers of those left the 1st, via Qneensto
hardly know how to turn themselves under herr at tern )'cine th
the per:mere caused by the scarcity of forty three pasengers to
money, which is inereased to an appreci- tor Boston. Ilerdaue are t
able extent by the retrenching policy of those already recs,.cd. A
t which forms the general topic I !lanetx, April It.
in his locality. We believe Mesn. Cartier ani tilt, Canadian dele-
as right, and that it is • frame to England, arrived here by the Asia
a secular newspaper to I at about 12 o'clock last night. 1 hey were
a mirror of the tinea 1 rewired on the wharf by members .of the
Government and marry leading citizens, and
at which affects the
idly. This duty
the earnest, can-
bjects pressing
rave or gay,
taken ie four -bores carriages in procession
through the city to dm Temperance 11a11. -
Though the hour was AO late, the procession
esu • mile in length. and embracelall etasses
of the community. The streets were crowded
with a mass of people- At least two thou
but • roue
the cL Y
mi'At find it dearly earned money before
oy get through.
the murder
will be l
e1e••ra Led
•Ilcat:•d in P
1 gene fie
Piece tet !earl and the other hofs rmeller •Lan 'you to day -but in the mean time Le retire
Luton C no. -The magai5-
ca owned
of' fall wheat
Road, near
the Huron K
on b ,
it specimen of the results
d tbomugh cultivation.
taking field we have
ars, and under
st yield a rich
pod it. If
'' 10
Lee Sc mill
in valuer.P . u suspicious the cftrw!'rrs, wrapped 1 FieI 1 h prcveutiog the crossing of • f 1 'eg •
them from Prelim out. I petrosa. Godericb, is a
Waaulxcrux, April 15, Il o'clock a. 1.- New York, April 13, 9 a. s. -Intense wr- of good 015001.
alar! The DIuuJ oozed from the wound u 1 he Star extra says, at 7:20 the President , row is depietcd on all counts waCe at the
f• breathed his tut, cawing histyrs u if felling
horrible events !bat °ecurred in Washington It is really the best
the bank of Lis head n surgeons used Io alcor, and bis cuuntwunte I.sumin{ au last ni{kt, and the gr ref of all good nem is seen about here for
ever] possible effort of medical akdl, but all txpresswu of t,clCact se,eui17 '!here were' apparent everywhere et the demise of the
hope was roue. The pouting of Ills fondly ,o irie.,cati"us of pain one It was not known j favorable ctrcuma_ances
I resident No nags were hoisted in this
with the dym; President u toe sad lar 1 teat he wait dead until the gradually decrees i eiy
this morning until the state of the l'resi- return for the money spent
The President attiellrs, Lirteoht did not
s rt for the theatre until 15 minutes past
t u'c:ock. Speaker Collo' was at the
1114 respiratioe ceased deoeether. 1 dent was known, when they were all t•lated et .eery farmer had twenty aerei
1'Lr Rtr. 7r. liurlr7, of the New loth a half mast. People appear perfectly horrified. as well, we might expect a caned
.nue Presbyterian church, immediately on its Iliefelu'April 1:„ 10.25 s m. -The city is
W hi !louse at the time, mod the President
stat • o Lir' that he wan guiul, although I er winch was respon.led to by all present. I street u hung with black, and all biomes. u
larineascerieeted that life wee extinct, knelt
'draped in mourning flags, all at half mut and of good times. Farming con be ma
at the bedside and offered an impressive pray draped in black. Every budding on Mom pay
Mu. le ulu best not been wed, because the l Ur Guro:7 then prucecCeJ !otic trout parlor, I restate CBAaaLW1 JOURNAL for April DAs
papers h announced that General (:rant where Mn Lincoln, Caprin lloheut Lnuro. n, Iluchester, .April 15. --The intelligence of
and the we to be Resent, and as General I 1 the rssarsination of ('resident Lincoln and been scut to 05 by Mir. Mlowrhouse. The
7 1 Mn. John !lay, the nn+stn 4er seer and
Grant bed a North ate diel not with the I Secretor Seward caused the most redound
Y" ulnen morn waitia{. r erre ho again offered a 7p contents areas varied and interesting as
audience to be a1 pnint5J. Ile went with ea er fur the eoaa.lalion uC eke Pani!].- sensation in the city. limina w suspended,
apparent rolueu ee and ur„sed Sir. CoIt.x w u run)Jmg this deuh-bed u! the 7 lewk•nt I ever. It is • Magazine that we cordially
,(o with biter but b 11 gentleman bed made Were Secretaries Stanton, Welles, Caber, AL emblems edn( manners bulhella are lolled, r J a recommeod•to every'general reader.
tad with Ur. - Aalman of General Spesd Yestlaster General I public meting is to be held •wires o'clock
other en:gegements,
Manz , b,1 him good -
merit tat the theatre was
reports were circulated tb.
bad also been aasarsinated.
gentleman's lenidence, a
guard were fount at the do
sand were crammed into the Temperance I ,t was aseert,ined that the repos
)science, a Ilall.-and several times that number were 1 on truth. Everybody there was
e margin unable to obtain aimi.teion. that scarcely au ,nte ligible word
The Mayor of the trey presented an ad I gathered, but the facts are sebstao:
About ten o'clock a man rare• the bell,
the call haver{ been answered by a colo d
servant, he said he had come from Ur. Ve,d
Secretary Sewanl'e 1'rmi y physician, rith a
prescription, at the same time bolding iu
Wrsalxarum April IS 1
30 a. m.
r 1 , r
To Muj .r Gen. Dix :-
This evening the President. while •ting in
his private box with Mrs. Li ,e On, Mr*
'Loris sad Slsj:er Itathburn, rue 'hot by on
assassin who suddenly entered the box and
approached behind the President. 1 b ea
saesin then leaped upon the stage hrandisbmg
a (urge deg;er or kn'fe, and made his escape
in the rear of the theatre. The p'et-e. ball
entered the back of the l'reseleul's head wad
p.rmetroted nearly throe{h the heed. The
wound was mortal. The l'resilent has been
Oda port met thirty insensible ever since it was inflicted and Is now
o days later thou thio,(. About the same hour en ars+in,
bon despat:h
e, When the excite- Dennison, 51r. Field, 'Assi*tant Secretary u(', this afternoon, on • call of ahs Meyer. The JEFF. UAVt9 {'APTCREDT
t its wieder,! height, °
the Treasury, Judge Otto, Assist. Seeretrry 'expression of morrow a uuiterwl in this coin'
Secrcwry SrwaA tel Ibe Iuerinr, Gcn. Hr!Ieck1 Mei,;•, Senator' muoily. News esu sent, to Buffalo yesterday, it
Un reachio; tire ,umnbr, H. F. Andreas of New York; Gari. New York, April 1G. -The Times' special
Cro .1 and mi.itary 'Todd, of U2cowh; Jubo ala, Private Ser torn apoodrntasysthatSecretary Seward will is ...aid, by telegraph or otherwise, that
or, dosen:erinf retrly; Gu•. Ugl«shy, of Illi)ois; (i,rrul recover. Jeff. Davie had been captured in the
warn h:.M'd I:.r. worth, Slrs. and ?(its Kennf, Niu Han Fr0.le ick Sewall is stip! uncunseious. }tr streets of fiodcrich, and was held sahject
u d ria Capt itubt. Lincoln, sun uf the /'nap bre.tbes calmly and As en e: s/ pu'se. Ills
F \ Ablwtt 1{.
head is dreadfully contused end lace t'd. h d h
add 1
Ily u
• -haring 7
dress on behalf of the (Omens, couched in the
rains strnnoest terms in favor of Confederation,
the Merin. Cartier and Galt replied in nppro
prion terms.
lion. Mr. Tilley, of New Rrunswiek, was
also present, and gave a 1011 favorable ac-
unt of the ?respects a Confederation in
Pro I ce.
meetins}wae most enthusiastic throuzh
separated with rousing cheers (m
en, fur lbs Canadian delegates and
left the harbor nt 3 o'clock.
et the '• Europa.", April 14.
enp.z, from Liverpool on
n on the 2:id, arrived
miming. :She bas
the Banks, which poeitively refuse to die -
count even the best raper -hotel -keepers,
small traders and even mechanics, are the A'iagara Sacramento by the l'o
taking advantage of the Insolvency Act or forts. Ile also renueee the dismissal
levanting, very foolishly, in our opinion, commander of Fort Belem and • salute 0
to tbe regions beOnd-trade is stagnant
trues to the American flag. Nothing as ye
---enterprise hascometo a dead -trek-
has been derided in regard to the muter.
The .Amcncan cnmmm,ders deny nay rr.t.•o-.
and, in abort, the country seems to be ti0,. of sailins when fired at. The wnro,lor
going to Jericho just about as fast as of )Im,tevideo to Flores, and its occupation
hard tinges can propel it. We foresaw
this deplorable state of affairs months age.
The short crop of last year could not
possibly pay off the heavy interest duo
upon Mortgagee and store.keeperi hills and steady. Provisions dull. Produce quiet.
u well, and the is that all 1 hie a the London Timer,
writing foam it chmon-1 on the 412, of
nor business men will be xgnired to pelvo say* : 1 am flatly mere convinced that if IGch
for themselves the problem of how to tide mond falls and tete an 1 Johnston •-e driven
weer three or four=ooths-between March . 10 the Held, itis but the tintthis
e dnerl revolution aitch will thea be cam
and August -without the mean. necessary pleted. Piero will ensue a time when every
low that purpose. It is comparatively )O1Portant wen eef the South will reyaire u,
M held by •Yankee ganuon, .hen erul,a
.arise to push debtors. The only thing tion in New York will be ekchrnged fes
that es■ be done is to possess oar souls soberness and 114111 rcuon, and when it ria
io patience and pray that a kind 1'rovi• b• realised that the clounf sect,“ of tbu
mi,(btiest revolutionary drama will nut b•
deuce mey biers and reward the labors of played out, mare in the time o1 cur ekildren'■
the Agriculturist. Sly the way, we ob. ehildreo. In the (louse of commons, on the
reeve that some takes the '!let, t.ord C. Paget said that the Admiralty
had r t vd no propose! for sanctioning or
trouble to write to the Ilanlilten Times supporting any fresh attempt to reach the
about the dullness of times in tloderieh.- North Pole. Ile was, therefore, toothier a'
of the 31st of March lays that
Minister at Lhhon hes demanded
of the Purtueuese Government for h
'ng upon
by the Brazilian*, is confirmed.
Llvcnroo,., Seturda•, April 1 -Cotton
sales or J..y, 6,000 bales ; market less firm,
hot quirt and uneban4•d. Itre•dstuffs quiet
We aeknowled to the dullness, but we ••7 what co pas the Government would oke
of each • propesd reps male. Mr. Ns+dgau
would ask those cities or towns of the put wine Sen:stio,u u .n the Pope taking up
Province which are without suffering in hu res dense in England. as indicated in some
fmgn yournr.o. le'rl Irlmental resolo;
this respect to east the drat stone at to to that t.e Gofernm•nl resp eeted the Pope
our financial troubles. Is Hamilton in a personally very mach, but for him to come
peewee b• single out soy locality u being w En{land would be both an anachronism
very doll, friend Timis 7 llnw about °°d ° solacwm.
flat day debt, and heavy taxation, come- Rumor roe Orrene Iseolra.asce.-
aresees anises pes crushed out by the hard The following, clipped from an English jeer-
mal- is warranted
Duel f
]jot, a4ar an, tis moat not give way to
Sayradsaey. Des merchants generally
w13i, we trust, weather the worn by care -
al R-.Leuent, and g rW my never, per
whether the same or not, entered 51r. Sewerds
eta tmeou, and, under pretence of having
. prcec,ip i roe sus shown to the Secr.•tar) e
sick heather. The assnisin im-ned,ately
pushed Lr the bed, and inflicted tee or them
attbe on the throat, and two on the face of
the Secreta -y. It is hoped Ib:.t the wounds
may not be mo -tali 51y appr,-he,.sion it that
t key will prove fatal, the nerve warned Me.
F.ed•:rick Seward. who was in no adjoining
sum, and be hastened to the door of his
f , er's room. when be met the aseauiu, who
int' •.ed upon bins one or more dangerous
wane 3. '11,, recovery of FreJe,ici Seward
is rlou tut. Itis not pn.bable that the 1'rcai
e.02 moi: 'ive through theui{ht. Gen. Grunt
and wife ,e advertised to heat the theatre
this evening, bet he stated to Bur ing! n at
six o'clock th
.n{ today, the
sake very kindl
uf the Confederacy,
of the Government
members of the ('shine
are now in attendance
I have a“n Mr. Seward,
rick were both unconscious.
(`signed) EDWIN 51. 'd \NroN,
E. Stein,
a , - l0 demand for is extradition by the
Il♦.lnt, • d ch. Neal
. c
l' Yr Gatch tical ([all, and Mr. teammate. An invalid 'Adler nurse eared Mr. Seward'• ! [ . S. Government. The news created
Reese 51a1'ullnch remain with 'v c life. q
evening. At a Cabinet meet
resident was cheerful, and
f General Lee and others
red of the establishment
in Virginia. All the
except Mr. Seward,
n the President.
ut ke and Freda -
has proved fatal.
t t d h the 1'r s • I Hite a sensation and we should not be
tar, of War.
oleni and about 5 o'clock, rod Justice I Sieve ry Seward s eonditwo rt m•dnighl
I j 11 p n t . tura riser} to see it in to-nieht's Erpress.
t., d tatty this mmmr. !m a •oda That of his son Frederick M The report was correct in one sense, but
report that it was noti
am eht i r the room In which the corps ley.: bron arn•et.•stcd-nrar Brlumurr, ant! wJl de 11°
Tui OIL Fsvra.-Mr. Vivian, of
Stratford, who hu been engaged in mak-
'neardine f
in„ preparations near Kt
of the boring operations,
showed us, on Saturday, spocimcns of
rock bearing unmistakable traces of
petroleum. Of the success of the enter-
prise iu projector• appear to entertain ao
The wife of Mr. James Welcome,
hotel -keeper of this plan, died on the 9th
aged 36 years. Deceased was much
led by • large circle of acquaint.
r. Waterson 's infant daughter
Helena, • 13 months, died on the 12th.
The herald itching.into Dr. Scott for
holding a° inq • t on the body of mos
Pearce, regarding • s death then was
no anepicirro of foul p .
The Spring has opened fie in this
locality, and farmers are putting 3 reater
breadth than usual in cereal,. is
hoped that a fine hare,.:: will give us
of our
Innkeepers fell, and if the devil eta ever
among the tailors he seems to be among Ib
innkeepers at present, for lately we hod tial
Walker has •'aked.Jdled," els Leal broke
down, It..xter died through fright of 1)unt,s's
bil 1, Fubley became bank rupt.Powell wised ea ,
b tea elate
on r a k t
out K r 4
rut to Peat-
d u
awry, Shaw poisoned.
11nnar7, *ease iu horrors and more in %Aomori.
Good. Friday.-This day esu observed i1
various ways. Divine eery n -e w held reels
F;"seoeal •el Catholic C►arcbes, stores were
closed. target practice by the 'Selenium, and
the day cheered as • ioeid., generally.
!.!scan's Assaurssries.-Never did the .
i ehab,tswts of lb. village receive such n
shark as -on the receipt of the telegraphic
report of Mr. 1. secures Assw•inauou. All
parties etre struck dumb at the thought• of
the audacious despond,' and the cold-blooded
menlyr of the melnight War,o. Timm of
Southern almythres condemned the perpe-
trators of the Panful tragedy i0 unmeasured
WaaAT MeleTTTva.-Aa th. Wbelt ,Mer-
chants cannot obtain ears to nmovertheit
produe• comuiated through the wieter,thdj•
speak of ging in Itayfie d n the Fall. -
There is • nerel Our:" to improve the bozo
bor and thus a,mewhat independent of the
Grand Trunk. ..
return of better times. Scorn
Chute after 11)1281 hours Saco race urtn1 r
appears tope irnpro•im . e ase u •mow 1 final young men have Gone off to
e ▪ remote e
d,we'v cher the President's death^ a cab reit! ver? critical. I it will'be seen by reference to our Hice their condition in the State•, -rather s
t ,need:., was called by sec,etery Stanton, I The Herald s special stars that Booth has
the President o the
Seem ,y Smubrn, Wi.hl and Usher, Fw4 placed for site keeping on board a monitor C. S.
c Geri
etc 11' • , u :anchored
tad A 11ia t, a
n o Navy 'all u
mnstrr. moat Dennison 7 Post -
at the y 1 ,, _ ,
,cul 4•a d, were present. The 'results of the stream. so a to keep Lim (rum the reach :1 WEATgLIt SL•RPLIa4,-taturday
Wssimorwc, April 15, 2.12 a. en. -The
President is sti:1 alive, but he is growin)
weaker. 'red ball is lodged in los Main.
three inches from when! it entered the Skull.
utterly hopeless. The Vree Piendent his
been to see hen, but all company, except On
members of the Pawnee and a the laraily,
is rigidly excluded. Large crowds OM eon -
?nue le the street, ite near to this bogus as the
tine of guards allow.
Wan IREeteTNINT. WitabingtOn, April 15,
sideet coalition insensible. arid is siakine.-
fiee'y Seward remains without change. t red.
erick Seward's skull is fraetered in two pris-
m*, besides • severe Cat On the bead. Th,
attendant is atilt 'eye. but hopelest.
Aswards emu& are not dangernee, It 11
now aneertained with reasonable certeinty
that two assumains were engaged ie the horn -
the coter. Ice are Its ret 1101.11 1.11. A^ of the populace. offered reward r evening last was one of lb: finest experi-
loos toe
be city are di
any busioress
either on mintt
dated at holt mum Scarcely 810,000 for the •rnist of the rnunlerer uf the enced di§ seasion. The wind blew softly
or public, ace mot Our of ewe.
caizeirs witheut an reconvert whetever are Varieus arrests have been made of Nrues
proved their innocence, but others are held. our gardeners were altiont ti;mpted to
'-n'e'ulin'tei",;(122Teilde'n. '1;111: .41:°11:" "eAd ina'td7r;afu'!:-17,. The letter towel in Booth's trunk, which .
Leave their bot -bed fremes open. Imagine,
wi le striend and due, an4 teethes con place about t! e 4th of 51areh, and ergin4 a then, the surprise of everyboly when the
'Immo{ their premises with fest°01111 °r suspectA of brine im 'treated. Some have Peatance* were fevorable that some of
doubtful eiperimeert just now.
(From out nwol'orremiendeni
The Spring Sbow nf Stshions and Bails in
connection with the Clinton Branch .toricul
oval Association came off on Thu aday the
Ittla inst. The exhibitors were Aw 10 oat,
ber, there being but eight horses exhibited -
four in the class of draught stallions and four
in that of general purposes -while in bulls
there were but five, three Thorough breds
pestponeweelt, said the fruvernment had he first peep out on Sunday morning revealed
the jo so lately mandested over our
747.1.11011,i,uiilm...if victories. 'This is iedeed • come sustriciutue sold it would lie onprudent .
eel ground and a
to do anything then. It Also ads Lied Booth : • "'ewe of etw'w-laele , .
to go to Richmond and ascertain how such regulet drift from the N. W. It W le trite
Reposes prevail that. Mr. Frederick W. Se -
action would be regarded by the rebel Goo cold ali day. In thit conntry of extretnely
knife pr dagger from poietreting into his Evidsnee sunicicrit has accumulatert to in). 1 peen a more sudden transition.
• erumeet. Further dist:mules are withheld
• err tee present. 1 sidden atmospheric changes we have never
Melee 'I prospects are that be will re. ple ate some sue different persoux in the dia.
Wheal plot, a I uf theta from, this section one Lose ins Wiez..--A poor fellow living
in this town was nearly distracted on
flovernmegt departments are closed by or- Maryland.
der arid win Le draped with emblems of leo pairs of handcuffs and a gag were
found in Booth's trunk. It appea.s
• 13 +nth had lewd a stable in the shy in the
utmost circumspection ie observes! as to ad rear a the theatre. lie hired a horse front
ettemptine to enter or leave the c.ty. • livery melee in tbe afternoon, took to the
al:ey, and hired • servant fro:n the lady of
The Piesidents body was removed from
the private residence (eremite Ford's theatre eterin he hired the stable to watch the horse
to the executive menthol thin morning at 9:30 while he perpetrated the demi.
o' .106 is • beam and wrepped in the Amer Booth's at stress has attempted to commit
lean thee. It WM escorted b7 a small etas suicide today. warrant to effect his ourpose. Wives not
officer* cello/red on foot. anonymous note yesterday not to long the being in the category of goods and ehat•
'fhe day before yesterday Booth called on tele as understood by Canadian statute -
makers, the request eould not be granted.
son4 °Sherman's march to the sea.':
a Grover's theatre, and
Thursday night and Friday het by the
loss of his wife, a rather good-looking
young woman, who, it is said, has eloped
with a fast young man about town. Fail-
ing to discover her whereabouts, the huo
band applied to the Mayor for a search
rums of the household sod persrmal fneods of o-ged hi.n to itneounce some new and Perot-
tho deceased to enter the premises. Somme' ino play for Friday evenine, and invete the
Yates and Representative Farnsworth weree President and other officials, and get up a
The hest data that can he obtained shoes
that there were not over five or ten MinUted
Wa▪ shinron, April 15tb, o'cleck, noon. difference between the driir of the ammult on
e -At an early hour this morning Hon. E. M.. the President and SD. Seward, showino that
Stanton rent nn official communication to . It was not done hy the same person.
Hon. Andiew Johnson, Vrce.President of the Weenteeros, April 16.-Tbe corpse of the
United St.111,A, tenting that In conserptence ol late President has been taro out in. the room
the sudden and unespected death of the Chiei known ma the White House. It dressed in
*elevate his inauguration shoals! take place the suit of black clothes worn by him at his
soon as tensible, and requesting lian to late inauguration. A placid mile rems loom
e the place and hour at which the cers• Ina features, and the deceased seems to Im in
mon should he performed. calm sleep. Woes flowers here been placed
Mr. Johnson at once reeled thst it would upon the pillow and over the breast. The
be agreeable to lens to hs.e the proceedings cormie a dm President will he laid out in
tahe ?lade at his rooms in the Kirkwood state in the Ent tome on Tuesdey, in order
Home, as Mon as the arrnnements could be , to give the publie an opportunity to me elle!
perfeeted. fame no features uf him they loved so well.
At "levee decelock the oath of nffice was The prepsrations are neing made to that end
miroiniatered by tke Chief Justice of the Cni• miler the supervision of tbe upholiterer.
led States in the ilitaal solemn and impressiee The following developments have been
manner. Mr. Johnson received the kind ex made within Ihc put twenty four honn., show
pressior.s of the gentlemen hy *horn he *SI tog conclusively the eitietence of • deep laid
surrounded in • wianuer which showed lin plot on the part ot • gang of conapirstore, in-
( he mat roe nsibuities so eluding members of the Order of the Kni Ms
as •curve for drunkenness
r Presley.
ble cowl* J. W Booth being th• One
panion of his. 'those MIMI if not, known, but speech In which he said :- lhe duties of Lincoln and Ms Cabinet.
Tho erring one hu not yet turned up, we
Mr. Wm. Campbell, East Street, Gode-
rich, has received a large consignment of
superior standard and dwarf plain trees,
dwarf pears end apples, and five varieties
of Siberian Crab. His stock of grape'
has arrived and will be ready for delivery
to -morrow. Mr. Camebell has the privi-
Imp of selecting from the beet nurseriee of
Rocherder, d,e., and from what we know
of his earefulness and stmeress daring the
wishing to obtain flret-chum fruit to give
hum a trial.
a person rejoicing in the hoen fide name of
Jeff Davis was, with • boon enmpanion,
homight tip before his Wership the Mayor
SIR, -la your issue uf the 30th Mareh t
tl t Dan Steban had been fined the sum of
a'se, tied
shows the d.
etnanate. Ida
he alludes to ail Da
skirts as the writer
on 111 a small way to tel
inj to the truth, and why
gentleman excuse me for calling
n ime that can exalt over VOW'
tined /10.00, •hy ahould hi stick
truth in beemaning the failure of P
prosecution. Ile states that some ot the
witnesses drank something bearing tee Ramer
a coal oil, now I dare say, that no other
individual but the writer beard an; such
testimony giver, in Promor's rase. In all
00. No doubt the writer *hulks be i.11
SOInailittes feelings in his miserahle
be scurrilous ; 1 ran tall it winking
eh a small attempt at foressua
'coerce from which they
say the gentleman whom
Sieben can whew as cites
he Inlet,. Ile gwes
w Proctor's prose.
r Mee in suck.
eld he, the
red two Ora le. The •111111 Os were all gape
rior ones -the thorough bred bulls puticu
larly eliciting laudatory remarks from all whu
saw them. Mr. Wm. Jenkins, of Goderich
yeayorld thoroughbred milted "Stanley," hut
M-. Humphrey Snell carried off the prise, Ms
neat -looking pretty two.yeseold '• Claude,"
(from the herd of the celebrated Mr. John
• bard contest with Mr. Eimund Manning'.
"St. George," (only twenty menthe Milo
being finally declared the best. This animal
a Mr. :Manning's was mull admired by the
loom number of farmers from the surreurehne
neighborhood whore the fineness of the day
had breught out, and there were many dissin.
times frum the opinion of tOe eudgeee, aa
often the case oe like circa:lions. The exhibi-
tors of Grade bulls were Mr. Appleton
Eleost, of I uckersrnith, tied Mr. Edmund
Mennen', of Hulett. The ezkibitors in the
611.14 a "Sialliong for General Purposes
were Mr. Thornu Dodds, ("London Tom -3
John Nott, ct Rainbow Rockingham Frau.
cis Fowler, jr., ("Royal Erik ibition,") Hee'.
Melt Help, 1" Duke of Wellington.") The
following draught stallions were elhibited
" Young Wawaricele" by Mr. George Star..
bury, Hard Fortune," by Mr. Joreepb Fish.
or, " Robin Hood," by Mr. Charles Marion,
" Prince of Wales," by Mr. Henry Lane. -
I appen4 the list of thereesful competitors :-
General Perpoeses Staliiniss. -1 it prize,
Franco Fowler yr. ; 2nd prime John Note
Draught Stailians.--141 ;wise, Joetteh
likelihood the e•idence is still to the fore to
speae fere itseif. He also questions the
magistrates who sat on them eases are per-
sonnll I:Acquainted with. 1 think, all of the
witnesses Oro were examined, and I here
no hesitntion in referring to those gentleman
for the character of the witnewea ; they are
neither bor-room loafers or men that would
be litely to value their word lishtly, or
would so down quietly and allow that very
gentlemanly writer to 'mum himself sod hai
friends, if he him got any, witk hints and
doubts as to their veracity. New, df the
writer of that article would pet himself ta
the tiouble of leoking over the evidence given
in Proctor'a case, he will see he bee don*
them a gross injustice, and, perhaps it will be
of scene service te him in the foam if he
should ever wish to see his admirable com-
positions again in print.
Oar The Kincardine Nerieir gays that
Mrs. Morrison a that place war bitten
by a mad pup on the Ith that
PORTRT.-The following " Owned tell
Lathe Ilurin " is worth preserving
"Green are thy waters, green as bottle -Our+
Behold em torment that- I
Fine munkalonges and big black hue
Is nften ketched their.
Thar the Red lean nnee took Isis dello%
Fisht, fit an4 Wed
Now, most of the inhabitants ka whitest,
And nary red!"
Proudest Lincoln ham told his " tisk story.'
in Itiehrsoad. While tested in do miler of
the Confederate President, some ••• rt.ated
/homage bred Botts -1st prIlla, , 11 of Me. Davie light.
plarey Snell led prize. Edmund Manning. Fcr ,„,„,,,fed ke. et um Da eh•
Grad,* Hulls. -I et prize,Appleton Renal ; wises the preacher teld bm eon; titiestre'theste
Alesaneler Itreedfoot and Robert Hester. were nnly two roads, one keeling beill and
2nd pose. Edmaud M•nrong.
The Judges were Mews. Joh* Moore,
At a tweeting of the..._ Doutcrs of the Iloeim nigger take to the woods."
Another a the Yelunieere at Sandwieh was
on a eharge of being drank and disorderly. ty held the same day proposals for the sale 0.2 injured lo tbis puteatere ditcher:wt. ga.
..10,„,. or iron. fi,.. „,,;„,,, „„,„„„„i, ,,i, Beet shot 'the Pneedere, end tee °toe, eon, suddenly devolved upon him rd. ..d., a brief of the Golden. Cimle, to mtirde
Shows on wore considered. There were thromit "4"a* I/**1 *11144 fun I/44 6"‘" brgilht
e pltll o▪ 'i. n11110eig, ono drilehat ; twice • def. whom deseoptinn n so clear that he eat. 1 • • It. was aseertamed SOMA weeks a.go
This prep...atom sets as a tonic and mime,. "141Y eleePe• The
are with (reel. Gent omen p,„..o„,,i fr,,,„4. . r the hee preetdent that he which Dunkin's Bill • obtains, Wei:. fmetunod e::::::::tanfeirh...;0.:01: ar:I.Rigto.z.b. frmb lb-.7entiLthe Ureseka and was mislead pee ed
had received several prieate letters. *101104 guilty Hie Worship in onneid ti I mt ey • pout,* named Crow Bliss. ad -
"L. and e° Pertiellyseprlir• the aie. a 1,-,_ 11. sP,PearelL frott,_• letter fori_,A in !molt'. I iibtisll lean upon .toei. a.11 Idee.elpithaith4,,s....,holii
this beirg the firm offense ord fined the ry astable, whiled to be earefel, as the gee loss kaiak
acesosnmog I.p.w...,,,A "eent. that eh,,,,151, trunk toat t•vi muroor vow planiewe Wows to. item your suppott 01. I. f . . • a an attempt woo pro y .
I he ommelos eel tie epos his life, but to this he did not emus to annpio si .06 and oosta, sivi ukled J,ff. it ouner. bnc,..ta b,ifr... IsTaaeimaltitesmber.eyrannimbei.rtesfroatir" bet be emitte"" le Pe'," it id 04•••• "I i•
play with the trigger. After
physieal and rental prostration that follows 4th ef /11"rekr het fell theeelf• Goa loe•°•• with the .nkinnit.
. este
' I • It ors respoesitelity of the dupes of the office I ate week „i„eh, e ,thy, etiporueee.
Tlo W. of fall wheat, on the li .6 expoewl, though nothing h•e hom sefAeMntly esteem% a . Ws indiridual safety on the head et lanaseorperal Arell. w was
again, to whinh that worthy tw•potwita, "eat Ifienratalor fowl am understanding us 1,ing jo bot Tao hell pseud usese she
definitely detereonesi apron, that the cameral
Iss immodiately formed for the mimes ter ledieted egg vary Witt,* Waal.
utak, preadea liaely, sad the da/ightfut eart,i from UMW Britain In the States, leas abo.t' p„„ nec'ioch be ,,b0,./15. here, twit hese of Ilya Ian Preeiderit Warmth will take Place It le known that ea frequent opeasio MI II* 0 1 dida't went to appear liellem ya, tome tn theta Jniert Stork Osupway aboeW *Nip, al the top of the head, led lie wet
CM/velem Hoed. ea cre ahumm Thanday lost. It is esppcsod eneW start from the Eget-mite Wallies for my__ beetle he...
own trestber is taeotusgin our tam "n•""1 hi N*•1 York, apd 0 starig at the It wineld seem that they had bees tor days
• mom of ground for holding the IlIncietye In the Mork of • Nem& T lest.
hark dirl • arias ore v. watt • better a
edam borakine of frowt the wes of stiles. It hes 'Lisa," bean thewItht ha wee set he would promise not to enme before him enterdered the most eligible as veil as Om
few • foll aro, ia the poem* • tee e, could be hosed from. Booth and hie eeenfri. aanlining•