Huron Signal, 1865-4-13, Page 2no a sochewhat Untlictilia 204 tar the 5GIth Illinois reginietat, all but few prit totho 1845.—To Lineal. nen. ingt)n. (;reat Republic. ' TO is feeling has been ,,an Upon it. hiliffeelf, 0 I athat if an army a"J Dearest ifternuour last we had George S. Army received (Signe,l) E M. STANTO, !.I only he ill oLe beaten track. sued titat vi,,it frolur a apecit jury sent up front oil Loic,6 into commiticie upon the army perifeed, ii,cluding all the 4tli ers- Once of thi' mo,rn,4 on the pieket lie. wo or fostere by'& s.-Otion of the prons which aid not ulk-injecti,tond hills, iJ not towain- I Secretary of % be ital -Ailable; the ground in disrutc eitimaLm another debate elevated repoll tile W illnefull, of Coualowilay F, Leigh Illinois. color qvhqlw r I lead c.),ne ill m,.Pt v in and lit leas done all in its power during tire Alt, lain that -we ought not to errend Canada, 101 London to inspect a a *p1sank to if,* SvdCwi:k;,r aIns e' locrAti of w,r with Aulerica. Mr. 11. %elt-d a womse, t re embraced air ;tdiau# with or dencir that we. are bound in,tionur and perat ra inicat be trial to the sullamer tactics, 11, 1.
your vropruition of )estred.ty with rerfennee rour years to inloctrinate Case au arid the It"'- Ili" attention of the Aleuts, but ulwa arlivillZ them "he wand""di
I in ill jo $0. L All he Wished US to iont A a thi,,k tie a call, by the r; res,
to t lie surrender of this fir-rej. [ now requess purely rueric in sieutilaulit-4, -AUJ which, to, way Co., at the harbor. The caw, all itu- to a phaknlity of a -r owith Aubuiierk, wit sawr d. lelskjor Jam who uses, in cc
46 to was to I lie th.v resiont v lie for calls w ua on Iowa tn&Je cunte,Avd th t I I,,)* Ity tire antacid ofthe #;th 111i4mis; iefullead to Iki the . 110,
j 0 r .
I . . it r- I lying a claim of Ill 10,000, I
an int--tview ill accorl uwo *,tit flavor offer ctou- I all houll it`14S never ob—n *a further inforlUAtil)n or for some - vitb r in. by tit 'un.4141 Im,A .,nue by his cunrport3tot one, infer he (;Vverujjo.jjt, a:, sayin, lie *could stick to Offer as long as
-e swined in Your laAer of yesterday lor ,out oliatanda, it Or a state of the I to a ce f'"Id that, clients d oil Th-irsday (6th) at hen we sufrem d I he as harge ashis two
uji a tpirit or Briti-h arid 141air which he klewiiired shouIJ -be vativie. 11 .1 Write lievea.usbat hbit novar the impu-! But I think tic 'JIL see thot, With 0,4 oq,Ill the cals;ttlous f her 0.11 I,u all ofibi abluel, credit. Itow be ry Fes wectful!r ynur nis,4t swerril. wt th 0 itary Of IL.. Assizes, 10re the 11on. Mr. bt of its IAPAIL 11, I i63. that three ticeptions Off so, the vote has met slid a4itcd I uti,jer a jeep dc lit thome houre Orono the time if* Gas hotel
American wallows was I_b, I,> deffnj for-IfLjUstiewe John Wilsock. gild t., out the ship wait tui,eiiij ikstroyed. lencit, to stit,4 forward an I tl c' ary site i, :CrAtituto to tire Government, The
(;so. It, F. 1,--, Corn with iltbo ciwworo: appi%,viii of all who have, -%r, My ri lot Getirreal Swdollivick, lay by O."tit twused night,
ohe bag tile people f fill* Ilrovince are pro. lack. (11 beir. both 11vublerk, t)l'the LeXisl4tare. for 'tLe deter
W trLp4t., I i I the dLtus.,i an. Y ri, r o,qkj t he ark,111 r or C all swrzued it brated gUijI*tic)n (it, the part of the country to reveal n at,,] then felt, like officers at,
Immanlint A.—Yevor note of this 4-1tv Is Tier lVall of H I Molecules ta (I crew battles
this -It Iyass, cl.oTltL* rabic
bet this m,.Pk I (11 50 a. in ) received. In ill at ill, I -ir Ili,. cent or trinney Pool ii.eir =it bettind nee, %he vernberlur Cafs]ie. 0I, assistance woom -wh. .111to 1, licallral, lobecaukleV it trust be likelf of.iient to a -me e%eryth,ull I., it.. &a po-er owardsrim, clowencespam," f area 'ftd, that which. if I arvolviguized wire for cl the% lines, fous a substi
I hsvos4 poked, from the oud to lujitktji!i intact the LaIlve) h4,, i,.2 for what d.d he lid say: evcrylon,ly that this couvotry, if bad tot cum, lite unfinluutive twdw ngki tat tLe Ly
'cleaner -road to the I*arm Tit* capital of the o lj rwn b"t drop oC ti, I 41 M t Id:i
were U A ttlwti 41 beic; wikc u.ej vt a plAy t 4! it for rLpe, has now titien it, use in F.,isg4tiand but were unable to do more than Ili
oull 'Y' I d Call cause I
xti in 'Mitil tlie, tawther c It not d4rud Call t % -roved he part of tile Confelerates, could feet only ville &,it I,r,,,h tar at 0ii n I lk itito t to, Is I, upon 4 Si4s, 'I 4110%id S,ky w,o; a V.:Y IV. carIll. fur some Over Said Of" I Im ,J the Safety ol the if, copearafebooneve to( the tot gb witas, &.7 atan
eraey has L la t f4l, lk illtO t bring it mi:it force into the if 'it much thiz. country troy bovws n able to ca.;
inz alf"ut four mi!es e f it fi tshes firth in ill, of ItI&I ier's Church it spirit, I out,J. 'and 6eens.) Ile, I an to of, iter, u trijoarki, for dures- per - -rald. ever, within i . I superior to"khAL Which YOU can to Preoe 'cri,,r juanythilig but to stop hat spirit'itt fiilabu,ter close proximity it) the breakers. I he 6 rat and will push rorevard to the frons for the the I w;d, beside 7. pool, t,,r,,t 1 luatir of Or ill, cannot owe its creation to 0 Yet the tqht ban. gentleman, 'Pays wlAmeriflinvocal and to of the was lost overboard
of weetiij You. N-itice vic-0 to Ur On [century, his -!.i., (( '.,l abov), and the hon member for We ' lit Wit wall not fust Or ing which tweat the -10 I I -oil Call". . Yom oil; mildew istl in cold woo, ther clothes do u -t hilie plot a terminatiam, to the
intranlin ouzht ill def that atrocious while anialcoorcring to rescue one of
this ro VI w it" ;'in all t .11 11.1 iestent wisriters obor 'awe fmi,qhana abi the only abiwakers a hat S. ccntcr;l in a lakeleruArLd town ill relinquish the ed,lat.exion. he a by yo 5 artne
their way to behind incliuca I oplonowe the vote, but I I to It we ill t do to relive. It is now 31narole doctrine. activich, wait opposed tic all cc c rectrater, Since the bi ja of h houhl tivrind 'here ? , . , , 'tilt aplace will Pallet me. g-atic fir, rat out of a L . . I brciu.b ,In a. national law, ski to cylevylikins in ihoe sit"
Ver resio loservt.. oil iuniversal Yjukoc nation correct ulysel even as to that, lamea-44. Why. 46 You ore (nut III , to cope ith the
ctf.11y. armor o is 11, canvass I 11 is t own. it it furnished bit civi!azatiom and civil li*1j. fie all* Onediess an you,
(Sifter a call bc delen ]oil nwr blo, 17 niked 8 ill '411i where you leave a -Lftasi a Acv: -A corresp
oLt. q;en." a Isa A tl..,t, notbo ithara.4 Ties Total a. I . in. all his n6jections. he would vote for 11 e yiur Los kinCyj". tavba J us -ill, the toll. -ins fill$ Ap7,omrnmoot, C art April Ith I - r is olho bunty of. Wostern Caniatic """t h` Q 1'rie a i t*:)r40f,,ct1l Orderl, broulithefure tllc_jbwfftllo , I with more fail anuitable val ,r. r,, tar ff &,.my mid where U call joni absence ci guru& caabia, or rtert,aux
logs. -To ere,,. H. I.. L-, Command re C, . 11. d by tho aslyings nd doings (X lAu4h ) Wt ill- gelleeall tams, ron,e s to I how if t b I left at I Liffla 1101d daring this week 0 L "i the of 16.1 base beastipooLd the Dealing
I long, bloody years, it& c.ripture or r Cark ant, you should ill be do - owitelph, coies from tire little hill. I'lookow firokervis iodivate the Mjolitv 'lit 11 - 11
K A. l&Teord,incew with th'i substance hoyorc ilia. Atlantic. Pahicenstain lot Of were so much in fairour ad attac the people of A-nd an expedition a power. ibe of title last A an,-Ficame my letter to yoa f the ith inst., I prollose it) I soug%t by Is lanAt of 2 cr to, 4r ;6v motiju t4&t I thi;ik it wal be very t heir own tamest &old in lavur of the Act receive the sur,-n4r, of vice army of 'worth. I : . " Var a iinst Van3d4 incises wat nalldesirilb!'c' Oil ii -is D"ca"i"" "'At the"' the 1-16110d State.$ ill ovortsu. ur farm ras hava nothing tQ 10 r arcre eistirely cationoll by yet for prellawr- _ ,,&,dam lnj. log; Crankier, 1 33 ; AApho4el
and although illey frcjum.ily Italia , - , say' , toa, central of their own resources, here thew
i with 'Britii "tow -Col. Jerrold ssyi it would should wille.r tie be a diflerenec of opinion sit " . . I , DOU. This coinify the" bad no "hip"' crews 2 ; ottinshical. 112 ; thrasher, -; Sorith,-;
wary, Virginia on the to flnsw, to "it z often burl L , . can latinx a larger force to repel oil Ipain of, far, t spring. The fit t. contend the meranI I it.- gtes, they wer, tile t(Iliker.) Sir, this is [.lit a Cans I Ic 0 1 ,full% iftepet 22S ; Clasen, 36; 1:wily, 52 ; Vere. Rolls of &If she )ire end men to be that rot. keep an Am defecial C wva,la away, ban sand ire WAS wolf .1), lea. -; Coark, 2G ; Hea.
t L ify Suit eut f b is .... c rican armr it 1. If set are unk,lair to 11 t the time ashicto the is&& in duplieste-noie c-,ry Vo Ile given lo, ill dismay. I ill lot leave court, toNter prospects o! S see coancluded iloat their (;uventowut to -took
an officer desinat hy in-- ; the other to be such journals kel; tire G,'u,e to J,e*are cala, Ist an army tolkitic,ot New Yet They should Ifounalsonville, 37 ; llrmk 64 - lboarlaroing, I r it !snov a local quirttion, lain. --; on.arra,ii
a which veto. I 26 ; I'veselon, 96 ; DAf!in&t*b, 263 fro -oke ver....' this Western Ve'utillulks. 11trapet"I ,inessinalk. It is b, only two ighw"o, havoin;
i1el Of the Ill'iec 1,41 thl Position Sol character, the honeer., I really hope thoit Most of the ring grain will rem-skaboor what hicapperevid diinny; the Ameii C, the tbeuwelves 0 preparation.'
retalnealleal offi-wrl as you way af waij- tile terrible wh7c:1. it Rather Unstnud" tile vaL reitti. arid ther advice or sisia gre.t other Impatient ci.y. urre". 'T; North &.Lth kowagbas, 83!1
afa We,t I roiliest tQ the do- lion goadetowkwas (Mr. 13eveli-irk) voill be I Or war can*
riners of the ,I"! .. by the mildle 0 this snout", cn Star, when air AmbolicaP air; Brooke, 51 i Kitt (at, 153; Gikrfwfrsx , 131 The ofia-vi 5 to 9i Is tbei r i nalividual i:crcw to be d ra scring t i a clo,ve, is wort by , I ciu'a -1; an I I hold it' to be .if tier muliobt i no tatished by prposin.f thi amend-' bec or islon a], vi g 01cir I t" the ch-iracter f tire "Lai, ll 11 eveRl Y four W'"Its earlier into the Clogkuivt l at Bristol. alo fur tivice lit 10 ; Isevithrly, Se
parole not to asks, arm sig-aircial the govern Iu [ow her 4e*troyfd our t,gable boo-fo-e the or no naptic more high-sounding than that' re'llea of Quo' a. And that hour will not think it rairvatedary will be-- about O : Chatham, 27 ; yake- and children., ted p actreal majo. -disturb tire unanimity of libe It -te hy Ithice'4axtyer. slui.itl froi Plftl— o of Ki"'golon, 94 IsIs lo A -cut it. lie
mows lL; the. UPitel , ilwaris until propliorly to i:. - . 1,1 Ora inevirrect; ", but ev-2ry 110TICAS t 3'e h fl,,uii wamm to be of the since opituri.\ .0 v 'd I i pre%
=changed, cated each company or reximer merci' of Slier ar er. t - 1witlike. el, otl our ;,in4 tj a divL-i on. (Ije*as, r I 2 emman&r to sign a Pke parole for the IQ?u mind mu t concede that tile South has'; to tile -ol'!""Pr `6 that it Sbauld not go roAh I'j it a I dic3tio,", the harve.4 ill rat be rd ""I 'list 'he' 'lien ex 96 41itu.J.3; Arclawfict I le. wor! I tk'k bear jo a =' !wtt-d to we the Ame,i,;A,-s in Ki,,4 P.-owdea.
there la wa a ditlerenc-or f,r on 011 r 11 21 of,tiowir commit catinife.,ted a spirit . of dArit;.!, or s, Ir. wan ! r. Itat 3 I'— __ — ___ — _Lleirly, and it is hoload that 9 IM044 kin,, h4 C our ships, st that .1, lhurlo. 17 This arms, carripl,ory, &no] ptihlic property tioiii; but th at it achou!J ba su,n I. have, Owe, sacrifice. of military cap icity that entities; inuilo be I, r. Boright say there The I iskellitra ',not Re- tlrrcst I portant stere4s may, at, -al a MUCII UPO11 th,-y IIA'l )Cone theft %bey 011161 have done III ; Oleford,
eowu &I lte,111by an unal.iLu fibers and o in* Rouse of Iwo7.5 ; A above,
tube, pit tacked. and terraria of ilia,- 111aideroo. Y P! :I Tl kjrold. It ; Gudeiit It. I,0; Lcebo,- o the aeocers ropyne:tited by me to receive its "is 6 fairly to the name of revolub-1 I C Re . wki,3,14 of tar.) Sir, theorto are one or ;h` kle.coclas thovi I've bon gentleutm' 'is no dnger at all i that the Am r 'ns ; ea, 4s and other peatcrife are pretty good fellows, oil tire wh wu v .iutsk vi rev.4rj to whic!l I think it I 'US sopliti luil.
private hurt TUEY AtIll' Sk-.'Nr TO T0IAkJ\T0. $bout& i d I' row" " IkaJ dilone iqla in calling alwclwjioll to I's., County or has ad-irtard Us it , vermin. politicigns. act I the a war *rib America, &bid them. This will not Pusterace the sidearm did ilia tuinatire effortir of the my af: ssw; t front Sewage 4oc I -crove 104 ; Woulfural,
eq. — go c of the ofli:ors nor I . heir Or will leave 4'.o;lc I e leave Is lin atone. 'li. Par,: to as a tar I've hat by a twelij.rity Of 2I 0; as follows lawargagoo American iiople wi,en III -Y wow:,iull have laid djwr. Mx;y. IA, iwnw)
., (By cijl Also b) lll d: tellec'e,ote state of this C.luntry. fi,-t. The result is it vote of A:10 I 00) f,r C ina. lerve-a leave ar,ueJ th!S ad I yes Noy. I- Tbie'donook sub ofllie r and man Yom lie 3giinwit British pow( r at , I . - so that prices can t ;dnr'Aneasd we may lie dA Out, be.wre that o,ither our it, fencese wellrewold to Moro 6 their loomesso not to be diAll 11"ferl old, year, an -I sonnic in It-fi. ill- was . a g -neral i calitession 2%.1 bel;ct )lwXTILZAL. April .3. 'at* ior ......... 308 312
.1.1 w III a United States was line see a return Of &)A tia b4ore the (All. wuu:J be incraitioivall, or'the prubabi4ty tit such Fnzss ........ lot diwarlied by United States authority 80 hing irosurrectwor ik about gunboats on the L31ses.- ill illM r. DLTNU inforrue,11 the Court that he a war m cutwq"nee of the 214 113
me thir observe their parole suit the laws Ili Clellan, Burnside, Hooker, Butler, Grant title to ticat thila prop,oseld of on a WAS (,or ucte,l by Mr. Sew3r,1 tit are nl)w wasilis recently Insider as ticks a.b*t of .......
m i hty We trust tiva cre many Weeks wc may an , int-t-tin-asudlend had be9 ivws tkr Nies"Jivoit ....... Ill too
Ile did no hilik it WAS the way to lt Vie linporil suathori. give ft lien d t a I 'not... lieirgetibabre ........ T 63
froweves what* they may rot aide. '-who gathered. together hosts Par i the PUrp, all er by tic the raiJervt I th witcor hit of numbers, and tkii-litier ill know exict I att aer4 I to de'njer of war wi ler, as they wervi to b- pr,.4ecutwl othcrierma, ator............. 2 P33
..)Very 'T, TA. -Gen. ' in Pal 1i t of' us, and tc client the)' i ob"" -1, An -w ,fercabet. lei. h- ilia& we were u`- Wklww to de'lciA our ly wh han4ilej over ui. No,v witholrivor tire agalov supplied Sri hundred .blow lot, . V. S. Was point of equipment, armament. 1) ry, re. Well CXPLc ca, I 4 b.ot recently -,wais A t 1. r. Abbots wished him to say olives, On, yards, or re. race made sinea th jollikok, ............ a
Readj.uArters Army of Northern lie would take plade! ile is spending allikoeut $110.00 a day Do tic h.,d hrArd it hPoked, be would %it Aprit,181111-To Lieut. -Gen. U S Grant, I ove"04, oke., than the marshalled forinis t is 31l qvillin ,, to ackniet three toriffione of cAtl.q any hostile . o4tiust on tile L)41t Of (lie praxwelinigs, tb ettrad nut.'&y w:Rn or wheadt, that Cwtvadlaw could C,omaw&ndinz 1'. .15. Armies.-Gefieml,-1 the fields of Crecy, Funtenoy, Wagram, 1 it, c,)pc, with Pence or sue- U'.11,ed States toak Us; and ther-for", I in 117plowar Canada. tile now face. and exiles cis before UM\ny-! hlie thoug tontle. Tonals ...... 11 0
In Ti 141faw its.. I,,% ave rejected the
key* received your letter o ibis date, top Il.) not lease this IAi 0 the g,(,..,j th't 31r. Devlin that 31 r. Abbot ex- foretells to bring his fi'.- .,t2blishmeftt ...'e to j,,Pr_! ,1!,u8rowge
.r of the army of Austtrlitz, Wat,irloo, or Badalklivic,-an] c -A. %title twenty per thirty VAU.iuni. cap -eta lyar,( ` " ke 6 twee'l Ill:, - A."— Maralo-st, Hoomi ion. hiswallowing the terms of surrend peek -1 too much of' lain'. Ilia runctiQus to its Ofjih3!y _1o) barrels per dicta. 1 e alal,ty of the CA'.
I I, ' I Ill is it te'-e-isary (11--mr, be. lit.", Tue.ketternib, ltreall, 411raterliboa,
,inia alittrop-sedbyyou. A wh(i, notwithstanding, . were bea on irs ob"aut. propose tio pit a country i ceased. ile , city Wand " or fin:t Bout turn,e ,at Northern Vir, I had Cartwright, itthey are, substantially thi Snake so those ex It may not be The Globe an Carinsilega, Drileft. you viatica 0 oil "4,ewmaon to "Idea fair by .!i;,nx I 0, [.,late of +nce 4 isitniord. premed in your letter either Sth inst., life% almost every encounter looks I I My. Carter stated that'. by parceaecut* ot by our enterprising townsmn StSTIdi it 11tattioll t1ust artie scientific, to dte a
I , or if its ollow breach of neutrality it was admissins th a Iteratalution, because it maw fail to secure !Aor with ka..-nial marurful nwi, C,-!Ixkrne, 1. it r IL ;IA- art jaccept-a. I wi:i proceed to de I ustol., b,: to the at the ho,ld of the Aici i64n in irket. still cuuij usaly jowd4e tit the profile, ill liners" Ilk.ndowp,
io*'e ondrews, IlIc,,htim It electoral
proper officers to carry the stipulat"'. M. its Object, but it is one of"the most her- reiient mud lVicli 2)oll tiAlike !ace that the railrits w, -re consilrr l cocumis- .f I yi with this unit -d %tales' by I n, or\d
effort. ishm they learn thort,uh the elf.we whole pract:ce ,f =Ali k oickned solilters, so no -tradite everi N, -c jlfdj1AIC;1k' dcIICr4, WLI at he 14c of transitions land I a'CiQ Ways on record, -Ind we do Wt bad 100 Able I care a epurely d.ff real &&auto, Ivre. I Cowe 011. IIjLvII:v.-0U Monday 11 Very respectfully your obeelt Perot, c litoriA column of the Glube that, apart amale. cojtuymni 01"Llici. slow.
learn, greLvi to obtain a con.ignalent . bijh I an Who Can c.iuiitry whit It is able tj r Y -I It. E. LEI Gal en "terl, on in, 11,31fa-, e-mauent.
ary the soul of the loan Mar Ablinott in,4 )V,10; the I's 0 it. IV e I, eve temple room for citietri allott awast jervical, tc
from thO cast n3Vl all I military ail cap- .8 3:9, 1 its rerlj.toner it tissI structions of the United States G.vern- t r It hator'it the buried hopes or right notilli-mit of I u tLe i able of IiAi- rcialsored tic them by ( rcat ltittotir which might, if it tb jaAet fit. d,,%.,n stich men ill VjfjjPU4 brtICILCIII for butacm dil; ,all it. I e a war W.1h I beive
people -the bravest and lowest gencro is A it. flut it is said ihostjou can't a set. C.rac- wits.picions existed as tin the that b"n overvell the oionic anorce"iter.,
elleulk"I tppy\ cv ,R of a war or iI 7.derly.that propitiubs: I. - yet of the pritecomerve. Ile impluro-4 manufacture. We 014111 linear gri" ce-, but if so swista-11 i -r I iiiiak that is aijublin a , , 14;, , ", Y. P e -if teir kind in Spite of till the op robhm loll thwi I
Washington, tivil 9, V',G5.Th# fol'ou, "tAtes, Cillad I, L4 a OW to) avoi a war it wa dr!ioahl, to 111da (guil. to poe-ek, ilia el.
ing is If 'clubs, vnveoopjntl -nee between j with ilia unitcl S It. vlicl t elect lie I -. D).Attl , - so 'Ic a " .,I:[ torki nit. ost'.ks filled with
Power, it Des to be a hich too uso, is ea:i a to x3ju Nlr loott). all I not Icsirc very easily notble' oat cc onalke as w-11 in-' as, oiwho thew Y00 "Oil IA.-ile'.111"I.Mixt arid (;Age. le.e referred to heaped upo, Ofl;lr),;jj 1. -The ill,
in the forej ins teletracis :. Ile, example cvv,l,gr the war flow goin 0 bar tend are The contents Of thill fltr Mourch -TThP he :,ii are I've exhil-iti'll, &led 4 financial eup,yed Soutlarn holapitality fur a biou illbull 'WC city a lit h havarr tern dil'[Wil ill tile glow 01springs
To think our c.teaepcarar ;nr. k `..., 1, too amo Islie. I Cliftabol 111cause, Va., April 9. 1465. I jultify that Conclusion? ;rho ter,it)r, tat of Tnur;it maw boar. s lid it was hutnili atin; in River and Progress I sone i are flositn,- C, in file fair$ far pc,n,o Core Has. H. U. Sixt.tork, Secretary of War. Tile far lot o w directiooki o7a rt lit ' re-tovrai, 4 is vast ral extensi. If iiv.- '; Tests ill the"Kitallials Un aOliket I 2 '_"k i S:bairw or toit jud-ris ofelvel
fralleawids correspondonee hiss tal'(Pra place .leA ever, .,I, Vie citrecul A _c wislied %net& file Cc tit,- a,, spl, r to It in uite ratur.1 t.ijt tLe pwp'&-. of fact, i:I arrOl-'r r-Apect. wId between Gore IA -0 111-ld myself- 'I h -rt Imewo V06 -titaia im [Lad it com- t t iq, that tire law is nut ivm t,* : Topilegraipliv of tho. Cht Moral The Marquis of 11,rini!1 )n, on I part of
eterritaq? T-y eOne of tilt f-atinialp has altmAy
i1 ruffulood 111,600 f ,ra 1,.t i.,the coal oil Instance.
been no relvailatio a Ilthe Northern States collieuld rejuice in Vic ain!)IC, that, -'tljp stbuthernin, ijL pactow-dpointi, owl 03o- im;Port Lilt fl,,,tilal. stron" enou;.-Ii -tie. I five men c thnt Ilia -c; t:sjays in C.iii,i,m ; TL9 I1,ly IIA,ms" the r,
n i ' the' Pursuit during in Occoll" divisions qnselel thein, an.1 Ih, en ty, lafthou4tow Ili,! rest Of 0! cilaiatry met hu.t of erai U. S. tRANT, Lt. -General." shanis and c1billish demars.. Ire.. bern- oar -re an hAve reeiitel tattack-pirese of 'i'la ? It attack, C6.. X. Y. at this offiat. it , e p.vtonfal,ty, of.mis c.,untry t coring
iv Fsowiwert of thv:r prize -quite e Our tri it, un - i a foolcuin I -ledge I Jilin i;t"i at"] Malden win the dance with ill of Lt iek Population to ill Eta be, given Pow to future ae, g April 7, 1 q alcraCy i a . I thern even ti I',* and cailieri 1,,r three u: thin him, If by Such a .1 a star %.Ili A . olelt-S. I headword with g -at niAdIria W.Vs, va il,.t the new ant -cotiat, carimot Its 10
4 len
.45 -To irakt . It. 19. Lee. strations which wil sometimes crop out,,, Coury tS. .1. : -Ganerial,-The rat to w. 1.1 riik tile 0- tile j hate which lonk place law rinrs of Feti.clili will I%r outstrip Ihso once at
Scott oftitne, last week muqt c )nvirwcker you Of hit a" in the midst of red-han-le4 war, Viat con."Jeu- I Arynglor f, weethan Lo,k at is Rich wall take,. Promise he wou Cxuatillawlion.
,er a bit irp aliscus iori i" whih Dr lieo d.-feite" air Cotnawfloo, &",I hop -lessirsessir of further re,ineacke on the part Prevident Linculn shou!J be toc, the llitih Nort'i A-P,.ic3-i feeliAr in Montreal A 1:89FUL ais "be t ft reslts Of Itat speak.'s ofilm, army of Northern Virialill, in this (or a real lefi!tli 9f I me ? Avid -flat Devlin IlicbeTte-I that omany Ili front " to uvz -olupany the, vari irl, an I tlwy 'a,4ailed lo; tie ceft I I who dakawd the If ... A , Il any gensei, %V1.1 chi By lowt,thadi.lica. nacre rca ly to sustain the flow, Mr. bbott of this township, hall invented P1111ers dowi!s Dien elo;-ement (rom a
st,u.;Ie. I feet that it it ot), &,ad regard it as Iupon ih.-aws, wforittod, as we little an rket town an the taketalatis of Its my duty 1 ) Alki't Isom make 'ij!nu -!:I] lforces behind thorelf,: acid, thosi tl&,,i juritted th;it the prisoners; ought to be I Flows Isalling wiliell prottliolcol liuim a4ma, tha whole there is 6hile... j).1 I,f thejnar 1-0 ill*@ 0 ) om.g
-4 the r Gratit's army ioto 1, ani loterni'mti,fif which aIty ofany furtli-tir elatioWail blood by it wbt:n there, he lwuld t4l-o. lip hs ri- .1 A forth by a torte is i.sferior it, nurvillp.,r to the frce which tried for a breach of neutrality. be fLf;,teat Vallac l'oll, to hiitk if* and those- or kill- I in A star %ilia America. it. it has Or tfierw r,mq.:aed in Col. moll 0'sc;y I 'd Ina royal peracell'sir, a
oryou he surreve-flor of that portion of tit( Tits Ju Jr;r rent-irkA th-it his lonl I not Is a tune is vtoy , 'not Confederate Stat, -s army known as the army deuce in Jefsf rAon 1),%i4, Ij alibi -no Poll for uslixial ctlistellej. coin- .xupativill of in the culture DO' lie ChiU14 i I glu'lel't at a on, ary a.-stalfruy reateo i,ing the of Northern Vi g'n1a. , . that Gen. Grant sli)ull ri It iatof the cltv' Carlos ocimt ,,, lch Ilk it tl.i- compari- for an sk oikr total trie-preace Orough it cone-isre there rat; my igioention to rit-try fruit "IIr`sht1w,ravp4 d to the . re. ',nmI tit irst n' or d if I cad tr. Than
to 11 "fell with go. foolk
-Very ic, Y,tfully, roar ait; ftres , -ow is tie conquest tile char.tes with a view to eltradite. tW his inventints will enable a " to yOwh4 pe",'sure I - .
p I', upon, a conlendid lwrme I res-itit,cil to JjivfI i`wm ivolvs a fA!l I.' T4... S bills thAt ill(! bestowal r reasible. 'I here orkeria,
ItA XT, The :4.11,111cit is limited on tile groull I 111A. r. Kerr said fie w,s tal wared llainj over site Acre per day. 141joill oW. F%mler d-problivilf-4 lbe tootinarliva of Mr. 1:. S., 'for that purpose ; Lilt % It -if the r,-j,)i hkr;- j : milMr. which ire fielt a' 'Lieut. -G -'n COm- Arulles Oftlm singul,r!y urianimo j4; 44 Z LlcAs were tile iliva.lint jrroy occupies. and when th-il (,overnment Nrou!J not cimitenvoince 311y his expeetations be answered, a gre'al, want let Inivia clear to a catestriore, an
ld be revcired in Atite,writ the observe- sm
an c'noorm;nt ski 4 up-rv 'I he parties
pigs off, serious, t1iii,king neen 11 count won
11ril I stren,;th, L12 other ar 7 pawls t a mrantiver Pit; 9 (if the crinfli"t willbesultiolied, The invention is to be ionsawl onc afrowoeectioric evarinbers. he up the costcoolly torM c, lfll to Ive coil-, kawl, the British 1'ravinc-lia . unr,.)rtu-- pall'on-11 away with it. flut aii Mr. AbWt clookel anvardicroftheCofirt the hir F. -4miih had ow-cri the places (or t left ilk& villwage, ty the traiiian fol nonh
C. iu-itriis fitirter'plarticu!ar poiw%9 slid when to obtain all th3 pr,)p,,rty and p1prors of' im'soleditrly. Success to forcrtifi,stmil of Munitteall &.ad IffAcbee. They It was a (lay or two ) rforr the ttinsweas
leave re Illy it'l I priente.1 ward.
swived yatear note of this Th u-h Y,,jt ciu,,ion thit thii luxtiry it all a III! nitely, far fram bAnr, is,j firmly iti I its th.,w a * secure they trust t%,it g,,f,. Staul -y inventor., were Attend, &fail then they weitly discoorpred in
I th i were very siniptot stiff very at nvafnitt .
socketirely of the opinion vou express of tile ly afrAir. Itichugoiad is t.tkin at last, or tll,.v pll,)Ul,l bc. All.1 tlicy, toks,& I ciall lt6a!k ufthe veroitoty isftfe trout any lie, e prisrancroo. Ile!, a small cottage towfurit a tur(fire, at r"Ilfbsxl,
o,nen., . -eted n'howcons, must screw the nit via ability of taking
hopelessness of to. rho r r"imance oil the. per matient oceopAtiah i -r fair an) MrCarter o1, to gi% Ame-ri-A. A compromises wait effected,
has been entered after its evcwilti,m, and tile .)rth anl' -luth were to uni'j in the .."ps to at otice joince gurshosels re the C"Ilsk. of the army of Northern Virinive, I re-ripro- wit() may sit -c4 it. It is varied ill at CAT'*4 Young'o pop, -ri, as they I jrincd. part of' diatel likes At w-sei,t thew neither the arbil the ratial, (.r the x#-vicereaken, a cler,yman
I sn it elicit tie So Ietrusior, of th-re cavi be no qlaemi,)n ill it Cv,!rN- brick a desertei Til- in It ill t1tv If burch or 1:rglanal,
C pros,,costion ir a yertr-sch It cotal. talks so f frontier ; tout are no the remrdJ Ile agreed to give certifie-I This pbca is becouii)mg ealsols nor ttio cuf.s to arrn them with. at
sad with, -11 treww"Okil'? Will , - -8. first switlihisisco, ultromfoal.
old tlltvref ire, two f,)re cansilieriux y6ur and istone its it has Lcen litirch le:irison have we in ill it event ? states similar If place I in'ta. OPIC li.e. John IleBri-Ic is coreappoustood to have, After a few rcmaiks front r. G. to "'". ly retail to Ince, ib,ir passage
ion, ask the seems You wi!l offer eta shall we Pay, lati(rolly, ;14 r,r;jht i gol c)u toy has tile frontier " %%'hat ;. Tile, race being cosdoll, Frian it,;, r Would aniftiv, to cipuke ? Why, th. tingerundF Clirkeporip-Aup,whork.Mr. =n of its surnatrallour.' iii!vxtuistorour veoi fro f4lowed Montgomery, le,aving Delany ti ck arid Carat Jeri in, the on Australia. ifiliq
(4i4ttel) -- - It F Ll -.E, Cost,.' .-.,ad ilia contioluiption of human Tillit' !11. N lieff:11 offor mm : 1k.!ec iastol'Vie V"itesi -hind . There 'it clothing th--ir foolly fly this cecin of toxile. Tlows
I- - I,* S Grant, Camicatow!i:11 the awful weele, gill Bait tear-, Cle &nit we mizlit -a wclI gal th,t.ii Cartsir appli,:d to withdraw tire. warrant- ioul; friendi bc falloss. c,%.I,lq Steepled the offirr ar.4
issued by theut, as others vallitere issued by coming in, the refiners being busy at Appealing Calamity 'at
Arkski-a of thoo to. S.' aggregstis of which wiii never be surnaieJ In commin with nearly all those wholi would be soccestakery for tire accurtty of this ' I — I Social were ititeredily on the way
I , enucitry th..t we wah-ou'd ii,je our wlij!p. console the Itateverder of Toronto. This licing fallnanti Store keep-ri are Ulu. T it BURNI.40 01to T119 VNITED TATZ8419TRAM to their denlination.
,vipril 9, ISG5.-To Gen Ift E Up,by tliv tso').4 stupetilous intellect Lelidve,l that tile take or the southern with dereasive works, because we m-ly be at traratinted, ergeteint flunter 04 r.anipant DIMA, for the TRANSPORT ( IN. LYON. I wheat merchants are SIX11.71I.Aft DRAM -The Wovi estatimet
eventiq in reply ta mi ;e of came date Parking RichmjoiJ having tAlaore, m,n hasten, t., Coiif,Air3ev deporaltil in a very great tacked at any point of that great n:.d ext,e. of the pris ,tie", who Iw)kcd much dia- '%Tit OR learn That off one day last weeksh
pleased. For half an lintir they rem:tined so, Ilst ;o" 1`0 101.
(11roar, bear.) I maintain vr nt of can to remove thei.- Proucis- Payee; the coalitions on W11.01 I will SeCept itire conclu.,ion theft the stri.'j is over, &air I UP)" t!lc succe" of oille once Ion, in a public house us or ewer I'latisvine resialr of the Army of Virginia, is just te- 11111t t,i,!re I* that has IN.", $i3O:110, &-c., we're returned in Titz BULy,f)vK a CnAwtit.-Thc %'(,I- — lit
"ireJ. lie reply 'I would SaY that, Pea" ask, What Neill ? The appetite fur bl"KI [.cc, we Pro f)rc,!,] to 'the c-inclui that that is now Ili 41 toot Ill( tanker, or gipwavey, who had I.,en am, le,
brin , my fi,st desire, there iA but wie conali arid CAll hiul,, I hy an exuaiLl.. loirrettleor on SanJ iy afternoon I Ist, of the Viatica Stutes and o;j, Meantime a guard of mouri unteers here wera insio-otted lately by By the arrival or tire stearner of',en rather too much 'filitly rost',* heroine artillery, with JrLIW Swords, appc:ircJ, Brig ingly onxi,.us fur a fl lg 1, ith S.'re's, one is U on, %iZ : ti..Lt 11.0 men with tile whola of h1i Coastal Is j rernment, which justifies any man in ims ,%do ajor aretto. One BeellOck, 1 8,4wick at ew Vork, we are in pow,
nation cannot Ile easkily an I it cc sea "I " which ercited excitolcift. shortly after or i floor, wan set to keep ion of fact* or one of the neope appaittig Iffleiterfod ,all whii, wgod'wrj *ring lip to every,
tdislual-lied for tal,in he, b. 1,etween the two cou
, rifiltes the torrilel" civil lr leing, flit worse to, portion ofthe Americall 1, icta ale likely, its fAras Own -sent the prk(liken and Water footless ente -Owe at Ana that has owurcal the bar intern, w la -t cot.froo)thig it u listhe if"! fi"C-Cat'" c a an c to,keep him out or the clamities by IY 1,1191jorl-thai, vahn held b her,
arm I a: l 11- . I for roar I )ff,-, tat vy ly y .era, lj.t1qd,- oIatcd to, to a ch.i. acwr of ho4pilitv I-wa lilig omnibus . ami+ -t tit,, checking of wilho t 12co woventry at the get favor noway 3 cam, invot vii.g tbe tons of life I be I,,.I voichang". I licans rtre already lookile, alnut fir smil. r*8 approach, the sell- in laid tirendo, wanted to kl,.w if
IV 14 *at,. I;ict, th-- ., tire bon, memlever fur lit, way. On tile ,11-j I inciuding tnen, weemen, I won fight. Tire I i.avvie ' for an anetwer
will am",t Yang or d,-sirnat* offli mra to watt body whom they no ky alacyour. odler4l the fairest p)rti nle or Viii c.)ratincrat. 0 inill,,hain saw* that oily dwij-ar will h' I p.oreplat rival groArack for r. CArtier. They c1loovej, Couniersign. or Vil run orsonece , ld
any offi ..ers you mov, ikowned, f,)r the same plar- I an '! " started followed by three c erring -no coal- tinel b I childref, nearly, fou -fifths (of whom got up arid mado a terrific Ideas, at the linker, again, who lay ClAins to Skill li:) way 1, are pi efted I" in uah relijnc,- on onc h,oaten Canadoa ilia,] our North Irwverl -wo. it U r PWI thern lidics, and part of tire you throngh I" mking a fierce -looking 2n St KAY paoilit 114MCSI14 to Tn", r -r tlr -.ship, cry out fir a forcia;n war Town, an ii barely within th, boun-lew itlecs rainvot finite r-orn political ol.spuieo sniffing So were laturned I,, death, owning to the dastardly lit missitard his -lien, v It"led round &oil foLk
pirfo,ske" dest, tml me ui,oti statesmax loellideven I. I gloried avid the UnitedSlaves. iCrowd, mild Pissed throulls' tile principal charge on tire officer watt' liis bayonet, arnewiloct (or *,),fie fl,w who were oil board the drand al )n rho. flcor -without ei,on a groan,
which t6,i stark -kin I.-.- of the army of Not th-rn in which buth sections njiy unit,! -tie I Vale, feffirb."i"Jility that some great military gi thcr,fece. ,bit h,;p lonfitleni Lays the cafin streets to tile atation, where tile rop--cial strip &via had aid thavallait but for scirpreover, It 6 that the force ofth,- ),low atfil-
N*i,,i,.,& wtil tie fill, notes in IV sprit):., up at ilia c lair,mth hour w,11 jifil t:,Ai aiien hest security is, no tiriin warice.wariting. The few yetworkathiso" who ordered him to lye arrested. Gad, ed land bu:vt a Mend vessel and dfaih on@@ -
%'cry rcxpc,ifu:!y. parer raheTt "rot, heal the rankling woun,14 citso,e I fly b ses,tes fluently enstied."
Daily pail the prisoner, " if it was, not vat""
to Lad the tar:,-! enkiies. still rem iining in if fjriil` cati argue in Mitkh sit fu.t, taut i.,. pre prime parting chatters. There was no On Warlll kkday fait the Vnit,oel
L; 8 GUAN 1', frutork-iial Civil War. This the fivid-of-boattle I'd run him through I" itenown transport (ratio 1yoll sailed (rowas Wit also d"l ky the South to viesair i but it is high1fira. The one denterr, lkmio, is am Pow.
wirpamunj thervive!ves from Grelost Do "'.. d' ition shown to "tot at Any time-
aCol., A"m I Ill;) U. S. rec-ord with lite promp:i lgs cf I'll At ill Y Nnibi fi.stylbace. that happens nOt to 'SPO' FIRe.-The houtse or Daniel Moran two,ngton rr Fortietrom Munroe, hieving or, he paving,
4 April Q, I 'G.I.- Gerverell :-I recative,) nature, depraved to a rcry low but PTOb3blc- -'% elu*3 P4 t-olroribly crippW -%o ilia wish or inc.ivskinion, of the Cn,,adians TIRE KAII)I IMPI- 204 of Ili,, allWinois Regin,an,t, t gland In"kilig Red ganowerful. Al.
st aloatee hour your note of today, and prastratd c -in har,lly be retorcwl t 17111"ra.) Thwe Cark4ans are most anari.-its -.ought fire in tire roof from a stove -pipe, Third Division, Second likirovie Nfact hoo4h fie in so cm'lPdy he is not really a
In 'answer it it the most dangeorqual tint could Ill! 1.1titcoficruwar.rity. As it is, iQi perfoTtes 1, I stelowerhartgrod Except '%'Ou"g in lain absence, the first at arm the family Army who hookA served fi' ionic, doncer lit makes hill appoparonee carapped,
to mitic Of Y4-b1s4?rd4T. 'I did Out hatend to it conititain the corknottian with thwo country All
.e proposal the surn n4er or the army or North. given. History offirds bait 1`. Ykv initarce hey are prounial of flow's roomettion ; they rea,ived we.- fran Forcing two carpenters a bout 200 I -mailed and camped prisoners, .,ad ill large " clank, caralkedown the, ottlegao ce snalf,
liquii.e, b -eminent Is conA4atnt with the itilkirtieter of C I rent; titc,Y we t - wo. via re
tit to ask tt.e terms of y ,or of the rc a !n. Ibitit it for flat ir itiv- Toronto, April to. a considerable inzintler of refogee Or bird b-,willg right ,it We. 110 nest
era pwroo p,rity of 113tionow Irunning to citinguish the d imo, in which let ilia , (s ill I I to his waint, so on to eveiL.
pro.wosi To be frank, I do not think the orfire for its (own PAI. , cis lice, som o -brave officer level high, mill led mArk, evory eake.-tion thit thrif pearawals'll"'.. The St. Allicanto Itividers came up total, including the crei,00f alk,,ut.' persons.
provokiw, low tile they succeeded. Ills wile bring dowagere The Lyon pro(eardid as rar as the two whe real hit; log, ond the. he imital,,1 a Soldivalk
o exonry hat atij, n in call for a ourlenJer anti tmilances offlahle th-la to a of ,a, and
%job% ' ' djy Ili Recorder DuA;sn. Ail or than get-ndbrusess th,it he ce3do msitackese se country. .4 going through drill, a Iverther at the feet of
but at the rivoicoworAti,no or pence should be tilt without %oine more definito a he U of roubtly ill at the time, made an attelairet "he remained over i.ight, and &IK,ut s o'cloc a lie runs, jumposo leolps, and is on object of aso, I it 4jrq to know whether I to arbotprowering numboeri worfbr ws it wooll preserve that ",arcelion slid Prov"n' rAiders were disochworged exacept Young, 0 l'bureday Molt[ as arefounnA,her coulee. Chorlotte ;
the avenging of some fincied grievance. who in held for trial for violation of the- t latterat her bed, and was near frightened ONn eplient mimic : and, *him the "thmi
proysiew-lia wouill lend tot hat end I Only load to a asoopLasks sletriflate of lice and theraideclares (,.an bevoin ishoortweed by a neisib . othifig of intemst occurred unid alwout I ft
, je; to With Sea criortuours war dvicol hatopr4i upork, iL'ik- to death. O'clock e, Frial filie sudie,,re is at tie bright. ire few his
a a worninj, ,when, in Shoal
a 2 -=us otbobrierwe meet yogi We hs ty. Pull partioulan or tile elpile- lbowi.z powder. Is it not utralpty laws. ormiliw the army of Northern Vi,ginia; but their periple already, the shrew,I politician, tw"P'f -y anti interest f this co try, for 1110 water, itericia, the thriling cry fir clonk foll. nrid at-nds like . med, ere"
th: do I - fi -a 0 One Other 1, g kii tjjcked retailer his wriss.
(.or in pivival.ropkktlorn may aff,-ct the C 8 of the Ui4tej "It -1400 l2tion will be f.joul in another column of ill 2,,',e of that which is the WAWANOP1111. is re walk rniaweJ, &lid at onc that wastelle w.m
wind bu.4iness fuels j'tk*V' NOTAItin Ilustimact.-The Gasettei of contendin. Wnsien ran setreacraing an the
uod,,, mt'94*10" ,,it "it so be or. notion, who-ra we ill
raostorevoll 3do of posearow. f4cleavold be pilossed I,, will surely think, seriously 6 -fore rushing t"ays Paper?. or an -I strow-eir, Is for provinces desir-mi qAturdy contairks the following appoint- are irforeaked that thi from tjp- The Hron. 0avorr. Brown Lam sold big
Cmarvill's fit Our *Ili r decks a. arching (or their children or ro, 14, propoortly at I othavoll. on which oil
nion, to o the, N taties I'abliat Stuart, hisuorokof'Mr. John Mc(Jrattpn,lot 16,enov. :1, schile YOU I I 0 a. an 10 ril"Imse" cota It,* old heakilking itato a war with a of maintaining the connew, mentle sit , ce Men licte ,linle u hat believe found. for $275,00, to a rompony,
pose robsed 6 Welkin said, betweven the pi, ket which %e on, and. ilk the .of the in.,
,Sti0n liA%iilg IlUth vast re&)UrCCA act F39': . y have the means of d-jing in Taylor loartiveli, weas bur, , i down on Sunday niht lost, shout he takes stock to the I
lizened.or the t -0 armt"- I ins them that voinvolstirvis port Iloplan. ; Edward a, it ,rrY one, I -ad Auddettly he
Y ; h,,r who, in,ft
tried. If Lwakm, ft leverage th#'Y miAht 6', In the 11ousco of Cavernous a debate am,!,% united with ()real lifilAin? ["ear, Daniel folit Niefifflivint, midnight. Mr Win. hic(ilrattere and Ili% C, ,ne b,,,, ft $25,000. Ile is consweritiontly to got $26o,w
yery ovo,r'!, Yourrob rocks. losir, is it unot that the Or,ly family, who tooccupied the I-ourod, at the t in reach. 825.004 in stock. and lit rrwhe "a
I R I L"4 they would inevitably loweve Whatever or %to" on the or wilippropri,ting o".." Ir back a *.tier calimi.1 Kisoat runs oulassays Macdoneil, Whitilly, ; i.illism 1 Me, WAA A rely panifrmoiiiurn. Solo ers whn IwA ofrei, and 200 viltsper IOIL It is Mid be
a, IT. Lawful -Gen. Grant, L mmau`f'nl Vermligo will be frainned by the pro4terstim 00,0011, to Certify Q-1bober, which vess, if 'k.go .,)rrSn6O aywo Godefick; John X contrned to care a few articles of (a. nature, been with heiterne, lier,aigh SjI his hard free& a .&I larger net boweir bodies I orrion'd h.,e got fktlsfo 000 for tit * Sam# flavor".
Aviation r the U raised gt&t*mk ' cafthis military strength ofthe Sootts, and larmodlai imm, intarciting than that vehicle r,os ,a .... Is that ally 0 rho tout motto of it wook lost. This varigive of ine fought bait". and had never been itty since.
I g6 I_ ra Gas Farewcll. OAh2wa. rare is unknown. Tire, build na and furve lot* to raltpr in the thictomt no bout#, bwe& as
Army broliffe bet Ion fas little ob,ld",,. AW A I With Shotmm'b
April #Ili drsiwn gleackeo wnuld ],,are theni apponsind in our ei)ltimn% I toot week. lelrl mothvr toure'ry and tlw foreign Slat" 7 I "I C, is rat Your notal even a irgnmen4 that 'have thi- 11 4 I,lt -1 fIll"Y" RUPP 0* the" ' tjP' The t1lain Slowneve, which proved so wait insured for 111500 in tie* Itayal. $TO 'a Thai fito wait cianisoff toy the licensing of a army says that coreffeck and Nor
,(Tegwf&Y is received. 1 books no ImItle"vity indh$tA IY No -Ofr than b3ford the colocalliet I'leight repersto-i Ilia old a forve,irleco iw psiraw (Mae this di tf u 10 "th"r welimt Of 1116 country, cloth belonging to Mr. W- Ntrel;Y'valte'" we& harrosol of coal oil in that porotifer's rovilike, chi,tr rativerviet i4purd it , tar sea
son the ewb*t of odkteo, the mil there wait not tile olighounist tinvigarr of less prop them oraise,l into a intranet A "Pull lovolliket if% graAeon olessimis to CAlifearnia, Th, Iran 1. I - --- 'a Oviedo in no boPn' burned with the building. dialsocaly aviver the boiler. and in lea than fie,
to "Y a (neeitily, war j., perktis,*j with America, read that ri,rt,U&tion@. &a , lit, as, &fly Oliver (,.# a .,A oreaskinnic *ait Aa coworkers froubhoil down immense quentitwo of' 0 evervat of the rest seem for off the spow
for IS "* wb nearly. (,V-O@fW, shift 1 1( the "I'S of iwr,, not motives that al hiscol a atranirer minute,it the Rotators wore lartakinj east an deck, dritt @logo, e hood" P.zFawiultv, , cOld droat t-) the v&117,s, and the gainers am try. How adds: " The ariny is in meal -
10 pick a -1 rib offset arvi.11" lousy eitai days *.I C.)?b A ynting lowdy in lirnoltivii is realrint owill with Ili* amotan of a Similar Klein lost lickfoloh,—all feathered out bothavoke as
fienc, with ygenswili. is, the reeling is that Kazl Ind on Act bet in Concede wholi be a riam like ottage , It ;iota drit Of a view to an enaetallo* I I 1()()0-000 ft ]-It- Qual a Yount we wf%hap:,T. 4ho 4pmbd very rapidly. The Maio of The
hi bihtile pershatir u" nativistic a 9ner"I 6 forsteraeol, ormainkey. While the liouse agreed the Hear (,it 'Ann Jraitisco I, pl-y,d by the Process hiskinival to draw as a at - downes okS work to get out tba fk:tZ location frown having lived me wearstakertly OR
do wbWe .0rilsol'Oliald dent rnae
heii, : 14thrrefloolking like territorial am Own Ole, interior. Notes Ille, !raft The ervas ap-n which tonthat ncsrrst the I feet the orclatiOnat letw"a 1, we!: ply be a .ill and C vrakbls tie o two flovern lart he a':irm and col, itivernt ill" .0 great turlacoy., obicifts an I Rickno."
that but little avoid in Me& towaref
reruW lowitican pecivading the pol I I great military
atlothe world should L
ter 11 D ICU
ejtjn*uo,hwg tile lire. tire eenotitne the
Can* Ull, &.,it tit," noel tianik
aso" hear hey will fiction thaMilt! defenoekA, and tho richest of
Very hnportallt New . desirable event, "To I vookesions would be mode the battle w act uf ,m the advikfoe oll ttm Manchester %each us the danger of illv&s
Sawynotly, baby, the art slurfall'aring,
... war tshv's &onka I
th.,.'s to kablits, oymg her!" As, rush
1 o35 in & ilowo ion sold is conceriewl that
-crefleand hound,eallic ofmillioner ofl-parrty two majo-ity of 2
tr 1 groaned. It is trust that Canada had thus mill by a
4, accredited W Catiada b weverallull 31r. IIOQIs,
Peaceful in thy grave so low
rm their mud. 1.1 "! I'le hosts, of whistle W
).,jhId we would par
SURRIENDER OF LEE'S IRMIJ I alcitroystall, Slammly hoping that all Ou i Were it pot I
aliueltion may be settled with(ut the iota col far given unabrage to the tnited States '%,,I uAbering 3151 (r,aln O..csL firijalo, &.ad winte, bVick, ovicarived title stock of goods for nimaser
And thy parents flow are welouruills,
iho-e -ere bue it, Word, and they were
the busts varis
U.'s to Should bo glad to lay beforo our rosiderne of slow ltrviection that the tuilitwery a d
tilt her lite, I subabberilike wywlf. by so act of tier own, but she -bala . IfUltwIlhet nill wear, (jilove him a trial.
obal worort, ; rewulcvi orthis country way a
Conditions of the Capit- 11 I Very coldr.-ctfalloo, ' alpalach of 31 r. I)israeli, but
For the one that steel& below.
aNif-icil of oil
tile bow lit it's 41;d as won as a" sea
auto it,
your swuj icut the splendid
ulation. 11 I U S (I RAN F, LL-Ocn,U 8 A "' .66 perfi-houi Albion, arid that i collotent ourst,lyes with a rc-pral It' %base Ame,, cc should devire to
Never 'We incest not ad,opt the coaxial that Kizie Coot,, durit
Nqw they
And their licarts are lonely aww
lai'liched, It's Captain rkplul g &Oil
pubaki'd off, in bioil 1,:v owl, fto
taillauger tier peace is fill security. separkelow we shield too-
— "' !Isr I Upon 4licti vocrolf-110f.Lurd 11411raverteell, which fell uncotn,ciously 11,jas tire weltaber fvr by -ordering a ico :9.i,"0h6SWP.2n0,,
Washing,to. 9., did tile people of a country stl thy North weather,
IN itbvut E Idy's sweet calu"lled
janwri loVelower, ouil-tiq K. 54th
fill Succeeded it, getting'isto
jLrtillery, Arms and Public Property War a-roblo, 'tit
less otefimts the cv . inion of ties House Of Coact -ho that
l file aliplicry briak of a vule3tio, wi we rj4hi ill supprstiating tile Allies, of tire and Scauke reluthillgat theestablishadink
9.30 p. .,,],tells lines hanks, robL
V,Uiug ganitly Ott their brow.
Ia Illorne.1L Stober
or U I
temed over to Gratit. be ill Almighty (;od for tire gr--tt vewry ilk ' 0 it luous, and cannot fail to interest must Like, alud or or A Smith, which has rcmiv6d a -
'o it Ind
wk ,d %L. of privietration fur tile outbarowt, It .4,,uth. We went %,total his mat
0111 he was it little treasury,
'truck by itto valwall, &,ad tile taptaile f Ihqf
hip ilia tookitly %%She,,
hich he has this dial crowncd you irond %"I we hat* a right it) supp,ess
w y tile Noith Ankeiiesu proymceii. large stock of 6 0
enribies wadeor 'ytiur ctaistai4lad! 'I lit costs,-, ar juilliensee froutie wi - dovply every CAnallidn who has the h oojs f Ili ri lit dcacrip. 114flot, *
With bright eyes of issure hut
I'llit.6 = 7e, clung 1a; tile rewokinjoraj built,
of heart.-. of
r y r
I thanks of titil-d,iparim-iit, of the op,arei out a shigle flortile ition woot or Kings or his country it1 ujh.) We shoutJ take a diff,ereut Ition. See oily.
Itilay lips slid soldoll tiesses,
but tubmetluentlY, as hit watt being heated on,
arid of.cwhe people ftlike tau -0111, #tiny of
a I honur have lwe,i
old I'AL)1F.jWT0.X—Skr, I &ill sorry i( thew
T to Stated upon Ito, o'.11 Alitt'lidder vsk The 19. H. 11'e.
Faltial; O'er his brow of &now.
Wild the liet, -ral Scd-icli, nit lut - tia"ittr
or % nalle alicurit lost his hold no. lite tolks,
THE VIRTUALLY C1,0591). -,in ie6.uv,- , I about .'5,000 ourel—Ohoetweell forty and
el I aw
loi-t leave tire voto (of one hould dc.1,r no
tat 4.., a,,j it' rho
ow ot je dAllius 1,01 i I at,
d. 111,
*all icki Our italolul4lit, j
r . .... ur aray r,)r 4ij'j) otiou.alld of live flower of out juilitarl
Ifiriahighauji but I Ili:% ik. itivir cutn.ecii.n ai%h us. act We learai by tele.raph from I,:)
in b -,r fr of -Plon that
I bit bed wal love.
Illimlia, got Is=
Faigerald, Co. K. Z.(;kh i
War reticent, pill 9, I'lue.
Ilax, New V.I)wlx %I. r.kwN r4)\,
lt cc &rely
at cottip tourist or tich he liai iw.i been do-
H I 11 6A speed j,,u can't 'lid alluled to ill Our list has
IJ,n fair U! J ..Y. 9"4,
as a fission
it narrow
Yet. th,y hope with joy to 1*41 hills
totiter boat laulithed liclin site bow, tolielther
with twelve (others, and whit" losideatering to
* d 0 I bait recei,,vod the Sjarr4oalry of %tar.
and navy or tile u' Ilital titats-our bluest
tat the say nickel. (Illectower,andalough.) Dea,m to onnifituin vuutirsellves that ifir-skjainst leir.
he- I'ill
is 8 I'll it I 11 A line lout, (-if tile crealti &I Y, cided lie favor of direct.,
has t tile be enormous.
Is a world tiodit's fsf trout wc.
get on letward the hedga ick, all but live were
:P4,Ter.r.ader ibis day of Genem,
noil April
hot" have been nearly :411 b1l1pIWJ if
I L 11 present proposal
"' 811 2 r. The revive eviii
taftreIr 11, disli4a ilia jwlival of stillow"latinal to W "W"
spectenen -us conduct pursued by C'ey in
drowned. it, emlsefluklict, of the rough sea.
of he into the thiri
mail his &,my t War 1111,-pairtrnen
she terms pro! (iom. Grant. Iswabils
i9til. lop. In It it ordered that 1,
heyokid the froutier-our Stock Or Asread-
loci bbors, &,ad clicker IV their
tic, i-0 we leave made a Pinion. jim-4 OrEs.- The steavager
all-tiult It,to sa With this cow -Ory. %aid 1 say that, it will lie NAVIUA
Little 1'. Illy kin anget,-
Now he's ill, ice b,,,.Ir,
A iiotubtr of got
1 Liters t,,owdi
launch &fail were , so
Will be giren " IIIIS ily sm -kd -ri,
f *200 be fired at tile 6 -floors,
stuff, ill 1,no-olliq coutitry, it sullver 18 lot
.1 ill .. it e result will allow Ili
*it vallich I think dissr.kcalful it) ill a country (chsierai)-it wIL11`4 t1uron arrived at this ,oft on Thursday,
A crown upon his ot000lly brow
overfava'd J(,Vrli sold platialls, sand Q.g subeek.
M. I AN I'ON gittri L
1. . . , W I sr. orcorery war ad delartinvolt, 'And all der a fitialleiva epariesitleen (afunpubrol.
%topportol by the 9 is itiaj )rity of the ,,war us ill tile eyes if rim world i it frould W reliume her regular trips Ao arid from
And a help wAllia his hand.
,socoutly piclatid up.
firke, broke, 400'
of alular'se'nal in the I't,itvd States, leled -everity, need worse still, thqrs is
ry L
every ( . I
1104AP, need thcreflore* accept the corkilboli. weaken our pu*.er Slid leave "'),111catioccutu"
Iviews I our in thel wor do il. Sagiunw. She has been thoroui;hly over
lie us ly, t lit
Us' oNoun-,
At the flow lbst out, taimarly
voldieta were be4uw, us but few seem allowed
anti at the military sea tit Xf niwe Ili (he coat-
ITea A riniffis of I V. S., 1:30 P. I!oint, d3y the rcc-'iin of ,
turibolhich Pys im to an*'. hauled in dry dock at Illetritit preparatory
ao l a as to
usual and --,enerj is Io ousist
Yes, we kilowar thAt Jesus want'd
'()no I,. His Croatia ;
on .fre time, acid tot Soon skir The else.,
the I.dd, A .ere pulled up, from
Anivi 2roTj if llows, towerl.
on tire tar
tie,! IQa`
roiveov 66a usua wris rt., with All, we did tint alck what we could ,
floodir oillear, to. tit 61CASOU'll trade- We Wibh hey every
j given,
lkeforts1ball, II.L.4 '%he possibility 4
n ! the formy
codes, in ciatunwaurivation of vtlrrt'tl
of Gen. It. F Lee &Ill thoo(a fifty
all ttij eck. it it- perfect y
I itIr thch, in .14 I.ilkin, psition.
( ear, hoar,and lughter.) lots' lit .) I think that co e Utiverintivietit arc jace,cedis, auJ glad to iele)COme CaPt-
And flow his
To lev, -tier land batlet down.
escape, acid there even tw lite it ulwwt that they,
ortberns V.,,iiiia this " Pee
serum rearraraosed her ,Myself-
fix Lt. Gent. raut and tilt
to fill I how many even of our
or __ alf-Ill,
it lice hurt uselubt r rfolk pre,post"g this -Ole to ille Cole and Mr. lVildoo, the purser, on Color
P eekly lrat
Ito ig Is I Moved. It
April 10th, 11365.
bu,tweld I. death. Thowbe setrusi-, O
= &Z
c I a
ins cc;rr,espiende a tie
army unler hiso"iblulAnd. Iteport of Ille
prominent L ajl argue that
who has iu,)vvd this, union ent, We awor capitiloll that a theme elk
11 tic d it which any right bon. rrierw4fachiLd nee rcets-
1, d
fritn'the course whi. e
deck julpred oveilaoscial and asure
The above numbown known to havetwou nvet4 fullwr
S. GRANT ; ut. G n.
reccipt area aafthid ordLr it) be
Getwiral, %v4'h-
ilia couoli:ican of Cati:1,114now would
think ampies
has tAAeu that it would be 'If r r Ili (Mr. Leslie) lmwk,adduld titor flat
oieT. JURY Vs. -OG Waducisday
on the flarageragaillisly *9 a %Varbe- wait tal nine. ill western twenty were
made to to th., AJjutatit
tuateri illy btiefited by Anuezation to tile
I . - ask the Houits to conic to a divi. all knobaw that ill letter the good, it an A T161T.4
sweets Euslandand America.
them arid asitte the ember of the ship. Of offer
no a sochewhat Untlictilia 204 tar the 5GIth Illinois reginietat, all but few prit totho 1845.—To Lineal. nen. ingt)n. (;reat Republic. ' TO is feeling has been ,,an Upon it. hiliffeelf, 0 I athat if an army a"J Dearest ifternuour last we had George S. Army received (Signe,l) E M. STANTO, !.I only he ill oLe beaten track. sued titat vi,,it frolur a apecit jury sent up front oil Loic,6 into commiticie upon the army perifeed, ii,cluding all the 4tli ers- Once of thi' mo,rn,4 on the pieket lie. wo or fostere by'& s.-Otion of the prons which aid not ulk-injecti,tond hills, iJ not towain- I Secretary of % be ital -Ailable; the ground in disrutc eitimaLm another debate elevated repoll tile W illnefull, of Coualowilay F, Leigh Illinois. color qvhqlw r I lead c.),ne ill m,.Pt v in and lit leas done all in its power during tire Alt, lain that -we ought not to errend Canada, 101 London to inspect a a *p1sank to if,* SvdCwi:k;,r aIns e' locrAti of w,r with Aulerica. Mr. 11. %elt-d a womse, t re embraced air ;tdiau# with or dencir that we. are bound in,tionur and perat ra inicat be trial to the sullamer tactics, 11, 1.
your vropruition of )estred.ty with rerfennee rour years to inloctrinate Case au arid the It"'- Ili" attention of the Aleuts, but ulwa arlivillZ them "he wand""di
I in ill jo $0. L All he Wished US to iont A a thi,,k tie a call, by the r; res,
to t lie surrender of this fir-rej. [ now requess purely rueric in sieutilaulit-4, -AUJ which, to, way Co., at the harbor. The caw, all itu- to a phaknlity of a -r owith Aubuiierk, wit sawr d. lelskjor Jam who uses, in cc
46 to was to I lie th.v resiont v lie for calls w ua on Iowa tn&Je cunte,Avd th t I I,,)* Ity tire antacid ofthe #;th 111i4mis; iefullead to Iki the . 110,
j 0 r .
I . . it r- I lying a claim of Ill 10,000, I
an int--tview ill accorl uwo *,tit flavor offer ctou- I all houll it`14S never ob—n *a further inforlUAtil)n or for some - vitb r in. by tit 'un.4141 Im,A .,nue by his cunrport3tot one, infer he (;Vverujjo.jjt, a:, sayin, lie *could stick to Offer as long as
-e swined in Your laAer of yesterday lor ,out oliatanda, it Or a state of the I to a ce f'"Id that, clients d oil Th-irsday (6th) at hen we sufrem d I he as harge ashis two
uji a tpirit or Briti-h arid 141air which he klewiiired shouIJ -be vativie. 11 .1 Write lievea.usbat hbit novar the impu-! But I think tic 'JIL see thot, With 0,4 oq,Ill the cals;ttlous f her 0.11 I,u all ofibi abluel, credit. Itow be ry Fes wectful!r ynur nis,4t swerril. wt th 0 itary Of IL.. Assizes, 10re the 11on. Mr. bt of its IAPAIL 11, I i63. that three ticeptions Off so, the vote has met slid a4itcd I uti,jer a jeep dc lit thome houre Orono the time if* Gas hotel
American wallows was I_b, I,> deffnj for-IfLjUstiewe John Wilsock. gild t., out the ship wait tui,eiiij ikstroyed. lencit, to stit,4 forward an I tl c' ary site i, :CrAtituto to tire Government, The
(;so. It, F. 1,--, Corn with iltbo ciwworo: appi%,viii of all who have, -%r, My ri lot Getirreal Swdollivick, lay by O."tit twused night,
ohe bag tile people f fill* Ilrovince are pro. lack. (11 beir. both 11vublerk, t)l'the LeXisl4tare. for 'tLe deter
W trLp4t., I i I the dLtus.,i an. Y ri, r o,qkj t he ark,111 r or C all swrzued it brated gUijI*tic)n (it, the part of the country to reveal n at,,] then felt, like officers at,
Immanlint A.—Yevor note of this 4-1tv Is Tier lVall of H I Molecules ta (I crew battles
this -It Iyass, cl.oTltL* rabic
bet this m,.Pk I (11 50 a. in ) received. In ill at ill, I -ir Ili,. cent or trinney Pool ii.eir =it bettind nee, %he vernberlur Cafs]ie. 0I, assistance woom -wh. .111to 1, licallral, lobecaukleV it trust be likelf of.iient to a -me e%eryth,ull I., it.. &a po-er owardsrim, clowencespam," f area 'ftd, that which. if I arvolviguized wire for cl the% lines, fous a substi
I hsvos4 poked, from the oud to lujitktji!i intact the LaIlve) h4,, i,.2 for what d.d he lid say: evcrylon,ly that this couvotry, if bad tot cum, lite unfinluutive twdw ngki tat tLe Ly
'cleaner -road to the I*arm Tit* capital of the o lj rwn b"t drop oC ti, I 41 M t Id:i
were U A ttlwti 41 beic; wikc u.ej vt a plAy t 4! it for rLpe, has now titien it, use in F.,isg4tiand but were unable to do more than Ili
oull 'Y' I d Call cause I
xti in 'Mitil tlie, tawther c It not d4rud Call t % -roved he part of tile Confelerates, could feet only ville &,it I,r,,,h tar at 0ii n I lk itito t to, Is I, upon 4 Si4s, 'I 4110%id S,ky w,o; a V.:Y IV. carIll. fur some Over Said Of" I Im ,J the Safety ol the if, copearafebooneve to( the tot gb witas, &.7 atan
eraey has L la t f4l, lk illtO t bring it mi:it force into the if 'it much thiz. country troy bovws n able to ca.;
inz alf"ut four mi!es e f it fi tshes firth in ill, of ItI&I ier's Church it spirit, I out,J. 'and 6eens.) Ile, I an to of, iter, u trijoarki, for dures- per - -rald. ever, within i . I superior to"khAL Which YOU can to Preoe 'cri,,r juanythilig but to stop hat spirit'itt fiilabu,ter close proximity it) the breakers. I he 6 rat and will push rorevard to the frons for the the I w;d, beside 7. pool, t,,r,,t 1 luatir of Or ill, cannot owe its creation to 0 Yet the tqht ban. gentleman, 'Pays wlAmeriflinvocal and to of the was lost overboard
of weetiij You. N-itice vic-0 to Ur On [century, his -!.i., (( '.,l abov), and the hon member for We ' lit Wit wall not fust Or ing which tweat the -10 I I -oil Call". . Yom oil; mildew istl in cold woo, ther clothes do u -t hilie plot a terminatiam, to the
intranlin ouzht ill def that atrocious while anialcoorcring to rescue one of
this ro VI w it" ;'in all t .11 11.1 iestent wisriters obor 'awe fmi,qhana abi the only abiwakers a hat S. ccntcr;l in a lakeleruArLd town ill relinquish the ed,lat.exion. he a by yo 5 artne
their way to behind incliuca I oplonowe the vote, but I I to It we ill t do to relive. It is now 31narole doctrine. activich, wait opposed tic all cc c rectrater, Since the bi ja of h houhl tivrind 'here ? , . , , 'tilt aplace will Pallet me. g-atic fir, rat out of a L . . I brciu.b ,In a. national law, ski to cylevylikins in ihoe sit"
Ver resio loservt.. oil iuniversal Yjukoc nation correct ulysel even as to that, lamea-44. Why. 46 You ore (nut III , to cope ith the
ctf.11y. armor o is 11, canvass I 11 is t own. it it furnished bit civi!azatiom and civil li*1j. fie all* Onediess an you,
(Sifter a call bc delen ]oil nwr blo, 17 niked 8 ill '411i where you leave a -Lftasi a Acv: -A corresp
oLt. q;en." a Isa A tl..,t, notbo ithara.4 Ties Total a. I . in. all his n6jections. he would vote for 11 e yiur Los kinCyj". tavba J us -ill, the toll. -ins fill$ Ap7,omrnmoot, C art April Ith I - r is olho bunty of. Wostern Caniatic """t h` Q 1'rie a i t*:)r40f,,ct1l Orderl, broulithefure tllc_jbwfftllo , I with more fail anuitable val ,r. r,, tar ff &,.my mid where U call joni absence ci guru& caabia, or rtert,aux
logs. -To ere,,. H. I.. L-, Command re C, . 11. d by tho aslyings nd doings (X lAu4h ) Wt ill- gelleeall tams, ron,e s to I how if t b I left at I Liffla 1101d daring this week 0 L "i the of 16.1 base beastipooLd the Dealing
I long, bloody years, it& c.ripture or r Cark ant, you should ill be do - owitelph, coies from tire little hill. I'lookow firokervis iodivate the Mjolitv 'lit 11 - 11
K A. l&Teord,incew with th'i substance hoyorc ilia. Atlantic. Pahicenstain lot Of were so much in fairour ad attac the people of A-nd an expedition a power. ibe of title last A an,-Ficame my letter to yoa f the ith inst., I prollose it) I soug%t by Is lanAt of 2 cr to, 4r ;6v motiju t4&t I thi;ik it wal be very t heir own tamest &old in lavur of the Act receive the sur,-n4r, of vice army of 'worth. I : . " Var a iinst Van3d4 incises wat nalldesirilb!'c' Oil ii -is D"ca"i"" "'At the"' the 1-16110d State.$ ill ovortsu. ur farm ras hava nothing tQ 10 r arcre eistirely cationoll by yet for prellawr- _ ,,&,dam lnj. log; Crankier, 1 33 ; AApho4el
and although illey frcjum.ily Italia , - , say' , toa, central of their own resources, here thew
i with 'Britii "tow -Col. Jerrold ssyi it would should wille.r tie be a diflerenec of opinion sit " . . I , DOU. This coinify the" bad no "hip"' crews 2 ; ottinshical. 112 ; thrasher, -; Sorith,-;
wary, Virginia on the to flnsw, to "it z often burl L , . can latinx a larger force to repel oil Ipain of, far, t spring. The fit t. contend the meranI I it.- gtes, they wer, tile t(Iliker.) Sir, this is [.lit a Cans I Ic 0 1 ,full% iftepet 22S ; Clasen, 36; 1:wily, 52 ; Vere. Rolls of &If she )ire end men to be that rot. keep an Am defecial C wva,la away, ban sand ire WAS wolf .1), lea. -; Coark, 2G ; Hea.
t L ify Suit eut f b is .... c rican armr it 1. If set are unk,lair to 11 t the time ashicto the is&& in duplieste-noie c-,ry Vo Ile given lo, ill dismay. I ill lot leave court, toNter prospects o! S see coancluded iloat their (;uventowut to -took
an officer desinat hy in-- ; the other to be such journals kel; tire G,'u,e to J,e*are cala, Ist an army tolkitic,ot New Yet They should Ifounalsonville, 37 ; llrmk 64 - lboarlaroing, I r it !snov a local quirttion, lain. --; on.arra,ii
a which veto. I 26 ; I'veselon, 96 ; DAf!in&t*b, 263 fro -oke ver....' this Western Ve'utillulks. 11trapet"I ,inessinalk. It is b, only two ighw"o, havoin;
i1el Of the Ill'iec 1,41 thl Position Sol character, the honeer., I really hope thoit Most of the ring grain will rem-skaboor what hicapperevid diinny; the Ameii C, the tbeuwelves 0 preparation.'
retalnealleal offi-wrl as you way af waij- tile terrible wh7c:1. it Rather Unstnud" tile vaL reitti. arid ther advice or sisia gre.t other Impatient ci.y. urre". 'T; North &.Lth kowagbas, 83!1
afa We,t I roiliest tQ the do- lion goadetowkwas (Mr. 13eveli-irk) voill be I Or war can*
riners of the ,I"! .. by the mildle 0 this snout", cn Star, when air AmbolicaP air; Brooke, 51 i Kitt (at, 153; Gikrfwfrsx , 131 The ofia-vi 5 to 9i Is tbei r i nalividual i:crcw to be d ra scring t i a clo,ve, is wort by , I ciu'a -1; an I I hold it' to be .if tier muliobt i no tatished by prposin.f thi amend-' bec or islon a], vi g 01cir I t" the ch-iracter f tire "Lai, ll 11 eveRl Y four W'"Its earlier into the Clogkuivt l at Bristol. alo fur tivice lit 10 ; Isevithrly, Se
parole not to asks, arm sig-aircial the govern Iu [ow her 4e*troyfd our t,gable boo-fo-e the or no naptic more high-sounding than that' re'llea of Quo' a. And that hour will not think it rairvatedary will be-- about O : Chatham, 27 ; yake- and children., ted p actreal majo. -disturb tire unanimity of libe It -te hy Ithice'4axtyer. slui.itl froi Plftl— o of Ki"'golon, 94 IsIs lo A -cut it. lie
mows lL; the. UPitel , ilwaris until propliorly to i:. - . 1,1 Ora inevirrect; ", but ev-2ry 110TICAS t 3'e h fl,,uii wamm to be of the since opituri.\ .0 v 'd I i pre%
=changed, cated each company or reximer merci' of Slier ar er. t - 1witlike. el, otl our ;,in4 tj a divL-i on. (Ije*as, r I 2 emman&r to sign a Pke parole for the IQ?u mind mu t concede that tile South has'; to tile -ol'!""Pr `6 that it Sbauld not go roAh I'j it a I dic3tio,", the harve.4 ill rat be rd ""I 'list 'he' 'lien ex 96 41itu.J.3; Arclawfict I le. wor! I tk'k bear jo a =' !wtt-d to we the Ame,i,;A,-s in Ki,,4 P.-owdea.
there la wa a ditlerenc-or f,r on 011 r 11 21 of,tiowir commit catinife.,ted a spirit . of dArit;.!, or s, Ir. wan ! r. Itat 3 I'— __ — ___ — _Lleirly, and it is hoload that 9 IM044 kin,, h4 C our ships, st that .1, lhurlo. 17 This arms, carripl,ory, &no] ptihlic property tioiii; but th at it achou!J ba su,n I. have, Owe, sacrifice. of military cap icity that entities; inuilo be I, r. Boright say there The I iskellitra ',not Re- tlrrcst I portant stere4s may, at, -al a MUCII UPO11 th,-y IIA'l )Cone theft %bey 011161 have done III ; Oleford,
eowu &I lte,111by an unal.iLu fibers and o in* Rouse of Iwo7.5 ; A above,
tube, pit tacked. and terraria of ilia,- 111aideroo. Y P! :I Tl kjrold. It ; Gudeiit It. I,0; Lcebo,- o the aeocers ropyne:tited by me to receive its "is 6 fairly to the name of revolub-1 I C Re . wki,3,14 of tar.) Sir, theorto are one or ;h` kle.coclas thovi I've bon gentleutm' 'is no dnger at all i that the Am r 'ns ; ea, 4s and other peatcrife are pretty good fellows, oil tire wh wu v .iutsk vi rev.4rj to whic!l I think it I 'US sopliti luil.
private hurt TUEY AtIll' Sk-.'Nr TO T0IAkJ\T0. $bout& i d I' row" " IkaJ dilone iqla in calling alwclwjioll to I's., County or has ad-irtard Us it , vermin. politicigns. act I the a war *rib America, &bid them. This will not Pusterace the sidearm did ilia tuinatire effortir of the my af: ssw; t front Sewage 4oc I -crove 104 ; Woulfural,
eq. — go c of the ofli:ors nor I . heir Or will leave 4'.o;lc I e leave Is lin atone. 'li. Par,: to as a tar I've hat by a twelij.rity Of 2I 0; as follows lawargagoo American iiople wi,en III -Y wow:,iull have laid djwr. Mx;y. IA, iwnw)
., (By cijl Also b) lll d: tellec'e,ote state of this C.luntry. fi,-t. The result is it vote of A:10 I 00) f,r C ina. lerve-a leave ar,ueJ th!S ad I yes Noy. I- Tbie'donook sub ofllie r and man Yom lie 3giinwit British pow( r at , I . - so that prices can t ;dnr'Aneasd we may lie dA Out, be.wre that o,ither our it, fencese wellrewold to Moro 6 their loomesso not to be diAll 11"ferl old, year, an -I sonnic in It-fi. ill- was . a g -neral i calitession 2%.1 bel;ct )lwXTILZAL. April .3. 'at* ior ......... 308 312
.1.1 w III a United States was line see a return Of &)A tia b4ore the (All. wuu:J be incraitioivall, or'the prubabi4ty tit such Fnzss ........ lot diwarlied by United States authority 80 hing irosurrectwor ik about gunboats on the L31ses.- ill illM r. DLTNU inforrue,11 the Court that he a war m cutwq"nee of the 214 113
me thir observe their parole suit the laws Ili Clellan, Burnside, Hooker, Butler, Grant title to ticat thila prop,oseld of on a WAS (,or ucte,l by Mr. Sew3r,1 tit are nl)w wasilis recently Insider as ticks a.b*t of .......
m i hty We trust tiva cre many Weeks wc may an , int-t-tin-asudlend had be9 ivws tkr Nies"Jivoit ....... Ill too
Ile did no hilik it WAS the way to lt Vie linporil suathori. give ft lien d t a I 'not... lieirgetibabre ........ T 63
froweves what* they may rot aide. '-who gathered. together hosts Par i the PUrp, all er by tic the raiJervt I th witcor hit of numbers, and tkii-litier ill know exict I att aer4 I to de'njer of war wi ler, as they wervi to b- pr,.4ecutwl othcrierma, ator............. 2 P33
..)Very 'T, TA. -Gen. ' in Pal 1i t of' us, and tc client the)' i ob"" -1, An -w ,fercabet. lei. h- ilia& we were u`- Wklww to de'lciA our ly wh han4ilej over ui. No,v witholrivor tire agalov supplied Sri hundred .blow lot, . V. S. Was point of equipment, armament. 1) ry, re. Well CXPLc ca, I 4 b.ot recently -,wais A t 1. r. Abbots wished him to say olives, On, yards, or re. race made sinea th jollikok, ............ a
Readj.uArters Army of Northern lie would take plade! ile is spending allikoeut $110.00 a day Do tic h.,d hrArd it hPoked, be would %it Aprit,181111-To Lieut. -Gen. U S Grant, I ove"04, oke., than the marshalled forinis t is 31l qvillin ,, to ackniet three toriffione of cAtl.q any hostile . o4tiust on tile L)41t Of (lie praxwelinigs, tb ettrad nut.'&y w:Rn or wheadt, that Cwtvadlaw could C,omaw&ndinz 1'. .15. Armies.-Gefieml,-1 the fields of Crecy, Funtenoy, Wagram, 1 it, c,)pc, with Pence or sue- U'.11,ed States toak Us; and ther-for", I in 117plowar Canada. tile now face. and exiles cis before UM\ny-! hlie thoug tontle. Tonals ...... 11 0
In Ti 141faw its.. I,,% ave rejected the
key* received your letter o ibis date, top Il.) not lease this IAi 0 the g,(,..,j th't 31r. Devlin that 31 r. Abbot ex- foretells to bring his fi'.- .,t2blishmeftt ...'e to j,,Pr_! ,1!,u8rowge
.r of the army of Austtrlitz, Wat,irloo, or Badalklivic,-an] c -A. %title twenty per thirty VAU.iuni. cap -eta lyar,( ` " ke 6 twee'l Ill:, - A."— Maralo-st, Hoomi ion. hiswallowing the terms of surrend peek -1 too much of' lain'. Ilia runctiQus to its Ofjih3!y _1o) barrels per dicta. 1 e alal,ty of the CA'.
I I, ' I Ill is it te'-e-isary (11--mr, be. lit.", Tue.ketternib, ltreall, 411raterliboa,
,inia alittrop-sedbyyou. A wh(i, notwithstanding, . were bea on irs ob"aut. propose tio pit a country i ceased. ile , city Wand " or fin:t Bout turn,e ,at Northern Vir, I had Cariveri;l't, itthey are, substantially thi Snake so those ex It may not be The Globe an Carinsilega, Drileft. you viatica 0 oil "4,ewmaon to "Idea fair by .!i;,nx I 0, [.,late of +nce 4 isitniord. premed in your letter either Sth inst., life% almost every encounter looks I I My. Carter stated that'. by parceaecut* ot by our enterprising townsmn StSTIdi it 11tattioll t1ust artie scientific, to dte a
I , or if its ollow breach of neutrality it was admissins th a Iteratalution, because it maw fail to secure !Aor with ka..-nial marurful nwi, C,-!Ixkrne, 1. it r IL ;IA- art jaccept-a. I wi:i proceed to de I ustol., b,: to the at the ho,ld of the Aici i64n in irket. still cuuij usaly jowd4e tit the profile, ill liners" Ilk.ndowp,
io*'e ondrews, IlIc,,htim It electoral
proper officers to carry the stipulat"'. M. its Object, but it is one of"the most her- reiient mud lVicli 2)oll tiAlike !ace that the railrits w, -re consilrr l cocumis- .f I yi with this unit -d %tales' by I n, or\d
effort. ishm they learn thort,uh the elf.we whole pract:ce ,f =Ali k oickned solilters, so no -tradite everi N, -c jlfdj1AIC;1k' dcIICr4, WLI at he 14c of transitions land I a'CiQ Ways on record, -Ind we do Wt bad 100 Able I care a epurely d.ff real &&auto, Ivre. I Cowe 011. IIjLvII:v.-0U Monday 11 Very respectfully your obeelt Perot, c litoriA column of the Glube that, apart amale. cojtuymni 01"Llici. slow.
learn, greLvi to obtain a con.ignalent . bijh I an Who Can c.iuiitry whit It is able tj r Y -I It. E. LEI Gal en "terl, on in, 11,31fa-, e-mauent.
ary the soul of the loan Mar Ablinott in,4 )V,10; the I's 0 it. IV e I, eve temple room for citietri allott awast jervical, tc
from thO cast n3Vl all I military ail cap- .8 3:9, 1 its rerlj.toner it tissI structions of the United States G.vern- t r It hator'it the buried hopes or right notilli-mit of I u tLe i able of IiAi- rcialsored tic them by ( rcat ltittotir which might, if it tb jaAet fit. d,,%.,n stich men ill VjfjjPU4 brtICILCIII for butacm dil; ,all it. I e a war W.1h I beive
people -the bravest and lowest gencro is A it. flut it is said ihostjou can't a set. C.rac- wits.picions existed as tin the that b"n overvell the oionic anorce"iter.,
elleulk"I tppy\ cv ,R of a war or iI 7.derly.that propitiubs: I. - yet of the pritecomerve. Ile impluro-4 manufacture. We 014111 linear gri" ce-, but if so swista-11 i -r I iiiiak that is aijublin a , , 14;, , ", Y. P e -if teir kind in Spite of till the op robhm loll thwi I
Washington, tivil 9, V',G5.Th# fol'ou, "tAtes, Cillad I, L4 a OW to) avoi a war it wa dr!ioahl, to 111da (guil. to poe-ek, ilia el.
ing is If 'clubs, vnveoopjntl -nee between j with ilia unitcl S It. vlicl t elect lie I -. D).Attl , - so 'Ic a " .,I:[ torki nit. ost'.ks filled with
Power, it Des to be a hich too uso, is ea:i a to x3ju Nlr loott). all I not Icsirc very easily notble' oat cc onalke as w-11 in-' as, oiwho thew Y00 "Oil IA.-ile'.111"I.Mixt arid (;Age. le.e referred to heaped upo, Ofl;lr),;jj 1. -The ill,
in the forej ins teletracis :. Ile, example cvv,l,gr the war flow goin 0 bar tend are The contents Of thill fltr Mourch -TThP he :,ii are I've exhil-iti'll, &led 4 financial eup,yed Soutlarn holapitality fur a biou illbull 'WC city a lit h havarr tern dil'[Wil ill tile glow 01springs
To think our c.teaepcarar ;nr. k `..., 1, too amo Islie. I Cliftabol 111cause, Va., April 9. 1465. I jultify that Conclusion? ;rho ter,it)r, tat of Tnur;it maw boar. s lid it was hutnili atin; in River and Progress I sone i are flositn,- C, in file fair$ far pc,n,o Core Has. H. U. Sixt.tork, Secretary of War. Tile far lot o w directiooki o7a rt lit ' re-tovrai, 4 is vast ral extensi. If iiv.- '; Tests ill the"Kitallials Un aOliket I 2 '_"k i S:bairw or toit jud-ris ofelvel
fralleawids correspondonee hiss tal'(Pra place .leA ever, .,I, Vie citrecul A _c wislied %net& file Cc tit,- a,, spl, r to It in uite ratur.1 t.ijt tLe pwp'&-. of fact, i:I arrOl-'r r-Apect. wId between Gore IA -0 111-ld myself- 'I h -rt Imewo V06 -titaia im [Lad it com- t t iq, that tire law is nut ivm t,* : Topilegraipliv of tho. Cht Moral The Marquis of 11,rini!1 )n, on I part of
eterritaq? T-y eOne of tilt f-atinialp has altmAy
i1 ruffulood 111,600 f ,ra 1,.t i.,the coal oil Instance.
been no relvailatio a Ilthe Northern States collieuld rejuice in Vic ain!)IC, that, -'tljp stbuthernin, ijL pactow-dpointi, owl 03o- im;Port Lilt fl,,,tilal. stron" enou;.-Ii -tie. I five men c thnt Ilia -c; t:sjays in C.iii,i,m ; TL9 I1,ly IIA,ms" the r,
n i ' the' Pursuit during in Occoll" divisions qnselel thein, an.1 Ih, en ty, lafthou4tow Ili,! rest Of 0! cilaiatry met hu.t of erai U. S. tRANT, Lt. -General." shanis and c1billish demars.. Ire.. bern- oar -re an hAve reeiitel tattack-pirese of 'i'la ? It attack, C6.. X. Y. at this offiat. it , e p.vtonfal,ty, of.mis c.,untry t coring
iv Fsowiwert of thv:r prize -quite e Our tri it, un - i a foolcuin I -ledge I Jilin i;t"i at"] Malden win the dance with ill of Lt iek Population to ill Eta be, given Pow to future ae, g April 7, 1 q alcraCy i a . I thern even ti I',* and cailieri 1,,r three u: thin him, If by Such a .1 a star %.Ili A . olelt-S. I headword with g -at niAdIria W.Vs, va il,.t the new ant -cotiat, carimot Its 10
4 len
.45 -To irakt . It. 19. Lee. strations which wil sometimes crop out,,, Coury tS. .1. : -Ganerial,-The rat to w. 1.1 riik tile 0- tile j hate which lonk place law rinrs of Feti.clili will I%r outstrip Ihso once at
Scott oftitne, last week muqt c )nvirwcker you Of hit a" in the midst of red-han-le4 war, Viat con."Jeu- I Arynglor f, weethan Lo,k at is Rich wall take,. Promise he wou Cxuatillawlion.
,er a bit irp aliscus iori i" whih Dr lieo d.-feite" air Cotnawfloo, &",I hop -lessirsessir of further re,ineacke on the part Prevident Linculn shou!J be toc, the llitih Nort'i A-P,.ic3-i feeliAr in Montreal A 1:89FUL ais "be t ft reslts Of Itat speak.'s ofilm, army of Northern Virginia, in this (or a real lefi!tli 9f I me ? Avid -flat Devlin IlicbeTte-I that omany Ili front " to uvz -olupany the, vari irl, an I tlwy 'a,4ailed lo; tie ceft I I who dakawd the If ... A , Il any gensei, %V1.1 chi By lowt,thadi.lica. nacre rca ly to sustain the flow, Mr. bbott of this township, hall invented P1111ers dowi!s Dien elo;-ement (rom a
st,u.;Ie. I feet that it it ot), &,ad regard it as Iupon ih.-aws, wforittod, as we little an rket town an the taketalatis of Its my duty 1 ) Alki't Isom make 'ij!nu -!:I] lforces behind thorelf,: acid, thosi tl&,,i juritted th;it the prisoners; ought to be I Flows Isalling wiliell prottliolcol liuim a4ma, tha whole there is 6hile... j).1 I,f thejnar 1-0 ill*@ 0 ) om.g
-4 the r Gratit's army ioto 1, ani loterni'mti,fif which aIty ofany furtli-tir elatioWail blood by it wbt:n there, he lwuld t4l-o. lip hs ri- .1 A forth by a torte is i.sferior it, nurvillp.,r to the frce which tried for a breach of neutrality. be fLf;,teat Vallac l'oll, to hiitk if* and those- or kill- I in A star %ilia America. it. it has Or tfierw r,mq.:aed in Col. moll 0'sc;y I 'd Ina royal peracell'sir, a
oryou he surreve-flor of that portion of tit( Tits Ju Jr;r rent-irkA th-it his lonl I not Is a tune is vtoy , 'not Confederate Stat, -s army known as the army deuce in Jefsf rAon 1),%i4, Ij alibi -no Poll for uslixial ctlistellej. coin- .xupativill of in the culture DO' lie ChiU14 i I glu'lel't at a on, ary a.-stalfruy reateo i,ing the of Northern Vi g'n1a. , . that Gen. Grant sli)ull ri It iatof the cltv' Carlos ocimt ,,, lch Ilk it tl.i- compari- for an sk oikr total trie-preace Orough it cone-isre there rat; my igioention to rit-try fruit "IIr`sht1w,ravp4 d to the . re. ',nmI tit irst n' or d if I cad tr. Than
to 11 "fell with go. foolk
-Very ic, Y,tfully, roar ait; ftres , -ow is tie conquest tile char.tes with a view to eltradite. tW his inventints will enable a " to yOwh4 pe",'sure I - .
p I', upon, a conlendid lwrme I res-itit,cil to JjivfI i`wm ivolvs a fA!l I.' T4... S bills thAt ill(! bestowal r reasible. 'I here orkeria,
ItA XT, The :4.11,111cit is limited on tile groull I 111A. r. Kerr said fie w,s tal wared llainj over site Acre per day. 141joill oW. F%mler d-problivilf-4 lbe tootinarliva of Mr. 1:. S., 'for that purpose ; Lilt % It -if the r,-j,)i hkr;- j : milMr. which ire fielt a' 'Lieut. -G -'n COm- Arulles Oftlm singul,r!y urianimo j4; 44 Z LlcAs were tile iliva.lint jrroy occupies. and when th-il (,overnment Nrou!J not cimitenvoince 311y his expeetations be answered, a gre'al, want let Inivia clear to a catestriore, an
ld be revcired in Atite,writ the observe- sm
an c'noorm;nt ski 4 up-rv 'I he parties
pigs off, serious, t1iii,king neen 11 count won
11ril I stren,;th, L12 other ar 7 pawls t a mrantiver Pit; 9 (if the crinfli"t willbesultiolied, The invention is to be ionsawl onc afrowoeectioric evarinbers. he up the costcoolly torM c, lfll to Ive coil-, kawl, the British 1'ravinc-lia . unr,.)rtu-- pall'on-11 away with it. flut aii Mr. AbWt clookel anvardicroftheCofirt the hir F. -4miih had ow-cri the places (or t left ilk& villwage, ty the traiiian fol nonh
C. iu-itriis fitirter'plarticu!ar poiw%9 slid when to obtain all th3 pr,)p,,rty and p1prors of' im'soleditrly. Success to forcrtifi,stmil of Munitteall &.ad IffAcbee. They It was a (lay or two ) rforr the ttinsweas
leave re Illy it'l I priente.1 ward.
swived yatear note of this Th u-h Y,,jt ciu,,ion thit thii luxtiry it all a III! nitely, far fram bAnr, is,j firmly iti I its th.,w a * secure they trust t%,it g,,f,. Staul -y inventor., were Attend, &fail then they weitly discoorpred in
I th i were very siniptot stiff very at nvafnitt .
socketirely of the opinion vou express of tile ly afrAir. Itichugoiad is t.tkin at last, or tll,.v pll,)Ul,l bc. All.1 tlicy, toks,& I ciall lt6a!k ufthe veroitoty isftfe trout any lie, e prisrancroo. Ile!, a small cottage towfurit a tur(fire, at r"Ilfbsxl,
o,nen., . -eted n'howcons, must screw the nit via ability of taking
hopelessness of to. rho r r"imance oil the. per matient oceopAtiah i -r fair an) MrCarter o1, to gi% Ame-ri-A. A compromises wait effected,
has been entered after its evcwilti,m, and tile .)rth anl' -luth were to uni'j in the .."ps to at otice joince gurshosels re the C"Ilsk. of the army of Northern Virinive, I re-ripro- wit() may sit -c4 it. It is varied ill at CAT'*4 Young'o pop, -ri, as they I jrincd. part of' diatel likes At w-sei,t thew neither the arbil the ratial, (.r the x#-vicereaken, a cler,yman
I sn it elicit tie So Ietrusior, of th-re cavi be no qlaemi,)n ill it Cv,!rN- brick a desertei Til- in It ill t1tv If burch or 1:rglanal,
C pros,,costion ir a yertr-sch It cotal. talks so f frontier ; tout are no the remrdJ Ile agreed to give certifie-I This pbca is becouii)mg ealsols nor ttio cuf.s to arrn them with. at
sad with, -11 treww"Okil'? Will , - -8. first switlihisisco, ultromfoal.
old tlltvref ire, two f,)re cansilieriux y6ur and istone its it has Lcen litirch le:irison have we in ill it event ? states similar If place I in'ta. OPIC li.e. John IleBri-Ic is coreappoustood to have, After a few rcmaiks front r. G. to "'". ly retail to Ince, ib,ir passage
ion, ask the seems You wi!l offer eta shall we Pay, lati(rolly, ;14 r,r;jht i gol c)u toy has tile frontier " %%'hat ;. Tile, race being cosdoll, Frian it,;, r Would aniftiv, to cipuke ? Why, th. tingerundF Clirkeporip-Aup,whork.Mr. =n of its surnatrallour.' iii!vxtuistorour veoi fro f4lowed Montgomery, le,aving Delany ti ck arid Carat Jeri in, the on Australia. ifiliq
(4i4ttel) -- - It F Ll -.E, Cost,.' .-.,ad ilia contioluiption of human Tillit' !11. N lieff:11 offor mm : 1k.!ec iastol'Vie V"itesi -hind . There 'it clothing th--ir foolly fly this cecin of toxile. Tlows
I- - I,* S Grant, Camicatow!i:11 the awful weele, gill Bait tear-, Cle &nit we mizlit -a wclI gal th,t.ii Cartsir appli,:d to withdraw tire. warrant- ioul; friendi bc falloss. c,%.I,lq Steepled the offirr ar.4
issued by theut, as others vallitere issued by coming in, the refiners being busy at Appealing Calamity 'at
Arkski-a of thoo to. S.' aggregstis of which wiii never be surnaieJ In commin with nearly all those wholi would be soccestakery for tire accurtty of this ' I — I Social were ititeredily on the way
I , enucitry th..t we wah-ou'd ii,je our wlij!p. console the Itateverder of Toronto. This licing fallnanti Store keep-ri are Ulu. T it BURNI.40 01to T119 VNITED TATZ8419TRAM to their denlination.
,vipril 9, ISG5.-To Gen Ift E Up,by tliv tso').4 stupetilous intellect Lelidve,l that tile take or the southern with dereasive works, because we m-ly be at traratinted, ergeteint flunter 04 r.anipant DIMA, for the TRANSPORT ( IN. LYON. I wheat merchants are SIX11.71I.Aft DRAM -The Wovi estatimet
eventiq in reply ta mi ;e of came date Parking RichmjoiJ having tAlaore, m,n hasten, t., Coiif,Air3ev deporaltil in a very great tacked at any point of that great n:.d ext,e. of the pris ,tie", who Iw)kcd much dia- '%Tit OR learn That off one day last weeksh
pleased. For half an lintir they rem:tined so, Ilst ;o" 1`0 101.
(11roar, bear.) I maintain vr nt of can to remove thei.- Proucis- Payee; the coalitions on W11.01 I will SeCept itire conclu.,ion theft the stri.'j is over, &air I UP)" t!lc succe" of oille once Ion, in a public house us or ewer I'latisvine resialr of the Army of Virginia, is just te- 11111t t,i,!re I* that has IN.", $i3O:110, &-c., we're returned in Titz BULy,f)vK a CnAwtit.-Thc %'(,I- — lit
"ireJ. lie reply 'I would SaY that, Pea" ask, What Neill ? The appetite fur bl"KI [.cc, we Pro f)rc,!,] to 'the c-inclui that that is now Ili 41 toot Ill( tanker, or gipwavey, who had I.,en am, le,
brin , my fi,st desire, there iA but wie conali arid CAll hiul,, I hy an exuaiLl.. loirrettleor on SanJ iy afternoon I Ist, of the Viatica Stutes and o;j, Meantime a guard of mouri unteers here wera insio-otted lately by By the arrival or tire stearner of',en rather too much 'filitly rost',* heroine artillery, with JrLIW Swords, appc:ircJ, Brig ingly onxi,.us fur a fl lg 1, ith S.'re's, one is U on, %iZ : ti..Lt 11.0 men with tile whola of h1i Coastal Is j rernment, which justifies any man in ims ,%do ajor aretto. One BeellOck, 1 8,4wick at ew Vork, we are in pow,
nation cannot Ile easkily an I it cc sea "I " which ercited excitolcift. shortly after or i floor, wan set to keep ion of fact* or one of the neope appaittig Iffleiterfod ,all whii, wgod'wrj *ring lip to every,
tdislual-lied for tal,in he, b. 1,etween the two cou
, rifiltes the torrilel" civil lr leing, flit worse to, portion ofthe Americall 1, icta ale likely, its fAras Own -sent the prk(liken and Water footless ente -Owe at Ana that has owurcal the bar intern, w la -t cot.froo)thig it u listhe if"! fi"C-Cat'" c a an c to,keep him out or the clamities by IY 1,1191jorl-thai, vahn held b her,
arm I a: l 11- . I for roar I )ff,-, tat vy ly y .era, lj.t1qd,- oIatcd to, to a ch.i. acwr of ho4pilitv I-wa lilig omnibus . ami+ -t tit,, checking of wilho t 12co woventry at the get favor noway 3 cam, invot vii.g tbe tons of life I be I,,.I voichang". I licans rtre already lookile, alnut fir smil. r*8 approach, the sell- in laid tirendo, wanted to kl,.w if
IV 14 *at,. I;ict, th-- ., tire bon, memlever fur lit, way. On tile ,11-j I inciuding tnen, weemen, I won fight. Tire I i.avvie ' for an anetwer
will am",t Yang or d,-sirnat* offli mra to watt body whom they no ky alacyour. odler4l the fairest p)rti nle or Viii c.)ratincrat. 0 inill,,hain saw* that oily dwij-ar will h' I p.oreplat rival groArack for r. CArtier. They c1loovej, Couniersign. or Vil run orsonece , ld
any offi ..ers you mov, ikowned, f,)r the same plar- I an '! " started followed by three c erring -no coal- tinel b I childref, nearly, fou -fifths (of whom got up arid mado a terrific Ideas, at the linker, again, who lay ClAins to Skill li:) way 1, are pi efted I" in uah relijnc,- on onc h,oaten Canadoa ilia,] our North Irwverl -wo. it U r PWI thern lidics, and part of tire you throngh I" mking a fierce -looking 2n St KAY paoilit 114MCSI14 to Tn", r -r tlr -.ship, cry out fir a forcia;n war Town, an ii barely within th, boun-lew itlecs rainvot finite r-orn political ol.spuieo sniffing So were laturned I,, death, owning to the dastardly lit missitard his -lien, v It"led round &oil foLk
pirfo,ske" dest, tml me ui,oti statesmax loellideven I. I gloried avid the UnitedSlaves. iCrowd, mild Pissed throulls' tile principal charge on tire officer watt' liis bayonet, arnewiloct (or *,),fie fl,w who were oil board the drand al )n rho. flcor -without ei,on a groan,
which t6,i stark -kin I.-.- of the army of Not th-rn in which buth sections njiy unit,! -tie I Vale, feffirb."i"Jility that some great military gi thcr,fece. ,bit h,;p lonfitleni Lays the cafin streets to tile atation, where tile rop--cial strip &via had aid thavallait but for scirpreover, It 6 that the force ofth,- ),low atfil-
N*i,,i,.,& wtil tie fill, notes in IV sprit):., up at ilia c lair,mth hour w,11 jifil t:,Ai aiien hest security is, no tiriin warice.wariting. The few yetworkathiso" who ordered him to lye arrested. Gad, ed land bu:vt a Mend vessel and dfaih on@@ -
%'cry rcxpc,ifu:!y. parer raheTt "rot, heal the rankling woun,14 citso,e I fly b ses,tes fluently enstied."
Daily pail the prisoner, " if it was, not vat""
to Lad the tar:,-! enkiies. still rem iining in if fjriil` cati argue in Mitkh sit fu.t, taut i.,. pre prime parting chatters. There was no On Warlll kkday fait the Vnit,oel
L; 8 GUAN 1', frutork-iial Civil War. This the fivid-of-boattle I'd run him through I" itenown transport (ratio 1yoll sailed (rowas Wit also d"l ky the South to viesair i but it is high1fira. The one denterr, lkmio, is am Pow.
wirpamunj thervive!ves from Grelost Do "'.. d' ition shown to "tot at Any time-
aCol., A"m I Ill;) U. S. rec-ord with lite promp:i lgs cf I'll At ill Y Nnibi fi.stylbace. that happens nOt to 'SPO' FIRe.-The houtse or Daniel Moran two,ngton rr Fortietrom Munroe, hieving or, he paving,
4 April Q, I 'G.I.- Gerverell :-I recative,) nature, depraved to a rcry low but PTOb3blc- -'% elu*3 P4 t-olroribly crippW -%o ilia wish or inc.ivskinion, of the Cn,,adians TIRE KAII)I IMPI- 204 of Ili,, allWinois Regin,an,t, t gland In"kilig Red ganowerful. Al.
st aloatee hour your note of today, and prastratd c -in har,lly be retorcwl t 17111"ra.) Thwe Cark4ans are most anari.-its -.ought fire in tire roof from a stove -pipe, Third Division, Second likirovie Nfact hoo4h fie in so cm'lPdy he is not really a
In 'answer it it the most dangeorqual tint could Ill! 1.1titcoficruwar.rity. As it is, iQi perfoTtes 1, I stelowerhartgrod Except '%'Ou"g in lain absence, the first at arm the family Army who hookA served fi' ionic, doncer lit makes hill appoparonee carapped,
to mitic Of Y4-b1s4?rd4T. 'I did Out hatend to it conititain the corknottian with thwo country All
.e proposal the surn n4er or the army or North. given. History offirds bait 1`. Ykv initarce hey are prounial of flow's roomettion ; they rea,ived we.- fran Forcing two carpenters a bout 200 I -mailed and camped prisoners, .,ad ill large " clank, caralkedown the, ottlegao ce snalf,
liquii.e, b -eminent Is conA4atnt with the itilkirtieter of C I rent; titc,Y we t - wo. via re
tit to ask tt.e terms of y ,or of the rc a !n. Ibitit it for flat ir itiv- Toronto, April to. a considerable inzintler of refogee Or bird b-,willg right ,it We. 110 nest
era pwroo p,rity of 113tionow Irunning to citinguish the d imo, in which let ilia , (s ill I I to his waint, so on to eveiL.
pro.wosi To be frank, I do not think the orfire for its (own PAI. , cis lice, som o -brave officer level high, mill led mArk, evory eake.-tion thit thrif pearawals'll"'.. The St. Allicanto Itividers came up total, including the crei,00f alk,,ut.' persons.
provokiw, low tile they succeeded. Ills wile bring dowagere The Lyon pro(eardid as rar as the two whe real hit; log, ond the. he imital,,1 a Soldivalk
o exonry hat atij, n in call for a ourlenJer anti tmilances offlahle th-la to a of ,a, and
%job% ' ' djy Ili Recorder DuA;sn. Ail or than get-ndbrusess th,it he ce3do msitackese se country. .4 going through drill, a Iverther at the feet of
but at the rivoicoworAti,no or pence should be tilt without %oine more definito a he U of roubtly ill at the time, made an attelairet "he remained over i.ight, and &IK,ut s o'cloc a lie runs, jumposo leolps, and is on object of aso, I it 4jrq to know whether I to arbotprowering numboeri worfbr ws it wooll preserve that ",arcelion slid Prov"n' rAiders were disochworged exacept Young, 0 l'bureday Molt[ as arefounnA,her coulee. Chorlotte ;
the avenging of some fincied grievance. who in held for trial for violation of the- t latterat her bed, and was near frightened ONn eplient mimic : and, *him the "thmi
proysiew-lia wouill lend tot hat end I Only load to a asoopLasks sletriflate of lice and theraideclares (,.an bevoin ishoortweed by a neisib . othifig of intemst occurred unid alwout I ft
, je; to With Sea criortuours war dvicol hatopr4i upork, iL'ik- to death. O'clock e, Frial filie sudie,,re is at tie bright. ire few his
a a worninj, ,when, in Shoal
a 2 -=us otbobrierwe meet yogi We hs ty. Pull partioulan or tile elpile- lbowi.z powder. Is it not utralpty laws. ormiliw the army of Northern Vi,ginia; but their periple already, the shrew,I politician, tw"P'f -y anti interest f this co try, for 1110 water, itericia, the thriling cry fir clonk foll. nrid at-nds like . med, ere"
th: do I - fi -a 0 One Other 1, g kii tjjcked retailer his wriss.
(.or in pivival.ropkktlorn may aff,-ct the C 8 of the Ui4tej "It -1400 l2tion will be f.joul in another column of ill 2,,',e of that which is the WAWANOP1111. is re walk rniaweJ, &lid at onc that wastelle w.m
wind bu.4iness fuels j'tk*V' NOTAItin Ilustimact.-The Gasettei of contendin. Wnsien ran setreacraing an the
uod,,, mt'94*10" ,,it "it so be or. notion, who-ra we ill
raostorevoll 3do of posearow. f4cleavold be pilossed I,, will surely think, seriously 6 -fore rushing t"ays Paper?. or an -I strow-eir, Is for provinces desir-mi qAturdy contairks the following appoint- are irforeaked that thi from tjp- The Hron. 0avorr. Brown Lam sold big
Cmarvill's fit Our *Ili r decks a. arching (or their children or ro, 14, propoortly at I othavoll. on which oil
nion, to o the, N taties I'abliat Stuart, hisuorokof'Mr. John Mc(Jrattpn,lot 16,enov. :1, schile YOU I I 0 a. an 10 ril"Imse" cota It,* old heakilking itato a war with a of maintaining the connew, mentle sit , ce Men licte ,linle u hat believe found. for $275,00, to a rompony,
pose robsed 6 Welkin said, betweven the pi, ket which %e on, and. ilk the .of the in.,
,Sti0n liA%iilg IlUth vast re&)UrCCA act F39': . y have the means of d-jing in Taylor loartiveli, weas bur, , i down on Sunday niht lost, shout he takes stock to the I
lizened.or the t -0 armt"- I ins them that voinvolstirvis port Iloplan. ; Edward a, it ,rrY one, I -ad Auddettly he
Y ; h,,r who, in,ft
tried. If Lwakm, ft leverage th#'Y miAht 6', In the 11ousco of Cavernous a debate am,!,% united with ()real lifilAin? ["ear, Daniel folit Niefifflivint, midnight. Mr Win. hic(ilrattere and Ili% C, ,ne b,,,, ft $25,000. Ile is consweritiontly to got $26o,w
yery ovo,r'!, Yourrob rocks. losir, is it unot that the Or,ly family, who tooccupied the I-ourod, at the t in reach. 825.004 in stock. and lit rrwhe "a
I R I L"4 they would inevitably loweve Whatever or %to" on the or wilippropri,ting o".." Ir back a *.tier calimi.1 Kisoat runs oulassays Macdoneil, Whitilly, ; i.illism 1 Me, WAA A rely panifrmoiiiurn. Solo ers whn IwA ofrei, and 200 viltsper IOIL It is Mid be
a, IT. Lawful -Gen. Grant, L mmau`f'nl Vermligo will be frainned by the pro4terstim 00,0011, to Certify Q-1bober, which vess, if 'k.go .,)rrSn6O aywo Godefick; John X contrned to care a few articles of (a. nature, been with heiterne, lier,aigh SjI his hard free& a .&I larger net boweir bodies I orrion'd h.,e got fktlsfo 000 for tit * Sam# flavor".
Aviation r the U raised gt&t*mk ' cafthis military strength ofthe Sootts, and larmodlai imm, intarciting than that vehicle r,os ,a .... Is that ally 0 rho tout motto of it wook lost. This varigive of ine fought bait". and had never been itty since.
I g6 I_ ra Gas Farewcll. OAh2wa. rare is unknown. Tire, build na and furve lot* to raltpr in the thictomt no bout#, bwe& as
Army broliffe bet Ion fas little ob,ld",,. AW A I With Shotmm'b
April #Ili drsiwn gleackeo wnuld ],,are theni apponsind in our ei)ltimn% I toot week. lelrl mothvr toure'ry and tlw foreign Slat" 7 I "I C, is rat Your notal even a irgnmen4 that 'have thi- 11 4 I,lt -1 fIll"Y" RUPP 0* the" ' tjP' The t1lain Slowneve, which proved so wait insured for 111500 in tie* Itayal. $TO 'a Thai fito wait cianisoff toy the licensing of a army says that coreffeck and Nor
,(Tegwf&Y is received. 1 books no ImItle"vity indh$tA IY No -Ofr than b3ford the colocalliet I'leight repersto-i Ilia old a forve,irleco iw psiraw (Mae this di tf u 10 "th"r welimt Of 1116 country, cloth belonging to Mr. W- Ntrel;Y'valte'" we& harrosol of coal oil in that porotifer's rovilike, chi,tr rativerviet i4purd it , tar sea
son the ewb*t of odkteo, the mil there wait not tile olighounist tinvigarr of less prop them oraise,l into a intranet A "Pull lovolliket if% graAeon olessimis to CAlifearnia, Th, Iran 1. I - --- 'a Oviedo in no boPn' burned with the building. dialsocaly aviver the boiler. and in lea than fie,
to "Y a (neeitily, war j., perktis,*j with America, read that ri,rt,U&tion@. &a , lit, as, &fly Oliver (,.# a .,A oreaskinnic *ait Aa coworkers froubhoil down immense quentitwo of' 0 evervat of the rest seem for off the spow
for IS "* wb nearly. (,V-O@fW, shift 1 1( the "I'S of iwr,, not motives that al hiscol a atranirer minute,it the Rotators wore lartakinj east an deck, dritt @logo, e hood" P.zFawiultv, , cOld droat t-) the v&117,s, and the gainers am try. How adds: " The ariny is in meal -
10 pick a -1 rib offset arvi.11" lousy eitai days *.I C.)?b A ynting lowdy in lirnoltivii is realrint owill with Ili* amotan of a Similar Klein lost lickfoloh,—all feathered out bothavoke as
fienc, with ygenswili. is, the reeling is that Kazl Ind on Act bet in Concede wholi be a riam like ottage , It ;iota drit Of a view to an enaetallo* I I 1()()0-000 ft ]-It- Qual a Yount we wf%hap:,T. 4ho 4pmbd very rapidly. The Maio of The
hi bihtile pershatir u" nativistic a 9ner"I 6 forsteraeol, ormainkey. While the liouse agreed the Hear (,it 'Ann Jraitisco I, pl-y,d by the Process hiskinival to draw as a at - downes okS work to get out tba fk:tZ location frown having lived me wearstakertly OR
do wbWe .0rilsol'Oliald dent rnae
heii, : 14thrrefloolking like territorial am Own Ole, interior. Notes Ille, !raft The ervas ap-n which tonthat ncsrrst the I feet the orclatiOnat letw"a 1, we!: ply be a .ill and C vrakbls tie o two flovern lart he a':irm and col, itivernt ill" .0 great turlacoy., obicifts an I Rickno."