The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-03-10, Page 3Thursday, March 10th, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
ported missing, many of them believ
ed dend- Widespread, looting was re-
ported, and Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz
ordered1 deputy sheriffs to patrol all
outlying areas,, with orders to “shoot
to kill.”
■i Ca'arai
V •
Great Damage Done to
Famous Toronto Church
Toronto — A three-alarm fire des
troyed the interior of historic Jarvis
Street Baptist Church and did exten
sive damage to the stone walls. One
fireman was injured when part of the
roof fell on him and a fire truck was
damaged when pne of the towers col
lapsed on it. The loss was estimated
at $400,000,
Urges Nazification Without Violence
Vienna — Austria’s Hitler-approved
minister of the interior, Arthur Seyss-
Inquart, urged Nazis to work peace
fully for Nazification of the -country.
Violence must be avoided, he admon
ished. He urged them tto work
through the Fatherland Front a group
acknowledged by Chancellor ' von
| British Navy to. Spend
Over $618,000,000
London ~~ Great Britain completed
the picture of what this year’s share
will be of the duty, in the words of
Prime Minister Chamberlain, to
“make Britain so strong nobody will
dare attack her.” The Admiralty an
nounced the Royal Navy needed
$618,535,000 to maintain its watch ov
er Empire territory and trade
throughout the globe. Total war of
fice, estimates are $1,809,925,000.
Brantford Industrialist Dead
Brantford — Frank Cockshutt, a
widely known industrialist, President
of the Slingsby Manufacturing Com
pany and a Past President of the
Cockshutt Plow Company, died here.
Probe Japs of B. C.
Ottawa —■> Prime Minister Macken
zie King said the departments con
cerned were now considering their
recommendations for personnel of
the board of Review to be constitut
ed to investigate the Japanese prob
lem in British Columbia and particu
larly to inquire into allegations of il
legal entry of Japanese into Canada.
Transport Probe Told to Hurry
On the ground that the present
Royal Commission inquiry into On
tario’s transportation problems is
costing the Province entirely too
much money, Attorney-General Con
ant, with the approval of the Hepburn
Cabinet, has directed Mr. Justice
Chevrier, Commissioner in charge of
the investigation, to conclude his
work “at the earliest possible date
and with the minimum- of expense.”
Liberals Retain Hamilton Seat
Hamilton — Carrying every poll
ing subdivision in tlie large riding,
John Newlands retained the Hamilton
Centre riding for the Hepburn Gov
ernment when he was elected by a
substantial majority in a three-corn
ered fight.
Kruschen Salts Brought Lasting
Ordinary headaches are bad enough
but they are as nothing compared to
the awful pains of neuritis in the
head, says this woman, Read how
Kruschen completely banished the
“I had neuritis in the head and the
right arm, I suffered untold agony
with my head, and I dare not think
what might have happened had it con
tinued. Everybody knoVvs what a
headache is like, but it is as nothing
compared with the awful pain of
neuritis in the head. I spent sleepless
nights tossing with pain. I began tak
ing Kruschen Salts, and after some
months of the treatment I have ef
fected lasting relief.”-—(Mrs.) L.M.
Neuritis, like rheumatism and sciat
ica, frequently has its roots in intes
tinal stasis (delay) — the unsuspect
ed accumulation in the system of
harmful waste matter, which leads to
the formation of excess uric acid.
Two of the ingredients of Kr-uschen
Salts have the power of dissolving
uric acid crystals. Other ingredients
of Kruschen assist Nature to expel
these dissolved crystals through the
natural channels.
board but forgot about the shell in
the barrel.&
Suggest T.B. Area Plan for Huron
The question of a restricted area
plan for Hyron County cattle will be
brought before the County Council at
its June session, it was decided at the
annual meeting of the Huron-Perth
Shorthorn Breeders’ Club at Clinton.
A committee will present the question
to County Council. A second resolu
tion adopted by the meeting was one
recommending that all beef offered
for sale over the counters be labelled
as to grades. It was said, in the res
olution, that the purchasing public
has no assurance of the quality at the
present time.
Given Work to Help Pay Damages
A Mildmay motorist did a lot of
damage to the railing on the provinc
ial highway in the Voigt flats, The
machine went on the rampage on the
icy pavement, and before it could be
brought to-a standstill, fourteen rail
ing posts had been knocked over, Ov
erseer Hossfeld gave the local man a
job assisting to repair the railing, to
reduce the bill of costs.—Mildmay
‘ You may open an account for as small a sum
as $1.00, and receive interest.
. Britain Must Have Honorable Peace
London — Great Britain will not
“submit to peace .at :any’.price,”. Home
Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare assured
a Chelsea Conservative meeting. “The
Government has .no intention of sup-
. porting any peace in Europe that is
not peace with 'honor," :he said.
Militant German Pastor Held
Berlin — Rev. Martin Niemoeller,
rallying point of Protestant opposi
tion to Nazi efforts to dominate the
church, has been sent to a concentra-
camp by the German Secret
despite his being set free by ;a
Dominion Must Approve
Water Diversion
Ottawa — Permission of the Do
minion Government must be obtained
before -waters flowing into Hudson
Bay may be legally diverted to the
St. Lawrence watershed, according to
a return tabled by Prime Minister
Mackenzie King in the Ho-use of
Japan Wants Naval Reduction
Tokio -— Foreign Minister
Hirota urged world naval reduction
by abolition of all capital warships in
a renewed bid for friendship with .the
United States. “As long as we .fully
understand each other,” Hirota .told
a Parliamentary Budget Committee,
“I am confident there will be no
trouble between Ja’pana and the Unit
ed States.”
C.N.R. Deficit Disclosed
Ottawa — Deficits of the Canadian
National Railways from 1922 to 1936
inclusive totalled $526,302,014 and un
paid interest due the Government on
Ioans advanced to the railways am
ounted to $492,-691,'4'00, making a to
tal for the fifteen .years of $1,018,933,-
414. This was disclosed in a return
tabled by Transport Minister Howe
in the House of 'Commons.
Kdki Calgary Won’t Help Lakehead Men
Calgary —' An army of Hungry,
homeless men, .given rail transporta
tion by Port Arthur City Council in
an effort to solve the problem of
what to do with them, have ■ now
found their way here and authorities,
Provincial and civic, have flatly re
fused to give them relief.
Social Credit 'Given Set-Back
by Court
Ottawa — The Social Credit edifice
of Premier William Aberhart of Al
berta was considered to. be in legal
danger .as a -result of decisions of the
Supreme tCourt of Canada. In unani
mous judgments six Judges of the
court ruled that three Alberta
relating ’.to ^credit regulation,
taxation and newspaper control
iuncortsitiitutional. In addition
Greater Aid for Veterans
Ottawa—When Parlia'ment approv
es the amendment to the War Veter
ans’ Allowance Act, that legislation
“will be broader in its -scope and more
generous in its terms than-similar-leg
islation in any other’ country,” Pen
sions Minister Power told the House
of Commons.
Hepburn Wants Greater Share
•of Income Tax
Right of the Dominion Government
to participate in the collection of in
dividual income taxes will be chall
enged before the Royal Commission
■on .Dominion-Provincial Relations,
Premier Mitchell Hepburn indicated.
Returning a visit made to Mm by
United States diplomatic delegation
agreed the Dominion ‘retained1 power
to disallow Provincial legislation and
Lieutenant-'Governors to reserve as?
sent to bills.
Talked With Hitler
London — Prime Minister Chamb
erlain’s policy of seeking European
appeasement through megotiations
took a new exploratory turn when
Sir Neville Henderson, Ambassador
to Berlin, saw Chancellor ’Hitler and
Joachim von Ribbentrop, German
Foreign Minister.
•‘.U.S. .to Continue Defense Plan
•Washington — Secretary of State
•Cordell Hull reiterated that the Unit
ed States will join a common move
ment .for reduction of armaments, but
intends do continue its “adequate” na
tional'defense program in the face of
world unrest and war-like prepara-
' tions.
in 1934, the turbaned Sultan of Mus
cat and Oman, an Arabian monarch,
embarked -on a round of festivities at
Washington March 3rd. He was daz
ed somewhat by ‘.the size of the recep
tion accorded Erm upon arrival at the
capital. He is now on a world tour.
Lemon Grown in Lucknow
On display at The Sentinel office
is a monster lemon, measuring ten
inches in circumference, grown in
Lucknow at Solomon’s Greenhouse.
The lemon tree on which it grew, is
about feet high, and has grown
from a seed planted by Clarence
Murdie, while in Listowel, a few'years
ago.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Left For New York
Miss Betty MacKenzie of Langside
a student nurse at Bruce County Hos
pital at Walkerton, left for New York
where she will receive part of her
training at Fordham Hospital in The
Bronx, with which the Walkerton
training school is affiliated. Miss
MacKenzie will spend six months
there beforg returning to Walkerton
to complete her three-year term. —
Lucknow Sentinel.
We pay on 5-year Guaranteed Invests
Applications invited for first mortgage or
collateral loans.
Even after the head of the house can no
longer look after the family’s financial af
fairs, The Grey and Bruce Trust will carry
on. May we show you the advantages of a
trust, or assist you with your will problems?I *•.
For less than one cent a day you can assure
safety for your bonds, insurance papers,
: deeds, etc.
Choir Member for Half a Century
’S. M. Sanders has retired from the
•choir of James Street United church,
Exeter, after fifty-three years of ser
vice, with the exception of a few brief
intervals. He served
under eight
lock on the
Kincardine Rink Booth
Mara-uders broke .the
door at the booth in the rink and al
most made a complete clean-up on the
stock5 kept there by Jack “Shaggy#’
MacDonald. All that remained was a
box of chocolate bars which appar
ently had not been seen.—Kincardine
O. A. Fleming,
Owen Sound, Ont..
O. E. Manning,
(Established 1889)
. Trotsky Supplied "WithfSoviet Money
Moscow — Nearly >$1,000,000 filch
ed from 'Soviet 'Government .funds has
been -smuggled into ithe 'hands of
Leon Trotsky, exiled 'warlord, to fin-
■ ance his intrigues .for a 'new Russian
revolution and murder plots against
Josef V. ’Stalin .and .other iKremlin
leaders, it was admitted ‘in tthe trea
son trial -of ‘21 Bolsheviks.
California Has Worst Storm
In History
Los Angeles — The rto‘11 of 'dead
and missing in Southern 'California’s
worst storm disaster in history soared
past the250 mark as rescue -crews dug
through mud and debris for 'bodies of
victims over a flood-slashed area of
30,000 square miles. There were 104
known dead, and more than 150 re-
Will Not Surrender Income Tax
Ottawa—The Federal Government
win not surrender revenue from in
come taxation to the Proyinces, Hon.
Norman 'McLeod Rogers, Minister of
■Labor, plainly indicated to the House
.of {Commons.
be necessary. Investigating, police
found Mr. :and Mrs. Holt were pre
paring to. go to Grand Bend to obtain
yarn to .finish a sweater. Mrs. Holt
was fully dressed, and was seated
holding their two-year-old baby when
she asked her husband to get a sam
ple of yarn from the drawer. Notic
ing the old revolver, the husband be
gan to examine it. He emptied the
magazine and cartridges on the side-
Has Third Fire
For the third time since its con
struction a few years ago, the home
of Dr. A*. E. H. Couch, Queen Street,
was threatened by fire. Like it pre
decessors, the blaze broke out in the
chimney and was noticed almost im
mediately. The firemen made .a quick
response to the alarm and put <mt the
blaze bfore it made much headway.-
Kincardine News.
Broke Into Kincardine Dairy
Forcing entry into Murray Broth
ers’ dairy, Kincardine, thieves stole
loose' silver and coins which had been
left in the cash drawer. Police be
lieved the thieves hoped to secure the
day’s receipts, most of which were
locked away. The robbery took place
between closing hours in the after
noon and midnight.
Admits Guilt, Given Suspended
When Jack Leaman, 16-year-old
boy convicted of perjury one week
ago and remanded to jail for sentence
stood before Magistrate J. A. Mak
ins at Goderich, he said he had had
a change of heart. Convicted last
week after pleading not guilty neces
sitating a two-hour trial, he confessed
he had lied under oath and was sor
ry for it. “I am very glad' you have
taken the stand you have. All along
I was convinced you were giving false
evidence to protect your step-father,”
commented the magistrate. “I am told
you have a good record and a very
good reputation, and I have no hesi
tation in suspending sentence. I hope
you now realize that when you are
under oath you must tell the truth.
TAe Long Life Lamps **
tChaniberlain’s Plan Strikes Snag
London—Prime Minister Chamber
lain’s plan to bargain with Italy fac-
<ed :a stunibling block through a rap
idly .developing clash within the Eur
opean Non-Intervention Committee
-over withdrawal of foreign fighters
■from .'Spain.
CWApw of <Wr Ump9Houle
Wingham Utilities Commission
Phone 156.
of the
Bruce County Students Visit Ottawa
Miss Dorothy Irwin, of Kincardine,
and Robert McMaster, of Wiarton,
are the high school students from
Bruce County who will this week go
to Ottawa as guests of W. R. Tom
linson, M.P. for Bruce, and Mrs.
Tomlinson. Under a plan of traveling
scholarships inaugurated last year by
Mr. Tomlinson, two pupils from
county schools make the trip to the
capital as his guests and see Parlia
ment in session and visit points of
historic interest. Pupils arc chosen
by their fellow students;
Grand Bend Woman Fatally Shot
Mrs, Erwin Holt, 19, formerly
Haizcl Marriotte, was accidentally
killed Friday at her home near Grand
Bend when’’ a revolver in the hands
of her husband was accidentally dis
charged. Provincial Constable Mc
Coy and County Constable Ferguson,
of Goderich, investigated, together
with Constable W. B, Oliver, Grand
Bend. They ruled it was a case of
accidental death. Coronet Dr, Weeks
of Exeter, said an inquest would hot
with COLDS
** - Crush 3 “Aspirin"
“ Tablets in glass
of water—gargle
twice every few
Take 2
"Aspirin” Tab
lets with a full
Class of water.
The speed with which “Aspirinw
tablets act in relieving the distressing
symptoms of colds and accompany
ing Sore throat is utterly amazing
... and the treatment is simple ana
pleasant. This is all you do. Crush
ami dissolve three “Aspirin” tablets
lfa one-third glass of water. Then
oarglc with this mixture twice, hold*
fag your head well back.
This medicinal gargle will act
almost like a local anesthetic on the
sore, irritated membrane of your
throat. Paineasespromptlyjrawness
is relieved.
• “Aspirin” tablets are made in
Canada. “Aspirin” is the registered
trade-mark of the Bayer Company#
limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look
for the name Bayer in the form of
a cross on every tablet.
and Get
Walkerton Jailer Dies
! Bruce county jailer, Victor Bell,
died unexpectedly at his apartments
in the county building. He had been
ill for only a few hours and died from
the effects of a heart attack. Mr. Bell
was appointed to the office of jail
governor in February, 1934. Previous
to that he had been in the garage
business and had been a resident of
Walkerton for the greater part of his
life. He was born in Goderich in Ap
ril, 1897, and enlisted when 17 years
of age and served overseas in the
Great War. After being discharged
he returned to Walkerton in 1919 and
has resided there since. His father
and four brother also enlisted in the
war, one brother being killed in ac
Brussels Man Killed in Spanish War
Word was received by telegram of
the death of James Ernest Cochrane,
33, who was killed in action in Spain.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Cochrane of 16th concession, Grey
Township. He was one of seven
members of the Mackenzie-Papineau
Battalion recently killed fighting for
the government forces on the Teruel
front. He left Windsor, where he
was at that time living, last May, to
join the international brigade. He
leaves to mourn his death, his wife,
a former Moncrief girl, his father,
mother and sister, Mrs, William Ev
ans, Brussels,
New Town Hall Opened
Hanover’s town hall, destroyed
fire January 27 last year, has been
built and was' officially opened
Mayor A. J. Metzger and the coun
cil. A concert sponsored by the Wo
men’s Institute, drew a capacity
crowd. The program consisted of
numbers by each of the local church
es and the Girl Guides
Shop by
The weather doesn’t count when you have a telephone.
Just lift the receiver and the butcher, the baker, the
candlestick maker all ate ready to serve you <*- just
another instance of the part the telephone plays in
smoothing your every day. Nothing else gives so
much in convenience, comfort and safety, for so little.