Huron Signal, 1865-3-2, Page 2*won Agul.
GOD Ede H. C. w., FEL, 28, 1865.
Errol, vieNsrt.
The large number of penone who are
announced each work in the Gaa.Ue and
local papers as Inwlreote dors not speak
well for the general prosperity of the
sourery. The* cru be no question about
the fact that a duller tiwo for business
has very seldom been experienced in this
country. It is well known that this is, or
shoal," be, under ordinary circumstances,
the very busiest. and best season of this
year, and yet the cry from the merehauta
throughout the country ie about the lulyd
tines, the scarcity of money, and the con-
sequent inability 00 the pet of hundreds
of honest traders to meet their engage.;
'bents. T to cause May be traced indi-
rectly to the depre sing influence of the
Ameticnn War, combined with ',hurt
crops and unrenwnerutive prices Thou-
sands ul'our farwern, when the times were
better, were ipduced to enter into specu-
lations • ts which necesei-
s and improvements t
tat d in ■*1 evil day the mortgage of their
farms is order to rand motley, others_
have been/breed iuw borrowing money to
secure s temporary- relief, and now it takes
all that can be spared to pay up the inter-
mit from year n. year. Ileuce tnde.rneit s
bills are frequently neglected, and hence
• right to anordeareate. In feet, so
amount of sophistry can hide the fact that
this Amalgamation Bill weans much
more limit anything in the present act
weekf admit of -more than a ample ar-
nagetueut for carrying purposes It means
els permanent pomwioo of important
porta, with the power to dogtrot indirectly
the shipping interests of those ports -it
means that one company may buy out -the
other at a fixed pries -it embodies a char-
ter to build a bridge -it gives " unlimit•
ed power to raise capital for Undertakings
which furs, no part pf the original set,"
and therefore is iunneaeurably beyond
anything possible outside of special legis -
leave enactment. It appeared probable
that the Bill would go to the Railway
committee, and it ie just pow ible that it
may become law despite the earnest pro-
test of Upper Canada, although auguiue
members hope for its defeat.
' The Bruce County Town.
As we anticipated, the Bruce County.
.Town question was not settled by the
vote in tater of Paisley. at the meeting
u o.-
held its Kincardine about a month ago: -
At that meeting 4 committee wait appoint-
ed to report upon the beat eite_f'ur the
.Couuty Buddin;•n, which report wan. ,
at a meeting of tli• Provisional Counet '.
held, et Paisley on the 21st and 22nd
insta when it was wooed its amend.
went the numerous case/ of insolvency. It is wen Mr. Sutton, That the report of
a rad thing to witne,ts many of uur best 1 the ComtUittee be not adopted, but that the
business wen shaking before the blast, erection of xhe County Buildings be inl-
and adder still t° ser of rs falling prone utdiately put/ceded with at \V.Ikerton.
and helpless. It'woeld be so bad if The vote was taken and the amendment
there were any proeprct u twwedt,de1declared carried, the division being, .
relief, but we think there ie every ream I For the Amendment, Messrs. Sutton,
to fear that lime' will not iwpr��ve� simmer I Rises, sLllar, 'lenity re, Jnhn'tun, 'Mar.
next tell. It'e earnestly aJllis.. liter -
caudle melt w exerci.c the greaten pistil- tin, Corrigan,. llogg, Fieber,- Wilson;
ble caution, and to bu+band their r. .ter- Kribs, llruclebank and Purvis -13.
ces for a day ofstill severer trial. Tu t I For the Report, 'Meagre. Valentine,
who are doing a small but safe busirsie7•i Luta i N'
we feel warranted its saying : 11e advises deo, AJ tali llobbi Nicholson,
" leave well alone " and thereby avoid the"‘Wallace, Gallia, Scott,• A iunou and
rock.' upon which others are continually choaIes-IU.
Baking ahipwnek. '.
'A Building Commitee t was a toted,
cons flog of Moors. Sut on, Millar,
e :rated T .'h.
■ till 1
Accidents o
Johnston, Corrigan, n Row and the 1'u
tP b ,
The frequency of accident or It serious den ex Officio. •The contract was sigrl<ed
nature on the Grand 'Trunk Railway is at Walkerton on the 23rd, Air. Eliiot(
becoming a aouree of alarm to the travel -1 the 000tracwr, binding himself to finish
lint; public. Hardly a week pause now i the .Jail by ptember, 1865, and the
- without sowe tiniest' tip. Some time ago' Court Haase by September, IstiG.
a train tumbled over an embankment .\owfur the
Rear Mlontreel, happily without Ings of
life, and only a week ago an express thin
nn off the truck near l'etersburg by sr A Tool T,I to tux.
which the ears were hurled down an
1 observe that many of peenewepnper men
embankment forty feet high, injuring are disei.rsinz what yyu are pleased a, salt
many of the passenger seriously and the 3i'rer Nuisence, and depre ng the pres-
several fatally, it is fears. Amongst the enre of such vast yuantitii-o of he shining
latter was Nassau C. Gowan, }sal., of metal its Canada. Now, sir, per t mo to
Toronto, whose spine is broken, and who k'1 forth the views of r large elem. ( which
vs/ 1
I regret to br . to say
1 may cal m It a
cannot seibl recover. We also notice
P° Y
that one gentleman from the township of
�'bw tsllwe%Nasfemeee.
{Ireeentalirc tarn) whkh is troubled �(Itb
t Silrrr Nuiasnae its •vert dlli .rut
Paisley Hellen and another from l atnl arc
y nee; that u to .alar, by its tutu/ wbsewre.
among the Injured. Any one who hag 1 have o very , a'ble means of support ; 1 am
traveled over the Grand Trunk during not taxed on •n income, however small : 1
the past six months must have observed hue no balance to my credit its the Il. /1.,
the wretched condition of the toad. In- and yet for alt that 1 bold myselt to be a
deed the only wonder is that accidents of I person of enlarged mews• refined tastes, and
• mon deplorable nature aro not of daily I feel that 1 Wssrss an immense undryelogsed
wealth of • t reri•ti
occurrence. The track requires Meuse -
appreciation om of the good thin;(.' of
life, but on account of this confounded Stever
diate attention and repair, and we trust
that some steps may be taken to protect
the interest. of the public in a matter
IIII r,. -*snore ,amens ameilaWlll■IIs I.I11r null 111111111 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 1111111
Levees So0js .-We hare received the Very Latest War Nowe bowl (iuveesmest of Om L *ted States
Christmas number of this beautiful m►g►sine
never uer ditly or incountenancedtly countenanced my
from Messrs. Chewett A Co., the enterprising IMPORTANT MOVEMENT I of the many attempts the have been made
. f
Lee said to be Comte Mouth.' of British Colonise, to resist the parent ate / —Dr. H. -Yore letter will appear u
booksellers. o
fT III t
since our existence as • nation, un the part '
urouw. t u a
& audio
ebony, •.t•ou;4 the storm of rebellion bed, our neat.
sprightly Christmas and Valentine stories,
embellished with itlwtratiurs such as have Ntw Yang, Feb. 27. -The Herald's James at various times, raged from caned. to India.
secured fur the book • steudiug reputation laver correspondent suites that Gen. lee Thu seutimeut was vociferates', applauded. - A letter addressed to lite "editor
wherever the Eugluh 1•ntuage a apolen amd
•I ummrut at R'chmuuJ •red •
number of I. •ndou Society o1 etersburg. A large part of the newt army is • show that the .lentis l pure s arms
bio gone southward to conduct the opentiow of the huriu Sinal" hu reached this
1 of sepulture Sherman, I..,.,., 'h- ,.', l Jew • Itttselan Tragedy. 9
I'o' $ f whiol seems w be to
office, the object
is ale to
English art appreciated. The Feb Johnston o c
laud ' The niculan of two fearful crimes, 1 . hill' b
from the same s,,urce, and is just as lettered. .round It'chment had, on Saturdaylest, which are announced as having occurred
have nut been burned by tucendiaries, as
chatty and beanidul se ever. Copies may be been un.fer ;aaerhtnf eiders for severrday., in Russia, have beets publiabed in St.
had til Mr. Mourbuuse. . u,4 a cuu.a lerable tk(mber et rebel troops Petersburg; and there is thus a mama., supposed ; but as no onus is attached to
' are believed to bare , n disralehed to act ble warranty fur truth, though it is hard', this ruttier obscurely -written iuunudu, we
` .ems Jeugns to believe its such fearful human deprsvi should be very sorry w allow such au
and a add teatund t as is d. acted its the snort narrative.-'
ter add teat In the village of Scha scha, in the govern- I attack u whit we believe to be •ala
the peuplr K P spectable family through our columns.
tobacco Went of Kasen, a short time since, a hawk•
drys. er of precious stuffs and jewellery stopped
Ginn' for March is before us with the
unfailing punctuality which Lae always
,yturkrd the delivery if this fevorite
Lady's Book. It is, a metal, admirably ; tit the former piece to hure th
6uished its every department, mud rltould •red "th"r 11010* ermuret eithiu to
Tw th. 1 u th ib
ritualist Shari man. Repo
to shortly •in uJon Pettish
are re ported, and des.-rtrn
notice bio been given by him '
bis for the night at the house of a peasant
The Perceutage on`l'rewluine.
be in• the xssussio" of everylad} who '► s•.v t m this • e ar t e
I 1 been f+kris from the l'etersburd bate 5, who woe aberut. The peasant's wife, Ir is proper to explain, with reference
wiehtf to.know what is doing in the linty sutficteut being left to 1e'P uP •feedogsled by the sight of all the tine things to the letter from 51r. Mostly, in our last,
world of fashion. , For gale by Moorbouse. fur se.eraii h...,.. lww 1.4,, .edr'mco 'ens g• hick the hawker had brought with him, that the resolution, 1u paasal, specified as
11'EOTMt'iTER Itz% lKW -The enter Jay aid Fri.ry last by the °praising guns Its ki d laity with a hatchet w he slept, bid fo•low+: " On premiums to the sant of
in the loft anJ the smalls under
prising pnLluhers L. Scott & Co., N. Y, front et Petersburg, the casualties, however. the y g 15,00 w 310,00 tee r cent., and from
were few and the tiring appeals to have had the 1 The peasant's child, a little per
have sunt us the No. for January, It ie uo result ul' iwpnrtance. • gild of 6 years old, had, however, seen 110,00 upwards 8ltueu per cent." Had
unquestionably the ablest of all the famous Richmond papers continue very boastful in all, and whe . her lather returned she ran the resolution appeared in full we think
reviews -ever article being worth of tome, and appear coubdeuu of an overwhelm- tuwurds him • d told him with all the
Y e Y Hr. Mosel), would nut have been so ap
peruiell, .and challenging the fuhett
thought and investigation. The cnntens
are-:-Taine's History of English Litera-
ture": Contemporary Writers ; The I The Liverpool Post of Feb. 10th, tave :--
SeldomSeiunof Lau h• age u ; Hamlet ; Te A codecuon of uthrnal papers sera published
�1 pe
Intellectual Development of Europe; yesterday concerning Nreth Atueriean affairs.
nig &teat 1ur shernan, whose dour 111.7 be eu••rrncss of ch • hood, treat they nor
of fine things which prehcnaive of injury to the society. It
whose head het has been • complaint of long standing that
pooled upmo se sealed.
ptueeeeed a queen
Official! Papers relating to belonged to the peel
America.' Aiiairs. mother had cut off, noel wse bud she a few poles bare bin able, Geretoforo, Reeds. )lean. Brookman, Agent of the
telt a deep intermit in the formation of serooded awfweeled, that the said report be -
a Joitw Stock ('uwpaoy for thegurpoee of not peened, foe two "gowns : realm, that ta'
building a losriug and grist to the should base bseu preesalmt at t1s late ureal
vicinity of Luog•uuun. wsetiug ; sed wound, that tbers was already
The meeting was addle/end by R. •branch wcNl) exi■bluhed im tee towfekip
of Hay. It might halve been supposed that
Clendening, Fina Mallough, Mr. Sang. the Directors *Geld hare been willing to lure
and others, all sheaving the beet/tits iris- lent • helping hand to encourtge row begin•
log out of the erection of s.Altll at Dun- tiers ; •td ,resit;, seiug that the applicant•
gxin000, were wooly Dutchmen, who are tot sappwed
to be well ;mated up in the law. and
It was resolved, that before soy d;6- tit' for country, hers tried 10 remove my little
nits/ action be token that this meeting be difficulties out of the way, than hue taken •
adjourned until Wednesday, etb March stubborn nand upon • legal fortualir). Still,
next, to give all iuterested au opportunity it tee Stawts relating lis these nauen W tint
ono u( them that a • u of bursts can be
of expressing their views. W
driven through, the Ent reason was, rh•prea
It a expected that every nue favorable •valid nue. plot the second rersou is; wider
to the enterprise will be at Mr C. IJ,aul's t e c'rcumnaorra •very strange ore ; mud.
Hotel, Duu anuou, iso Wednesdayev'in
K n l think hind the Directors beim aware of all
ul'ILe cth pros. at 74 o'clock.
the teem, they would nut have mentioned it.
A currcspa.deut of toe " Huron Signal "
Aarmal R. IIPag of lbs (iuderach who gave your readers • descriptlus tit the
Branch Blble Socket y. last Fall ahuw of the Hy Branch hgrical•
tural Also irtiun,nated tbat he was earprieed
Tilt Annual Meeting of the Bible to hem that it was called the Hay Show, ft r .
Society was held in the Wesleyan Church be ase vey Gale of ply rabum it. The
stir web held in Unburte 'from
and jibes..
ee gnat
of this town pat evening, (23rd). The
bulk of the ex Libitum eawe'fromTuckenmith
attendance was fair, but by no means as ad Am)) to hu statewauta,
1 sea • wrry 1014 atom, •reel a very gouty
large as the unportauce of the oocasi10 place fur • ahuw t but the RRme was a mts-
dewanded. Sheriff McDonald occupied nomer,uad should be called the 7 uclemm�h,
the chair. On the platfr:n we noticed llabo t and Hy Cuiur B. A. A If eke
IRreeton were aware of all this, they move
e• A plontuo re.atr• ' I the raid ut Southerner
l re in Poland; l troumatanlial I:vi- beneath, Canadn.n frontes at St Aintree, in
deuce ; " tt'hatever is, is Itigett ;" Rail- Vermont. The first disptIvI on the attljeci
is from lord Lyu..s, d 'ted lh•wber 19. The
Minister had wet lieteral flit at dinner that
eyeing at New York. During dinner the
lieu received news el the raid, stet toll lord
Lynas of the orders he had sent to pursue Ike
meters, if a^cess.ur, into Canada. Lord
Leona pointed out the danger of this course,
tied telegraphed to our legation directint•Mr.
urnley to see. Mr. Seward. • Loud Lyons
• General Dix sea very trank and Ire
el "trammel the most conediator ' ten-
Araouut as the outrage was reported
C median authorities 'Fey did every
their power to arrestytb, perpetrators,
' ward. on the flat of October, ea•
;way Reform ; Contemporary 1.iWtature.
-Fur sale at the SIGNAL OlEue Hook Snare,
The proceedings of Parliament durin
the few days past have nut been invested
with much general int`rest, b gond the
fragtncntary debate on Confederation. )y
Front the general tone of the speaker' the lint
mcuaure, we infer, will piss without
tbh.d it
amendment, and as our oonteutpornry of ; and Mr.
toe Hamilton Times says, we here nothing Fere."
y tieIt.
had LiJJen in the lett. T e father stern- to take away s large majority of the Sucy' WGiti•r f'
ly upbraided the wile, but i • short tawd premiums d if this is true, we' think it } Iwuai, (". Fletcher, 11. Ure, and A.
the woman's 'emery Lad tri to had over Alackid.
ta le t test w leave
tioraasw b o ask 4
weakness hedisplayed. •in that
s tit
The a t w s bythe
g L �nnu I Report was read
what sea+ done could not be un a tie, and, -a percentage of the mosey IO withJrawu
that Lw wife moat be saved at all s., in the treasurer's hands. It will be seen last pawed rev. gentleman. It attributed
be resolved to get rid of the • •'. little. that premiums under 15,00 remain us- the comparative wast of success of this
girl, and ,the eawe night t. a' touched. branch of the society w a lack of unity' of
wood, .veer. he intro . - - \iM I - - - - ^I sentiment and rffurt on the part of the
TVAW'A\UMH. Christian people of the town.
the ho ,e that she
The tears, c
Ler i
W leave he
Id perish of cold.
oars, and supplications o
the chit ere t m much tor haw, and he The following are the office -bearers
Paolitutttor. - The vote was taken s eeied for the currxut year -President,
ret - ed home with her -his fearful pur- the t4 -Law framed on this temperance 3. Pollock, Esq., let Vice President, Rev
uunccompltshed. The mother was
pitiless. She heated the oven, and into It 1 Ac f I St;l, on tl coinLeday aod '1'hurr R. 1Vhitiag,' ...le ,Rev. C. F'Iether, 3n1,
she thrust her helpless uffepriug. The • day. The polling, which was unattended Rev. Mr. Shaw, Secy. Duff C..ineroti,
crime was discovered the next day, and the! by any ial excaielse.1, resulted as fol. Treaa, end librarian, ./no. 1 'wan, F;+ q.
unnatural mother oh:, apprehended. 'fhe; lows;-- Committee is composed of the foregoing.
father had hanged hiutselt' and was tumid! Fee the . .. 225
Mr. Bundre, tit our legation, his suspended by the police. • together with Rrv'ds. blesses. Ute, )lar.
!action with the proceedings.- ! Against 97 kid, Kerr, Elwood, and Ilagh Jehu•tone,
for it but to take things as they some, in'unMcenniden
the hope that Confederation will confer all !dim' judge u•
the blessings upon us that have been ^nei't tee iutelh
were discharged by the ('tuna- ilorai Pss.+roeno.-The rage for npecdr' - U. Gordon, Jno, lair, U. Kerr, 'r 1L U.
'ember the 141h. 'The mo• tion amongst tree Amertcaus, m connection' Majority for ) '
rare of the release reached with this civil war and its surrounds. has ea• Cameron, Jas. Thomson.
. After Aeon but pointed speeches by
similar ittea
I New link Gen ix issued his celebrated or teudrd to the passport system. lieges had'
liter; end the publi 'reenter un both sides the dollars hate had their day; begis;;reenbacks, Atoll
St. Lawrence beers
On tbe.19tb ot Oct.
ntcatrd W Mr. Sar •
e unGutunatrly irritated.
r i.- rel Lyons commie
• note trues lord
ahinpiestrn and nickel cents are grorwg
stair as matters of tact, and have heed re I Di'ttKIN'tl ACT -A
placed kr his%us passports. About • *eel I
Dd for and againstand t
Itev'dx Aleser& Elwood and Whiting, the
resp. -The (gill-
ill-. chairman ealld upon Mr. Brookman, the r unanimously called to the chair. Abort
psi t of u o lewutresta
blr 6n •
Tem ranee B '•)
farmers al
Pe J-
■ r it whoaddn the meeting
n cot 1
agent,� K
en I t 1e 41Nat I aiderable length, ' explaining fully and I hest had pmvp;duel tion n eatle oeion;
na sd nner •red
71 graphically the workings of thi+ e
gnat ( had. we believe, done his best to provide
se in favor nicety. which, in a spigit of the broadest' for and satisfy the want. of the inner
be thud I Catholicity had already distributed 75,• man : wines and liquors were is abun
tall 000,000 copies of the Scriptural in Iti7dance. We were glad that we were not
different langua;n to people of 111 colors I diaspsicrer as \I r. 'lecke. reputation creed., from the soldiers of tree Con -1 we W catewe i' well. "el"w any wen
I visit that ,eattty.
have another reason, not given, tor turning •
cold shoulder! to the 00 farmers who bare
placed their names un the roll of the new
society at 1. inch. 1 hope the Zurich men
will not be unduly depressed by the refusal of
the County Directors to tette them under the
shelter of their wings, apd that they will hue
pluck enough to try, it on their men hook. At
the very wont, the report will steely be in
time for the neat January meeting;
Col.PLI elxrhR TO aa*RT ■dickie,
With a desire to appreeiste the energy
Displayed with recent Municipal Elections
in Stanley, his friend's entertained him to
a complimentary dinner on Friilay crew•
mg last at his own hotel. The evening -
was piiW and pleasant and eaused a large
gathering from the vicinities of Brucefield,
Varna, Goderich, Colborne and other
When dinner was announced, William
Rankin, EsqMerchant of Bayfield, was
Friday evening, Feb 2 . Monck, complaining o this order, which eines two ind,viduula Ili the possession of teal
' Law cloned in this wwgsh
Present -Tho Mayor in the chair,. directed the perswtofma raudelsli'inCana. tato crura,* were induced tupurchase 00.tainof,
eta and their destruction tb. Mr Sa.a J's three e.'e pro, noel were altsrr►rtIs lureihlr 'lust The teault was : 1
Mcasn. Hibbing. McDougall, 31eKayP
Il acilaun, CIi6m1, Dailey, B•m,th, flays, reply,
ply' d did November 3. eousiderahle compelled to restore them 10 the retailer& of 1s/e, lotting a wainrity sets,
4 ) bitterness u. it. At this crisis his part' of the them to prevent the detection of the fraud by of the Bylaw. This makes
t the date of the federal aurhuribes. The parties selling
not be1n thew bugw {*•puns meet their tici na w I Wwnabip of florin that'hu gots
tee coal• the ice • few );red+ Irmo the shore near 1'ilw the luenting system.
Ms, as 17neeut, and Seise on an ere -miens' ,*reef-' --- -
born and matte an occasional lee, sometimes I-
Ise fo,iosing *bete victim, and coi seeping
return the worthies's peas, in order to sell it
•gun to the neat umplet.m lbaysumn along. Old. DCrttr RIJaCTRn.-The palling on.
Smit;., Lougwdrth and Horton. correspondence terminates. as
the lee; &stretch the fugition.
Petition from John Craig, and others,
recaptured. 'A second renter,
pr log that his license be reduced 510 respondence refer w the lake arm^
on as d,unt of his tavern being virtually regulated by the convention of 1x17.
close uring several months of the year. .amicable Cecllna between
equal It and It. Rico.
Grunt 013 nu•tiou of Mr. Snaith, wont!
ed by NI- Hays. • The Housten, Texas, 'Telegraph. of th
Petition • ' Mr. J. 1t, Block, with refer- 9th, publishes the currespr,uteriee between
.'nee W taxat wa referred t 'I Itri
vision Commits
Mr. 11'w. 31il1
of bit back taxes, payment u
time for a menu f
A petition from Mrs.
to taxation, mus read
Court o1' Revision.
A letter from Mr. B. Farb
pf being unjustly taxed on n
" tihonalf. by Idr. Gibbons the tax
reit rod' Colonel I'eenieu, c, al
-'(Kingston Nerve. the Temperance Bylaw took plan i^ this
Corer /delft at.. -h. tit week the Albion townibip on Friday and Saturday lave. Then l le
reel was the seeoe of a ter' unusual event was pew • leen contest, Mr. John Grey of a
o t rte Swi:.tortic, %and lien. Iopet, rommanding the m this section .of the enuntrr-three military coming nil the was from Montreal 10 w„0;
' Emperor Muindlian's temp* on the borders ret leraeu were holding a court of'iugniry hr tor the Bill, but all was a .,. n, as the *01 the b
Laving paid nnc hall' '.1 th,r glib * itt 4, CGL 1 eeof t assures Gids of the 31reale,'or lee. Tse coact was olowing 1101, will thaw ':- trletcty
t' 1 that 't is
th d f h C f ee Villiers f H l There voted yea (fur Bylaw) 1^ t
federate States to the far off millions of I On the removal of the cloth, the chair/
China. The speaker urged his hearers to man, in a neat spneeh, prof..aod ” TW
re zeal in a cause r, noble, and strong• 1 (its"eta, (pod bleu' her." i('heers.)
vocated!'the necessity of the furwatiuu heed 1.12,4", G.••1 Gan the (tgett . -
lttct a rees. the chairman gm..
5.111' Society in a,nnert en with I „The I'riaee, 1'rincces and ■11 the Royai
ch. The formation of such a I Fa,ndy." -
Si. Themes had raised the 1tanJ-Rule ltritannia, and roe„ by
re t. aft {sale w 1150 I AIr k llwtt
t cal
lir: r I e nue u c um o pis. o Por ' ear u rem un• ,annual mu
on petition, granted IeJrrtte (i.ryernm.•nt to ehensh the moat Crpt P lea of Parini and Cap:, lmlack of '� nee
- • - - • lad
tion w' er' Govern. Ke • .
• and like res
lance. amicable n Ir r a with the -Imperial ,o urn• Sinttiud. The its cl of the inquiry is we
1 q
tee, rite reference m"ret of Mexico, said that the eonliwiit u.derstnr �, cote depute between f:rpa;,,■ Majority against it............ - 67 Mr. Braekmv
1 existing between them shall not be•diaur Rollo roil Se our, 01 G.,derich. The Court Mewn. W. J. Shannon, Clerk„and John teal ughuut with
11e then thanks Gen. Lopes pur protecting tat with clove • doors end the result hes not Eiliett, R^eve, deserve meters' thanks for
the interests f the Southern ('onfed ray . t•aw i d.- 'i rttord Examiner. their gentlemanly conduct durin • the clay. The benedictio
u e 7 P's/ I 7(s/ y s
with res
was read •d a
:termini o
pint nm ,i .
to might be expeeteul here. 1 t' Thr ti°vern°r Getrenl; v*resp.nded to
Wm.11' gentle-
man were listened w by alowright, kwp., that gentle
mean paying a wel4uc-rited compliment to
rep rttontiun' f the distinguished nobleman who resided
tem "'"°"need t.
w r pp
over this Sue n, ' r. `1' thea
P t
!ice. �I
t ten and e r whi
t half -pis tint; ” Th Irtidt G ntleman,' ch
wsa highly app.auded by the eomp•"y.
The chairman th.n prop°ed the .Army
03rd, 1' fr:e. awd Navy of Britain, -the Band playing
*rya . i r The British Grenadiers."
complaining I li±nerd lo1re for hire, confessing can. I.,i h e Conesertoe.-Ie the burry of trying to Bev. )(r. Elwood eb.
off, U„ eymlwthier are for the noble cruse of the.' Ar OMtlrale Temperaree ('a.. catch; the Mail with m last 1 sfpuld hese '
redueed South, mid enfolds to Co'onel Peerwm his 1 the audience aispc
sincerefriendship. Ne adds -((ring placed The Roston Coon
'n thi+ Inline under his the unsuccessful effort
Miyny tla I .taperer Yrnmiti•n, ten areae mister to get an Argas
ofthe Confederacy tan
ally a;sln the full tram 'h- t aperi.:ne tit a
security fur their posserstont andIntetMlU (Just died et the great age u
and the Cunfederaey ay, `also rest assured «1 sneeral )ear, ago. IL,
that the representaive of the' Empire of ?.1.2L Domed hie grandson :
' Well, s:r, ,ween he first rises in
o along the border freely rnJ.frrnkl - uRrr
1 1
it friendship, alio ILII security thcat iscoo .rsoilid hi? intik about half r Blase of pu
.reuuurd to orga•
from Mr. Crabb eking what
taken upon a former letter Ir,
w the ,parch•* of bis proper
O be f y
ordered i
t ed.
• alr. H$•ly 1 tont of- wood on
Nuisance, 1 am "cr.bbed, cabiuod and cin. relief account 'order of Mr. Smith, wast
fined "-literwlly compelled; to . waste my ordered to be pa' . I nail1 be 1 on
t J!. a good sten of wit, with rrlerooee to the Irishmen demon•
r t-mperance !corn• steeliest. that ' Father Albion rebuffs/ the GODEt1Cu, Fe
ant for teetotalism Ina a of .idolatry agaiwt the Catholic
h yue i•n
Tr. ter f'rlitor of tkc l/mro•
I o.;. 11
who hw arc
"e Volunteer*, to a
11Crtn[,T.-W« ate sorry In here tn,ua DEAK Su :-It having calm snp;• `nson. Moog
happen• y 1 neat 'perch by31 r. Carson. Soo byMr.
es/ quer. that Mr Jahn are■re, ui term w.nyhip, re" nested W me that some p►.tl• Intent
seven injuries show he herd A
craved nosh t
mnniinq ! a (.d Irum alis uppeawry tit' Scotia iter; consider that the language used
b'\n.• m 1 TheeLeirman then nese and aaiJ be
J■oace' house that Buie lupe ate entertained of his mq lettere to the Militia Urparn - ret, had
much pleasure an propn.irg the wast
Mr. Cldfunl as ed- for information with 1 fur the invasion of Seuthern Cerrito
.'weetness on the desert air." If I feel the
affecting the life or teeth of hundreds til nrcc,sity of a new 'Mil "t faahionatee apparel, regard to eertatu pa Pee who wen •pplyiug -- Red Rlvtr.
people. the Sit l,a, .edam+', Nesmrti,..kc., to wham •tis ham for relief. • -
I apply, calmly throat their lauds to the •treount Gem Mr. T.. eathernld tit 33.00 j The .Yni •11 tater of Jaauary : At►tai
The %'S ttr. better ot their breeches pockets and intra,. for laying out put its Cematfp before it was the wire fur the overland 1acitut Telegn
1" oat then in course of • transportation
duce the subject of macs and mean,, u,..1 I s"i off in sections. Referred W tee Cemetery ; Georgetown, and would be brought to Flint
tonne 'stet. - I liarry on the ripening of nutritive'. " With
Account of T. Conlin for 20 days work for I the formal comment -mama of this great pro- ins. etas of this siert until i 1 o'clock, end then gIT
rot oration, 1t:, 00. i iect," says • our couteneprinry, " We my wily a gram of Jnmuce rum." •• ',oleo', tyxi
1 hope that r bright day is dawning for Rupert ■ did he drink. anything with his mealsT'
]tarpon nylbe Fivanee Covmittroe was read I hand, a lbe course, of which we shall •rade• "Not exact) with his' meals • Idiom half an best rem
rum'\.y grandfather was a permit o
lyreenter bribes; this was bis unit
tem. ^-l'his 1 suppooe,'.a d teequ
•• was to give a sort of 61!Ip to hie sy
after the lethargy of lengthened ns/
at es tde,reynutte,.as an exceptional cue, be
(b ,.very ndtanced period tit lite. Please tell
what hikprretiee was during the rest of the
day." • My jrsndtalher, gentlemen, was a
num of very regular tribes, end took with- 1"
extreme,! nTovery published by you in your lot issue, is of the evening, Our Guest, Bakal'
m I
inner `
° ' -•�^ intended w insinuate diet r portion of the I AA [E, p. '
lat:APORT-U. monies collected by the Rel Cuiwpany Mrllareke said Mr. 1'hairmen and
r'^• 1 1 Gcuuernen--the-enthusth.m which Las
•s f'.r the i/rill Shed had been appmpri'.ted s e,,n shown in pru;xsu.g this n wt math
Wilmington, an long the head -quarters can' only blushingly allude to the slier
nuisance. 1 am •'.devoted lover of Niles
kart*, and yet tam deprived of the last flew
noeel,-al' on account of the Silver Nuiasncr,
of the blockades runi.utg fleet, was evscu-
ated by the Confederates on the 121 inst.,
and the Federal troops took possession
In Torr excellent article on " Rankin by come putteuhr euember or menthes.,, oar feel haply. It id not in my prower, nee
of dint Com pan fns hie u► their own Ira l snare 1 End w0nla to sx pars• ll.rnss b.r
' Bill,,' you point. out, that some of the
neat important daunes are habitually vete or innhrid art uses 1 to state i your kimh.en. 1t is, 1 piaseareljtrw, the kap-
P° beg
eeted by the public. i am happy to that I should be lorry that any such ilea ' Meet moments of my Id« to meet 0 may r,f
u antinitaua• in melee the e(altaes was entenaiurd, and will be ',bilged by r ted settlers,111 who were,
It itteee nuy� and
rtieularixe are male u.eof with the 1°ter publishing this denial of soy .tido who brie known me ti., merry yearn, it
ti. A'ynung maMied man Iv tnlcriu•m. Though writing etnmgly be -
imam eempe.tiarren fur the abuse
immediately, the affair brio; announced It 1 feel the pants el hunger and npproaeh and ady(Rel. t y ( j eau.. (lalling strongly, I should bee worry
winch has been beeped upon tae, 1 Mee, .
y, j elle a rte front our unnoticed and romp•T• hour before dinner be drank • mixture to !ing in eh' villas a had pretty tlwroagLe • that anything in my lettere un thi.e "object Ierbrpi, my faults as well as others, but as
as a firel•elass military • iriuwpb. The i)rrk's drning•roorn, 1 kno* that me genen.1 1 rattle,. of members of 1 nine• Fin Co., i dwelt grubs lie existence, and weepy • which M was partial, consisting of •bout kale imbrutt l L nself with d•ink, when his Should be interpreted an conveying any you know and can bear tnumuny 1 was never
great effort of the Southern leaden seems
appearance precision that 1 hen'nt a nu. 1• mein, to his is M 1 4 half f cider 1 But afterdrink-
short walk and return to dinner. ft hen , peranee accord
Hoer was • ut • through, be wouldevery tavern kee
r y • g v yr ea
the ease
publication tor the informetton of' the ms ('' uncurnnz in all Ihdt was s ted on the subject, was over.`hinner. was always puucturlly on in her husband dri , and the cnnse-
pey.rl I
then to point out t^ die cemmuuity the dais about four o'clock, and after that, • sera!!
plied with •hose proearth. pwunun among t eummunuci S o alis a. o cal er rte rum. u fouid hurkwrrd in assi.tin my neighbor" ter
the earth. ,1 meeting of ole' Council of ifg tlaq it was his custom to CO out for • elurrted wire t ought wee wnu1J try tem- aspersion upon the honesty of any particu- d i 4
'an Comm •te C trying ro du gad ton. 1 ell parer for -
stow quarter in my packet, and hence all )rrcart, was referred to the F e e. S lar member or members of that om D
W be in the di.ecti •n of the cuncentntion I .tisiiobuiewas held on the 12th January. w Dunkin. he lentCompany.
•Aud'rorr Abstract statement of the Tnwn The first sulrject considered was the deficiency d about b II r and liquor dealer •
Treasurer's Accounts, was read. and referred of seed ;ruin in the settlement owing to tk them d k sa • lag! of rum or wet ke
beck for a detailed satetnent, with's( view to i had harvest of lest year. Tile CORIICI I, while
of their scattered forces. By the oars fur my truuhle is adrl•-chile aroma of
roast beef, and other luatinee. 1 am a ;rest
drawal of the Confederate garrisons from admirer of the fairer protarGm' of our race -
Charleston and Wilmington the armicm of I the sight of a pretty fare giers me pal( its.
Lee and Beauregard will be materially tion of the heart ; a trim, neat, saucy, well.
strengthened, and it aptleare to un that l rtreSeed figure sends •'tinging .ensurion to
the fake of Richmond must soon be decid my finder -ends, and seen a smell, ,mite.•
ed between the latter and Sherman. 1r: covered foot and ankle is capable of inducing
the wily little Creole can gather force 1 t ms d.apairing bosom a thrill of delight,
which is a thrill, if only' mnnientary. Hut,
enough to stop the career of G-en:rap Sher -
alas, what chance have i with the darling
man, the whole arpcct of affairs may be 1 cnawres 1 1 am troubled with the Silver
changed in a very few days, and tinct Nuisenee 1 1 haven't even • spar. three -cent
even may be sent to the right about, But piece about me I i can't cut • swell --can't
if the hero of Charleston Buffers defeat its I hire a 1 40 tarn out to give the girl I secretly
the impending bottle, we can see nothing i love a drive -sari t ark her W the concerts-,
for it but the evacu.lti,:t of Richmond, 1°1" purchase fur her a charming I1uok or
Considering leo fact of the rat ;;muse at I ergeoe. nlentitle,'and erose-luently 1 am
stake within the next few month,, we may left to mope and pine, while fellows without
one half tis, gond la,ki, or a third "f my
very safely- rest secured that General Lct• I intellectual calibre, strut around with such
will lay his plans with all the wisdom that cocl, puppyish impertinence hay girl:iv:tntmg -
a very exteneise experience and almost the girls and twirling their gingerenlreed
unlimited military sagacity can impart to :moustaches that 1 should cerisitilt commit
any mortal. Ile may fail -sheer fierce "brutal ass:kelt" Upon Annie of them were it
may oetwciyh experience and asgacity— 11101 that. on account of the Silver Neisimee,
but this we know that in History we have1 1 should never be able to any ter ban in
instances of Nations emerging gloriou,ly h.arkddCmli Ah fmyectMerlcl ant Princes,
front a darkness and gloom more ;renins: who drew the preence of untold ruga of
than that which just now envcb ria the
good hit( i ser w nu and
• soiree of
Southern Confederacy. We Ball 0.111 disgust! ...en you fancs the feelinee of roe
watch fur the result with intense interest. 1 who hay none of this wnrld• riches, either of
THEAMALGAM.ATION DILL. Igold orsilver,secreted abnethis person ! If
you can, you roust know how deeply / entree.
T r.:.r-r TI)N of the House of .14- 107 tastes are violated each day of my life. -
elm Indulge m none of phos little Iuxar:r'
entirely devoted to a dieouseion on the •high adorn youth and cheer old age, and 1
solemnly declare to you that a pecketful of
Amalgamation BillofMr. Wool. Meters. the coin sou aRrrt w derpine wuul i .endo(
)FeOivern,ltruwn,i rrker,Dunkin, Dorion, me ono of tea happiest of mortals . df n s
.\. McKenzie and °there spoke strongly a nuisance for sou to be iwsserwed of ton
against the Bill as dangerous, unjust and • mach ether, it it • ihouasnd fttd more of a
entirety uncalled for under the circum nuisance for me t, have none at all.
stances of tlo cane, but there wsa a praise-
worthy desire manifested by moat of the If the writer of tile oboes still Ball at
apeeken on that Aide to further to the this office he can obtain the job of cutting
uteease possible extent any a quantity of wood at 50 cents a cord --
deaipsed to facilitate, legitimately, the it will help to abate the nuisance cont.
grade o(d ie country, its PO far u Railways plained of. -Epi Stoew1., •'
hats to jo with it. Mr. Wood, on the j LITERARI' IOTI('EP.
othrar hand, atrial plausibly enough that _
ibis Bill was riled for to establish a teem, Qi: t v Itrvttw.-The con
tAeeroa conic froiu yet to Went which teen of the Januar) No, are: -The life of
Would afford to Western Canada ■ choion' N'dliam Rleke, Aristotle's ltistnry of Ani•
HvkMc, mecum American or ('area- 'mala, Foster's Biography of Sir John Flim,
He rev's Iliad, Memoir of 4ir Imbert Wilton,
chael, brat we (bink be was fairly tripped Syriac Manuacripu, 4enta, Tht
by Me. Brown whn lb. latter Rnquirsd 1•r,;y.d slimes w an Example, Sold illy T.
why the peering Bill mu i•t edaeel a/ $ll J Moorh iw, ()orlerieh. Poe term■, le.,
If it were trwn, u Mr. Wood Yaerted, thee, see the
Messrs. 1 .•ornrd
wader the railway act, 111% io ipauice had, Reett t Ca.. the rc'''
I ase, dear kir,
aybe, and snot her when dinner; written hettee *aro •g them agaiw't ,iv Yours talus;
felt that Id be t elle able •t t o'clock he took nu more until
e a it'won premature u do more ' is that the fellow, much
Capt: ll. G. A. Co.
Moved by Mr. Mancini/ire seconded by Kr. i Per with which they appeared tube tbre•tened um5ity in hie tee. His practice was net t', against his will, has meg • into a tolera- " The 1►mrd Warder." if gg
Gibbose, and Resolved, Thu Mr. Trainer r from the epprrbrnded seareny of uu''eld wheat drink anything els until neer haxl-time, which bly respectable member o society 1- To the t:d.tnr .,t the • 1100•/^ 1 ore•1 ' between each gtker. tsars. Rllioii card
weights d e f h f h extreme dedralernra of every one eermom.s- q ••s+ or two o w key nal rum • unser!,Mr. Cameron, • respectable red Intelligent
get you a long w 1 live.
Hand played " Ste tbe Conquering Miro .
Mr. John Cameron, of gad concession.
Sasley,proM,sed "The Mereattile Intens,"
which •was well responded to by Mr. 11.0115:
Mr. Ching and F,aen made maim remark%
showing t mutual feelin that she uld exist
rer.i•f the gum of 812,60 for insrrrrin; IM i in the sprier reed to urge upon m the naw alwyi' nine ru'e he. when ge'h.d rnothee
tither waves should try the ex , intent 14 AR S'a-Hiring been publicly germed Wakefield song some good songs.
w m esures o t • town for the 1118 to the utmost their recent nock of grain. Indeed, 'view neigtburlr friend cause in to: ', tt•Jtn 1''AMR.3-The :Seafrmb AnnualThe other s. of sending or coming or be sent !ire puhii• anon h•aie of Hayfield, proposed ":1 M Versa
local im,.onwicecti considered were of men j"gid as i ban n him. lee vis vs/ lr eanry lmelyrregular lw •!iprtnf Seel Fait, w,s hell here do the a piece
ared tathe
o I■fe eJ un of urder of •haulluron 5�1 k en ofSt•nlry." ltespnndrd b ky'dr. 1 ^g•a.
Id, and was wrllatkndrd in all rr. p sets pl1O g. He aid we had satisfactory pr.•ob ..f the
Romance of the I)Iveree Court. ased, will Poe kndly permit es, through province, and industry
of this part of the
Bron, };art,, the Council adjourned. � The committee looked at one another, and I The dty,�pcing fine end the sleighing g she columna of the same. to crane my wind province, the industry .d our population, and
hesitated •prone pursuing the inquiry my fur' on the subject for the inUAL.eunn of Mr. their deletion In the haul gree endphn
I The pRrticu'nn ofanevtnnrdinary Cane its ileal. It occurred k, term, however, that it; there wore a goal many farmer' froth 1 R
The Reciprocll v Trr•nl v In i'nr• connection with the. Divorce Court have would be well to tate thr,.IieMe+, if ,inln, distance present, and a good did of sell ''pur and the puhlie, end to shrew that 1 ■m pursuit of Agriculture err whlrh has t.t.r.e mrd
Ilnmcnl• reached tar, which, o hough r.•liug like apa K prices.y 10cent of a. q blame that maybe put out those east forests into green pastures and
in regud to the use 01 tonacco. Del chart eJ Ilauds at fair I have only against me 1n tea matter.
cornfields. We here not time to follow n
-- rnm.ure. ter ,.e•enhr sea strictly tyre. For r._ -- ---- __--'.- %•' asked chairmen.-. - excellent- _ o p
current year.
After a len 'thy diseanon; on a matter of
aoseosmen;,between the town and M. C. Cam-
-- -•bis habits."
the "That," smil the host," was une of fs s most 1 time to bend you the prize list, which ie
regular habite. Ile was nut often without , as follows :-Fi•fe Wheat -I st, Ale:ander T1108. 1.00A}4
WHAT 1.01111 Pal 111ERMN NAID. some well•timmi remarks.
The nett toast-. l'anade .otir 110a1" --
On the eth, Sir John Walsh moved I•011 pa" .
pore relating (0 the notice given hy the UM. was installeti as Judge Oidinary, en officer of ro atiT,
me in Lis mouth, Mien not engeged purees . Sproat • lnd, Jas Chesney ; 3rd, Samuel Goderieh Wool Faetory, i
Mr. Eason was called upon to reply, which
ted States goveenment for the ahrogntion of He did not smoke iubed."••Surely, ; '
1 ile Recipiocity Treaty, and of the mutton. ai Mr, A, presented a petition for • divorce, ,,,,,,dented iha
Her Majesty's service, Whom I shall dencnbe th:n he used tobacco in no other way /- , 23rd l'eb„ 1.65. i
, ' effaced from hot memory, yet h.q..' nnt sorry
tide 'temente the neutrolity or the ceitedian from him wee, nn the usual grounde. Dickson. Club Wheat- ,
1st Richard .
lections of the Foreland well Deter be
The roipr, ,,,y satiiiti:dtearyroft.:,,L,n,•qily....tigeartennil, i Cluff ; 2nd, JAN, Landsbnrough ; 3rd, it w p
up ay pen to address oil tbese
or miens'. he had mate Canada the land of his adopts**. -
goodly land, • land whose national resources
We may say without busting we inherit •
say from twenty•one to twenty -threes inches in i - at•
purchase a certain (Amity at. pisttaii owe.. 1 Alex. Sprout. Rio ("Wanda Wheat-- I to, - e* titte' arletV•:._ with f,..elines z
length; 1.7 of which per day, and no more, he Samuel Dickeon ;
till, Geo. Cheenty. few lines through ihe politic print t at it may , . • . .
obvious reasons I shall not mention names. -
Ten (scot are, however, as follows. Not
loos( after tbe, tete Sir erensweil Cromwell
hike.. 1 he honorable baronet said he re• .fizse.r pad of the lady -an Irishwoman, I
guarded the course taken hy 'the goverment
of Washingtnn as the pre/mte a/ a dectirvir surerise to her Inende, as her conduct pre
should mention-oceesioned much pain and
lion of war. Led Pelmerston 'zebrine,
that the notice with reference to the lakes ,bven imexceptienahle no a wile and 'nether.
mils to the unfortunate denouement bad
WAS VI 1.0 •ieWed as a merely temp 'wary mils l'pe co respoodent in the case. also sn officer
MIT, designed to erriteet the commerce and i„ the arinv, whom 1 shell call Mr. 11 . made
feerverlY of the cltlems of the Pulled States. the lady all the reparation in his power and
toted for chewier in the vow" or the sere" 4 Rowed Barley-- I st, Wm. Sroneman ; following matter. Hering understood that I j lar extent. and unequaled, I believe, by any
as 1 have °Nerved -," uh, confounded your' 20'1,
days of the week. My grandfather's habit'', j 7.: pa...b...41i..iln, „„,,,,p,,:z.obt,..4.mid,,inz., bt:,,ipi.h.p....imit ; other in the Name latitude, and ehert. any ,
industrious man mny provide for himself •
gran/lather and his habits, -broke in the ' Jas. theism,' ; -•-, ; Oa ow x sd t D ..• th . gpod comfortable home
''' lug Richard fluff. (dinerettonary). Large • late edition of the ilir'ron Sit tal.PI 1 w uld
:his. Chesney. Small Fear -1st,
your pareloressir, but it is not neemus.. ry for us i pess-Ist, Peter fiammay. Block Oahe- es
interrogetor. nut of all patience.
g to state that 1 had nothing' whatever° to Song by Mr. Wakefield.
" The Press." Iteeponded to by Mr Eden'.
rlo with the affair, neither do Ikon* by whom He said be had not the honor to helon0 'to
J..7.1,pireyaaj,'„,)ht,fit:d ,r'ininPhlaiii:hi;:r.ndeneihripe1 viirtebreo i eintrre titiZttami Virnildie"la.11yweh:47einheedr, Lttei"'n thrente 3° Pam*. limi eeilwet an/ fja"htrj' I 1st, Samuel Dickeon. Potatoe ()Its- j . .
that fraternit but Iraq ha py on that eters.
ears afterwards Mr. It. died, and she was ' Clrand ()ramie Lodge of C. W.! I et, Wm. l'syne. Common 'Oats I et, it onginated. 1 felt in utterly diegitued with
step nosy contemplat:11. .,The convention, , f,.tt a niche, Hosing no longer an) tio in We learn hy special telegreph from Brant I Andrew Mundin. Timothy Seed -let, ;I.; Zint'addre);Z:ilinta':Zifrteoculitriheee tr:eotnignitirl licknowled • the coni nliment. lie /said it
,,._ Isi, do or say in the matter, which. 1 ean say with greenest prier egos we.ereoye-
ty, no intimation had been made to her Ile
ialyierloar: j India. She returned tO Freeland, whether she ford, received vallerday, that the following .
s clear conscience, I have strictly adhered tn, awes one of4the P ' I / i A
a free, aushaekled press, and mid tie farmer
II. Chesney.
I had been preceded by Mr. A. and he three Akers hove bonen chosen tor the ensuing ;
e ' David Cam bell ; Inil, Wm. Payne • 3rd,
e NeorgelbeeneY• or I°Ntee '1e-erge Num., WM the following day after the occurrence to '"'": ' r
little children. Having taken up her resi Orange year,'viz :-T. M. Daly, Esq., It W. ;
•frstrjr °"rerameat '''' 5 Prornemi on the loot d ee f shionable to•n in • midland Greet Master ; John Coyne. l'h•P"'Y' linii"u 1 aa
the community ian".tiloPtubeshinit,geder4ellhlaimte'sin°I;
;Nein,' to follow Sir John Weigh into a die i v •. ' 74 ti I i I d ' 1 M Her It Armed, Grand Chap- I'd
ruision of Ow suits ot our relations with •
• I county eelehrated for the curative properties Mare"; Janie' McClure, Asaueiste IVA.put, I ._
posted up, as well as fee intelligence and
. et. McIntosh, ant1 Robert GoeenInek, ind the dog's' sulterities for humainty's take,
The Show was • gocel rme, and NO he bed been weltermg in
hut he istiltel the Muse not to NWT@ gratui- non to good ilociety am the wittily of. British leer ; J. II. Ilearrei., Grand Treeatirer ; Thoo. 1 Ewes.
should have done it in a very different num
hes. it is my principle ninny. in for,ii. nn of the "mile" Hayfield.' Ilmsea Bend, *hide
WeemustPnioPtet'ojmit to make favorable melee
4 s m ch to the hilarity of the
rad by feeling' or h.ot,lity enwerele this 'gloried. The children of Mr. A. ham not Tyler,- terukT.
1^°41.7 'h.° the Aln"rivan oeolde ..!.... "in" 'A., and toe result is, that they ha•e Again of eeremenim, and Charles Smith, Grand!
near'? Sen Ye•ri• she 'IP" "e" Mr• Lecturer ; Newberry 'Aileen, Grand .1hrector I
. Laareer.-On Sunday night, the 19th, a injury rather than revenge it, which, I hope, c"
may be able to carry out while 1 am in 4, g"
c"6"trl- SI" Jelm Walsh wide:hut Me rno- reraigniaal their mother, and all they know Hetet. Roserer or Ongenrseas-The lad learned Spain wi s caught in the act of I
tie", and the oith1oct dropped. is that,- l'iapo mArried a 'ride..." Heat this Lo„don pingdyps or the gerd jut_ says,tbst stealing • bag of 0511 from Dickeon / Prin •Ilistence. 1 would state again that 1 hat,. I he co el any broke up about 4 s'eleek the
said to mar th. hereon, a the company.
that city an 10.. gle's st.irehnuot. Nen day be *as sent hy no knowledge w..aterer as in ho• the poem , g lf., g
. in a sensation novel if you can. The eireum
Ili IMMO. of this cruntordiriary ease ere related previous day by one Darim Knepp, • resident Mr. Ronne, to lodge in Robertson's Half, originated • neither had I anything to do
wok it eith'er by word or deed.
flume fiitard aye :••-thi hInnalay morning ot eith critical ',Nemo, ftod yore 1 to ei,,, lho ,,i the States, for the arreat of two brothers anti
a warrent war Mken nut in
I tried tor the offence.
his blond for
Amerte4-1 dige°"""hi''h th" Pres'!" °Meer, end a very beautiful and attractive Key., tined cretary Jurtenh Dnepr., we are glad to !tee the farmers taking ow,. twenty-four hoots. Had I meant te egerese Iceondo u„i
f„nertiinn to be obtained bjereadirie • well
•ould not he conducive to the public interest; taint. in public opon the matter, I
Here. after en interval of Deputy Grand Secretary ; S. 11. 'treks, firmed lively in interest in thie very important 1") "'Ind You
lest week. Mr. f mare A. Reefu, raft Strath.
1.0 .14 or the Pmf.'ithef e"eld b. named Reap, on charge of roShinif him of Flee -On the Illst inst., a Are breke oat
ray fer the I'. R., 10 offer his services to the I ans. sir, As.. ke. pCierarteT ..11.1. hl .1 4g.- 11:aln JI,0ht
American government, On Frirley last lie identiliet.- (Retreat I'Lews Letter. s.einerneallw,ntinb:re...enhet.1,4•1:prinagfeawl ahys.vipre-in rientif, 0.1;in nseei'ohb,ossein, God,263erdh N$1....ab,„.1:141.16.1.seAT.t0111;.rtiMIAS LOGAN.
stone's !shied on Fridsy lest. tie last wordy
es. Naw York, arid heel obteio..4 promiee The Detroit Board •I Trade
not tumid what it is. Mr. Keefer passed • Peyworr, Fels 14 -The Fried ef Trwle
lino class •xerninatinn et the Stetter, Schaal eelehretion held here hut eurese .50 • itfeAt
in T to last ammo,. WWI la 111110de oweeria. NeArly all the prineipal cities in tho
• Buffalo. The complainant traced the rob, guohed before say gmat injury wee done.
, ("roamed that they had left
(Front ear tont-7oneerroere. this sentence. It is absolute mueder-hrutal
were :-" I protest acionet the *aeration of
murder. I de in the service aria elefenee nf
my country. 1 hare nothing mom to say. -
test his fighting 1.4 mere
nl;;P Th. art iv si or P(ko hiectellan in Eng .....rieNOANNoN. -A meeting or the inhatd. f nottee in yesterday's Signed the promwi el -The Store of Mr. R. S. Stormy, Len
CONPF.DIDtsgtow IN TO? UPPVII I/10.V Stecio•ker •rld the. rriPrrei. "SacshiSe° of .17.11;:indni.eucTili tenth of tVawannali and Ashfield foe the "'IP or "ortinlf Of the Direetors isf the dn°' W•t "dee" °" 51""dee "id"
, .„7 r`.) made purpue of forrning a Joint Stock Com .
Coanty of Heron Agriealtoral Society, held ilitet and roblwel of 1100. hut the their, one
13Innday night, pmesed the Confederation Torsion slid teedats. n.. Wellhedge In le hni hes'ne
pany, oame off socorcling to notice on the
in findench on Stefanie', Fah. I 1th. It sp.
seheme by a vole of 45 to 15, or exactly nwpondint rot the Nert Y"'," Prue"' kg* CA‘Ant COMrANY.-W11 would di- 24th at Mr. C. Blaek's 'Intel, Dun- rim that I nir‘nd van hnildnd in hi th.
change, said he Wormed the new had envier
tieri nf the I'mvinee. in soon/ fie- the Connie- encoier enhtat.. „„ti,, er„ie out. and e,c,y ant prowl:era": rar:rtehathe :1,;(.67krtilt/rtaab.frnivir:orte.tet: 4:seertotu:re•h eht0rterr;:aestit:Sille'di PP:"..hiajethba:Laira.":
three In me- The reedn'i1Y, or "unw, when the Oritelk G^."."""" 16011 11 rect the attention of all partiee interested galloon. Tho Meetin
includes a large majority roma iamb sow thet reenZeitille the rebel. ea belligerents te the Canaria Comr)ny dm! notwithstanding the shortnem of time letter frees the Seermar . Notre no. by hie eel" st.chate. les no.