Huron Signal, 1865-4-6, Page 1• • , • /-1-.011,4/ . 44/4„.'' • °1-Ct4z. ' "•'‘ ;44, 1041141 , ea,e7 ‘14e, a•-• • W3E-Einuy itox. ' a _ Vir, T. COX, Editor and Propriotor.1 The (ireatost Possiblo Good to the Groatost Possible Number.' $1.5u Plat ANN:IN ADVANCE! • • 11:11redorg. _ _rt 2- k' A.. AlieLleuegeal CAN INSULTEI) UP Tel 10 si an, mi North Street, aest dour South oftlierandencousltev.ilvElwood. 10:1 rehannon, 901.13., .• Pt WY91CIAN, KONON, ke..,/e., GOD ISMOsly Al. Sues. U. W.,. VilIC 1 A 11, SUNAINON, (Late MVOS( tbearems Cement timpaal).-.., grtali-AAnk.ef,Illoeed.ne Hort, tliaterteh,C. W. '1" ATN OF WTANLEY-CUNT014,111U 44 nom Mewl. 'Qdr; Tb waste... former Store July I, 'la. a 1 • DB. A. WORTHINGTON, D1111001ClAN, 1.101911EUN, , will at - 1 tead, wheeler!). to Mimeses 01 and seritell 1 eperalluse upon the eye. IdoWILit Ittl.L.tuctlee MI 666 f wfl- I v Mrs 13 MUSTER AND ATTORNF;Y-AT- iv, mil Setwaoron-ceeatery, cooely Cifo.'s A erme,Muderuths':asedstWeist. ticiee • Cvert I Me. , • is141,4o Cameron. TtORNEY, C0).TVEY• •acue me ,Kie on street g leiderieh, CM. taleassw wetwar. n AWRISTLItri.NOL ORS, CONVEY. I msetes, ace. Odloes, ,ver the Store ea Yeetart 8us,thedenels, a Mares Strom, Kincardine. J. :31.8nectataglietersels I A.Snaw, ineardine. 3-13 , Beare IdeDArissote . Daunisivt. Arto Ev • AT • I,. W .1..9 Notaries Public, ate., Wait Stremet: aded 111:1 - , - John Litairsisern. Lit A 111.L1 iT Mk roomy. to vi,Tvirw: r Caseemy, Are I eller. Nif *flat Pens re , Caraisesselki guise nsist,Dedeneh. 9A1 loefroygic l'attemenn. \nARIUNTEILN, ATTOItNEYAAT.I.AW, Li Source., aerveveneeni, .a... Odtee Me • .4earenerwer. Wen Mesa. Cesseersth. IR41 - - '17 IrtI01103011. AtTONNEY.AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN issiesery, elaftry Publ.-, Conveyancer, are. Ombra, Curia K eel,. ,&.•-ce be limit mile of Wee Str. es„thiehloor from the .19414104- 1111114/84/ Busintes Divcctoro. .lotan Kann elOMMISSIONlilt IN Till. Col'ItT OF V Queen's &nub, ronveyentier, N r A Rs -s ism kepi of Yana ar less Leaser Isle; par- tite luving ior sale, or desireig te Purview... enn please seed tell peel meant. Duesanuote.Yeb to. tad J. 9:9 COMMERCIAL HOUSE. (Lam iseas UST gratir 1:10DERICH. T"E neDEKSIoNED 111:04 eines-rely to theta! his nom& sail ibis trearellisig pubic, genearthy tor the ter, ktrersl patreiteie he hes elquyed for the pent nine mom, mei would re- wIll • emet isomer, na them pationfice• • neW has been thmoihillit reprthodoard U1411 he ftwasd 011101114110 NI every patieolair. JOUN busoui I, Prd'pr.etiur helvecek S•mt. SA, larit .1w7 MAITLAND HOTEL, GODEItI011 I I W I I -SO •c, P TI1E m.o.. is ....I eters...iv rimed en me *Marne.. 1 61 Wet 1,41., overiooloto, the Ito rlso • ad talc 11111Wa tenons/61 tlosterils, tersslilIVO nial= .it'afti l'IrStlrfai I)" 41' DAYS' HOTEL W RO X ETER ISummed ..a the 6 iravel Komi rennin, front &stools te ...mtt.siarimi, one utile north oi where It otl W ,..xeter, •sy ore trav- eling 1. I Belmore;Walkertort, Eionthamptop, or say plain um directs tiad •comme,..- ilettun suet as he only e tree. to Mel et lifet elan* •ilt hotelli, API reverts. . krr4311. lf-AT-LAW. isoi.iciToa IN: ,Noteryrublierenverstweroke.. . itt Mavis. rtoderiels, W. have, ever H. tlariliner At r I 11)selerrare Store. *MO to 41 OR Real PrIperty. snlawd 4 emedlase, TTORNICY, ITt 111.11,1t, %V -11r lo . Up:Stairs WrIater.• I;04104 1140111441.1 reins Eire Door we.t 04PPIPw Maw. _ - Timor ain re. eels, C. 111. 011ase RABB'S NE %V ItL1101.:1C ••••10 114.1. 4. moomm, a leallenth. Loma t7th, thee. inirt03w31 11. 1.. Illortr. A TI•oas EV. eOLICI rim ie. MICR, 4,1). •neett... Sew beeit.thabOeh. W• 9 ALWAYS ON HAND r Trau Fishing Friends ! Till X 1:404 tease 1.1 ne HT NDR ND FIFTY FEET I • IG -1. Pieprietor. ▪ - - Cone mer Detail) C.W 4Z":4, -:11/u. , TWIN 111(.•"K • is the • Isment met cen ern II gel tr. cern Camos.•nd Menai. Or moderately., say raise on 11 I toell Slos, Pro o olor 11..41.°1114. or tilerres. Hometesse ernes...* foe lbw, te Seamen halm te-Y (3.-C:02:9 Ceri CABINET WAREHOUSE Vero 41Li , (11,1.1'71 Re, A, (4,4. 'llemearen linvirored• rtmN Y S. CON VEY g armersire. tiolermh tied Clonal. .14.1,466,116, J. y. 14,stoalo. e...e.ra. h. Canons. °Orem nom, ..fthe Poo (Wee. v13447 Ftransms. A TTORNNY.AT.LAW, SOLIGITOlt IN OA. Chancery, Conveyance., &c. Walkerton, 0 .1.4 Ilreoe. vlenit,rty _ . lirittarick Proudfo.ot. UARRISEK11, ATTO It N EY- AT -L AW, C.IVIILSIC11114 SOCA". PrIILIGekr. 5.eithanipm.s,Co. &woe. cr 12.6m• ' Thomism Nerewitiverolle. UNHINEElt AND PROVINCIAL mei Lead Pernevoe. anire awe Illeeileore, Ibuillsois.4teert,tioduren. MIMS 1 - A. How. , 3ROVINet A L MAN 14 11411111tioR A NT) eivA Ileetwes-,Ofiates. Jere 1, M. • llontlas• (CUM KNEJNEER 'AND SURVIMOR • III food stoat arel (honey/mew, lIssearelini 11, • 1.1 1 ARCHITECT • 01ANS ANI.1 tser.o;lt ItlA IIMN a et Budd. sotapie a nest tad ettrreel Style. Ille Heroin Auction Mart, Xing , ellejgfreet.feoderice. law vlallyty _ ------ - CY. 31‘o „W-134, M A. N LAMIDACENT, Godorlitib. .alaskist Square, Wereirt.tmierais toren; Wedmore) grim II am 3 e. 31;10 l'210111180N & H A.ZLEH OUT, \ , Lir(Late xes & Commission Merchants, ollimmete's atm& Ktherree ef.,Gisgerne r OW Dint Door tO Strong's Hotel IC A Ile t IR (TILE OLIniST LN THE .COUNTY. D. GORDON NI -1111;:111, AND UNDERTAKER, %tenant. Iowa tam alui new ee twee ,. entwine assortment or Fermium, in O. Wanweeins, W STREET, GODERICH, • t II 5.1110, 11,,,maus, Tables, Red.teads, 1Iair, Cane and Wu:deemed Chairs. druldiee ; , and 11, (ilastes, taviety.ot Nome Ilanuliclure and . imparted I! ICOrattic1. at, 1°''rtmera of COFFIN.. Alm), 11F.AltsES ITO (LIRE. Org Lumber and Cordivoed (alms in 09 chenge fo. Furniture. flettenei. thh (Wt.. 14n1 - - - RIFLES, 81101 G 1. t ecci, if 1 s . e. oon.as\r,)illoysitt GODERICII, C. W.. THURSIDAY, APRIL 6, Ig65. One .....mmtrunimarsts, !hallway Attldrist rear Brasile '10141' llamavetto, KAMM 31, 1665. The stock *sprees train which pareed here at four ei'elock this nivirtaing wee thrown utl the track about hatfpaat new, a mile eget of thie plea, in consequence of the giving out Of • fist car helm WOO. lumber. One cattle ear containing eighteen fet csttle, one car of rags and ene of lumber were thrown off the track and sioafthed up. The cattle car Ines turned upside down aiid eleven el the, cattle were The track was clearel fur traffic about twelve u'clock. Row prepared after four yeare experieuce tit repitt what I elated (we year; a....1„ that, 11.1 - de teunistallees i,1 11.11.retaitle • Pal tlidiculty, that tieveruineet etnideft...1 it- ' laht Willa !treat euerey dita•retion. I 5111, aot of opinion. that ta the event of Ilia t6.1 ed. native the wor we Mantis! be 'slued iu any immediate danger ot coining into Collelion with that lioverunteat wring' to our connoctiou'A it l'uotala.. (Ilear.) not pretetel tu elittrear any opinion as tr,, what. may be the telusination uf the nervosa comsat, IL it milears to we tu be quite ler sign to the eueatioti under discuiniuu,Ivin even assueiiiig that the result way 10.1 suelv anticipated by the bun. Member fur lintilford I lea believi. that the eitizehe of the U.S. Of the North, even if entirely &yet cveu,vietely• 'hi:Pelmet. will levet incline.' tvi miter upon smother etruggle Ituatediately with a l'Olrer 161.1111.41110, deurrmiteetion and r. sour.. to the Soutlieru Suite. of America. ( I lear.lienr) I form that 01' Inessesi 1 It-lieve that the ;smile of the 1.'iitteil Stoma are eni.eveitly a aagavious people. 1 doii't thiok they art- to Autiailde tip, glory of greit deithietuis and of extend...41 and 1 give them eiteil ere. Narrow Escape of Iloa. J. A. Mar llosald. Quebec; Meech 29, 1145. The 11..n. J. A. Mssielonslil in crossing tFe ice Tait er..ning to catch the (mai at Point Levi hrel it very. narrow wienee from drown ing,The eleigh which he was eromitig broke three:11 the ie., and was with %tome dilficulty extricned. I'm Model y the honerable gen tlein.tu au& red. Ito wean injury: C EN 41:IAN - Th s w i the 1 f I . A • ere i no , ii . it or WIN Intlnellegol by ',wahine *Mel, he• hospital, iii thio eity, Mt old gentletattlt wh, tuote molikiml,asel portietionly naivete ahich will Shortly enter hit one handfed 61%d .111X1I. enjoy such fieedoin 114 they do Oleo, Lear ) year. Ihe none is John McCabe; a shoe- Out they ate 0 otgacieus peeple, and 1 .1 ei't maker by trad ., Rod an Iridnivit ty birth.- think thev wou;s1 woe, the ...iieut uf exit 1104 11 i 1 • f I . Mimeos* t•hatites it LS intootoottle hi deny . in North Alberni! ere revulelsoil ie occur- ; an4 thut when thii struggle ie over, when path, reappear', mei tranquillity is re- establiehet, yuu Mid these e mutinies v governed by vier ditlbreitt influences, iced I altellig at vet y di trent ohjeets. 1 lone often ; hear Illitaimen, and di st iugutehehl atutestnen, inumbling ever the b dance co' Powt•r in Fmrope., It Iota appeared to tun uhruys to be , *gloat mistake When not loot% to the 41FIrthlr- I Sinn of power ottr vested to Europe, ' hotentlan WO shall find, used, pie limo, apeedilY bud, 'het there are other. itithieloce in other gam -fere ut the glom. whish will interfere I to•deturb innoreeulutinris. It mem* to me that this war in Mimics log repitby pry -inlet 'oiled tile cliatage. ft Memo Ian that the I proper meriting •` balance of power " [seenrity for commanitave ia general ageiein predomittluit fuel r,,,.tivialer Power, and thit I you lave to take ioto your con o lenitive/ I St 'tee 111110enteh 6143 are not to lir count. fel attune the European l'aw is- ft et int• poesnale, 'nine IlliStatoolin g r hat honorable 1,0st:erten may .y eh .ui the eleirocter of Mit United Slates, to ttttt .44.1 thott theta II a feeling asiimig them. intim...neat iiteihiwuere to wham the hutioralde geol ken the momber far 11raleyol, referred, regardte Eareee ot 4 141CIS i sr ehoratter, viol u.4 me that they look to elf h:nrope with teenage ..1 . jealousy or radii tit 'No, belli/10.0 1101, sod words of that hied ;ought net 10 be unnecemarily used with espeet to the Mla• nowt between nations; but it ie that the cited Stater. look to old Europe with a waut of sympathy. They have no sympathe with country thitt id erented 'sod sostaiiimi by trade ion t mid the. only country to which env, look with sympathy i* that plot eld *Melo M new. I hove unwept obsetated this in their cooduet. Wear.) It is mike clear, then, it is istrineible to knot. abet relations may exist hetweee the Cnitiel Simi., this country, and Her Majeetyn darn - derides .0i the el her gide f,f the A auntie. Taking these larger view', tben, might to sounder that -1101 toinotrow dr• twit rear; but thin ire are sm the e'en reinvents of eery greet importance, Th question we Live to melt ems/ vex ta, in this conntry prepuve.I frnollne, her American leptindonteies and colonies, or ale we to retain that tie / New; II there etdoniee enrrensed a wish I.o e•parate t eo•ineete .... mid it they inelsrred to be ali• ainbod by 'the tinted States, we might ter • s an c ,j. ct Illye I interest to visitors at two 114 beteg the moat fiv •ralrle for the p es I the hoepital; in lull* sociable with all who neutioil of an emermiee tech viols, require debits tu enter into couaersation Milli him, mat Fat/LOCO. gre exertioes. • There and 3. reitunkolilv Wel Itt:sity lor 14 .nusts are other reasees eine inthice ne. to , et' his years. Tie saina institution tripports that ..)iinion. I have a *onset in her ninetyninth year ; she IfFer forming my juaginet 'If the !tattle Of • (iial1117,.. att01 id 1011 • Tad% 110300 Ltitee foyori.e with the jetties.- London type. s by the America. .PAliltAMENTAki DEBATE ON THE DEFENCES -OF-CANADA. IMPORTANT SPEE...- rowdy rl Canada to ,be larlesded at nif"--c'el,n2A ' Hazard.. houee of Countioni, on the 12th this FOR SALE! \ I o NADE TO ORDER, 1. 31 C, DVINTOSIL Opposite the Marlset. el., All kinete of repairing done on moat reasonable tenet. eC2) noderich, August 2e 19414. stw94 - - - - - - RAHAM SMITH Merchant Tailor, 11AlUEVI SQUARE, GODERTCH IN 0, noos eve tr ..ottoroIny al nowt Arlo olott Silinte., ran tt• the Aro IMoloorp4 Ntrelt rmen 11.%)4 .1174T itr.rEivIm A Mori, tr. 1 4411•41•111towl otagoorlo Ioontont.on flowort r.414.0,4, Irtellont, roorrel• Largo St Virell-Assorted srocK 000 alonttiarlowsk, rye, ThOtoday. olinneerr liM 011otooFti sur rroeureer4s wear rfiLL AND wiNTER 41,04ervie. remiss. 1 Su . . f in- 16601, klinCOtani, oot fielri 1,1 village Wreuentry lat:Sgi) AUCTIONEER, RA YFTELD. eneuseisto. watiell• e. IllIctvtdlew„ ICIIINAED AUCTION PIER for HURON 1.• sort Hams Sales penemelly Attended te., Aalreia. liederm P. 0„ erbodyreo J ohn a"11 Al, COMMitg9ION AnENT 11999reellewer ea Qum*. lemn-11, allaWahilatoresenoit, k...1e, Olteee on Ile al burs lIgIsipmetlfiteeitehews.u.W 9:9 _ _ _ l'oror AI' Roe. rflitWgitilhit A if COMMIatattri rideserear, rim ste doe . W. Fora rid bermatarealrosoe. eny howl ea- .reelled Mai ineolv• prompi etsesnua. w40.1ranat WOW \..1.0e,r, • ahittoartritot•t“..ter• \21111,relf A. N it1.4Le 8.1 • .1161ri*EVT5,1N/Wrirtms, rgs..p..,t.i..7.d...,4,0,4;1 mat ItIbeetallea 0. tereeeeed em ill aMwe moire. arid a* taw le...tirepai• labertieelaeteee merle ter reek. Mit Now roairtga. AND'S to to.orwa so ore Ammo. hi,. may he Ilum et riu elm ,. . .. Er.t..,‘,..,,h., 10.1UL '0949 C35001:1S1 And a erthelr Pane', Artielea, epee e• Shirts,Collars, Neckties, Caps, Which he is prerreel to yell Cheap for I. IMO at* Litt 1111-GOLBORNE I OT 7 i• the Itli was. W, aerial 1 for ref/. (I 254 essli, holaace in time. Thia land la of exeellerit inallty; with shout ir.0) acres rheum', w.thin miles of (imlerleh, el winch ere gravelled. ktply to .1. B. LiORDON. Ooderich, )(arch 6, 1446. sikw6 flw e_ : • NOTICE. Li, (her indebted y3 John 31. wh,odon, fli late of the VIllege hf St Melene, ln the Ilremnereo 6( Wrionweeek, as areentling &teak by book seemed. as otherwise, We 11,,,_er°^Ati,otitu'd ,12( r,N3 thesserne otherelee tine; o ttlie ardre. .10111 Mart:DONALD, akeetf H. # N. 4herirs ffrali reb.:1110. •.05tel ings se e,r and upon Oil, s fumed theit cone ut beee laduetwed lit upon ;estate bf each tat sort of randy rhetor• mewed at pablie meet j•wiritela in .\110.1.3Ca, people Millie 40111111ry , 11/tUf 114 30 the possible charerter red 1, .100001 !If the Antetiewe pee. • look tip 0 1 1.1.14e eriortonsionir ot 03111110n • an.,61,1 ,,,k *Jinn, thltae '410111,01 Wel l'alltd101tC tire of which we bear so much. aud *Inch o sueb favolites on the. other ode of t Atlantic ("liver, 'bear " and 11'11.61.0, and I ehould stippewe this SOrie WW1 the eepreiliioll q.t. the real 1 the .kme.ietIll Iatople ad tall! thew. fortneil the 1.1 .nt 11111eiltlellt here le anether mason elly win hot he adopted. l'hy. must not he eatitowel• *1 nd lV•iritl. It Indent eines ...... ate our eneewetion with di gutty atoll erith• banned out dimmer. Ilut if. on the -other hoed, thine .,.I are the views 'which are mere. ieenerally eepted-it there shout.) Ise on the pert of Ma. mid • the. other North American a newer. led deep desire to lortn tete' IVA develop ito rei.alreen, tiro/tog...inlaid et Elig• hour alien we *hall lose oti• dertendener, bid • ill 11 perMallellt. 7..2 mid Inenii-th;e1 it sou; • the greatest *Deal Wunder that eau lie roue& • d for us to renounce, relinquish end avoid the lists bi ity of' maim:tieing oar intereste In c.,n. at the pr. nen! moment. (Hear, heitr ) If, from eosim homier.* of etpeir., A.., Were 10 lint the nOstreed01111 we new occupy in North Asue-wit, it would lie ultimately. as re;anli our reenteeee and neolth, 114 fatal an..: disess truism step as he taken. I thiisk that finir ye,grs 'well not have been: lOrt, nod 11,41 r,on; she first the affsin of Nerth. Ametie* 111138 1013 131,11 .31111/1144.1.0.1 Of .the hyper ltee, .to they have IlOW aitait14.0, 1001 Mitich front Ike lint I !este felt thermust anain. 1 .1., tiot wish to entpl..y intuits. but I term th,it IroinOlidgen•lito slue!, liavc been eziwesseil or me -obeli of lIer Msjesty'e (loy. onetime during, the hist four years. Those jail ;meets mean (lie atenggle in America arid M Mr. lion to the &tel. iufor mat Me clearing him takine thk 1,, FITZIIER VILD eallei sates report Sf Colonel deter.. on.. of Canada, aml aged for totem c ieviv:v .kin ith the deinirentey not formed of tho *cam o ither is it taerely erne:ion of 111 1.1 Ix Mail which speculates 111 111100 •1 1 11 reference thereto. After mills that progress* (1,einel cheers' sod Lug df front fib*. imputation:, i ter.) It is-• territerried demfsersey, if I Piety ll/Se that'epithet' without ellenditt„: tlie right c.f. hinierable geetleume opmente. (Ilear, and " evenelera r•t lan43.300 A ri.tntle, "rho has tangle us mom ant to limserve of tivt *Mae 1,11in fe we know. rwver mid a lend until Ilint mots msg. Iiich t agaInst 334, shut n proproled ferenoe to awl the eireum- look to .which eutl the ese , and disci:tallow a Mtention to attebute. to the Ft:ler:id° tamest or 1,, the nplo gorier:illy a a ility tsowurd tit*. country. h cettain portei1 ,coutittgelicies oil to 'lent: :flee hetwe d tic.: Unite ‘It.itt-e,ati 1 .1ieuld ft, lie rt: Country a hieh En;., h eyes, nor ...regard a made daring th resent twogn the Ceeit.e,ele. • te n. Fe leral authorit ; stares, it Rea of impoi the deleue.e of C41114,14, in tlao event klr war the -first fall, awl, Ile 110 one woe1.1 advise colony stims1,1 bo 1 -ft to defend ite quarn:1 whie it would be bend' esdely Oft servo of its oonitectiim W,ith this einititty, hit . ruciao.ltal Coilinder what were its Incline of defence, and What it elion1 1 lie our duty to coutrilette wards it., defences, the Mate of which he described. He referred to the pin:noels soot annd in Ole report of Colonel .lervois, and 101,a get.; had boot Liken by the ;man omen to corry fen them. pr. - POWs, luld trottiblent the difeneite tiourgeo of the adoesy. 110 eras tied the activity ef the .1tuericaus iu forts 'tag all tl, ir ult. nible poiuts With the pithy mrestni by us in hlingillter •n••gleetilig the defences of our noel vnintrabie point, Canada. He urged this as a twitter, he said, of preenag.atel pant:mown nesseity, nod that Unless we set to work vigilantly,' I an.I came to at, ate Uillerstaiitittig I with Vane la AS to the propertion this I muntry 'tumid bear OP the cost of its ; means of defeece, the eonseepienees wouPd be festal.. Mr. W. FieRsTett, observing that if England were to undertake to put the whole Condi. r of Cana,la in a condition of complete defence the expenee retie! be almost fabuloue, rid the question will .whoth,r, in the previa relitions berneen till. country and Canada, we ought not to call upon the coleny to look to her own resources and spend her onn money in her own defence, if she desired the connection should ooutinue. Hut the real q taittnn was whether there Iran nUffiCiettt Magian inereasing tier 1114000 of defence at all. Tie believed that the fehre of hostilities on the part cif the I Tnited Sltutes were unrea. Minable slid utterly groundleoi, and he drew from some of the facto referred to by 31c. Fitzgerald conclusions tormietent with pacific and friendly feelings ou the part of that G•vvermuent tow:Info this country. - Why, then, he nekeel elie01.1 tioro be this extraordinary suspicion of Miseries T it amiss, he Reid, from the effort* of two elaseee---one COWSItting of Confederate agents and sympathiaers ; the other of disappointed prophets. Hiring insi eted upon the grounellessnese of the feant of war with America, he protested ag ,thst reshin;g into in enormous expense for the defone, of Canada. )!,- Ise tettrA I do not, think II* fl•w. ernment; Irak. placing the repeat ef tMlone( tenni, upon the tab'e, could have expected thm enhject would not be touched mete in this Hews, mid I d: ncte (birth it &mid have been tirouglit forward with greeter moderattee than has heen shown to night. 111 reconect might, on • Traniettlar ocession, reerelline to the recollectirn of 11101le whom 110 whims, ed the great irritation which was the result ot the affair ef the • Trent.' he, the hen...rattle gentleman ',Nowa°, iraluired why fent yews had bran allowed in rya. sway withwit those premtratione beteg made which it wary eine fessel rl. ne,.. ,..ry frit. the p. oper -n,y1..•rt of the dignity the emint ry 'Chnt rpea red to me ellen, eat appeared to am stilt, 1,, bn a very di 'heel I quent tun to meet. (Ilene hear.) With regani to tho general opinion 00 Ameriesn affaile erre...mei hy the eminent laatatilaottl 10 whom reference has her mode, sod in whom place the greenlet. confident's, I' mar *Ay that have frequentlY eepresited similar opiehees in this Rout*, end AM they lire in ir.perta nuMally eanestud in sad stared by Lord I ferhy slid myself, (Ilea?, heftr.) With a feel reeollect ion Of tele, 1 do fret 1Seliere that it 11 prefelhie tn retell erly efaustnon *biol. hoe forhem from the lipe n( (het nnbia tun dyeing Om lut fuer yeam test min in any way piatify Rileeion end the reformers el the hon. gratiesiaa. 1 asa nut hare.to night to impute, aurl have ore yer imputecl,sntriink sdalnat Melt of the I'm ttti Ara: ut this ghtud ttruzgle; het on the contrary, T ins soar me them this-th it the cit tiratiirs the nod are OW lemitinclined to medium, and t • Greirrien. (Uttar, hem.) Now, In-InZ a territorial ilemounwy, their chaeamer haa lirest firmed wed iiillueneed ill • alaallter by I de, propeyty with whieh they an..e.enteeted, I avid by thagto•sults tlit•y 1Mlow, tool a lease 1 of respensihility arising from 111.- reality of their pos,CnOionit In. Medi Hill...oft their cetele. I. 0 ea..) And 1 Imlieve they are very mitch.nore inclined I., we:Collie the retuniiiig 1..tnirers to tle•ir lo owe around them the products of the mid to kreles4 happieces iit them Ineseeholdi to whirl, they see so inuels attached, thato plunge into th • mit ries era ie. w and pooling war. (flear, 11.. sr ) (An, these re my •minions ;pvie•rnly. I coins( conveyed nifoell that .1.17 great eimagee have plate in .1ron,im of late years, and thges I Is ore reason to belies. are net this Melee with sufficient serioue 11110 0311,11011 111,7 ant011t14 tO no its poitnilies conwounoicei have been, for utile'. I wiil ask honors!), the mint tom, iitieenisient, Mee 61,.; we ons,nnelsm, it, shoe of were tsof 1 lir ftta worn iit he•mber lif 1 lit! 1 301, WI. met' in this Homo ernineet that the S•ildll might be ,;1,11 to fotsre rtisn 01 the n...1-1,1 rn.inplet .1 her in•lepee Wine, and spa •cles tat we m .y call hey, Neon in tile whirls led all Ei4.1.1,01 to United :•itat, s 'Remove Om lathe reengititiee *ef the mid the Set Stites W:10 3-1 he ei;weet....1. 1'ery 10 our shortly alterwardi another g:e.tt m.C•reity, ice, a now lost to thi* Mose avid nO Oue tech that Imes mem dimp'y then myself -I mean 0, the late Sir IL hew ii -told us that Ise did 1110 eeletkftliZn 010 existence hf a single elemeet I poiiiienl iiirletemilmice in the S.,uth. Well, MC.nrAiit.tit liniot.s perplexed the • and hoe sliowts *lint from the lino Intre never tokeit that !pew m Iii••11 we feel 4 right to ea we went led es l•eliere t em ity in the liureminent that 3-t the' etenod simeethy uggling art the :km:11 titer lined the 111:11 eli matte a has. I welds sal ot lirtr• t. thy rega 11010, teal III, members • th .t its bollr yeart W114 ilten three great of .knierint . 11454111.100 an ily•pes own S ....• .• Jot ; con,tly certain poittieal pOWer.hut tido .fertility or seil, and &moss wimp shod hes me el these three divisimie itn•netew chang •s. In the I civil win It vs rage,: f. w ten y...i that war teiniimite th 'weather ler lihevIlord suggettt. Item that we shell see the save seis form of government estal.lithed-or the forte be the same not Only the 1.9) a in 11 rein iris O. '11.3t 41 4111011; tre-.-tirel. fishy, C.Illat I, faindy, !lid not poseee extentet•uni Mend wealth w told, In every ere 'have been f med States a mid even i Itov• nrei Cie Go. id the situ. pect. One en, if illifee eat oe.their and the highe.t net wz.I with thote etc, were dm States while on V attered-as -riveted hetore I civil romineneed (Ileac, hone) e must - 1 tsor whom jot! Tinent upon lect that even if the Fed., Governmen etalr34., p1411.11-0 001 411. should be triu it .W1V1 Lave to deal rticularly 'batched f with moot p.•11.11, eueations and with 6. le ,ressed opiell ms ef a total'', ne fftecoriented pew tiou. I meet not dwell ee Sir, 1 not Iler much uoviti the the static of the Seuthern llo ',tent !meow he nf est community, but the slave population vii.1 then ttiffieu they have made miwthee 001 be no longer shives ; ere sill he sevend •vpieieti. inconsioyet with each rtlwr, m'llions of another' r emancipated 1111.1 invested with. all the righta of freemen. arid, • for as the letter of tl* raw is concer tied, they will be upon nit equality with the Si111011 PAC!, with whom they can pueinbly have no tiympathy. We know from ezperiente nod proetive that there a difference betemn those who are recently emancipated ant the' -I will, not call it a superior race, because that might offend honey able gentlemen oppo- site (a laugh); nor will I call it an inferior nice, but a raee that ix not idunticil with the other. N.dhing tends more to the discontent of people thee that they should be in 004. 11(411000 of privileges and rights which prne ucally are not recognized, and ',hitt! thee do not enjoy, The, are the element.; of polite cal discontent, aeil it 33 possible that oche, this war is over the American government may have to deal ith great mames fineontertted popteatinn. To do this resefully yea tniret have a evenly govern - rood. Whnt deem that mean ? Why, you mutt have a centralising 40ternnICItt1 IVA the American government Moe Arid it reemery to have recouree to (hone itral nitre principle daring these event*. The eovernmerst mine leave en army nt its command in order to maintain the order And unity that it ii hound to Wield. These are the elements thilt can• not fail to prodium great difficulties in the IlnitedAtatee. even if they rem, triemphant net of theatre:tee in whirl, they are engaged. lInt what is the retinue of the rolunies end dependeneks ef her Majnety In that cen•ory? :Four yeare ngn, when thin struggle broke nut, WIllst 1 do egret I lie ul tli nte diteurdint donee itart---11411Uely, thut all thl • t ne Her Majesty's :Monies hove not liven .11 feii 0.1 01 we are nor/ 114,keed le., 'di the pOilihility of dmigie lin.ig..tg over the • that Me hive lust Icor years, and UN Imo bout to mike ad .4,h on a very emalf• scale and tweetearily with very limited ttesonrece. 01eitr, hear.) Ruh sir, thin it, aftsiVall, hut 'Teri littIe matter, provided se am now font) '111 I sound prin• tittle. If the Poriiateent o knighted in de. termini -it to r coin •ti /11 with the coloniee el lIer S1.4eety, ed upon en unequivocal expression of upbti on their part that to that eonnet lion they ng v ith tieelingx of char:titer who!! iat the national sentiment la erectly : if they: pone that t ie report nvel rat ore which been ',nodded or yeeol peellig the feelisl 41 1,1 the coloniveme who!' unfounded, nrof d they then's. lee* ere rnsolveil to maintain it until they vono'ate in oar groat career, and bee1011111 our well' no our albeit end ftiends.then 1 shall net regret whet los iseciatrt it It line 14,1 tu re• that there are tiro eteisequeneee of perbae opinion being of I.te aeitafed Noon thie topic --that WO Mb cons, i..110 now of what OW duty to the tolnities is, so..1 that we Are' repartol to fulfil that boy in is *loch 1 .1011111 nut will conduce tu the toren ;ill and indef. !Armee of the British Eineire. etiear, ear.) Mr Tleourr-1 ten Cs debate we., be there wee rory little in enmmon between them. ggefnI, 111012h km ° li4e4 10 1017, 1.11430 The tie fled boned Ilieflt In this eonntey Vie tolmIt the ifyiptirtatice of the rinemion ?nought *Innen one of formalitv ; what sms been hefore the llottee, *het I thiok it te one of 1VOL. XV1I.-NO 10 territory of (*an eh t the l'uited Staten. ; Wear, hear) 'We 0,1,;lit to know that, iii order to pui °unwires right upon the que lion, noel that we may nut be cpiled tout to talk billy aitil to net fully. The Coble and itt the head of the tiovernment-nr hey g.,.• ernineto, 'at reeponsilde for lia% nig ' compelitel this difteussinn ; became. rote , is to he had (rent the Houle of C ttttt mons- 1 *11,1 it will only be the bevinning of 001101 ••••• I (hear, heor)-it Id clearly the duty of the ; Housetop britig the maper muter diectootou. heor.) This is perfectly clear for ; mitny remelt's, hot eepeciallv lance vre hs.s. I herrn front the:(.1.wenior-Ileiteral of rein& I that in the North Anterfi. 1 PrOtilleer they are shout to eel( into nce a new nation• ▪ 't and I. Psr oise, .thould certainly object to the taxation of this country being expend, ed um..deesly on behalf eWanv nationolity hut uur owe. (Ilea,. bate) Watt I 41,,,11,1.1 like to ask the !louse first of all ea thi*: Will i Create atutek the State. 1, Cetteinly not. - Will the Stases attoek outdo. keeping 8-1,g• ! land oht df vieo altogether 7 thertniely not: I t here ts not • item in the tinted Stale*, probalq, *hone voice would here the sia.1,1 est who would recia oid or iluire that aii•atiark should be inade hy the Cutoff' Sinter On it W1111111. We'd itrinceetion to .tlie 12 Miura, Mime) Their Imre .1411„tern, at we know. 011 1 he fool tier lan•ly. 1 Ise, t. anadean eiesple h.sve le-eu wie.r111.inennie mienhen of this Home, I or a greot many men atmeig the ri.•her cattle.* , of this comity. When the ref from 'les s.eit it - 1 an% ti..t Ape:1,1114 tbe rt•specttible, holioraltle !pen frem the South, mney of whom have Jell that -coiettry daring their tsoutnea, and for whom 1 feet the great- est commissermi tttt - hut- .1 emu' the 1 rullieas 14 en the South, et ; large htliiiheni have mitered Could', and I who have employed themes -too in a course of policy likely to embroil us with tho l'ened Settee -when tsey ithwred Canada the Cana. donne treated them with thi• too switch consider. atoms. 'limy impressed very openly opiiiiiika boon e ow the 1. lined Stolen, who*. power lay glom to them. The United States have not a syttaide to say ageing( Canaan. thevenee. dire people belief they Were wrong ; they have 1100 returned to their right mind', old there is not yo man in Canada at (hie nivenent, 1 beta:al.,. who hot aily kind of idea the, the 11IeSed States ioverioneut km the 11111,illest notion of attacking them, IMO • or ut any !Mum time, 10i nee -Pala Of enything which has trauripiveij between Canals ised the United Stole*. If there einnes a tilir in which Canada may be made a victim, 11 b• • war get up between the tiev••rainent of Weshingnm and Hie tioreritin •rit of Loudon. feel it became* ea to enquire whether that is at all proluble. la there anybody iu the House in fever of such a e'er 1 I will take the of, expeoein !nit opinion, dart there hoe o•ver been an 'Adminiotration in the 1.7iiit•••1 State* sure toe tone of the n•volutionary war up to this hour inure ern, tarty favorable to peace'''avith ell fores,ps untrien, arid neire esperially (smoothie .to pen ill) this country, than the I:overeaten* ohich • ident Lincoln ia the hem,. item, head. I will .-talte to say that the most lint bats tither' place will he unable .to point sinee w President L;iicoln, has said, or :vie :ne he has written, or a. sift& act he do since his 1i:tit twee/talon to power, t betrays that anger or rade* illteelieg emengsshis couistry which POnte here. inflneltell4 the breasts of hilt eshinet. IG then, Canal* to net for war, it Eogl.ind is nut foi• war, it the 1 Stat0II are not for; war, whence it the war te come? [Rear,itear) Why, giving bark bier y ears ago, We remit:me what ueettrred. when the mei ann.' here of the first sbot fired at Fort tiiinl'er. 1 think thet wait about the 4th. of A pril, and irate...timely after i. was ammenced ilint • new Minister was coming • from . the !felted :emus to ties country. Mr. 1/(Ins havl presemcd Diet, 1114 he not reprewm the new tiovetiounit, low Ille torn President. lie w ould rather um weleitake anyt1 ivig of inn porton,. It was announced (hot 1114 suave. xor hal left New Yorkist, certain cloy and we know that when we have the date of a delete ture from Nen York for this country we . ari CP11;1114(.1 the time of ar ival here w in twelve home. )1r. Aeloam arrived io too, -dOn 011 11te 1 .1th of May, aud when lie opened his newspaper the yext morning he towel it rental:all the prorlarnatiAti of stetttraii.y and the nekniosledjinent of tlei Lelligerent tights the &milt. hi. my opinion the proper Collrre • S11114 1n11113 Leen tu 1%,1%.., %tailed Wail !dr Alamo arrived. aud to Lave discerned the I matter with Mei ie friend:7 ma mer, vr" ea ' nxpfrinati in Might Imre been given of the grounds-1;pin %loch the Englieh e.lt theme.lree humid to inn. it. 11-st eveiy• thing wax done to MI with:wily mantles., auf the elfi.ct MA LOA erd groat condor' at Well mon.% generelly to grieve mono people of A repine weie mien anal dis tor the eorl• tinuaneu of friendli 1111111 ain enlile- relations hetsreeti: that c runtl, .thel K41;11'11-1. Three are shipeorneis here, mid L ask them what wouid be The leeliegs of the people of this country a they hod nu:Teo-it as the •Itip,aners 01,10e:riot have metered ? As a ewe, ao their ships tam bleu (Liven front Ill* toeewt, Is there a war party. then, its America I tidier. there lend it ir the same poly which. w.ss n war !arty eighty Yearn ages. It s witty represented by a number of gentl•• men Who Pit 1/11 114 110111:11,•11111141 by Hone else sit here. [ layigh.J they, en in the tented Slates who alb tumble to this country lore 4111/111: whe atre recently' Cie malcontent subs jects of the night honorable gentleman the member 1.r.‘ Tem wie I It. ( [mug hter. They thimi, tot St 1r oln Iluble lord at lite A..,1 of IT,- (4 ortort• meta offer* cominiatiois testy jig sorb N *nape 1111 this when he tell* them Ilhat the right* of the, tenant aro the wrongs of the londiuril. I llotr, 11040.1 Mal 14 the uely war p thy in the United Suites. end 1 est M war perty in the dap of Lord- North, the real power ef the I toed Melee does Ito mink in that elm*. Vie talk of Amer, emu ohs. F.:m..1,614g 110110 !notion of the 1•••;eil• tion of New. York -arid wool.' net apply the wiml even la them -such thinge a* ilo in thin United States. tor the sake of forcing either Congress or Ilea En:votive to ti particulate' c. lase of lietion, ere eltuJether 1111dinuen. The ineh tu your seise es that party of chivulvoue gentlemen in 140 Son111 Who have received, 1 all, nor.) to say, so mach sympathy 110111 401110 pormins la this centitiy sad in this lionise. lint the real power is iti the hande of another elem-the landowners throughout the country -nod there ilre Intl bunt ut them. eltect inve,ti ',dor 0 the ennanithathe of thet t real rhangy in North ,Onle 4011090Y• 1" unP"ginn" Ifge1", b" Americo'? Yoe have now a perforce, federn. gime k ref.," I° '11e l'omIbtld1 01° '80 w'111 tiint, with the element nt nationslity Memel, 114 31"teot ond igg 4031011 *gig" *intend it ; Ony tenet liter paiedniimi hy from this, that it is difficult to ditenie the millions. And they areitaltnisCiows Um they rueinfran 'Rhea( saying thinge which tend have a (Patric( more fert,;a nod as tmit of gglher In 11" liteetion .1 waf 11"11 0r P0000. territii7 clue! to tbe unappropriated nsertrei ' The rliffieulty now before lisle t et t ere is of the Ram! Statee. These rare the elematt. nn exteneire colony or deeendeney of this end prognostice of new influence% that hoe@ le0°"11:7 14.13"1" tr; the railed )1011011, lind if let(ing,,I the tharecter of the retint.y. N..,r them Im • war party in the rnited States -it 1 irl It satinet rolutem Ant Ow y do not ter! trans 'Airty hostile to 'hi,' coutit ry, Met eircumetanee eil the kashhole edkieh ehanoterisee nee rands it a Very StrOng lettild.141011 10 •nter eesnmenitus than thn CtOted 'Uhler., 4,4 Owl i withont mueh hemostion into a war with Eng ther Illiall hero's*, 01,, eill my, the Heria or I land. '''''ron" it 1.""I" (/`,"1,11:""°41',C""ada l' the New World. Well, What WI Ilea the *ow I tali Ittfliel tl real h11,1111,00111 on thee enentry. ((item of kfmtien ' Four year ago when this" At the fame time, it is perfectly well known war broke re, Moen.° was a ragerte ww, mi tn ell Intellirnt rn,n, 4n4 .4petiqlly to all weak geeeestruset. It is now err mapesse, and staturoon noel pshlio men ef the fleited 1 te haaasesuree no hy the interims:nes a tub leats.-‘14 is te.31 koncrn to them 101 it 10 311 of the meet ancient Metes of lioropisom eii-7thet there ist we power *harmer let Ilth Eranee and .1ustrics. lk hen es all eft' those . 1 . seer • d erg 11 tbe IrAtilltaXTON Said - Roemer long this diseue mny hater twee, for one, cannot regret that it hen taken plats ; I ir by the majority 01: m•mhent in this lioleie two opinions have been expresed• which earn net fail in be futelrl in the quarters to which tloy relate. The first nniiiion 34 thet which has Moen pethilierly dwelt mem by the how citable member who hes jest sat down, name- ly, an earnest desire that the moat friendly milatioas eheitlfl he maintained lief mon Ormst Itiitain met the United Steles ot Amerini; and next, the opinion that shoold maintain the menet-thin whieh exists between thia roentry and ent provirwee on the North At/wrier continent sr long r the people et thole. protineee kre (111100111 of maintaining their connection with the mother chuntry.- tHsar, hear.) Tha honorable menaber who hav juin epoken ham Mao whet in nor. reaped may appear a paredoxical, but what, I think, amen as haraini nature la emu:diluted, was a very einici.intor) stemeli'lutviavde the 1.iliited Suttee. Though lie rt. tiered a long crepe of events tei peeve that the United .ettitee have bees moot gris•vinsly ill -bleated by this et,111.387, I doe. t agree wins hoe in 11117 ul 1 ItelIe ptt11114. (1 fear, hear ) •It eti doubt a pert of I:mese Itatilre Illyt you cannot ploys. any men or ally Si of' loco 14.,Iter Ikea, hy telliug them they hese been exceedingly ill use.1.- ("Ileor," and a leeurh ) 1 wou't follow the Itotioralile weather whets he conamoilet tliot Ne 10111101.4 t110 belitletete•Ut 1 141.41 a 1111 Stalth-an etas th,, rftsult neeetatv aitil sot Of choice : will reit hen tett., the ,leiessoon of the 7 Cent gees' 11,1i, which 1 thought heed lobo fully dielmeed of. anul into the title/410nel Which hey. Wien tn. il,seeniesent, or rattier, 4 ehould May. Ili. pmeole ol melte parte Of r1411101111111141 1110 1 toiled Staler, hecause, as he admitted hirossof„ iler colleted! toe Ceinidiam ertoritent has been mitt as to be aelsitstwledged gratefully by the lioversiment of the (bitted States an a fell and emeiplete fulfilment ilf the .1inies of a Iriendly eteighlroriocii. hear.) Ilse bole orallle geutteman says them exists in this couleur a.jealousy 01 the ellited Stews. Sir, I utterly Cory that auertirin....et (l'heent.) "A' feet int jealeusy of the Central Stairs.. 011 tile contrary, I am sure that evert' Eng,tillinici unlit lee! preud •t eeeitev umni thti Niteroi& of the .Stlantie it commu- nity seining frown' the mine aniwatry aa GUF selves rising in the scale uf attaiiiing every degree ut prOlirtrity-aye, W A 01 u well as wealth. (Ilear, hear.) 1 tli-refure entirely deny that there 'hoe been in this; eowitry nny feeling or _teal Duey ase regards the State*. l'ieloubteelly tliere are men, who, Jawing from the bon. gentlenmii their theory of gelvennount, cannot mei vrith the same apprubeition which live feels the total on the other bide of the Alliuttie of &oysters of g•rvernment which we do not think te the best or the mord conelecive to the happines of those ler whine it was eetabitahrol. (liver.) ilto that is ot entirely different tMag front; tile feeling which the hotiorabl.• h supreweel. (ttlar, Muir.) Ne doubt, dutiox .this conteet America there Itas been experhomed, and probably felt both in the :Cern mid the South, smile irritation areinst ths eiluetry. !hit tliot irritation Wm counsel by the tiotur•il feel. mg winch two Ono Orr ill 4 ipue•rel *het 11 InIlly WhO dOes 1101 erp011ne either 11441,4 14, to a imiltin tie tree, dodos! hoth aides he Injury, Iltr giving them maw X% Ude of eon% paint ow of jealousy. ( Ilear. hear ) The Norte wishes us to declare their *1.141 ; the South ue tit deelltre tin thews; and, as • mainmined a perfect nentrelity bet teen ur 110111e alightdegn-0 el irritntion arose en bells melee against us. I leer, hear.) But I M4U elm .Ily pentiali.h..1, with the honorable geittlentan, dint 11111.1,4 lite great bulk of t Centel Staten there are teelinge deeper t that irritation -feeling,. of )(nod Wiil 10 the ermatry wall which their secrete connected (heir, heart ond 1 emeriti. •hen this unfurturtate commit sh eeasni, whisterer its termination, frefift,r of good wilt rt.htti ought to prevail betels.. the t nations will hike 1 110 place of any temporary irritation which the war may have olet..4111ioned. hear.] 1 am quite satietiml also that Eng- land will not giee to America any just eause of complaint; that war will, not proceed from :de, mid if, se the horn gentleman t inswed from then*, nom we may bar w 'undo! espertaviym that, in spite adverse 111r41100/1 for 1110 musaent, and in te uf thi. pot tic -aliens of many, the frost, relations te.taiim this country and the Um -11 Suite.* will itot internee/ real danger of option. (1Irne, that, ist 110 maw why we should Net re the 1111:41111 ill onr pow plaet, 0111t 14110W-elt1 sent, if 1 may so rall he in, in Xanailit and the Northern provieeek,ie etale of defence, should they be anackeiltil, (Item., hear.) There is no better seeuri fur tweet) then atreiqth to resiril attack, i isttacl.; should corm. (lIeer, lieer.) 'Thist it, no pr./viiea• nem It ia all abuse of tesine:to asy 11.i( when ycit employ means to permit thsti4nr you •re provoking that •larig••r arnitatitg the party against whom those prechniimis limy lie takee. [Fleur, beer.] If 110 animosity rents, these precuutitini can have no ener.t. rreept drat or inspirieg 001th:elle! ill the party whose (aver they aro made. [Ilene, Iwo.% I 11, on the other lintel, there be a des ;minim ettees, 'het ilispositem is Mire 00 lie liatentel preifort ail the eli.inee 'nieces* is diminish d. Now, eannet itgri•e With my right honorable friend [Mr. leiwej in thinking thin whatever see the diffieultiee -a el meloulstedly there nvisy lei -- in sucerailelly icsistoig. am attack, if it should nuide loy Aline**, w Mieuld regard the d -fence ef Cattails MI. an untlei taking winch we weld not aneeeiel in accomplishing. I think, ran the emit:110y, 1 1141 Canada May 131 tieh:llthtd, and I o3.0 fie! thet is due to our loyal fellviw ciiuntryinen in thine Northern poiviiiees wipe.* thnt, At all event*, ire rhotil.1 retake the naempt nnete.nfully to de- ltoid her. [I 1..ar.) Kot convening, theve hoe. tu the .irgoinent Of my hencirable friend that Cowie cannot ise defend, td, leost of n11 t eorielir hist eifecluate that, assuming it:fence to be imiroesible, ought forthwith to iolidraW our %runlet. 1 neither *lin the argtiatent nor mien? to it* corie:usion nod 1 noi annions thitt the. e 111101111.1 Ire mistake OM the - sea that it tiny be hilly iiii4erstood that it is not the inteettill of the Doessranient to" fol. law tIse miring of ray right bniutrehlit friend and withdrew oar ttoopn from t'anadm- (Cleee-s ) On the seitrary.tr., rttoult,., how., ,,( demi 4., met the* our duty Rd • 110,10 litilettl hind*. St tl to1eryllting o•00, %het we shell hem the 11411/rtinn of the Ilritish mitien in doing everything -that we Cielt tit &fund .•tir,tdlowereuiiirymen in Itana. de. ( Dear. hear ) 1 have already said, I am persuaded that the tene 01 moderation which hen prevailed in tha debate feint be useful b nit in Canada end in the (*lilted Suttee. (11seir, hear.) No doubt there are deem olio here endeavored 10 perovaole people nt the nivel &abet that there exoste in that country • spirit of houillity teas, de them, arid flat wa see'lookittig tan for 40010010 of florist. There ten, holreTer„ loe no reel urjutsrmord. for opierrel between us. We certainly shall not seek *orb ‘rou...16 nor *hell we, intreol them; and if the stweeh the honourable gentleman who Isns just rat down 14 a trs e nod faithful exp,sitios of the A...temente of the peopie of I Ile States there Can be no well founded apple henaion iliat the peace happily preeatting betWeeri 114 in lin/Wet Of 1 can cliefirin the stiornemt el my right hon °motile friend, thnt th,, tiresent relateane be- tween the lav.a liovenimenta perfeetly friendly Nter/ eatiefa.•tor). )Ve hen, no c 1,leent to irks of the trovernmeril the I :eited States-(lienr, henr,)--t hey Amen acted in a fair ai.d himetsrable manner in el the mistier* that ',ley hare arirtil Ilettreet there al• elaima whi,h they here put torwaol, not uviring them at preprint but 'ming tlie ennead fie their detnesion at acne, tutor • time. No dow.t, Alen, we hare claims upon them swhieh we do red put for- ward at pres901, het haeo anooreed se he chiles *thief, at tone may he dr eithrolto b4111,,41t titisehoia.41dfres.:_st 1.0indhotch.. tth.eel honor of the two countries, t t pence v bon ti be peer...nod, end that 'natter. of thirt sort ard were that natural ithip *hie!. adjustment. (Cheery.) A111 ran siey the. the Oovernment, limg se they centime/ ft. be chargeable 'ink the eonduct of affairs, will do everythisig that the honour sod inter• esti uf the country [KOMI( tho 110 1,0 du to maintain inyiolaie the relations id peace and (headship berets' the sire triteness. (1. ail vbeere.) NEWS UV THE ASIA. •.•1•MMINI. The AM1101 dune are two days late: trio theme by the Iheneecus at Pert:and. The London Times editorielly mei. we Presidio% Lincoln's Inaugural address, mid 114)11 it revenli his disposition aed ()proms more completely than man verhoee compeer - Done wench hale p from his ptede• motors. The Tiers admits that he has fulfilled the duties which destiny imposed on him with Armee( and consciefitiotonrse, tat will's.* any feeling of exhilaration at aeons oratliguine an tici pationit Lf emotes preeperite. His add, ess appears to he intviided r•orrege (kW meat Linguine expectetiene of the !forth - era people, red intimate to them that fres'i reenter and orbs will be eace.•sry fur the attainment albeit. object. The London Deily News eats the address is lientane. modest and Seam intone. The Times has an editorial on the arrival of the Shenandoith nt Melbourne, arid says that her Miremanifie does not Spies/ tri ha,. asked env iiidulgence which or properly he refines! him, and the Goveruor ham but one emerge open -that of mho adherence to the xpirit of the inatruttiene ofthe British ralsiort. The Ale mortal Diploreolique ul Paris the orgoil of the Mexican government, asserts that Premitlent Lincoln will immediotely reeoznise t lie empire of Ilexten. The .4raiy um( Nary Gordte mays is has much better hopes 0( peace now between Iireat Ethan end the power or powers which may riper/ant the United States tee end oldie civet tv., the., h.s.i some Works ago. The end of that war is not 74.t, Ma is still very near at hand in all human probability. 111 truth the spirit of the South is giving way everywhere except In Virgin's, aad O a main. taint d thereon!) beceuse all the bid& anti de- termined men of the South are concentrated Virginia.g The /Mier 11014teril op the drooping spirt ta el its party by declaring One if dee with a hundred thonaind mee retreats into the na ot Northern (Woreis end m..1111 lel 11 in Eadteell Tell comic, he exit defy Jim Federal, and carry this Isar fur 20 goo'. The f urr is announced ti‘ l'hoe. Sterling Iligtsee merchant, in feanden, with liabilities of t .4130,000 sterling. This. failure et mid hare beim chiefly corised by LUNN iu • lude-runiiing at Confederate_portil. • 1). T. lawn, merchant, of London, hag ▪ suspeofled for Inege amounts. Ilrefia for large women' by the Coulederate gevern• mem at Richmond, on their financial agents at laverponl, trenholm 1 CJ. are, after Nome deley, refused acceptor* and allowed to be prtitest,d. One droll aloes is for L27,900 sterling. The 'Jigged cause is want of ad. view, and it, ia esteemed that the drone are not expected. to lie ever beyond • few days. In the Ilona of Lorde, on the 1fith lewd Stratford de Medi:101e drew attention to the protracted neeutintienx respeetieg the bo,tutdaries of Talley mud Persia, and the risk.; urn disturbanee of peace therefrom. Lord Remelt explained and Said that he believed the negotiation would be concludef1 by the end of the present. moth. In ilw Mime uf Commone, Lord Palmer - slim, in reply to inquiries, said he believed there was no fumed labor now on the 8sta canal works. Marquis Hartingten introdoced the •rmy estimmes, already puhliehed. '1 he total re. dustrunr is 4,000 men. The principal vote reed 10. Mr: ory gave notice that he should, at an early da , k what sleeps the government hal tale.' preUret.trie property of Itrineh sulvjerte in the Coliledeiltill,8111tea prior tu the elem. of the war. The French Senate on the 1611t -adopted partgraphs 13 and 14 of the addiess,:' awl imeemeneed a debate r n the September Cun Ve.itIoll between i'ranfo and Italy. Speeches were made in defence of (Ise tem- poral power of prbistry and the maintenance of the l'ope of Rome, while some distrust of the Indian government was evinced. A Vienna publohed note presesiteei the KiVish Ambitesador to the Austrian Govern - merit. -in which England recognizes the pro- visionalrate of things in the Ihiehies, pro. sided the sight of the Ihstrier of Schleswig Ifoleteia and of the Ciermais Diet see rower te ed by Awstris aid Freesia. The Liverpool- breadatuffi market is quiet anal steady. Mesi s. 1th:hereon. Spence Co., Wee.- Naak 1 Co, and others, report dour quite and steady. 1Yheat iiisetive and firm ; red western 7. to es 44. Brio aad advanced 34 per quarter. -41. 414444 'rise I.nte ltev. W. toa. , riven th.. Marna**. Tomer. *IFS fa. the liev. Wm. L. Thornton, M. A., wheat sudden desalt ennounced in yeaterday's Sane, wax ups tif the most dixtineuiehed Sind miniateill ;if the Ilethirdiet Church in the world. In the 1110re youthful part of leis u t i ttt sterlal hat le was ono or the elaserant tuton in the 11 ealeymi Theological !nom. - tion, and on thedeath of the Rev. George Cubitt, was elected editor of the Wesleyan 31,-thodist Stagnant. -a than which lse welt merke.1 st.i.ity up to his demur. At the Conterenee of I e63 lie was appoint...1 their Itepresentative to the general Conker/nee rif the Episcopal Chinch, whlt,h wItto held in the city of Philaslelphis in klay, lent. Hs eerronis, adhesive nd speeders before that moterable ameintily htneed tor him universal eeknewledgmeat of superior minteterial ; while les gent I. welly and Christian courtesy won the hearts ot aft who came tete the circle of kin sounaintame. lin preieled, according 00 Ilte apeueitmeet of tor (IWO Conference. at the lain Csofereace of W. M. 47harch in Cav ada, by whore imminent he will Isms he rid iv profs! sod isertion. ate memory. Ile etso presided at the t;ort- &Felice ot Eastern II, itish A meriv•a •here he was not lees esteenied and loved. On his ridon to England he waa alarm anriesorly elmeen Presolmit of the Parent Conference, awl notwithenerling the &tigers of extensive travel, anti tree roommates; came sod latenes office for met than two months, as Item,- eentaliee am! President, he discharged the resoonsible duties' of his plonks. with owed - roue energy, mid to the smeipsalified *tido • lion ot.his brethern. Ile Wet in the MU year of his minietary, and we suppose am more thee fth or 54 years of sr. r.• meas. her of the Heitish Coriferesete ima err mons heeled with Macon by hie brellaeris end ether we venture to lielart, wrote Lorton morn meekly sul denerred17. Ha ,tees will he green y felt and universally depleted, het his mom w deemed to peetenty sneers tlewe Of the 1. Jest," wheel* will he reseed " sad hold in eurloatme romearbeasiec We armee h,s, eith me Chervil ei the leas slime ate het *untrained, while osafiasts is oke *idiom of Him ohs (teeth amt arra St any .34 11.1 Mattel& t.,,)• Some of the 'emit paper* Were Mathrit- itsurely that Her Merest wilt pop a •lost oseit tra be Ape"' Stade friendly amicable, In".wi '" "An" "1" f".gat 4'