Huron Signal, 1865-4-13, Page 1W. T. 001E, Editor and Proprietor.] $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! I3u9Uttse , iCcctotcj, • I' A. Aicl)ouaall AN RECJNSULTF.15UP TO to A.M.; - - al his •e•olenre on North Street, nest door oft heresideiterof Rev. Mr. Elwood. 10:1 Ouo1 c i Divfttct1). tw. (D. NlWwtuoi . M.1)., ICU N, SULWEON, i1!c.,,te., UUD Ra, ••, 0. W. _.. 13.410-ly rl•ht • M. Mvt., ,,• At. IL. 1 i1YM1 •1AN. SCRGEON, kc.,(Late 1 House . aeon. KmXaun Hwpual).- Ormca-At Art urh nlm if Hous.,• fsweww9l U.derseh,C. W. w. Coln, LATE OF STA. .EY-CLi\TON, aux Road. (M Thwart.•.Wormr•r ore , July 1, '• np. A. WORT p1r1,iCIAN, SURGE tend, particularly. to dims eperal.on. spat the eye. Maws[ Wrungt,Ihc.15. ING ' ON, Y, _, will at - ,and surgical f w4T.l y IraL t.. BA R R I S 1' E II .' it .1170R. ' Low, and Sal .tor-lu-Chancery, Crown Attorney, G lerh.'Jeneds WW1. •CeertRouse- / - vi • KY -AT - County 4 Moe 40 C. Cwrwsv.,n. BAR1tIi'PkR, AT1'OR\EY. (IUNVR alma %arc ,Kmgswa slrerlpitelermh, C.W .i.444..M4ncIair.. • tiSTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEY. r •\cs R, Sir. U. fie, over the 131ure. d Y. Wier& Sea ,(iu.ler.a•b. __ - - tsestry 111i leenhot. ARRiSTF4t, AT Ili):tMP:Y - AT • 1..111• Notaries Pu!we, Je., West Street, hire .1 uhn 2)..rtron. '1RJ 1R R,rER.tf Ut X/1 Y )L C F R 1wL•M10•ery. k O1 v \nrkrt are Cu(aer •ot Ein : *ton '(ireet,!L1Jrnhh• 4I lee tent/ irc (•lett«ewon. BkaarF•rF:ILA, • ATI'ul,NKY.-AT-LAC, .LIP N.ter.a, l'onvey...en• Ae. Olen• Mr (Mei eor*er. Wept Slrn•t, t iutrrw•h, 9:I2 John If. (cordon. • A TTOR1F.Y•.tT-I.tW, SOLI g1TOIt IN Chaatwee. N•.are Puhb.-, Cunrrvearer, _ he. k1., Itslerrh, tan oda W ea. odiee-ea . bd :heath ode Of Woo Street, llonldnnrlives IM Square. 4'ewrh H.wse nit c. • • a _ \\-Jltom '1' I tare. A TtORNEV .1T -I+ 'W. St )LTI:iTOR rl (:hs., .-.., Y..are Pe 1te•44,40-,venae.,&*, t4a4Pneh, C.W.-O l2. -e, overt H. t3ad,ne►dtOr.•. 1tan4Ware'?tures. V• '.vtlalf -1Y0167 to Lead on ltell Pr'+perty. t MI,.utr (i.xulfnst. TTOitNF:Y, ;UI•ICII'ulr k..-, r, •Mone•, W. -tiara's: t'p:'tane N'.'- 4'leek, W.•( '4. ;. entr.ner F,nt 1)uo. w. -, ,Ia.gow IIoo.L, 'Vann. 4k \leprae. A TTORYil+, M1.►LY:1 Colt;, ko.. G•al.I `1 near, C. W. ' ).6tv-W(ARR'4 NEW K•sae F. Tow, 1.Aw1.1 ' iota net. An. Int 171h, 1SG1. •w:lrlw31 . 11. I.. I),•yse.' - HI 1EY. SOLICI1'ull k-, OrFiCF., b1Ps Now Block, Uulcrch, r. W. v IS•wn5ly (•n ernn .M r^et,.-nrxl, ' ARMS nit %A'1'roiriEY',C4) VEY W.C.CAVI:It4T. J. r. I:Ltrrw.n. ' God. r,e! Ogles se rk.4om•-a few ' non of dor I...•r. Mie.. rlb4T Witham M see. • • tTORYEY..tTd.1W, )LICiTOR iN Okeer•ery, Conveyancer,r . T.1/1. one• ' 1 di. elf flrtree. '--_ _.vlsn L",yly Fro39rick Proudfoo AT ),t F.1 tt' AW, W r tl ,r t I N„aur 'r aclr a -e. •\aeras.:rs 1 Sowth•mit.n, C'u. flea• e. ( sell -6m • •I1,11•nt . Wont o.nhl Ii1.L hY Ie F.R .1X1)'ROV INC1IL J 1,.nd Sorrvr.w. (hare anJ Kneb•n.v, I:aesilenN:rP1t.13•.M. resp. rs:m3 %)ROViNCi'AL I %NDSt:11YE1'OP. A N n • Civil Eaonee,Clinton. Jahr 1,'••I --_ 1..11. Itomlln. '1[YiL Eq;1YRF:R .t\n `t7tyrnYO1f .I 1,..e.11 Agent reel Convry.nrlr, Ku.ranhm lir .TA.NII:st t•4:%1 •' t<ILT.e .1„1,,,l:n, 1. !-4GMtll;;l••.l:!t I\ HIE Col•I:T 01' lJ queen'. lfem•h,('••nveyahlrr,he. A Reg eery kept of Fano anJ'r,ewn 4.ut. for `4aler.l'ar• ties lies iota ,4t141.4. Male, or firmness 10 {rumbar will plrp.r alfult put rola,.. Uuege nun.Prb. du. 11151. 9:9 OOMMERCIAL HOUSE (1,415 4lAtF'e.) ELST STREET 0ODERIOH. VEI✓IiLY IL' I)I'rION. The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.'' i.;ll5lllf S clivrftllrtt. INSURANCE. ` E TERN ASS' it \NCI.: COMPANY. Mono, Amrruv teetrance Company; Heed ./dlees.Tor min Home, F, we and late liners eves a Av.-orlon as ore'drterun.. rNtsikeln Mr. J:11.(loanoa'sLaw Cham - ben. JOHN 411LD.1.N Jr., Agt. TIIFir b)Iat (IU 1I!) DELT 4 sin'e.oly to thank his farads and the travelling palm:• generally raw the ver; literal patron sire he hi. esiotrd for the plea nine vent., eel w.akl re. •reirtlidly oak a eont,0u*nre ,w' flew panmeg,. 11,a new house ho• been Ihornuthlr rel.a+.ed,ead wJl !A found cumpla•te 1n every `erUrutgr. JOHN 1'n.pwrGur Ii'.Jenr•h Sept. 2e.1,44. awl MAITLAND HOTCL1 GUDERIGH PIt4:'IGETO!L TiIE • above is most plra.•ntlr *Misled ois au ernmrate 1:m 1aet loge. ovrrlu..km;r the IIArho and L.kr IIpro* ;-good 4 'nmard.•, haul.,,. era Kurd W0104..10 h.r1. Board $1 peril.t...Ingle Xeadwr red*. 2,111.11,. • 014100,3v .ATS' HOTEL, WROXETER V •I wilier.. u pled **the 1ir•vrl lion.) running Iron. rah 1•. •olAllelo lt•.n, • node 1.••0111 01 •nl. all 10 W roteler, soil any one lrav- e:nne In Delmore, Walkerton, Southampton, ,1-hre..to a, sad a• -,-,.sums. d.a..n .,1•'h .• h .,,,;41 ralert.t., had AI ar•t cit.. off? halt - nn all n•rt0, ••i ICE ALW YS ON HAND / 4:11;S Tront-Fishi l : . Friends ! Vitt Ur'ILirtx4.,'e, n A 14C"TII or A HUNDRED IND FTY FEET I C:lAl.l,l . HAYS, ' w/6-1. 'roprir•tnr., comeaerretn171:etei:nuc cl l 2'.11 1rs OfS IiTi'g3r Pr.rr.;"r. This s the 1444.+1.0-4 larva !Isomer !heel 1n W Were Ca la.s.•l charge. Ile 4m.k•rn,r A. •n( 11 , 411 Moto If. :Wave Pn'tww-fur. lied 4•ald,n1 o 1410 Har . Horses Wad Carriages l.41 Har, r he `ihortr.t Not 44.7 CUr02?I FAICJII Oolen•h. Nnr.24. I sen 01CAra . '(`4..n..nrt n l(. 11.11eynnl L) I Insurance l_ i CUIII 1IIp . p d edien,1 IR ea - • FIRE AND 'LIFE. I f:nrrl-IlnxrrFyttene,Gwfer lea, CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DISPENSING CHEM T d5 DRU wDOLLARS. is GODERICH, 0. W,. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 18615. 77 11141011 • long term "of aervi'e durance u the 131151 11C99 Ji1-1'Ctl1TQ. . penalty oftheir offence. I Comee•aegas.-1 be 'Pet reap nehg, altar. DRUGSDRUG! 1 n*ys,' i,,trK1„e,J 11110 the late I':Iriinwl,t by Hos. J. H.l'anwnn,, u.J .1.40.11 into Ire, protium 11ut any person 0th, r than a 114.11111 y wthorrs"J etuteyrncer, beer star, 11101'1 urwlititnr, wlu..hr11 receive renuinetati. or ilritish ('har2,4'.1:f.in ut 1t'aehin'ton hlu • !VOL. XVII.-NO11 that desired by the C,nfede-ales to permit infantry sues the works of Petershurg•- Smith went with the erns Gen Weitzel it falling Mtn Northern hende, owners must Nhrr,J(tn, it wit he relnelnbesel, attained his took here 1,000 prisoners bestirs the wound- stutd all rioko, and h... no ri_rht W rune aur'•' -a" hJLMtlt pn+t seven en Mutuality night ed. Them number 5,020 wl hospitals. 1 Qluin, but at the same time the have been -at nine floret hearing i1, and before ten captured cannon to the number of at least J aur enlu...11 hade, as 4 1,n picket 14' d 500 5,0 u p ' " l on pieties, M mweleli 01100 been found urged to pres••r.0 authentic records of such were on their wayto there entrenek. one lot Thirty locomutirss.nd't(la ✓ Property. As repraids cotton.s ize1, the e7 1 Federal liorerum,nl baa uudoub•Iilly the richt to remor,• it to the X. but the tirlcc for din»in, *47)1.• ,!, cunvo:yuuwe n••,•"ement, 111Ni•lg 1 , land Ar real ,-,frau shell be sul,jeello a (in, or 810, *hich tela • be rerovrnd 41 either of the Sup.'riur Con tw. f o I A. IST, man 1Aw Nauru at Toronto. 'Thiel will pre vent. the technical illegalities of public part anal, we think, u but a gimp,? el of Justice t - those professional men wh,, ninon' so man 1 10 years of their lives and ao much of then money in ac1uiring' • ruht t+' •• Practice. 'Venue..* desiring to prirr.tiee'rn•ivey.:mri,. , GGISTmay oh\in ,r•ruru.i.in by ,prying the Law 14..c,ety $60 and taking( tut au animal eertiti Cate. Dealer, u ,and Impu,rterol . xwnxLrt.1 Fuu__as u,t 1.444,1 SI 000,000. 0 E -N L 1 N E l i It U' 0 S Seniors Arran --Un F ridgy event >g,2116 Annual 1ncn.ae INeee.1: $'2.500,000. a crowd of ver town medics lifted a sum CA ✓ f been instructed to expn•n the rnn:i.l.•,,t hope. 1- tont no obstacle *ill he interposed Ad the - claims of ltntish silhject( in reepeet to well rx. eott.in--teal into say, that every f*ei:itor will n ✓ he given to prove the eluiats to the coDor th.. removed by the invading army. Mr. Il. " Berkeley again called attention 4, the 1roha. • awv e, rr/.awe. e, ler of plank* Ir., ,, the walk sear lit,. corner I'F: 111•n rel raw.. a l •a *1 the LU {V$87 11.11,- root h, and Nutt 1lntrhew1! of Dyu.l*s art Jo4,11010,4*, 1U 01.1'' to have ' /..t Pli. r•,u.r.ta• 1, gut. *1, ' 4* a 14(11,.'•tun"al 10, edif,,q of whuirver un- •r.t,rT*,nIL• rnMRa 1' Iu,:r tele iso tin. I Fps. fwd 1 came that way. After J Lite lasuraace -Ample Sealrity• yoa,4 laps had leen (brown down, n pour !IOU -SE . C.A CfLI: !I:D1(sISES mr1111a1ru•U ,101..'11, without arils., was the, 4.4114.1 r,, V 41 4 r1, I: I TF1, Ln leE0 7(440 - - nett victim, and etumbtin; do.n not being 'atn'T L1.;1.1..,11 ',rr'1+'e,,. CAtDEN same*. an.. *0. aide to beak the torr. of IV (u!1, elute with On14r.lrom Ma1.rA! men punctually atssw•ledln 'sa•b a *civ st it 'Rion the board w*!k se to t Orderer mat. J• break Iris collar bole.-.Y,r 4•et Le de Losses Promptly Settled • ithou p ., 1\ A B Phyavu'. Prew•ngtloue r$ 0tily die. raf• Raferone to a Board of Direc1 rs ?..11. - i t)V.l.rnrk J.. fo lSON 40 CHARLES FLLTGHE• LIGHT - LIGHT - paper stsyr:-•' We understand the'uuly sur • Sit , 1;'Ln nxtm vane nu: I>nr,te,-:1 .Q.. br Age ,. LI :i' T t LIG • 6adrre•h, S:AC, I d. w1 r ,wmg son of ler late Lieut. Rolrltr„ u( the --- -_ lf_. ._..-__ ._._ -- Pntviccia: Nary, is In 1,1011• hon'; returned COAL'OILS t,, hisn.111. reentry seal residence at Nice North L'riti.h and 51e-eaatile\ I OLt1 • 4 ler an a ace ul _ rant paned f •• the Indiar, Irih•s of 'the •R•,rky Mountains, Insurance Co., 1.Eurning Fluid, Lamp Oils, with whom he wet triga,rd ie, ll t -ale. The rte' 4 rr trig In •uieh d ae *1 w 4t ul'L to •a a '4 F t t thea . m. I 6 1• » ri e. !• n,r, \ , ,s .f nnl.m'• Lew Mr. CI ! sm sun. I t y !dui w V - u 1 Ih« enol I 11 are o ; k F. Jo f lest duel Mete JOHN\, 1r„ •O,)Irrecb, Jen. 47.2.00. )ti♦ - brily«ae may he seen on reference to (hila. Ate.-:. '110'. Memoir.. rhe son of mach • fatkre O,Qerck.UlwLer 13. WAC!. aw12-lvr -- - - - -- --- ' draeren well of his cnuptiy, and ,t M to be I hoped that he will he iuduled to :Amain." MATT! ROBERTSON CA i CT WAREHOUSE c1 -` (THE OLDrST iN Tflt: Cel! TY, D. GORDON m A?.A 1 TIN 1•:' 1' .11 .1 !o. 1•:1t AND UNDERTAKER, Mannla.lore* 0111 ha• flow on 4.104 * romptrfe e•rwtwert of Furmturo, et lu. \4•areronn•., WEST STREET, GODERICH, PI AP ::ora*, Itu•wwm,-Tahln., ilerla.•d4. flair,' ('ane nml' ec r,l +r'lt•d 4'!, .ire, C, i • 01 nddine • and irut'.io. (Dune.. iq variety, rat, !tome 31.03factafe and Imported ! ! 1 !w. r* nn hand D. G. sm. A 1 11 ml } n<• sortment of golf/ TS.. Also, IIEAIL.E; TI) HIRE. ( ' Dreher and Cur4wond taken in' ex• elysnee for Furniture. !torch. m1.01.1..10(1 w27 RILES, SHE GUNS, 1'I?4 dOi.04 Rr.. Arr. - ARCHITECT, .0 ; PT.A.N A4u . re• Ir1(-A- t.rde el na,ki • inw•.3cr.. c.4 uP in a n. -.n •nJ,•orm•*.0 l,• AND 1 moo,- v the Ilur"n Auction Marl, Fmk, Lw "mill,• MADE TO ORDER, nn Wlrrrt.,i.,leneh. (.r. Vii. 'I' 1Z 1 i i; NL %. LAND AO*NT. Market Square, Goderich. ren.l.Ct.; ,To, lire Wednt.day Jr I1-a.n wIp•a. MOO THOMSON A HAZLEIIU&$T, (1..71 •,!,ILL L Tn0wan\,) laotion & Colllmisaion Merchants, Ca aarnn'. Rlne1, Keegan* St., f.410.rrrli r And next Door to Strcng's Hotel rd 1 t sett It'C Il, SALKA of IImnrM•kt timd.. 11.,0••., lt•Agenna. kr .tlh- m,rl, es et? naion1.)' 1l ,vr,n. 1',r nen snenfen pod u, rh. Male of 1l 1181040 Fart.. arm N lwrk. kr. ,:.•ha*, -unci mf r..4Ma o, C«mm,aw..n tl•w.Aa app'•.•.•1. ,.i*. r.dir, Ie.L ),MIMIC?'s r*rAl.i. aura.,?. m.,o,.er•ferrrinwd. 0414.,. mnl•d. lhvNNN., en.n IIMn..• 1111 .144.41.,. )rl•• a,,0e Itr,nrh Per- tain NAF;+.•af•wth, ,.pry "rho roam. Vnninir :1•✓a. nrtsad.d 0, rel 1,4roa.Ms WNW ee4erwh, JAI.' 12th.l.et. - wlLlrr 11. McI)nngall, • T iCRY.;ED • [JCTf°hi KKR; RAYFiRT,D, • en.lnty of Horns. /Isles in vllag. of 0110,0 ,*4e Y11y.11'Ra.4e. wtd 4,0 Al,.,.. IPtnrlley, LICENSED ,11:CTIUNle:Eft fur HURON fwd RancR Marie pu*ctui?ly .tlrndedt.. A4dw*, Wrdwn P.0. w .4-lvr$o ..a John (;wmlrimie, (• K/4E11AI. COMMISSION AORNT . x I Uwmeseak,nee is Qaeea'• Keneh, tee tilting • ONsnt*,CoWeevso'Pr. kr., kl•. (mea no *sod var.V+llag•• ofKinnenhne.I'.W. hs I•eror *1'Itne. -- --. I; onW.t1tn1•,lt A N D CO)lMiSSIO1 Mereh.n., f'venni 'Nov, C. W. .Voles sad A.rnwnI. eollrtn.I. Kmrnawl of any load en- rr.eJ to hon will 'err/ors pr.s$ st sues. *40.1,1118 NEW MARBLE WORKS Main strait, Stater. 13. h A. M'CONNELT, WQ11I'MItYTM, TOkIR4ToNES, Peet., h...,.( every 4..rnprere awl Otte of ...rkm*neh,p• etrn• tw.d nn short nett.'., 40.4 Al I'1. Inw.•I paces. taboret tool ,ago.n ,la.M lar east.. 111111111 ffIf7111U ATitTK1 TO Dsaglanf Meanan.le W. may le sesr* alibi, shop fleeter, oclul.er w1+-?, ItY J. C. M'INTOSH, Up, oeit: the Market. Mods of repairing done on most resaonable term,... . Gnderich, August 2n 1864. sw94 Di1 i s 3QQ 1S Arra BOOK •BINDING'. r TAVIVfi m rade ■rrnncrmente with Mr. D. [,1 i4rOKKli()K, I4mk-h,mler and hlannfir- Immr Stationer. (who hie lately rrnll1. 4n•d Iron ITi1n Iph,n wrlh'o !Urge ,t,wk N Piot n: anA Jlher, festal) 1 am prepared to Furnish Siena - Rooks or all 4,040. arse and styles with -and *0)8. .at Primed Headings, at ten err cent rheattty then Turonlo.prp•re. All Linde -'f 44,9.lu,r nest giving aa1elietioh will 'Je ,,pain•.* free of a ha rge. .w14w21 JoIIN IIT'TLEr. Good Mortgages Wanted to Purchase' Apply to D. fill ADE GOODiNG, Solicitor, West Street. Gndarich. 20th Der,. 21464. TAILORING a. AD AMB, 1)ETt'h.N 111) MoMT$INCr.KETl1AN4(i ii for the ver) AAtlerine nnr,wwil;rmeet he len reeereert0ince he commenced bowmen In Mule. nch. not being able to eseente over erre-hall n the mders hrrwehl to hum 411.4 einem I hnvmg sow .e,..,,4 fwthtisefor Money to Lend, ON very reuondhle terms. Appt j t ON B ' L. DOYLE, . .1xoT4ka 1 LT1RAX Goss. -it lercmr aur duty flip reek ui,ane.uut4 the death o Ia,wtl.r redbird old so'dier, will/ bravely I • ('rube's few 111 It 1 carred h,m+rlf en many a w 011-fou.'11 11.4.4 ► of hatt'e. Ii IA race is now run ; h. Lr., gal" Goderieh. 9th Jan. Inds. w:.0lir his Inn• h rine. James Al,Dtni.•'• was hility of a war w.th .tlnea,nl, NW) c.nup!tin.l of the 11.,411,.nre of the Government in nit m*',in iclrgn410 prn••arnu,m.. Mr I'e:I ,m!.rapoke in a simi'nr nNaie.- Thr M.r(ui- of Herrington cleebned to reply 10 sura lI' Ilnl I;,'. - ntcir!y 400411444[ t9 11.1 *j.-. - ,-o of ars .naps l,4• )l misters 114 Ih,i pier 1011A debate ars proal that the pr01,110 lav of war w:u te.,1 1•nnde irel•e4. Sir '11 W,!. luughby •...1 Mr Fust` de•rrerand•*he re• maks oC M, -o, lr. 1d,•rk.•',.y n el I',•o,•a•41.- Sir F Smith urge.) (during gunboats ..n ll e lake.. The subject was t6. ,. J.op;»d: The it.. rain Scorpion, one ut' 1.' (anion. Laird ram+, felt I:.vetpied lir Plymouth, to le put :n commianon. Mor Rutherford A!verk, the sew Irriioh Minister for China. ewe the rhe• rill nu by the l'ri:y Conned in blah rp 1•, •Ica. -leis car.•,' and pronnaere! hi. remote! from tM Iti.hnpril', by tlto 'Whop of & *)*lawn, null end d raid, that puwrr resting with the Queen u•.1,. .. The (Ealeerirltiar•h, %rt/ung• nr. Vienna inserts that i,,- .,lint at Wai.lun_to•., Le- Iw rn the Emperor Mrauni,,an a Keret Anil air \.•w.1nL err,. prngn•asit,, a*tiolactorily, and that 1'Ae*wlent Lo,rntu vomited to 10- uogeire the empire on 1411. erminali0o-ol the -war. -:Phe Ps- is C,,*gi:Wooaarf *poo is that anpr410-0.inns bull 'giro of .Interican 'mares *ion en Mexico I1reIdile %-• Richer4son, Spencek Wakefield. Nash k Con and "there, report a good attendance of buyer* and a firmer...nwr * km. Flour quirt but pettily. Wheat firm and in fair demand. at 1d to '1J per rental advance for ret Al ,..tern; rP.l is Totted al vs Ms to . Jd. Caen firm, :t f , 111 1J to Nd •er ease• ter easier. . '1 on the 10th of Janmoq 173?, in . the _• U 'ermscing , real. Rnl 11 111 _ -. The American War. C m 04' 0 1 1 d, 1 d' d' r A the To ,,,)pipe( Op.; Cerro, of GODERICH ` de 27th : st lie was r"rienwently in the -104th year f hi+ age. inseemcd joined the i * 1rib Enyal lel D.a_ gni • in Jane I ,. ,t, and ANU FACTUPiER - IYil1 4 '°4 ▪ t f ORKS CPA tough* a ibe ba IP nf.11hlone. Suo.e•.iuent rr 11.., 1l\e+.,r rly he was tr*mf•r !rpm the nth Rural to . th 12th Light I) •nun•. Ile fmght in a Y W. C. TRELEAVEN , 01 . Iht•i A.: dna. 1I" wan in nearly a terr battle. of tb P••ninswar.. W'*r, end Iv ,.cd erste fn ,tete Aft Vittoria, 'lel ' 1 F nod w silve 1)ETAiIA OF THE RECENT BATTIfES E r t and look .art m he battle ' 0, - 3- P [ `l 1 1• Naw Yong. Apri' -1. • i Of Setnr4.ys operations the Tril une'rcor• • reinvended aava •- r • At Retell in the t•nTn1.g. the 5th ertrna was r .gain' in motion, ream, Ur the left *long • White (oak row! In join Sh.•ridae, cxerutint the Billie It mnr'm.ot of marching by flunk in Iwesente o141e en -my, withdrawing di,i- h i Bions in rear of each other and marching them nQenrendulle from (tight to lett-the left " i,ision, 4'rsgf•,rd's, r•eerutinr Qtr *amr w m yrmeet 1„ brigade. White this was taking hen.. 4411 the 21111 the a mn,ed mead the Whit• c 11 4. . a ore direr n, 114 al rs t our *n d established nein-ether with the richt of the 51h onryw-mmmtime Ah.rid.n with four din • • Pus, 9.da•, I.0eaget. Bed.?- .1. . ,.tidiest ntri n'arirol.)r. 44. •k Cow.. %!slue.., r F•,M Moor.; TOW... deer *el rsd<w, .:et Tables, 1, W a tend, 4 ,. ,,., and 4asny utlar an.•k• (04, .,sums,.,,.,uulenmoa, Ad Lad. ort NS -CIS -11) 'I'['1I %I.'(: - P plly niru•tell to t'PIP)1 $TEtY.,N I,1. Inanehe• UNDEflTAHI NG• &c., & Mr. It. •-oniltir: rvu.• 411 {},*,amu, Ate of 01 ho ao• k. r Wit ed to h+• ,rwr✓,drh1 4*,' ,,.- u•nn(aal wod.rnn'1.d,p. •ml at «Il redwwd Pure•. .`r!Ix0Ie hare, 1u,l la .0 *lied Iwlore go:ce r'.1 .•herr, '. T I•etnlw•.«I Wel all ku01.,,t Par,,,r,'• ern. JW.wtnken',0 exerut age. t, Warere.e,, .o f, •fuer t. f Cairn, h. )larch 1ler- 1.0.2. hW '.9' • TII1: V.$YF.IIIN►Oi, At 1.O\DO\ I.1/'.:Ia•. 5.40. to vine a r • • 1• . +/wit/ r w FwwA t 2 11p.1 u C C u M i ' f ••,: ;int Brittania Life 1ssuracet Pe. off ondnn. Ar ••rep hays,. ler n o.. inns f:-1 n rets t I 1. 11 t I 'ter tic, ,,.•hi- •peer *'ale !r '.A •r, tun , ,i2ht, . R.•,p,roe. .l•omen fey •• *orrt emit Fitt Ind 1.ilensks.atm,•derai. ue.n1 •arm um. A. 41.1404s r•. '1ele•ich Jr 1'1. reef. 14-'1 ISAAC rREDRICK IZL'McVLa` TO F. NITSCHES' OLD STAND. on* *n.enr* apo •e 1S • oro- Mad- k medal lUr If1,iCIA rum li7::tr SI 1, andfo 4 gt 1 _ 11 ete ton. II te•rtd sae wall k win Up. marts 1r, stores 77 l r -- L i3 [Lindsay Piet. FA' Gs0TT.r', Juree.-Sir Janice Mackin inritrJ i).. I'rr to tale a d,i.e in ha gig.. tw To A`)3. The hors• becumc ieuire. ••Getit.y, Jeremy, 311Tablets, Tabbb , ` Asti the h ctor, ..don•t irritate 1 ; Marl Tos trc anrlLe your o1.' h YP, Jemmy. ]'ou'lldn lett eilhoui see. l.et me (Iran. Zoe m, ' One ,111 It ren fig run; the i4•,1,,,'. •iew of the ewe was cha.;,J. - •• Nutt, Jemtny. tau -h hire up -11 re OOPEFUCH, C. W. AI. 1:JNIt1' (iItt`t'1'. D'.PARTMENTAL Pa, ami t.n ry Agent, Q1I3:1ii/Q. rt\i;'.Cs1 'r) ':"'lied::; WI rel THE ,inn,...a l'al,•,.r. t. .ryr.ri 1 is tie Rol. the S +• . for Parts. re. •die:,e• ha„ to 104,4-1 *1,b wears.. swp.n. .bath --by d' owning •:r sun l 'h ,1 ..+ter (:oyer-rn.nl De- IfrAr•4a•• +...poo A V?. Cna• vl 4414141. or T ASH youPO Never I., a bora: get the better of y, Vouch Lint up, cuugeur him, drho',spree bun II 1 new I'll leave you t0 alrnsge w it hack. • .i mg of eaya)ry paused around the left of the whnIP'unno arsexweal tl,df1114,11:11f1114,11:11I/inwiddie U hl.".+.-, sol Inw•n the South Sld« ?111?11117,1?itw, weird with hi. r*p. l,, The ford whirl, drove Crawford and .era *8.144 (1nv111 Alio.( fdl, murders a• fl rated re hallo heel1 r•oe wiled its mond .4,,,,. W'-.• title ei the I'••cdi (•nal. (hie u1 the rrrl•m'. !)sol. lt.::u:y of 12 h• 41_01?, 0.6 r.,bJw aill,l11)0. A Mr1.a lnr4.v Lvr:vT..-Pae It,n*ilton 7.1111e•od y. al•• y seta ).'o r.';y' 1• ars 1l'ty nl illi; wile of al, Run howrrer. a Dore ord their n8nntin 3 r' J e to mm ornery t right, . 1 m t, •Id titer t 1 a detgerate rnnNel he also 1h f,rrod peek within * tnl'e of Ih001411,1 1'.`Ij., kit being j',i.,P,l by W*rrett a ports, he *g M took the nlbnaive end in turn drove the a r, es!): nn: tjo now' a Fre kit t • 1 1 n k n* 1 Fork, •rt - r h l rl shoo 4. 1 wt+l/llers and pie r with0 awl V I 614nnrie, of o.ti!!mv.' Ile w:alho•n joined S0 11' hu•hrad, of 11."440! tendo, Atern..on at Mr. Ilalhn'k'. Curren. It Npl4wa the d.•c••rlec. FAC 1' RY i Indy Verve. out •-n *rias to 1„r .nlrr, Mfs 11'.Iwue, and .hast Ih• n, 141 kilns, while WITII3 kr, .• s Mel 111 rr nm•. rnln 1 11 t 4 , \ t, all enjoyingn ail olLmUta rru,lry _`ti 114.'10111 ,al workin • nido•r. utmind in the canted e.. L. .. -. _ w_bic4 nrew i yrs 'ebnter','1 dl nrea N i'ei di, mien 20 roe(.. 1410,1 pother( wedward w S .'trued. '1' tr:: 1 the. •0th de 7 d moot ✓ for h r . fir merited and lnnk.,w/silion 54001 it. The rah corp., 10'100 +tipper ting Ih0 rav*ln, Jnnk in . Towtt of Codorich, I111.1 stouter. A• they n; pr. treed ifs ...Pilfer Of the current, me of the ladio a la, • sifTimireflitiVZ emote dizzy end Awfdroly metering the \etlie in her embartaarnent, both weie With tool. enable for general work. Terms, liriTgh:roPures"I'atittuel tied each prneeortmyip.6,A: ply tor J. GORDON. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER be sold. eeparately Mal t ext door West of Mr. Sauts' Saddlery. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY In the' best Style & Warranted. 'Wont; Lye Is Csx.ort.-Ou neighbor. will acarcely repronek, of the evils of an elective jwliciarv. but shall very eerily be reconciled in tie woos of them by ruch exiimples as t. anode g. vet na of r of luarbarn: '1 he rope 11,34 so Iron: the the practical "writhe/ of the 'Tains of *P. the .tortunate mho was cot, led t and ah..lrt 2 000 ern,. 401*,, 11.111!111, Sheridan to drive hark the force w hire ml Friday rh*cked his advance near Dine:d die Pearl Home. On n eeiPing thin news, it wea determined ✓ to give the enemy no tome to send troop le 1 their rt:ht, ant 111 Onee a Nimu't.nernla *'t11.k . we* ordered a') ..Inng the Herlihy the 2th. run, '1 24th and 2d rnrrs: An order wow ,'von el tl.n P'rebel oral rem '0)4 dr10, n n lheirrreon,/ nf•neer 5.000 end shout twenty r 11011401 0rorra waw r frnnt, and in writ. of run Pill. The "treble/I mope I•y•losrooler • were to Italie her litedrut the only el her inter was not tnken out tor timely la 4.1 an hoer. When life wag extinct. A.mectic.il gentleinsii was mint for, 00111 114 MI iVed ANI Ai ft 10 60.114. any mice. l'ile rani net -item kis 110•1 • tioili s tom oreit1.0 orighie,r•diod. oho,* the A*, - She nal U41111141 truly a 1... mouths ago in ithont nine o'clock at night. and in Ms It en a fie i•ins *moult lagan on etich.n..nt.4 in front W. their man resulting in the elleray in ?On Orion (rent their firgt line of istek.. with the I, prinonem.Xseveral forts, 1110 s. of ra•iler behind the' oat. Cr". latip.ari-linnil Tribune 1.441•114 that' resident of that ythege, reminitt.-2 "4". a ifse 11 rase 13.,01, 4.1101,111(.10 or 11"4311*"13. such lumi"ariessul Cum's"' hie fro. min the gthund in order to menet) 4401 d sit PI n tett 1 r we' try. and Smith return th". vrortnci.d. bench, we wish h,r ijeet. Thla Waft nnt the filet Cloth.. eve . Air . cannot doutrt that Ai constitutional monarchy wapt deco id made • ma los life. a ther country ' Inlaid 41 well to :settle the Wro. J. Haim, tr .% horrib Carrying on Business Exiensirely A *let . A Whey. hi. es proem,. a• Caller , eirtwelpally reislomerii, o0 awing been dorceraing pun., that CAN BE BILDT. at hi* eatehrothoneetedirei too h• hoot r •••hlo•lem Isnot re Termite Or Montreel. Calsneh.(41 .30 sa3 1.17.40 -le Joseph Williamson, oattitasiwitto it . ern? Amon Apeeide4 no Al 1110.1.111le ellafffe.4 Intl warrant the mimeo iveamorteelion. All lettere on Imo, nrsio mien • ifoAl , 41.0 and it 'flower. are wantee,eionta one remelting Dollar, marked he m.iy end it to pay. '1'...,;,1p.111,0111128 appeals w:ih conflenert to intendIng 000., Addrela Don can nen P. 0. ne141trieher notiee. Dungannon. Itec.11110, thee. watt -ii Farming Lands for Salo. DART of lot No. 10, 1st con., Iftelfield 21 miles from flodorich Town. eontaining 110 (Xi !renter. on twice Huron, with a gravelly agreed upon. ALSO - Pert of lot 21, north rif the BayfieI4 Howl. in the •town.hip rtf Stonier, 74 tio0,4 of land, mere or leers known as the Sanneekbnrn property. Those lands will be sold cheep. Amnions*, II lowdostrenta • flecleriell, March 1 t, 1865. 147141 )404\eo4fofteell AA elevation, whether she will defend f anode or gnernfle bushwhvi, wnetheerg eseensed nnt, as speedily wi possible, fo • she rennet the rope b, nke, and the ulprit C.II het rut ,cer Da to submit rmsaently to meth a *ha roo,of 41,„ • neithherhond krtheisf:eteher thew Moran pion stricken, eipposing the ' vomit! git elm. 11 Southernerettels are en. haven) be repeated. In len that five minutes 1 timing thew in advence of nor l• elthoters, the enemy was urahle to wrok Weir titled ter hylli.,eient rights on Calladiall &OP, ' 8,,..,.„. 11„,,,,,,,,, 1...n,,,,,,..d , hoverer, rained an inceinant fire bite t1144f and if 'hay eon therefore with impunity ors,. Medical attendant., 7 t". entrenchMente. Wris in Carinia maraud:ter expe,htron. anon i Them. aim hut little Leming in front of the oor town* and citing, we temit he retuned for I ty. The hint of the Ited-an rioters • fith ecriat moil r.i.tht, when ennlidernhre ehel not pereeiving the difference between Canaria I EretwoltIloi•tlf• Rom" "f 110" Tto",.11 lin: irreenniP1. Qniet elan reiroed in frnet of. awl Csrolinl. Gen. the s order may he 14 114441 a...deiced to inerri ,,,, linen( tir to, the Vth corm : so matter.' therd until tee iiiiiie-1 by competent authority,--11.N_gw Yudt i varying from three month. to two years. elo. k, when the several corps AAA startled Toms artl. I II. A ton of Dr. hiringeinne, the Afi lean *harper retention by a few Shot' on their F N v ---A fire oecorred in tangy Peale tittle fine., was talc,. pi ownier hil if'. rri."" j'in''d in ihn rina""' rnin1 1 exptorer,who ?IAA kidnapped hilts the Federal I and limn towelling into battling trolleyn, , HIM Confederates teeentfy III V.O•A In a. no to t Z. then away to the right till ot t Arrival at the " Fit tea.' , time the I ilitit WWI at 11S height. Irreasetly the 22nd, via QatMeatown on the 23n1. Nut four in the morning it Molly brohe leo arrived. Mewirs. A.)2sehony 1/1 SON of hon• again Nearer then ever to t 2ird corpe,while 'sharp artillery proctree was rd far to the ed. Liebilitien £100.000 it•dinll• The rte.' rn end to mul of the Ion. At a o'c'nrk papers today warn the Howse of Commona the battle Wall 0444114 fiercely, hut ottv rel.* , nf ins importance of the tote in he taken oe an. advancing all along the itne. . Napanee on Friday eveniog last in • barn, owned hy Mr. R. C. Davy, near the poet - office. It was no 4,11,4 the work ef an in - &whitey, si an person waii in the building rafter garnet. Ilad it nos Merl for the um of a smell hand entire helongir.g to Mr. nen. II. Davy, the entir• Week would here heon was not in gond working order. The hiiild• ing wee folly insured. A barn belonging err Vrienai.tine, sheet one mile ewe et rNapan . win tonne,' on the RATA Illl'Affifff... fl Ira 414 011rpoPf•fl tO LAVA been snot liy `some evilslinrinsed person, WOI WWI also in sured...--A house in the rime nelghbayhn. g wee (teat royed a few days Itinee. the property done Jacob Ifees. alw well insured. ere from the 47th !termer*, whn were rsi • hired at Stoney Creek. in charge of two sine , have reeehred the ernitsinee of snort. omelet, and eve new eneflited the County they will be trarreveAte4 to Plighted to oven. the rensillan fortifiestions, The The enrassporelent of the Knell reenite: can, are menta.• found here. The Petersburg railroad bride. Parke on the tight, %i'right in theeentre is to'el'y.etedroyed, -that of the Danville road and 1)IJ ori the bell, marched alms, at the partially, so that connection with I'eter.hur1 Kama instant. The 1:;L corral (Wri,fht`s) were can Plwi), be made. A41 the Confederate arranged )r double line of battle, and without vew,eta are de0troyed, exeeFt nn unfinished rermony they threw Themselves en masse ram, which 8*. her maehineq in her perfect. int.) IM 1iteh 5,11 un the poral et. Thr Tredgp wgrks art •nbarmed under fico The routes* waw .hon, though terrible and Weitzel's orders. Libby prison and Castle desperate. !lana to hand conflicts occurred. Thunder hint elan escaped the fire, and are The deadly b4,nnet lunge -the impulsive and tilled with Confederate prisoners of war.- Ftful flashes d mus',et nod revolver -the )Piet of tea -editors have fled, eepeei*lly John volley nor and then when our IrMge p nr d Mitchell. The Whig ameared *red yesterday as enfi:rdirty firN down the inside of ter parapet a Cuion paper, with the mune of the former -the vette and grunna-the gallop l.4 of rorrietor at the head. the ahentM o nn t. pe nnriele to and fru, (rout end lo''end of -the here In Ingle. (len Weirxel drseribee the liars, reception of tee I'n•s,J.:nt nr enthusiraic in In plaeel the ditc!•Ps were heaped with theextreml wo.,,, -.1 and. dein . eoniiuoWuti. tumbled to- gP4i,Pr prom-+eous,v. hal every no* and then N. there, cheers t•.1.1 how the conflict wax going on. Iln rat.!, side of the *lath ear(. the s-4.111 was Ile cone. 1 )plwwit. Furl Ilell 1111 raked, 1141 a lora celled Fon 1L•a,cn, at which they fought !ik. setm,'s legtuns. nrnet tr.. Washington, April 4-11 a.m. General nix. The following pnrtieu'lan, dated a City Point. April 4th, t r. m., gives the latest in. form4lion from 11.,hmond. - 1i••n Won gel teleg horn Rirhmnnd that el bleil way stock he f -wol 2v I erenotirea, 44 ('*•*mere and ha„ (aro ears and 1Ih: freight cars. Aa 3,:10 this morning General Grant, from Sutherland Station, 111 miles from Petersburg toward 14ur4wil le, tele/rwph+ as fellows: - Gen Sheridan picked up 1.21141 prisumtn t+ Jay, and f.oa :1110 to .0n have been picked 14p by -nor t rnnyw. ' The majority of ole arms that were left in (he. ham!.„( 'Lee's army *11' now scattered between Itirh•nm,d and where hi. troops now are, Tie ennetry iK nl.0 full of stragglers: The lone ofn•is-.*t is marked withtanillery, annnnoition. burned or charred waagotls, am),ul*ares, kc.. F:. at. ST kNTON, Secretary of War. ITL APAr ARTtea 1141 Tal ...11/ITro- Tn 2 11 m t un xorlan virtu p t the enny of ter 1' .tome Ina ever gained in Virginia was wan today, and the outer line of work., w high we have lyra trying for month to evercnme, h,s *t tut yielded M nor ricMrinu, *em.; -*n4 *he gr.*1 twtrtinp of *kis *.mv r to ni;h*•.wnhin • mile and a half A runner hu arrived bum Sheridan *afire. that the divisions that were cut oto, which it Dm expected would be either badly whipped or captured, had rrp...•d the Appomattox +4,101 hen or twelve miles above Perrienhere, but be was following skirmishing with their mar guard mr4 expecting to have an engage- ment to day. Troops are rapidly paring on to his assistance and below futon atutber victory over the enemies of the Venue may be gabled. 11'annrvotox, April 3-.I1lhongh the fall of Petersburg and Richmond was expected soon In lake p see, owing to the late wee., of our arms. the official announcement Milo. fact itself 1hia morning occasioned great sun mile, mingled with rejoicing and Magas in all direetioua. Daring the latter part of the -pp1»ceethnge, salutes of cannon were fired. There has never -before been such a day of rejoicing in Washington. Foreign Ministers called ed i i ha on' m ung rat the Department of State, to exits a their congratulation on the 1411 of Richmond. A large crowd collected in front of *4.e State Lkpwartln0nt. which was prof -lowly de- corated with flees, arid calved out Secretary Seward, who, .ger the cheers had aullaided, ' pole as furrows: -- I thunk my fellnweiti,ena for the honomr they do me by calling to congratulate me on the fail Of Richmond. (Cheers.) 1 am now .boat writing my heels despetchea. What shall i e11 the Ismperor4*t China? i shall thunk him m your dune, for serer havi•g permitted a Mira.' I1. to enter the harbour of the 1•:mp.re. What shall I say to she Sultan of linker? I shill thank him liar . always haying surrendered rebel insilrgeute who erre taken refuge in his kingdom (Cries of the ritq on Ilse southwest ni,b•, of '• that's it" and cheering.) What shall i y say to the Emperor of the French? (A voice -•' To get out of Mexico.") I shall my to the Emperor of the French, that he can go to morrow to Richmond *ud get his tobacco, no lung held under blockade there, pro•iJ•'d the rebels have not used i1 op. (Imughter and cheers:) To Lord John Rua.lI I will say. that tart dish mcrcl 1 m rts will find Muton expor- ted from our porta under treaty with the I',lite,States *beeper than cotton nbtaioed by throning -the blockade, An for Earl Russell himself, I need not tell him ihu is a war for freedom aid natinnnl independence and the rights of human virtue, and not • war for em. • pir0; and that if Great 'I(ritain should nn', Fermenta Mrnroe, April 3rd, via Baltimore, remain jun* to the United Suttee, Canada wi,l 41h. -The intelligence 4 4'• re of the 4e eaMure of remain undisturbed Ay an to long u she pre. P.tenburg and IGchmnrrd reached here to fen the authority of the noble Queen In yol- day at 10 u•elork h. ad•Arntcb from General emery inenrpor*tion with the United Stites. Weitzel, dated 14.15 this morning, which nn- (Cheers and exclamation. of " That's tl e renewed the glorious event. The steamer talk," "Year right.") Whet shall 1 telt Dictator arrived (rum Cit, faint rat 4.:(0 this the King of Prussia? i will tell him that tl,t p. m , and hrin_s down additional pnrueular. Hermans have bees faithful to the standard of the great struggle. Petersburg ma or. "(the the Union as his excellent minister, cup;.+1 by our troop* a three "clock this Baron (ferule, hail been Mutant iu his friend - morning. Our gunbonta wens all wall op ship to the United States during his long res the Jams River, and ,t was thought that a dents in this country. (Chrt•n, ) To the fight had I ,k,.n d 1 place with (berets.] ' hero 1 m I I rte I Miss Emperor ) pe o f Austria I shall say teal he net Large lire+ were ern up the Jeans Ricer proved himself a very rime man, fir he toll Inst n' ltoward 1 It n• o.Fort an i t d in the un In the beginning L t be ee had a gmpabo Plr ' R umy of the other nh•1 rinks, frees which with Tvhtelhon anywhere. (Cheers.) l do It eau inferred that Lee was a)mndoming hla not doubt fellnw.utrzen4 Amt that a least wnrkw, and rrlrv•nlin. from bin Wag, cstnbli4h• you accede to the theory by welch i here 1d linen, .1n immense number of priwonen governed nlysell during the war, namely that hay.) .n -captured, ea needy PNtimab'd.nt the rebellion wart to end in ninety days. - from fifteen to ei_hirrn th•rr+a,,J. I'rieune'rw • Laughter and cheers.) 1fi•ve thought lei* aP00','!., 'sly 00401n, at City rcint. and it this true theory, because I never knew a was lirn•It.•d that three ern• 144 004) there thyici.n *bleb) Imam a patient to health un Ihn. m, .dint. Wh.•n.the Uirlatnr left st 10 ler Iuc thought he could work the euro ander '11. rn., K e. We win being (,r+.1 by all the war the most favorable ciicunostances in nicety v"uar'N a 1 fount. 1 he meaner ('.s+a•k data, • (Renewed laughter.) Finally. if the nl,•. Arrived d ) are .' 1 d h to da n A . nn mher ,1u er Ju iconpeople approve, 1 wig ur test ear , f L'nin ,rte n n ('• including , 1 e lad n Gen .nm•h R mow t m prate • w ' hall M 1 kat our tett has 'in.nd the mon rat 1 u brigaie, captured with been while in war. Every nation 'r entitled him by the rebels hi the wash on Fort to regulate its own dnmeatic affairs in its own Steaman.. - - ear, and all are hound to conduct th machos Ti.. etrug4le made _h the enemy to retain them wort.* has leen of the most ,4•a0wretn character aniline the _..,. sit °teed rd inlay we are indehtcil not nal] to the strategy exor- cised- by the comrnanden but to the over. whelming number* and bravery of the troops that did the work. The ,an nlrn for an altat.lt on the line raw* and snhth of Pet.•,,hurgh, by the lith and 70h corps. were carried out punctually *t'J.q- I lght. 7 M• Cnnfrdecnte Gen ..t P 11.11 loll hi. life, seeking intension t, lead his men up the works. New York, April 4.- Meld hin 'maim arenunt of Siternbires ttle at nye Fothe IVA4 tho turning int in the giant cordliet, awl which, eerier tthjindan's spthernIalrip. will WI, mink •itli any ing on record. It semen, that Oen (bent w not 0A0 whole of Warren'. corps and all th berk their troths under the meet drefenata fighting of the. wag. While this *an being done„.atill done slowly, try orate', Sheridan al latent forming the infantry, sheering the Anne genius in infantry twin. *het be has is esysiry. It via marrel to gee so paltry a 16 ntf0 rend infant.y. !Mt!? thee did it in match a -manner ise to rompletely hide the mom. infardry. 'they wen. driven hack r works, and then the try elnited Alop by sten WM ▪ their Site Mon. but dill not appear to pre, mt. how ofesperlite were their eireematan• Poll. '1 hey fell briek to the left only to ben foto clone than of battle ensiling te dries then) the field -decimated. At the ngtit, hooremen eharled theta in their vain attempt to light net. and Witten mow foto and amenity dithet fire.. by 11'e and battalion, rolled,. per and strewing the held AAA ffIffeffill/ 1441 when rot to pr.lnote peace ori earth and goud•will to maultirel. Clam the coeclunion of the sett -goofs "reel, Cie crowd dispersed, cheering 'enter - featly for the Prealent, the Secretary and the The Toronto Leader. of Thursday soya r - The lee& despatch. iron; the seat of war in Virgin& reprovhia that. all the leading risen til the rt•uth then in Ifichmorld left that city the churellin and the. eily that Gen Lee would have to abandon his potions:1. A large part or the coy AM !turned before the Cori- ledenites left it, nod We presume very little of value was Ic It for the victors. Ample ereperations appear tor have been made for -the contingency, and most of the materials or war it, the city ear, Ilen Lee ap- petite to 'owe retreated with deliherat.on, for lie tolik tune thoroughly to dratroy bridge*, venedlle rd war aid other property likely to be Of Pervie• to the enemy soil which he could net take sway with hen. Carel for Pear'. T1.* Wo.hingthn .7- dent dam Now York Herald writes ea T "The gravel novena ef nee arnstes Richmond during the lem (hr. dale hes measure [emoted the secret., front *rents which have trnnapired at City Point inner* Ilse President *flared there. I am reformed by.. their own mon were turned upon them. At I high official in the gevernment that the only 'end charged down spot. them, slaving end , "'"'1",1 1' Mr. trampling them intneenrionen. , to the Unitid States governmeiit, and no cnimmanders to lend them (nit or o;. too but,^,111.,e,°"diti°^-iverrh`ng 11.0 into eltieh thee hed fallen. A few mn-e 001.1 wr.•••• y'••••• ecquiiition *Rai that ail 4,00. a 8.* 0887.. a 1,o wno had. ts1en pert in the rebellion shoal into the denses. ler. st. „a 3 airt„k meagror mons IN this rehellion holding important 1.1;1 permed a law expreasly prohibiting all mipiaii-ig 1804 ffiehirlonff 1141,A having evireitmaj Arial positions, as will mil an ia their artmes Hoyt ww....1 6,...,1, Nit show* tho Task a Colonel, from being res. rare to give him wen breakfast, in the motet. tan:1W eitisenship, and had, therefore, taken letinft thoy owi':111 hie* In figto. it alit of his power to acme& te that provost. was greeted with a haarie aorao,„, forjoi ihe fighting commenced within twig -eight home meet him otnd e„rre„der the rite host miss ▪ " rho f'rr•I'lent wr°t° in 54"ta" • na the erne,. detailing the elates Nets. The hitter, noon atm the Oath. The inhabitant* ninth*? oboist °C 47'1"1""*.• h" !sapid, sad hurt low. 46.24"441 61611111.61." the Washington flov•rnment aro MI Ineepahlir if sr the emote of the pretponoment. The of remoliating ohligetion• es the nnvernment Oen et ties hut nhaire of the moinn woe this ' reply to the ennui couriers, in coninnetron with the se ry by if*. 0,88.fy .8 to do victory at l• ive Forria,immedietely deflf4etted rtit"fth," 84 R"t'''' Pmft" 17 '11 8°°%hrill tending ha his heath -praetors, to meta t States, Mr. %nand maid Re supposed the emits rommandere, desiring Mem. withont gentian refrieed to dot cotton, As regime lees of time, to open with both artillery and