Huron Signal, 1865-3-30, Page 31 Pow', Music should low;' was seg u • Eapmlelom isomth.11a.... duels by the Misses Watson in beautiful style and was loudly sucered. Nis. McKenx» The Quebec correspuudeut of the London Free Press says that among those pressen'. gars "1'he May Deer," iu s wry pleumg in the gallery a the prorogation of the liouo, style. Her voice, though sot very lull or was a lady of public tame -a tame net powerful, i, remarkably sweet and exoreuiye, reduleot. though of the Peuelopaen Itegrsoce The capitol comic Irish songs by Mr. Beam -eh° bed managed to chole • card of ad 1 f Treaties; diet would hire been helot with • violin mission from one o her but the F' fates were cruel to her. '1 he Speaker of the accompaniment, his rule. being too weak to Legislative Council espied her through a cor- tope with the tours of the piano. la the ner of his outlier eye, and quietly instructed second part the g.utleumn of the GIM Club the bead mesesuger to take with him a blue - gar. " Row. Rues " atld "Brother's fainting cuedgentleman in nn f the class they vulgarly callh ed a the dour" in (heir uveal dishing slots, cended to lbs gallery where the frail a1. heal arid were vociferously bL.ondrd and encored. estehliali d herself in a front seat, among a Mn. Charlesworth sod Mus Listen gave a pian and Jtmtar twit, which vu warmly hundred or w of the .ire• std daughters uI Quebec: She had apparently noticed the io- reeei•ed. Mus l.'* guitar plying, for an p amateur, u very good fodeed. ' The Melly trrcst she was vicious, arid rcceriug • very er's days of Old,' a good old song, wit sung by furcfiagtr,rlitlu edeliarlead courteousk of the insets, but possibly Mr. Pinkerton in •gFoad, old hearty fashion, nut villousa sellae of disgust at having been well calculated to cell to mord the days of so publicy remolded that she wawa peyote,• yule lop and wassail bowl. The (latter oat outcast, whose presence could nut Ire inguen • ve� p!euinli ow un the .bole, permitted to taint the sacred halls of wound up ion ' God liars the Queen r' elation, or Inuit the virtuous roman Tlu grwd yi.nu oast un tbn oeeuiva sou among whom sh, had L..J the impudence to b.5d!7.lout by H. McDermott, Esq, ' irtrude her meretricious ckui ins. Whether MKAI1 ltonnewr.-Un Saturday,nlght nrteti, legal nLet I Gall out deb te,nbut exira- • last some mean *camp broke Inlu the judicial proeeedint. aresometimes deemed School (louse in section I, God*rieh town- necessary fur the viudicstion of moral rights. ship, by climbing through a window, and [his little scene occurred just before the est, mole • clock, slates, testaments, and all trance of his Excellency, end all was pe-tecdy screw. whim the me ICntetivn of Majesty, the echoed books on which he could lay' 'tired, as u his wont upon State occuiolu, hands. A mon paltry theft could not m the gorgeous Windsor uniform, and stand !d by that 1,ermulent institution, "a brilliant hare been committed. Stag," amended the Throne ueps, and seated - - hisna&l under the megni5r•ent canopy which 33 01111114. casts its gold and cnn:aon folds uver ter resplendeut chair. on this neeaion hi, Es - Clark's Bridge was swept away by the cehen.-y hat, ass supporter ou his right, the nce.t (cubit. brave soldier who reposes upon th' grand rel, he plucked from the tree of immortality. TO THE FRONT. The Hama R.1.. are furbisbug ap their arms and calling in reerlsiu with a view of going to the front nn the first of May, to relieve some of the reteriiwg cowponies. It John dents of few month* weld do the for cod to eta a th r" t i of camp life and daily drill. taking ea army. Y �o his heroic defence of Kan -Sir Feuwick b low, the Commander of the Forces. Crimps Arrested. Sraavloao, Morel. 25, 1465. cCdloeh and Jams Watson, resi- t n. or I wen arrested t da f furs piece, , J to Detroit to ental in the Federal ;ullucil wit tried before the Mayor d 1,r trial at the omit .4. l'he Tsaanl a ravens In New Y un*, -.1 let *EAFORTIi. and commit Mn. Dix, who, according to my last, Lad eloped, hu thought better of it. She return. ed on the 26th, and is now, 1 hear, living wit! her injured husband. T6. wicked boys talk of • chwitan, bat it is to be hoped will think better of it also. i ease of Wats �t q' 1 d h d f f f I'y NDEft d t, f l'ower Sale Osixtyfourthshares -- - BU Th rt tau pp (,jj 1 ' no doubt of the`Cunricli/rin of tea p.iwnen.Y l •_ J Shortly Aber fids 1 r..v ..tau salmi nal I Wt'tll $lWrilse nig MS. wad awakeeed ghost the saidiLe of the might, by • very old aid penal& Man, who I auk • for a pr.ub•r dusk' the day, haulm out on the Grape VinesfQr Salle ber•ronm lure, where we were all left be kind : - Arr•h ;Onset, Ret along .id your goether, You alight u well pray to a jig, Or itch• an old cow path. mother, Ur whistle Moll Bowe to a pit. Arid out the right sou of my moiler, To put eutluog " lien he was cut short, by a slap in the .mouth from tease fellow behind him, that shouted out, without a moment's notice, " Why's • foul? Take that!" And thio we all got through nick other; very little resi.uct bein paid to one or another u they clime io the war. So you see. Dunkin, m. darlin, is dura well fur the rtriuue bud the murals of the people ; and data more than can he said of the must of yes, at this premed moment." E') - An experiment hu been wadi on the New Tort Central Bathos! Fy using peat in- stead of coal. The intuit was highly eslia factory. Tb. oust mount of fuel consumed by coal burning engines is a tun to every tweuly miles, but in this iu.lance only half •' Lin was used. The first buck of the tunnel, intended to pass under Ilnmp*tenul. and to form a porion the l,, w J O Md Yl extension In LUadnn as to Intel,' laid. 'Ilse tunnel will be 1,800 yards lon,i, and iu one, part, 30 yards below the surface. Arrah. man d'ye think I'm a uul, It} A young man named. Sullivan lately kihm,l bis mother, by chopping.ber head ..pan Moth au axe, ill Iowa. 11 wit thought iu Paris, at the lest date, that peace would eventually osult i America flees the late conference iu Ilumptuu rds. Cl' O�n j�he 1 tib instant, a man irpmed FrrdcriclkeTlavi, came to his death by the falling nt a tree in the n.igbhorhuud of the yd!nge of Buxton. Deceased and another man were chops.nit logealher. and that the tree which they were chopping fell, it • struck another Inc.eone of the pieces of which in its coulee to the ground struck Mavis on the hack of the fracturin the skull and head, r sing instant .-C'Auf n . producing sit t !cath h m/'fuse! rent": wderuaard wall base w hold. kw We, Iao,I 1 the noddle of April, • twee rased of O'•y Yla... of the followu.g ,•rl.n.. IONA, Ihe.uha.l and heal irey. a,w.5. l rtaAF:1.14, LotetiRn, AUIRONUAC. HAKTIURU P.ULIFIC ULLe:tVARE. 1)1A%A. Alt. • Same Noels of vary ea., Mao Tree.. Ifo dole,. •sneuee Ion 'd awl band Apple., Donut Paean a /thane,. (-rale. d .veru Ir.. 1 i Pvn.. d.., Yt{ any of ,hr l.... would J., well to nNwadn,..0 order. arena. "I •liur,utheudtrugt.- •1 hu n.dc.a.-e. 1ru1 aunt. tors h. wl flip " WM. CAMPBELL. • Insolvent Aot of 1864. THE Crediton of the undersigned are nuti- fied to meet at the a (rice of Frederick Prowtfoot, Berriuer-st Low, in the Village of Ynwhamptun, in the Comity of Bruce, on THURSDAY, the thirteenth day of April next, (1863), a the hour of ten o'clock, a.m.. aur the purpose of receiving satemelita of hi. •Ruin, and of moue; ate Amigos. to whom he may make at unaumcut,under the above act, Dated it Southampton aforesaid, the 21st day of -March, I'•6S. EDWARD F'F,ItG (•SON. FREDERICK I1ROt'UFOOT, `Solicitor for F%Iwurd Ferguson. (.9td•p WALL PAPERS ! t LARGE ASSORTMENT of Wg!I Paper l from 4c per roll upexrda. :11' TII E ' SIGN A1.' OFFICE. ( EVERYTHING 4N( WA" (11 School Books and Stationary aT 1110 LOWLST ratio G, WHOLESALE &I, RETAIL AT THE •SIGNAL'-1JF11CF'. R:-COL'NTR MERCHANTS sit 1 C TS r iIli ed ;STRAYLrllatnd. aliaaeal,tha under, LETGODERICH FLOURISH t "i $501 AGENTS RANTED veld. a lot IS, N sf to plu6 while tilers, �I Aahtird, sally iu JIM. IML 2 thio .ad o.e black Sheep, w►idb the Near m r qs st•d to Fifty Dollars a Month prun, pay a and 1Mbs was. t8 uar.14, 1N3. vT•2 •JOBYDUEN• l�G New Spring Goods. 1865.I AND ALL EXPENSES PAID. 7� FOR further particulate soply, Maw ice TO CONTRACTOR~• TIIE SCBSI'RriirRS beg respectfully to announce that the L,at irutalmrut of their Spring I Da. A. J. ARCMkat. Asbheld, Belfast p.o., C NOTIOE woolly ur by mall with stamp, to order of C. W rl Trustees of Melte' 'ectwn Itf:un undersigned r * p THE 0.m the 1'uwwh, of (blburee. wJl recto. leader, up 10 P -k BOOTS AND SHOES 4 --! Monday, the 3rd ofApril, .11 Nilo:1. for me ere••tleu ,•f ■ New Mick 1Jas been received and is now on .'lllibitiun et the Rrhtul Howie On tut IC. Oihcou , ECU C.•11""ur. L I 'cult lnuws a. 1'uxa'e "Choat HPYM. 1'I+lit (k . „ .,� .pa. rte .steers,• •.f .wr,l HYI:Jatta soli he µa,1 L A S C O N H O U S E sl lirua.e Huwwu'e n•.rl.•ua.e. ,ray two ern the 27s. and Ion. o1 tequila. 1 he soul f ruOer• ,1.. „a b ,J ta.014' 0 * 10 swept Ihr Iuwtsl lender. Tenn made -.own on the day of 1...0:-Tend•'n will he received u:teen the minae plan. st Iter albs 1.ue. I. sad Money., (w the erraeion .d u bums larildwg. u Eo. If M: oTu' . ALEX KII[KI•tTRICK, } 7,u UI•Nlnl\ rot N43, Colborne, March letb, 11145. -._-- ilI1' _. MORTGAGE SALE. (o)7 t:KED/T). • L)Ca3CAYT to a Plower of Sale eneta,ned ie [i • est'e'rs Murtgaar, rnade between Ruben Paler, vl the run natty of Arran. 1111:1.C.01111) .r B.wv. Yronwrl..uf th. tot part. sod .A Ib mar Crawlorl, It,Jrn Ilend.•re.m nn4John Jamieson rill ul the Mrd Iowo.hip Yeomen, Executors of the will of the late tiro, Clan, .4 the n•red pya+rt: will ase sutd I.) * 1.10* 4na'hon,a ''furs'. Hotel. in the Villas. .fLeutheu pton, in the anal Cuunr7tr r Bruce, UN THE to'l'l' U.tT-OF APKII, Ie EX T, (Ita46) at neon, the lollawiut{ lard and premlaee, namely; Io w. kl is the Nib un. el the Nod Township 01 A. res. Wu acres, good raw L4 bear matt Ire harm. with 00 scree clewed. fLK\IS :-(Me-60h a eh an.l balance 1a Ivor equal alfalfa' ueauent., with re per veal ur ores, FRE 1'1 1 TV 1( 1 1101' UFt'QT. �Wucdw Cyr Mortrsa•ea. 1►,mthaugaen, 14 \larch, 1ka3. ws-4..ge -• . _-.Apg'al Rase for the he raised manually b Special a- N -- -dc-Boats,gnu; . t MF;CITA (CAL 1 84 Shares Guns Amu- I 1 { ( ' l (1 e w 1 J I I 1111• I, make, t!teir .•tit,-; v•rr c,.m r•-10 in all tier grades and gna!rties u( l.g•liere, Misres', Girls', Mers; Hnr», Youths' and l'bfld* 1tut11'S AND SIIOF:3. tkir prier, will be Weed wry low, quite in accordance with the necessity of the time*. «-es 1.- OTTrt, INT -MIXT f3I RING• A BY-LAW To ro1K by ,nay of Loss /Aso ewes of Tw'e'nty Thousand( Dollars filo ate purposes (herein mentioned. 1 HERF.AS the Cnrpontion of the United' 11 C.ronties of Huron sod Bruce has r• •u!ved to Grade. Grant and improve certai. (sonde and Highways, with the nee.wl7 Hndt{•e fur the sour, within the said County of 'toren. Axis • . the paid improvements are enlively within Ihu County of Marron, and the era e r. rune u to K a eof makhi tVg 1 the rid Cn.nfr irrespective of the of rare. the n or e t wi • paid by the said Cem,ty of Huron, and the (tate hereinafter mentioned w(.1 he nixed I solely upon the ratcsble pe.perty within the said County of Huron Asn w 1• carry into effect the said recited object it will he neceaury for the said Corporation to raise taw sum of Twenty Thousand Dollar., in the meaner hereir.lter mentioned : Amer w it u expedient to define the respec- tive saeunt* to be expended on each lane of Ruud instated to be improved it shall he . expended as set out in the Schedule a the end of this 1dy•Lan end forming put of the 1Phrc. Thousand Two Hundred Dollars to he t d f d t fi lona Debt II 1 y HTSLU. IIJIIIL - From New York have alie'eome to hand, c mpri.ine WI the novelties in thi* line n gods- very cheap ! Look in and inspect our stock euro if you don't buy, it may he worth roar while. •• LI�'I: AI 1) L1t�'I" 1.1'SrE." Glasgow House, 201! Marche 11'65. D. BERR, JR. & CO, .7 Mortgage sale! D N'1l I 1 :-1'r . • OF Be. I II ELPO. same. Aso intestate it will require the win of Toro M r e Sale to Wholesale Rates, font the ' Signal' Office you TIME AND FREIGHT. ch 21st, 1865, O ntllnn, ave nNs and .Cul ,sun -• D• sr sr, wrew.e to T. N. heat. y Tuna of the seid .can or Deht and intent . // •.ornery,) 1{tawny*, ('• eel a also hereinafter menMoned. OS, of Stemmer Niagara. Rooms 0r=r ICT. F. JOsdan•e Dat¢ Stem An, ion Ihe amo.nt of the slobs .11 odjeeroe.letill Monday. 1 tee writer slates that the scourge of small- ' By urdeo • J I Jaueary lark ,1443. awsn-ylr The evidrece este' one wive an there Js pee an scarlet ever is aging fearful' in an v virtue of a ower n . • e New York. Many streets are barricaded _ e" contained i. a eettain Mortgeln made ti/ and patrolled W want pPJeet.iau Of 'their °Abeieh, M of t 9 schooner, s111p or Ve8•' fh max Il- t an1ver and Gedret Itumhsll, 2lereaittile '8'rmends. proximity to the petrilcuce. Streets stn -- - - - Mucked to vehicles, and the polite stand as 1 Iwo cane. of int rest to the mercantile sentinels (.ear infected blocks. 1'he Pres -ace community were disp sed of at the last Quare of the ppli!ence n attributed to the crowded THE Court of Reams i•'. of Three (livers, who u convicted, after • 25,000 prop!. live underground in New,York. 11ke'. Tavern, CredItoth St :' a hen. n for bearing Appeals will be held al on Saturday, ter Sessivas. The firs was that of Pother, imditiun of the tenement bowed. Over a_einu Aue.snie,t. sel c111cd the " W. .U. Mor- ritt." NIIF.Ksnlbe\;ntoe eiaPower urCa:econ- doled in a certaui %levans soothe by Tho t N. V y and (Lurce It united'. .4 the Town • inolench, on the G. ' . t Hanoi. Fortes ldthe Ivo .an, and Jolla Y. Della .d risinue I. Ike lax, 01 lite •torees,J fowe of lioi mh c intuits. s; 1 .eco n, which ,tephen. ud M.,tuege dole ...corded In the rota n. 9a1S H•n.ee.4 the l'u of U..ihoure..clautt '.ween lean made m the pavmeut there., ■d due sun lee h•vinr leen ate real oil all peril,* toddled to snare, well la• soW .y Pah!". Amtion, oe 8. Turel.y,the I01. day 0 pr.' next, tet twelve o' lock, nears'. at Ow Awn m Han of Meson. stun Street,In '1'Dnm+is h 11at'rhnn,, tit .tea . le . sane' Tnwq N 'i..kne(, the, 1 owing popacy, 10511010 day: Ihtny.Iwo wale ter ,Auto 1 1t 0 •. W. If. the r•hnmer, •h� r ter weasel rxli n 1 Merritt." (hen the w•'{easy or 'au Kern• k *a.*a.a J, naw Iv ,,0 51 he furl of ru-6,. •:ornad. 1h.0 -nosier per en ut mho. of the Town tet IJodertch, to the County of liurun, Forwarders, of the First fart, nod John V. D.•iloraud Samuel 11. Detlnr, of the aforesaid 'fo.n of Uuderlch, Merchants, of the Second Part, which said Mortgage i. July recorded in the Custom Howe of the Port °f 5(ontree 'fault having en male iu the rice payment thereof, and due notice hariog beeneervcd on all parties entitled to notice, will be sold by Public Auction on Tuesday, the lSth day of ,lpri! next, .t twelve o'clock, sons, at the Auction Man al Mees... Thomson d Ilaxtehnnt, on Kinston street, iu said Turn of Guderich, the Wll.lwing property, (hat is to *ay; Sixty f..ivnandn'ded Shares or parts of sod in a:1 •• Ni •sra '' then the • Willed the m that Veered al proper',' tor \'u,Erery A Itumhell, aforesaid. now lying at the Port of G.deneh, aforesaid, together with all end-cinxulsr the anchors, rigging. fpn.iture, tackle and apparel there- MilitarySchool. rateable property of the said ►Inaeipality irreepectim. of any future increase i. the same, and irrespective of mey income to b de,i.cd from the temp:jury inveewn• sfthe si„king fund hereinafter mentioned or any part thereof, accnr!,ng •to the last le•iawd Aodesament 1(0116 befog for the year ar. ,huussad eight h,indred and sixty four wits Fight willow Two hundred and Eighty eight thousand Six hundred sr.. Ninety six dollars: WA W.h\0!111. - ! tedious trial, nt obt•nn, goods with lidera In eighty fire sperm -rats in a t,•o'went Vey, a1 10 fureno•u• .a a 1 1, d f 1 he I Awn w'auss aur paying the inter.•t and • -•� Ito delnud, and sentenced •six months' 1.. Ilene near the Si. Ni,•Lolu are :{IU Iraoiia C. 1'RUUT , . M t+. h 1./ pa b h g i g Mettles Ru.r.�Uss. Sleben has been creating an equal annual Rmlm Fund for pr'onmeut. This punish ,wit enrri_es with -fuer persona to rich room, eight by ten,. 1'rp CI tater t hecto • but Ment fined 1140.00•with coals for selling liquor.- I it a wholesome warning to Proctor, wit hauled up also, but the prose- i like tum+. There have h cities fair. ,Tho witnesses drank something 1(•w mnvIctrone foot this olien beari• the name of cool oil, and although '*61 simlbr carat will not fad lit � pit Tuesday, ^1 at, abrut 1 p. m , Ur they could swear it was sol petroleum, they as W teach the rased*, that wi ' lo. broke from HIR dam •(store town aid fur NDEK and M• •anise of • wet pre either could not or weld not say wlet6er it . cleverness 16.1 may •' b sure teei fug sours great anxiety was felt for our V eonwnsJ on it Flungaxr ru.Jr by sou of an alcoholic natax- Either these I &lathe"' out. It '. high bine fort fusidic. the slate • havin • riven .d feet M.0r0. 011110 Town.lup 411 :run .en.nah. n of a In another there an uinety•,ig rooms and March 27, 1865. _ bel 677• persons. ' 1t is estimated that there an t if to twenty five hundred cases of small -post iu _ _ 4 -- .1 in New Fork. - Mortgage.le of *ecu • 50 ill t air sins It I {audit '•(taut• teen, u1 Munn., Yr.rnn,,n, or the ar.l ,: parties have &ready lust the power of dig in learn that the cndis,r in L•,war hi�h�•1 than was era•, known hefore The ) I " • d Berlin is carried sway. We bare head Ie , e o mu y a er.•e, powwow e e a the losolrency Act. all the dishonest Ir ,er I 1 suing 4 ea made on the ilex twyrw.wl Wer•ar r has some eay in the 'canner in .hie !Meir bindle •. over t to l.nnd ltwer bet ren i'n 5 ,,. Witham Eemoml terser, o the 'town of ti, tuguishina whiskey Asa water, or they are debtors dispose of their assets. Previo to r h 1 C i f H F (I f laying thaasslreeopen to actions for par. - fiLF.TI'. We have had • rapid thaw during the last few days. The snow, which was very deep, bas' ssoat dies?pared, exaapt iu the °.ods. 1 their debt -.r carrying on business u agent of inc • an rer high. Siei ping if dine, hie wife; by which ma,.euvrs ha *u able to m I l el all their efforts at defiance to eMlertibeir teal Akre it every prospect elm early spring.' claims. But in a great meager, this has au • la ea appearance of • snow storm, :since been remedied by the Insolvency Act. wages, at prevent. Farmers will rejo'ee I The other en.. to .bleb ws refer sou that of neem • • d of roan r- un .f the snow, u cattle fend i D• La Nur, sob° sou fusnd hu fel yr te th0 nen.. frUio[ . (rade mark ; but .a tan. 7entlemal 7 soiree iw4hia part decamped previos to conviction, the punish m.nt'will fal1 un the seenriuel,- ( frtde D,rd at ro.• as and daughters of Prince Rosie., .16th Maseh. Ja had to do win to get his Cif. to sue cul 6. separation of pmp••rty, which was labored 1 go by d.rteu:t, a the ssock SAS soil out t. rs.iA • enough to pay the layer oiling the *.partition wit. The coeditors is time eb+ tuned judgment. ;slued execution. and roma ol'`po oder damages. Cao , 000 has been spproptiatcd by the will tor .dhl..n I .rwl+f, the 1nh Jay of Aprd. A. D. Ives, et twelve •eIek. .6.,n, •t the A.eliun Mer( of Nfe..... Tn•.ma.n S Has: horn, ennn K"Ia mors *over.. said Town w t:.derl. h, the tan go.'.rrontent to secure a tepre. 1.lueh,a pngw,ly, lust '[u ray tat itta of t,unadian produotal at the 11ar a•, ,.smut pnr,.rl ter tract of I.r1 ..1 Linterhibitionthis summer. singgs..walp'ymg■adlrl+euu.eTawn«eft The 1NxhCr( T (winJ{ as s t!t0 f K nlei4. m tl.e Co rnl)' of 'duce, to the set.1 i)A J Prdeusr, etiolate.. by ndueswnn,enl hill •n lin the wpiny of the New Tork Ern- acre, Jr the amnia mews or Ie., w,ucb •0d 2,j mile• •I., wo L on Si d..l.an. for - c,her flop„ e,unta,srd ed figs n.lmbers three and foto 541J tet the *1 SNpennioi Ilri•I se,'hsv pen el se ;tno .11 Lod awl 'prem noted matt ' acre*, t ut M•rwrw knows •a hollows. 16.1 a l0 s) : (*1 frost d'la . quantities of freight have w Isa r,wl. ads ,r taw Iwrnn,, *toad. rte the 1 th e•, awaiting transfer from LPldIaee rnhw•,wbn+h *lout V*lsee ..f Kmlrr asurveyed Pc..na lot number r Megan m Inc., ) z •tae ears Ice 7 - The Albert are de say Chap.! is Wi °(that singularly e hdifles u to he end •eek, and the work In TLses decer.u.os are e eempleted, over enc hot. tan. n' the interior oftl.eWol- -- Wylie, Fadi der ('ante as • memnnl The British Iron Trade Plopped .lean. - elleut Prince. The *mall The great „14k out " i. lb. iron making . We deeply d ly int" with m sate districts of England has begun. It wv coat 11t the irrepanhl aLr'.1'A%tEN( V, 1'olu•uo for AI :mice.nos [Alitbeach ; e ill be sold inarreednuponALSO c- Part of lot "4. nerth or thethe aril ranee *tooth otIlle Illurtmon Ito•al, on the ill.re,14 ia'rloo Tow, hip of St -sole', unto belonging Or Iti any wise ovroperfainoog .1c1Jutant General Officio, 1, I mentioned, a sum of money not est mg in ng. Lands for Sale *hove owatiosed. treed under l'ower ot Quebec, !larch 4th. In45. 117•30 , the whole the sure of Twenty Thomand Doi- ' dale. and to cause the samus to Im paid into C1NDID:ATES for, mmmiesiors in the Nervine Militia desirous of obtaining paying the awed *um of Twenty 1'hnnseed mission to either of the Schools of Niiiury • Ilan and interest u hereinafter menwned. Instruction, are required to Leake application it rill require an equal annual Sp•cu% R.1. in weitirg fur su:h purpo.s, through the ^f liwr•ta•nlhs of • mill io the (totter in .A' liripde Major of the di.i,i.ra wherein they ditc.fh ye.! other rates sod lura to he kv,.d r. reside. ,Applicants moat st 1te their age, residence, Ile it therefore meted by the Corporatists Post calm wdIr•-u. vend ,.alive eountre. and of sloe 1'nited Counties of Huron and Druce, , certificate L 'flat it *hull be Iwwrnl Cor the Waren 1 �l'-w'; r heir w, rlicati m w tae t lea i r ua 1 t {I from w cL�rgaman or ma;iftnte in the loeal. Iter that time beipg of the said tut menoon.d iq when that' limas to moral character, Corporatiuo torsi.. by way of Loan, foam W'. PQN' 151.1, Lies'.•(ul. • I any person 0r perun•, body or bodies corn*. 11. A. (len. SL, C. l'. tele who may tau willing to advance the aarw upon (he credit of the Debentures hems alter ('.SSIISR,•''. de bands of the Treasuof Ise No. lel east.. Illarrielddl rer of de United Solicitor for Murtgageee. 1 ns(11v (silt Act of 1864. (anomies afonenirf, for Ohs purposes and with the ohjeet above recited. IL -I hat it shall be lawful for Ile said Warden to cause any number of r)ehentures THF creditors of the Insolvent aro notified to made for such sums of money a m. be re,quirrd, not leu than One Hundred may he has male an ani r---' - - s under the 1 saber d estate sed the onder•igned **wiener, .1 to funliah me withhl date with their claims they hold if any, sr none stating the f der .nab, with t claims. Dazed • Bruce, lin .82 10l• a0110 nae*annul' aaav Var V55V au of avv-. Inron, with a /0''wveily one lot, °r m may be IA. rill NATTER OF COLI VSIS- CLAI ', an issoleent. THE'ered un of the Insolvent are notified Chit h.• h made an assignment of his d Rhyme to me, and r r u under de bit r Act Lour a ff the undersigned rp.ltgnre, and they are re- quired to furnish me, within two months from this date, with their claims. specifying the gent. a••curity they holt irony, and the valise tot it. And if none, stating the fact : the whole at - tested tindero.th, with the vouchers in sup- port ofsuch Claims. Dated at G.alerich. in thi. Co•mlr of Ire on. this Thirteenth day of arch, A. 1). Town.6. ../'►uses, alt endo In sow Jonas hetween Hayfield aid Itr°ee'r1A, containing Denison, E . P• 1 Lied n! E ,(our rat 0l a. un cy.or 71 'arms of land, more or 1.., sows as ;MO n the .renin Of II! (tier! F-e:rnrrr, \alt o(1„drnch. end * way o - n t M�. th, aim of Mr. - plan ot.unry Iher'rr,t ,kp *steal veva-ordrne to the n*',,,ockhurn pr'.!ery. ISO !([corder, sled 54. •(stole in d,.1 hetvolr pr .ed.d ,n'fO. Were of the These Inod..iu k..)}d c -h. -.p. • 1' (.tend 111'1w M. C C.1a1F,ItON, uctioneer �pmtaincd, after lima aking great prognM. p.0(.4 that of the measure was persevered in thirtyoneyeasolmop! Misted to ret when •'1 o,er the country in aecordenee with the. .4 it""."d dol eanmpact which the iron twisters had entered )(} The owl says that the n ix bas written Lo lh. Q ion' • Brei fru of E,rnpe proposing t Rr,n*ter Nails .uumy of Ikuce Deed ander Apply to G. M. TItC-E)1. N, . , iynwrr ..f rwak. PPI 1 A Land • Iso Solicitor for Mortgagee. Goderieb, March 14, 1861. w7. arriedlifr,-Fed S --_.-_- -_-- into with each ether, seventy thousand men -------- Tot 1(ARh ••nn-ea1 Eine. would be thrown nut of employment, and they other sot- *ted their families deprived. of the means of Gopsntrtl Marc t, without ..ub.irenee. The London News, comment ;Ts, tel • 29th, 1 EFAl'LT ring been to ,,:e is the pat men, l/ of throe .e al mot trace. turn 1r* i ..-ph 4Lm.,11110.1 to 'het:, of I.ral. IhnlJIn. S.wrrty 0:4 t npw tile lands left., Ilrr mcnhon.al rhe Minn, 0:40 will he .oIJ, Iso rrnpe yr Powerof Sale in Peal ,} T Kf1R nal by tutor ,.f• 1o+wrrof:'alee.- D 60 Morpere, et Patel.• elu,n at the room', n( �,J ..nnwrl nn nnA sermons ear. a_euOtru ., al. Trueman. rn the'<town of t).n'en,•th, on 0 u u•vNy. Ilse 07th dgy •.1 ped next, sol Iweler (.wtgage male by Thom., 1. 1-nnf cry nose 0,00:I rienrge (hull,., tel lhr'r..wu or(treh rel. IA the '4 .ek. tran,rse lot nom r live m the ')sod rmms'ul Ilnnu, Furwarlrn, of the t',nt pan. •.40 rem. it e •li.r Townehm . theme w h. in 'fust 0 Culla of woe, .•u.tarnote !ere ferns..( par nt : one third se in rine rep 1 vrslrr pe, meats. Further'. ro.•u n •.4 a•oahlio.s o t. may than of,.4.i tet tl.e, r.•rrnon. thereon ,,.,,or.�I. MORTGAGE SALE. Mortgaxa Sale Fall Wheat,. ...... • .. 80: $. . distinction of treed, all shall join once fora ing upon *!lm affuir, ism: '^The North sliming do 0: :7 (ry Cie porpoise n1 effecting a •.Halle re oration ' Staf6rrdahin peddlers - b' that dame are Oat*, , .. 0:371 e, of the holy Sepulchre .1 Jerusalem, -,ch it I called the men who stir molten pig iron ►Imus Iiwrley . .. .: 0 .5 l`' no• in a state of utter disrepair. lied of a ferneries Datil it becontve -Pen - 0:00 (ry P} Prince Aurl`.r left InoJpn a w i mallable iron -struck work ruttier than sub= st .rk u''.0 (sy weeks since fur a tont la Egypt and the Ho ' mit to 1 reduction of ten per cent en their B 3:5U /.[ Land. The tour will probahly occupy two wages, resolved on by the employee some Item i ..2.00 (• O. meathe, and will h. o'er almvt the ume °• in the ordinary course of things the rarities, eh 0:4i ( O:u nate u was followed by the 1'nnce of A would have rent:seed out supported St' tide•'-, do .••... 02..: (4 0:00 the 'niers until the empinters, titre' of ming C ticket's, to pe . 0:20 , (r9 0:00 Wiles' the p tits of trade, concede* t!,cir terms.- 111ckt, do .. ..,0:00 (n 0:25 In Hartford, Coen., • (',otentire A so., .\ware f *16,,a meeting of imn:nastete sou hides (;,ecu) .,.. 2:75 to. 0:00 alien bas been formed, with r capital of $,000, held ' lirmingham three weeks alp, a Mater .... 0:15 (n 0:17 fur the 05.8 of butcher's meat. It is expected wlueh ere ty six firms were represented, and Petition- .. • 15 - (n 0..37;, that present ectoriionate prices will be "due' the Natio•.. las.c,aoon of Ironmaaten was N ood Irl 0:00 ed eho.t 25 per cent. fonned. 1t was then resolved that the North Fares , 0:12( The Manchester N. H. Mirmr.s a that a StaffonLhin m fere should not be lett to Apples I,50g-, fireman on the Northern Railroad went to fight their battle a ase i but that, in order to lino. LJ ton . Ivey °bile the filo wae hefon Franklin, and strike a the source nm which the men who .traw, per load o pen the engineer's touching him M wake• hood out were .ppli him ap, jumped from the engine down a high where dhcsld be closed. book ..plwaing the train PIM meeting another. --- - The train sou stepped, and he made he .p. Plot Fmtc'n * Mtestox. peannes with so injury except a sneers trounced, two or three de fright. Pn•e,Jcnt hal tendered the Mr. 1I*rjan, th, new Seentary nfthe Tntrri to James Gordon Bennett. T dolity,want sou peened et first with ties of some non from the Societ of Friends nccre I Dut it rem( now to he ignite. Pe J accredited, The Trihane • Washing as Commissioner of indian affair. 1 oTri r w 64 Shares &Anchors, Rig ring, 1�•, iTl Stoamor ' Brum.' 0:03 0:40 (n, 15-00 (n 19 ... 4:00 (a, 5:00 - the ironworks every !sF 1.FORT1I 'S UKFTlt ( Serra, Inure Of Jhe bs!auce ell J"nn V, IML,r and Samuel H. DeUaw. tithe sod Town M li,.drreh, Merchants, of 11,0 r•t•- rund pert, which Mee M..ngsar le Juiv recorded In the Cu -ton 11nu.e at the Port 0t lla.lerjah; .kfaelt having been mule .n 1hr d.. payment (lad et the verso .(.ale, ort) rev" 'PO' smartie note,. h.ume M rte wen tet on .11 parr... onto the u • . yheJ. ert.'Ied to n,,l i a, w.11 he Pohl by pnN,a Arcoua FLorK. 1, •i w 1•• ib. (,t ti . n Onursda • the 1. th da ' of April (slot. ort y 'LonT }, } p . K*ddme0.,e, '' atlwe!re&clunk, mw,0. es the Aurnnn H.r, n! 1>;65. - .9tJ \\Ur:n.-'1'hon...m 4 II,flrlu,r.t. on 'C.w.o. Orem. In 50111'uwn of (,.Intl• the tottow,ne 1�t ray, 11.1 a to any: 0sly-loon foully .Int ort Sp� ', 6h. ry o/parts tel .sod mall that Mramrr Cal k.l at of nab• the "$r.v,' then the pro;eny of Vse Evi.r)' k 6un,)rlt,aorr..d• sow Ic.z Lt the 1'.nt lot ((tale. Fit an by virtue of re Power of ..ale rich .toreln"i. together «Oh all and anzular the (Reeored for the $,e..r. by conic.M.Il..cal a Co ) V con The Tribune anStewartn ago, that the Sio►ui.T I Mach 27th, 1965. County of 14?n h 6 tech minion and F ranei* Stewart ,is wile, of the second vend Solicitor Iso Mortgagees. nnnnunce. Flour (Zi Darrel) 51:00 to 4:50 pat, and W,bam V. Bennett of wid Town. ' ..__.. �.__-.. - ---- _- -- at inere F.II Wheat, lJ bushel • -,80:90 (n. 0.97 ship of Wewanoeh, ^ .uire, of the\third a`' e.erelly Spring Whew, I+lbash.... u:70 1r 0:90 part,(dd•alt having I 0•olalein the -due iv Ortwaire Sale! n eoe ones 0.40 ( '0:00 pee,nent thereof) ' 1 be gold on Pit I•.4 Marley re 60,00 Pntetnes Hay ('p ton) k ('4hoodred sued i e Morlgngr °tide ray Genrq,. •n, her*, rhRinc, rumm�e, uekte sus ■ppnrnl I berrunlo UieT�g•ngn.. w m any sol..• epen.lmng. e. 1', sombre of We1'nosh, in the 17er2 under 1',�i'er ,.(Out., u o. roman. of the tet pert M. C. CAMERON, er, recommended to the President the melee respondent saw the statement was re At . famil, gathering in Danbury, Muss with a " broad grin " at the cet.,;al, w ease not on; since • •res:- rent grand- some Hoof rl:um that the "� wlntm mother, Mrs, Irene Taylor, eW In her lap, a was tendered•mnre than three yeas ago'."- • rand -child a rca- ned•cLild • The World's correspondent Nays that '•the greatgreat-grand-child, in all, five genera- tender was made shout the (tact of March, in i(, sone. regottal for s,nace done in the Presidential ItuU k}• Governor Rroegb, of Ohio, in his late cnmp.gn." The Timex corrcopondeut says 5hee massage• state* this startling (qct, illustrating that tFe ►ppcintment "sou made partly on Ergs ( 1 h terrors of the draft is that State: -1t is the strength of a strong letter of reconm.n• Timothy .etiolated that the number of men who Bed dation from Horace Greeley." h add., '•Thr sono' from this State a, the recent draft approached statement that it hu been declined is puma• (floret Seed. sad dur•.g its execution, exceeded twenty .are.- appointment ^n Wohing.nn Krpublieln eavn cal rs aside before the diskette 6 g g pr r1 e child, g i i p. I Ib) . 0 00 MGA i)F 0:70 (rte 0.75 Wedne'day, the TwcNt daf A o P('u 2 Shares & Anchors, Rigging' 0:a0 (rat 0:35 A. D. 1963, at Twelve of the clock, eon, io:o0 atlMAuction Mart &c.. in 'Jenny 6:00 7:00 Rumball.' G. M. True ago LM 1'0 NQER owl Iry venue telA I ower of Sale et• 0:16 (r% 0:00 \IABKET SQUARE, GOD RICH, +°1*' "^ i rrrwrn Mnnraa rnade hr ( TIasl.ae YJ. raa6erry arse' 'levers aumMq, 01 ins ....... ... 1.00 ell 1...0 Term thousand. To such an extent hu emigration b bl mar. Ji loaf gene that in sofae eases there were tiot men i - 1 • • • not wishing to ne defeated in the Senate, de. 93e a 96... SPrinit d enough left in the townships to fill the quotas. Mined to accept the post." If this tender of • 76e. Oats 45 • 47. How rge Calves& Vorso.-In the recent ifie memoir to 1. mime has actually been made eleetion in Australia, many of the voters were in the direction indicated. there is surely more n aturalized Chinese, and being free from pot than ow trounces of official ' rewriter...nee " 'Wel prejudices, sold their votes to the high. at Washington. -(N. Y. Com. Advituieer. , Oat bidder. is one town, about thirty of them were boeght at eight shillinge each. and How Dwatles 2111 Werke. tutored to snorer " yes to every quest on milted them ist the polls. The opposite party had a hint of thie, however., and the first qeeitiou proposed was, " ilisre you voted heroes at this election ?" Aa affirmative &newer immured for the would be voter an sincere, menials packing off. Two or three got thrnegh the' onkel bad boon instruct. ed to scratch the tint three names on the printed ballot. Like genuine Chinamen as they were, they took the paper lipoid. down, and •ruesl the very names they 'rem paid to vats for. • lar1111 for Stogie Volwateere roll in -Ls., with some *mettle and •ir- tunes young womanise the fire( opportunity yen may have. ▪ Right Face -Pimping the question, like a man, and she accept* you. <WA March -To the pinata and ask AC, Right Tura-M•ith her:to the Church, Sad go through the service of holy matrimony. la await.; then determine to devote yoweelf e atirely tn your wife. Right shoot Fue-Fmen the hawses that yea have freggeeted when "tingle, nod metre yeer own home. Menne* Amu -To yew yeang sirifsi whoa sea Ildelkirst with her. sad ilea% let Ise wide dome rts teen yards Whorl yew. Break Off-Rilliard playing, battle:, and stayiag est at eight, If yow wish to %see a harpy knew. Terry Finnegan, in his loot letter to Mr. • among other things, gives the fol. " llowsomdiver, perhaps it's not right to begin a, you so airly ,• ao I'll jest art yriu " bow is Misther Dunkin ?" Bad luck 10 Win and his ginger wine, I ray ; but be played a nice caper on me, ea well as a dozen others out in klsovers, the day. " There's twiely minutea for ahuntin ears," ens the conductor, stopping the thraia awl lookin' in upon as where we were ali sailed. " Is there, throat, and followin whole Mitring, like • funeral, over to the first intilligent edifis thist ors • 1, addremein a very decent looksti man Isehind a bar *het had a mut forinen look in the famines nt euythin like a glass or a deeanther. " flinger wine," mes he-•• Dun - can't sell anythin like sperrits ; mete it.' eltiain my left eye • little st the same time. There.* the mug that cheers but doesn't anther yee-a regular jorum of morality and there mote where that woo " °thong of it," ors " and eon rye it tr. Ion charm belies* devil a harmony Emmett I have to pay.' ", Seems* to Dunkin,' OP, 1, snakily • spy- glass of the tumbler, se iihrained It. '• And you take another " Slur end terf," OM ftes he ; • end pm needn't let en by weir brakin the law." " wool have time, ha dr▪ aft you me Aim all at d abut yew." Ent %Smits NOTICE OF REM fiN the lat MAY, the BANK OF 31 NI. will be Removed to the et present oecapicd by the Sank of UPPER rho tmowing property, that is to a Goillegieb, 17th March, 186% ser59ultf of Pommels". h. and Samuel ;oleeotad pen, witoth and Mort- on the the United f'rnontwe n( ? y no" a Writ 01 petty, that la to tiny, TtorteilVro nAtt irled Share. to the mot Town of tiodertels, tiltettliowing soa /loran •114 !triter, 1.3Fiert Fsenta Idaned tio1 „.r.„ .nd ol Common 1 040... 111141 to me tItrr,l,i/ alf*tn•I the no,irem , new lying al the Port olf;init. land. sod teitenbenta of. Jobtep* 1.,t11**". db.k.• rich. numesent,tottethor with •Illine seaside, tlw CHRISTOPHER C 11311., Solicit for lissolveat. -nirsot. -Ayr OT rrilErreaitors uselerrigned sew Refitted 1 to inept nt Ow 4 ..14 Fredrontk 1.'0004.444 Saercter at loove on Villas,. of Southannoon, 1. th. coso•i• 010n on Thursday, In umn day of April. next, 41 •1 the. llom,r 01 ten meets of ho• Oleo's, nal of non. nn 10 whom ne mar 'mike an s• cnoteti1 tomer 11'. Mwe Art Jated .4 S..liptiript.n. se the 1.516 day of arch. 101i.t. FRE NB It PRoUVFOOT.! To Lease. • perticulars, ly (Lir by letter postpaid) to 110011.110 us& Signal 'ORM*. slizairrs SALE 1/nited (*pantie. of DY twine of Iwo ...de ol Ilurom (truce, ILI Vend loon, reponse. and To Wit : "'ter, Farms for menthe .111h, l'onnly of Ontario mod Court tof totin- Plem, end In one directed mrsonet he Orhootor. at the .41111. of, Ina.. h. llowerd •11.1 hove wined end tab., In Earn -moon •11 the right, tole mid 'lectern •oftlie POO dereedent.,11. 0110 to Park lot No. 15,1,ot 3to. to, and to the Stook hell nrid,4 No 6, roe Odin of Qtoren street Noah, les+ of ?matey; !booth hall of le,t 21 nn the limn side of Queen rtlfrelSotilh Paisley, Path lot No. We'd side oftjoseen slireet,Noesh re Airy, loot 14 Mouth soleend 13 nntt 14 North mile ofttenthridm. omen. Paisley North halt of lot 1, East eule of H11,00rtreet,vermtlompion, 50 feet et the 3iorth part of I 01 he. 4, North aide of Hitt Street, Southampton, Ides •nd AO on the North node dr of Norfolk "'trees, Sow heinpron, 1,04.11 awl "". "f "n•Q""ti am Sore, nirents. herndner, tavkle and sphere! Court lionde, in th• Tow', of rico oteh • oe Ire* in fiareiblton all the enisitv of rodent:mon and ..j. 1,„„„„i uss,„ ii„,,,gsaie. `, the hoist , Twelve 0, 'he eloet, twine. Cher interest of the defeedant in •nd 10 the north M. C. CASEKON.. .‘-. JOHN MACDONALD. ti....,...1. town Int moot...run...* Clarendon 'tree. ..7nii Plehellof for Moso;a;thea. MAO" H. 4s/I. e ,,I age I/1 S001 hAnwton, 1. I he Convoy ol Winch tends nod tenement- I shall offer 11 41. Mittel', flierZ !herd!. hJanuery,11166. stet each, on 'Tuesday. the worth day of cs. wane a lay to learn the Tommie Millineries \ JOHN MACDONALD. on. that hoe been at the Irate • year or too pre- Shenc. ft.* It ASUMAN SMITH. Snenfi ',Office. "1 Gewletteh. Mirth 14th, Mg. AIWA 27th March IShb we HORSES WANTED CREDIT SALM THE nwIrrii,frned ..1 toitrot•ter* In ton on the Prift: Stole of the property Oyer! nr.1 to tate adjourned so Monday. the :0111 day of Aprd NOTICE. next. al the Suction Siert of Throvw.n Ao Haste. burst, Kingaton st,,t, iioderien, ott noon. TrtE Onart of Revision for bearing appeals wft 14'1"m' •• Niartativai• haute nf %Ir. Alert. Fiedlay, Lot 18, eon. 5, no Satordey, the Put of Aril, at 10 neloek IN THE MATTER OF WILLIAM • ROBERTO AN INSOLVENT. In• tars each, that the wad Debentures ut Act 10 •th be sealed with the seat of the said Crowns. 4 'hell" re'lutr' Mon. and signed by the said Warders. Pec0ifincl°41117thfra'ecmatrhil7,1 Made peyote, ia tee years at furthest, from Ill. That the said Detsenterea shall 10 The "Ine of ill. sad the day herrio•free mentioned for this Ity ; the whole •11140.4 an' Let to take forret either in London, in Hag moochers in 'oppose ol such land, or some place in Canada to hst designs,. ed in the Britt Dehentlarea. and shall lisv• 14tk day of North, 1015. A. XeNAD11. I V. That the said Debentures wed tee, pone shall be made oft in rieher Sterling money ov Provincial Carlene, of this Pew viime, at the option of the paid S'erden so THE Court of Revision for the Tiorwiliir of that the whoeele,damiho.unh.t roefreaLidniDei.Lerr.u.ses. shall not ex the Stth day of April next, for the purpose id hearigg appeals. against essessment, de. Otoderich, will hot jdoiltissrfi:wift.A.:1;p::.„, Clerk. day 01 July, in each and every. year during payable oon the first dey of January and 0,11 re▪ tool. per AMMO,. which ietereit ahall he . ereb, 20th 1865, • - • • the vInce where the Debentures are made PA sato the mackinaw, et the Subscriber PsVith..:. . hat for the purpose of formiag • Si or lot 19, 10th con., Wiwanosh. about the middle of September last, two !lettere , kt'benterP.LYTtet'hleo,fme'theid."...id. coming 3 years old, one red and white the ' said to become due thereow. wpm' epeeist other block ant white. The owner is requa. tote of foto tenths of a mill in the .4 to Prove Pr"'""rt7 PA' cithrPth And eholl in wide/inn tes all other rates and taxes, them away. ER 1017 1 . .7 3t Immo, levied and collected in each year Miens, Mch Ilth, 1805. solely Noon all the 'menhir, firoperty within ‘i sit ix tin said County of Iluron, during the tootiata Moen of said debentures tor any of them. VI. That this Ity:lew shall take effort • end come into operatinti upon the !Nineteenth day of June. in the year of Gar land 01.0 HE undersigned otter, for sale the following TbOuswiad E/ght Hundred ar.d gsaty-Eiee. pteisc.0, allttaIrl on the Gravel Hood 111 101 mores, 50 of which •re element. el Frame young cowherd - good creek runts.hg through the IN WAWANOSH tarn Arpy THE HA EY FARM! Not.Es horn 0.4o h on the Hero,. TO LET OR SELL, The reasonab bove farm evil be let or olrl on very The we sale it pomponed till Tripods?, the Ith da April Nest. Partnership Notice. AND so PONIES. term of Thorne, and Jahn Harney, Saulde ALEX. FINDLAY. 11R. AD/sM HOPE wee, on the llit Der. ASA het, atImitte.1 • re.trier of the Boone** hitherto Conducted under the firma of Peter nen A Co., of...New York ; and !tor Mimeo, II erne Co. of Hamill- which liwineest (so 3t Trovnahm Clerk, Morrie. Inheerihers will he in Ooderieh et the tone. near Revisekt, ON THURSDAY, APRIL Stb,18115 rimy, 5th seal fith A tril, and at Hayfield on the 0 7te April, to b:r 6 horse*, to bis 15 hands Farm rhinik, he., irty i filler, bend of ealile . PER DOUG!. KSS, an haorretst. high, Th. hiAheat merket pries rood. No grid-, dm *elan, airier. and heifer* ot ,I,d,,,,, anti hereafter Fre (wrier' Oft hy the Wrier. I hear,/ no lom.e. th. "1 • "" •4"111o1 It" New York.and under that of liughissian,llope ' that he hris mode sir mai irm.et iig his Notice. harrows. fanning milli warrgmt. alcoghe, MM., Fetal' and effects ender the elbow set tO OP, 1 * 4, 1 1 he 1)•1 Goods and Grocery Businesses' of Ilia andereigned assignee, end they are re• rpm,: (Inn, „( R„.„,,,i,„ ..,..1 In, h,,,,i„f 'mama of tam, howeenota hirlitnee. Ths 401141 mope aim., ...noon. wo, - removed quired to furnish me within two moothe front 04.0,1...0•00..01., he Iwppy 1,is .00lomit tho morn, to Memillern, led thto nrodersigned will cos- this dam with their elMms, apetifying the i Appeals against the Aesumment, &e., of 'Reeding Perelmeer• °nee the Hardware and Ilea', Goode beeinese @weedy they hold. a sel, awl the vale* or it, Roses Tavern, Smith's Hill, at the hour of 1 Wile :-Ail mom moiler $4 rash • shows at Li-"ainn. in erat""" with thfir Fr*witt .04.4"o*, 014•041 do het ; th• *hot* al- WM, FerssErrnEssr. MA AC BCCRANA X, port of limb times,. A. SPIIOAT, 19th of April, 1345. As the rummer* am online, Mowing, Mors Will the firm of Adam Hops it Co. Township Clerk. Aiterawitrer. ROADMAIPM/1110 WINYSg. Southampton, Match 0, 1335. taissrliigt1"vre;.7w itmeit under the same firnIP in Elector, and Trig creditors of the Insolvent tire Mama taken. aw•2 A. SINCLAIR 1 Co. ages, Tad home. ‚moor 3 care old --one of leo o'clock, A. M. eon wormaseAr, the thin soneent 10 nieethe emdrt •171ereo`d eons Pertime there, wt. Chariot/owe ope,nuder meted ender oath, eith ea. euaemm, np. • COLBORNE fn FIn(“). 82:on rash, hantoce in time. This laud to of et yroVettt 10.111y, with shout 60 acres clewed, wthin 6 MO, tioderich, 4 el which •ris giavelled. As ply to Goacrich, March 61 1865. &Mit 8. NOTICE. THE proverehip fie mono. lime etisting be- & toren Matthew R. Dodd. and John S. Ireloml, as Tanners, In the Village of Ain- leyville, is this day diseased by mate& cos - tient Ail &lenders to the fete firm ahall be fol. leeted he Mmthew ft. Dodds. and all linhilt. tie* of the same to the present date, shall be leridstrd hr.. the slime perty. Wilma* Mir hands this 6th day of thoeh, 1Q65. 3011S WILSON KKItit. St Insolvent Act of 1 4. REFERRED TO IN THE FORE. Sewn Thoneenil Dol:nra to be Permitted on the ealhOrtve awl Ashriele lt,ed, eons - mowing •t A. Allen's Tavern, going North. Four Thouvind Dollare on the Mei! ?load. Stephen, between hots Ten and Eleven, toninieneing at the London Road. One Thousend the Extension ot the Hay Gravel Itowl. Three Tbousond Six Hundred Dollars we the Seeforth 'toed. commencing at Days' 7'aeern, going North to Heinen*. Two l'hoveand Fonr Hundred Dollars on the line between the Eighth and Ninth Coo- eeesimbs of Herrick, commenting at Itay's Twos Tionsesid1/ellare on the Clinton •-,4 Tarenty Four to the Concession Ann ue- tee the higthlt end Ninth, and thews along id Line to the Side Lee ',clew', Lout T nty arid Twenty Ono, •nd thews along sa' SidoLine to the Boundary Line et -the County. (truce within the said Counts r HE creditors of the i.ndersigeo.i are notified II to most at the Ise office of Jams" Sheer ‘ineletr. in the fawn of fioderich, lemur da' the firit cloy of Apr.I new, st twelve um/1nm, to whom he may mem amign. moot notrier,the shave Act. Doted st Mho Villa. of (linter., in the C,onnty Harms, tha otersed day of Mandl, J. A. SINCLAIR. N ICE THE alarms is • true of • proposed Sr 1 Law to be taken into' bl the Mtedeipality of the Fated remotes MP 11 B at the Count Court Reams 4.‘, the town of tiodeinelt on the Comity of Heron on the Seventh day ot June. Isfie, at the hoar of three o'clock, in AO afternoon, at which time awl plebe this onion- attead for the'pworme aforesaid. PETER ADAMSON. Cogratiee' Omit. County Clerk's "rifle., TO LET. THAT linen and Shop Vile neespirrl Mr. R. 1"gion. rationale,* 1M April. tioderreh, Muth 210.1365. For Sale Cheap. Caterich.thoteleer M. 1144. ew